SOLVED 16-Year Old (Jed Hall) Missing 4-years... We FOUND him in Under 20 minutes!

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(machine whirring) - [Amy Hall] God damn, you. - [News Reporter] Officials have confirmed the body found in Jed Hall's car was that of the missing teen. Despite the area being searched multiple times before, AWP found the car within 20 minutes of searching. - Jed- - Jed- - Jed- - It's Jed. - Jed hall disappeared nearly three years ago. - There was some indications that he was depressed. - No lead, no nothing. - It's wonderful to know that a lot of people care about him. - We crumbled those walls, taking away all hope for a mother that her son is gonna drive in any moment. The mom, Amy, was not ready for us to be here. (gentle music) (uplifting music) - Matthew Jedediah Hall, known as Jed to all of his family and friends, vanished January 22nd, 2018. He had a height of 5'11", weighed 120 pounds and his eye and hair color were both brown in color. He was last seen driving a gray hatchback Nissan Versa 2009 with a license plate reading 8BEF732. January 22nd, 2018 at 2:30 AM, Jed was seen on security cameras at American Heritage Charter School, his school just outside city limits. Jed broke a window to enter the school, left a note, a necklace, and money in a friend's locker, exited the school, then left in his vehicle. It is not clear whether Jed left from this point or if he returned home before vanishing. 6:51 AM, Jed's parents did not see him getting ready for school, and when they checked on him, they found a note that he had left behind. Idaho Falls police officers immediately began a search for the missing teen. Over the next few hours, Idaho Falls Police Department and our agencies from the surrounding area searched areas that Jed was familiar with and or frequented including wooded areas of neighboring counties. Idaho Falls Police Department also conducted interviews with Jed's friends and family. Jed's cell phone was also continuously pinged. However, the phone either died or was turned off at 6:48 AM. Its last pinged location showed the phone 0.43 miles southeast of the Verizon tower. That area, included the nearby river, has been thoroughly searched for Jed or his vehicle. There are also access points for Interstate 15 and Highway 20 in that area. (car engine revving) - This is down like a cold beaten path like in the middle of the night. 3, 4:00, nobody down here. (gentle suspenseful music) - [Jared] Coming into this four years later, not having a vehicle, not knowing where Jed is at, our team specializes in underwater so does search and recovery investigations, and today might be the day that we find Jed right here in the river. - To bring you guys into what's going on here this morning, we do have the "Dr. Phil" show here with us who's covering our purpose while we're covering Jed Hall's story. So there'll be a little bit of change in the flow of what you guys are normally used to. So bear with us. It's an amazing thing that they are here helping spread awareness to our purpose. - Appreciate you meeting up with me. Officially, I am Jared. I know we spoke just briefly on the phone. I come into these and it's difficult. It is difficult for me as it is for you. You're a mother of a, right now, we don't know where Jed is at, and right now, within your family, With you and Allen and others within your family, you have this hopefulness that he's still going to be driving in the driveway and- - Every single day. - Every single day. And so that's what makes my conversation so difficult with every family is because they go through different stages of, are we at the acceptance stage of now, we have to be looking elsewhere, but then, and it's, there's no defined timeline for you. So I want you to know, what you feel is completely natural. That some is like, they know immediately within a month or two, some know after four or five years. And so I guess kind of, just kind of coming into this, let me kind of just go down the path of what is that I know of the entire case and why I've chosen to take this one on for you and your family. We have a YouTube series called "Adventure With Purpose"- - Right. - Where we focus on underwater sona search and recovery. We're divers, we identify missing persons who have been missing in their vehicle. We don't take on any cases that are newer than three months old because the families are not yet ready for that. A lot of times, your family didn't reach out to us, but a family friend of yours reached out to us more recently, but we've known about Jed for a little over a year and a half now. - Okay. - When we started doing our own investigation into this case, we did not take it on because of there's license plate reader information down in California, which kind of ties