Solstheim - Skyrim - Curating Curious Curiosities

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[Music] [Applause] welcome back ladies and gentlemen to Skyrim my name is camel but more importantly welcome back to the curating curious curiosities series for a long awaited new episode in this video today I will be curating to you the curious curiosities that can be found within souls time now before we get cracking time stamps for each of the curiosities in this video can be found down in the description and in the comments down there are also links to my other curating curious curiosities videos and my social media links be sure to check all of that out so soul Stein it's the last bastion before the sea of ghosts and the long lost continent of at Mora to the north the frostbitten kingdom holds many mysterious and gorgeous secrets alike many of which are unexplained and only ring through folklore solstein is only playable with the Dragonborn DLC and is a massive region to explore so much so this will undoubtedly be the largest CCC video for Skyrim soul stone was also originally introduced with the Blood Moon expansion for the Elder Scrolls 3 morrowind it was once an untouched gem of roll and primal nature with thick forests to the south and frozen Wonderland's to the north steeped in mystery and ancient intrigue the north is home to plains of permafrost and mountainous ice shelves whitewashed with cold winds and dotted with ancient interests while the northern regions of sulston remain relatively the same now 200 years later the south on the other hand has been bastardized disfigured in blast waves of pyroclastic gas unleashed by the eruption of Red Mountain on vaudeville morrowind the once pristine pastures of wild deep green forests capped with white snow are now rendered grace guard and scorched trees bent and stripped Bosque's a bird and sundered in the ashen shadow of the mockingly fiery skyline that so beautifully frames the towering transgressor Red Mountain now the geography of the island similar trait to both Vardhan fell and Skyrim soul steam is divided into four regions fel Suncoast to the northeast Hurston forest to the southwest is in fear plains running from the southeastern coast all the way up through the middle where it meets the mustering mountains which comprised the northwestern reaches of sulston in the 16th year of the fourth era after the devastating Cataclysm that was the eruption of Red Mountain which nearly destroyed the dunmer culture the hiking of Skyrim gave the island of salt steam to be used as a home for the surviving refugees of morrowind so not only has the landscape being reforged to a more than merry one but the culture and population have been transformed from ancient traditional nord and the more modern Imperial culture to an almost purely Dunmore one not only that but its population increased drastically and the racial balancing is now greatly dunmer as well with the new Dark Elves calling salt steam home and the ashen pillaging of salt stems great forests a large amount of alien Vardhan shelleyan fauna now called soul stem home as well such as nature's ash hoppers and even a silt strata some of souls times original wildlife have been transformed along with the wilderness such as the birds brigands and Ashbourne mother nature molested by the molten theory of the red tower once the best deal of law cons heart and dagger Thurs Citadel soul steam has been defaced and violated by the shattered bones of saros uma as a red mountain is known in Davos all the Dragon tongue luckily to the north the traditional fauna floor and creatures remain mostly untouched with the populations of rattling bristle back where Bears werewolves deer bears wolves SaberCats snow foxes brigands and hawkers living as if nothing had changed all of this mixed in with a new underlying threat of hermaeus mora and the return of the first dragon born me rack sul steam has never seen darker days but with these drastic changes and darkness comes an array of uniquely curious things to fight across the island of salsa time so now we know exactly we are exploring without further hesitation led to the curation begin for this first curiosity we have Reavers folly found in the mouth of the bay that raven rock is housed in a seemingly uninteresting Island at first until we are coaxed closer by the waggling tattered flag atop the small bird null down by the shore we can find a boat with a few sacks and crates both inside and next to the vessel but on top of the boxes is a pickaxe suggesting that whoever was here came here to mine something Bitcoin perhaps who well this question will be answered promptly as at the base of the basalt cliffs is a hearthstone deposit a rare and sought-after mineral undoubtably what the miners came here to harvest if we head up the hill we'll spot some alarming signs there were clearly people set up here to camp and they are still here just not alive yes that's right this group of Rivas met their fate on this small island along with their treasures we can find an apothecary satchel a chest and a strongbox all of which contain random levelled loot but what happened here exactly how did these Rivas die well we make our way onto the island will soon discover four culprits yes a Shoppers which will fittingly hop out of the ground and be very hostile while they look quite squash herbal a Shoppers can be a menacing and dangerous adversary if it has the element of surprise which it often does too bad these Rivas chose to mine on an island already claimed by the ash-hopper x' but for now let's just hop along heading south now we have a rather sad find and one we have explored more in depth before its fall doves last stand on the map we can see that it can be found here to the south of her oldest house on the coast as we approach this location we'll see a figure standing and soon distinguish that this is not a person but a sprig in the elegant woodland mother a creature of nature and the forest that has been set aflame and is now trapped within a smouldering prison it's very aren't body a clear reminder the red mountain melted it mutated the fauna to match the cemented ecosystem a sad sight but to make it even worse down by the water will notice a small boat and a body lying on the shore face down in the volcanic sand and ash a suspiciously underdressed man considering we are on sunset I'm a very cold place to the very far north maybe he's a werewolf they often tend to dress this way although that conclusion is unlikely as on the ground next to him is a broken ax along with pools of his blood so if he was a werewolf surely he'll just used his beast form and his big wolf hands over using an axe in regards to his death it would appear that this burns friggin is the one that killed him still protecting her part of the forest that despite it now being a blasted wasteland next to him there is a chest and a strongbox both of which will contain loot reflected by your characters level so far this is quite a strange find even after searching his body there are no clear science as to who he is or why he is here now if we head north there is the location known as role dogs housed inside the depths of the basement we can find his dead lover beyond fear on his corpse there is a letter to be on which reads as follows be on do not come to this place I have not much self left the earth will take us both H now as mentioned before there is a much deeper story to this all and it turns out that fraud of and beyond the fear are actually the only confirmed same-sex couple in Skyrim I do have a full video exploring their mystery more in depth if you are interested but there is no solid conclusions although it may even involve the Dwemer nonetheless a very very sad find for this next curiosity we have the shore shrine of kynareth on the map we can see it it is located here to the northwest of raven rock here next to the ocean will spot a large rocky hill if we use our sharp eyesight will notice some bolts of cloth waving of the wind will soon spot a small rough pathway leading up the incline marked by a small number of Cairns adorned with pieces of fabric trustingly guiding us up to the crest up here beneath this safe shade of a large pine tree is a rock with several items of interest around the base of the rock we can find some ischium either planted here or growing naturally ever since the eruption of Red Mountain there is also an albino spider egg which has no obvious origin other than a spider of course but that spider is nowhere to be seen there's no reason for this spider egg to be here and most curiously is on top of the rock there is a shrine to kynareth and a few offerings such as a trauma root and a bottle of Flynn for those that don't know kynareth also known as kind by the Nords and kin by the coffer engi the metallically scanned human tribe of seer adele is one of the nine Divine's and goddess of nature she is the strongest of the sky spirits and is the deity of the heavens the winds the elements and the unseen spirits of air patron of sailors and travelers kynareth is invoked for auspicious stars at birth and for good fortune in daily life but generally she is seen as the embodiment of nature so finding a shrine to her out here on a sea cliff next to the ocean with the winds flowing across her salted shrine under a tree with a chien growing around her feet seems like a very fitting place for a shrine to kynareth although who placed his shrine is a bit of a mystery nonetheless a beautiful spot for a goddess involved with many beautiful things I personally want to leave it all exactly how it is and not touch anything so let's get out of here although I guess you could say that this place has already been altered next up we have the steep fever chest on the map we can see that it can be found here just to the east of blood skull Barrow on the very steep and rubble covered steeps leading up from the shoreline we'll be able to spot a large chest hidden behind a tree and nestled