BRIDESMAID MISSING 32-Years w/Just $4 in Gas and a Borrowed Truck (ep4)

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- Only 33 years old, Marty Evans vanished from right here in Brownsmead, Oregon. We're back here. We're gonna be in the water doing some searching. This is one mystery, you are gonna want to be a part of. (unsettled ambient music) (scene whooshing) - [Reporter] In the small community of Brownsmead, in the countryside, not far from Astoria. - You're always looking. Always. And you never quit looking. Your heart and your mind tells you to keep right on going. (disjointed ominous music) - As you guys know, we're normally out here pulling out cars, and today we hope to do the same thing. However, it's a little bit different level today because Nate, Scott and I, we're working on a 30-year-old cold case of a woman that went missing. - A young mother up and vanished after her best friend's wedding in a small community out on the coast near Astoria. (scenes whooshing) - I think the thing today was we weren't successful, but in reality, we now know in places that we don't need to search as intensely. (disjointed tense music) Wait a minute, wait a minute, we got a frame here. (radio screeching) Come on now, what is this? Is that a door frame? (equipment beeping) (scenes whooshing) - Unfortunately we've not yet located Marty, but we've not given up. (scenes whooshing) Today is the day that I'm hoping is gonna be the day that we actually solve the case of the missing bridesmaid, Marty Evans, who went missing 30 years ago. (upbeat music) (scenes whooshing) We put in a really good search, really good effort on this one. And she's still out there somewhere. - I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You're not gonna get the daughter. I'll kill you first. - Can you see it? Dude, is that a vehicle right there? Dude, that is a truck. - [Scott] What? - [Jared] Look at it. You can see it. (escalating music) (dramatic music) (dramatic music continues) - Hey guys, Josh Cantu here. Sorry for the interruption. But I just wanted to say thank you for being here today, watching this episode. It's through viewers and supporters like you supporting the "Adventure with Purpose" movement that allows us to be here, boots on the ground, helping these families free of charge. But there's one other way that we do this. And that's through sponsored episodes, which brings us to today's episode sponsor. Now, I told Jared, "I wanna take the lead on this one," because today's ad sponsor is NordVPN. And it is something that I use all the time while on the road. Now as the videographer and kind of the tech guy, I'm in charge of, not only keeping the footage organized and getting it to our editors, but keeping that footage safe. Now, a VPN stands for a virtual private network, which means that when you turn it on, your computer becomes basically invisible to the online network. This is important because when you connect to a public wifi, at like a Starbucks or something, you are not protected. You're basically saying, "My information is easily hackable," where somebody can literally be watching your screen from their screen. This is very dangerous when you're entering credit card information or uploading something confidential. Now, when you turn on a VPN, you're basically putting this cloak over your internet traffic. It instantly hides your IP address and your virtual location. You can even say that you're streaming, that you're uploading from somewhere else, when you're really here in the States. So if you're in an area that has kind of censorship on what you can watch online, you can basically cloak it with the NordVPN and make it look like you're streaming from somewhere else. So we negotiated a special offer for "Adventure With Purpose" fans. All you have to do is go to for a huge discount on a two-year plan. Plus they're even gonna throw in one extra month free on top of that. All you gotta do is go to Back to the episode. (ominous music) - [Jared] Can you see it? Dude, is that a vehicle right there? Dude, that is a truck. - [Scott] What? - [Jared] Look at it. You can see it. - Marty Evans was at bridesmaid in her best friend's wedding at a Lutheran church in Knappa, Oregon on February 10th, 1990. The 33-year-old divorced mom of two was the second oldest of eight siblings. Pictures from the wedding, taken shortly before she vanished, show her wearing that dress with baby's breath in her hair. She disappeared that night and has never been seen from since. After the wedding and reception, Marty stopped at her mother's house where she and her 10-year-old son, Andrew, were staying after moving back from Ashland. While she was at her mother's house, family members said she had tearful conversations on the phone with a man she wanted to date, as well as her ex-husband. Family members gave her a few bucks for gas and Marty, still wearing her bridesmaid's dress, drove her brother's pickup truck to The Logger in Knappa to meet up with friends. Some people said she seemed upset while she was there. When Marty left the bar, she drove to what was then a nearby market and gas station along Highway 30, but the truck wouldn't start. When she tried to leave that gas station, she called one of her brothers who came there and got it going again. He watched as Marty headed out on Highway 30 towards Astoria, where she was never seen from again. The family doesn't know what happened next that night. Marty never showed up at the restaurant in Astoria where she eventually planned to meet up with her sister. Family members said that they knew something wasn't right the next day when they didn't even get a phone call. They called police and started frantically searching for Marty and the pickup truck. They put up flyers and authority scoured nearby waterways, but never found any sign of Marty or the truck. (mysterious music) - [Female Reporter] 30 Years ago this month, a young mother up in vanished after her best friend's wedding in a small community, out on the coast, near Astoria. (mysterious music) - [Male Reporter] And to this day, her disappearance remains a mystery and an open investigation. (mysterious music) - This is, you know, one of those moments, times where you have that feeling like, "This is really happening, this is gonna happen. We're here. We're solving a case. We know we're onto something that's larger than life and absolutely unexplainable." Feet away from Marty Evans, where she's disappeared, an entire community's been looking for her. She went missing in her bridesmaid stress. Doesn't get more powerful than that. We're feet away from her right now. We don't know it, but if I feel it, I feel it. - We have four locations today that we need to search coming back to this. We always have the potential foul play that I never wanna look at. But we do have this in this case with the theories after 30 some odd years. - It's a long time. - But we also have the accident location, but we also have a suicide location as well, actually two suicide locations on this one as well. We're coming back into this with information, with the potential. We're coming back into this with knowledge also that we've learned over the last two years. And I'm feeling really hopeful today, we're gonna be able to find Marty. I'm Jared and this is Doug. - Hello, Doug. - And then Scott, who's been with us, has met Linda before as well. - [Scott] Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you. - So yeah, we're just kinda getting everything ready and then once - - You guys are gonna be able to go in here? - Yeah. We'll just drop in right over the edge right here. Okay. So Linda called me, or she texted me, and she told me some of the conversation that you had. So kind of bring us up to speed. As to my understanding, as you were coming back from Longview, you ended up picking up a hitchhiker. - At night, late at night. So it's weird. Yeah, but it was pouring down rain. - And it was a female hitchhiker. - Yeah. And she wasn't dressed for the weather. So I signaled some kind of distress. So I stopped and asked her if she needed to ride somewhere. And I don't know, I don't recall the conversation, how it got there, but she asked me if I was Marty's brother. - Just outta the blue. - Yeah. - And you're like? - And when I introduced myself, she told me her name. And she said, "I used to work with your sisters," Joyce and Rhonda, my other sisters, at the hospital in Astoria. So she knew them. I mean, we were about 12 miles from where she lived. I asked her what she was doing and she had got a ride with somebody to a tavern there and they'd left her. So, and it was like 10 o'clock at night, pouring down rain. - Okay. - And they left her, so it was about 12 miles to her house. So I gave her a ride. But that's what she said. She told me that this happened. I'm like, "What?" 