into your hopefulness right now of potentially... We'll let you tell your side, that's how your story in a few minutes. So with that, we just kind of stopped our investigations. It's like, all right. I was 16 once upon a time. Similar to a story of Jed where I don't know his complete background, but I had the desire to run away, to start a new life, to go start my millions, that as a 16 year old, I actually left the entire country, and this is back in the days before Google and where can I go as a young man to just start fresh, to start over, to get away from it all, and I chose Grenada out of the encyclopedic book at hand it's like, it was an English speaking country, sound like we did something in the 80s with Reagan, seemed like they didn't hate Americans. And so that's how I ended up down in Grenada. I actually made it outta the U.S. back in the early 90s as a 16 year old. And so when I come into this and I hear the story of Jed and we're doing our pre investigation, we have a direction of travel, a potential travel down into California. Does he make his way into Mexico to start a new life for whatever reason? Does he make his way into Canada to start a new life for any reason? But this also is not the early 90s. This is 2018 where now we have- - Have a passport to get across the border. - Yeah, IDs, passports, and everything, license plate readers galore everywhere. So we stopped. At that point and we said, "Yes, we know about Jed. We put it on our big map of potential cases." But we did not move forward and we did not reach out to you and your family at that time. Now we fast forward, something must have happened in the news. Anytime we start getting a big onslaught, it's usually because there was a reminder in the news of, and so our viewers with 15 million viewers a month started reaching out to us and said, "Hey, do you know about Jed?" And I was like, "Yes, we're very much aware of him." And we just kind of left at that because of our previous research, but then a pastor friend of yours reached out to us and he really started pushing hard. Like, "Can you please look further into this? We do have the cell phone ping. Can you look further into the license plate reader as well?" And so we did our own investigation. It took us a whole four minutes with the license plate reader information down in California, and it came back to, yes, it was the same tagged number, but it was a California plate. It was non-Idaho plate. It was registered to 68 Volkswagen Beetle who happened to live right around the corner from this license plate reader that it picked up a couple times. So now, I come back into this of I'm two years into what started as a hobby of simply getting in the water to clean up the environment, of finding cars, turning this into families that started reaching out to us, viewers that started reaching out to us said, "We see that you have this ability to find and recover cars. There's lost loved one, their cars missing and they're still missing. Do you think you can step in and help?" And so the success of this is, we now have 21 lost loved ones that we have brought home in a two-year period, and some people say, "Well, what's your success rate?" I say, "Our success rate is a 100% that I'm gonna give you answers today one way or another of whether Jed is in the area underwater." The success rate that we have had is 15 to 18% of a finding a lost loved one, and what we simply go off of we come into this with the, where did he live? Where did he go to school or where did he work? Where was he last seen? And do we have a cell phone ping? And within that five mile radius has led to this 18%. Now, for the other 82%, it's not a failure. It's still successful and that you have answers as to keeping that hope alive that he's going to drive in the driveway and or once, maybe someday, we have to come to terms with the, maybe he did according to his note. But now, when I'm done here today, I have to be so confident in my skills for what I've done that I have to be able to look you in the eye and shake Allen's hand into this and say, "I have cleared this 100%. There's no reason to wonder about Jed being in the water here anymore." And so then we come back to the investigations that have taken place prior to our arrival today. In speaking with your local detective and the sergeant, it sounds like, there is a dive team in the area, rumors of vehicles being down there, but nobody seems to know what kind of vehicles or where they're at or, "Hey, there's a rumor of an ice cream truck." - (laughs) Okay. - Well, I think that if there really was an ice cream truck down there, I mean, it would kind of probably make the news and might be a, "Hey, whose ice cream truck was it?" And, "Hey, we found your truck." And I don't think that story has broken