SOLVED: Missing 72-year-old Marine Veteran Found Underwater in SUV (John Zarkowski)

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- Today, we've come a long way, and our efforts have paid off. We're at the moment where we recovered the vehicle that we need, and we have confirmed that John is inside. (uplifting music) - Plattsmouth, where's that from-- - Omaha. - [Jacob] From Omaha, about 15 to 20 minutes away from here. He was a Vietnam vet, left everything out. Didn't want to be a burden to anybody. He lost his wife six years ago. He got a colonoscopy bag or something. He had an issue with his colon and the day after, maybe it was the medications that screwed him up. He left his house at 4:30 AM from a ring camera from the neighbor's house. - At 4:30 AM? - 4:30 AM. - How long has he been missing? - [Jacob] September of this year. - Oh, so he's only been missing a little bit. So this is fresh, fresh. - Yeah, yeah. - [Jacob] This is fresh. You obviously know this, it's gonna pick up a different kind of a signal, but it's a truck. I mean, how the hell are you gonna miss it? It's an SUV. - Yeah, we're not gonna miss it at all. - [Jacob] The location of the Catfish Restaurant is where he always goes to, and eats. Like that's his favorite restaurant. That would be the first place I would search. - Catfish Lake Restaurant? - [Jacob] Catfish O'Lake restaurant, it's just, she said it took about 10 minutes of a drive up. - Okay, I don't know, are you guys on-- - I would rather find someone that's missing recently, you know, rather than someone from 23 years ago. - [Jacob] Yeah, that's fresh. - Yeah, that was that. Yeah, the family needs answers now. So she's up right now, I can just give her a call? - Yeah. - All right, cool. I think that, we're all on agreement? - [Jennifer] Hello. - Hi Jennifer, it's Jared Leisek. - [Jennifer] Hi, how are you? - Hey, I'm doing well. Hey, we just caught wind about your brother. - [Jennifer] Yeah, not my brother, my stepdad's first cousin. They were like two days apart, so they're kind of like brothers. - Okay, as you heard, we're up here in Omaha and over in Council Bluffs right now. We were gonna take on a case tomorrow, but the family has not gotten back ahold of me that we were hoping to work with them tomorrow. Yeah, I mean, the thing with yours is, you know, it was September 3rd, just a few weeks ago, - [Jennifer] Yeah. - And it's really close so we have no problem skipping this one for now. We can come back to this one in you know, a couple months or a year from now, and I think that yours is really important that we need to get over to it right now. - [Jennifer] Okay. I don't think that he went too far from home. From the sounds of it, he's very meticulous about the things that he does and puts away. He had gotten out of bed and left his pants and his shoes right at the bed, which is not like him. So he left without shoes, his wallet was still home, and his phone was still home. - Right. - [Jennifer] So I don't think he went very far. - My first thing is, it sounds like he likes to be at the Catfish restaurant quite a bit, so my first thought is right there on 34, right next to the Platte River, you have a pull-off at that lake there that goes around most of the lake, and there's a couple of entry points, and I think that that's my first, most probable target that he might be in there. - [Jennifer] Okay, yeah. 'Cause he knows the area really well, and he always went out for drives and stuff in the area. So I mean, he would know exactly what dock or whatever, if he did plan on driving off. - Yeah, we can just start looking at the most plausible locations, and start knocking them out. - [Jennifer] Okay. - All right, well, how about if you do this? How about if you reach out to as many people as you can between tonight and first thing tomorrow morning. 9:00 AM is what time we'll get started, and I've got your number, you've got mine. We'll pull into town first thing in the morning and then we'll just start going from there. - [Jennifer] Okay, sounds great. - All right, sounds good. Thanks for your time. - When it's fresh like this, yeah, we gotta go immediately. And it's right down the road. - Yeah, so right now we're in Omaha, we're going down to Plattes. Plattesville, is that what the town is? - Plattsmouth, it is in Cass county. And the most recent news article says that the Cass County Sheriff's Office is asking the public for any information on the whereabouts of a Buccaneer Bay resident last seen on Friday afternoon. According to Sheriff William Brueggemann, deputies from his department at around 10:00 AM on Saturday responded to a report of a missing person identified as John Zarkowski, 72 years old, who lives on Ridgeway Road. A family member said that Zarkowski was last seen on Friday around 4:30 PM at that residence. It is believed Zarkowski left that residence in the early morning hours of Saturday driving a 2018 white Chevrolet Tahoe, Nebraska license plate 20-T188. - We're gonna jump over here, help this family first thing in the morning, and let's get a little bit of sleep right now. - But we'll be back here, you know? As soon as we get a chance, we'll be back here to do this case. - Yeah, 100%. - If not, then KS Divers or somebody else will be for sure. All right, let's go do it. Hey good, hey, we're a search and recovery dive team that happens to be working some cold cases in the area and we just caught wind of John late last night, and we're gonna dive right down there and go work on that for you guys today. I'm seeing if we can meet up or if there's any information we can get from you that might help us out to help you. - [Toni] Sure, where would you like to meet? - So, there's two locations that are of interest to me. It sounds like maybe Hallworth Park, Heroes Park, or the boat ramp that's there in Plattsmouth. - The family thought Hallworth because they did reunions there. I watched surveillance video from the real estate agency where he would've went by, and I did not see his vehicle come through there until about 5:21 in the morning, so I'm not too sure he went there. - Normally they choose the closest boat ramp where they think they'll never be found, so I'm leaning more towards the boat ramp there in Plattsmouth. - [Toni] Yeah, you just wanna go to the boat ramp? - Yeah, let's just meet at that boat ramp. I think that's the most likely right now if you've already looked at surveillance on, towards the other one. - [Toni] Yeah, I didn't see anything, and I'm waiting to hear from the toll booth yet. It's been two weeks. I don't know why, but they won't return my calls. - Perfect, and by chance, have you heard of us? Do you know who we are? - Nope. - Okay, so our organization is called Adventures with Purpose. And we travel the US, yeah, and we travel the US working missing persons cold cases, where they are in a vehicle believed to be underwater. In the past year, we solved 10 cold cases doing this. We have a little boat with a sonar on it, and then we're also a dive team, so if we identify the target in question, we're there to offer our services for free. Whatever it is that you need, whether you need us to rig it and help from there, or if you have your own dive team, then we'll step aside and let you do that. - And then we are documentary filmmakers as well, so we do record everything that we're doing and we share this so that way other people can find out about our mission, and that's how we found out about this one. They reached out to us late last night as they