MISSING TEENS: 2 Cars Found Underwater - Mark Seelman (16) Douglas Goodwin (18)

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- We have another car. - That's a bolt. - I repeat, we have identified the car. (orchestral music) - Today, we are in Rome, New York, looking for Mark Seelman and Douglas Goodwin. 16 and 18 years old, who went missing back in June 7th, 1990. Before we get into this episode, if you have never seen anything that we do. We are underwater sonar search and recovery team. We also dive, we travel the US working cold cases, looking for missing loved ones. - And we find out about these cases from you the viewers. So please, if you haven't done so already, subscribe to the channel, like, leave a comment. After all, this is how we're able to do, what we're able to do. - We're gonna bring you into our world today, as to how we investigate these cases. And hopefully we're gonna be able to solve this one. This is one episode you're not gonna wanna miss. We're gonna get down to the water right now. (orchestral music) (orchestral music continues) - We're starting today's investigation at the Poolsbrook River, Mill Street bridge. This boat ramp actually was not here back in 1990, but, right next to the Mill Street bridge, there's an old boat ramp. And we received some information from a local, Russ Christensen, who is a viewer of ours, that reached out that says, you know what? These two boys need to be found. Supposedly, they were last seen leaving DJ's bar in a green vehicle. - At the time, when these two young boys went missing, there wasn't a lot of information for the state police to go off of. They only knew that they were, they were last seen getting into a green vehicle. They didn't have a make or a model. And you know, 31 years later, we're looking for a green vehicle. - So I think that with today's investigation, we're gonna start where that old boat ramp is at, which is now closed. There's also the road that goes along, Poolsbrook river here. And we have another boat ramp on the other side. Really, we just need to put in one spot here, search the entire river and any vehicle we find, we're gonna dive on it, and fingers crossed, it's a green vehicle and the one we're looking for today. (soft orchestral music) - Welcome to Rome, the copper city. This right here used to be the old road that came in. (orchestral music) Before we get started too far into the day. If you've never been with us before, we just want to give you a quick, sonar overview, So you understand what it is that we are looking at today. With this one over here, this is our Garmin 8612. This one is our live scope, so anything that's happening, you see happening in real time, and it's set to auto. And with that, you'll see it adjust up and down as we get into greater depths or shallower. We're kind running at 10 feet, and you can see the little grid lines here, to help you see anything black is water column. Over here, this one is our Hummingbird. This is the Sollex 12. This one is more of a picture in time. So while we're happening live over here, we're, this is a picture in time. It has recorded anything that we just went over and you'll be able to scan back, and actually, you know, re-look at it. You can zoom in and check anything out that we wanna check out. This one, the down imaging, same thing. You have your little grid lines here with your depth over here. Those will match. Over here, side scan. We're casting 75 feet to the left. 75 feet to the right is what we like to cast to. With this one, you, we have the boat heading and again, anything black is water column. Between those three, we're able to, really pinpoint anything that we see in here. It really helps us out in locating vehicles underwater. So like this, this entire stretch. - What is that? - I think it's just foam. - Is it a big teddy bear? - Oh, there is a teddy bear in the water here. - Oh. - That's kind of sad. Somebody's entire teddy bear ended up in the river. - This is a big thing. - Oh, that scared the frig' outta me. - That it just moved? - Just moved. All right, so grab this teddy bear. The strange thing about this, is that in the past we've had signs. We've had like balloons. We've had certain drone crashes that taken place. What if this is a a sign Doug, that we're like nearby in the area right now? - [Doug] I don't know. - I would say maybe if we're looking for somebody younger, like a seven or eight year old, that happened to be in the vehicle with mom or something, then I would say, yeah. But I think this is just a random teddy bear. That ended up in the river. We can't leave it here. Maybe some kid's looking for it, but he's never gonna get it back, but let's just throw it to the boat. Clean up the river a little bit. I will say that's my first teddy bear though. That I found in the river. (orchestral music) - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. I got a car. I got a car, I got a car, I got a car, I got a car. I got a car, I got a car. I swear I got a car. Yep. I think so. Isn't that a car? - I don't know. It's go take a look. - Let's drop a magnet on, see if it's metal. It's gonna be buried. It is six, eleven feet long. - Long enough to be a car. - Yeah again, we don't even know what car kind of car we're looking for. - Right. It's only 10 feet down. - All right. So here we go. Let me take you this way. Coming up to it right now, You should be on it right now. - I feel it, I'm bouncing all over. - You're gonna have so much silt and mud