'Cause I've never, ever heard that version of anything. - Right. And so that version, as she's telling you, I know you don't remember it word for word, but like, what did she say? Like, we're here at this spot, this morning. - She said that there were four brothers, they took her car into Brownsmead and it was sitting in the brush up by this house right here. - Okay. - For a long time. And then they just pushed it in the slip. - Did she happen to say how long it had been sitting here for a long time? - No. I didn't press her for details. Like I said, I didn't wanna spook her or nothing. - Okay. All right. Well, yeah. We'll check out the entire slough here. We also heard rumors of off the train bridge. And then like you said, there's that other slough right behind. - I don't think there's any way you could get a rig off it. - Yeah, that's kind of my thought. - How did that theory come out? Where did you come up with that? - Which one? - Somebody said it was pushed off the train bridge. - This is where telephone games and rumors come along, is because, you know, Mike here, communicated with Linda, who is Marty's sister, who will be here in a few minutes. And so now she texts and relays this information to me of, you know, it's off the bridge. - But as the conversations go, the story changes. - And so I'll just - - I'm telling you right. I went out and I walked this the next day after she told me this. And there's lots of places you could just run a rig off the side in the slough. - [Jared] Hi, Linda. - Hi, Jared. How are you? - [Man] Hi, Linda. - Hi, guys. - [Jared] I always love your look. (laughter) - Welcome to our lovely community. This is it. There should be actual trains around by here. - Yeah. Well, it's good to see you again. It's been almost two years since we've been out here. - And I don't think my brother, I think he was gone down the coast or something when you were here last time. - Yeah. And when we started this, it was Scott and I. We had no sonar equipment. - Back in the day. We had no sonar equipment of our own, no boats of our own. - I can't believe when seen that whole trailer. I'm like, "Wow." - Yeah. (chuckles) - You've done a lot in the last two years and I have to say, I'm way impressed. - Yeah, and so since we were out here working on Marty's case last, we've now brought home 20 more people. - I know it. - And so we have learned a lot. - You guys are all angels. - Thank you. - I want you to know that. - And so we've learned a lot about- - What to do. - What to do. - Where to go. - Yeah, where to look and how to approach these. - Different areas and climates. - And as well as the rumors that come out over the years. So we've got this first location here. Then we have the boat ramp right down on the other side of the bridge. Then coming back up to the other side of the bridge, there's a little bit along the dyke road that we've not yet searched. - Right. - We have, around the dyke that we did last time, if we take that around, we've got an accent location over there. And then we also have the Columbia riverboat as well. - I have another spot that Luke, my son, just kind of suggested, was past my mom's house in that little inlet that goes to railroad tracks right there. There's a big body of water right there too. - We checked that out. - Oh, you did? Okay. - That would be a far stretch to try and get that thick up by our house without anybody noticing. (laughs) - Noticing, right. Except for the middle of the night. - But I honestly, if there's any truth at all to this, it's right here. - Okay. Or down past the house. - Yeah. There's a gate. - At the end of it. - The tide gate? - Uh huh. - There's a gate to somebody else's property past that. And I wouldn't think it would be anywhere past that. But there's lots of places that you could just literally push a rig. - Okay. All right. Well, I think the game plan is then, Scott, let's go ahead and put the boat in here. I'll take you out on the boat with me today, since you're the one that started this case with me, a couple years ago. We'll search both sides of the bridge. We'll search this side of the slough. We'll jump into the other slough, if we've not found anything yet. And then let's finish running the slough back down to the other bridge. Well, we're gonna get it in. - It could be better weather, huh, kids? - Yeah. (laughter) - I don't think it's seeing sun here. (boat sliding off trailer) (boat engine starts) - Four feet of water. Let's get this thing going. Anyway, small, brown Ford Ranger that we're looking for. It's a nice clean bottom, 20 feet right here though. So it drops off pretty good. So we'll run both, we'll run this side of the trestle first, then we'll go hit the other side of the trestle. - [Scott] You know where we need to go? That's the... - Yeah, but since we're up here and we're gonna be heading in that direction, let's just clear this real quick. And so if you've never seen our sonar, this is live scope over here. This one will actually show what's happening in real time. So as a fish swims by, you'll see a fish swim by in real time. This over here, you're looking underwater, you're looking at parts of the underwater trestle right there. Now the way that this one works is more of a picture in time. So it's picked up everything that we just went over. We're looking at two different systems here. One is down imaging. And so if you look at it from the top here to these little grid lines, we'll line up with the depth that we have. This one is side scans. So we're scanning 75 feet to the right and 75 feet to the left. Here's our boat icon and anything black is water column down to the bottom. So with this being a nice, smooth, bottom on this, any objects that pop up, like that's not a pickup, that's more like rocks and things have been thrown off, but definitely not a pickup. Then as we come back around to the pillars over here, that's what you're starting to see pop up over here on left for side scan now. And a vehicle will be plain as day for us, if there's a vehicle down there. Okay. Oh, we got something that shouldn't be here. What is it? Uh oh, what is this? What is the odds a boat? See that? - [Scott] Oh, it's totally a boat. - Yeah. - That's great. - [Jared] We hit at some different angles, but I mean, that thing just like popped up like nothing else. All right. So this is the fish that's swimming by. So that's live. And then we'll go hit this boat again. So there's the boat on live. And then the boat on site imaging, We'll hit it at a 90 degree angle now from a different angle. And the reason why we hit 'em from different angles is so that way we can 100% say, "Oh yes, we scanned that properly. We can see the shape of it from all sides. We're not making stuff up." All right. So we're coming up on it again. It's right there on the right. And still looks like a boat to me. You can confirm there's the front of it. There's the back of it. Yeah, I was really hopeful when that first popped up over there. I was like, "Oh, we have a truck." And then it wasn't. But right now, based upon the current story's story, is it's not gonna be off the train bridge here. And as well as from our first initial analysis, too, of trying to get a truck off the bridge. - [Scott] How far are you scanning off to the side with the, cause you... - 75 feet. - [Scott] 75 feet. Yeah. - On each side, yeah. - [Scott] Because with the right. Yeah, I don't think there's gonna be a truck that was ever pushed off that bridge because of