heard that we were in town. - Who reached out to you? - Jennifer Sahlberg reached out to us, and she's also put us in touch with you, Grant Zarkowski, John's nephew, and Bill with the daily fisheries, just in case we needed to get onto Catfish Lake. So that's kind of where we're starting our morning based upon a phone call at midnight last night. - All right. - All right, sounds good. Thanks. Bye. - [Grant] This is Grant. - Hey grant, Jared Leisek, Adventures With Purpose. How are you? - [Grant] Yes, sir. Very good. How are you? - Hey, doing well. Hey, I just spoke with the detective, and some information that we just had on that one, he said he's still waiting for a lot of surveillance back, the only surveillance he's really looked at was a surveillance from a real estate office towards the Hallworth Park that you had mentioned. - [Grant] We had a security camera that in the timeframe showed him going north on Highway 75 from where he lived. That we think. So, but yes, I agree with the officer that we did not have anything from him going there, other than that would have been my best guess as to where he would have gone, because that was the place he was very familiar with. We had, we occasionally had family unions at that park. - Okay, well, we're heading over the, we're still in the north side of Omaha right now at the boat ramp up here, so we're getting ready to turn the key and we're heading straight there. And like I said, we're meeting up with the officer, with the detective in about 30 minutes. So you're welcome to join us-- - Okay, I will, I'm headed down there too, so I should be there in about 30 minutes too. - Okay, perfect. We'll all meet up, and come up with a game plan, and see if we can't find John today. - [Grant] Okay, thank you very much, sir. - You're welcome. We'll chat soon. - If you wanna take 75 into account, the only thing you're gonna get is right here where we're at. It takes you right into Omaha. - Yeah, so Hallworth Park is over here just south of this, and then you also have, the Catfish reservoir is also over here too, so you have a few things to get to over there. - Going north. - But if we don't wanna cross any bridges, then we're at this other boat ramp real quick here. - Okay. - So anyway, I say let's, we're meeting them both there. - Yeah, yeah. - Let's knock that out, and then we can go from there. - And then we move north if we need to. - Yep. - Any step forward is one step closer to finding him. - [GPS Voiceover] Head southwest on (indistinct) (trailer creaking) (relaxed music) - So, the family wants you to check Haworth Park too? - Yeah, so they think Hayworth because that's where they had a lot of family reunions up there. - It's probably not a bad idea. - Yeah, and the other thing too is, I mean, you guys just have so many quarries and bodies of water in this area. When I first looked at it, I'm like, I need like two to three days in this area at least, but we only have one day, today, only 'cause we're moving over to Iowa tomorrow. So yeah, we'll back the trailer up. We'll just do our thing, and you're welcome to hang out for the day or, you know, we can just call you when necessary. - I gotta meet with a detective at 11 to transfer some evidence. - Okay, perfect. Let me go grab your number just in case you do need to take off. - Oh, you guys are a great resource. I'd never even heard of you. - Yeah, well, thank you. - I'm glad the family found you. - Yeah. - As far as circumstances, why he left the, do you know like, do you have any insight on why he may have left? - The family told us that he had said in the past, if he ever had any major health issues, that he wouldn't want to live any longer. - You guys have been to his residence. Is there anything that you guys find alarming, like that gives you any type of lead on the conditions he left under? Like, did he have his stuff? - It appeared he left the house without his wallet, and without his cell phone. Possibly left with no shoes on, he did have a wound vac 'cause he just had surgery. He came home on the 3rd, and that wound vac was left behind. - Oh, so we have his wound vac left behind, possibly no shoes, left his wallet and his cell phone. So yeah, he definitely was leaving probably in that mind state of, you know, just trying to take care of himself so nobody else did. That's good insight to have, you know, because in those circumstances, we know he's here somewhere. He's somewhere. 'Cause he hasn't gone far, he doesn't have monetary resources, no shoes. You have a plan at that point. - And OnStar can communicate with the vehicle, so that tells us-- - Underwater. - Well, either that or in a remote location where self service is not available. - Yeah, 'cause it was a 2018 Chevy Tahoe, correct? Yeah, so the OnStar services would have been in it. And even if they didn't have a subscription, OnStar can activate that. So, they are either in a remote area or they're underwater. Well, we're here and we're gonna do what we need to do, and it shouldn't take us long with these locations to rule them out. And please feel free to stick around. - The Sheriff's department is glad to have you. - Yeah, thank you. Yeah. - I'm Doug. - Grant Zarkowski, I'm John's nephew. - Yes sir, yes sir. Jared's down there getting the boat ready. Yeah, we were just a few miles north, and obviously this one's fresher and the 23-year-old one can wait, and you know, this takes precedence at the moment. So we'll do our best to check as many areas as we can. There's quite a few places that we can check. - Okay. - Yeah, we'll do our best. And if anything, we can at least give you answers on where he's not. - Okay. - You know? - One for me, you know, anytime we come into an area, the first thing you wanna do is, you know, what's the most likely scenario closest to his house? This boat ramp, with it being the Missouri River, but I also understand, you know, not too far from here as well is the Hallworth Park where you guys did a lot of family reunions. - Yeah, and we had a camera that didn't show him going through there. It doesn't mean he probably wasn't, 'cause you can go over and miss that camera, but yeah. - He might've drove a little slower or took a different route. - Yeah, and honestly if he went in up there, he could be down here somewhere too. - Yeah, with normally the way the vehicle work, once it goes in the water, it's going to flow for 2 to 10 minutes. And we've dealt with vehicles in the Missouri River before, usually no more than 500 yards is where you're gonna find them. - Okay. - Once they settle in, it's like a turtle. It's on the bottom, and then the water just comes over, it creates a back eddy, so it keeps it from moving, is what ends up happening. - Okay. - So even if, you know, a big storm came through afterwards, that vehicle is not going to move. - Okay. - So with that, we're gonna go ahead and put the boat in here with this being our most likely. If we don't find anything here, then we're going to move up. To the park would probably be the next location. After that if we don't find anything there in the Missouri River, my third area that I would like to search is the old Catfish Restaurant, with those ponds, with the lakes over there. - Yep. - So that was the kind of the direction I would like to go today. And then from there, if nothing there, there's a lake kind of to the Northwest of his house as well that I saw a boat ramp over there, that'd be the fourth one. And then from there, we'll just kind of start picking it apart from there. - Okay. - So