The Real Pork and Beans | Cowboy Beans

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Those beans would be worth the gas. Just put everyone outside, like in Blazing Saddles.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/buckwheatho 📅︎︎ Dec 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
looking to feed a crowd yarr hey I know what we can feed them pork and beans no not really I'm talking about the real pork and beans Anasazi beans cooked down with a good smoky flavor and guess what a big old pork roast is just falling apart off that bone come on there's going to be a crew after this one hey thank y'all for stopping by camp on a glorious day it is and we're talking about an old tradition that I learned about when I was little that my dad said went on back during the 30s and that was Aunt Sue's beans we got us a big old pork roast and folks we need to go ahead and season that so we can put it back in the fridge and let it set about three hours so let's mix this seasoning up we got right quick which is a third of a cup of red river ranch on mesquite some chili powder one always goes in cooking beans you get out of the can and even in mine too a little brown mustard it does about two tablespoon and something that I've got really dearly loved on some pork some smoked paprika now I think we should tell you everything that we're doing out here today the little recipe and everything you need to do will be listed right down there in the description below but also the indoor conversions for this for you cooking it in the house so let's go ahead and get this pork seasoned up just give him a good sprinkling everywhere and if he's got a little place you can get some more down in there in it hey I'm all for it and the wind is blowing half of what I got mixed up away today we will put him on a cookie sheet put him in the ice box or a Yeti ass chest or any kind of frigerator y'all might have let him set three hours to get some of that flavor just absorb down in there yeah three hours went by quick it did I had me one sitting over in that Yeti so I just pulled it out we're going to let him come to room temperature now if you're doing this in the house and that may take like forty to forty-five minutes this is a big piece of meat let's get us some holes poke down in there cuz we're gonna put us some garlic cloves down in there deep I mean get them loaded up way down there I like to use a about tight halves now I cut them in half you put them in there for four cloves of garlic and we're gonna stick them down in there we're gonna scatter them out a little oh did he jump off the table either get you one of them big cast-iron pots that you got if you're going to cook this in the oven and let's go ahead and preheat the oven to 350 degrees okay now I'm gonna get it in a 14-inch Dutch oven and in that 14-inch Dutch oven I have put a half a stick of butter let's add a little olive oil because then everything should get to go in there and this is the fat side up right here remember that so we're going to turn him fat side down so we need to give him a little bit of liquid we do so we're gonna put about a cup of chicken broth on there don't pour it straight on it pour it around the side so you ain't washing none of that seasoning off we're gonna call that a done deal because that fat that's gonna render down out of that cooking will add some more flavor to it now if you're cooking this in the house be sure you put a lid on it as well slide it in the oven 350 degrees preheated about three hours or until it's fork-tender well you see me put it on a towel trivet now pretty heavy because it's on a five inch trivet so I'm pretty heavy right around the outside edge and pretty heavy on top now as this begins to come to a simmer and even a bowl I'll eventually write some of them coals back a little because I'm wanting this to cook a little slower because I need it to be good and tender sure this is a whole lot easier in the house you can just slide it in the oven shut the door go sit in the recliner and you're in good shape but if you want to do this you can even do it like we did in our turkey video y'all can look that up shan might even have you a link there put that hog down on a piece of 2 onions in that Dutch oven dig the hole bury them in there cooking 3 hours if you come out of there for tender be just right you're gonna have to have a pretty good fire maintained to where you can go and get more coals to reapply to heat this thing back up so you'll have it at the end too so make sure you've got you a good source of wood going so you'll always have codes you see me have them coals pretty tight on that Dutch oven till I got me a good rolling Bowl and you've seen that and then I backed them off a little to slow that down because we want that to get good and tender so we're going to back them off just a little and watch our heat well we've been on about a hour so at my elevation which is about 1800 foot it's time to put these beans owned now folks you can start beans with water but I always like to start these this way and that is two cups of chicken not two cups two cartons of chicken bro if we don't add six cups of just regular old tap water I got two white onions that have been just kept and quartered you'll throw them in there and then have you ever seen these beans Anna saasy now the first time I had these I was out in there Prescott Arizona and I'm thinking then was the best beans ever seen him alive and I think I need to introduce you to a neighbor that my dad and them had so many years ago now we're cooking down here on the Red River and about a mile that way as a crow fly was an old woman that lived in a half dugout and they called her Aunt Sue but daddy said she always had a pot going and what she called ain't Sue's beans onion pinto beans is what she used and then a little bit of hog meat might have been a neck bone might have been a jowl might have been a hawk but it was always in there and then it was cooked down till it's just tendered and fall apart and she could feed a lot of folks that away now if they don't be carrying these in you Stuart I bet channel have you a link where you can find them because I'm pretty sure they own the Amazon they are I like them because to me they're a really hearty good flavored being that holds up well I took one ancho chili that is dried and chopped it up really good you can see and I just went ahead and dice me up a jalapeno stem then seeded it and let's chunk that all in there so I hear you out there saying you ain't putting no seasoning in it Kent well we're gonna season it when it becomes too a little old Bowl and starts to go you seasoned it beforehand you lose most of it now folks timing of this meal is pretty important and depends like a say on what elevation you're living at a lot of folks tell me when we did our pinto bean recipe and Channel have you a link up there for that if you want to see it that they lived in high altitudes and they had to soak their beans a lot of soaked on four and five six hours I've known people that soak them overnight you can do that as long as it in good ice water because beans will sock you see me go ahead and season with that good Red River Ranch original put some in there we did because I don't like to season beans right at the first because as you continue to Bowl and you add water to it well then you're gonna lose all that season you may have to add some water to this or you can use chicken broth again but just have