in a small indent within the land and the natural slopes there is also a satchel under a nearby tree to keep it Bini this type of chest is what is considered a boss level loot chest often found at the end of very long dungeons containing fitting rewards for such a challenge so it is a very strange occurrence for one to be found out here in the middle of nowhere with no apparent owner the satchel along with the chests will contain random love of loot but that still doesn't answer why this is here and despite being slightly hidden it's not too hard to spot so who would place such valuables in a rather spa table location I mean sure it's out of the way but it's not hard to get to a very strange find indeed likely placed here by thieves as they try to escape and they never came back a curious one no doubt for this next curiosity we have the drunken miner on the map we can see that this is found to the south of the abandoned lodge once here along with gorgeous glimmering emerald geodes we'll see the size of a cab and find our friend the miner crushed a brutally by a cart of rocks and raw metal ore a sad sight at first and a strange one but how does one end up crushed underneath a rather low card full of rocks and metal well I suppose we best er dig around the miners cab and see what we can find just a stone's throw away underneath the shade of a tree we will find his tent a few predictable items such as shoes a bedroll and a buckets ah but this bucket doesn't contain water it contains bottles and not just any bottles but bottles are made the famous Nordic alcoholic beverage looks like he was into drinking on the crate next to his tent we'll see he found an emerald likely from one of the nearby geodes there is a strongbox here more Mead and most importantly he had an apple pie the strongbox on the crate by the way also contains mica leveled loot so was it the mead that led to this accident yes yes it was as next to his body also half buried under rubble we can find another made bottle it's likely that he was either drunk while moving his cart of rock he lost his footing and fell being crushed by his own load or he had been previously drinking and left one of the Mead bottles on the grounds then while moving the cart he stepped on the mead bottle slipped backwards and proceeded to be clobbered by rocks rubble and gold or one of the two just take your pick axe so despite him finding both emerald geodes and a gold deposit right next to his camp he still managed to mess it up oh well at least it's nothing major as it was just a minor incident for this next curiosity we have the spider nest of the southwest as we can see on the map despite being in the southwest it can be found to the north east of Raven Rock we'll have to be careful not to get tangled up in this one in the middle of what's the left of the southern forests of sulston and Albano's spider has decided we're better to place its eggs than right here on the grounds we can actually harvest these albinos spider egg pods if we so desire luckily there are no spiders nearby but this is a foreshadowing of what's to come so for now let's leave this place and enjoy our time while we're still spider free ah yes now this next curiosity we have the crater of corruption on the map we can see that this can be found to the north east of thought frost moth as we know red mountains eruptions spewed forth its molten heart and soul some is now peppered with globular blotches of its magma this new unwelcome searing of salt steam has twisted and tortured the wildlife no finding is more apparent of its corruption than this crater - once beautiful elegant Spriggans mothers of the forest are now branded with the charred mark of the red tower forever torched and forever tortured now an acolyte a fire and a thrall of sundered corruption around this crater we can find two bones guarding this flaming pile of red mountains flip like it was their own even perhaps protecting this hot stone deposit which has pushed its way to the surface thanks to the eroding innards of Red Mountain we should leave this place before perhaps even we'd become corrupted by this fragment of the heart of a dead God I do hope it either rains on these Springs to quell their suffering or perhaps it would be kinder for us to just kill them there's a joke because kindness got us a major and jokes are always funnier when you have to explain them moving long for this next curiosity we have the blood burn Grove on the map we can see that it can be found here to the west of the Sun stone as we make our way across the barren dust lands of southern Souls time among the butchered skeletal trees sticking out of the ash like thorns to a fabric we can spot that something else was butchered a massive cluster of bones and skeletons scattered along the ground like twigs on a forest floor not only that but there is blood and lots of it we'll also see that there is a river slumped up against this tree next to which is a chest something tells me that this is a trap especially with all of the blood and the skeletons should we see what's in the chest yeah yeah let's do it well I can confirm that random at level lute is what you'll find in here and no it's not worth dying for but as we try to leave the crux of the story will reveal itself yes the dreaded Ash spawn the men who need some moisturizer lip balm and eyedrops they look exactly like how I feel when I wake up after a night out I need water now all the origins of the fear-inducing Azure spawn aren't quite apparent they definitely are connected to Red Mountain and it's spreading corruption of cinders across the once beautiful land but have the ash spawn placed this treasure here that seems unlikely but they have killed many people who have attempted to take the treasure for themselves perhaps they were once men and after red mountains eruption they were forged anew from man - ash spawn now they guard where they felt the only thing that they now know a very strange case and what I don't think we'll ever know the true answer to so let's leave them be and let them keep their meager loot not that it's Mia but I'm not risking my life over it ah yes amongst the grim and barren tales of late we have well while it is actually kind of sad it's also hard why I talk of course of dusty the silt Strider on the map we can see that she can be found here to the northwest of tell me three if you have played the Elder Scrolls 3 morrowind or the morrowind chapter of the Elder Scrolls online you will be familiar with silt Striders they were the main form of transportation on marwan's particularly modern fell now we can also find her keeper Rivas Sivan II if we speak to him we'll learn that Rivas found Dusty's cocoon in a small cave on Vardhan fell after the eruption of Red Mountain wiped out most of her species he raised her into an adult but mentions she hasn't been in traveling condition for a while and that he is staying with her until she dies so wild dusty is an instantly smile inducing sight followed by a wave of nostalgia if we stop and think for a second it's quite sad dusty is all alone and nearing the end of her life as far as we know she is the last surviving silts trader and the once welcoming howl of its silts trade and now sounds like a sad call of loneliness that echoes throughout the barren graveyard around her she's now the last of her kind a fossil of a time past goodbye dusty [Music] moving on to a visually brighter note we have the telephone in graveyard on the map we can see that it is here and it can be found to the north east of tell me three now down by the water's edge strutting out into the bay there is a small finger of land pushing out into the cold dark sea it is walled with a casual stone border peppered with death bell plants which are quite fitting for a graveyard now at the point of the land there is a tall pine tree marking the location clearly there are also a number of sarcophagi seemingly with ancestral Dunmurry patterns and symbols etched into the stone pieces as I'm sure you've noticed there is also an ash spawn standing next to an empty sarcophagus clearly suggesting that the ash spawn was birthed by a dead body that was filled with the corruption of Red Mountain and ashes on be in a sense and we have seen a zombies before in the Elder Scrolls 3 morrowind so something of the sort is definitely a possibility now given that this graveyard is right next to tell mithran the only tell valley mushroom tower on sun style combined with the clear dark elf motifs of the graveyard it goes without saying that this graveyard is filled with the bodies of the tell Valley so this Ashbourne could have them very well once been a powerful wizard of the ancient outstep valley now will also sponsor one of these sarcophagi has a main plate if we open it all we'll find is the stuff of calm now LRD is actually attached to a quest to do with tell mifflin so we'll have to have a look around of the other graves one just has a skull in it which makes the question where is the body the other of course is where the ash spawn came out of and the fourth and final sarcophagus is quite alarming indeed as well at first we think oh it's no problem there's just a skeleton in there that's to be expected if we actually look at how its hand is positioned its heavily suggested that this person was either buried alive and was trying to push the lid off or this person had died was buried and came back to life just like this other ash spawn over here either of those are quiet scary thoughts indeed to die only to rise as an ash spawn of thrall of red mountains corruption and seed birthed from the fiery phlegm that it's spat across the land as a reminder of its seething infection it really is a grave situation let us leave this place and hope The Walking Dead find peace or some ass or blame for that chapped skin next up we have the overcooked miners on the map here we can see that these guys can be found to the south of tell me three on the basalt cliffs to the south jutting out