built up on that. I don't know if your magnet's even gonna stick to it. Right now, you only have like two feet of it sticking up out of the, out of the water. - I'm going off the side. I'm not on it now. It's like right here. So when the magnet drops, it does drop an additional like two feet. - I wasn't recording any of that. - All right, so. - So you're right over the top of it now. - I'm, I'm getting like a, a funny, stick Like it's semi magnetic, maybe because it's just so old Not a normal just, slide. - Well, I mean, you're gonna be dealing with 30 plus years. - Yes, I'm pulling it up. And it's kind of holding itself. Oh, I'm on it. - Okay. - Not anymore. - So I'm right over. I'm right over the top of right now. You're right over the top of it. You're bouncing right in the front of it. And now you should be hitting you're. - [Doug] Yeah, I'm on it now. - You're dragging right up over the, like the front bumper. You're dealing with like 11 feet of length. Well, let's do this also. Let me run, pull, pull your magnet up. Let me just go with this, sideways. And then let's, kind of like, go around it. - It's a barnacle. We know they're gonna attach themselves. - That's why you're not attaching to the vehicle. Because you've got the zebra muscles all over it. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, look, look, we got windows on it. - Here's a bolt. Here's a freaking bolt. And that looked like green paint that I had. - [Jared] I think this might be the car we're looking for. - That so looks like a car, and we know it's metal. Like, like, look at that. That's a bolt. - [Jared] Yep. - When I did break it apart that, one of those layers looked like it was green. - Do you wanna try bouncing again and see if you can pull something else up? - [Doug] Yeah. - [Jared] All right. You want me to take you over it? - [Doug] Yeah, can you see my magnet? - [Jared] Yep. I can see your magnet. - [Doug] And look, I think there's a hairpin turn right here too. - [Jared] You don't need a hairpin. - [Doug] Or a straight on street? - [Jared] Yeah. - They just couldn't make this turn, caught it too much. Caught that edge and came right in. - Yeah. - Young boys, 16, 18 years old. - [Doug] Left the bar maybe out here on the back roads. - Well, that's the thing too. There was also mention that they may have been intoxicated leaving the bar. Yeah, you're right over the top of it. You should be bouncing all over it now. - Yeah. I feel it. And I'm, I'm like, like I said, I'm getting a funny pull on this line. Like it wants to stick. It's just not enough. - We have those. I mean, you have the muscles all over it. - Yeah. - Right. Do you wanna run the line to shore? Underwater, or we just want to know where it's at? We'll just mark it and then we can just go out to it. Because there's a boat ramp right here. We can move everything down here. We can suit up. - Or maybe there's a shoulder to the road right here. - No, there's no shoulder. It's like, we can go take a look. - You don't wanna leave the buoy here. Like I've had. - I don't wanna leave the buoy here because we can't like hard connect it. We know right where it's at. So I'm gonna pull my line up and I would say, we'll just drop the monster magnet on it just for weight. - [Jared] Okay. - The weight of the monster magnet will hold it. - [Jared] Yeah. - And I don't want to use the treble hook. Because trouble hook is just gonna rip it apart. - [Jared] Right. - So, we'll just drop the monster magnet. That's 50 pounds. It'll be enough to use as a guide. - All right. Let's finish scanning. And then we'll go with that plan. So coming back to this 30 years ago, was this a paved road? Was it a dirt road? You have where this red truck just turned right here as well. Did they come flying around here? (screeching) Squirrel, missed the turn? Or were they coming this? I don't know. I'm thinking if they went off here though, then they would've been coming from this direction. - [Doug] Yeah. - Just thinking like a 16 year old, going back to my stupid youth days. Late at night, showing off, having fun. Plus they were at the bar. Then they, you know, there's rumors that they may have left intoxicated, you know, small town. Everybody knew everybody back there. Hey, you know, don't worry about this. You know, go ahead and have one on me. - Best case scenario is that they're in the vehicle. This is the vehicle. - [Jared] With the windows up. - With the windows up, or they had seat belts on. - They're not wearing seat belts, - 1990? If they were out here racing, you know, one or two of them could have been scared. - Yeah, that's true. Like I had a buddy that like, he really ran his car down. Like I buckled him every time I was with him. - There's also an element to this as well. A possible third person being with them. - Right, there is a possible rumor about that. - The stories are a little bit mixed up. - We have another car right here. We have another car right at this intersection. - [Doug] That is definitely a vehicle. There's no mistake in that. - Holy crap balls. I thought the other one was it. Now we have two. - I'm feeling better about this now too. You know, I think this definitely increases the odds. This is the finish down to the boat ramp then. Then they're both in a mistake area. - [Jared] Right. - But that one was right off the road. - Yeah. That one's gonna be a. Hey we missed the turn! - Definitely. Hey, we missed a turn or Hey, we might be doing something on purpose. - All right. So we should be