here in Idaho Falls yet. And so as I was talking to the detective is, "It's not that I don't trust you. It's just that I only trust myself. I only trust my team to be able to look you in the eye and to give you that answer that I did my job because we have found lost loved ones in places that other dive teams and other sonar teams have come in and they said that they've cleared. So that's why I'm here today for you and to give you those answers. - Okay, sounds good. - From there, if you'd like to share your story and your heart, and I don't want to go into your stories as to why you feel like he's gonna come back in another 10 months, that we're within a window that you and Allen are hopeful. Is that a story you'd like to share? - We've had a lot of different thoughts of where he might have gone, what he might have done. Maybe he's joined some militia or something like that. The latest theory that we've come up with is maybe he's joined the French Foreign Legion 'cause supposedly, his tag, his license plate was tagged in Stockton, which is a port city, and so maybe he caught a boat and he's gonna come back after his five-year stint with the French Foreign Legion speaking fluent French. So we've got about another year to go. - And I like that you still have that optimism of, and I hope that 100%, I hope that this is true because even if we don't find Jed today, and he is out there, we're seen around the entire world, and if anything, half a million, a million viewers- - Publicity is good. - Around the entire world will say, "All right, here's what Jed looks like. His mom misses him. Jed, you're not in trouble. Just come home, call your- To find a way to get ahold of your mom, and let her know that you're okay and that you're alive." In that way, she can, you guys can mend whatever happened and she's gonna help work you through. If there... I mean, I don't know if he's in any trouble, really. I mean, it's been four years. You've broken into school, but really there's nothing big that he's gonna be in too much trouble for. - He's not in any trouble that we are aware of unless he's done something since he left here. - Yeah, so anyway, so if you are out there Jed or if you happen to see Jed or know Jed, get ahold of your mom- - Yeah, I'm your mom, damn it. - Yeah, or the Idaho Falls Police Department and let them know, give them any tips that you have. Anything else that we can answer for you and your feelings of us even coming in on this? I mean- - I think it's great. - Okay. - Publicity is good. The more people that know that he's missing, the more likely somebody is to see him. - Okay, well, I'll do everything I can for you today and we're gonna start here at this local boat ramp, which was the reason for us because it was the closest- - Yup, the ping included this. - Yup, and then my feeling is if we have, we cleared this area, it sounds like he was kind of moving north and I'm going off of the 2:30 in the morning at the school, a four-hour window to the last cell phone ping, a lot of time to think and contemplate if this is was his decision, that there's no reason why he would've actually stayed, that he does have the potential of going further north to one of these other areas. - [Amy Hall] There's highway right there, there's another highway right there. He could go in any direction he wanted. - Or sat down to Stockton and he jumped a boat. So yeah, all those possibilities are out there. So, but anyway, I'm gonna work on the my 18% success rate that brings me into this five mile radius right now. - Okay, sounds good. - All right, Amy, thank you very much. I'm gonna get in the water. - Nice to meet you. Good luck. - Thank you. - [Doug] How was he as a child, his hobbies, and just who he was as a person? - Jed is a happy kid. I guess he's not a kid now 'cause he's 20. He curious, always wanted to know as much as he could about everything. He was a good student. He would finish, the work, the school he was at kind of let them do their own pace. And so he would finish what he was, what he had to do, and then he would tutor the other kids in his class and help them with the stuff. - And that was the American Heritage Charter School? - Yes, at the American Heritage Charter School, and he was just interested in all kinds of things. We traveled a Fairmont, and I remember spending days on the beach, going through the tide pools, and looking at all the critters, and then looking them up later to figure out what was that that we saw and that sort of thing. He played soccer, he was a good soccer player. Coach always loved to see him show up. He was a member of the Civil Air Patrol, which is an air force auxiliary, and he enjoyed flying. They have a small plane here and they were able to go up in that. He went to a summer camp with them over in