that's the game plan for today. We're going to utilize the daylight and do as much as we can as quick as we can for you. - Okay. - All right. - Thank you. - I'm here until you guys are done. - Sounds good. We appreciate you. If you can think of anything else that might help as well, let us know. All right, thanks guys. - Thank you, guys. - No wallet, no shoes, he had a surgery VAC bag that was left there, so, he had a plan. - Right. (boat grating) (soft music) (boat motor whirring) - The way that sonar works is one, is going at six miles an hour is one of the worst things we can be doing right now. We actually want to be going at, between 1.9 and 2.5 miles an hour, so we're gonna turn this and go upstream. But the way that the sidescan works is, we are casting 75 feet left, 75 feet to the right, anything that's black is water column from the bottom of the boat to the bottom of the river. This is our down imaging. Same thing, we're shooting 24 feet. You can see the grid lines to kind of help you as a reference point as to how far down we're shooting. This is more of a picture in time on the Humminbird. This one, however, is more, this one is LiveScope, so you can actually see things happening in real time over here, and turn that off. Oh, there we go, that's better. So with this one, if a fish comes by, or we would come up on a vehicle, we're going to see it immediately. But anyway, the big thing that we wanna do is we're gonna get turned around and go upstream so we can get a nice, solid reading, not at six miles an hour. So we'll come down about 500 yards, maybe 6. Let's actually head down to, where it starts to bend in the river there, Doug. - Yeah. - Where that little light inlet is at, and then we'll turn, and then run the river back up. So I don't envision that it's gonna be any further down than this, in this current. So let's turn it. and then we're gonna do two passes. We're gonna do this far out from the bank, and then we're gonna go down and move over another 75 feet, and then do another one. (boat motor roaring) - Because it's a fresher vehicle, it's going to read different than like an older vehicle. - Right. - I don't believe this is a vehicle, but I think it's just like some of these logs, because it's so close to everything that we have here. So we're just gonna back up and just double-check that one right there. Yeah so now that we came to the other side of it, we can clearly see that, now that we're on the other side of it, that it was just a log that's in there. One of those poles that are there. All right, so we'll move back out a little bit into the river where we were, about 50 feet out. So I think we're about 500 yards or so from the boat ramp in question, and I suspect that right about here where these rocks are coming out is where a vehicle should be in this current. So, we came down way farther than we need to so we can come upstream to appropriately scan sonar properly, that way we're not gonna miss anything. But my guess is up there by those rocks, right there where they're coming in. The other thing you don't wanna do if you're doing this and you're scanning, make sure that you're going directly up the current, is gonna be the best. That way you have the most control over your speed, and make sure that you're not scanning sideways across the river, 'cause now it's going to give you like a push downward scan, it's not gonna do you any good. So always upstream in the stronger current rivers. Sometimes you'll see us scanning downriver as well, but that's going to be, you know, in real light currents where we're not gonna exceed two to two and a half miles an hour. - What's the depth right here? - 25 feet. - [Doug] Really? Wow, that's impressive. (boat motor roaring) - We'll go, so from that line that we just took, we're gonna go over 75 feet. That's gonna give us an overlap on the 75 feet we just covered over here, and then another 75, and then the 75. And even though we're gonna be riding the current down, we might pick something up if it's there, but mainly we're more focused on the coming back up. And then for this one, I don't suspect it would be out any further, but since we're here, we'll do one more pass from there as well. So we'll do three passes on this one covering, was that roughly 200 to 250 feet that we'll end up covering. - [Doug] So if we leave here and we're not successful, we're gonna go to-- - Hallworth Park. - [Doug] Hallworth, that's where they had the reunions. - Yeah. - If our mission is not successful to that point, I say we do a lot of drone flying too. - Yeah. - There's like four of those quarries together. I think putting the drone up right in the middle and getting an aerial view, it's a white vehicle. There's a high possibility that it could pop up. - Yeah, based on the current and how far out we are, and everything that we've ever found, and us hitting 75 this way and how far we are from the shore, I don't see a reason for a third pass on this one. - [Doug] No, no, no, no. - It's never been that far. - [Doug] It'd never have enough speed. If it was straightaway into here, maybe possibly, - But even like Bill, I mean, Bill really went, and he wasn't this far out. And this is a stronger current than what Bill was in. - [Doug] Ooh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Right here at the boat entrance? At deep 15? We got something right here. We have something right here. - [Jared] Is it magnet time? - So the magnet is gonna be, in this current, it's really gonna go back behind us. I would say the monster magnet on this one, because the monster magnet is gonna, a lot more weight, it's gonna drop. - Oh, you want more weight? Let's go grab the monster magnet. - Monster magnet, Josh. - All right, well, so we scanned all of it, and then coming back in, right here at the ramp we have something. Appears to be upside down, appears to be larger than a car, and it is roughly between four to six feet tall is how tall it is. What we wanna do is get a nice, solid lock on it and verify that it's metal, and then from there, we'll just bring that line to shore and then we'll dive on it, and put eyes on it and verify things for you. Yeah, so we found something here. So is it what we're looking for? We don't know yet. Let me add fuel just in case, so we don't. - Where do you want it, Doug? - Set it up here. - All right. What I remember, (water splashing) - That is correct. - it is? - Yep. - Okay. (water splashing) - I'm gonna see if I can get a reading with the, while you're getting that set up. I'm gonna see if I can get a reading with the Humminbird. - [Doug] And how deep is it? - Oh, if I do this right, where Josh is at, where I'm going, it should be off to my right. Is what I'm looking for on Sidescan. So I'm gonna hit this a few different locations, a few different ways on sidescan. And now it's gonna be on our left. Where Josh is at, the first one will pop up. - Right. - Yeah, that's six feet tall. All right, so right here, we're directly over the top of it. So go ahead and put your magnet down, see if it drops right on it. Like you're, so now you're behind it, so I'll pull you upriver some. - Can you see it? - Yeah, I saw it. Now I've gotta get back over to the left though. So I'm gonna take you up here, and then we'll drop your magnet, and then we'll back into it. - Okay. - Now moving on. We're on it. We're on it. - I'm gonna take us to shore, go over. Yeah, we're locked. Yeah, it's metal, it's not aluminum. Now we put the scuba gear on. Let's go put eyes on it for