of the ocean we can spot some interesting things at the base there are some clams and a known route up on the next tier of the cliff we have a charred corpse a hearthstone deposit and a knapsack this knapsack contains various bits and bobs for nothing of extreme interest but up on the top tier we can find another charred corpse another hearthstone deposit and a mining pick there is also a bottle of Flint resting on the top face of one of the basalt formations this paints the clearer picture that these two were miners and they came to this spot specifically to mine the hearthstone deposits now as we know by this point anything to do with red mountain and its influence on souls time never ends well in this case specifically the hard start deposits now how exactly did these two go from being flesh to ending up looking like the result of what I cook well we'll have to get a little closer to find out as we approach the site to ash spawn will rise from the gray ground and be ready to protect their treasure heart stone of course needless to say that this is the ash spawn that dealt the final blows of howling molten ash on to these miners who were immolated and left as Bert husks of their former selves let's leave this place before we get a particularly bad case of sunburn moving on north for this next curiosity we have the smoldering spider scar as we can see on the map this can be found here to the west of tell me three this is a rather long strip of land that has been overtly and exceptionally damaged by the wrath of Red Mountain a wide bit more notably lengthly sameer of cinders spiders and ash now this is where we can make a particularly amazing discovery as the land was blasted by liquid red obsidian storms as we have observed it twisted the wildlife well these ones Albano's spiders can actually adapt and take on elemental attributes of their surroundings so as this nest of spiderlings were forced to be forged in the fire they absorbed that trait and are now fire spiders even more amazingly you can actually create and use these spiders as weapons altering their genetics to your will to build an array of varied and ferocious additions to your arsenal no no no I'm not making that up I actually do have a full guide for that so if the idea of such a weapon tickles your fancy be sure to check that out but if not be sure to stay clear of this strip of larva gland oh yes now be sure to bring a change of underwear for this one as we have an ambush of Apocrypha on the map we can see that this can be found to the southeast of 4th thrust north once here done by the grey shores there is a small spit of land reaching gingerly out into the soft sea of ghosts with some clams a log a collection of rocks and a known route singing away it seems inviting enough but as we approach to inspect the tranquil stunted shoal hello a little curiosity from Apocrypha yes that is right a lurker is here waiting for unlucky travelers now while red mountain has stolen the show as the greatest contention on sulston this lurker reveals the true occult dissidents buried beneath the surface and infecting the very soul of sulston yes that's right this abomination is a creature of Apocrypha the plane of oblivion ruled by hermaeus mora the Daedric prince whose fear is the skrang of the tides of fates of the past and the future as read in the stars and heavens and in whose dominions are the treasures of knowledge and a memory also known as homer meais form alias Himura herma mora the woodland man and the demon of knowledge as the main questline of the Dragonborn DLC reveals Emmaus Mora is up to no good I suppose that is for each of us to decide for ourselves but this little short sight surprised from a realm unnatural in comparison is a poetic note in reflection to what lies beneath all of solstein for now let us look away from this spot now as we move further and further north I do hope that you don't mind some eight-legged friends as we have the spindler of Carrie groom Ed's as we can see on the map here it can be found just as a southwest of Kangra Metz as we approach the portal and stairwell that lead down to the ancient Dimas city of canker Ahmed's a spawn spot will catch our eye a flaming log in an area with no other fire a tree stump laden with web a cluster of unhatched spider spawn with two desiccated corpses woven into delicious amel sized cocoons apparently this one was a metalhead even in death regard now by the tree base there is a knapsack and a satchel both of which will contain random level loot but do give us an idea as to who these two dead were alchemists perhaps or exploratory scholars seeking to inspect the nearby Dwemer ruin only to be caught up literally with the doings of a spider now what type of spider you ask well as we saw before the combination of flaming tree and the Ruby deposit creates the indefinite makings of a flaming spider even the pulsating hatch sac has a fire glow too and sure enough if we dare approach such an unwelcoming location the sack will burst open revealing a flaming spider just as we had so cleverly surmised so before we are turned into the next meal of this blazing spawn of the fella let us leave this place now for this nectar curiosity we have the ash fallow Areva encampment as we can see on the map here this can be found just to the southwest of Ash fallow citadel as we steadily make our way up into the mid mountains of sulston we'll stumble upon a stream which we can follow north and we will follow it off on our way up will spot some faint smoke wafting through of the cold pine branches of the trees planted firmly on the edge of this Basin if we press on further into the brush we'll be met curtly by a small camp of Reavers a group one does not want to stumble upon while exploring the already dangerous wilderness of solstein we'll find a campfire a chair crowned by the rump of a river enjoying the warmth of the flame there is a second river leaning squidly against one of the trees having a good back scratch or wipe let's face it toilet paper hadn't been invented yet now there is also a chest next to the camp here it will contain a random level loot now there is also an east empire company strongbox next to the bed sheltered by the small sloped structure to keep the ash and snow off of the sleeper now this east empire company's strongbox contains mostly random live loot but also houses an east empire pendant which can be solved for a pretty price for the right person of course apart from that this camp contains nothing too interesting although I must say it is a mystery that these Reavers are out here at all with Ashbourne burnt Spriggans bears and whatever else ungodly creatures stalk the Ashland's at night well like most teenagers the biggest risk to these rivers is their own decisions for this next one we have the Spriggans silver while scary still comforting as we can see on the map here it can be found to the south of builds a retreat here on the slopes leading down to the eastern coast of souls time and leading up in to the high rough terrain of Sultan's hearts we can find a small silver a boss a cop's aggro of a cluster of trees and foliage now while this is a beautiful sight for sore eyes given that most of the island has been rendered in a grayscale this green pocket of peaceful nature is comforting to see however be on your toes as there are two Spriggans guarding this small compass for good reason this sliver of green is to be protected and is a rare sight on Sultan and secondly these frigging are not burnt so again while spring ants are not friendly by any means of the word it is nice to see that some of them are left in their natural uncharged State they also have some friends a collection of the local wildlife that they will influence with their kindness powers if the need arises I eat and we get too close as they will protect their precious patch of verdant botanics to their last leaf and splinter after all when it comes to nature Spriggans are absolute saps so let's leave the springs to do their thing and just sleep easy knowing that there are still some parts of soul steamed untouched by the scorching fist of the red tower ah dear for this next one we have the dam demur death camp as we can see this can be found on the map right here to the southeast of the thirsty meat [ __ ] if we wander to the crest of the coast cliffs until we reach the more ashen and spares sprouting of what we can only just get away with calling of forest behind some small outcrops and in a small depression like me in the morning we'll find something that will give us just that depression a camp seemingly abandoned although within a few seconds of searching will find that this camp wasn't willingly abandoned what do I mean bodies two of them a woman and a man both of which are Dan ma or more commonly dark elves lying around their bodies are a number of Spears which if we know anything about the inhabitants of solstein will be able to instantly associate or link these Spears to infamous Rackley's or reclaims as both pronunciations are used within the game therefore both pronunciations are acceptable now the little blue goblin descendants which I do have a video exploring and explaining their full law which you should check out it's very interesting stuff there are a funny little bunch but back to this camp it's clear they came and raided the camp of its goods as we can find many empty vessels interestingly they didn't take the gnawed mead found at the back of one of the tents as we learn in that lore video edges spoke of railings love alcoholic beverages or dizzy drink as they call it however they don't have the means to make it themselves and only find it occasionally as a treat from raiding camps or discovering it washed up on the shores in lost crates so for them to not take this big bunch of dizzy drink well that's strange now there is also an East Empire company strongbox found just inside the tent which again curiously contains all of the contents the reason for this is because