Boise at the air base over there. They got to fly in helicopters and things and he thought that was great. (giggles) Ever since he was little, he had always been saying that he wanted to grow up to be a soldier. And so that was kind of what we were headed for. He was taking college prep classes. He was planning to apply to the Air Force Academy. My father is military air force and he actually knows a member of the faculty there. And so we'd been in recent contact with them. My parents had visited them the fall before they came out for Christmas here, our last Christmas altogether as a family. He was a good kid. He was helpful. He was working part-time at a local restaurant here, Grandpa's Southern Bar-B-Q. Gotta say a plug for them 'cause they're wonderful. He'd been working with them for ages and seemed to really enjoy the work. Just a well-rounded, good kid. - So Jed vanished January 22nd of 2018. Bring me into that timeframe that he vanished. What, was everything normal? Was this completely unexpected totally? Or, I mean, bring me into what was going on at the moment. Was he actively going to school every day? Was he in a specific activity? What was it like at that timeframe? - So we'd just been finished Christmas break and he'd been back to school. It'd probably been a couple of weeks. Everything seemed to be completely normal. We very rarely fought or disagreed about things. Like a typical teenager, he'd grumble sometimes about, "Oh, I don't really wanna do that chore," but he'd do it. There hadn't been any fights in the family. No, like I said, no disagreements, no anger. He didn't have any formal girlfriends or anything like that. He knew a lot of girls who he was friends with. So there was no drama with a girlfriend or anything like that. It seemed like everything was absolutely normal. The only thing that was different that one particular morning was that my husband was very, was sick with the flu or something like that. And so he had slept in a different part of the house than he normally did, but that was it. I mean, he was just in a different bedroom and he hadn't been as engaged with us for the last couple of days because he hadn't felt well so he'd been sleeping a lot, but I mean, that's just normal part of life. And so we were completely and totally blindsided, never had any inkling that anything was happening, anything was going to happen. It was completely out of loop. - [Doug] And this is a government software for search and rescue, and we set up a five-mile radius here around Idaho Falls. This icon here representing the cell phone ping. - Oh, okay. - The last radius here. This boat ramp here is that's exactly where we're at right now. - Yeah. - [Doug] Now, the other points of interest that we have on this map is a boat ramp to the north, which is just a little bit outside of our five-mile radius, a boat ramp to the south, which is still in the five-mile radius, and then another one here to the south, a little bit south of our five mile radius. That typically our five-mile radius is what we go off of and when people are missing and missing with their vehicle. Five mile radius is what's most successful for us, and it, we usually end up finding what we're looking for within that radius if our case victim is there. This icon here represents the school. That's the Charter School there. Now, to make this complete, we're lacking two things on this and that go with the story, which would be the general area of the home address. We don't wanna put the exact, but if you wanna put the, show me where Jed was staying at the time. - Between those two, - Between those two, so let's just say right here. All right, and we have a timeframe of, what do we think, four hours? We're not sure what happened three to four hours? - Between 2:30 when he left the school and 6:37-ish when the ping, the last ping was. - Yeah, it was like 6:51 or something like that, yeah. So we have a four-hour window are unaccounted for. Now, the cell phone last pinged in this area here. Did he ditch his cell phone here before he disappeared? - Could be. - It's a very possibility. - Oh yeah. - It's a very possibility. Now typically, when a cell phone dies, we have two types of shutdowns. We have a hard shutdown, which represents going underwater and or hard crash, phone breaking, and we have a standard shut down, the battery died or somebody powered their phone down. Do you have any information to the cell phone data that represents how the phone was shut down? - Nope. - All right, so we don't know if it was a hard shutdown or a standard shutdown. - The police might know. - Okay. - Because they got the information about the ping. - Okay, well we have detectives here. That's a question that I have on my investigative slate that it would help us if- - Yeah, definitely. - 