Solving the FIRST Puzzle Box!! (Level 9 - Difficult)

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(dramatic electronic music) - Yo, what's up guys, welcome back. Hope you enjoyed that intro a little bit of slight of hand action for you this weekend. By the way, I know how it's done, so you don't have to tell me in the comments. There is slight of hand involved obviously. But I add a little bit of magic to it, to make it that much more deceiving. Hope you enjoyed that nonetheless. Today we're looking at a puzzle box. Really cool puzzle box that I couldn't wait to try and solve. This is the first puzzle box by Wil Strijbos. (dramatic music) It's a replica of Wil Strijbos first puzzle box that he made back in like 1984. He made six of these. And now he's reproduced them in this beautiful blue anodized metal, not unlike the Lotus puzzle. This one not being a level 10, being a level nine. So pretty hard, but not nearly as impossible as the other one. The whole goal here is just to open the box. And you have a few moving parts, it makes a lot of noise and rattles when you shake it around. You're kind of going into this thing blindly, except for the little sad face that's at bottom of this, which is pretty intriguing and cheeky. Anyways guys, I hope you enjoy this video. Like, subscribe, all that stuff. And let's get into solving the first puzzle box by Wil Strijbos. (Chris whistling) (Chris huffs air) This is my coffee. (slurping coffee) So this is called the first puzzle box. Fitting. First of all, let's get this out of the way, why don't we. (timer beeping) Beep, beep, beep, beep. (timer beeps) There we go, timers on. Is that a bit dark? Should I lighten that up a little bit? Let's lighten that up a little bit. That's probably a lot better. This camera stop shaking, there we go. Okay, first puzzle box. As you can see Wil's signature right here. On this side we've got a hole, with what looks to be like an Allen key, like something fit for an Allen key. And you got these two, sort of, openings here. And on the bottom. (relaxed music) On the bottom we have this sad face. And you can kind of lock it into position there, which I've just noticed. So you got the sad face, which seems to be like a cylinder or like a little coin. You've got a sad face and you got this little bar there too, which is interesting. Not sure what to make of that. Obviously you have this nut on the top, and that's the first thing we're gonna do and yes it does unscrew. 'Kay, nothing too crazy about that. This seems to, oh, there we go. There's the Allen key. So so far, so good. Okay. So I mean now we know that the Allen key fits in here, let's see this here. This seems to be a tool. Kind of cool, I like getting tools in puzzles. I like when puzzles offer a tool. See if you do this, that now becomes bit of a tool. And, yep, just like that, we can screw it in. And it stops right about there. (box rattling) That doesn't open. So now we've got a loose top, and we've got that sad face in the bottom. Also, I don't know if the camera can pick that up, but there is a small bar in there. So it's a bars, you know what? I'm gonna get a little piece of paper and I'm gonna draw a schematic. What I've seen so far, let you guys know. 'Cause you know what? It's not super easy to see what's going on in that little thing. Sometimes you need some visuals. Okay, so here. So pardon my drawing skills, I'm not the best at drawing. I know I can draw a cube though, right? That's about as far as my skills go. So what we have here is, we have the cylinder upstairs, which leads to a hole here. On the bottom we also have a cylinder where we have that coin here or that tube or whatever it is, with the smiley face. And here we have a bar that blocks that, that can shift out of the way. Okay? On the side we also have another hole. And here, up here, we have another one of these bars that's right about here that can also shift out of the way. Okay? So I'm guessing that the lid might be attached to something here, right? So if it's attached to something there we got this blocking it, there's probably a bolt here. We probably got this blocking it, and we probably have this blocking it somehow. I don't know if that makes sense to anybody at home, but that's kinda what I feel like is going on. 