that it was locked and Reich Ling's can't open locked things so the goods still remain within most of the treasure will be random leveled loot but there is also an east empire pendant in here which can be sold to feathers at law for 500 gold now if we get too close to this camp guess who turns up to say hi that's right the Reich Lakes turns out they were hiding in the hills and brushes around the camp waiting for any others to return they have even brought with them a bristle back-mounted warrior that means business although their appearance here isn't too surprising as a thirst meat haul is just over the hill which is where a large encampment of Reckling reside I am surprised that they came back but we don't want any trouble so let's Reich verse out of here no nothing ok ah now this one is very interesting we have EFA's golden floodgate as we can see on the map this one can be found in the hills to the north of Ashe fellows citadel if we fellow this small stream that leads up into the hills we'll see it bends around and heads towards a crag in the rock face heading up the hill unlike the water we'll spot something curious indeed a wooden gate not only that but this wooden gate is barred from the inside so the only way to get into this small operation is to climb up on top of the rocks around here then jump down into the small gated off area will quickly notice that things do not seem to be in order with a full and wooden walkway and arrows laying in the stream below if we take a look up at the wooden area that still stands many interesting sites will be seen firstly we have a bedroll with a dead Argonian atop lying on his back next to him is a bow if we look closer we'll see there is more though skooma bottles many empty skooma bottles had to just show off my counting abilities there's four here up on the table there is more schema only these bottles are full thank the gods that'll be fun later tonight there is also an extinguished the lantern a coin purse and a note over by the edge of the platform there is a low shelf covered in gold ore and a rather large plate perhaps this gold was panned from the flowing stream one might even call it a golden shower now in the corner there is a chest and an east empire company strongbox both of which are locked on top of the chest there is a mining pic again suggesting that there was some gold ore extraction going on around here but given that there are no gold ore veins nearby I'm going to assume that the always pans from the stream as originally concluded anyway the chest contains random loved' lutes and the strongbox contains the exact same thing except for the east empire pendant which as we know can be sold for a pretty handful of coin okay so this Argonian named osha on his body there is nothing that exactly helps us understand his story although it's fairly obvious that he overdosed on skooma so let's read the letter to OSHA found on the table My dear oh sure we can make it work do not worry about my father he will grow to accept you in time so will my mother and sister Oh OSHA I only ask that you write and let me know that you are alright I have convinced father to look past your lack of wealth and see you for who you really are come back home no need to worry I'll be waiting for you my love signed Manasa okay Wow so OSHA wasn't accepted by his lovers family because he was poor or just not wealthy enough in general so he comes out to solstein find some gold and then maybe gets excited about the money treats himself to some scheming and Nek minnit he overdoses it's like me with Pringles I got paid once by YouTube and then I popped and I cannot stop anyway back to ushi and Manasseh I did look her name up and she does not exist in any of the other Elder Scrolls games only mentioned in this letter here so that letter and the findings of this location complete the story where she came for gold he got gold he also got some screamer then he died so far away from home but this story is just some of the mine yuusha of cell stein so let's carry on exploring and leave him to rest in peace now for this next curiosity we have the dragonbane below as we can see on the map this can be found in the hills to the east of the Dwemer city of calgary ms now while we progress up into the snowy regions of sandstone heading both north and uphill as our thighs and calves begin to burn we'll spot something both sad and scary skeletons dragon skeletons lots of dragon skeletons 8th rosen graveyard of dragons so many souls absorbs but by oh of course the temple of iraq lies further up the hill Mirek the first dragon port the guy that totally absorbed every single soul of all of the dragon skeletons that we see here makes sense but what is almost ironic is that there is a dragon mount here just next to the temple where this dragon laid dormant for thousands of years and I must say he probably crapped himself when he finally woke up and the first thing he saw was a sea of his fallen brethren it is interesting that MARAC hasn't come down here yet to claim his soul this is also one of only two dragons on sulston as we'll learn later on in the video now up the hill a small stroll there is also a chest where the grass meets the stone it is locked and once opened will contain a random and level lute as you'd expect a dragon guarding its treasure in a sense but also with lonely dragons frowned by the bones of his family so let's leave this dragon to mourn and sit in solitude and fear as maracas rule it early just up the hill but let's progress on through the video as we wouldn't want this to drag on am i right dragon well this next curiosity we have the gems of zenithal as we can see on the map here it can be found right here just in the hills to the northwest of frost moon crack tucked away on these snow Laden slopes we can find several valuable mineral and gemstone deposits and geodes but a small way down at the base of this frosty descent is a shrine lit eternally with a candle flickering within this is a shrine to zenith on with two corundum or next to it now for those unfamiliar Zenith ax is one of the nine Divine's and is the god of work labor communications commerce and the provider of our ears so to have this shrine placed here amongst a congregation of sapphire geodes and ram minerals such as corundum and silver seems very appropriate although a beautifully and logically appropriate place for a shrine to zenith a' it does make me wonder who on earth or who unknown is coming up here to praise zenith uh i think it was likely placed here by some of the imperial or legion settlers just over two hundred years ago anyway regardless of its purpose or placement it is a gorgeous spot to praise the god of wealth zenith ah ah yes I do hope you like unexpected things as for this next curiosity we have the souls time surprise as we can see on the map it can be found here just to the southeast of the water stone overlooking the sea to the west perched precariously on a quaint timber stage we'll clearly observe that it's weighed down by many crates and barrels perhaps this is a stowaway area that some of the local rivers use although if you wanted to keep your loophole safe this would most certainly not be the place to for it hmm smells fishy to me not literally just in the sense that there's a large collection of valuables in the middle of nowhere dangerously kept on a snowy mountain slope so naturally let's check it out as we slowly slink down the hill to either the suspicious setting and mistrust manifests itself yes the classic wry cling and a barrel trap these pesky little munchkins have placed a seemingly profitable stockpile of items as bait to draw in those of a curious nature only to kill them then steal their valuables oh the irony now there even seems to be some rightly hiding in the snow just behind us as well we're surrounded now here there is a chest which will actually contain loot randomized of course so if you do come out on top of this fight the inspection of the area will be worth it in the end now there is also an East Empire Company strongbox on one of the crates again for the most part it will contain it loot which will be determined by your characters level however there will be an east empire pendant in here which again can be sold for a few scrumptious symptoms back at Raven Rock so now we know the truth of this place the rankings have played their little trick resulting in a barrel of laughs so let's get out of here okay for this next curiosity we'll be heading back down to the coast to find the catch of the West as we can see on the map here it is located to the west of Deb Hall mine here on a slightly less ashy Shore when compared to those of the south on this small spit of land thrusting out into the small Navy Bay we will first spot a boat a telltale sign that there is more to inspect close by we'll see some rocks sitting in a Zenith fashion and littered with some finer details to this simple story we've got a pair of boots leaning lazily against an open-topped of wooden crate containing within which are several fresh fish species unknown which as we'll notice we're more than likely caught with this fishing pole here now on the other side of the st. Roch there is another wooden box containing full ashy ABS ripe and ready to eat nothing better than green eggs and yam I don't actually know what the relevance of the yams are when it comes to fishing but it might just paint a broader picture of a simple traveler harvesting various food types to cook up a delicious meal rather than the yams being related to the fishing specifically either way at this point I'm just yamming on now up on top of the rocks holding this whole scene together there are two bottles one is a bottle of Sheen and the other a bottle of Musti both of which are classic alcoholic beverages of Morrowind so it's very likely that this fisherman or fisherwoman is or as their fate is currently unknown was a dunmer it seems to be a very simple case of someone coming here to fish and relax what