Old Fashioned Biscuits and Gravy

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You just gotta love him

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/4ngeldust 📅︎︎ Feb 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love watching your videos. I wish I lived in an area where I could cook like this. (Someday)

I'm mostly limited to a Dutch oven on the grills around here. You have to love NE Ohio.

Looking forward to seeing you at lehmans . I'm hoping that I can get your new Cookbook when I'm there, and maybe a selfie with you. That would go on my wall for sure.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BigPapaMark 📅︎︎ Mar 01 2020 🗫︎ replies
oh my Jiminy Cricket goodness thank y'all for dropping by under the barn guess what we are making up some old-fashioned classic buttery flaky biscuits hey they so easy they ain't even got a rise none at all you just slip them in the oven but don't think that's all we're gonna top them off with some homemade white gravy and some sausage all mixed in there lather it right over the top come on I'll save you a biscuit now meet you in the count [Music] hey welcome to another episode of cowboy cooking and what are we talking about today mmm homemade buttery biscuits but folks be sure you stick around to the end of this because we have got some great news we're gonna give you a little preview of what our brand new cookbook we've got some advanced copies and I want y'all to see it so be sure and stick around but also if you're a new viewer hey don't get left out in the cold cuz it's pretty cold today be sure you hit that subscribe button because we don't want you to miss out on any of these great episodes pardon me folks but I'm gonna have to put this apron on I am a little cold but hey I'd like to thank the good folks at Ariat they have supplied us with some fine stuff and I do love this best channel have you a link there to where you can go to the right page and it'll show you all of my favorites everything that I'm wearing and what I like and this is sort of like saran wrap putting an apron on in the wind y'all pardon me but it is a little cold out here it is before we start making these biscuits I want you to know use good flier folks I mean it is a staple you have to have it and I've got to wear I really love me some King Arthur Flour you can find it in a lot of stores but we're gonna start with three cups of all-purpose flour if we can get it in there for the wind blowing that is a two cup measure so we'll make that two and we're gonna try to get on the money here and have three so there is three cups of flour now we're gonna take the sugar which is in the car which is not here the car is over yonder as a long commute to the store wouldn't whoa as Justin Wilson would say now we're going to take three tablespoons sugar a half a teaspoon of salt heaping teaspoon of baking powder this your magical elixir what is it called cream of tartar which is going to give you sort of like a double rise method because folks win having to let these rise remember I told you these was so easy so this cream of tartar do not leave it out you got to have some of it make sure you mix all them dry ingredients well but the secret to these biscuits more than anything else what is it shin everybody's favor yes love but you in the third row by the fresh cow patty yeah oh he moved he is so bashful I tell you butter yes it is folks it is the premium estes thing you can put in there now folks it needs to be chilled this can't be soft and i don't want you to just crumb it up in there i want you to just slice it in there and we're going to use a stick and a half which is about 3/4 of a cup and when we go to mix in this we are not just gonna just tear this butter plum up to where you can't find it that's the secret to these good buttery flavored flaky biscuits it's to leave that butter in big enough pieces you can sort of see it and it melts throughout that biscuit while it is cooking and you need to get you one of them pie crumb cutter deals and we got one somewhere we just don't know hurts that we got one Oh coming their culinary had it I don't know what he's got there but folks if you ain't got one of these and my mother taught me to make them too with just a fork but this is a whole lot easier just remember what I'm telling you we ain't mashing that butter all away I want to leave it in flaky pieces to where they melt in there and mmm that's what makes a biscuit good now folks you can see as we quit messin with that this isn't like a pie crust consistency to where it's more cracker crumb I want to be able to see them little bits of butter all mixed up in through there cuz that's what's gonna make things so delicious folks it is me cause I want to take one capital berry I sure do because I like to whip it just a tad not much I just want to see it separate there a little and get a little more on the liquefied stage and that is there we're gonna use a cup and 1/4 of buttermilk now say you're looking in your icebox just right now you are and you're thinking I'm gonna make this recipe but I ain't got no buttermilk scientific knowledge has proven the fact that if you hold your foot up like this and you go over to the drawer and you find some lemon juice you can make your own buttermilk it is very simple or vinegar that is right so 1 and 1/4 cups of buttermilk just go ahead and put our egg in there and let's just sort of go to folding this over and over okay you can see that is powerful wet that is a good place to start because folks we don't want