SIX VANISHED.. 8 Vehicles Found Underwater (Ep.1) COLD CASE

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Wait till these fellas learn about blue holes.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MoistlyHuman 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2022 🗫︎ replies

Really weird seeing that go down right by where I have ridden my bike for years. His sonar looked amazing!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PissedOffChef 📅︎︎ Jul 13 2022 🗫︎ replies

Yes! I love Adventures with Purpose! They also solved a cold case in Russellville last year. ❤️

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Phantasi3 📅︎︎ Jul 14 2022 🗫︎ replies
- [Jacob] I think you guys just need to stop what you're doing and come over here. There's six vehicles here. - Carson, grab a window breaker. (gentle upbeat music) (gentle upbeat music) (gentle upbeat music) - [Jared] She told her husband, "Look for me in the river." And that's what brings us to Little Rock, Arkansas looking for Cheryl Denise Cottrell who went missing in her 1985 Royale. - And in investigating Cheryl's disappearance, we've uncovered five other cold cases and disappearances in this same city. So, there's a lot here. - And it's not just disappearances, we're talking about people in their vehicles. And we find anytime somebody goes missing in their vehicle, the river is the first place to look. - [Jacob] So, that brings this to Two Rivers Park. where we're going to begin our search for the missing. - [Doug] Cheryl disappeared October 10th, 2002 in her 1985 Delta 88 Royale, tan in color. - The other cases that we have. We have Caleb Pits, a white 1997 Ford Ranger Extended. Ernie Tate, silver and black 1988 Silver Eagle Premier. We have Gin McHenry, a gold 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee. Brian Morris, a silver and black 2003 Ford F-150. And Brian Graves in a 2002 Mercury Sable. - Little Rock, Arkansas. Six cases. Let's bring 'em home. (lively upbeat music) - So then we end up with the, we literally don't have any actual boat ramps within Little Rock. The other thing we also run into is we're looking for a five mile radius. So Little Rock, Arkansas, big river only one real boat ramp in the area. - Right, so there was this one. The further one up north where we were at. And then there's one on the other side, I believe, down on the other side of the lot. - Yep. - [Jared] This one here? - [Doug] Yeah. - [Jared] That's more than a little lake. - [Jacob] A little inlet. - [Jared] There's not even a- - [Doug] Yeah. I never looked at it. I just took the icon as that being a spot. - [Jared] Yeah, in fact there's- - [Jacob] There is a boat ramp. - [Jared] Yeah, you have a boat ramp here but you have no way to get into the river which is really weird from there. - [Jacob] But it's a lake so maybe, the small boat can go here or whatever and check that, I mean, it's- - [Doug] We'll have to find somewhere else to put in on that side of the lock though. - [Jared] Well, that's where this one is. So this little lake is on the other side of the lock 'cause here's the lock back here. - [Doug] All right. - So, that takes us to Burns Park. But coming back to you she said, leaving the note for her husband or saying it verbally, "Look for me in the river." - And this is the closest ramp to where she was from. - Yes, now we look for... Hey, maybe she's here. Maybe we just stop talking and let's just take a look at this real quick. Let's get you in real quick and then we'll go from there. - All good. - Or I can put mine in. - It doesn't matter I can just- - We can put 'em both in, that's cool. Both the better 'cause we might have to- - Okay. - Go down and around. - All right, let's search it. (lively upbeat music) All right, so we already have a car. What did that take, like 18 seconds? - No. There's a car? Already? (gentle suspenseful music) - [Jared] Yeah. Come back over it. (gentle suspenseful music) Like we just left the ramp. It's gonna be... We're gonna be coming up on it right now. (gentle suspenseful music) Did you see that car already? (gentle suspenseful music) - [Man] Yeah, right there. - [Jared] Yep. Right here on the left, just went over it It's on the left so let me back you up over it again. We'll put on LiveScope. Okay, so I see your marker. - [Man] We've already found a car. (gentle suspenseful music) - [Jared] All right, so I'm bringing you up to it. You are three feet away, two feet away, one feet away. You should be hitting it right now. - [Doug] Oh yeah, I'm all over whatever it is. - [Jared] We have six cases today. This has to be at least one of the six, right? And this has been down there a while too, it does not appear- - Yeah, I was gonna say, we don't know 100% what it is till we get down there. But this feels like a... If it's a car, it's a car that's been down there for a long time. - All right, so let's go run this. Like I only pulled out from the ramp, that's all I did. So lemme back up. So normally, we have a little bit more