S O S - Hamburger Gravy - Feed 12 People With 1lb. Ground Beef - The Hillbilly Kitchen

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howdy folks and welcome to the hillbilly kitchen today we're making sos [Music] there are actually two versions of sos this is an old military dish um best i can figure it was created by a military cook years and years years ago there's the army version which is made with ground beef and that's what we're making today and there's another version made with chip beef and i did this video years and years years ago it's one of our old ones that has the whistle all through it and the bad color the bad sound so i thought it was time to redo it because this is a really budget friendly recipe and with the way the price of groceries is just going through the roof a lot of folks are struggling to feed their families and this is a good recipe it's a basic recipe and it's a quick recipe so you can really stretch that pound of ground beef and feed a lot of people if you need to or you can make it you know and feed just a few people but anyway it's a good budget recipe i raised my kids on this stuff and because it's so inexpensive and so fast and easy when they were in school on weeknights this was like a weekly dish because you know when you get home late and you can get dinner on the table in 15-20 minutes that's what you need anyway it has just a few ingredients because it is a basic dish you need a pound of ground beef and you need some seasoning i just use salt pepper and onion powder and that is to taste now i said i did this video a long time ago and i had a lot of comments a lot of comments and i had um a retired army cook who said that he made this for 30 years while he was in the military and he said the only thing that they did different was that they would add beef bouillon to it and if you are on a budget and you're trying to really stretch your food and stretch your dollars this is one of the things that your grandma and your mom had in her cabinet to help her do that whether you use the cubes or the powder it doesn't matter get you some of that and keep it in your pantry because you can really stretch your food with it you can use just a pound of meat and whatever you're cooking and then add bouillon to it to get extra flavor with a pound of meat i don't feel like it's necessary if you're only doing two cups of gravy and that's what i'm doing and for the gravy you need two cups of milk and a quarter of a cup of flour now if you're doing more or you're doing less you want two tablespoons of flour per cup of milk and if you're on a budget again you can substitute part of the milk for water if you need to and you can use any milk in this you can use canned milk you can use powdered milk because it's not really going to change the taste and i would say probably lots of times when they make it for the military they make it using powdered milk and the only other thing you need is you need some toast because you serve this over toast so let's get our hamburger cooking now you can use any grate of ground beef in this you can use super lean stuff or you can use the 70 30 regular ground beef buy whatever's on sale i have ground chuck today and like i said with two cups of gravy the pound of meat is going to give you plenty of beef flavor you're not really going to need to add the bouillon but if you want to add a teaspoon add a teaspoon or even two if you're adding the boy on you want to do about a teaspoon per cup of liquid and like i said if you need to stretch this you can do four cups of gravy with your pound of ground beef a pound will feed at least six people because when my kids were growing up i always made a pound and there was six of us and if they had friends over i'd add extra gravy i would just use extra milk and make more gravy and feed the rest of them you want anywhere from a third to a half a cup of gravy per person if you know if they're really hungry make sure you've got at least a half a cup per person because you can just make more toast if you have more gravy the spices really are all to taste i probably use close to a tablespoon of onion powder in mine and i put some in the meat when i'm cooking it and then i'll add some more when i make the gravy so that i've got that onion flavor in my gravy too and i do the same thing with my salt and my pepper i put a little in when i'm cooking my meat and then i add a little more when i'm making my gravy and i like this dish kind of peppery um if you don't don't put so much pepper in it and also if you want other spices in it you can put other spices in it because like i said this is a really really basic dish you can add just about any flavor in it you want to you could certainly cut up fresh onions and put in here if you want to just dice up maybe a medium onion and put it in here i use onion powder because that's what i use when my kids were growing up and i used it when my kids were growing up because it was one of those meals that i could get on the table really fast and that extra few minutes it took to chop an onion i didn't always have it but if you've got fresh onion and you want to use it use it by all means and like i said you know about a medium onion's what you need in this but it's to taste so you can use as much onion as you want now for this dish because we're