S.O.S.| Creamed Beef on Toast

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that's an SOS hey we're gonna save some Souls we are and feed them - what is it an old classic s.o.s come on because I'm sending Morse code out everybody will be here [Music] hey thank y'all for stopping by for another episode of some cowboy cooking my name is Kent Rollins and you have tuned in to the right place you have and if you're new you say this is the first time you've stopped by our channel oh my gosh we welcome you wholeheartedly me Shannon the big and the Duke we thank you for being here be sure you go ahead and hit the subscribe button upper so you don't miss out on any of these great recipes and what do we got coming up to date an old classic we've been sort of going through the history and looking back and forth about some of the things that we need to be cooking that our ancestors might have cooked before us during hard times y'all seen us do the hardtack pan de Campo hey this one is one of my favorites - what is it called SOAs or some folks might call it beep-beep on a shingle yes that's what they might call it now before we get into this let me be telling you cuz me and Shannon get a lot of questions where you get your hat or you get them shirts you work where you get your britches where you get your boots hey if you'll stick around down there to the end we're gonna let you know and give you some tips on where you can find this stuff and what I think you ought to buy if you want to be looking good suave and debonair like cowboy we can't problems cuz people want me to run for president ain't gonna happen angle happen hi them folks up there ain't ready for me they ain't now have y'all noticed that Old Glory is laying out there pretty stretched out she is we have what you call a skirt alert day we are not very big you might blow away what else do we always call this day put a rock in your pocket to keep you from blowing away but let's talk about this SOS who have y'all nose out there what that means huh save our soul an old distress signal well back during hard times even before the depression and sometimes through the depression there were so many great recipes that made it through and this is one of them hey night calls for a little milk a little fly a little grease a little meat put it over some kind of bread with you had a biscuit some lap bread maybe you had any kind of old biscuit that you might have but I'll tell you from what my dad told me so many years ago when they made this a lot of times it wasn't beef in it folks it might have been to some Jackrabbit that had been stood down or some Cottontail because this was hard times this would get you through is what we call stick-to-your-ribs food now back then - they sure they might have made it with some canned milk because milk cow might not have been prevalent back during the Dust Bowl might not even found her and dug her out to get her to pull over one of them squeezers to get you some well we're doing this what I'd call the easy way out today just sort of campfire style cooking we got us some coals directly under this old filled skillet and I ain't sitting right on them I got me at old trivet under there but I did ma'am them coals up pretty good I'm gonna let that skillet get good and hot before we ever throw no cold piece of meat in there now today I got a little better off than then folks did during the Depression or hard times I have got me some Certified Angus beef 8021 pounds so that's what we're gonna throw in there today so let's just crumble this up here that salmon that's a good sale that is the sizzle if you don't have Certified Angus beef in your area you're not for sure high just tilde their website pop in your zip code and it'll show you where you can get it we're going to let that meat begin to brown a little I'm gonna add a half of a Vidalia Onion in there with it when it gets to brown and then we're gonna season it with a little red river ranch original folks called this on a shingle they did and Shen's going to bleep that part out ancient yeah well you know really folks you didn't have to have much to cook this and you could cook it nearly any way my mother substituted pork for it a lot of time ground sausage any kind of chunk meat we might have had that been cheap whatever you got it will work just make sure that you share it with the friends and neighbors cuz that's what it's about SOS save our soul eat well we have got our meat all browned up we did onions are good and tender now I'm gonna tell you I have made this just like this and then just sprinkle flour over it and then added some milk but you can see that meat there was not hardly any grease in that stuff was pretty lean so we're gonna do this for maybe a thicker richer taste out of this we're gonna go ahead and take this meat out and you can see that I have a quality control inspector really close on this side and one close on the other side they want to make sure that I get all this done right well let's take cooler right there just a minute because I don't want to burn this butter plumb up so I'm gonna add five tablespoons of butter and we're going to let that melt without the paper on it well the butter has melted it has so to that we're going to add about four to five I'm gonna start with four tablespoons of flour sprinkled it there everywhere and I don't want that to get too hot that it is burning so I'm gonna take it off this fire just a minute because I ain't got no burner to turn it down here there are younger and we're just gonna make us a roux with this and try to mash the lumps out of it that is what I would call a fine looking roof with a few bits of meat left in there and a little bit of onion so to that it's going to go back on the fire in about two cups of milk give that a good stir in so we can get two lumps out of it you can use