Solving the Unbelievably Frustrating Object (UFO Puzzle)!!

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- Yo, what's up, guys, and welcome back. Okay, I just got back from L.A. We got more L.A. videos coming up, but it is Wednesday. It's time for a puzzle, and this is kind of my inaugural new office video. So this is my new setup sitting at my desk. Place is huge. It's sick. We're pretty much done. I'm not gonna show you the rest of it right now. I'm gonna keep that for a different video where I'll give you guys a proper office tour. Matter of fact, if this video gets a lot of likes, I mean like a lot of likes, we'll do it sooner than later, so if you're interested in seeing my setup and what I got going on, smash like. Today, we are checking out the latest Hanayama puzzle. This is ♪ Ooh, the UFO Puzzle. This thing looks really cool, kind of like a fidget toy. Has this dark metal, and then the middle has this chrome bulb with these four pieces that shift around and move around which makes it really interesting. It also spins on the table which is kinda cool. I like when they incorporate just weird ideas to their puzzles. I think the weirder the puzzle for me, the better. They're really interesting to look at, fun to fidget, looks good on the table, but question is, how hard is it? Hanayama, never easy. Okay, even their level twos are equivalent to a level five, and this is a level four outta six which probably makes it around a level seven, eight, but a Hanayama seven, eight is usually a lot harder than what you're accustomed to. So got my coffee ready. Got my close up pad. By the way, check this out. Brand new close up pad. Dan and Dave, Art of Play, sent me a bunch of these, and if you guys are ever interested, I know I get a lot of comments about where I get these, I'll leave the link below. They come in a variety of colors. They're small, compact. Leather on the back, and they're all handmade. So if you're interested, go check 'em out, and if you're interested in just watching this puzzle, let's go. (whistling) UFO Puzzle by Hanayama. Check this little baby out. Very sleek looking. Very cool, and actually, quite a cool fidget toy, 'cause this little middle piece just spins. As you saw on that B roll, we can just kinda make it spin on its own which is really kinda cool. Neat looking gadget, for sure. The one thing I notice is that on the inside of this, there are, I don't know if you can see that, there is an orientation first of all, so there's UFO and Hanayama printed on the top. Nothing on the bottom. These two seem to be two separate pieces that will come apart, and on the inside here, this little ball, seems like it's made into four quadrants. As you can see, if I go here, I can spin one of the tops and the other one individually. First things first, I do think, this is my gut initial reaction, I'm gonna line up the four of these, and now I'm gonna try and spin it the other way. There we go. See, now that works. I don't know what that'll accomplish. Oh, and now this 1/2. Let's try going this way again. Yeah, looks like it, oh. Looks like it wants to come apart. What if we line up all four? (jazzy piano music) Aw, it's not opening. Here we go. 'Kay, 'kay, 'kay, 'kay, 'kay, 'kay. It's making a square. See that? There's a square opening right now. (groaning) I don't know what's gonna cause this to open. Oh, I forgot the timer. Darn it. Every time. (timer beeping) Every time. It wants to open on certain positions. Like if I line these up, it starts to wanna open. Here, have a closer look. But then, from there, nothing. If I grab 'em from that side here. I wanna know what's holding these two pieces together. Let me get a closer look inside of this. Hard to tell how it's holding together, honestly. They're just kinda interlocked somehow, and I'm just wondering what that has to do with these pieces here. Oh, okay. So as I move this, I think this piece here is attached to the inside of that, because if I move that, that whole ball moves. So do I have to, I think I have to extract one of the pieces before this comes out, right? I don't know how to do that, but I will attempt to do so right now. (thumping jazzy music) How? Why, though? I'm trying to push one of these pieces out. (puzzle rattling) Oh, alright. Well, spinning it did something. Oh, it cut it in half. So now what? Oh, look at that. What is going on? I think I'm almost there. Now it's locked again, what? How did that happen? 'Kay, it's starting to separate as you can see. How that works, I don't know. I think this is, you gotta find that middle part and try to split 'em apart. So there's only 1/2 coming apart, so maybe one of those halves isn't lined up properly. That seems like the middle crease where the two halves come apart. I probably have to not line these up like this. Actually, you know what, let's try that. Line that up, get it to the middle. See if that works. (puzzle rattling) (gentle jazzy music) 'Kay that's only coming halfway out, so I think one of these halves is correct and the other isn't. How do we fix that? (puzzle rattling) I'm just moving the ball around now a little bit randomly to see if there might be an opening that'll happen somewhere. (puzzle rattling) (gentle piano music) The sides of this are so sleek that it's really hard to pull on, so after a while, they kinda get greasy and becomes a little bit of a dexterity thing where you wish you had three hands. (puzzle rattling) Again, 1/2 of it is out. You can see the sides are offset now. Don't know how to get it fully outta there. (puzzle rattling) (gentle jazz music) So I know if I line up that line, there's a line here. If I line that up to these two sides, it seems to open halfway. Don't know why it doesn't open fully. It's still a mystery to me. (puzzle rattling) It's almost as if this piece wants to come out. (exhaling) Nothing to do here. It's like one of these pieces wants to come out, but I also feel like it's not. There's something I'm missing. (exhaling) Must be boring to watch. (steady, ephemeral music) (puzzle rattling) Why won't it come out more than that? (clearing throat) (puzzle rattling) Oh. Oh, here we go. Look at that. After about 48 minutes, we have progress. Its little shell has come out. Let's try not to lose that. Yes. Okay, this is piece number two. Oh my god. I thought I honestly was never gonna get this out. And now, can I get another piece out? The are probably just gonna fall out at this point, I think. Maybe now I can open it. What is going on in here? 