'Cause if it's a hard crash, we know that cell phone experienced something unusual when it was shut down and that's typical underwater and or it was smashed, broken, and so forth. If it was shut down, we now know it was in a deceptive manner and in a grand scheme of thing, that's a good thing because we know in a deceptive manner, he's disappeared and that leads us down to theory of he's out there somewhere and the search for Jed needs to continue. And are there any other points of interest in the case that should be on here that's gonna help us because knowing his travel and knowing his points of interests are gonna help us. Is there any points here locally that he liked to go to, that he liked to frequent? Was there a park or any place of significance that would be sentiment of emotional value to him? - He used to go to the Elks Lodge for the Civil Air Patrol meetings. - Where is that at on here? - It's that way. (laughs) - Let's see if we can look it up. - I'm sure you can. I'm sure the Elks Lodge would be in on a map. - So we have the Elk Lodge here off of East Elva. - Yeah, that's the right one. - That's it? All right. So we'll add that to the map and you said he liked, he had meetings here? - That was where his Civil Air Patrol meetings were. - Okay. - Thursday evening. - All right, so we had the Elk's Lodge there. Any other places of significance that he liked to go to? Was there hangout spot with friends? - I mean, he worked at Grandpas Southern Bar-B-Q so he went there a lot. - You said grandpa's? - Yep, Grandpa's Southern Bar-B-Q. It's on Broadway. - It's gonna be right here off of West Broadway. - That's the one. - Nice, and we're gonna add that to our search grid. - That's very regular. - All right, so we have home address, we have school where he was that night, and we know he entered the school and he was leaving something sentimental to a female friend of his. - So that's another potential spot on the thing. We know that he was visiting that girl that he left the money for and the necklace, and she worked at Reed's Dairy. - She worked at Reed's Dairy. - Yes. - Okay. - And that will be within that five-mile radius 'cause he would often finish work and then- - And that's also on West Broadway? - Yes, and he would stop by the dairy to visit with her before he came home. - And in regards to the money that was left in the locker, do you know how much it was? - $1,000. - $1,000, and what else was left along with the $1,000? - A necklace that he had made. - A necklace he made, oh, awesome. That was very sweet of him. Was there any note or- - Yeah, there was a note. - Okay, did we know what that note said at all? - Yeah, Dr. Phil's got the... He had me read it. - Okay, all right, so we have that already. - [Man] Can I jump in real quick? I just wanna ask you something. What is, they put down that red marker there. What does that mean? - That means they have a car. - Thank you very much. I'm gonna get in the water. - Nice to meet you. Good luck. - Thank you. We usually come into this when the families have already moved through that process of, I do believe my lost loved one is underwater and so it's even that much more sensitive for me to have these conversations and that much more difficult to have this conversation of I'm going to clear this for you in hopes that we don't find him, and if we do find him, it takes away all hopes for Amy and for Allen that Jed's gonna be driving in the driveway. You heard her. I think he's gonna come driving the driveway any minute now. And that's difficult to hear, and that's what makes it even more difficult for me to be out here right now because it's almost as though I'm like, "I don't believe you at all and that's why I'm here," and I don't like that feeling. I really do dislike being here today, and you might say, "Jared, why are you there?" In some small ways like, well, what if Jed is here and I can give his mom answers sooner than later, but I don't wanna take that hope away from her either. I don't know how to explain it. It's hard. Yeah, this water is not deep out here at all right now. Like it's only six feet deep. We did have that shelf up by the bridge as the channel comes down. It got down to 25, 30 feet. Oh, oh, oh oh hold on. What do we got it right here? It's only six feet of water. It's only a few inches under the water. (boat engine rumbling) Right there, what is that? No freaking way. You see that? Give me the camera. Right there. (suspenseful music) (Jared breathes deeply) Right side up on its wheels. Just put a magnet on it right here on the, it is right here. I do not like this at all because if this is his, like I just took away all hope from her for what it is we just got done talking about, Josh, and I don't like that. God, there it is right there. 