salt and pepper if you want to but if you want to kick it up four notches and climb plum over the top of the letter on the flavor level get you some Red River Ranch original channel heavy a link there where you can and we're gonna season it just stare you bet another stir and it's going to go to thickening at this point and the beets if I could make a hand on that stuff right there I've done this two ways you can see we're getting that good milk consistency gravy look you can dump the meat in there right now or you can let that thicken a little and let it go but I like to go ahead and put that meat back in it right at this time so we can get some of that good meat flavor to going on in there you see that big mean let's just go to mixing it all up and you want this the consistency that where it will stay on your biscuit or your toast just make sure to stay on your spoon and get in your mouth and we are about there if you ever run on to that point to where you think things are getting too thick in a hurry you can thin it with a little more milk [Music] [Music] Oh done deal it was and didn't take long and me and the big and Duke was getting powerful hungry was now you see me over toasting up some of that garlic bread Texas toast thick now I know some of you is out there saying you didn't make no biscuits folks I have made enough biscuits in my life I should get a biscuit holiday and you can use whatever kind of bread you might want to use but I really be liking this Texas toast that's got there garlic in it it just sort of blends all this together right there in the middle of that plate give me some of this make it pretty and I like to have a plenty been a long time since I had me some of this this takes me back to when I was a small child sitting on a stool at my mama's table and everybody gathered around the flavors here they just ring a bell and just make all the lights come home and your taste bud that you think this is some comfort food at its best sure we jazzed it up a little for maybe what the old-timers had so many years ago but folks when you can make that Roux with that butter in there it gives it such of a sort of a creamy nutty taste do you get that that gravy blend it all well together and that takes this toast it's just a treat so this is what I call good stuff the S oh is shuffle are you gonna go over here and do it yes can you do it oh then you do another s and that's what you call save our soul that bullet came dance as I promised you I told you we'd tell you about these shirts and boots and the hat stuff that I wear all the time now folks this here area I wear a lot of different shirts but I really depend on most the time the area it's a lot of them in my closet that's what they are if you're interested in this particular color and style of shirt channel have your link down there below to where you can get it and also we have 10% off that you can get with this link now let's talk about boots makes my feet feel good I ain't never found that but in one kind and that is area of boots and they always make me feel good you can see them are you supposed to put your feet on the kitchen table if mind you do you can see I like a wide toe on mine because it gives me a lot of room my old feet been stepped on cake master and everything else in the world so my old toes need a little extra room let me give you some new boot tips old-timers told me and I still use it today I might just crawl in the bathtub full of water and just let my feet and everything just get wet in them boots and worm until they dry form fit right to you they do I wear a lot of hats my good friend Chaz Mitchell which s makes some fine hats he does folks and every one of them gonna have that pink lacing right in the back I'll tell you for sure mustache wax get a lot of people asking where did you get it camp Shan got a link on that too too fresh high other shoes are sticking some twine and we're good to go I take my hat off as I do and salute all our servicemen and women and our veterans who have kept this old country free and safe and letting that old flag fly over camp is with us every trip we make now I want you to be sure and watch all these videos but whoo you better take a hope next week because we hitching up the wagon or the airplane one of the two and we're going west we're gonna do some filming on a historic ranch but also a little historic town in Nevada I'll give you just a little hint so oh it's gonna be good so once again thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to watch our videos we never take it for granted god bless you each and every one and I'll see you down the SOS Trail well still get a few questions about who adopted Duke well folks I'm going to tell you right now he adopted me and Shannon the big now he's still in training the biggest got him training on taste testing and ability to keep bears and tigers out of camp they're still working on that and a while back shan't ask y'all on facebook to post pictures of your favorite taste testers that y'all have so we're gonna be closing out some of y'all's picks and their favorite taste testers as we go on out of this video see y'all next week [Music]
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 637,799
Rating: 4.9675479 out of 5
Keywords: poor man's meal, s.o.s., sos, shit on a shingle, save our souls, great depression cooking, great depression food, stew on a shingle, biscuits and gravy, creamed beef on toast, creamed beef army recipe, creamed beef recipe, chipped beef on toast, hamburger gravy, toast recipe, cowboy cooking, cowboy recipes, outdoor cooking, hard times food, budget friendly meals, cast iron cooking, camping cooking, breakfast recipes, cast iron skillet recipes, save our stomachs
Id: ykPgjXNwwkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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