time to start talking about what is that we're doing throughout the day before we land on something within the first 18 seconds. When we come out here using sonar, one of the things we'd like to do is we have three different setups that we use. The first one is our down imaging, we have side imaging, and we have LiveScope. With LiveScope, things are happening in real time so as a fish swims by you can actually see it. And you saw we just marked on the car by using LiveScope. Now with down imaging and inside imaging, these are more of a picture and time. So as we go over an area, it records what we've gone over so we can scroll back up and take a look at it. The way that you read this is, we're at 5.7 feet of depth. Anything that's black is water column. Same thing here, anything that's black is water column. We're casting 75 feet left, 75 feet to the right. When we start our searches, we like to run parallel with the shoreline here roughly 35 to 40 feet out is our first pass. And then we'll move over 75 feet or so and do our second pass like where Jacob is at right now. Jacob already identified a second vehicle. Maybe we find two at the same location. - Yeah. - [Jared] For those missing. - At least, I mean, we've only been here for a few minutes. - [Jared] The camera's only been on for four minutes. - [Doug] Wow! - [Jared] So this is the new ramp. - [Doug] Oh my goodness, look at that. - [Jared] Yeah, now here's the old ramp and I don't know how long the new ramp's been here but I'm gonna expect there's probably gonna be another car. So here's the old ramp right here. - [Doug] Yeah. Wow, look how old that is. - [Jared] Yeah, that's probably been down there 30 years. - [Doug] Not even close to being buried. (Doug groans) - [Jared] And the other thing, (Jared chuckles) then the other thing we look for is, even though we have ramps back there we also have a lot of, you know, lawn here. - Access to drive off next to a ramp. - [Jared] Yep, and so we're not just looking at ramps. When we do this, we scan the entire area anywhere where a car might potentially go in. - We're gonna need to go get another buoy and a line. - Jacob, do you still have a buoy and a marker on you? - [Jacob] I do have one on me, yeah. - Yeah, you wanna mark that second one? - [Jacob] Trying to see if it's a car or if it's a bunch of- - Gotcha, okay, we're gonna finish scanning here and then move out and scan that as well. Now, the other thing to know about rivers you know, some people are like, "Well, Jared, once a vehicle goes in what if there's like big floods and storms? You know, that car's gonna be miles down the river." This car we can tell just on sonar, that's been down here I'm going to say at least 10, 15, if not 20 years. And we know there's been a lot of floods and storms and this is a little section of the river. The actual Arkansas River is right here. This is offshoot of it. But once a vehicle goes in, think of it as like a turtle. It just like crouches down on the very bottom. It cements itself in and it's not going to move. And so that vehicle, that's why it's still off the boat ramp all these years later. - [Doug] No, that's not a vehicle as of yet. No, that's just a debris pile. Not a vehicle. But we'll hit it at another angle just to verify. - All right, let's flip sonar. Sonar's up. We're gonna have Doug suit up. This is laid like perfect for adjusting the sonar setting. So I'm gonna jump back out there real quick, do some adjustments, and then we'll get Doug in the water on it and we'll see which of the six this might potentially be. (gentle upbeat music) It's the four-door and it's actually on its wheels. It's not upside. - [Doug] Yeah, it's on its wheels and you can see the car. - Yeah, it's four-door. So your magnet came off so I'm gonna go reposition your magnet before you go in. (gentle upbeat music) He's standing on it. Are you standing on it? Yeah, he's just standing on it. Yeah. - Are you standing on it? (gentle suspenseful music) - The pictures that I've sent, Jared, what I actually seen on there compared to what he's seen we both see the same thing just different angles on because it's different models of sonar. But, I could tell it's a larger vehicle. (gentle suspenseful music) - Right there, four-door. (gentle suspenseful music) He's in the front right now he's digging around to see if he can find any remains. I think he's... (gentle suspenseful music) I mean, my first initial gut says that this is the first car that we've been looking for, for this case in Little Rock. He's really focused on digging inside, at the front is where he is at. (gentle suspenseful music) Yeah, he's in the front of the car. Not the front of the car, I mean, the front seat is where he is at. He's really focused on the front seat. (gentle suspenseful music) My guess is it's really silted in so he is digging into that silt to see if he can locate. One of the first things he'll do is he'll identify if the seatbelt was still attached at the time. If it was, then