those rails. I mean, it would be really hard to... But if it did hit the water, it might float with, you know, there's a little bit of current. - So we have this property here. So just in case this property was associated, let's run this side of the slough up a little bit and then we'll go hit that to the east over there. Whoa! Look at this boat underwater here. Here, let me show this on camera. Check that out. - [Scott] That's full of shit right down there. - Yeah. And then we got another one over here we just went over. Holy moly. Oh, what is this? There's so much stuff under water here, Scott. (sonar beeping) That's crazy. - [Scott] Well, look at this, the Panther there. That's incredible. - [Jared] Yeah. So you have sunk boats underwater here. You have sinking boats that can't sink anymore. So here's some sunk house boats underneath here. That one's gonna be underwater soon too. - [Scott] That's incredible. - But I mean, definitely not a truck. (boat motor idling) All right. So that's the end of the house right there. So we're gonna head back down past the - - [Scott] Is there a house underwater? - Well, the house underwater is over there. Anyway, there's a house right here as well. So there's no more road right here. So now we're gonna head back over there, past the RV and run the slough over there. There's a road up above. Real clean, real easy. I mean, if the truck's in here, we're gonna find it. (motor trolling) And now we're down to five feet. Anyway that clears this side of it. Now we'll run the slough down. A lot of debris down here. Most of it just looks like these old dilapidated boats and stuff that have been thrown over the years. - You know what? When you hear these stories too, you think, Alright, if you're going get rid of a car, even if it's just an act of vandalism, it's getting rid of a truck, You'd think, at least I would be like, "Let's push it down the road a ways, so it's not right out in front of the house." - [Jared] Right. You know what? We got something of interest right here. But it's so shallow too. I don't think, no, whatever that is right there, I think it's just a dock. - [Scott] Oh. - [Jared] See it? - [Scott] Yeah. How shallow would that look? - [Jared] Yeah, we're getting too shallow, like it goes right up. - [Scott] Do you wanna do any magnet drops or anything? - No. We'll just go right over it right here. And we'll just identify it. It's whatever this old dock is that came out on this. See like that plank right there used to be another one right here. That's what we're picking up. - [Scott] Okay. Oh, that's - - [Jared] Yep. 100%. That's what it is. - [Scott] Goes out to the other piling there. - [Jared] Yep. Anyway, Scott, you have a search and rescue, Sheriff's dive team experience as well. - Yeah. A public diver. I've been a public diver for 22 years. But like I said, I've never seen that where we, you know, you find a car and you float it and you bring it to the boat ramp and you easily haul it out. It's always been something with a giant boom crane. We've gotta come up over a ledge and... - [Jared] Yeah, 15 feet, still clear and clean. But once we get down past these houseboats here, or floating homes, I guess is what they're called, then we'll be at the very end of the slough and then another 50 yards or so is where that other slough back behind. - Well, we wanna get back behind those buildings too. 'Cause none of this was here. - [Jared] Yeah. We did everything to that. - [Scott] Okay. - So once I hit the Jackson Road is when I'll give you the queue to go ahead and run down to that other boat ramp, which is gonna be our second area of interest today. Right now we're at the very end where that first gate is at to get onto the slough further down here for the dyke. And this is part of the story in question, the next 200 feet is very critical. Yeah. We're currently running 13 to 15 feet here. So which is a perfect depth for a vehicle to hide all these years, in a slough, outside of boat traffic. And did they go 200 feet down with it with it? Do they go 200 yards down with it? - [Scott] What do you find to be the limit of quality imaging on this? I mean, once you get down below 40 feet, 50 feet, 100 feet is... - Like 40 to 50 east is kind of like, you know, like you really have to be knowing where you're looking and what you're looking at. - [Scott] Yeah. - Like we found a boat that was, you know, was it 95 feet? We were able to find it on the live scope, which was really difficult, but... Ooh, whoa, Scott. No, that's not it. Anyway, this is what I'm looking at when I started saying, "Whoa." So you see images start popping up. - Yeah. - On screen here. And so the first thing you see is the shadow and then it turns into a straight up bog. But it gets you like really excited to like, "Oh," and then it unfolds like this one again. - [Scott] Can I wipe this? - [Jared] Another log. Yeah, go ahead. Not at all. Oh, now you're ruined it. - [Scott] See I had- - [Jared] Oh, I should have said no. - [Scott] Yeah. - So I don't think there's reason to go out further into the middle, but we're gonna go ahead and do so anyway, just to make sure we cover our bases on this one. - So one thing that makes it challenging is that, you know, you get this witness who said, "Oh, I saw the car being pushed off the levee by these one or two guys." You have no idea where it could be. It could be, well she did say, I guess, "around the house." But in reality it could be, wherever they decided to push it down the levee here and then sent it off the side. - You know, then this comes into the, why do we end up with like so many rumors and stories? Like somebody just wants to say something to be involved. Like, "I a hundred percent, yeah, I was there. I saw something." We've heard it time and time again, unfortunately. And then in the end it turns out to be nothing more than an accident or we end up finding them. (boat motor trolling) Yeah. There's nothing here. Hey Carson, we're gonna go identify if the slough is deep over here and jump over into here and follow up on that story as to the vehicle being pushed into there. It kind of loops around behind that house. And it's always a possibility, so let's make sure we clear that while we're here. - [Carson] So looking at this slough, we can see some like logs sticking up and there's lily pads, which show evidence of it being shallow. But the water's all very dark, but I'm not the greatest judge on it, but we'll see what Dennis says. - All right. Awesome. Thank you. (radio clicks) - Check behind the house there, like head back and follow it. And it kind of does like a little curve horseshoe bend. See if it's a little deeper over there and if it's anything possible over there. - Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you're clearly shallow right here. I mean, I don't wanna rule it off and just say, "Oh, we're not going to do it." I mean, it can be consensus between, with everyone. But you know, the story also is they've had a couple days to think about it as well, how they're gonna get rid of this vehicle and the quickest and best, if the house is involved, and it was. We've scanned everything that would've been involved over here. We found a boat and that was it. Couple of tree logs, plain as day, sonar's working beautifully. A hundred percent, I can say, "Linda, this is clear over here." What do you wanna do, Scott? You wanna hit? - Well, the levee still keeps going. I mean, do we know if the vehicle's running? You know, if they wanna get rid of something quickly. - I would say the vehicle. I mean, there's no reason why the vehicle would not be running. She drove it there. - I think you just can't eliminate anything. I mean, the pond, maybe. I dunno, we could throw the magnet a few times and see what the depth is. - Or we can run it. I mean, it's not gonna hurt us to run it down. Other than it just sucks pulling the boat over. But we're here. We can say that we cleared it a hundred percent. We're here. - Gotta check it. - We clear the slough. Right? - Gotta check it. - All right. Well, we'll scan it. We'll run it up to the house. Yeah. It's only two feet there. Two feet below that transducer. So