Solving The HEXA Torture Cell Puzzle!!

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[Laughter] [Music] [Music] this is gonna freak some of you out not all of you but some of you by the way first plane cards of e3 if you're interested link below I want you to think of a card right now but make it a random card not the Queen of Hearts I know you're thinking the Queen of Hearts not the Ace of Spades you two I know you think an ace of spades make it a random a random card all right something you would never normally think of to that one person out there I'm looking at you right now I want you to think of that card it slowly Rises [Applause] mind blown again for the rest of you that didn't work but imagine the one person at home thinking Bob is gonna say Ace of Spades and Queen of Hearts all right I'll I'll randomize it and make it to set imagine that person's mind right now you there damn if I did get your card comment below happy new year 2020 finally here today we're gonna start off the new year with a really cool looking puzzle this puzzle is known as the hexa it literally is it's kind of like a mine in a cage puzzle one of these where you have to extract that little bead outside I thought it looked really cool I was really interested in it not necessarily the type of puzzle I'm normally attracted to I can say this puzzle is not my type but you know it's kind of it's got a nice personality it's pretty funny and it pays for drinks that be further ado ladies gentlemen let's get into solving the hexa puzzle we can wouldn't cut that out of post we can edit that make it look good here we go this is the hex simple puzzle fun to toy with definitely aesthetically pleasing and the goal here is quite simply to take this little metal I guess I don't know what shape that is about geometry geography geometry is to take is to extract that I think what I'm gonna be looking for first is to see if any of these holes because much like you know the mind puzzle like this one one of these is actually bigger than the others one of these opening since this one here it's kind of hard to tell but you can if you stare at it long enough you can see the sides here it's actually this one here you can see the sides some of them are thinner and some of them are thicker so you're looking for the thinner ones to know that it's eventually gonna fit that to there so I think that's kind of the same along the same lines that we're looking at right now I'm just gonna see if I can discover again I'm not looking at the hole here I'm looking at the bars I notice also that there's these top ones here and these bottom ones here which which might be there to throw me off but they also might be part of the solution so I can't or that either so I'm just gonna take a minute to look at a to look at all the different sizes he's my eye catches can pick anything up so far this seems as you can see seems a lot thinner than that you see that like these top bars seem a lot thinner I'm just gonna see if I can see any other differences the bottom ones as well that's I mean that's all I can really notice I don't nothing else is very striking so to start off that's the other thing like my how my fat fingers gonna get in here let's see if I can try and maneuver it through one of these holes here I don't think that's gonna fit through these bottom holes we have one side of this this this small metal thing which is smaller which is thinner yes I mean it's definitely not gonna fit through the bottom one no matter what I do here I think I think I don't give up on that bottom bottom layer just yet because then might be kicking myself later so I'll try it just try to put it through anyone to see what the shape is like here and why this doesn't fit just kind of playing around with it here I think is the best way for me to get it through it looks like it almost fits through I can't push it through that orientation right now wait that's oriented looks like it would fit through so do I just try every opening yeah is that what's difficult about this puzzle that you just you just have to find the right the right place for it to fall through that seems tedious maybe I can just get lucky and find the right one there see again that orientation is perfect for that to fall through even protruding out of this side a little bit so if I can maybe ah there we go there we go so those puzzles very reliant on dexterity alright I don't wanna force it so here there's there's like some give on these ends but not so much on the other end so what if I if I turn it probably look to see if this thing is shaped differently on one end than the other because I could very well be just stuck because of the orientation of this thing assuming that both sides are same I think is an error I think you'd be smart to notice that one side is oh that's why does look a little smaller it's very hard to describe puzzle I said this before the thing doesn't fit like the other side because it's the side of it isn't lined up like the one that's thicker you know I don't think there's gonna be me randomly finding the pocket or is a solution some outside of the box genius stroke of genius that I must have again that's a no-go or does not fit through there because not only do I have to try and fit it through a hole I have to manage to rotate that piece in different ways to try and fit it through the hole so there could be you know up to three or four attempts per hole times all these holes would be really a lot faster if I could just see a small difference like this one looks maybe a little bit larger it's hard to tell it's very hard to try and get it through down there what about this place that'd be magical is it just like a plop that maybe roll it you know I bet if you rolled it infinitely eventually something would happen I think that's just a numbers game we don't have that kind of time and I don't have that kind of memory in my in my camera but if I did you know be a boring video or would it that seems to it's not coming through there either to me like there's all these different sides that I have to attempt after like rotate this thing oh this is frustrating I think eventually I'm gonna have to start numbering down which holes I've attempted and I have to attempt every single side of this what do we call this thing this this this shape alright this shape every single side of that shape I need to attempt through every hole possible let's do this row here this bottom row here we're gonna do these four okay especially with my ass I'm a giant sausage fingers not the best