'Kay, hold on a sec. It's so complex in here. Look at this. Literally looks like an alien ship. All sorts of movement going on in there. I don't even know how these three pieces fit together. I'm thinking I just have to keep fiddling around with it, take it apart and maybe try and drop it out the same way the other one came out, but it's proven to be a little bit more difficult, because the weight has now shifted and those pieces now, they cover up another side, and I don't know how to explain it. There we go. (piece whacking table) Whoop. Two. It should probably open now, shouldn't it? (puzzle rattling) (percussive, jazzy music) Okay, guess not. Guess we're gonna have to do this this way. Three. And four. Boom, okay, time. 51 minutes. Now to get it back together again. Oh my god. This is an intricate puzzle. Holy cow. And the way these pieces fit together is insane. Now they all have little numbers on the inside. So two, three, one, two, three, and four. I got two out first for some reason. Okay, I think these go together in a certain way. Ah, here we go. So those two match up, and I'm guessing these two would probably end up doing the same. It's so crazy. Here we go. And that makes a little sphere. Now would it be possible? Would it now be possible to just plop that in there? Oh, it lost one. Okay, wait. Let's line up those. So what I did was I lined up the sides to make a little square like this, and that gave me just enough room for that one to slip out. This goes this way. Hopefully, I'll just be able to pop it back in and never have to deal with this again. Hopefully. (puzzle rattling) It's crazy complicated in there. I don't know if you can get a glimpse of that, but here, these pieces, they turn over on each other and create new gaps. It's insane. I don't even know if they're properly put in there to be honest. Hoping they are. I think I just need to line up the sides again. One side is more concave than the other. I guess I would think that goes in here. Oh man. There's no way. There's no way that's going back in there. (thumping electronic music) (puzzle rattling) (groaning) Okay, so there's a two here, and I see that there's a three there, so I probably need to line that up with the two. So there's the two. Bigger side, I'm guessing, over here. I'm so close. Looks like the inside of a vortex in there. It's crazy. This is so complicated. I'm really losing my patience here. It looks so complicated in there. I don't know how this is ever gonna fit. I don't know what side it goes on. (puzzle rattling) Oh, I think I might've stuck it there. Oh, wait. Yes. Oh my god, thank god. Oh. (timer beeping) (exhaling) That was terribly difficult. Holy cow. Look at that little thing. You'd expect something like this. How does someone think of this? This is insane. Oh my god. Never again, never again, UFO. You're going in the bottom of a drawer somewhere never to be seen again, unidentified forever. Wow. Done with you. Peace out. Thanks for watching. (mimicking a vomiting sound) There you have it. This was a grueling puzzle. I thought, tops 10 minutes. I thought you know what? Might be a short video today. Guess not. At one point, I had it half out, and I thought that was the solution, so I wasted so much time just trying to pull it apart kinda like what you see how it's happening now, and I thought that that was a solution, but in the beginning, I did see that some of the pieces could be pushed in and pulled out a little bit, and so I stuck with that, stuck it out, and after about 48 minutes, was finally able to get one of these slivers outta here, but once they were out, that was only 1/2 the battle, because like I said, the inside of this thing looks like a vortex. There's no way of knowing orientation in it, everything else. Obviously the piece that I had left was a number two, and if I looked through, I could see a number two. If I shifted the pieces around, I could find the pair that fit with that number two, and that was one of the clues that helped me put it back together. I did require a little bit of force putting it back in. I don't know if that was what I was supposed to do, but it worked, and I'm definitely not going back and trying it again. (laughing) Anyways, left the link to this puzzle below as well if you guys wanna check it out. Thanks for watching. Again, if you guys wanna see an office tour, smash like and we'll get it done real quick, and we'll see you on Friday for another video. Peace, rock. ♪ I will ♪ (thumping electronic music) (whispering in foreign language)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 1,497,055
Rating: 4.9459515 out of 5
Keywords: puzzle, puzzles, ufo, hanayama, solved, solve, how to solve, puzzle solution, solution, level10, hard, difficult, chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, ufo puzzle
Id: 7DoJrLy9yMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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