you. (funky music) (indistinct) - It's been down there for quite a while, it's not the vehicle. - [Jared] I'm trying to make my way around the front of it. - He's making his way around the front of it now. - [Jared] If I had to guess, this is an older Volkswagen, (indistinct) This one is cleared and not our target. - It's clear, it's definitely not our target. - [Jared] There is no plate on it, but I'll bring them in, (indistinct) then I can see what it. I can not make it out at all. (breathing loudly) - Yeah, red in color. Top of it's already been a completely sandblasted over time, so it's probably been in there 15, 20 years. - Oh, really? So I'm sure we'll get, there will be a part number or something on here. - Yeah. - No plate on the back, nothing on the front. As far as passenger seat, you have a salt log about yay bigger down all the way through the front seat, so nothing that was in there that I was able to identify. But I cleared what I could on it for you. - Just one car. - Just one car, yeah. (train wheels creaking) (soft music) - How strong is the current on the Missouri as opposed to other rivers you guys have worked in? - This one is the, one of the worst that I hate. All right, I think we have everything we need. Driving into this location, Doug, I'm a little less optimistic. And part of the reason for it is there's lights over there, that bridge where the toll bridge is at, the detective said that they have cameras on there, and that he's checked those cameras. But in addition to that, you've got the little house that you're coming past, which I mean, house means nothing, but you also have the campground, and I just think that this one is too far from his house. - Not a single car. - I don't think it's gonna be out any further, but we'll do that one more pass that we normally do just to make sure we cover it. And then honestly, for selfish reasons, I'm glad that there's not a vehicle in here. I just hate the current here. So, yeah, let's jump over onto those other ponds. (soft music) (metal grating) Just a boat ramp on it, 'cause the road goes around, and there's so many locations to go in. They can launch anywhere, so we're gonna have to cover pretty much the entire perimeter, and maybe twice as we work our way in. (relaxing music) (boat motor roaring) - The bottom is really smooth, so what that means is it makes this detecting an anomaly a lot easier. And this is so smooth. Anything remotely on the bottom here is gonna pop up, stick out like a sore thumb. And still, so clean. Nothing so far, it's really clean. - [Jared] I'd like to get both boats out. It really shows that we're using our stuff. - Yes. - We are going a little bit faster, but it's pointing up like this right here, and it was on our left. So because of that, we wanna go put our boat over it at our regular speed of 1.9 to 2.5. - It does look like there's a lot of concrete blocks all over the bank. - Yeah, and that's what it could be as well. So we need to identify how tall it is as well. And all it is is just a rock, and the way that it comes off that point, right there. - As a family missing your lost loved one and not knowing where they're at, wondering if they're in a certain place, it's good to know when they're not in a certain place, you know? Our goal is to always find them, but you know, if our searches become unsuccessful, at least we can leave knowing that the family knows, John isn't and the waterways that we searched. You know, at times just in cases like this and just wish you could have gotten to him sooner to talk to him and maybe change their mind, I don't know. I know that's a thought in hindsight, but it's just sad that things like this happen. A lot of this, you know, what we were just talking about involving veterans is a very deep topic, and it's, I believe it's 22 veterans per day, every single day, succumb to suicide on American soil. So it's imperative that if you know a veteran, or if you know somebody that just got back, embrace them, be there for them. Talk to them, let them know they're not alone. And they fought for this country, and they deserve to have us citizens that we enjoy our freedom because of them, embrace them and make sure that they're okay. And a lot of them, they get back, and not that they don't feel welcomed, they just, it's hard for them to get out of that mentality, and they just don't, this world just isn't a real world to them anymore. And they need embracing. They need lots of love, man. And it's something that as a community, we need to embrace more. Step up and give a helping hand. - So even though I wanted to go over to this other lake that was over here with the boat ramp, they think that it might have some gates over there. But in doing so, we came back to where his house was at, and Ashley found this one right here. So his house is over here, in this community, and this one is only about a mile from his house, with a boat ramp right there. - Oh, nice. Nice. - That's where we're going right now. (trailer creaking) All right, let's go check that other one, see if we can get into it. - We can go back and look at our GIS maps and look at anything, (indistinct) depths of waterways. - With it being, I don't know, what time is it right now? 3:54 o'clock, - It's about eight, 20:00. - So, I say we can at least cover three more at least, with them being smaller bodies of water. - But these are all private lakes, so we're gonna have to-- - Yeah, 'cause if he left his house, then he would've just gone west and then he could be on Cedar Creek, which then takes you out to these lakes out here that I'd like to get on to. - Okay. - So, all right, let's go play. It's fenced all the way around. - What about, (indistinct) - That looks fenced all the way around. With security cameras. - What's at the end of this road here? - The Platte River, not deep enough. Is there any other entrance in there? - [Doug] Well, it looks like there's a bunch of mobile homes back here, huh? So this road is open all the time then. - In my opinion, it's not a high-end community to where it would be a closed gate. (train horn blowing) (train rattling) - I see a lot of signs and camps here. - It's closed until 6:00 AM. - Perfect. - Yep. - Okay, that one mark's this one off. We have another one right here. If we would have just gone over the tracks, made a right, you have this little area right here. So the question is, do we have a gate? No, it was, we're way over here right now. 25 minutes from there? I wouldn't put it at 25 minutes at all. I mean, this is coming back to, what's the closest body of water that he's got access into? Yes, so let's come back closest to his home again, Let's bring back within the five mile radius. That's only about two miles from his house, if even that. Let's go clear those. (vehicle engine roaring) (soft music) - What if we started at his house and then did the turns that he made? - Well, I mean, we're close to making those turns. We just bypassed this house by a few feet. Have you guys had any rain storms between then and now? No vehicle, no vehicle. You can see the bottom there. Over there, nice and shallow, you can see it. He's not getting over there. So that way we can actually see parts of bottom right here, you're not going into that one. All right, I don't know where to go next. (soft music) So we're in the cul-de-sac right here, and we have the no trespassing signs with a chain that's up. No entry on that one, no entry on that one. All right, so there's nothing to disturb there. - The only place you