that's way too shallow just like we thought off of that log. - [Scott] This is good though, because now we don't have to think about this. We have to check these off. Otherwise it's always that question mark. - But it could be deeper down along around the way too. So we're gonna run it down there back behind the house where they would've had access to. Five feet, we're getting a little deeper, still not quite deep enough. I mean, look how shallow it is through here. You got all these tree logs that are actually laying down. Now we do have a hole that we're in right now. The hole is actually eight feet deep. So it can absolutely hide a vehicle back here. A lot of trees in here. We're back up to four feet right now, four feet, five feet. But let me take a look at our map real quick, 'cause I think that this is gonna go down and around and back to the house if I remember. So before we go too far, let's just verify that on the map here. Yeah. So here's the house over here that we started at and then the slough that we ran and then we jumped in here. This band is what I was interested in. Oh, we're dragging our rope. We don't wanna get that in the motor. But anyway, so this is the band that I was interested in and the band right here actually had an eight to nine foot hole, but there was nothing in it. So as far as our interest on the slough, I mean we can run it down just a little bit further, but I think we're getting too shallow here. Anyway, another a hundred yards we'll run it here and then we'll head back and jump back in the bigger slough. So the house is right over here. We're in a nine, 10 foot hole right here. And then now it's coming back up to eight feet, seven feet and no vehicle over here. - [Scott] That would be a good one right there. Might be the bushes. - Yeah, but now we're at five feet and then there's the lily pads. So that writes this slough off the list as well. So right here at the bend is the closest this slough actually gets to this house here and nothing in that deep hole. And then it starts getting really shallow over here again, three, four feet. You had a few sections, five, six feet. And then you have like a five, six foot hole over here, but no vehicle, unfortunately. So from here, we're gonna get back in. I never checked this side of the slough or the dyke here. I only checked the other side. It was really windy that day. So we're gonna finish checking this one down to the public boat ramp, just past the bridge. Also, we're gonna check the north side of it because there's access over there as well. That will then officially mark off two locations that we wanted to search today. We will then move the boat over to the accident location that I wanna check and then a potential suicide location that I would like to check as well. All right. Why don't you guys plan on heading down to that public boat ramp? We'll meet you guys down there. So this is gonna be all fresh territory that we have never searched before here. So again, we have the, a truck that runs story. This is still in the line of sight of putting that in, but then I'm gonna say no, because now as you take a look over here at these houses, now you're within line of sight of other other houses if you were to come down here with it. Now, is there a possible for an accident location? I can say yes, because in order to get to Marty's house to which she was living with her mom at the time, you can take this back alleyway here and then see the bridge that we're heading down to right there. You can then connect with that road and then jump over to Mom's house. And the day that she went missing, she actually went back over to Mom's house two or three times. And so it wasn't something that was uncommon or out of the ordinary with her heading back to Mom's house a couple of times. Now the thing is, she was supposed to meet Linda and a few others down at the Hong Kong Chinese restaurant, but never made it to the Hong Kong Chinese restaurant over in Astoria. So did something happen to her along the way? Or did she just say, "Eh, I'm just done for the night. I'm tired, I'm beat. I don't have enough money for gas to even get there or get back." And then it turns into an accident scene. All of these unknowns, Scott. - [Scott] And I think there's a lot of biases involved where we keep sticking to these little stories. - Yeah. - So you think about, you know, we talk about like, "This is what could have happened." And I think basically we just need to search all these areas. We just need to search 'em, regardless if it's even something that was possible for them to drive through here or drive off the road over there or be pushed off the edge here. - Yeah and we're not here to figure out the what or the who done it, if there's a who done it involved. Right now there's a story of five who done its that might have been involved, with four of them are now passed away. That's not what we're here for. We're here to simply find out the where, and then if there's a why or a who done it after that, that's not our problem. I just wanna find her. So this part of the bridge here, Scott, I've scanned. So I've parked here and I've scanned both sides this bridge before. I did so with one of these set ups. I didn't have live scope at the time. So we'll just re-hit both sides of this, if by chance it was an accident, 30 years ago coming off the bridge, drunk, driving. And then I've not scanned the north side of this bridge just on the other side of it across the way. So we will double check that. And then the boat ramp is another quarter mile down past here. (motor trolling) - You go down this road and veer back over there. That's where Linda's mom lives. - [Jared] Yeah, well this road is the one that dead ends the tees into where that sign was at. - Yeah. - Where it dead ends into the slough. Where we were throwing anchors. You were throwing an anchor out there at one time. - [Jared] Yep. - [Scott] I'm sorry, a magnet. - And then all the sticker bushes and everything that we went down. So coming from Knappa over there, this is one of two bridges to get the Mom's house. This is the one that's most likely. But then we look at the possible, alright, do we have a... Did we go to this house for some reason? Did we accidentally drunk drive off the edge of this road? Just so many unknowns. Until we find her, we don't know. We've never been in a situation where these rumors have ever been true. One of the difficult ones I've ever seen was the Carey Mae Parker in Texas. You have the ex-boyfriend who was suspected with all these rumors, with warrants being served and digging up the property. And in the end, it was nothing more than an accident that she ended up over the side. Yeah. I see you down at the boat ramp. You're in the right spot. We're gonna circle back around towards the bridge and then come up on the same side as you. I got something back here. I don't know what it is, but this is like, actually shows up kind of like what we see for something that's 30 years old. That. So we're gonna head. So I just turned around and then I moved over and now we're gonna go over the top of it and see if we can get it to pop up. If it pops up on both of those screens and it's four feet tall and it's a truck, I mean, you can see how clear, like just little log is down there. And it may have just been like the way they were hitting a bank coming down. - [Scott] 26 Feet. - [Jared] Yeah. (motor trolling) - [Scott] Is that it right there? - [Jared] Yeah. That's not a vehicle. Yeah. That's why we re-scan them. I'm still not convinced that this is not a potential vehicle, 'cause we're dealing with 25 feet of depth. So it's gonna show up differently and with some growth and some weeds and some other stuff coming off of it, we just wanna verify if we can get it on live scope. That's my big goal right now to get right over the top of it. You know what I think it is? I think it's a... 