coming up right where that opening is at. Right on where that tree is at. You'll be coming up to it right about now. It's where it's gonna be at. Okay, here we go. Right on top of it. Right, and you're hitting it right now. And this one's upside down. Something this old, I hate it when they're upside down. - Yeah. I, again, I'm getting that wanting to stick, but this one is definitely a lot more like, I, I'm holding onto it magnetically, but if I pull it really hard, it's going, it is not locking. This is not a new car. And it's metallic. - We don't even need a line for this one. I mean, it's just right there. - [Doug] Yeah. - [Jared] And we can swim to it. So easy. - [Doug] One, two. - [Jared] It's just that opening there. You're right there. Next to that big bush right there. - Yep. Oh yeah. Look at that. Definitely metal. Been down there for decades. Same type of stuff. You know. There is room that we can set up the RV right there and with some cones. - And then we can hit 'em both from right there. - [Doug] Hit 'em both from right there. (suspenseful orchestral music) (car horn honks) - So it, I just spoke with a local who walked past with his two dogs. He's lived here since 1976. And he said that this guard rail has only been here for seven years. And before that, you know this, and even now this, this stretch of road back here on the backside of town is like kind of like a drag strip. People come out here to show off and it potentially could be what we're working with right here. You know, we have two cars, been in the water for a very long time. So much so that they're not even coming up with a full magnetic reach on 'em. So this could be our targets that we're looking for. (suspenseful orchestral music) - So my feeling on this, this road used to be a lot sharper here. They pushed the dirt out. They created more of a ramp and a barrier back in the day. And seven years ago, they were still having problems. So they ended up putting the guardrail up. And so I feel like they, you know, the city and the county and local, you know, townsfolk, know that there's always been a problem here. So I almost feel as though this vehicle here, that's only about eight to ten feet out, eight feet deep. I feel like they already know about that one, but this one, because it's farther up. I feel like this is gonna be our unknown. I feel like this is gonna be our mystery one. I feel like this is gonna be the one That's gonna solve the case today. (suspenseful orchestral music) (suspenseful orchestral music continues) - A lot of build up. He said he's going around the car. The car is unidentifiable. - [Jared] That little thing, that little tire's off of this car? - Yeah. Visibility's super low. - [Jared] Do you know what kind of car it? - There, it is so crusted. I can't tell the color. I, it's really even hard for me to even see a, metal. - [Jared] Right. - It's metal, because you see what's attached to it. - [Jared] Sitting upright or upside down? - I would say that it's sitting upright. - [Jared] Okay. - Because across the top, I can't dig into anything like suspension components or anything like that. It's buried. It's buried. - [Jared] Not, not coming out. - I can't get inside of it either. - [Jared] Does it have windows? Is it? - I, I, I can't even tell I'm gonna go back down. - [Jared] Okay. - Me not using my fins or just neutral buoyant right around it, it's like dust. I was going from about a foot of visibility to none. - [Jared] Right? Yeah. I mean, if you can identify yeah. If there's any windows or like, so when you go across the top of it, like is the top of it? - It's flat. It's flat. It's, it's not what I would say an undercarriage. Because there's no suspension components whatsoever. - So what I'm saying though, is, is the top of it has not been sand blasted through the years that the top is missing like this. So this is a whole vehicle right now is what we have? - From what I can tell. Yes. - [Jared] Okay. On sonar it looked like there's only about two feet before you hit the river bottom. - Yes, definitely. What, whatever it is, is 90% under silt. I mean it's in there good. - Yeah, just spend some more time on it. I mean we don't have to uh. - Yeah. Got plenty of air. yeah - I'll bring the boat out. I'll sit over the top of you, around you. That way if another boat comes down the road too. Yeah, see what you can do for bringing up crumbles. - I'm just counting on that as a last resort. - Do you wanna a mesh bag? - [Doug] Yeah. - Okay. Thank you. (suspenseful music) So a lot of times when you go down on these, in murky waters like this, your first time down, you're just kind of getting your bearings as to where you're at. Like how deep it is, how buried it is. If you can kind of try to figure out which way it's facing and then on your second time, when you go down, it's like the entire picture becomes more of a picture. And so I think they've now identified where the door is at. (suspenseful music) There he is. He's got a bag full of goodies I can tell. Oh, he's got something big. Were you able to feel inside? - So, I have a window. There's a window still intact. Just one window. - [Jared] All of all the others are? - From what I can blindly feel. The entire top is gone. - [Jared] Okay. - I believe I have some type of liner that I'm pulling on. But other than that. - [Jared] So the top of the car is gone. It's completely silted in, sticking up roughly two feet off the bottom. Yeah, so I mean there's, there's no way that we're