happened to that person well given their boat and all of their belongings remain when it comes to explaining this curiosity well it's quite a catch sailing on through the list for this next curiosity we have lost at shore as we can see on the map this can be found right here in the water to the west of the water stone on the shores of the beach there are two small boats pulled up onto the sand and then some way off of the coast there is a larger ship anchored at sea so firstly there is no way to get onto this boat of this larger ship and even if there were there is absolutely nothing on it there's no treasure there's no enemies there's no friends there's no way to get down inside the boat and have a look around it's just a static object to be looked at now back to the shore it's clear that a number of people came to Sal's time in the larger boat then paddled ashore in these two smaller vessels this is all well and good but it's strange to me that it's just been abandoned there are no Rivas or bandits or anything guarding this while there are some camps and enemy bases around the area it's not clear of any of them own these boats and a ship is a valuable thing which again has just been left completely unguarded so the origin owners and abandonment of these boats and more specifically this ship is sure is a mystery we'll just have to see how this pans out for now let's just wave this one goodbye up nach we have the net shower falls as we can see on the map this one can be found to the north of the water stone flowing rapidly down from the mountains above fueled by snow runoff and melt there is a raging waterfall cascading furiously off of the stone cliffs and into the sea creating plumes of mist and engulfing waves of moisture the now local nature's have taken a liking to this area and use it to bathe the shell themselves under the falling aqua they are probably trying to wash off some of that damn ash from Red Mountain it makes an absolutely beautiful spot to view the sunset as the golden flaming glow of Magnus increases as it descends to the horizon for sleep the warm honey and rose flavors of the light palette mix with the haze of the Falls creating clouds of ephemeral and prismatic aliy autumn vapours a picture to be painted if ever there was one while the net float through the air and soak in the warm and refreshing waters a lovely snapshot of the beauty that the Elder Scrolls universe can create is presented so now let's move on to the net curiosity oh yes now for this curiosity we have the star rim catacomb as we can see on the map it is found just here to the northwest of white Ridge Barrow pushing our way up into the frostbitten mountains from the warmer Shores down below will be faced with a number of steep and jagged crags if we follow this one around a narrow passageway will reveal itself walking up on through the snow will soon observe that is the dead end and just before we turn back around some ruins will catch our eye if we duck our heads down into the subterranean Sepulcher we'll be confronted by pure profusion of permafrost the totals of the Dead a huge circular burial site of ancient Nord Warriors now frozen not only in reality but in time by the precious material known as star forum this is the largest concentration of the material in the game containing 30 pieces of Stahl room mined from ten sarcophagi a strange place for it and also a strange place for such a massive grave site like this if anything I would expect to find such a place deep within an extensive Nordic ruin rather than an ice related area all the way out here in the mountains the entirety of the pit is also enchanted by these dancing blue waves of a ephemeral frost a strange place indeed but an excellent source of style room if you ever need any crawling on through for this next curiosity we have the arachnid hatch as we can see on the map it can be found to the south of white Ridge Barrow just across the snow field outside the entrance to white Ridge Barrow strangely enough now on the other side of this small River that forms here we'll spot his small wooden shack marked by the waggling a blue bolt of cloth this small timber structure is surrounded by sapphire geodes and albedo spiders now not only are there Albina spiders but because the spider pods were laid next to these Sapphire geodes the spiders within have absorbs the frosty attributes of the Sapphire so when hatched they aren't albino spiders at all but they are frost spiders similarly to how we found the flame spiders down south again be sure to check out my guide if you are interested in using these spiders as grenade like weapons which you can do now inside the shed there is a small trap door that leads down into the experimental chambers of white Ridge Barrow where the spiders are created but again if you wish to explore that fully I do have videos covering that so for now I think like most people I'm not too fond of our little eight-legged friends here so let's move away slowly being sure to not touch any of the webs oh now this one is very interesting and actually a throwback to the Blood Moon expansion for the Elder Scrolls 3 morrowind it's froth MUNs Bane as we can see on the map here this curiosity can be found just here to the northwest of Horseman's of Barrow as will notice there are a number of stone pillars lying on their sides almost creating a wall but not really in any useful manner there also appears to be no shape or sense to it well what we'll need is a bird's eye view as we pan up the form of a wolf will reveal itself this is known as Rothman's and Bane in the Burrow nearby lies the remains of Rothman's read the first chieftain of Thirsk who was killed by a wolf called on dh4 Ottomans Barrow now lies at the mouth of a great stone wolf pretty cool huh I mean the more you know up next we have the raided Riva camp as we can see on the map here it is located just with the southwest of froth months to sew up the rather steep snow peppered Hill resting on a small area that flattens out a tad we'll find the remains of a camp with a fading fire now just a pile of ash with a weak plume of smoke wafting away from it making their location easier to spot here we'll find a collection of curious things to inspect closely but before I go and there is that damned troll again I am literally being trolled by a troll while filming this video I've been taking shots around this area for about five minutes and this damn troll keeps walking through all of the shots I honestly do there's a bonus curiosity the trolling troll get out of my sight troll further defines anyway back to the camp so firstly we'll notice that there is a dead Rivas slumped against this here rock scattered around him are a number of Spears once again we know exactly who these belong to those damn are rankling now if we look around this camp will also notice that all of the barrels and crates have been marked with the signature tribal symbols of the right leg this is undoubtably they're doing they have also made some strange decorations like giving this skull a hat which is another common tradition of theirs amongst the various boxes and wooden vessels there is a chest and a strongbox both of which contain random and leveled loot but it is strange that the rankings have raided this camp but left all of the goodies they are hoarders of the highest degree why kill the river and not reap well if we approach the camp sure enough surprised the writings have been hiding in the snow waiting for other rivers to return or perhaps even for just unlucky adventurers like ourselves to come and inspect the curious sites ah but this is what Reckling x' do be pesky little hooligans are the frozen wastes and just sometimes they get their just desserts as we'll discover as we move on to the next curiosity so for this next one we have the maas ring pass away as we can see on the map this one can be found just here to the north of the most ring paths so here at Motoring pass there is a village of rye clings now up at this little mountain peak next to motoring pass right next to that little camp they have marked the location with a flag signifying their claim to the area and letting everyone around know how superior their climbing skills are and so on now if we take a closer look however we'll see that one of them slipped at least it would seem that way there are no items or signs that paint a clearer picture there is also nothing on his corpse that suggests a subterfuge it would also seem that this little guy came up here and fell on some slippery rocks took a tumble and shattered his little blue cranium others turn maybe he went up the hill to fetch a pail of water health his name might have been Jack I would assume he came up here alone because I don't think others would have left him up here maybe he was murdered by another right leg although it doesn't seem quite far away enough from the rest of the village to be a subtle spot for rake aside now it might be an easter egg or a nod to climbers in real life who almost made it to the top of great mountains I know we've seen similar nods and Easter eggs in Skyrim anyway let's leave this little blue corpse to rest in as much peace as it can find up here in the hard winter winds of Motoring Pass moving on through and up we have the mineral troll as we can see on the map it can be found right here to the south of rough months to here at the top of this mountain peak separating the eastern and western snow lands of salt stone we have this spiny Rock Ridge shutting out of the snow here stands a frost roll where he guards what is precious to him and what is precious to trolls anonymity on the internet know these precious minerals and metals running along the seam of this rock face we have two sapphire geodes a gold ore and a quick silver ore vein I highly doubted this troll knows the value of what it guards and it's likely that it just was attracted to shiny things like my forehead so let's just leave this young chap to it for this next curiosity