'cause it keeps moving. I bet it's just a school of fish. - [Scott] Oh. No way. - [Jared] Oh yeah. I've had that before. - What? - Where it moves. - [Scott] When we get to this tree, it should show up right here. Right to the line at that tree in that pole. - [Jared] Let's see. (motor revs) I'm telling you, I think it's been moving. Anyway. So I've actually had a school of fish move on me before that gave me a false reading. It happened in Oklahoma. See that keeps changing shape. See. School of fish. - [Scott] I'm not buying that. Zero chance in my opinion. - [Jared] It keeps changing shape. - [Scott] If it's a school of fish, they're not gonna be just sitting there. - [Jared] Yeah, they're moving. - [Scott] Okay. I'll go for whatever you want. (laughter) Look, you're the boat captain right now. Right, Captain? - Yeah. - [Scott] Looks like that school of fish is moving. - [Jared] Look, it's not there anymore. - Well we're in the wrong spot. You gotta be lined up between that telephone pole and that bush. - How far over? - I'm paying attention. - [Jared] No, it was over here. It moved over here. - Drive right. Turn inward to shore right now. - Right now. - Okay. - [Jared] You want me to go to the dark spot? - Yes. - [Jared] Okay. I'll go straight to the dark spot. - Okay and if it's there, what are we gonna call it, a school of fish? - Yeah. 100%. - Okay. - [Jared] We're a boat. - [Scott] Five, four, three, two, one. 0.5, 0.4, point... - [Jared] See out moved? It's not even here now. They're gone. - Wait, wait. - [Jared] They swam away. Do you believe me now? - 100%. (laughter) - [Jared] See, now all we have is a log. We can clearly see this log right here. - [Scott] We weren't this close to shore. - [Jared] I know we weren't this close. - [Scott] We've never been this close to shore. - I know. All right. So that takes care of the bridge, down under the boat ramp. Once we clear the boat ramp, that clears the two main locations that we wanted today, leaving us with two more locations. - [Scott] What are the other two? - One is the Columbia River, to the north here. Adridge or Aldrich Point or something like that, which Linda was mentioning, they used to go out to and drink. And then we also... Which if by chance there was a party going on, let's say that there was a party, she showed up here, found out where the party was, out there at the river. We seen a situation. Like, I understand there's another wedding going on, but what if there's another party also going on? She ends up there, but we've seen like, Ethan. There was a party. The party ended and we then later found him right there at the party scene, the location, the vehicle's been underwater for seven years there. We could have the same thing with this. Okay. We're two shallow right here. But eight feet here. What I'm looking at right here, Scott, is we have the intersection here. I mean it's 50 feet away, but what if she did come flying down? But as we get closer to shore here, where this target is I'm looking at and back up over it. Anyway. What if she came through and came flying down this intersection? It's nothing more than an accident right here. Could be. - [Scott] Remember what I just told you? Most of the cars are right up at an intersection that tee into a levee. - Yep. And that's a tree log there. Tree log. Plain as day, it's a tree log. Eight feet of water here though. - Pretty deep. - Yeah. Watch your (indistinct) over here. - I wanna get some different angles on it, just to rule this one out. 'Cause like I said, I mean, it lines up perfect with that intersection right there, Scott. Right here, that's four feet tall. And is the length of a pickup truck. - [Scott] Oh. Kind of a- - [Jared] I don't know. Let me come into it straight. (dramatic music) Right there. Right below us. Okay. Drop a magnet right here on this side. Like you can almost stand right on it. Can you see it? Dude, is that a vehicle right there? Dude, that is a truck. - [Scott] What? - [Jared] Look at it. You can see it. Look at it right below you. Is that a truck? (dramatic music) See the stuff grown in and out of it and around it? - [Scott] Well. Wait. Oh that's a... Go back a second. Fell on metal. I see a cable there. - Did I see the cable? I mean, there's gonna be stuff- - [Scott] Oh wait. Oh yeah. There's a cable, but that's like the... Oh wait, let's see. That feels... That's not, that's a log right there. - [Jared] Is it? - [Scott] But that was definitely... I'm not feeling. Yeah. That's wood there. - [Jared] Yeah. I mean, I can see wood right there. So that's a log. - [Scott] Oh, that's a log. - Dang it. Alright. Well it lined up with an intersection. So yeah, you can see it at this angle. Solid tree. Dang it, Scott. All right. So we cleared that one, back there's a log. We cleared this one as a tree. And see, as we come across this, you can see like the pylons. So we just passed one. We're gonna be passing another one right here. So there's another one. Five feet of water. So you have the other thing, you know, what if this is a suicide? You can never rule it out. Friend's getting married, something was said, heavily drinking. She's left twice that night already, (motor trolling) goes to the river and says, "I'm checking out." 'Cause this road right here goes to Mom's house to the bridge and to the church where the wedding was at. And now we're only in four feet of water right here. All right. Nothing here. So right back there at that intersection, I mean, I understand it's like 50 feet away from it, but like it popped up and it was like the shape of a truck. It was only like three and a half feet underwater. So we went over it a couple times and it looked like old plants and stuff were growing up outside of the back of the pickup truck, is what it looked like. But the waves were going a little bit. We couldn't get a clear sight. We dropped the magnet on it. We found like a cable that it snatched to. And then we were able to get a better visual as we came around. And it's nothing more than like a great big old dock log is what it was over there, but lined up perfect with that intersection. So anyway, this knocks out two of our big, main ones that we wanted to search. So let's load up and then let's head around the corner on the other road over here and let's go drop in where we have another accident location that goes along the road for quite a ways. And I don't know how deep that slough is, but we'll go check it out. And then after that one, then that is gonna take us up to the Columbia River where we're looking at as an accident location, or is it potential suicide? Foul play? I have no idea. So that's where we're at. Okay. So follow me on this theory here, okay? So we come down from town and we come up on the Ziak-Gnat Creek Road here from the church. And instead of coming up to where we're at, to come to Mom's house and go across the bridge, you also have the, eh, I'm gonna go make it right here. And this is my other accident location that I'm really interested in, is this road right here. Now we've been really close to this area before, because this turns left here to go to Mom's house. We've never searched this bridge area, which I think is too shallow, you can see that. But we have put in here, which is where the cows were at. But you and I also put in right here and then underneath this bridge right here at that location, is where the refrigerator was at. And then we finished searching all of this. So we've searched this slough twice now up to Mom's house. So that- - There's another road that kind of dead ends. I think it's Knappa Dock Road that goes out. - We've done that one as well. - You've done that one. Like you climbed down the cliff? - Yeah. - There's a little wall there with some buildings. - It was a hot day, it was miserable. - Okay. - And then after we do this accident location, now I wanna work my way up to this Aldrich Point boat ramp is where I want to go. Do you have that in? Do you have that entire road up there? And what if there was another party that was going on up there, went for a drive? - That's accident? And you can fit foul play into that because it's way up there on the river. You might think that's way deeper up there. - Even suicide. You can see all three. - Yeah. - Let's go hit. Do you wanna go to this one first? - Which one you feel more? - I don't wanna backtrack, so let's knock this- - Well, we still have to come back through it, no