that's a really good indication that there was somebody in there at the time. (gentle suspenseful music) - We have a tan vehicle. I can't make out the make or model. The entire top has been ripped off of it. - [Man] You said the entire top has been ripped off? - It's the license plate. - No, I mean, is this the number? I don't actually remember. - [Doug] It wasn't listed anywhere. - Okay. This is an 02, so it matches our 02. - But, it's a Honda. I couldn't see that under there. - [Jared] That's not a Honda. The car? - Yeah. It's a Honda. - Seriously? - Yeah. The only thing I could get on the entire vehicle was the steering wheel and I couldn't get it off I had to cut that off. No emblems or nothing. - It totally did not look like a Honda. - No, no, not at all. And that's because the entire top has been ripped off. - [Jared] Like the length of it and everything. I mean, I think about like in- - When I dropped down, I was in the car like in the car in between the seats. There's no emblems on the wheels. There's no emblems anywhere all around the vehicle. There's some debris too that is making it look longer than it is. - [Jared] Right. The vehicle is clear? - Vehicle is clear, I was digging through it. Because it was open I was digging through it and there were quite a few times I thought I had remains, but they weren't. Seatbelts were all in their normal resting place. You know, nothing to leave me to believe there was a seatbelt on when it came in. - [Jared] Okay. All right. - [Doug] I don't know, I mean, we check the list run that car through the list. - Yeah, nothing on. - [Doug] Run it through the police department. - Yeah, it's gonna be too old. It's not even gonna be in the system anymore. - There's a lot of dents in it. So it's been hit quite a few times. - Okay. All right, I'll see you at shore. I would've never guessed. - When I finally did get to the rear, I got the license plate off and I was feeling the taillights I didn't think it was the car we were looking for just because they were rounder. No, we were looking for something square. As soon as I dropped down, it was mangled like that. It's not tan, beige. Reckon I rip the plate off and I'm looking at the plate and I see 03. I was like, this is our car. And then I'm going around it I can't find anything. The taillight's like, eh. I'm like, all right, but what if. You know, I keep going around, no emblems, no nothing. And then I'm digging in the car- - [Jared] Wheels? - No, nothing on the wheels. - Now, Honda had emblems on the wheels. - Nothing on the wheels. So these must be like aftermarket or. - I'm just saying, gonna throw it back out there. What if the steering wheel has changed? - It's possibility. I mean, it's from the same timeframe. And hopefully that tag will tell us (mutters) emergency. - Actually is our car. We did clear the car, but there's nobody inside. - [Woman] All right. - [Doug] Thank you. - [Woman] You're welcome bye, bye. - So they won't give any information over the phone. They have to send an officer out. So, they're sending an officer out. They can't give any information over the phone. - Okay. - So it's preliminarily not connected to anything at the moment. But PD has no jurisdiction because it's actually in the river. So the Sheriff's department, which I just called, they're gonna have to come out anyway because it is their jurisdiction. So it just, like I just said, just misinformation and they'll get the ball rolling. We have two other boat ramps, Jared just found. - One's Murray Park that's right here in town. But I think that more likely if she was going to do this, I feel like she wanted to be more secluded where she was not going to be seen. I think that David Terry Park, southeast of town, I think she took a drive there. - Okay. - I'm feeling strong about that one. - All right. - With Jacob in the water here, I would send him to Murray 'cause he's made his way around that. So let me call him real quick. - [Jacob] Hello, Mr. Leisek. - Hey. Hey. So you made it around, I'm guessing. - [Jacob] Okay. - No you did, right? Yes? - [Jacob] Yeah, I'm closer to the boat ramp. - Okay, so head up to the Murray Park boat ramp as well. - [Jacob] I'm sorry, what? - The Murray boat ramp. The Murray Park. Since you're in the water and you're up there, head up there as well. - [Jacob] Okay. - And then we're gonna make our way over to the David Terry Park. It's on the southeast side of town is where we're gonna head to so we're staying on the same side of the river but going southeast to a secluded boat ramp. - [Jacob] So, Murray Park? - Yeah. - [Jacob] You want us to go to that ramp? - Yes, so you go to Murray Park check out, and it's not just the boat ramp but check out the potential access similar to Simmons where there's access to the west of the boat ramp. - [Jacob] Gotcha, we'll look it up and we'll find it. - Okay, and then we're gonna head over to David Terry Park. - [Jacob] Okay. - All right. Thanks sir. - [Jacob] All right, bye. - Bye, bye. - [Doug] This is