can go in and get away with it is the Missouri. - Yeah, I agree. - The Missouri is not close. - Yeah, so I mean, this one was two shallows, so we've ruled that one out. That one, too far off with no tracks going in with the other houses around it, so that one's ruled out. And then we can't get to this one, 'cause you just have the walking trail right here behind us, so that one is ruled out there as well. So, and then that quarry had the gate on it right there, so that takes that one out. The Catfish Lake then. - Toni talked to them and somehow ruled it out. - Okay. - I'll see where he went. - I mean, I'm still drawn to it just because he spent so much time up there when that restaurant was open, knowing that it's also abandoned. - If he was to drive to what I think was where the old restaurant used to be, there was a gate up. - Let's head up on 75, then. We'll take the first exit, 34, and then we're gonna make the first right onto 8th Street. We'll take 8th Street down to, - I just checked that out. - The lake down there? This lake? - Yeah, it's just a small fish pond. - Okay. - Yeah, it's just a little fish pond. - Okay, so then, so then if we come back up knowing that he went to Hallworth, or Hayworth? - Hayworth. - Quite often, that would be on 34. So then is there any type of quiet access once you cross over there? Yeah, so then we're just gonna, you know, we're breaking down everything on this side, and that just takes us back down into the boat ramp. And then we came back up and we were looking at this side, but my understanding is that one's too shallow, and so then we were just kind of looking at, knowing that he would go to Hayworth Park from time to time. Are there any other bodies of water that we may have missed heading back up that direction? Besides the boat ramp that we were at over there on Dock Road this morning, is there any other location, or are there any other access points that he feels like might've been a little more quiet? We were breaking it down, would he have crossed over into the Iowa side? And if so, were there any boat ramps on that side for him to jump into? We really didn't see anything over there either, other than this one little access right here. But just thinking that way, I mean, he's already in pain, I'm not seeing him driving all the way to the other side, just to dive into the river right here. My thought is, you know, if he makes his way far enough that direction to the river, he would've chose the river. The only other thing is, do we run another 500-plus yards further than what we ran this morning? No, farther down from where we went. Like, I don't see it going farther than 500 yards. All right, let's go over to Dock Road, put eyes on that one, and then put our heads together from there. - [GPS Voiceover] 6th street, then turn left onto Main street. Turn left onto Main street. - Well, we'll put the drone in there just to, I mean, if something's in there, you'll be able to see it. - Okay. - You already in there, Josh? - Yeah. - It's like a little cove right there. So this is where this dirt road ends. - Yeah, you're in the same spot. The dirt road ends right here, and it kinda comes to the water a little bit, and then there's a little house, and trailer, and the dock. - Yep, so just to pass the three trailers, and then the cove comes around. So, come back this way. - This is very shallow right there. - Right here, and the point over here. Before you start up at the other three trailers, so you should have three more trailers up here. Oh, then you need to be on the other side of them. - Okay. - So go down here, because there's a set of trailers over here, and then you have this set of trailers here. So just past this set of trailers here, over here and there, and that's what I'm interested in, right there. So let's go check that one out. - Okay. (soft music) - Thank you. (boat motor roaring) - Okay, 20 feet deep right here already. (boat motor roaring) - Just for my own peace on this one, we're not that far from where we stopped earlier, so I'm gonna go hit the rest of this real quick. (boat motor roaring) So where we stopped earlier today, Carson, is this little slew right here. So we know that we've covered everything from that slew up to the other boat ramp. We continue to learn new things like, is the vehicle actually didn't go farther than we actually think. So, that's what I was talking to Doug earlier about, I was like, what if in this scenario, we either have this boat ramp, or he just ended up getting pushed farther than we expected it to. So I'm really happy that we came back to this location and were able to cover this extra spot right here. (boat motor roaring) Thank you. Oh, wait, I have a vehicle there. All right, I think it might have a vehicle. Right when I turn. I'm gonna see if I can pick it up again. (boat motor roaring) Yeah, you see that popping up on screen? - [Carson] Yeah, that looks like a truck. - [Jared] Just off to the right. - [Carson] You can see the bed, and you can see the top of it. - So it's off to the right, and now watch this. I'm gonna see if we can get back over the top of it. So it's kinda right in line with that log right there, but I'm not getting like, I'm not getting like a solid reading and lock right over the top of it. I'm trying to decide how far out from shore it is. That's what I'm trying to get right now. Yeah, what I'm gonna do, 'cause I know like right there, so I want like a good reading, so I'm gonna circle around and get a good reading coming upriver with it. Yeah, see this may be our target is. This is how it reads funny 'cause it's fresher, but I think that we might've found the SUV we're after. It's not buried, it's upside-down and it's the height of the SUV. (boat motor roaring) Okay, there it is, there it is. Yeah, right at that log. (boat motor roaring) I have video for you right now. Okay, let's go, I'm gonna swap you out for Doug, and we're gonna go put a magnet on it. I have what I believe is an SUV. So it's right where we thought would be the end of where we should be searching this morning, and it's right where we turned around this morning. But I've got some pictures, I've got some video, so let's take a look at it. You guys wanna pull that in just a little bit, Josh? What we have is, this was going backwards nice and slow, but what we have is we have the wheels are facing up. So this is, in looking at this, this is a sidescan. So when you're looking at side scan, this is the right side of it, this is the left side of it. So you can see a little bit here, but I zoomed in on it here. She you have, the vehicle is upside down. That was a backwards motion. So now I turned and I went back upriver, oh, this was the same. So this was taken from the same. So this was your upside-down as well. - Oh, okay, right there? - Yep. - Upside-down? - [Jared] Yeah, so this is the down imaging, this is the side imaging splitting it in two. So I was right over the top of it. And then this one is just that one maximized. Now, I wanted a good, clean reading as I was going upward, so with this one, it's not buried in the silt so it gives the fresher appearance. and you can see the wheels are facing upward. And then I ended up taking the video for you so you can see, (boat motor roaring) So, we're splitting it right there, so we're right over the top of it. And here it is right here as well. So then you take the, so you take the height of it as well, and so there's your 22 and 15, and so it's taller than a car. So you're looking at, if you're almost