Fried Meat Pies

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in this week's episode what is it crispy meat fried with that good crust mmm so good so juicy you better come on because it is getting ready to go hey thank y'all for stopping by the barn on a hot day in August feel like temperature today 117 it'll make anybody perspire I don't care if you're a polar bear living in Alaska when it's that hot you gonna sweat we thank you all for stopping by today and you new years oh you're new come on in here let me give you a hug welcome you all to our good little community here be sure and you hit the dinghy down belt and a subscribe button because we don't want you to miss out now in today's episode it is time to turn back the old vinyl records way back to the classic dish it is meat miners pies what do y'all call them in Nevada shann pasties and if you'll stick around I'll tell you my story about how I come to be Who I am today due to the meat pies people have been wondering where do you come up with all these recipes well today is your lucky day Vanna White would say three-tails this recipe is in our cookbook I taste a cowboy why y'all wasn't here or watching I did me a little prep work I took that old Griswold skillet but got it pretty good and warm I did and throwed me in a one pound of 80/20 certified and just beef ground meat there and let it get started now as it was sitting there doing its thing I took me some cumin some oregano some smoked paprika and some chili powder and mixed it all in there get some of that seasoning to where it is loving on each other while it's over there loving on each other I took me some cabbage right out of the garden I had me one Anaheim pepper and one jalapeno pepper and I laid them out here on this board with a half of onion and I commenced with my handy-dandy hash knife now folks I'm going to show you how we like to use that and I like to start with a rolling method first then you come back chop one way come back and chop the other way and it will get it done this is a fine tool to help get all them veggies put them over in there let thing get to going in loving and when they get tinder don't think we're through yet because we're going to break out that sauce that gives me trouble in a spelling me every time I hear the word somebody says for five hundred dollars can't please spell Worcestershire Shire ain't going to happen it's the W sauce that works wonders and we're going to put about two tablespoons in there after we turn the heat off stir it around and then we're gonna set it aside and just let it get to cooling we're gonna make us some dough to put that meat filling in so let's get after it don't - that's what are we gonna start with who about a cup no I think it's two and a half we're gonna use two and a half cups of all-purpose flour to that we are going to add a teaspoon of salt and I see a lot of them do this on I don't know what it's for but we're gonna go ahead and do it today they just don't know they'd be through well I don't spend some while ago so there we go that'll make sure that I have good luck when I spill it again here after a while teaspoon of baking powder and get you a stick of chilled butter go ahead and just chop it in little chunkies don't chop your finger in there with it put them in here and we're gonna take one of them Crum cutter pastry masher deals whatever you want to call it and we're gonna cut this into that flour until it sort of gets a cracker crumb consistency so bear with me it will take a minute well we have got most of that there butter cut in there and traditionally this was probably done with lard but I'll be liking me some butter in my pie crust and to give them bigger chunks all mashed up in there I like to do that I want to put my hands on it method just roll it around there you can see things are getting nearly as fine a sifting flour again one cup of just regular old tap water see that pouring technique gin and we're gonna fold it Dukey with a spoon to just roll it around here and try to get things a little incorporated then we will get our hands upon it so we got it to a point to where it looks a little wet it does so what are we gonna do we're gonna add us some more flour because you can always add a little to it but when it's too dry who folks is near a catastrophe so we're gonna get her in here put a little up on your palms of your hands let's get to working that go around a little till we can get it off the bottom of that little bowl and you get to meeting a little I got a question for you it's a quiz it's like a pop quiz who wants to be first in the audience to raise your hand you in the third row second from the right he left he's camera shy he's camera shy now when you're making biscuits a lot of times I don't need know but when you're making a pie dough or like a loaf of bread you be really be needing to need it so make sure your surface is floured well wherever it may be put her out here mash her down one more time you can see we got a little sticky still left there so we're gonna put a little flour on him put a little more on the hands and let's work him a little more I bet y'all wondered the scenery changed it did the wagon is here and we in the barn it was time for the wagon to have some tender loving care you can't just pull up to the Jiffy Lube and say hey could y'all give it a good going-over because I've got never seen one sure it's a Studebaker what was once an automotive company too but we brought her in here sanded them wheels down just went back with a natural wood color tone little bold linseed oil Oh Studebakers looking mighty fine you can see the dough ain't got no sticky left to it huh y'all ever play that deal Shanon hot potato hot potato who gonna catch you hot potato hot potato who gonna catch you know let's get you a rolling pin what did we call him from last week's episode you in the third row next to the right close to the back by the exit door yep a husband trainer that's why he left again we're gonna roll her out to about an eighth of an inch thick maybe 3/16 maybe 5/32 Oh pull it on in here sham we got a problem look here we can't have that so get your elasticity back in here we've got little too thin in the middle right what if we got a little flowerpot measures 5 