Doug, how can I help you? - [Deputy Vick] Hi Doug, this is Deputy Vick with the Pulaski County Sheriff's Office. - [Doug] Hi, how are you doing? - [Deputy Vick] Hey, I'm good thanks, how are you? - [Doug] Great. - [Deputy Vick] Good. Okay, we didn't find anything on our end as far as the... But it doesn't mean that it's not a Little Rock case. - Correct. Correct. - [Deputy Vick] Or anything else for that matter. - Yeah. - [Deputy Vick] We'll work on that. And I should be there in about, hopefully 10, 15 minutes. - Okay, so we are heading to our next location. - [Deputy Vick] Okay. - So, I mean, if for any reason like that this is connected to something and you need us to come back, we will. But we have to make most of daylight and with our searches. - [Deputy Vick] Okay, so let me just get this right, you have the license plate with you, correct? - Correct. Yep. - [Deputy Vick] Okay, and you are leaving that area so the vehicle is still in the water? - Correct. Yep. - [Deputy Vick] So all you need to do is just make sure it's not connected to something that we're working before you were to come back and collect it. Is that correct? - That is correct. Now, jurisdictionally, we won't be able to remove the vehicle or help you do that unless it's like actually connected to a criminal case that's pretty heavy. - [Deputy Vick] So if it's, if it was just like ditched because of insurance or whatever or somebody is hiding from their wife or whatever. - Yeah. Correct. - [Deputy Vick] And you all, it'll just stay there is that correct? - Yeah, now we can give you where, if this is something your dive team wants to come and, you know, train on and have it removed it's right in the middle of the ramp probably about 35, 40 feet out. And it's only under five feet of water 'cause you can stand on it. - [Deputy Vick] You say ramp, are you talking about like a boat ramp? - Correct. Yep. - [Deputy Vick] Okay, see, I don't work that area. Well, it's my district but it's the city limits of Little Rock so we don't really go down there a lot. So, let me do this 'cause it's gonna kind of be pointless at this point for me to come out there since you're leaving. But let me get, I'm gonna write a report on it basically because a detective sergeant had said to send a deputy. So I don't think he quite understood what was going on here. - Right. - [Deputy Vick] I'll keep going on this and I'll do a report on it. And let me start checking with some supervisors and see if they can come up with anything, okay? - Sure. - [Deputy Vick] Thank you. - [Doug] You're welcome, you have a great day. - [Deputy Vick] Okay. You too. (gentle upbeat music) - I got a concern here, Doug. Not only do I have these bushes here but look I've got weeds right here that appears to make this shallow so I don't know how deep this is gonna be. I mean it could drop off. - Yeah. - To the left it doesn't, but maybe right here. - I'm already at a foot here. - All right, well, we'll put the boat in and we'll know within a few minutes. - [Jacob] You guys, I'm just gonna say it. I think you guys just need to stop what you're doing and come over here. There's six vehicles here. - Six vehicles, okay. - [Jacob] Five, I'm sorry. Five confirmed, six maybe. - All right, we're in the water right now. - [Jacob] Okay. - We're gonna finish this up and then we'll head right there if we don't find anything. He's got five cars where he is at. - [Jared] Holy crap. - [Jacob] Right now, all I'm doing right now is just scanning over 'em and I'm guaranteeing you three. - Okay. - [Jacob] And then there's one over here by the boat ramp. - Murray? - [Jacob] When I picked up Lindsay I had seen another one. - And you're at Murray? - [Jacob] Yes. I'd seen Lindsay, so I pulled up and it looked like there was another one there. So, yeah, there's gotta be vehicles in here. - Okay. - I'm gonna say that out of all those, one of them is gotta be one of our targets. - Yeah, I mean, the odds are definitely with this on these. Let's clear this area real quick. - All right. - We just set our boat on the ramp. So let us clear this ramp that we're at I'll call you back here in like five minutes. - [Jacob] All right. Yep. - Yep. Bye. - [Jacob] Bye. - Right now we're only two feet. So, I'm gonna say no to this already. In fact, I already said no to it because of that over there. 