matter what. - Yeah, let's go up there first. - That's the road that we have to come down. - I know with looking at the map a little while ago, that's just stuck out to me, that ramp. - [Jared] Let's go to Aldrich Point then. - Must be on the bottom. - So we have this slough right here and I think that this slough is too shallow, but this is that road that I was telling you about. And coming up is the Anderson that they used to live over here. But if you take this road around, this is gonna take you back to Mom's house. This is the shallower slough here, Doug. - [Doug] Yeah. - [Jared] I don't think we have an accent into this one. - [Doug] I can see in it. - You can see, but now coming up though, you're flying down right here, 30 years ago. Foliage is lower. You miss the corner right here (swirling sound) off into this bigger slough that you're gonna see right here. What do we think about this slough right here? Deeper? Can you tell? - [Doug] Oh no, this one's definitely deeper than the one we just came up. - [Jared] Look, so 30 years ago, take this foliage down. Accident location right here. Drunk, 10:00 PM at night. Do you wanna search it now or we wanna keep going to Aldrich? I did tell Scott to go to Aldrich. - [Doug] Okay. Let's go up to Aldrich and then we'll come back. Looks like there's a easy spot to put in right up here. - [Jared] Yeah, I mean, this is gonna be a deeper slough like that other one though, in my opinion. We don't know until we put in. - Right. So after talking to Linda, she was able to tell me that the road leading up here along the river, that we were looking at sort of an accident location, is a private road. It's always been blocked off and gated like that their entire lives and no cars are ever in and out of there. - Okay. So really we don't have a mile of road to check here. We just have this boat ramp right here. - The boat ramp is as far as we deem necessary a car to float. And also right over here, she said these boulders that are right on the other side of this bush right here, were never there. She said they just got put there. - Okay. - And there's like a little dump area. - Okay. And it doesn't look like it's really, I mean, it's probably 12 feet deep right there. So I mean, you can't have a vehicle out here, so let's get the boat out here, search that, and then if we don't find it here, then we'll head back to that accident location. - Yeah. And Linda just told me that that's actually 25 feet right there. - Oh. - Yeah. Where we were deeming it at another accident location. - Right. - 25 feet. - And that's really gonna be our last location of the day that I know of that way. Let's get the boat in and knock this one out. - [Doug] (indistinct) I'm gonna give you. 15 Feet right here. - All right. - All right. Really clean bottom over here, really clean. 14 feet. It's coming up quick. 11, 10, already up to 5. - [Jared] Wow. It jumped fast. - Yeah. And Linda said this is all exposed right here until right in the middle of these two, which makes sense. That's where it comes up. She said those docks are always on the ground. - [Jared] Okay. - So we will go up a little bit, two miles an hour with the current. I don't think a Ford ranger truck could have any float time. I mean, that would be a... That's another thing, the cabin space on a Ford Ranger is so small relevant to the vehicle weight, it's not gonna be that buoyant. You know, the more the cabin space, like a big SUV, you would think, "Oh, big SUV's gonna sink right away." Well, if the windows are up, the cabin space inside of a vehicle is so vast that it's going to make it very buoyant. There's lots of stuff over here, but it's too shallow. Yeah, real clean over here, over there near that old boat ramp to the side, there's a lot of debris, but it's very, very shallow. (radio clicks) - [Jared] Ah, well, I don't see a buoy in the water. - [Doug] No, it's all clear. It's really easy to read, as you know, no different than what you were reading. Ow. (engine accelerating) - And here's our little access right here that we can get into easily. And then here's the entire road through here that we want to search. This is not my area of interest. My area interest is gonna be down past these pylons. Kind of right where that tree is at and then down for like the next 300, 400 yards. So all of that appears to be shallow inside of that. - [Scott] What's the depth here? - It's getting deeper, it's seven. So it'll hide a vehicle here. All right. Now we're getting down to 11 and 12. We're getting into the zone that I'm interested in. Nice depth for it, I mean, you can definitely hide a vehicle down here for years. - [Scott] Now, are you getting a good shot of the shore from here? I mean, you can really see a- - My sonar, right now I'm hitting at 54 right now is where I'm hitting the shore and I'm scanning to 75 and we're still at 16 to 18 feet right through here. Nice, smooth, bottom. Picking up all those trees and branches right there. That's what we're picking up right there. And this is where I just want her truck to just pop up. - So that's a corner right there as you were coming around, you've got the sign here that says intersection around a corner. So that could be a great spot right there. - [Jared] Yeah. Yeah in fact, down past where the biggest bushy tree is at, where you see the telephone pole there, like another 50 yards, I think, past that is where the road connects with it up there. That back in the day, remember 30 years, those that foliage wasn't as tall as it is now too. And that's your big corner coming into it. So I'm going off of the, she was drunk scenario on this one. Let's see, now right here, we're coming up to seven feet. - [Scott] You know what? It has been- - [Jared] Eight feet. - [Scott] It's been amazing that we have not seen one car. - [Jared] Yeah. Or a tractor or anything. Okay. So we have something here that we want to double check. Ah. It does not appear to be vehicle-shaped, I don't think, more boat-shaped than anything. (motor trolling) Yeah, see that only gets three and a half feet here too. So it's too shallow to be what we want. Yeah, we're only three and a half feet of water here. So just the way it was reading that bank. - [Scott] I'm kind of dying to just throw the magnet in. - [Jared] And it's more of a log that we have there. It's in five feet of water. That tree right there that we're picking up. - [Scott] Oh, the broken end. - All right. We're only at seven feet right here. And we're coming up to the end of the road, like right up here. So right there is the end of the road where that telephone pole is at. You know, I do feel really good about coming back though and searching a lot of these new areas that we just never even considered before. Clean. There's nothing. We're heading up to the gas station, better cell service up there. And then we'll look at SARTopo and see if we have any other ideas that we wanna tackle today. - [Scott] Okay. - Okay. So let's break it down. So we have no water from the boyfriend's house to the gas station other than the John Day River, which I searched. - [Linda] Which doesn't seem feasible. Doesn't seem feasible. - You've already checked that. - How about the husband? Where did he live at the time? 'Cause didn't she have a didn't she have a- - In Svenson. Didn't she have a- - Next town down. - And didn't she have a conversation with him as well? - I... - We never really- - That's kind of up in the air. My mom wasn't sure who she was talking to on the phone. She thinks she might have been talking to Rich to get money. So he lives right here. That used to be B & D Market. Rich's house is right there. - Yeah. - Yeah. 