'Cause if I lift, here's interesting part, if I lift this, this piece moves here. This here, this jiggles up and down. So I'm guessing, yeah, this is attached to like some type of inner cylinder or something. (relaxed electronic music) (box rattles) And this little bar here stops, and here disappears and here it comes into frame. And it kind of, it's halfway this way, right. So maybe I gotta get a full way, this, I dunno. So here's the smiley face down there and let's try to block that smiley face off. (box rattles) That's what I'm talkin' about fucker. (box rattles) See how the smiley face is now stuck into place here? Can't see that bar anymore, there it is. If you unscrew it again. Okay, so I'm unscrewing it tightens the lid, screwing it releases the lid. But not enough for the lid to wanna go up. (box rattles) Oh. All of a sudden, look at that, the little smiley face is turning. The sad face rather. Now I'm all the way in. What does that mean? Does that mean I can, does that mean I can open it? That'll be cool. (box rattles) No, definitely can't open it yet. There's so many little moving parts in here. I feel like I'm hearing five things moving, it's very confusing. (relaxed music) (box clatters) Oops. I'm just gonna keep playing around with orientation and this screw. But now I've lost that screw, that bolt that comes across, I've lost it now. I don't know where it is and it's not coming back. There it is, okay, now it's back. Okay, so maybe when I'm screwed in, that screw gets blocked off, but maybe I don't need it to get blocked off. Maybe it has to stay right there. See now, oh. See I can't screw it because that bar is now this way, this bar is now here and it won't let me screw this in further for some reason. Somehow these two things are attached, I don't know. Yeah. If turn it upside down. Oh, interesting. Oh, now we go again. Different pressures here, maybe there's like an in-between that I need to lift up at. (box rattles) Hmm. Think spinning it is appropriate here, with all those little dangly bars. (metal clatters) Oh, oh. Don't go anywhere. Didn't help. (box rattles) Let's try to draw a different schematic here. Something a little to scale. So we have cylinder here, with coin piece. We have the bar that goes here, that blocks that cylinder. There's a hole here for that bar to go to. Then obviously this cylinder goes higher up because this coin can get trapped here or here. Over here we have a hole with another screw and I'm guessing this screw. Oh here's what I'm guessing, here we go. This is like this. This goes like this. And this tube here, goes all the way up, has a hole in top here and there's another bar here that blocks, right? And then that can go out. Now I think that this screw screws in here because it can also stop this, right? That's where your tool goes in. So. Okay. So technically all we need to do is either take this screw out or make it go in 'til it's flush with this and it's here, right? That would free up this. We would have to move this out of the way, inside. We would have to move this one inside as well to free up this cylinder, which then can probably come out in one piece. I think that's a fair look at things, let's have a look. Can't wait to compare my crappy drawing to the final result. Where's my little tool? Here we go. So gonna lock that one, can we lock that one into place? (box rattles) Wait, why won't this fit anymore? Here we go. (box rattles) (relaxed music) (Chris yells) Oh my god, what is happening here? A look at my drawing. Okay, this, like I mean, come on. So this cylinder is this here, right? From the side view. We have the hole in the bottom, the bar that blocks that which is in here. Oh, here we go, right here. So that was here, we knew that, right? And that was kind of blocking that happy face from coming out. And here is a little, oh, oh there's a happy face and sad face. There's a sad face and there's a happy face. Well we gotta put it in with happy face now. But how does this work? How does this tall part, what? Hold on, seems like we've got something else going on here. Where's my other tool? Oh, this is really interesting, I like this doing the schematics man, that actually really helped me. Here's the bolt that I was talking about and yes it does come out and yes I did have to push it all the way in. Which is insane. I was totally right about that. So here's that bolt. And here, what? It's a second cylinder. Huh? Okay. Oops. And there's the top lock. Oh, there's the top part, okay. So there's two these things, that are gonna block it. But here's the tricky part, here's what I didn't know, what we found out, sort of, haphazardly. Was that this, which is identical to this one, a little bit bigger, goes in here along with this. But the thing is if these both. Why is that stuck there? Is there magnet? No, it stuck randomly. Yep, okay. So this basically acts as one cylinder, right? So the bolts, which is here, has to be positioned between the two in order for the bottom one to be unlocked and the top one to be unlocked. 'Cause if it's not between the two, then it will stall. This little bar here, is going to prevent that from opening, right? So it's gotta be, this bar has to be in. Wait. Oh, that's impossible. Does this bar also fit in that tube? How does this work? I'm really confused here, that shouldn't work at all. Okay, so what if this bar goes all the way in? Oh, it can go all the way in and it hides on the other side. Right. 