2.4, 2.5, it will not make it out this far. So guaranteed, we do not have anything out here. Oh, now, we do have a car out here. I just went from guaranteed not having a car out here to holy freak we have a car out here. - [Doug] Wow! - [Jared] See that right there. - Like, who would've thought. - [Jacob] I'd put my money on not having a car right there. - Right. Yeah, there's no mistaking that either, that is a car. - [Jared] Yeah, 100%. All right, well, let's finish scanning this. So like we're down at 15 feet now, but that was only a few inches of water. Wow, that surprised me. - Yeah, when you said it went up to one feet like I, myself was getting ready to say that nothing's gonna make it over that. But, I guess maybe it got put in when this was a lot deeper. Maybe water level is down. I see the bank up there is about five, six feet higher than the parking lot. So, guess theoretically possible. - [Jared] Well, we need to scan this over here too. - In case somebody went off the side of the parking lot. - [Jared] Yeah, wow, totally shocked on that one. Well, we're gonna have to let Jacob know we're gonna be here a few more minutes. Probably an hour and a half before we see him. - I'm kinda flabbergasted if there's a car there. - [Jared] Yeah, both of us. - I mean, it makes sense that there's a car, there there's a boat ramp. But with the depth? That's crazy. But, we'll go in and out. - [Jared] Oh, there's a car. - [Doug] Yeah, right there under, we just passed it. - [Jared] Yeah, this is a car 100%. Let's figure out where it's at. - We went over it. (man muttering softly in the background) Well, but I'm gonna come into shore with it. - [Man] Okay, let's identify where on shores is at. - [Doug] It should be coming over it right about now. - [Jared] Yeah, 100% the car, we know that. (Jared speaks softly in the background) - Right by the edge of that bush. - [Jared] Now let's just creep up on it, pick it up on LiveScope. - [Doug] 10 feet of water. 10, 9, (boat engine revving) 8 feet. - [Jared] Okay, still on the left right here. See, right here. - [Doug] Yep. Yep. - [Jared] Take us to the left a little bit. - [Doug] Three feet. Three feet. - [Jared] It should be coming up. Right there. Hey, we should be on it. Should be all over it. All right, while you're suiting up I'm gonna tighten that up a little bit. - Okay. Good job, man. - [Jared] Seven feet of water. - Yeah, definitely a curve ball though, you know. It went from two feet, to one feet, seven feet. - [Jared] Yeah. Right there. - It's a sketchy area. I'm gonna hurry up and jump in and figure this one out. And if not, we'll go over there and start deciphering all those cars. - So let's jump back out there, Josh. And now that we have Doug, 'cause we're expediting this let's jump back out there and tighten up our line so that way it's not dangling 20 feet blown around. And then we will get a good reading on the LiveScope to see if we can identify what type of a, or at least like, is this an SUV? Is it smaller car, larger car? - [Josh] Awesome. - Let's go do that for him right now. (gentle upbeat music) (gentle suspenseful music) To me it looks about 14 feet in length, smaller vehicle. (gentle suspenseful music) Old school vehicle? (gentle suspenseful music) Volvo. (gentle suspenseful music) Five feet of visibility. That's the best visibility we've had all trip. (gentle suspenseful music) Driver side window is up. (gentle suspenseful music) Rear windows down. (gentle suspenseful music) Wherever the vehicle is it's silted in. (gentle suspenseful music) Passenger side rear window is open. (gentle suspenseful music) So if both front windows are closed. (gentle suspenseful music) Windshield on passenger is down. (gentle suspenseful music) Do you have a plate by chance? (gentle suspenseful music) No plate on the front. (gentle suspenseful music) He doesn't think he's gonna get the back plate. It's hard ground, completely buried. (gentle suspenseful music) Confirmed no getting to the rear. (gentle suspenseful music) Go ahead and break out those front windows we need to make sure we clear it. (gentle suspenseful music) Carson, grab a window breaker. Grab a window breaker. We're gonna go grab one right now for you. (gentle suspenseful music) All right, we're gonna go grab you one. - Window breaker, here you go. (gentle suspenseful music) - [Man] There you go. - Thanks, sir. (gentle suspenseful music) Can't even get inside of it. The entire car is filled with silt so we have no... (gentle suspenseful music) So we can't clear this one at all. (gentle suspenseful music) Here he comes. No go, huh? - Completely full. - Yeah. - But hard. Like it was weird. - [Jared] All right. - There wouldn't even be... We couldn't get this car out either. - All right. All right, let's go meet up with Jacob then. We can't clear this one, it's not what we're looking. - I know exactly what the front end looks like. It's red and we can research some cases to see if there's anybody connected to this kind of model Volvo or this goes away. That's all we have. (gentle upbeat music) - [Jacob] It's a dock. And I knew, I said it's either a dock or it's an upside down vehicle. So it's clear. The rest are cars, I promise. - [Jared] Okay. - There's three in one group about 50 yards out there right out in the middle. - [Jared] Okay. - There's one right over there by the, you see the... So this tree, the middle tree right here the big fluffy one. - [Jared] Yep. - About 15 feet to 20 and right in the middle. - [Jared] Okay. - There's four, possibly five 'cause there's one super long item that I don't know what it is. - [Jared] Wait, it's four right there? Or just four total? - Three. One. - [Jared] And