14 feet of water right there, right off that cup. Right here. It's right underneath this far out for sure. Gosh, it's not what I wanted, Josh. It's what I wanted, but I didn't want it. I just want it to be a rock. We're on it, crap. I mean, it's a solid lock. Let me have a buoy. I wanna look that car up. Hatchback, I have a hatchback. - [Man] That's what you're seeing on your screen? - Yes. Hatchback car, small. (boat engine rumbling) - [Man] So what, that positioning right there, does that have any significance? - Yes, that has a, where that buoy is positioned is that means the vehicle that entered there came directly off this boat ramp, floated down, and then rested right there on the bottom. It's classic. That's about, I would say, 75 yards or so here from the boat ramp. So we have a very small vehicle, light in weight, and for the vehicle, a large cabin space. Yes, of Nissan Versa is not big. However, the cabin space compared to the size and weight of the vehicle is a lot of air inside of the vehicle, which makes it buoyant, which is why it will float so far. That combined with the air in the tires will, the vehicles will float sometimes two up to 10 minutes long. - [Man] Okay. - Obviously, if worst case scenario, this is what we're looking for, so then it's be gonna become a crime scene. The authority and detectives are here already. This is not what we're looking for, we're gonna dive it, we're gonna move on. we'll clear it, but we'll continue our search. We're gonna make the most out of daylight as we can. - Okay. - This is one of those situations whereas I'm out on the water, I'm having conversations with Josh of the, I don't want to take away your hopefulness that he's gonna be driving up the driveway in the same way that right now, I don't want to say that I have found your vehicle and that I found your son. What I'm going to say right now is I have found a smaller vehicle similar in shape to the one that Jed left in. We do not, until we put eyes on it, and this is where it becomes really difficult for me because of the, do we want it to be, do we not want it to be? As Doug goes down, we're all up here on shore holding our breath until he comes up and he gives us. So for the next hour is intense for all of us with a slew of emotions, and it's gonna take Doug about 20, 25 minutes to get suited up. Hang out on shore, hang out with your husband right now. While Doug is suiting up, I'm going to continue to scan additional 'cause we're not hanging our hat on. There's so much that can still happen so- - Okay. - All right, Amy, thank you. That's my live. Only eight feet deep. - From side. - No, it's on its wheels, look. Looks like it's been smashed like something's ran over the top of it from time to time 'cause it's so shallow at times in here. - [Amy Hall] Jed is a happy kid. He was a good student. He was a good kid. He was helpful. It was completely out of the loop. (upbeat suspenseful music) - [Man] Remember the plate number? Had an E, F in it. - Yup. - We've got Doug is able to stand directly on top of the vehicle right now. It's been crushed down? It's been smashed? So boats, have boats have ran over this vehicle multiple times so it's been hit over the last four years, crushing the top of it, similar to what we did, what we saw with the Nadine Moses up in Marine City, Michigan, where a big, big barge just came right over the top of it. And we've seen it with other cars as well in shallow bodies of water. - Okay, he's got the rope and he's gonna go down. - So Doug popping down just now, it's only gonna take him 30 seconds to identify if this is our vehicle or not, but what he's going to do is he's gonna stay down probably two to three minutes at least. He's heading around the vehicle right now working to see if we can get a plate. A plate is gonna be a solid 100% yes, this is the vehicle we're looking for, and he'll do his best to take that off and bring it up for law enforcement for verification. (water burbling) I did some additional scanning all the way to the end of the island and out. There are zero cars in this river here. - [Doug] License plate reads 8BEF732. Oh my God, we just found Jed's vehicle. I'm going to begin my assessment of the vehicle. Back window is open, silted in. I'm coming around the driver's side. Driver's side and passenger's side rear window is intact. Passenger's side, front window is intact. - If this was not our vehicle, he would not be down there as long as he is down there. He would've already popped up to be like, "Nope, this is what it is," and we can move on. (water burbling) - [Doug] I just found a gun holster. I'm gonna begin my ascent topside. (suspenseful music) - Well, he doesn't look like he's got a license plate in his hand. Oh, he does have a license plate. I think that was his license plate. (water