'Cause that's at Clayton's place, then that'll go to the little houses. - Yeah. - Yeah. That's his house. - And so the two of them are still having relations, yet they're also upset about... - [Stephen] Going to court. - [Linda] But he's also married to someone else. - Going to court. - [Linda] And has three kids with someone else and still living in that house. - Right. So she's not stopping. So she's not stopping there, in my opinion, at 10 o'clock at night with the new wife there. - [Linda] No, but he would meet her at the store. - [Jared] We have no evidence of her making it to the boyfriend's house. - [Linda] No. - [Jared] We have no idea if she went to the ex-husband's house. We do have the five mile radius. And I believe that we've covered everything in this five mile radius now. - [Doug] The most logical thing that we have to go off of in this extreme working with only probability, is we know she was here. We know she was at the gas station. We know she was heading here. - [Jared] Yep. - [Doug] Something happened between her last verified location and where she verbally had intentions of going over here. Between here, something happened. - [Jared] Now we have done a lot of searching here in this five mile radius with Mom's house, making that as to, she lived with Mom. - [Linda] Right. - She'd been to Mom's house twice before. It was 10:00 PM, late at night. Yes, she put some gas in the car, but she just also had to have it jumped by her brother, Mike. And so in my mind is, did she simply get upset and just be like, "You know what? It's too late. I don't want to deal with this anymore. I'm intoxicated. I just need to shut down and be done for the night." - Depends on like, what kind of person was she? Was she energetic? Was she like, at that time of night, is she gonna be the- Is that her time? Is that her time? - Yeah. - Yeah. - If she was on a party mode, she'd be partying. - [Doug] Oh, okay. - [Jared] So we've covered all possible routes back to Mom's house. - I think with what we've done out here, I think has been more in the realm of, you know, Mom's home being out here. Also, I mean, you covered that area where you come over there to get the, yeah. Let's just say, let's just say, hypothetically, something happened. I don't want to, you know- - [Stephen] That's what I've been thinking the same thing. - It's been 32 years, so obviously we know something bad happened, whether it was an accident, foul play. We know it's been so long. We know something bad probably happened, you know. We don't think that she ran off and started a new life. She didn't- Yeah. Right, right. If we were talking about like having a lot of money, that would be like, you know, is this happy face guy still alive? - Yeah. He's in prison. - He's in prison. We're feeding that bastard. - [Linda] He's serving consecutive life sentences. - So he is never getting out? - For murder. I think they hope that he will tell about more because after he confessed to the first four or five, he ended up confessing to three more. - [Doug] And that's where I'm going with this. - [Jared] You just want to go interview him? - I would- - [Linda] I'm writing him a letter. - I would love to interview him. I mean, we're talking about somebody who has bragged about killing someone every day for months. - [Stephen] Yeah. I wish you guys could. - [Linda] He said maybe 140, 150. . [Stephen] That would be cool. - I mean, I- - [Linda] He wants to be famous. - [Jared] And he's from this area. - Originally, I guess from Tri-Cities, like I said, Selah, Yakima, Kennewick, Pasco, that area. Then when he got married, him and his wife and kids lived in Spokane area, but he was based out of the Tri-Cities area. - And didn't his parents live over here in Warrenton? - [Stephen] Yeah. - [Linda] So he made this trek? - He's got the ties, you know. And unfortunately, your family has suffered a loss already at his hands. I mean, I know the odds are so far-fetched for two people and I hate to even talk about this like this, but what are the odds that, I mean, your family suffering two losses from the hands of this killer? Anything's possible. - Yeah. - He's a predator. - Yeah. - And you know, took advantage of her. - [Doug] And she's a very beautiful woman. - Yeah and my aunt wasn't super ugly either. But she was a little bit... And you know, you get somebody vulnerable when they're half drunk or out of it or whatever. I don't know what his deal was, but you know... - So I have to jump in with the balance part of it. 'Cause you guys love to go... We talked about this earlier, but I mean, a simpler explanation is just that maybe we missed the truck, you know, the truck could have... I just feel like it gets too complicated. I mean, it's just... And the more complicated and then it becomes... And then it's like, bring it back to maybe the truck, maybe we just missed, we simply missed it. Maybe the truck flipped upside down. - [Linda] And disintegrated. - I've gone past stuff on my scanner where it's like I miss it the next time and like, I mean, I know of a truck in where we live in Bingen. People went by it for years... - I can agree with you 100%. So I want you to zoom in starting at the boyfriend's or the husband's house. - Okay. - Rich's house? - Yeah, Rich's house and follow Columbia Highway, just barely outside of town. What if we simply have an accident where she's drunk? - There is a thing there. If you go down to Svenson Island and there's outlets, it's called Bear Creek. And it does come in from the Columbia River. - So zoom in right there. So 30 years ago, I don't know what the barrier looked like there, but we've had over guard rails into water. So we have that, that we need to go check. We have to go put eyes on that. That's the only spot where Matt and Hayden just took off to. - [Matt] Plausible, but unlikely. - [Mr. Hayden] That's what I'm thinking too. - [Matt] Let's cross back. - Oh boy. Here he is. - So. - What do you think? - Mr. Hayden had a great idea because this is on the north side, plausible, but unlikely. It is deep enough to... I mean, I don't know what's in the bottom of it. On the other side, almost see the bottom. I would think to alleviate time, go throw a magnet at it from the highway because it's not gonna go very far. - So it's not- - It would be a long drop. - It would just be particularly like- (crosstalk) - [Linda] It's not very wide, not a very big area. - [Doug] I say magnet, 'cause it's also kind of a pain to get the boat down there too. - [Linda] Oh yeah. - So it's not something that looks deep, but could possibly be. - It can definitely, yeah, it could be under there. - And you gotta remember too, there's also the factor that on Wednesday after Marty missed church Saturday, we reported her missing Tuesday, snow hit, and we had more snow than we'd ever had. So any looking around was blocked. We took my brother- - [Doug] So basically, right at Valentine's Day. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - [Doug] Four days later. - It was Valentine's Day. - Massive snow. - Yeah, and my brother, we took his Bronco and we went looking up in the hills and- - Our Bronco. - Yeah, our Bronco. That's right. And his two. - Yeah. - And we went looking 'cause we had four wheel drive, places where she might have went because she knew all these logging places. - And speaking of Bronco, her Ranger had Bronco wheels on it, right? So we had Bronco wheels and tires on it. - It came off a old Bronco that was, I think it was my brother's old one 'cause he got it and wanted to soup it all up. They took the little tiny ones off and gave them to my other brother. They're all trading stuff around all the time. - [Matt] Anyway, it's plausible for it to be in there. It would be just- - [Doug] If you have a question, I would just wanna drive over there myself and just put it- - Is there a room to pull the RV off right there? - Yeah. You can pull off to the side of the road. - [Linda] Yeah. That's pretty wide right there. - Doug, once you see the 86 mile post, it's right after that which, was that Bear Creek? - Yeah. Bear Creek. - Okay. All right. So, we're... - [Matt] Just past the 86. - I mean, like I said, that is our very last water location in the area. There is no other water location. - There's no such thing as an unsuccessful search, everything we're doing, at the end of the day, they're at least marking places off. And it's one step closer, regardless of the scenario. - And if that's not it, then it's time that we be serious about a magnetometer, 'cause we've needed them more than once. Like if we get one, we're going back to Randy Leach. We're gonna go look for Randy. There's several of those that we