going to be making gravy out of this and we're going to be serving it over toast you do want to bust the ground beef up pretty fine when you're cooking it and as you cook it you know just stir it and keep busting it up the big lumps just don't give you the consistency that well they don't give me the consistency i want i guess if you want big chunks that's up to you too but we like it better if it's busted up pretty fine and because it's one of those dishes where you're trying to stretch the ground beef and make it feed more people if it's busted up better it will go farther i mean you can easily make four cups of gravy in here and nobody's going to notice that you've really stretched your meat and it's feeding more people with less ground beef so and it'll still satisfy everybody too i said i did this video years ago and it was one of the ones with the bad sound and we had the whistle through it and everything and also we had this crazy camera angle that was over there under the cabinet and it shot through into the living room and you could see the tv on the background and you could see the pantry that was here that i took out to put this in but there was always a western on the tv in the older videos and i would get more comments about the western on the tv than i did about the food i was cooking and melinda found this recently it's all the main actors the stars of bonanza which was an old western and it's autographed by all of them we don't know if it's real or not but she shared it with me and i thought i would share it with you because i thought it was really cool she just found it but if you remember my old videos you know we watch the old westerns all the time there's not much on tv nowadays worth watching anyway so we do the old stuff but i thought this was really cool and i thought it would i would share it with y'all and i also got some mail i got a letter from william and william lives right down the road in harrogate and he was asking about buying my cookbook locally right now the only place you can buy is on amazon i don't have any other sites set up to sell it and i don't even have anybody local that sells it i have been for six months planning on going to talk to the local tourism people and get on the list to do local festivals and stuff at least a couple times a year and i haven't even managed to find time to go talk to them so that maybe you know in the near future i'll go talk to them and maybe do some of the local festivals and you can buy that way locally and if i get time i might go down to cumberland gap in the gift shops maybe and see if um a couple of the gift shops or a gift shop down there is interested in carrying it because it is something that a lot of local folks want but i haven't had time to do that yet i'm working on it and right now i'm sorry there is no word locally to buy it but thank you for your letter and your question i also got a letter from linda a very nice letter thank you linda and i did try to contact you um [Music] we are going to try to help with your request in this letter and you should be hearing from us again soon and thank you linda for your very nice letter and i'll be in touch with you i also had a gift when i checked the mail diane sent me a doe blender i'd mentioned in a video i don't know six months or so ago that i had a a doe blender and i broke it years ago so i always use a whisk when i'm cutting butter and stuff into my flour and she said she uses one just like this and she hopes i enjoy it is much sturdier than the one i broke and will probably last me the rest of my life so thank you diane that's very nice now as your ground beef cooks go ahead and continue to bust it up it's not quite as fine as i like it yet there's still some pretty good sized chunks in there i'm just using a really sturdy fork to cook this with i think this works better than any gadget i've ever had and a lot of folks think that you can't use metal in cast iron this fork is not going to hurt this cast iron that's one of the great things about cooking in cast iron is you can't scratch it you can't hurt the surface you're not going to chip it i could take this fork and grind it down to the end of the handle and it's not going to hurt my cast iron so you can use metal in it or anything else you want i wouldn't really recommend using plastic in it because it gets hotter and it will melt it but um you know you don't need to worry about scratching your cast iron you can use that fork and really bust your hamburger up into tiny pieces and it's going to be perfectly fine and the fork also works really good for stirring the gravy so i use it for the whole cooking process on stuff like this okay this looks pretty good here my hamburger is in pretty small pieces um this was ground chuck it was 80 20 and i want to talk just a little bit about the fat content in this the more fat you have in your ground beef the more filling your dish is going to be so if you want to feed like 12 people with a pound of ground beef and the gravy you might want to go with a 70 30 and leave all the fat in it fat has a lot of calories in it and it is very filling so the more fat the more filling the dish is gonna be fat also has a lot of flavor in it um i don't like my gravy really greasy and if you're cooking it especially if you're cooking it in an iron skillet but