touching 15 and then you come down between those two, so it's about six to seven feet tall. So Doug and I, we turned around right there. We said, you know what? This is gonna be the maximum, that's right the exact moment we turned around, so we didn't pick it up. Another four feet, we would've picked it up this morning. We're not saying this is it, I'm just saying this is a fresher, in my opinion, this has not been down there that long. Yeah, so we're gonna go put a magnet on it right now, and then we'll suit up and let's go put eyes on it. - Would it be easier to access it from here, or this morning's location? - This location right here. - Okay. - All right, so we're gonna pay attention right at the end of this log here. Okay, so I'm coming up on it right now. So, there's the SUV upside down, we're right on top of it right now. Right on top of it, right on, you're gonna go off the right side. Now, go ahead and drop it down, let me see where it's at. Okay, so I can see you, so it's really dragging behind. So go ahead, go ahead, I wanna see how far it's gonna, all right, so hold it there. So you're gonna be 12 feet is the drag behind. So don't go down any deeper, I'm going to take you past it, and when I took you past, it really pulled your travel hook back up. Like you're now at 12 feet, whereas you were at 18 feet. So, you wanna be this far out. (boat motor roaring) I'm going to take you 25 feet past it. Okay, now I want, - You want me to go back down? - [Jared] Now I want you all the way on the bottom. So I'm gonna hold position here and I want you all the way on the bottom. Let me know when you're on the bottom. I got the bottom? - I'm on the bottom. - [Jared] All right, now we're gonna go backwards, and I'm gonna try to put you right over the top of it. - Under us right now. - Okay, that's good. And then you're only like eight feet away from it. Maybe 10 feet. And we're coming over it right now. So I mean, you should hook right into it. Are you on it? - Maybe I'm on it. - [Jared] Yeah, I mean, you should be right on it. Nice and solid? And pull it, yank it and make sure it's hard. - I'm on it. - Nice. Put your buoy on it real quick just in case you lose it. All right, we lost the buoy. Is your line on it now? I mean, you've got this other line on it? There goes to the buoy, let me see if I need to get you to shore real quick, and then I'll come back for you. I'll go save that. - Yeah, I got it. - All right, you got that. You got that. All right, I'll come back for you in a minute. (boat motor roaring) the big thing is we just wanna make sure it's like, go around this big rock right here behind you, so that way he was like really tied off and like that one there. (boat motor roaring) All right, let's go suit up. (boat motor roaring) (boat motor roaring) All right, (indistinct) (water splashing) All right, I'm heading down. (water bubbling) (indistinct) (loud breathing) Looks like he's really struggling. He's coming around something. I got the 3 locked on a car. All right, so where do I go from here? I'd like to go back. Boys, pull me up. All right, I'm on your grappling hook here, (indistinct) Just try to make my way back across somehow. - Yeah, 10-4. Head back up topside and we'll relocate it. You know, when we dropped our treble hook, we hooked obviously the tree log, which is right near the car. But it's not like as a diver, he can swim around that immediate area. If he lets go with this line, he's gone. So, he's gonna have to make his way back up, and we'll have to relocate it with a magnet and try again. And/or wait for daylight. (water bubbling) (breathing loudly) - That was a lot of work. Your line is upstream further than where this SUV is at. So we were stuck on your grappling hook. - I was wondering, because you took this whole orange line from me, and I was like, oh my God. Luckily we had another line. - Yeah, I mean, 'cause we should only be out like 30 feet here. - Yeah. - So I'm going to attempt to just shimmy straight down and straight over. So pull your orange line. - [Doug] Can you stay on the line though? - I'm gonna go just on the rocks, hold on to the rocks the best I can. Does that make sense? - Yeah. - And you're gonna take the orange line down with you. - Yep. - All right. - And attempt to find this blind. I'm going straight down over here, because this is not where I want it to be. I know you what have is like 10 feet out, you have that other carabiner that you're stuck on, so I'm gonna go and undo that for you. - [Doug] Okay. - I'm gonna come back, and I'm going straight across from that log. So good? - [Doug] We just turtle it until you run right into it. - Horizontal if I run into it. It's a strong current too, so I hope I can do it. - [Doug] My thing is I got, I don't want you to waste your time, and I want you to be safe. And the only thing preventing from doing it like with an automatic is putting the monster magnet on it. - Yeah, we just didn't get it. So we snagged a tree log instead. - I know. You don't wanna wait to put a monster magnet on it? - I mean, if I can just go, I've gone sideways before, like this, right off at the bank. And I said we're just 30 feet out, so as long as I can get on it and behind it, I'm gonna be just fine. (water splashing) (water bubbling) - Going out there blind on his target is tough. It's gonna just show his level of experience and lack of intimidation he really has for diving. He's got a special gift. (indistinct) - [Jared] Oh, I found it, I found it, I found it, I found it. All right, I am in a taillight right now. It's a bright color, I don't know what it is yet. (indistinct) it is an SUV, it's a white SUV. The back window is busted out, I've got the very back of it. I'm going inside a little bit where the current isn't as strong, at least for a moment. Put the carabiner on here (indistinct) it's been attached. All right, we have a tight connection. - I'm gonna pull the slack out of it as soon as you give me the go. - [Jared] All right, there's a lot of silt in here. Wow. All right, I'm gonna try to stay inside of the vehicle, leads to the upper outside and see if I can feel for a plate. Oh, it's a strong current there. It's kinda dark out here, so I'm trying to get my feel... Oh, Okay, I got a plate. I'm working on the plate. (breathing loudly) I'm trying to lift the plate off. I can't see the plate, I'm only doing it by feel. - We have confirmed it's a white SUV. We have not confirmed the plate yet, though. - [Jared] I got a part of the plate off. There we go, I got the plate in half. The plate is in half. All right, I'm backing down, coming over. All right, I am, am I stuck? All right, I'm clear. What did you say the plate number was? 20-T188. Our plate number, 20-T188. (indistinct) - It's our vehicle. It is our vehicle. Somebody is gonna need to go get him, he has the plate in hand. - All right, I'm up. Anybody got a flashlight that they can turn on? - The current is really strong. - Okay. - The back window is the only place I was able to make it to right now, just to get that plate and verify. I'm feeling like the windshield might be busted out because of the amount of current that was coming through there, but I've not been able to confirm. We have the back hatch is open. So, the front of the vehicles facing upriver, the hatch is open at the back with the back window on that hatch is also busted. A lot of sand is already inside, so you're dealing with an extra 4, 5,000 pounds inside the vehicle right now. (water splashing) Is that correct? I would