Beef Goulash | How to Make American Goulash

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Kent is awesome. Iโ€™ve been a sub for a couple of years now. I only own and cook out of cast iron, so I found his channel after searching for how to clean/season the pans

His personality adds to the otherwise somewhat boring topic.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 11 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/triplec76 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 07 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Don't be like Al who drove in the hail storm. He was Aldente.

Loved that.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/IronboundElk ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 07 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

nothing like some good ol smoked papareeka

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/en0rt ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 07 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Man Red Dead Redemption on PC looks insane....

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/FutrGroupMarketing ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 07 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This is great. Such a charming character. And just my kind of dish. I will make this some time soon.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/therein ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 07 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Question to all you folk who know their cooking...

On every recipe on YouTube / various websites they always use 20/80 mince and the never seem to drain off any excess fat off. Granted in this video they do mention that if there is fat you "can drain it off" but he has already put other items (onion) in to absorb it all up.

I have always used 5/95 mince and even then I have always drained the excess fat off once the mince has cooked.

Should I be leaving all that fat in for flavour?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/IAmABritishGuy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 07 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hi followers opponents and the weather is cooling off we got a dish that's gonna warm your heart and your soul and take you down memory lane what is it cowboy goulash hey thank y'all for stopping by under the barn my name is cowboy Kent Rollins and what are we talking about doing some cowboy cooking welcome to another episode what do we do here we take the food from our fire comfort food classic food and transfer it right in there to your kitchen oh it's got to do is jump through the TV or off the computer screen and if you're a new viewer hey we want to treat you all like family because we are one great big family here so go ahead up or hit the dingy don't bail and hit that subscribe button cuz we don't want you to miss out on anything we've got going on and I know y'all are excited to see this as we are but I don't think you're as excited as the big in the Duke because they are super excited here on a great warm day outside they are just sunning now we're talking about this goulash it originated in Hungary Hungarian style of cooking now back in the 9th century these Shepherds would take this and they would stew it down make more like a beef stew but today when people make it Hungarian style they use like a Chuck eye steak something like that you go ahead and cube it like you would have stew meat and then you cook that down with a good rich broth and then you would pour it over the noodles but the American style hey and this stuff was probably served at more grade school cafeterias in any place ever know anything my mother always fixed it it too she not only called it goulash she'd call it slim villian and that's another title for it back in the old days because they would just take meat add a little that macaroni to it and you can make a meal that would stretch it out and go further so well let's get started on this goulash and we're going to start with what 2 pounds of ground beef now I like to use 80/20 and we got us a 12-inch Dutch oven over here preheat and getting a little hot because I want to pour that stuff in there and let that sizzle in action to begin this is 2 pounds and we're just going to crumble it up there in this Dutch oven get it to browning make sure you got it chunked up well once that goes to browning just a little and you can see it is reached that point I have one large yellow onion and I'm talking Lawrence diced up because I need some onions to get down in there with that ground beef and get us some good caramelizing going on when we Brown the onions up really well so we're gonna add about a Titus smoked paprika now I didn't know this till I got to looking but face all kinds of smoked paprika there is the Hungarian style there is the Spanish style and I have what the style they had at our store so I don't know what brand that is about one and a half tablespoons of Red River Ranch original what is this Billie Blair would say you ain't got none of this I'll tell you where you can get some one and a half tablespoon now let's go ahead and give that a stir so we can get that to incorporate now we're gonna take three garlic cloves I don't want none of your little bitty ones ha I want three big pumpkin garlic cloves and that's what these are minced and that means mint Strutter so we're just going to continue to get all that incorporated whale and stir it up good till that meet this thing gets good and brown and place up a lot of flavor coming out of there and be looking some of that delicious it is well we don't got to meet browned up we have and there's no grease or fat to drain off this so if you was to have to have something that you can tilt this over to one side get your spoon spoon that out of there but hey we are in good shape good to go things are ready so let's go to add the rest of this stuff to it what do we got here stewed tomatoes a whole can now you can see as them come out of there they in pretty big pieces I like to go ahead and just sort of chop them up here a little because they will get softer and do that so after that tomato paste and make sure you get it all in there this is going to give it some really good flavor and a little thickness to go with it a can of Rotel now what that is is green chilies a little bit of onion and some tomatoes all chopped up in there real fine go ahead and dump that in there we're gonna add a cup of water oh I'm sorry folks that's a half a cup how to cook because it is a cup of chicken broth some soy sauce about two tablespoons my mother used to use Wurster shower on occasion we got to put in some soy sauce in it that's why we don't really salt you pepper this now because this is going to have some sodium in it so we'll salt and pepper to taste later give that a stir I need you to put in two bay leaves either one of them cans of hatch green chilies that is diced or this fresh roasted one that we had here and diced it up ourself we're gonna let it come back to a little bit of a bowl turn it down to a simmer cover it and let it cook for about 20 minutes so we can blend all the flavors together you know we fixed a lot of dishes on wrenches but probably goulash was probably one of the first meals