inches across here it does so we're just going to put them on there go around here till we get some of them cut out and we'll pull the dough back together and we'll make us some blow y'all know that being Shannan big in a Duke love you and we won't be looking down upon you do you want to go down there to the store when nobody's looking and grab one of them Pillsbury pie crust out of there and throw it in your basket and take it home that's ok we won't tell nobody so all we're going to do is place about two tablespoons right dead center in the middle tablespoon and a half don't overload the boat the lid won't shut we're just gonna make nine today it'll make about 12 to 15 depending on how big a circle you actually make and in your meet proportion ratio to that let's get these Rascals folded over so we can get them sealed up and you can crimp them any way you want to Shaanxi really loves this method right here I mean it just touches her heart and soul it does to put the clambake on them me not so much my method is how does it he is in the barn we're gonna give them a little egg wash right here to make sure they seal and then we're gonna crimp them with a fork take your handy dandy little Ford and paint that artistic now these can be baked but I really like them fried but you do whatever you want to we've got our little fine eggs out today we do running about two inches worth of oil in there what kind of oily do you say it ain't pens or nor drop our dick no it's not it is a good peanut oil today make sure that your fry will use are using will reach that temperature of 350 to 375 before it ever begins to smoke so let's load them up in the transferring vessel go ahead you chunk them in here and you can see there is that frying sound has commenced lay them down in there gently and I like to do about three at a time like I say takes about two minutes aside you're gonna have to flip them over if you can roll them around a little bit be careful not to damage the vessel and get them good and crispy mm-hmm may be fine [Music] they have all been fried up golden crispy brown just right they are let them cool put them on a wire rack put them on a paper towel paper sack whatever you got let's go ahead and just bust one of these in half so we can see what's in there what I'm talking about and look at that flaky little crust right there now I remember when I was in the second grade in school was hard for me folks I was not a gifted and talented student I was one of them that challenged and didn't like to read but I would struggle so much that my mother and the teacher would bribe me and they'd say you know if you do good this week I bet your mama take you up there that ol Dairy Queen see miss old on and get a treat but I made us see one time on a spelling test I so proud I was and mama took me up and she said you can have an ice-cream or you can have a meat pie and this old old sweet lady she was come to the window and she said yes ma'am joy hey what can I get for you she said he made a passing grade let's get him a meat pie well if she hadn't went out of business I'd probably been a brain surgeon like Jethro Clampett or something as many meat pies as I like to eat from that woman down there they were so good yeah some wrong thing he proud of my kid we all had it y'all had a different grading scale it is time to reap the benefits of your labor folks the flakiness of this pie crust is so good in its own but that good ground beef when you seasoned it with all them good seasonings a cumin oregano smoked pepper Rican a little chili powder and then add that onion and then peppers in there [Music] took me all the way back to the second grade it did with the meat-pie shuffle say big sorry buddy Duke is quitters cuz it's hot but you always work you're still on the job they're a little pie crust there brother I need you to let me know and I need some tail wagons he's he gonna get a tail wagon huh there we go not meaning he says it's hot they had tail wagon ain't doing too good today well folks we hope you learned something as you drop by the barn today because we did and that was to open our heart and open our kitchen to y'all and that's what we try to do as always I tip my hat to all our servicemen and women and veterans who have kept that flag flying above that wagon no matter where we're at we don't forget you nor will we ever and we thank you wherever you may be stationed in the States or abroad and we also we got a special shout-out this week to Daddy Jack I had a lot of folks say they come on guard channeled due to daddy Jack we all check him out this man's up here in Connecticut he does a lot of fun cooking stuff you'll really like his channel remember what I always tell you when they say something about food is here people will show up y'all remember my grandson from the breakfast burrito challenge you like a meat pie Kade he's been down there to sell bar nowaday you look a little nasty and hot go ahead on taking you back buddy I think it's fit to eat where you think it ain't got no spam in it but there's a lot of hidden vegetables no me oh my gosh they're gonna be good for you we hope you learned something today and remember you can find the hash knife and the cookbook right there Shannon have your link down there god bless you each and every one hope you have a great day above the grass see you down the iPass the second grade well I'm just gonna tell you hmm it is hot you don't have to have the weather to figure that out we got a clue for you I'll tell you how hot it is chef's had to put the camera in the icebox in between takes I want to show you what's happening you got it in there day
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 427,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meat pie, fried pie, fried meat pie, how to make fried pies, meat pie dough, miner pie, miner's pie, pasties recipes, pasties how to, baked meat pie, fried pie dough, meat pie fillig, cowboy cooking, cowboy recipes, outdoor cooking, cast iron cooking, dutch oven recipes, beef pie, camping recipes, camping cooking, outdoor kitchen, beef, food, pie, pie meat filling recipes, frying in a dutch oven, super bowl recipe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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