you some there handy if you're using water don't just use tap water cold right out of there use it hot get that water hot that way you're not shocking them beans as you pour it back in there now let's visit again with old ain't suit you know daddy told me Aunt Sue had a little old half dog yup that they lived in and right outside that door was just wide-open spaces there to the river but they had about 40 acres of cotton now Cotton's always been big in Southwestern Oklahoma and at one time had a lot of more irrigation than what we do now in this county and we were the cotton capital of Oklahoma now daddy always told me that cotton they grew back then sometimes you never did get a rain and it would get about this tall i Goti that cotton would get about this tall he called it bow and arrow cotton he did I hear some of you talking bow in haircut he said it bow your back and there you butt out while you picked it because you're standing on your head to pull them to boulders all ahead on it but cotton has always been a very important part of this community in agriculture here in the southwest corner and we have a great cotton gin up here and a good friend of Mines runs it so we're going to give you a little tour later is where we can go through there and show you just how cotton has changed and the way that they do [Music] that cotton bill that we turn out ever ever two and a half minutes as a tag on and that tag will stay on it for the entirety of its journey whether it's in Vietnam or whether it's in China they can scan that barcode on it and it will bring it all the way back to motley Jin incorporated name's Chris Ellison I'm the manager of motley Jin and I've been here since 95 but I've been active in the Jenin part of it since 79 they'll start planting in the middle of May and be through takes them about two to three weeks to be finished by July the four will start irrigate when we start the harvest it usually will start around the 1st to the 15th of October which it'll take us about four to four and a half months to completely gin sixty to seventy thousand bales the the stripper is takes the bar and everything off of the plant and distributes the bar back out on the ground the picker just strictly takes the it'll leave the bar on the plant used to it was hand picked the module trucks go out and fill them they bring the modules in we get it on the walkin floor which is the module feeder and it goes from there into a tire dryer which helps drive the once it goes there it goes up to what we call an incline cleaner to bring out pin trash goes down into what we call a rescuer it will help clean it and the gym stands what separates the cotton lint from the cotton seed will go into a double set of lint cleaners which takes out the real farm entrance into the press with pressing it tie it out we weigh it and we check the moisture on it and we pull the grade the sample on it takes about less than two minutes for it for it to hit the feeder until it turns into a belt [Music] the agriculture overall is is what Mike's apartment county grade puts a lot of jobs into the community a lot of money stays in the community we everybody we here hire here is local I love the Jenin part of it it's still interesting to me it's it's a challenge you know I guess when it quits being a challenge it's probably time to do something different who didn't do look good folks and I always like to check them they are tender but not falling apart a lot of flavor coming out of that pot right there and you know I'm talking about for tinder I am well today I'm talking spatula tinder let's see whoa did you see her this fall off her so we're going to take the whole thing and just put it in there take some of that broth and put in there with it now all it happens now folks is we go back over set it on the fire give it a low simmer for about 40 minutes well there is a lot of good stuff in this pot to use and you can do this two different ways you can take that out of there and shred it and then dump it back in there but I just like to go ahead and just go to poking it off there and let it just fall where it may that way I'll know what I'm getting here in a minute and that is a good bite of pork meat so let's just see if anybody come to the surface there lookee there and chop him up a little more one thing while I'm here and y'all see this old spatula we started back to making them again but a lot of you been asking him how do you clean yours what's the best way to take care of them well I use this rinse I'm really good with hot water never soap give them a good scrub in everywhere with a good nylon brush dry them off with a towel set them let there and in the window seal if you can just let them dry when they get dry give them a good coat in olive oil avocado oil something like that wipe it back off flood and rag and put them up they'll last Oh looky there that's what I call real pork and beans cause there's some meat in there let me get back over here I wish y'all could smell the flavor that broth is what's happening that's in there with them beans when you pour that back in there in fact hang on just to me daddy said you could drink Aunt Sue's broth and not even know you had no meat in it and fill you up it was so good and this is the same way you might ask yourself Kent why are you eating with that big old spoon well you know when you film in this location and another location and then at the house and then another location you know where the spoons ended up not this location it didn't so we're gonna turn it around this way and improvise give me some of that pork go bite mmm it make me want to put my hat on backwards and back up come back to the Dust Bowl in the 1930s and say who faints ooh I thank you so much darling because them beans is good you was an inspiration that garlic that was shoved up in that hoe it is fine dining in there manna stassi's best pork and beans you'll ever eat in your life I guarantee it and it's pretty simple this brings back a lot of memories hearing them old-timers talk around the table about ain't Sue's beans and the hard times they had and picking cotton gathering cows down there on the river this is what you can do with New Year's coming up and you got a big crew coming into the house put you some of this on you can feed them folks and they'll pardon me for saying it but they'll have gas to get through the New Year own it'll be just as good I promise you I tip my hat to all our servicemen and women and all our veterans who are serving this country and to all the spouses and all the families that are separated especially during this holiday time my heart goes out to y'all and God bless you to the rest of you folks hey I hope you enjoyed it cuz we sure did and guess what I'm gonna see you down the real pork and bean trail you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 662,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pork and beans, pork and beans recipe, pork recipe, pork roast recipe, pork roast recipe oven, pork and beans recipe easy, beans, bean rece, bean recipes tasty, how to make beans, how to make beans in a pot, pork, how to boil beans, pork and beans (food), outdoor cooking, dutch oven, dutch oven cooking, dutch oven recipes, cast iron cooking, cast iron recipes, cowboy cooking, cowboy rec, cowboy recipes, cowboy beans, cowboy beans dutch oven, kent rollins beans
Id: hOgvfJe7PwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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