we have the bloodied stares as we can see on the map here it can be found to the northwest of the snow clad ruins here we can find a set of crooked eius covered pendulous stairs leading up and over a higher mountain ridge the stairs are frequently patrolled by trolls so we have that classic CCC situation where we have a patrol of trolls patrolling what's interesting is that there is blood and lots of blood splattered and smeared up and up and up the stairs right at the top there is a stone archway where we can find various bloodied bones and pieces of human remains a terrible and tremendously nasty scene to stumble upon while exploring the northern now the logical conclusion would be that the trolls did this we've seen this kind of thing before nothing out of the ordinary for a troll to do such a thing however if we follow the blood over the hill and down towards the Nordic ruin the amount of blood increases and the amount of human fragments for a lack of a better phrase also increases now this trail of gore leads down the hill where we will find a bunch of men in only trousers ah don't be fought as you'll hardly be able to bear the truth of it this is not a group of nudists this is a clan of wear bears oh yes they slew a number of others and left a trail of entrails for leading right back down to their home making finding these culprits quite easy now before they start to think that we ate their porridge let's get out of this bear den oh yes quite an interesting one up next we have the alchemists for as we can see on the map here it is found to the east of the snow-clad ruins here cascading from the pool next of the way bear lair we have a huge waterfall spilling its precious snow runoff liquids into the more fertile lands down below now strangely over on the jagged rugged and uninviting rock shelf that stands proudly next to the stream of surging snow cold ice water we might just spot something eye-catching slumped morbidly in a small crack there is a skeleton here which is kind of interesting but with all skeletons it's all about what lies around them and in this case there are three apothecary satchels suggesting that this person whoever he or she may have been was an alchemist or an apothecary which is you know a potato potato same thing these three satchels will contain randomized alchemical ingredients and reagents so finding a dead alchemist it's not too weird what is weird is the placement there are literally no harvestable plants or interesting out chemical ingredients near here especially high up in the cliff ledges like what on the Divine's green urn was this person doing running from something perhaps maybe trying to escape the we're bears of snow-clad ruins hmm the truth to this green thumbed Mort pile shall to remain a mystery a snowy alchemical cold rocky and lonely sad mystery moving down from the chilling mid mountains of Sun steam and down towards the eastern coast and we have up next of the sandy slopes stash as we can see on the map here it can be found to the north of builds retreat so heading down a refreshingly sandy and grassy hill towards the shore or Beach as we may call it will spot some rocks in the way now that's no good for our swim we'll naturally just want to go around them but ah less travel paths yield great rewards as nestled amongst the brown and beige scrub shrubs there is not only a chest a bit a few coin purses as well not a bad find at all for a day at the beach as I normally only come away with sunburn and a sting from some ungodly Australian sea creature now the chest will contain random levelled lutes so the higher your level the better the loot of course now finding a treasure chest tucked away on the shores of a mysterious and forgotten Island is cool and all but who put these here I feel like leaving coin sacks especially in the openness of it weird when you could just put them in the chest it was likely a place where the intention of it was only to stay here for a short period of time now there is a group of people down of fields retreat who are the people from thirst meat haul who have recently been kicked out by the rankling who will now take over and rule the place like gremlins but perhaps those people from first meet all place this here to hide it from them but if that's the case they failed because we found it now before we stray too far away from this spot the very next curiosity can be found just on the other side of these rocks and it sure has me stumped as for this next curiosity we have the stumped Hawker a hooker stumped literally this has to be one of the weirdest finds I've ever come across so far in my CCC career there is a hooker a dead hooker who appears to have died from starvation there's no blood around him he doesn't seem to have been in a fight but we will notice that he did a little flip of thing got wedged into the tree stump now how this happened exactly well that's just one hell of a question maybe the tide was high he got washed up his flipper thing got jammed in the tree stump and the rest is history but I gotta say that's a pretty grim way to die just being trapped and unable to escape it's like dying decades into a marriage interestingly though if we rummage around the contents of the Walker there is an amethyst inside him maybe he was an Aquarius betrayed by the sea the amethyst is Thea gemstone of the Aquarius in case you don't know I only know that cuz I'm an Aquarius well as sad as it is we've got to push on towards the tail end of this just like the Hawker for this next curiosity we have the skull skeleton as we can see on the map it can be found right here just to the north of the skull village at the thick frozen and forested base of the cliffs to the north of the skull village we can find something rather curious while skeletons at this point are rather quotidian it's the skeletons proximity to the village that makes it strange so tucked away in a tiny little opening revealing a frigid and frosted guide we have a chest a human skeleton and what I can only assume to be a horse skeleton as I do not believe that there are mammoths on Sunstone and if there were mammoths this would be an awfully small mouth so again fairly sure that this other skeleton here is a horse there is also an iron saw the lying on the ground so why is this weird well it's right next to the skull village you'll think that if there was a skeleton right next to your town and in plain sight someone would have noticed it by now but apparently not a horse and a sword suggests this person wasn't armed and mounted it might actually be some goofy nod to the horse cliff climbing a glitches or abilities one can instigate its sky as all these skeletons and stuff can be found at the bottom of the base of a cliff so was this an ancient Nord warrior a skull warrior perhaps maybe this was an outsider and considered cursed so the skull never touched the skeleton there are many possibilities but for some reason something is just not right here I can feel it in my bones and his bones as aforementioned there is a chest here of course it will contain random level loot a strange find indeed and for some reason just doesn't sit well with me a skeleton with a sword and a horse in a chest right next to a village it's very very curious indeed for this next curiosity we have the ransacked Rivas as we can see on the map here it can be found to the south of flores el after we stumble through the icy crystallized shrubs and plants around we'll come out into a lovely bay and right here there is a boat and a camp contrasting savagely with the snow we'll see blood and two bodies one male and one female again both dunland both Rivas scattered around both of their corpses like kitchen utensils when I cook will find spears Reckling spears surprise surprise the right clicks well I'll give you one guess who shows up when we enter the cave to inspect it a little closer that's wrong you're wrong no one shows up this is the one time the rankings aren't waiting in hiding around their slain foes I do believe the reason for this is that FRA sell the caves just that North is an extensive Reckling base that they have so they old probably just went into the cave rather than sitting around under the snow outside sadly there are no chests or anything of interest at this camp so we'll just bid these Rivas farewell and congratulate them on being so boring that the rankings didn't even stick around for this next curiosity we have a sandy grave as we can see here on the map it can be found right to the east of fra SEL here on the final strand of golden sand washed up and battered a two skeletons and a chest a strange place for them likely they were on a boat and became shipwrecked so I'm a sure with what belongings they could take with them mainly this chest perhaps they drowns and all of this just washed up naturally here maybe they made it to shore and died of a bitter cold of Northern Soul Stein regardless of the story or the past all we have now are two shadows of a tale that once was a canvas with faded paints all that is left a dull strokes two lingering figures and their chests inside we will be able to find a random levelled loot and nothing that helps us understand what this once was a sad shadowy sandy and rather inconclusive curiosity but one I'm sure will remain where we found it for many many years to come maybe one day their story will be discovered but I do know one thing a sandy grave this is anakin skywalker's most feared way of dying aha yes now we have an absolute classic in fact it's so classic that I covered this in my Dragonborn DLC Easter Egg video be sure to check that out if sulston does interest you anyway back to the here and there now we have well an island to explore we'll soon see what it has to reveal as we can see on the map this location can be found right here and it is actually the northernmost curiosity in this video and perhaps ever so the first thing you'll notice as we swim to this island and way out north into the frozen mists and the sea of