need to go back to. Martin car, as well. All right. - That's pretty amazing. - [Jared] Let's move over there to the creek and let's go scan that real quick with a magnet. - All right, guys. (dramatic music) - Bear Creek is right here. This is what we're checking. So what's the guardrail? What's that like? Ah, that looks too shallow in my opinion. I'm already rolling it out, but let's go check it out anyway. - This is the last feasible accident location for us in this case. You can see the bottom. It's like two feet deep. (indistinct chatter) Yeah. - They actually hate to send this down here for this. - [Doug] Well they're not water specialists. Yeah. - [Jared] Yeah, that's too (indistinct) - [Doug] When you're standing over it, you can see the bottom right there. - [Jared] Yeah. - [Doug] If we had our special glasses, we'd be able to see right through it. - [Jared] Yeah. (indistinct chatter) Yep. You can see the bottom there too. It's even shallower over here, even shallower and you can see the water line where the tide goes up and down. The tide's actually out. The tide's really low right now, which is in our favor and able to easily rule this out. It's not helping us. It's just, everything in this case is pointing to extreme foul play on levels that we've never met before. Like this is insane, you know, we're talking about a possible serial killer who has already murdered someone in Marty's family. And also we have the ex-husband who has acknowledged, he wanted to kill her, said that he would kill her, acknowledging that he's seen a sticker on her vehicle that was put there within days of her going missing. He had no reason even knowing that that sticker was there and just the dynamics of the foul play possibilities in this case are just insane. Absolutely insane. And how they weren't picked up at the time during the initial investigation, I have no idea, because we're here 32 years later putting this stuff together and it's just, it's really bothering me that none of this stuff was put together at the time, because the people we're talking about, at least the ex-husband, he's gone. Like there's no telling what he did. If he did something, we'll never know. We'll never know. The happy face killer, however though, he's still alive and we're gonna be reaching out to him. Definitely. - There's a woman in here. Knock, knock. - [Stephen] Your mom's in the back. - [Linda] Oh, okay. All right. She was a junior that year. Or was that a senior? - Eighth grade. - Eighth? That one? No, she was a freshman or sophomore. It was after we moved here. And this is all of us at my grandparents'. Probably one of the only ones we have of all eight of us. - [Man] And where's Marty in the picture? - [Linda] She's in the black and the white. Brad, Marty, Rhonda, me, Joyce, Mike, Tony, Tony. - [Gloria] There's Marty. This one's Marty. - [Linda] There's Marty the day of the wedding and that's my sister, Rhonda. See, they look quite a bit alike. And then, and there they are standing up front in the wedding and then there's Marty. She lived down in Ashland with that guy there. And that's my little brother, Brad, who's also gone now. Yeah. And this one, yeah, there's Grandma. So that had to of been, I'm guessing by the hair, that's probably about 87, 88. And then who's sitting next to her? Is that Joyce? Yeah. This one here- - This one is Marty. - We were in Fall City. She was always bigger than me while we were growing up. And this was probably 1983 or 4. And that one's probably like 1969 or so. Yeah. She kept our life interesting that girl. Even though she was only 10 months younger than me, she seemed like the older one because she was more outgoing. Mischievous, was never scared of anything I didn't think. Was she? - Not one bit. Always dragging animals home, always. Loved horses. I didn't like them at all. She loved them and she'd come home with horse hair all over her and then I'd have to hit her or something. (laughs) Anyway. But no, growing up, she was just always really kind. I mean, ready to help anyone. If she had a dollar, she'd give you 90 cents of it. That's how kind of person she was. No, I'm not kidding. She didn't require anything to be happy. She just wanted everybody around her to be happy, then she was happy. And she was a good mother. She had a daughter who was 12 at the time and a son who was 10 and she didn't have her daughter custody, but she did get to see her every once in a while, not very often because her husband made sure she didn't, ex-husband, but she had Andrew and Andrew was an apple of her eye. But no, through the years, I mean, Marty was always there anytime I needed. That's why I miss her so much. No one else is like her. I didn't have to ask. She seemed to know when I needed something, she'd just show up, you know? And I was living across the way by myself with one, my first baby and she acted like it was hers. (laughs) That's just how she was. And then to have her suddenly vanish, you're just kind of got a big question mark, you know, and you want that to go away. It's just, it's the oddest thing to not know where someone is, ever. It's just weird. You gotta quit worrying about what you can't do anything about. There's nothing we can do about what happened. What if I had not went to town and just stayed with her? I ask that every day, you know, cause then she wouldn't have went wherever she went, 'cause I would've been with her. I would like to plea that anybody who's known anything about my sister, Marty Benthin-Evans, or anything about the wedding on the night of February 10th, 1990, seen, heard, know, see, maybe even if it's not true, come forward with any little bit of information there is, doesn't matter how small you might think of it is, and share her story so that somebody else may spread it. Somebody else maybe get that information, 'cause sometimes it has to come second or third hand. So, I mean it has to be checked out, of course. - So we've covered every waterway that we can possibly think of when it comes to an accident, suicide, foul play, everything water-related within a five mile radius, even all the way down to the boyfriend's house down in Warrenton. Everything has been covered between here and there. So that leaves us with nothing more than these potential theories. So we're not done yet. We're gonna make at least one more attempt once we are able to get our hands on a magnetometer and we're gonna come back up and see what you can do. We're gonna keep doing everything we can for you. - [Gloria] Okay. - If you need anything from us, just let Linda know and she'll be able to get a hold of us. It's been great meeting you. Appreciate it. - [Linda] You guys do what you do and you do it well. - [Doug] Definitely tried. We can try to best. - And this is where we need your help. We are going to put a link in the description down below to GoFundMe page. It is time for all of us to come together, to raise the funds for a magnetometer. Once we do so, we are gonna come back and we're gonna search for Marty. Is she going to be on that forest service road? Was she buried by a loader? We're also gonna use that magnetometer to return to Randy Leach. Is he in the Kansas River? Is he in Stranger Creek? Frank and Mary, are they buried in that sand pit? There's other cases that we're gonna be able to use that magnetometer on as well. We appreciate you being here today. Be sure to check out that link, donate to the GoFundMe, and we'll see on the next one. Thank you very much. (solemn music)
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 1,751,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bridesmaid, missing bridesmaid, wedding, marty evans, truck in river, truck falls in river, truck underwater, finding a truck underwater, car in river, car underwater, missing car, bridesmaid missing, cold case, cold case mystery, crime, true crime, bridesmaids, bridesmaid dresses, bridesmaid dress, bridesmaid in dress, missing person, missing persons, missing persons case
Id: wRcfCts-OjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 36sec (4176 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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