burbling) What was that license plate again? Yep, that's the one. That's his license plate. It's the same one as the matches the- - So at this point, - See- - So it is a Nissan Versa. - EF732. - It's a Nissan Versa. At this point, this is a crime scene. The authorities are gonna take possession of the area. They'll do an assessment as far as recovery is concerned, and obviously, even regards to the circumstances that was known, worst case scenario has to be theorized to protect the integrity of the evidence in the vehicle. So until the medical examiner- - So you would find the body in there. - Correct. It's his vehicle. I did my assessment of the vehicle. Front windshield is out, rear windshield is out, front bumper's missing, but no heavy damage. It's just current over the years, so forth. I did try my best to make identification. The entire vehicle was silted in. I went in as far as I could through the front windshield. I did place my hands on a shoe. There was nothing in the shoe. However, it is silted in. It's like cement in a sense. There was a bag on the surface. I was able to remove a pistol holster that was empty out of the bag. I tucked it back in the bag and pushed it bag back into the vehicle. So the front end of the vehicle is faced this way, really easy to recover. All the wheels are accessible and that's pretty much where we need to be. - Okay. - So we would recommend a rotator at this point for pulling power. - Yeah, we'll get Hendrickson's out. That's who we trust when we're in the mud. - And then just keep it, make sure that we're not lifting it up and don't make stuff out the back. We need to keep it right on the bank and just bring it up with the power and just lift it up enough just to bring it up and out. - It is very critical that nothing go wrong. If anything goes wrong in this recovery, you run the risk of losing all of the contents of the vehicle. So I will rig each side that where we pick it up, nice and even, set it over here, and then your medical examiner do the assessment of the evidence in the vehicle on the land, but because those two windows are open, it's critical that nothing goes wrong. - As we continue to watch Amy throughout the day, the still not wanting to believe, and I'm 100% support her in not wanting to believe that his father was mil, not military, but was law enforcement, that with Jed, has a bug out plan. Is this a red herring? Is this part of his bug out plan? As we continue to find more and more evidence, that bug out plan and those theories become less and less. We now have a tennis shoe in the car. We now have the ammo bag in the car. We now have the holster in the car, which now leads us to believe that this really is the location in which Jedediah ended up. - 16 Years old. That's heavy. As a young man, he's still a baby in life, and if indeed there are human remains in this car, it's just tragic as it gets regardless of the circumstances. Just 16 years old. - It continues to be a tough one for me because the family did not call us in. They've not yet accepted that Jed needs to be found regardless of where he is at. The family is much different than we have ever worked with before and right now, emotionally, working with a family, I continue to say is the most difficult that I've ever worked on for that reason as as a parent, so- - You know, when you lose someone you love and you don't have answers, in order to move forward, you have to put up walls to exist, and fortunately for us, we're able to travel the country and provide those answers to nightmares and it's never closer. It's never closer. You never get over losing someone you love, but having the answers is gonna allow Allen and to just move forward and tear those walls down and know what happened. It's a lot mentally and emotionally, It's just, it's unfortunate set of circumstances that they're gonna need moving forward with those answers. We'll bring it right up the hillside right here, and what we'll need to do is we'll need to obviously shut down the entire area that way nobody's coming in or out. I'm sure a media will be here soon so... (gentle music) - [Jared] So I know this is it, what we were hoping for. It's not, I know we're here to do this, but it's not, as we were discussing, it's not what we were hoping for. - [Amy Hall] This isn't the happy outcome that I was hoping for. - [Jared] No, no. - [Amy Hall] But it isn't necessarily the horrendous outcome that it might be. We don't know. - And in the end, I hope that you have your happy outcome. I hope that Jed is- - Somewhere else that he ditched the car and ran. - Yes, yes, that this was just part of his red herring as everybody keeps saying that. We have all these little red herrings so- - Yeah, we had a lot of red herrings at the beginning where he has gone off to the