'Cause otherwise if this were on top, which it should be, then that gets blocked here, right? That sort of holds the cylinder so it can't come out. So therefore that has to be fully in. This has to come up. Your bolt has to then lock these two in place, that goes all the way in. Probably should of put it in the right way. Okay, that's not cool, get outta there. Okay, we got it. I'll attempt to explain my point again without being an idiot. Should of checked that out. So that, once again, has to go in this way. See now we have the hole for the tool, that goes all the way in. But, again, in order to screw this one all the way in that one, this one has to be all the way up. But even though this one is all the way up, this thing is still going to prevent it. So this thing could be this way. And, so you can get the screw all the way in, everything could be fine, not knowing that this one is on the wrong side and preventing it from extracting. So this piece has to be all the way on the other side, which is like an invisible compartment for it. Then locking that one in. I'm just making sure I got the right piece in there, hold on. (metal clattering) Yeah, okay, I think the larger one goes up top. So, again, this one in. This, one as you can see. So even if that's all the way up and the screw is all the way in, this can still be an option. Which really gives you a headache. So you have to know that this goes into a secret compartment, now that's all the way in. This goes all the way in here. Man, understanding puzzles is a lot of fun. So we're gonna get this one all the way in. But all of that rides on the fact that this one here. Oh, that's so interesting, okay. So this one's here. Right, so that's the end result. To get to that you have to lock this one out using this pin so that you can screw it in and hold this one up. Wow. So if all is correct here, I should be able to just do this. We got a happy face now. Turn it upside down, extract the screw here. And why does it tighten it? Why tighten it? It probably tightens because the thread on the outside of the screw just pulls down on this, I'm guessing. Or the hole is just a little bit lower than where the hole for the inner part is. I don't know if that makes sense to you. But now, yep, now we're back to the beginning. This goes back in here. Oh wait, we need to get this little piece out. So let's just do it this way. There we go. This then goes back in here. And this goes over top. And this goes here. And my schematics weren't actually that far off. Bit of a surprise to this, here let me stop the timer. Bit of a surprise here was that this was actually a cylinder, which I thought it was, but I wasn't too sure. But that you had a second cylinder, and that cylinder could be put into place here, while this one was here, or rather here, instead of being hidden in like a small compartment here. So interesting. Lot of little layers here for such a simple box, it's got a lot of little surprises. Mean, one of the reasons I like this puzzle is not only the simplicity, but there's there's a logical reasoning. This is an equation, this is a method, right? And there's there's so many, this is the effect rather. And there's so many little methods to get to this effect and it's logical. Obviously doing it blindly, not so easy. But once you. I mean drawing this out like this, this is key. I'm gonna start doing this, I think. if I get stuck on puzzles. This has actually helped me out. Plus it's interesting to see how far off I was from the inner workings of this. Anyways, hope you enjoyed. Hot dang! And another one. We did it, that was Wil Strijbos first puzzle box. Fun to solve, even though you're going into it blindly. It makes it a little bit more difficult, those puzzles tend to be more frustrating than anything else normally because you're left with nothing but audible clues and small visual keys through the holes that you have to put to the light to see the bars go by. One thing that did help was this here, schematics of what was going on. And I think that's something that I'm actually going to do from now on, especially with puzzles that have some sort of inner maze and that are sequential because a lot of the times need to write down your ideas or visual visualization of the actual puzzle and I'm not super great at visualizing things for a long period of time without losing my train of thought. So that kinda helps. Anyways guys, hope you enjoyed this video. If you did like, subscribe, comment, all that stuff. I left the link below to Puzzle Master, where you guys to check out thousands of puzzles for yourself. But if you guys are interested check it out, thanks for watching and we'll see you Monday. Peace. (women speaks in foreign language) (relaxed music) (women speaks in foreign language)
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 1,150,378
Rating: 4.9217372 out of 5
Keywords: puzzle, puzzles, how to solve, solution, puzzle solution, solved, solve, solving, puzzle solver, puzzle solving, hard, difficult, mr puzzle, wil strijbos, puzzle master, chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, lotus puzzle, magic
Id: yU2IokaUyAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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