four. - Yeah, my fault, I said that wrong. - [Jared] Okay. - But this is, I already showed you the picture, but there is a car. - [Jared] Yeah. - That is a longer car, that's what I'm thinking. This is a long item, I don't know what it is and it's not construed. - [Jared] Okay. - I didn't turn. - [Jared] You have a- - So that's a truck. - [Jared] That's the F-150. - [Jacob] I don't know what this is. This is my, I don't know what it is it looks like a funny car. That's the car that's silted in. That's the car that I said that I thought we would be looking for since how silted in it is. There's the funny car again. - [Jared] That's still a weird angle on that one. - [Jacob] It's almost like a tractor and trailer. See the trailer there and the tractor in the front. But it's 20 feet deep. - [Jared] Yeah, but it's not long, same length as the truck. - [Jacob] Yeah, that's what I just can't figure out. And that's the upside down car. - [Jared] Right here? - [Jacob] Yeah. - [Jared] You have another one next to it. - [Jacob] Yeah, that's why I said there were five. - [Jared] You just told me there was only one here. That's another car right next to it. - [Jacob] Yeah. - [Jared] Okay. - Yeah, this is a very big hotspot. - Do the three of you wanna suit up, all three of you? I can just start marking them. - See, so there's that car you're talking about. There's that? - Yep. - And there's one over here. I went back and forth several times before I got 'em. That's a log, obviously. - All right. - But that may be a sideways car. That may be that long item. - No, no, I can see it here. Look, it goes from here to here. - [Woman] Two objects. - Oh, okay. - There's your bumper there. - Yeah, I see that. And then there's an object there that's really silted in. The back end silted in pretty good. So yeah, we've got vehicles. Oh, here's the front end of one. You see the front end? - Yep. - See where it circles (whistles) and then it's got the front. So it's got like oval headlights. - Yeah. Yeah, and one of 'em is F-150 down there that you have. Okay, I was gonna have Doug suit up with Eric. - [Jacob] Yeah, that's kinda the plan. - Do you wanna suit up with him too? Or do you wanna stay on the water and mark? Or what do you wanna do? Or do you wanna go with me in the boat and go mark? - I'll go with you. Oh, well, no, you want him with you so I'll suit up. I'll be all right. - Okay. - My stomach was having issues, but I'm good now. - Okay, I'll go start marking then. So throw me the marker that you've got, I'll take mine also. And then, that'll take care of two. I'll see what other markers I've got. I've been losing a lot on this trip. - Well, that's not good. - Yeah. And then, depending on where you're at in the process then we can check out that other bay as well. - Yeah, 'cause I didn't check it at all. I haven't even been over there. - Yeah, I think it's newer too. - This definitely has, I'm gonna say solid four vehicles. - Right, you had another one right next to it, I saw it. - Your eyes and my eyes, I'm saying I know of four. I don't know what that other object. Here we go. - All right, sounds good. (gentle upbeat music) I think there might be more out here than he thinks. I dunno. Like we have one over there. - [Josh] Two. - [Jared] Yeah. There's more out here than he thinks. - There's two right there. - [Jared] Yeah. Yeah. All right, so let's go find this one over here first. We have one over there on the left. We have another one here, we actually have two there. Those are just on the left. - All right, when we first started we started over there with AWP. We ended up coming over here at Murray boat ramp. With that, we put the boat in and as soon as I turned on my sonar which is about 20 feet to 50, about 20 to 30 feet out, I was able to locate one vehicle and I said, oh wow. When I was doing my intro, I said, there's a vehicle there. And then I seen another one and then another one. Turned around the corner and came over here on this other, this big bushy tree here and there was one again. So I'm gonna say there's four, possibly five vehicles out here but I know that they're there. There is a truck and it's a bigger truck. Not sure exactly, it looks like an extended cab bigger like an F-150, like what we're looking for. So I hope it's what it is. - And any time a vehicle is located whether it has human remains in it or not, "Adventures With Purpose" does locate the proper authorities and let them know about what they found. Chris and Beth, "Adventures With Purpose" along with the Chaos Divers is out here in Murray Park right now where they have located five vehicles inside the river right near this boat ramp. And what they're hoping to find along with any other search they conduct is a family's missing loved one. - [Jared] You're on the hood, where you're right now. - [Josh] So, I mean, it's magnetic. Oh, there we go, I got it. - [Jared] I put a put like a... There you go. - And with that Honda that was founded Two Rivers Park earlier this