this to be so dry when we're starting here that we're trying to incorporate that liquid back into it it don't work well so let me get a little flyer on the hands and we're going to add a little flyer in there and I just want you to go to mashing you can see that is still wet enough to stick together but it ain't sticking to my hands so much so let's discard that apparatus and let's put some of that flour on here at this point in time we're gonna need it for just a little bit so just keep rolling it over mashing that butter all up in that dough because we don't see nobody left out and you can see that good yellow color that it's got in there from that egg and that butter said I sort of just jumps out there at you in the evening fading light so when you get it to that point to where you've kneaded it for about me oh I'd say a minute just get her rolled over here in about that shape right there and wha-la we have created a homemade biscuit nearly with your hands you can pat that out too worried about it oh I'd say a half inch thick or you can take a rolling pin whatever you want let's just get it to about that thickness and folks when you be looking in here right now when Shannon comes in here see all that butter this is what I'm talking about making things so good so flaky and I'm ready to eat me some biscuits what about you big we but folks guess what today we ain't got no biscuit cutter because can't run off left it that's why but never let something like that fool you in a pickup truck they was a empty can of Kleber girl now be careful when you do this but I want you just to cut that bottom out of it and don't be thinking this was a really good knife to start with this was something I also had in a pickup so we gonna just cut this out of there now you remember that leftover butter that we might have had let's just take that butter because this was sort of warming over by the coals and let's give it a good greasy take your biscuit cutter pull them out of there there you go voila we have a biscuit so when you get to this point and you don't cut them first biscuits out of there bring this back together and just mash it up here to where we can start I don't want you rolling it around there and going to kneading and all this stuff because guess what an overworked biscuit is a dry biscuit and we don't want our biscuits to be overworked now this will usually make about I'd say 12 to 15 biscuits that's what we're shooting for today Dickie you like a biscuit hey do y'all need a little little dough okay well we got her fired up we did now I have a pretty tight layer of coals around at all trivet really heavy on top because we can keep an eye on that cooking biscuits sometimes in a Dutch oven can be a little intimidating especially in about a 20 mile an hour breeze which we have today so we may have to rake these coals back or add a little more tool you can always add heat to it to cook it but when it's burnt you can't take that away so be sure you manage your fire well also one thing I want to tell you - but having a lot of questions keep that fire source going because you can't just make them coals automatically so make sure you have twice as many as you need we'll rotate the lid one way in a minute the bottom the other to try to even out any hot spot if we have more on one side or the other [Music] Oh fail hi Shan thank you for coming own in here if y'all didn't know this was the shipping warehouse headquarters for what bridge River Ranch it is and guess what a lot of orders go out of here we are so glad that y'all or order them cuz I need to make some room in here I do but guess what this is surprise if you've seen it look here advanced copies of what faith family and the feast I want y'all to look in here at these pictures look at this Shan is a great photographer and look at Old Glory waving there in the breeze as we pray for our little blessings to bless that meal but guess who guess who made the next page look it is they jump out look at that out there on the Bale ranch and what does that say my people will live in peaceful dwelling places in secure homes in undisturbed places of rest Isaiah 32 18 well there's a there's a lot of recipes as y'all know and a lot of great pictures and stories but there's a lot of faith based in Scripture that Shannon is matched up with some glorious pictures because hey this is all due to God's creation anyway and she does a great job taking pictures let's just turn the page boom look through here green onion and scalloped potatoes Shannon got real brief this time she did and she went all out and she went to the holy grail of all desserts nanner pudding and look at the way she's got that it's actually just sitting on the concrete and I put some burlap down and it is good eating - but folks it's it's got so many great pictures in it and we're so blessed to have it and we can't wait till March 17th when the book Faith Family and the feast comes to your living room it'll be a great day at will thank y'all and hey keep order and I'll keep a packaging well you see me take that heat off the top when I look down there all them biscuits was even brown all the way around so we got rid of that heat replaced the lid back on there you see me take my hand and getting pretty close to them coals and I could hold it a long time wasn't a whole lot of heat left in them little old coals so we added some more right across there just to get them a whole away around to get that extra added heat to crisp up that bottom just a little bit more and remember folks that little