mountains and that sort of thing. - And I hope that this is just another one. - Yep. - All right, we'll continue to do what we can. - Okay, thank you. - Yeah, one step at a time. (gentle music) - So we have Hendrickson's record service here. They operate out of Idaho, Utah, Wyoming. They have over a hundred trucks, rotator, 60 ton, three stage, gear end. This is the most ideal piece of equipment that it's gonna take to do this as efficiently as possible. That's got a three stage boom, got a total of about 40, 41 feet of boom out. I'm gonna go down, I'm gonna take these soft shackles right here down and rig the front of the vehicle. We're gonna pull it up nice and slow, and then we'll rotate it over right into this grassy area right on the other side of the rotator. (machine whirring) - Everything. (water burbling) - So I don't know what's going on 'cause I feel like that's the back of the car unless the buoy just has some additional line in it now and we kind of moved it off or something, I'm not sure. Unless he's just trying to fill it out some more or to see if there's any remains and make sure we're not gonna lose anything. He's just doing an additional assessment under there. (water burbling) - [Man] Stay right here. I'm gonna come back up for that. - [Man] Copy. (water burbling) - Give me that. (water burbling) - So we need to clear this area. We're pulling it in right through here. (somber music) - So at this moment in time, I believe that Doug's happy with his hook points. You've got the toe guy that has the wireless cable controller and then Doug will hang out up there next to him and just kind of watch and make sure that everything goes as planned, and then the next, probably four, five minutes, we should see the car begin to surface right here. (machine whirring) - We have the remains inside of the vehicle. - Doug came up and he told me there are remains inside there. - Damn it. - So I mean, at this point, obviously, we're gonna assume the worst. I just wanted to warn you guys 'cause they're gonna kinda drag it- - You're gonna put it right there, yeah. - So you know, that's, so- - Okay. - I'm sorry. Well, not the closure I think we were looking for, really. - No. - Not really, not really. Very, very, very unexpected. Very unexpected. - [Amy Hall] So we're still not gonna get any answers why. (somber music) (machine whirring) - [Doug] So the first remains are gonna be able to identify right on the back. You got some clothing. - Okay. - They're in the clothing, still dressed. - Okay. - There's- - So you did find, you did see some of his- - [Doug] Oh yeah, yeah. I did identify him. - Okay, I didn't know if there had been anything, but you guys found him. - Yeah. (men conversing faintly) - [Amy Hall] God damn, you. (sniffs) Thank you, I think. - [Doug] I'm sorry. - [Allen Hall] No, you did your job and that side of what's closed up and it's not the ending we wanted, but it's an ending, right? So more than- - It's answers is what it is. - [Allen Hall] Is what it is, exactly. - Do you do hugs? - Yes. - Thank you. - You're welcome. - Thank you. Thank you. - [Jared] I'm sorry. - [Amy Hall] Thank you. - [Jared] You're welcome. - Had so much to live for. - [News Reporter] The car 16-year old Jed hall was last seen driving was found in the Snake River in Idaho Falls Sunday morning. Inside, investigators found human remains. - And continuing coverage now, it is now confirmed that the body found in Jed Hall's car is indeed the missing Idaho Falls teen. - [News Reporter] Officials have confirmed the body found in Jed Hall's car was that of the missing teen. Despite the area being searched multiple times before, AWP found the car within 20 minutes of searching. (men conversing faintly) (somber music) (truck beeping) - Just needs to... (metal clanking) - [Amy Hall] Well, I think I have a new worst day. It was awful. It's kind of strange, in some ways, it's a little better just because we know it's not all those- - [Allen Hall] What if's. - Yeah. (sniffs) (gentle music)
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 7,826,220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jed hall, jed hall missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, missing persons cases solved, dangerous scuba diving, found car, recovered car, found car underwater, adventures with purpose, documentary, true crime, family friendly, Recovery, Adventure, For you, diving, murder, mystery, tow truck, wrecker, adventure, missing, search and rescue, car crash, car wreck, cold case, cold case detective, crime documentary, crime stories, search and recovery, matthew Jed hall
Id: KyeM-mLV8EE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 39sec (3519 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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