if you're cooking it in any skillet if you have more fat than you want especially you know if you're dieting or something and you don't want a ton of fat in your food you want to get some of it out it's very hard to drain ground beef that you have busted up into pieces this small you can use a paper towel and just take out some of the grease and it's easier to monitor how much grease you have removed with a paper towel than it is if you're trying to drain it and keep and not spill it um i mean this you would have a very hard time even draining it in a colander you could do it in one of the mesh colanders with the the wire screen you wouldn't want to do it in one of the old pasta colanders with the holes now you can see here this has almost no fat in it normally i have a lot more fat than this with ground chuck uh i'm not sure why there's not more in here maybe it was mislabeled i don't know but if you want to take some out you can just take your paper towel and soak it up until it gets to the point where you've removed enough grease and a lot of folks too think that you have to have a ton of grease to make gravy you do not you have to have two tablespoons of flour for every cup of liquid that's what you have to have a little bit of grease will go a long way so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to add my flour and even though it doesn't look like i have a lot of grease in here all of my hamburger is coated with grease and my flour is going to soak up all that grease now at this point you want to kind of stir it non-stop and i'm going to go ahead and add in a little more onion powder and if you add in your onion powder now it will cook and it will kind of give you the flavor of like sauteed onions more than a fresh onion flavor so if you want a fresh onion flavor wait and add your extra onion powder after you've added your milk if you want a sauteed onion flavor add it now if you're new to cooking gravies this is going to concern you as you cook that flour it's going to stick to the bottom of your pan you can see it coat in the bottom of my pan all and sticking to it and it looks like i'm going to have a mess that i'm never going to get cleaned up it's fine as soon as i add the milk all that's going to come off the bottom of the pan and that's what's going to give my gravy all of its flavor the brown flour the browned beef fat and the toasted onion powder and i do scrape the bottom of the skillet as i do this and you want to cook your flour for at least a minute maybe two or three minutes a lot of folks have commented and said that whenever they make uh gravy with flour it tastes like raw flour well you gotta cook it for a minute and you don't have to cook it long but you do have to cook it for a minute and it's going to cook a little bit more when you add your milk but you can't get this stuff here that's stuck on the bottom of the pan if you use cornstarch and thicken it i said a lot of folks won't put the flour in it because they say it tastes like flour well just cook it a little you can add cornstarch your milk and thicken it with corn starch especially if you have a gluten allergy you could do a tablespoon of corn starch per cup of liquid and you put it in the cold liquid and then you add it to the pan but that's not going to give you the brown stuff on the bottom of the pan okay now i'm going to add my milk all at once my flowers cook the planty and i'm just gonna keep stirring it until my gravy gets thick and i'm gonna scrape the bottom of the pan so that all that stuff that i burned on the bottom there or stuck to the bottom comes off and i am going to go ahead and i'm going to add some more salt and pepper and like i said this is just to taste so you'll have to taste yours um as well as it can cook it as it gets done it's not gonna taste like much until you let that gravy get a little bit thicker and i do like a little pepper in here about like that you can put your salt in your paper in when you put your flour in if you want to it won't change the flavor much because you're not cooking it that long but as you cook pepper and salt they both lose flavor so that's something kind of keep in mind i guess you have to use a little more pepper if you cook it longer and you have to use more salt if you took it longer [Music] i kind of go around the sides of my pan a little bit too as i let it cook so so much doesn't build up around the edge of the pan i don't know if you can hear this or not but as i was scraping this i wasn't hearing my fork on the bottom of the pan at all that's because it had all that flour and stuff stuck to the bottom now i can hear my fork against the bottom of my smooth pan when you make your gravy if it's too thin you just keep cooking it longer if it's too thick you can always add a little more milk and if you have leftovers you're going to want to add a little bit of milk to it when you reheat it to thin it back out because it gets thicker as it cools and any leftovers are going to turn into a paste that you could literally cut with a knife almost but you can add a little milk to them when you heat it up and it will turn right back into creamy gravy just like what we're making now so it does make good leftovers if you're new to cooking too i'm stirring this with the flat part of the fork like this i'm not stirring it like