morning, they did contact LRPD but that case was referred to the Pulaski County Sheriff's Office because the river is their jurisdiction. - [Josh] This one's the most promising 'cause of that F-150 we're looking for. - [Jared] Yeah, I hope it's the F-150. I think it almost looks like a Chevy though. But we'll know soon. All right. (gentle suspenseful music) Okay, we're right on top of it right now. - [Josh] Yes, but it's not sticking. You move this way a little bit now. - [Jared] No, I'm not moving you. You need to pull it up and bounce around 'cause it's straight underneath us. - [Josh] All right, I got. - [Jared] Okay, good. Solid? - [Josh] Yeah. - [Jared] Nice. (gentle upbeat music) (gentle suspenseful music) - It is a Dodge. And it's a black Dodge. - [Josh] TG 3659. Washington plate. - [Jared] Washington plate? - A Washington plate. - [Jared] Wow, they're a long ways from. - Yeah. TG 3659. - [Josh] Do you know what color? - He said black, I just saw silt. - Black or really dark, dark blue. There's a line of silt. Other than that, like the whole top of it's gone, rusted out and I felt on the silt and it's like a solid sheet of silt. - Seat belt in place as far as, seat belts in place, is not worn. As far as I could reach nothing until I hit the ceiling and that came down. - Doug's on this one. You guys wanna hit this other one? We have three marks so far so I'm gonna go mark a fourth one right now. And then as we start to pull off of them and we clear them, then I can pull markers and move 'em around. Another Camaro? Not looking for a Camaro. - [Josh] Don't throw it. (gentle upbeat music) - Where's the truck at? - [Jared] They're on it right now. - [Josh] There's two trucks, red and orange. - [Jared] I think that's a truck. They're on it right now. See the bubbles right here, that's where they're at. - Oh, okay. - [Jared] We're gonna go mark. - I just wanted to check it. - [Jared] We're gonna go mark another one right now. - All right. - So right now only three are marked. We're gonna go mark one more. I'm gonna find the line and find out where this next one is. Right here, right here is where it's at. Let's go right underneath of it. All right, you ready? Okay, we can go straight down and drop it. You wanna be off of this otherwise you're three feet off 'cause this is our LiveScope. Come back over to it. So that's the truck, we're getting away from the truck. Okay, straight down, straight down, straight down, straight down, straight down, straight down, straight down, straight down, straight down. You should be right on it. You should be right on it. (wind whistling) Bounce around, are you on it? - [Josh] I have a medium lock. - Okay, go ahead and go with the medium lock. (wind whistling) Medium lock, small magnet, be careful. (wind whistling) He's on it. He seems like he's in the right spot. Yeah, you're completely off of it. Yeah, I can see your magnet. (gentle music) There should be another one right next to this one. - [Diver] I kept kicking rocks. I kept trying to feel and I just couldn't find anything but rocks. Jacob, might have found something. - It could be different 'cause Jacob said that the other one was on the other side of that tree. - [Diver] That's what I thought. - So we found a different one then? Maybe? I'll go scan it. I'm starting to get a feel the area on what's out here. So, I'll keep scanning and see what else we find. Oh, we got another one right here. Got one right here, it's upside down. You have any more markers on you? - [Man] Yes, I have one. - Yeah, one right here. - [Josh] Right next to where our boats are? - Yeah. (wind whistling) They said it was a dock, this is not a dock. Let me see if we have a car right here. Car, car, wheels, wheels, car. (wind whistling) All right, so I'm gonna take you back over it. Oh yeah, car, plain as day. Might have two cars but I gotta figure out how to get you back over it and scan it. - [Josh] How deep? - [Jared] It was only like 10 feet deep. So you're at nine feet, hold it there. (wind whistling) Okay, we're coming up on it right now. Well, that's the dock that he saw. - [Josh] So there is a dock. - [Jared] Yeah, there's a dock there but we also have a car. Let me bring you back over. Right there, drop, drop right there. Yeah, I see the dock right next to it and then you're on a car right there. - [Josh] Yep. - [Jared] Hey, you have a car next to this dock, Jacob. (wind whistling) Yeah, there's a car next to the dock. Oh, did you already dive on this car? (wind whistling) - [Josh] He's doing what I did. - [Jared] Did you already dive on the car? - [Jacob] I was gonna have you guys check it. - [Jared] There's a car next to the dock that you found. - [Jacob] Okay. - [Jared] That one was a blue Dodge pickup as well. - [Diver] Silver. - [Jared] So we have two Dodges. (wind whistling) So that makes 1, 2, 3. Doug's on the fourth. This is the fifth. And there's supposed to be one more out here, I believe, or two more out there as well. - 100 WRN. It is a silver Dodge Ram Hemi. I