puzzle for me okay so maybe rolling it around like this used to yield a more logical approach is that it rolls and then I forget which orientation do I forget I gotta lose track of which orientation it was in so I'm trying everything I can to like keep track of where it's going but as soon as I roll it it kind of like I kind of get confused I can't be a hundred percent sure that I've tried every single orientation in one of these three holes I guess we'll know that once we get to once we get to the end of this we have that aha Eureka moment there's got to be one that's bigger seems like the top ones have a little bit of a thinner line than that like that's definitely thinner than that that's the only thing I can notice right now that one looks bigger oh that feels good maybe it fits through every single one of these shapes I just have to find the orientation Beverly you know this reminds me know this reminds me of you ever see those videos they have this gold brick inside a plexi case and they say if you can take extract the gold brick out of the hole you can keep it and there's like all these videos these people trying these different techniques of getting that gold brick out and one guy does it using his hand as like a lever lever lever yes that's it this reminds me I've except this isn't gold it's just like a chunk of metal if I just like wiggle it a little bit yeah that's right to say that we've tried every single side on one side of this shape it's time to flip the shape over for the Dover's little bit over he's too large for that hole probably has to also fall in precisely like it can't be tilted it has to be like this precise angle proper orientation like if the things tilted it it probably has to probably fall through effortlessly it's hard to do because you can't really control it you're kind of just poking and prodding at it hoping to find a difference somewhere nothing much to look at while I'm doing this ooh there so the thoughts coming in my head that all these all these sizes are actually the same and it's just about finding the right orientation of the shape which can be very confusing you say there's like more space on that one side than there is on that side so that tells me like okay maybe this piece is shaped to where one side is a little lopsided too much give on that side leave rotate a bit of a knack I want it on this I just want to rotate this way no annotation again so I found that on the inside of this cage do you see this like welding line that goes all the way down here that's the only sort of difference that I can tell from the inside like there are no clues as to which is which try another clue here secret marking should be really brilliant if that was the case that's soldering joint there that welding joint is the only kind of difference in all of this and I don't know where that's gonna get me but I'll try I swear once I get this thing out it's never going back in I'm gonna take this little shape and I'ma swallow it [Music] honestly bet if I paid more attention in math class that I'd be better at solving these type of puzzles even if it's boring you never know when it might help you out you're when you're trying to extract a random piece out of a puzzle [Music] is such a challenge oh my god I feel like once that once I see through the top like there is there's like a gap on one side there isn't on the other and I'm starting to observe that this piece might not be like it's Miss shapen it's not symmetrical but in order to say like okay let's say this gap here looks like it fits over here it's so difficult for me to want to turn it in the direction that I wanted to turn in without it flopping around see and then I lose complete track of where I was back to square one that's not going to fit through but I feel like if I rotated that piece this way it might fit through feels good like a stress ball you can't squish this is Bing Bing Bing i tol was it no no oh is this one okay so this okay this is the hole that came out of right here I'm just gonna do a test to see if there's another hole that I could fit in Wow okay so not only did it have to be oriented a certain way there is literally only one hole that it that it came out of which is this one here and that is complete random there's no there's no rhyme or reason to that there's no like okay I'm I mean okay so the the logo that's on the inside is shaped this way which could be a small hint but then again again there isn't really any other logical explanation like that logo is upside down even I guess this I could it fit on the other side which is like adjacent here no there is no adjacent side so it's really only this and it doesn't fit any other way the only way it fits is sort of that orientation there so this hole is a little bit different than all the other ones and I guess the only way of really telling that is if you take a close look you might be able to see that this is just slightly a bigger hole on top here like I mean that's imperceptible you cannot perceive that with the naked eye there's no way so other than trial and error like once you have the orientation it's just going over and over and over and over and over until until you lose your mind which I've been doing for the past hour so there you go mind lost puzzle solved fun puzzle if you like torture back in the cage you go see if we can do that one more time right quick we new quick now we can do it quick now now we can do quick Sid now we can do it so quick here we go turn turn turn other other side this side there we go and boom done hot get the hat back on that puzzle almost drove me to the brink of its insanity just about just about I was I was two seconds away from literally eating my own teeth I know that sounds crazy but that's what was going through my head really glad I solved it random as heck not necessarily super enjoyable to do in one take on video I won't recommend that you try that but if it's something you want to play around with or have your friends play around with and torture them we'll leave the link below you can check it out anyways guys thanks for watching hope you had a New Year's Eve and I hope everybody is looking forward to 2020 big things on the way and I can't wait to share them with you thanks for watching we'll see on the next video like comment subscribe [Music]
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 2,095,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles
Id: ITWjUldcViQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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