this and that's because that gets everything off the bottom if i stir it like this i just have a whole bunch of little bitty streaks in the bottom of my pan and i'll probably never get it cleaned off i'm starting to get a few little bubbles now and my gravy is starting to thicken and we're going to want to cut this off before it gets as thick as we want it i got some trails with my fork when i stir it now but i want it just a tiny tiny bit thicker if you like it thinner you're probably going to want to quit cooking it right here as soon as you get the first streaks with your fork you can see how it like pushes up as i'm stirring it and it's deeper on the side that i'm pulling it toward that starting to thicken and i'll get a nice trail in it and it's going to like i said get a lot thicker as it cools and i think i've got mine where i want it right there it's going to be about twice as thick by the time you get it served so you do want to quit before it gets super thick you can see there i've got a nice trail i can even stir it and you can almost see the bottom of the pan see you can see the bottom of the pan when i stir it with this spoon it's completely clean nice and shiny and black that's because all that stuff that's stuck on the bottom boils off in your gravy and that thickens it and adds all the flavor to it and that's what you want right there now if you've never had sos before you're obviously going to need some ideas for what in the world to serve this with because what do you eat hamburger gravy with well here's what we ate it with when the kids were little we would do scrambled eggs and hash browns and some kind of fruit for dinner a lot of times it was applesauce and you can use fresh fruit or canned fruit any kind of berry even strawberries or something would go good with this just an apple or a banana but this is a good use especially in the wintertime for your canned fruits when you don't have a lot of fresh stuff so a lot of times that was what we would have with it when brett and i have it we almost always have it with breakfast food the gravy and the toast just go good with hash browns and eggs so that's how we have it most of the time you can also do it just the sos with some fresh garden goodies some tomatoes and cucumbers and stuff it really is such a basic dish that you could serve it with a lot of different stuff and it's kind of up to you what you put with it i just wanted to give you some ideas because like i said if you've never had sos you're going to have a hard time deciding what to make with it but that's some ideas i said fresh fruit canned fruit frozen fruit anything like that fresh vegetables um i like it better with the the stuff like cucumbers and tomatoes than i do with like carrots and broccoli and stuff like that or even a salad just the plain vegetables and definitely it's good with breakfast stuff um you could even oh gosh i don't want fried apples definitely fried apples are good with this and i'll put a link to some of the videos where i did other stuff like this especially the fried apples because you got to try this with fried apples if you've never had them this is probably one of the easiest most budget-friendly dishes i made the whole time my kids were growing up because you can take a pound of ground beef and you can feed eight ten even twelve people with it if you make more gravy and you can cut your milk and your gravy this really does need to have the milk gravy on it i mean it's a totally different dish without the milk gravy but you can cut it and you can do half milk and half water if you need to and add a little boy on in there to boost the flavor if you do that i say get you some chicken and beef boy on and keep it in your pantry because i got a feeling with the way grocery prices are going we're all going to need some of those tricks that our grandma's used to stretch our food to stretch our dollar and to feed our families before we go i want to leave you with john 16 22 and ye now therefore have sorrow but i will see you again and your heart shall rejoice and your joy no man taketh from you as christians we have that peace and we have that joy we know that this isn't gonna last for forever and we know that we are gonna see jesus again and that's how he can keep a smile on our face and we can keep joy and peace in our hearts i want to thank y'all so much for joining us in the hillbilly kitchen if you have not already please don't forget to click like and subscribe before you leave and until next time remember to put god first [Music]
Channel: The Hillbilly Kitchen - Down Home Country Cooking
Views: 900,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the hillbilly kitchen, sos, shit on a shingle, dinner, breakfast, culinary, cooking, kitchen, recipe, cooking with, country cooking, southern cooking, homemade, how to, ground beef, how to cook, learn to cook, gravy, Frying, ground beef recipe, ground beef gravy, beef and gravy, Army recipe, how to make gravy, milk gravy, country gravy, hamburger gravy, beef recipe, heirloom recipe, depression cooking, iron skillet cooking, meat loaf, hamburger casserole, Appalachian Cooking, tasty
Id: j_JKjL4smAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 59sec (1559 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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