did have the other emblem but I left, it's a 57, it's that truck in silver. - [Man] Okay. - It's our truck that we're driving in silver. And I checked inside of it, it's hard sand silt. Trying to dig through it, it was too much so I didn't. Both the seat belts were not on, you know, so there's nothing in there, it's clear. Laying on its side. - [Jared] Okay, just check that one. - [Josh] So, we're up to five cars now. Oh, Doug's up? Let's go talk to Doug. - [Man] Wow! - So, what I'm noticing, same thing with all these cars, they're buried in the way I have never seen cars buried. Ever. Not even close. So, you know, there's more stuff here than what we see it's just because it's buried. And there's no getting any of these out. None. No, they're just dirt buried and it's not buried in the normal, soft dusty silt this is like heavy, heavy I can't dig. It took me like five minutes to dig for (wind whistling). - [Man] It's clear? - Yeah, it's clear. I dug all in the front seat. The floorboard, it's actually in the car. (wind whistling) - We'll keep scanning see if there's anything else. We did find this fifth car over here so they're on that one now. And then, we'll see if we find any others in here. - [Doug] All right. - Watch that motor. - Good job. - Good job, you too. Thanks, Doug. Here's the pickup truck right here, we're coming over it. See how it becomes more difficult to read these, Josh. So you have the pickup that's sitting there. And it throws off all your (wind whistling). - [Josh] Shadows going on. - [Jared] Yep. So that's why we're running it both directions. And then what we'll do is we'll run it away from shore over from there, out into the middle as well. But now is you become a (wind whistling). So you see the big log that we just went past now you're gonna be able to see the truck, the car, that's the Camaro, and you're gonna be able to see the third one right here, that's the Trans Am that Doug was just on. - [Josh] Yep. And this should be coming up in a second. - Yeah, they're on it right now. So that's gonna cover all of them. And then we'll run into that other. - [Josh] And there's one on the outside of the rocks too. - [Jared] Over here there is? I don't think so, is that what you said? - I thought I heard that earlier. - [Jared] Yeah, we'll double check. All right, so then there's that car. Wait, there's two cars there. - [Josh] And one's a dock, you said? - [Jared] Yeah, that was not a dock. That's not a dock, we actually have two cars here. No, there's definitely two cars there. Hey, did you find both cars there? You find two cars there or one? - [Diver] What did I do? - [Jared] Did you find two cars there or one? - [Diver] I saw one. - [Jared] Okay, so there's the diver, so you can see him. And then there's one car, two cars. Hey, you have two cars there. - [Josh] Let's see what he got. Let's see what he got on his first dive. So, what did you get? - A blue BMW. The front of it does not have a, or the back of it does not have a license plate. - [Josh] Okay, newer 'cause it's electronics license plate. - So (wind whistling) I can't see, I can't clear it. (wind whistling) - [Diver] So, there's two? - Yeah, there's a second one, it's right here. (gentle upbeat music) (wind whistling) - [Josh] It's so buried that you could even see the windows? - Yeah, I couldn't even get to the windows. - [Josh] Yeah, how big are the tires? Truck tires? Car tires? - It was a car. - [Jared] While you're on that, we're gonna go pull buoys. (gentle music) (wind whistling) - [Josh] Oh, you got a plate. - Let's say it's silver. YIC 590. - Yeah, it doesn't match anything that we're after. - It is buried, I could reach my hand in somewhere, but I didn't feel anything. (gentle upbeat music) - Six missing persons cases. Eight vehicles that we found today and none of them are the ones that we're looking for. We're gonna be back for day two. What you're gonna wanna do is make sure to subscribe and turn on that bell notification so that way you don't miss that episode where we might just solve one of these six cases. Also, we want to give mentions to Jacob from Chaos Divers, as well as Doug Bishop. Their descriptions and their links are down below. We'll see you on the next episode. (gentle music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 842,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cheryl Denise Cottrell, Cheryl Denise Cottrell missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, solved missing persons cases 2022, solved missing persons cases documentary, missing persons cases solved, scuba diving, dangerous diving, dangerous scuba, dangerous scuba diving, found car, found car in river, recovered car, recovered car in river, found car underwater, Kalieb Keith Pitts, Ernie Joe Tate, Gene Taylor McIntyre, Brian Morris, Brian Keith Graves
Id: VEItNa27blM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 51sec (3411 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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