fork right here it will save your life you can take it reach over pull them sidewalls back a little you can see if there's any browning up the side so always have a fork with you well and mobile biscuits is done sitting right there staying warm by Christine it is a done deal but if you're gonna have biscuits what do we got we got to have us some gravy we're gonna put some sausage in that today you see me cooking it brown it up or crumble it up really good well you know folks making gravy I was never told there was ever a recipe it was just grease it was flour it was milk cream whatever you got and you just make it til it's the right consistency gets too thick thin it down with some milk or water again but y'all are in luck today we're gonna flash you up a little recipe up third way you can make gravy just like I do every time I have put me some bacon grease in here because I saved it we're gonna let it get hot I have some of that good King Arthur Flour in here and you can see as it starts to bubble along there with some sausage crumbs that might have been left in there we're just gonna go sifting a little flour in there but really important to you need to have it this time it's a spatula that's got seeing-eye holes through it because folks this is the best way to keep them lumps out of that gravy but I like to let that rule cook a little so we're going to add a little more flour make sure you stir it up again and you can see the thickness now starting to take place a little as we run it back around through there so we aren't getting close when you get ready to add the milk folks have the stirring apparatus on hand so I'm just going to pour a little in here at a time go to stir in as soon as it hits it because I do not want no lumps clumps or abrasions to come back in this gravy but you can see it is beginning to thicken right there on its own so when you get into this point hey let's add a little more milk because I want enough gravy to go around for all in biscuits and we're going to introduce it to some more hog meat which is a half a pound a good sausage dump it right in there give it a good stir in and we can still thin it folks even though it's like this so don't thinking you can't because you can so we're gonna thin this a little more like I say that pork has got some salt in it so we probably won't have to salt any if you want some black pepper in there be sure and shake it on there cuz it's what I'd call it done deal oh can you see all that goodness I can this what I call a complete meal yeah you got gravy you got biscuits and you got me this is such a simple pleasure that you can create and these are old timey old-fashioned biscuits that have been so good and the being says folks y'all got time because he has been an official biscuit checker for years you can just smell that goodness of that but can you try these for me is it pretty good so you're gonna say it can you wait no you got to wait for it don't even think you can have it because you're gonna wait for it okay good boy I've cooked this on ranches so many times for breakfast and hey I love to have breakfast at lunch where it's suppertime don't make me no difference but I'm fixing to reap the benefits of what I have sold here praise the Lord pass the biscuits and Lord why you got them there would you smooth some of that gravy over the top of mine cos they're so good I'm going to the table every day for some of that eating folks you just get that old time and flavor of that biscuit but folks when you can't add that all up with some good gravy with that bacon grease throw that sausage back in there it's a happy meal it didn't come in a socket come on the plate and it is fine as always folks we hope you enjoyed cuz we sure did and I tip my hat to all our servicemen and women and all the veterans who have kept that old flag flying above Camp god bless y'all now folks for the rest of you look turn up we're going to be at a lot of cities it'll pop up there you'll see it we'd love to see you each is everyone there but I have a special shout out this week y'all remember when we was looking for help to help Shan edit these videos so she didn't have to look at me quite as long as she wanted to when we found him Andy we appreciate you my friend you have done such a great job by taking this up another level and give them a shout out down there and one name atta boy pat you on the back see if you would because Andy is part of our family now and we appreciate you each and every one watching these videos we don't ever take it for granted that you do and hey be sure and share like and subscribe them every one of them because we need your help in this water I'll see you they're buttery biscuit homemade gravy and saucy training does this apron over a vest make me look fashion where y'all headed the biscuits is about ready fix my first button [Music] you
Channel: Cowboy Kent Rollins
Views: 1,923,981
Rating: 4.9591694 out of 5
Keywords: biscuits and gravy, biscuit recipe, buttermilk biscuits, buttermilk biscuits recipe, homemade biscuits and gravy, homemade biscuits from scratch, gravy recipe, sausage gravy and biscuits recipe, sausage gravy recipe, dutch oven bread, dutch oven biscuits and gravy, dutch oven biscuits, dutch oven recipes, outdoor cooking videos, outdoor cooking, kent rollins biscuits and gravy, old fashioned biscuits, how to make biscuits and gravy, biscuits and gravy recipe, at home cooking
Id: _GN1lh9q5WE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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