ghosts is this boat adorned with a circular amber done married Lantern whichever so magically illuminates the waves as they pummel this small vessel rocking it back and forth in the wintry sea inside the boat we will find various items in knapsack a sack a coin purse a satchel a chest a few oars and in east empire company strongbox the knapsack contains random level loot along with the chests however the east empire company strongbox well it does contain mostly random level loot as you would come to expect at this point it also contains an east empire pendant which we can sell for 500 septums back in Raven Rock so now let's find the owner of this boat as soon as we walk ashore we will spot an abundance of Nirnroot nothing too strange but it is notable ah yes okay the Spriggans are back one of only two locations on Sultan weather are normal Spriggans still alive opposed to those twisted and igneous ones we found out self they may just be protecting this small slice of salt I'm keeping the natural balance in everything in check although I must admit there are a large number of them more spring ins then will normally ever find in one spot oh dear or old anima I think we found the owner of the boat a dynamo or dark elf alchemist lying face down in a pool of blood no doubt for Spriggans attacked him and killed him when he stepped onto that territory but what is this more known roach massive Nirnroot giant nerve root alchemically the same but the size is three four five times the scale of a standard known root incredible and likely a throwback to the Elder Scrolls for oblivion Easter egg in which four giant Nirnroot can be found Wow no wonder there are so many Spriggans protecting this place it holds a wonderous lee red giant Nirnroot but if we head to the center of the island we'll find the mother lode and the mother of all Spriggans to guard it a spring in matriarch the mother of the forest standing proud and guard of this precious circle of giant known roots now if you do follow me on instagram you already know this but i never realized before how big the spring and may tree arts are they are massive they are like literally double the height of your character an imposing sight indeed and definitely a worthy protector for such a rare natural wonder the giant Nirnroot so let us leave these wardens of nirn bees so they may continue to conserve the corners of creation and sustain a pure unadulterated natural balance in the pockets of clinic peace that still remain on for this next curiosity we have the frozen dragon Shoals as we can see here on the map this is located on a small island far to the north of salts time and to the northeast of the Glacial cave now again this is very interesting because it is at the second of only two dragon mounts that can be found on Sol style the other being the dragon Bain Bluff that we saw earlier on in the video this one makes a lot more sense that there would be in a life dragon here as it's nowhere near the temple of Mrak despite being alive this sure is a lonely place to reside you may have noticed a rather looming ancient Nordic r-calif at the base of which is a bag of bones next to a hard wood exchequer inside the chest will be random love loot as to be expected the hawkers have also gathered here to inspect the scene now I would guess than given the dragon mound is here and the ancient Nordic structure that this skeleton was once a dragon priest not as we know them today but an actual dragon priest who would worship the Dragons regardless their time is long past and he or she did not live on to become one of the famous dragon priests of Skyrim and all sulston so they shall remain forever resting on this island for this next curiosity we have another one located on a northern ireland more specifically the reich lling reserve island as we can see on the map here this is located to the due north of Hackney's shoal here we can find possibly the biggest outdoor rankling settlements while they do have some villages outside they tend to be quite small and they reserve the massive cities to be built within caves because they were lot safer and they can also horde all of their valuables in inverted commas because they normally just hoard absolute trash they can keep all of that stuff safer within a cave and with that said going completely against what I just explained this island seems to be some kind of reserve or a storage area for the rankling as they have huge amounts of treasure here it barrels crates in the like because of this there are many patrols systematically assuring the islands security maybe because the RAI clings out here on an island they get large amounts of flotsam for goods and items which are washed ashore after shipwreck now there are a number of chat sacks barrels knapsacks and the like here and in fact they are in such a great number that we won't even run through all of them there's just a whole bunch of treasure to be found here and as you guess that all of these contain random love loops there is also an East Empire company strongbox here that will contain an East Empire pendant which you can sell for 500 gold apart from that I think we'll leave these pesky little fellows to do their thing although why there are so many of them on this island with so much gear that is a mystery perhaps they are preparing for the Fourth Reich for this next curiosity we have one that is very very easy to miss mainly Haas trad falls as we can see on the map it can be found here to the northwest of the headwaters of ha strand now if we head upstream from these freezing pools for collect making their way down to meet the sea we'll run into a series of straining thoughts while boosting a big drops they float down peacefully well up on the top tier in which the very first snow runoff waterfall forms and rushes down into this crag forming an enclosed stream we can spot something down there a chest and a skeleton and a strange place for them apart from that there is no evidence of clues as to who this person was or where the treasure came from if we take a look in the chest we'll be able to find a variety of goodies provided you are of a high enough level of course they will be good because it's random level loot now I was thinking that maybe this skeleton and this chest were washed from a deep subterranean Nordic burial chamber within the mountain as we spoke of earlier this waterfall simply spawns from the snow here suggesting that there is an underground stream that could have washed this fellow and his chest out I've come to the underground stream conclusion as the waterfall seems to be far too forceful and ferocious to simply just be of snow runoff anyway we'll never be able to confirm exactly where this skeleton and the treasure came from but I do suspect that that is exactly what happened they were washed out from an ancient tomb deep within the mountain for this next curiosity we'll be heading back down to the water's edge by the coast where we can find dark nirn a pond as we can see on the map this can be found to the north west of HACC Nia's show here in a tiny Inlet there is a pond it lights up beautifully during the sunrise reflecting the refreshingly warm colors of life across the frozen realm three non red grow here suggesting it is an area of purity and natural balance as they sit and ring away singing the sons of lorkhan it was tranquil peaceful calm harmonious and Placid as this pond looks do not become too entranced as if we dare step foot into the pond our second greeting from apocrypha of all places this beast of Emmaus Mora and his black wriggling tentacle realm filled with alluvium of knowledge losing its way into Mundus and of all places this valves thorn the lurker takes its hiding hole in this beautiful little pond filled with Nirnroot and natural celebration of mothers from which this lurker is not by all means please come here and remove this Val creature from this spirituals and garden of ringing nerve root moving north of this next curiosity we have the cast at trove as we can see on the map here this can be found just to the east off of Castle castor cabins plummeting down viciously from the spiring Castle car stack and the defrosting snow pigs of soul stone is cast AG Falls eventually making its way down to the sea of ghosts in the north if we follow the narrow mouth of the flow back from the sea and towards the full point of the water flow we'll be able to spot an object being showered with the harsh bitter cold water falling from above a chest of unknown origin likely washed from some crypts or perhaps even Castle Casta itself if we manage to pried this bad boy open we'll find a healthy array of randomly I find the notion unlikely that someone intentionally placed this chest here it's not easy to get to and let's face it Northern Soul sim has a mega low population I doubt someone would put this thing here it's also at risk of being washed away by a strong down flow from the waterfall or being washed away by a strong tide so again I would sensibly conclude that this treasure was washed down from some higher too many years ago rather than being placed here intentionally ah yes now following in a very similar fashion we have the crab creek cache as we can see on the map this can be found just to the south east of North Shore Landing so here at North Shore Landing there is an abandoned dock that I assume was once used by the Legion settlers roughly 200 years ago that we helped instigate in the Blood Moon expansion for the Elder Scrolls 3 morrowind since then a whole bunch of mud crabs have made this place their home we'll also pry a petite review let battling its way casually down from the fall down to the ocean shores amidst which the mud crabs frolic now if we trace this brook all the way back up to the base of the waterfall once again a chest once you crack it open like a cold run where the boys will find it contains random leveled loads now although the last chest we found at the base of the waterfall I concluded was washed