not suggest that we do lift bags as well as that back is open. Even with that, the big thing is gonna be to identify if that front windshield is out. And if we have him in there, we don't wanna be popping any windows. If the front windshield is intact, I'd almost suggested that we bring it out from the backside so that we can turn it in, pull up the bank, everything's sideways, and that way we're not losing anything out the back. - We're still working on getting you ten down here for the dive team tomorrow. We'll have extra boats if you need them with fire department. I got my admin working on a tow truck. - All right, excellent. So the extra boat will really be to keep anybody else away, make sure that the boats are, we're probably just put one on anchor about another 20, 30 feet out directly from the side of the SUV, and then we'll have another, the one that will be hanging with them that once we break free as divers, (indistinct) So two boats will be perfect for that. (indistinct) - Tastes like chicken. (laughing) - You and Hardy will put together a team. - And if they wanna take the lead here, I mean we're definitely no cowboys, so, - You're the expert. - Okay. I appreciate that. - Nine o'clock? - Nine o'clock is perfect. And then, you have pretty much two hooks right on there, and then we'll bring it right upside. But the big thing is definitely a nice rotator so that way we can do this right. And preserve anything. - So if we can't get a rotator, if we were to pull up a regular tow truck with a wench? - Absolutely not. And the reason for it, you have 4 to 6,000 pounds of silt in there. - Okay, so let's check out that bank over there and hope it'll hold up a truck. Let's see what it looks like over there. - And then, and one thing about a rotator, a rotator will be able to boom out so if it can't get right on the bank, it'll be able to set up near the bank, and put some cribbage down, the cribbage will help with this off. (indistinct) Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Worst case scenario, I mean it is floatable, it's just hard to contain it. I mean, if we floated it, we would have to anchor it to like a tow truck. - Plus we're gonna have to put four bags on it. - Yeah, SUV with the extra weight. Thank you guys though. Again, this is possible 'cause of you guys. I know we're here, but it's, all day long we've been searching, and yeah, it's because of your guys hospitality, this is possible. - Thank you Jennifer for her devotion to getting ahold of you guys. It really was Jennifer. - I don't care if you're wet. (laughing) - You're welcome. - It's you got this whole thing. - So yeah, fingers crossed, he's seatbelted in there and everything's coming up tomorrow. So, it's gonna be a tough night for sure. We'll do it as quick as we can tomorrow for that. We have an answer tonight. We'll get the rest of the answers tomorrow. Which is identify if John is in there, and we don't want to lose John. Regardless of whatever we do, if he's in there we don't wanna lose him. So, because we're only dealing with somebody that's been in there for two weeks, we're not dealing with any decomposition or anything, he's full, he's whole, solid, I think what we need to do is just start popping the windows one at a time, identify if he's in there, and if so, I just get a line around him and we just bring him up and out, we have him separate from the entire vehicle, we don't have to worry about anything else. Now we can spin, we can do whatever we want to that thing and destroy the vehicle to get it out. I'll take a second line with me, just under the arms around him, so that way he sinks up nice and tight and then I'll come up with it all at the same time. - It takes out the probability of him coming out, or anytime we're doing a recovery, you can't count for that accountable. And in that scenario, that accountable could mean losing him, you know? - I got the name of the funeral home so I can get them called down here. County attorney, he wants an autopsy done on him. - Yeah, so based on that, I would change the tow truck to at least one o'clock so that way we can just take care of what we need to take care of first, and then we can do proper rigging on the best way to get it out of there from there. Other than that, I'm good to go. I know what the mission is, and the game plan, and let's make it happen. Just back up a little bit, I'm gonna put my trailer on that. (engine roaring) (loader beeping) (soft music) - I have our guide line at the back. And we're gonna be at the front window, and I'm grabbing, coming out, and popping. My biggest thing is I don't want you to get stuck underneath that first main line. - [Doug] Okay, so if you want me to cut that first line loose, when you give then okay, I can do that. I'm not letting go of the line, I'm going to use, at that point the line you're taking is gonna be the anchor line. - Yeah, so just know that you may have to (indistinct) - I got you. (water bubbling) - Divers down. - So just for safety, we had the fire chief, he's got his boat up there as a perimeter, no boats are gonna come in. And then we'll have a second boat over here shortly that will be able to intercept Jared and John, if John is still in there. (indistinct) 10/4, I read you loud and clear. (indistinct) Okay, he's at 15 feet now. (indistinct) (breathing loudly) - He's at the vehicle. So he's at the back of the vehicle now, it's kind of like a little eddy out of the current. - [Jared] Yeah, the current is just blazing strong on the driver's side here. - All right, so the driver's side, he can't get to it, the current's too strong. He's gonna try the passenger side to see if maybe there's a little bit of an angle that's blocking the current. - [Jared] I am on the line. (indistinct) passenger side and see what I can do over there. If there's an eddy over there, I hope so. - So he's on the passenger side at the rear wheel now. - [Jared] All right, the second window is up. The passenger window is up, the windshield is intact. - Back window on the passenger side, window's up. Front window is up, windshield intact. - [Jared] There's too much silt inside for me to do anything. Oh yeah, it's filled up the entire cabin here. All right, so right now our only option is on the passenger side here, for a wheel. I'm gonna see if I can get a line to the driver's wheel by chance. That means they're out. - The entire cabin's filled with silt, which could be a good thing. - [Jared] All right, I'm coming up. - He's coming up. - So we're gonna need to hold onto this? - Real tight. (water bubbling) - The inside, completely full with sediment, Toni. What I mean by that is with that back lift gate in, me trying to get into the back there, you have maybe 14 to 18 inches of sediment from the roof to the back. Over the front windshield, and all four side windows are intact. So, as long as we pull the entire vehicle backwards, we'll pull him out there. If he is in there with all that sand and sediment, that current is really strong on that side, it's gonna kill me doing it, but in addition to that, we pop a window, he's not coming out, he's buried. - Yeah, he's just like cement at this point. - Yeah, there's gonna be two yellows. Let me have a zip tie on the end of each one of those, and then the locking carabiner on it as well. And then, the other side down that has the, I think Jared, that has the zip ties, and go through the wheels and bring it back to the rock, and here we are. At the end of all of that, on the third locking shackle, let's just