always cooked for a new meal after we got started hey y'all are always asking what would you pair this with well I would have maybe fixed some of them or oven roasted potatoes that we have and we have a video for them channel have your link but something that it goes really well with mmm some add hot water cornbread just pour it right on top of there I probably fix this more in the fall on some of them old remote camps that whiz in especially down there in the Pelletier Canyon when it would be maybe blowing a little snow in down there and I knew them boys had been out there a shiver and a horse back so I think you know I need to mend them fellers up at noon so I'd fix this goulash I maybe spice it up even a little more or three or four extra Hal opinions to give them some heat but them Cowboys he come in there take the lid off that old pot and dip down in there smother just over great big pieces a big old cornbread and then just wring their soul and warm their heart I could always tell because they went back for more than one plate now this is really classic chuck wagon cooking right here when I was on the ranch because when I'm out there three to five weeks long means me and Shannon we can't be taking a lot of stuff that we have to refrigerate sure in a fall in the winter you may not need it but we're always taking a lot of canned goods but my mother taught me so many years ago how to transplant them canned goods into tasting just like this fresh but folks that's why we really come out to with our first cookbook a taste of cowboy because it was about how we cooked on the wagon how we could take them canned goods and transform them into something else well you didn't ever think there's canned again now if you missed it on our last episode which was what somebody raised the hand out there in the back yep you in the back row it was on the pork belly smoked pork belly it was good but we had really big exciting news what was it our new cookbook is gonna come out March 17th but you can pre-order that book right now this cookbook is all about some really fresh stuff out of the garden a whole lot more grilling chance great pictures and my story's all blended together we've been on about 20 minutes we have and we started once in between they're just keep it on a low simmer we then measured us out what two cupfuls of them large elbow macaroni x' so let's just dump them in there get it stirred up we're gonna cook this for about another 15 to 20 minutes until everything gets tender now you don't want to overcook this and get it mushy and you don't want to be like Al who drove through the hailstorm what happened it was al dente we want it to be just right so we're gonna cover it again and that is hot let me tell you for sure let her go about 10 give it one more stir cover it back up and we'll check it about 15 minutes and see where we're at [Music] it's a happy meal and it didn't come in a sack while I'm thinking about it let me go ahead and get this bay leaf that is surfaced right up here to top and get him out of there so let's dip us some of this out of there and let it cool a bit and you can see we cooked it out towards just right I didn't want a whole lot of juice and broth to be left in there so whoo and that little bowl is hot so we're just gonna set it right here so what we're letting is cool let's talk about this cast iron now we had this at a simmer and I'll be hearing folks telling me all the time you're not supposed to cook exceeding food in cast iron and tomatoes they got some acid in them they do and when it's sitting there simmering sure it could eat on your cast iron this is a well seasoned piece of cast iron I don't recommend you do this in a piece of iron that you've owned three weeks or four weeks you got us build this seasoning up that's why you clean it well every time you get it good and dry and then you re season every trip not once a week not twice a week every time you use that skillet or that Dutch oven Yury season because then you're building that shield up that's seasoning up that you're not gonna eat away at it but make sure when you get to cooking something like this whether it be tomato based fruit based barbecue sauce something like that you clean that really well with good hot water you dry it well Yury season it every trip about hey we got some great things coming up you know won't be long till it's Christmas we're gonna try to help you out with a bunch of great gift ideas but also we got some new products that's coming out so you want to be sure you keep up with us because we've got some great things we're bringing your weight I think this is cooled off enough and we might can stir this up here and have us a bite now first I want to tell you about their little macaronis if you can see them they're not mushy but they hold their shape really well cooked just wrap they are I'm going to tell you that transforms me back to my childhood to so many days in my mother's kitchen when she had put this on the table but also in the middle of them old desolate camps when I was cooking for cowboys on ranches just to see the smile on their face when they got a plate of this when you get the seasonings that are all blended well together you don't think about this being a camp product of any kind that we used in here the smoked paprika the Red River Ranch original the big honking garlic cloves mm-hmm he just sort of sets the stage for all this to come together now I didn't have to salt and pepper this any at the end it is what I would call just right to eat but hey Susan Susan well who is Susan Shan season to your I do not got that out that's pretty hard for me I'm gonna have one more bite it's gonna make you break down and do what their been did and macaroni elbow dance and then you might be fleet of foot jump back up yeah elbows might be like this for the rest of your life just as always folks I tip my hat to all our servicemen and women and veterans who have kept that old flag flying wherever me and Shannon we're gonna have Old Glory waving somewhere you don't have to look for it we'll make sure you see it we want to thank you all for the great service that you're doing to keep our country free and safe be sure that you share like and subscribe because I don't want you to missing nothing and don't forget what Faith Family and the Feast it's all about bringing family together eight and good classic food and having a good time the Lord has blessed us so let's share it with everybody let's do I hope y'all enjoyed this and from our hearts to your hearts god bless you one and all and I'll see you down the goulash trail
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 1,278,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: goulash, goulash recipe, goulash soup, american goulash, soup recipe, beef goulash, hamburger helper, hamburger recipe, cheap meals, ground beef recipes, easy meals, easy meals for kids, outdoor cooking, cowboy cooking, cowboy recipes, macaroni, macaroni soup, comfort food, hamburger stew, dutch oven cooking, dutch oven stew, dutch oven soup, dutch oven recipes, stew recipe, how to make goulash, camp cooking, camping recipes, camping cooking, easy camping meals, beef
Id: C4O76oeToN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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