down from an unseen tomb or something of the sort this one I do believe was likely placed here intentionally as it's right near where people used to live and populate and it's also very accessible while still remaining hidden so I think that one of the old dock hands used to steal bits and pieces from incoming shipments and stow them away here it's nice and close easy to get to and would probably never be found by any of the other workers so it's the perfect place to store hot items hot in a legal sense another temperate sense sailing on out to the northwest we'll be making our way to a little spots called the frozen hawker ruins as we can see on the map here it can be found to the north west of castle cast a grower floating around in the nether abyss of the ocean and all existence only with the legendary atmora over the horizon these icebergs are the last bastions of Tamriel naturally some Hawker have made home here I suppose they decided it was an ice place to live but there is something here unbelievably more notable than hawkers yes that is right we have some Nordic ruins or the remains of some anyway the ruins of some ruins I suppose you could say there are three standing stones which border the rim of the flat ice bed then there is the classic carved stone dragon monolith but more interestingly there are two sarcophagi closed with star rim which as we learned earlier is a strange material which was highly valued by ancient Nords and is still valued to this day there is also a rather powerful weapon here although I assume that it is the result of scaling loot nonetheless it's an awesome find now while a small little bundle of ancient Nordic culture is to be expected on souls time what has really got my interest is the fact that it's all encased within an iceberg so I do believe that the most likely series of events to result in such a strange sight is that the ancient Nords of sulston built a burial tomb within a massive glacial wall of the northern ice shells found on Sunstone in the elder scrolls three Mara wins Blood Moon expansion we did see examples of this the local Lords building tombs or areas of existence within giant towers of ice so it's likely that's what's happened then over hundreds perhaps in thousands of years the glacier melted the towers of ice splits fell into the sea of ghosts and splintered into historical fragments which flow beyond the northern shores of sulston this frozen Hawker ruin being one of them an amazing find and an almost eerily remote and Lyonne curiosity thousands of years of history have buried and frozen floating flirting with the edge of the known world ready to be swallowed whole by the unknown seas at any storm to the north and amazing fired for sure ha ha alright I gotta admit this is one of my favorites throughout this video purely based on his comedic merits so for this curiosity we have the rankling locksmith as we can see here on the map it can be found to the north of bristle Batcave now coming up from the lapping sea upon the shore where the sand meets the stone we'll find a chest straightaway it's a very unique chest as it has been turned into a wooden pin cushion with seven rattling spheres sticking out of it like a porcupine we'll also note that we have the classic cultural signature of the rattling with these blue tribal markings now you might be thinking was this target practice did this chest do something to the rankling why unknown would they do this well throughout this video you may have noticed that anywhere in which Reich Lynx raided and looted the only things left on plundered were locked chests and boxes why is this because rankings don't know how to pick locks so hilariously they found this chest could not open it and went straight to their unique lock picking technique and filled this poor wooden box with spears and painted a blue yeah that'll teach it now yes it is locked and once we do open it there will be loot scaled appropriately for your level so the rattling didn't miss out on too much treasure but I love their solution to a problem reigns fears opponent and painted blue huh maybe I'll try that with my taxes for the penultimate curiosity we have of the Forgotten soldiers as we can see on the map here this one can be found just to the south of castle Karstadt caverns so now that we've explored the base of car stock Falls earlier on in the video we're going to follow it all the way up to its streaming spring point which we can see seems to be a shallow Cavan opening out of the mountainside like a lazily gaping mouth found with icicles and spewing forth the elixir of life water as amazing as this is will notice off to the side there is a few items of interest there is a chest which holds items relevantly reflecting your character's level but this chest is accompanied by an iron sword and a steel helmets as if a soldier or a warrior laid down their arms and left to pursue a more pious life maybe this is a tribute to a great warrior or someones forefather although I feel an altar or a shrine would be a more appropriate place to do such a thing rather than a chest so that aspect of this find is quite interesting but secondly here why here I suppose that was the point to hide this media collection of items in a place where no one would find them but who placed these here and for what purpose that truly is a mystery that I've got a feeling that whoever it was and now in sovereign God and ultimately we have a lovely little exploration based curiosity to finish off the list the three mountain peaks so the three highest mountain peaks on solstein are actually locations that can be discovered only by actually reaching the absolute peak of each even using console commands will not reveal their location or markers on the map so these can be really really hard to get to as there is no paths and you literally just have to jump your way up to the top of each one slip and it's all over you'll fall to your death so firstly we have Mort rag peak which once reached it will be marked here on your map in the northwestern region of soulstone secondly we have fried peak which once reached fully marked here on your map just to the east of more drag peak and finally we have the Moe's of Ring peak which once reached will be marked here on your map just to the south of the other two so now we have climbed reached and discovered all three of the highest peaks of salts times mountains we can now undoubtedly call ourselves the ultimate explorers of salt stone and what a perfect way to end of a video which is all about just that exploring all of the hidden secrets and things to see on sulston and with that final unforgettable peak in curation the curating of curious curiosities with insults time has been completed I do hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed this oddly unique region of Tamriel with its ancient ruins unique wildlife frostbitten Peaks glacial waterfalls frost showered busks ice cold babbling brooks blasted Ashland's and igneous smoldering spores of Red Mountain I do hope I have been able to show you something new that you did not know existed on sulston I have certainly discovered some new and interesting things so whether they were old friends or new acquaintances I do hope that you have enjoyed the curious curiosities of soul style [Music] thank you very much for watching I've been camel and I do hope that you have thoroughly enjoyed the curating curious curiosities video for the ancient and nostalgic region of once Skyrim and now technically morrowind soul style if you did enjoy this video and you would like to see more videos similar to this one please consider subscribing it helps me know that people are interested in these kind of videos and in the long run will result in more of them and if you do enjoy the CCC series please feel free to check out the links in the description these of course will lead you directly to the curating curious curiosities videos that have already done for skater if you did learn something new in this video or died a little inside from one of the puns please leave a like I appreciate it greatly if you have any theories back stories imaginings or explanations for any of these curious curiosities please leave a detailed explanation of what your thoughts are in the form of a comment down below I'm very interested in hearing some of your explanations for some of these ever so strange and curious finds on soul stone I'm sure the communities collective mind power will be much greater than mine so I'm sure together that we can come up with all the backstories for these strange findings down there in the OL description you can also find links to my social media be sure to follow me on Instagram and Twitter and if you'd like to become one of my heroic patrons you can of course support the channel on patreon as I'm sure you know all of my time and energy goes into making these videos that I create for you to enjoy so your support is most appreciated and welcomed in any and all forms so thank you very much for watching thank you for supporting the channel and I will see you very shortly in the next video I'll see you there soon [Music]
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 1,087,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, elder, scrolls, five, VI, six, scrolls 6, news, trailer, preview, lets, play, through, how, to, Curating, Curious, Curiosities, curate, CCC, unmarked, location, exploration, hidden, secret, treasure, easter, egg, solstheim, bonus, dlc, expansions, eso, online, camel, works, camelworks, gaming, channel, video, find, mackenzie, rowles, facts, lore, puns, legends, stories, blackreach, forgotten, vale, series, bethesda, games, studios, softworks, zenimax, theories, crazy, canon, miraak, Hermaeus, Mora, riekling, bloodmoon, raven, rock, red, mountain, skaal
Id: W7-J5aR3o9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 25sec (5065 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 07 2018
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