run a new line, so that way I'm not having to move any line now. Once I get this hooked up, then I'll just pop down and one more time to hook up this line. And then one more line, just like so that we're pulling two separate pull points on the same wheel. So you're gonna get that rig. You want this blue line prepped, you go down the line waiting for me to come back up, or are you gonna switch one of these lines to that? - Go ahead and marry one end to this right now. - All right, and I'm, so now you're gonna have three lines going out there. So, yeah, I will feed this to you as you go down. (indistinct) (breathing loudly) (indistinct) He's trying to get that red strap through the wheel. - [Jared] All right, zip tie worked out perfect. Got a zip tie there, I'm trying to feed the red line through there. - Slid right through with the zip tie. (indistinct) Oh, I actually ran into it. All right I'll come back. - Did he lose something? - He found it. He found it. He's so lucky. He's got the most amazing luck. - [Jared] All right, we gotta back out. All right, red line is on. - You're doing a good job. - [Jared] I'm gonna get back on the orange line. - He's heading back around to the, where the rigging is to get a locking carabiner to marry that crib red line that's around the other wheel. - [Jared] The red lines, there's one, there's two, all right. Locking shackles down there, for a moment, (indistinct) - So if you watch his bubbles, they're coming on up right here. He's basically right here. Watch when the bubbles get out there. - His bubbles are coming up. So you think that's where he's at. - Yeah. - [Jared] Okay, I'm happy with that. - And how are you doing on air? - All right, well, I'm coming up. (water bubbling) (breathing loudly) There's no reason for any other type of workout in the mornings or the evenings, Doug, on this entire trip, as long as y'all gonna be diving. All right, I'm happy not happy. Forearms are on fire, air down to 7.58. The line that I just came up on, - Yeah. - The red line, solid lock to this line with a locking shackle. I'm really happy with it. What I would love to do, let's see if we can break it free. - With one wheel? - With the one wheel. So, is it going to come and do what we need to get it closer, or do I need to put another line on it at that point in time? Right now, the biggest thing I'd love, just to see if you can turn it and do what needs to be done. Leave these two lines on, - As he turns it, it's gonna create a build up-- - 100%. - On that side. - Huge. - Yeah. - So the farther he can boom out and the more he can lift up, the better. Regardless, we're pulling on that one side no matter what. - Okay, all right. So there's no getting to that other wheel. - There's zero getting to that other wheel. Like we have to move it in order to get to another wheel. - There's no getting the lid shut on the back, not at all. - Huh? - The lid is not shutting off? - All right, lid's not shutting, no hitch on the back, this is their only wheel. (metal grating) - We're ready. He moves, he's burying it, you know? So he's going to get more resistance. - So from there, if he's moved it, I can put it on the line on it now before we pull anything up. - So, you've moved it about 10 feet. Let's try to get another line on it. - 'Cause maybe it's got build up. You dragged it. So what are you gonna put the J hook on? the axle? - Yeah. - Okay. 'Cause it's probably like this now. Yeah. (chains clanging) - There you go. - Thank you, sir. And then once we get it up here, he's gonna rig all four wheels and then you'll lift it right up, right? (soft music) (air blowing) (water bubbling) - The way that thing is turned right now, I couldn't get into a good eddy to fasten that. Like that's really ripping right on this side of it. See what you can do, just keep pulling it in, and then go back down on that one and see if we can position it better. By keeping the boom up, it allows the vehicle to lift rather than, lift and come over and up, rather than plowing in, the higher that boom is. So what we're gonna do is, because this is our one line that we have on right now, we're going to tie another knot in this line, and that way he has more cable to pull again. - Okay. - And see if we can get this closer to shore. - Oh yeah, she's moving. Oh yeah. (water splashes violently) - No! (rubber squeaking) (water splashing) (water bubbling) - He's coming back up the cable for us to pull into the-- - [Jared] Is this right now? I got that other line down to the other reel. Does that work? - That works. - We're getting the other line down. - Yeah, we're gonna get down the line down to the driver's side rear wheel. (winch grating) (water splashing) (soft music) - Best to lift it up and over there so that they can do what they need to do instead of being right here on the rocks. (chain rattling) (soft music) - I'll double check real quick, these windows are definitely not. (uplifting music) (metal snapping) (metal grating) (soft music) - A lot of emotion. A lot of emotion, but this is why we do what we do. (uplifting music) - I told him there was a body in the car, non-identified yet. But they are relieved. And they wanted me to make sure I told all of you, we're grateful, very grateful for everything you guys have done. - Thank you. (indistinct) This is our, the whole thing went best case scenario. Best case scenario for the family, and now he can properly be laid to rest. - And in telling those boys, there's a lot more less tense. - Yeah, anytime you have answers where there wasn't answers, it's a step forward. You know, it's never closure, but it's at least a step forward. - You guys are great. - Thank you, man. It was a fight, but we got it. You know, we were everywhere yesterday. I don't know, 15, 20 different locations. - 12 hours in and out the water, and back where we started. - Yeah, what were the odds of that? It was just meant to be, it really was. We searched 12 hours, like you said, in and out of the water, and then we ended up right back when we started our search-- - It was 10 feet off. - Yeah, 10 feet off, two feet off. Thanks man, thanks for all, my hands are... - It don't matter. We all get dirty. (soft music) - This makes recovery number 11 now, and none of this would be possible without all of you and your support, whether you're just a viewer, or your donations as well, we do have links in the description down below as to ways that you can help. We thank you for being here and putting us in this position that we as a team, as well as all the local law enforcement today and all the teams that came together and made this possible. Thank you again. We're gonna be down the road seeing who we can help next. We'll see you on next one. Thanks, bye-bye.
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 5,077,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: john zarkowski, john zarkowski missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, solved missing persons cases 2021, solved missing persons cases documentary, missing persons cases solved, scuba diving, river diving, dangerous diving, dangerous scuba, dangerous scuba diving, found car, found car in river, recovered car, recovered car in river, recovered missing person in river, full face dive mask, found car underwater, adventures with purpose, documentales, documentary, humanity
Id: KvVdcanwLp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 5sec (5225 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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