pulling this out. - No, no, not at all. - I mean that's green, but is that just an algae green, or is that an actual green? - What I pulled off with the magnet when it split open, it was green. - Yeah. I mean that, and that's green too, but is it, is it an algae green or is that an actual green, green? I mean to me that looks green. - Well, I mean I got plenty of air, so I mean I can keep trying, keep gathering - [Jared] Evidence? - What I can. - Yeah. - I think you just pulled a clam here only. Oh no, you have that, okay you have a headlight on this one. Again we don't know what kind of car it is that we're looking for. Yeah. I mean, do we call law enforcement in? - [Doug] We're gonna have to have more to go off of. - Yeah. Right. We're still like gonna have to report it regardless, but yeah, let's see if we can actually find solid evidence. - So, I'm gonna go down and do as best as I can. Get as much stuff as I can. And then jet up there to that one. Hopefully I can just bring something back up this time that gives us a little bit more. - [Jared] Okay. - It's just really, really hard. - Hey Mr. Mike King, Profiling Evil. - [Mike] Yes sir. I have Doug Bishop, is in the water right now. We're up in Rome, New York. Are you in front of a computer by chance right now? - Okay, so we're working this case of the 16 and 18 year old boys as Mark Seelman and Douglas Goodman, Goodwin. There's some reports where they may have gotten into another vehicle with somebody leaving a bar. A potentially green vehicle. We, we can't find much on this vehicle, but we've identified two targets. One's in a really weird spot. I can't tell if this is a iron rust green, or if this is an actual green vehicle. Seeing since you're in front of a computer right now, and your, all your detective skills, if we can sneak you in, to do a little bit of work real quick, like, on the fly in the next 10, 15 minutes? - Awesome. Hey, I appreciate it. - Seelman. S E E L M A N. - Yes. Sam, yes. - Yep. Yeah. And so, and I was, I, I was all. - So we're trying to find any identifying information on this vehicle. So we found a vehicle. I mean, we're looking at a case that's 31 years old, so we know we're gonna be with a car that's completely rusted out, and we're just trying to make out anything off this car. Right now. We have a headlight. So if we can find any information as to what kind of car they might have been in. - All right. Sounds good. Hey, I appreciate it. - Awesome. Sounds good. Yeah. We haven't been able to find anything, so yeah, I thought maybe you might be able to help us out on it. Thank you. - All right. Bye. That is a Mike King. He's known as a incredible detective. He works with us quite often. He has a YouTube series of his own called Profiling Evil. Wait for a phone call back from him while we're gonna do some more of our own Googling research. We just need to identify like, can we figure out what this headlight is? And does that match the car that we're looking for? Oh, tell me, tell me you have a grill. You have a grill? You have a window. Oh, I like that. That's gonna get us somewhere. Nice. Do you have anything else? Oh, I like it. I don't know what that is. I don't know what that is. Whatever it is. I feel like it's good. What is that? You're doing Doug. All right. So we, we now have a window. - I had to dig. So I had to sit down and dig that out. That was completely under silt. - I think you might have the car Doug, like, is that off of a, Nova or a Malibu? All right. We are in Rome, New York right now and we need your help. So, so we need help identifying what window is this? Will it get us closer and if we can figure out the year. We think that we're looking for a seventies model Chevy Nova or Malibu. Is what we're hoping to trace this to, but we don't yet know. So we need your help on that one. - Well, I got a new take now, so I'm gonna go back. I'll see what I can get. There's zero, absolute zero visibility. Everything that I'm touching down there, just breaking apart in my hands. This is a tough one. But it is right in our area, where what we're looking for is supposed to be. (relaxing music) - We got Doug back in the water. We're getting a lot of good information and answers from everybody that's on the Facebook live, as well as our own research. With that part number is really what ended up cluing us in as to exactly what this vehicle is. A hundred percent without a doubt, we're gonna say that this is a 1963 Oldsmobile Starfire. We've identified the window, and the headlight matches as well. So unfortunately this is not the vehicle that we are looking for. It is not the supposed green Malibu or Nova. We're gonna go jump onto the other vehicle now. Once Doug comes up, give him the bad news and go see if we can find some additional good news today. I repeat, we have identified the car. It's a 1963 Oldsmobile Starfire. Good. - [Doug] Okay. - All right. Well you wanna put eyes on the other one? - [Doug] Yeah. - All right. You want me to push you over there? - [Doug] Yeah. - [Jared] Okay. Right. So it's gonna be right off of that rubber. You might even be able to touch it with your fin, right there within a few feet. - All right. I'm gonna, I'm gonna turtle the bottom and come out. - If you're not on it, then I think you're too far upstream. Why don't you come up? I'll go get the magnet and I'll mark it for you. I'm gonna go get the magnet. It's right here. All right. I'm back. What do you got? - [Doug] Tell me you love me, because you're about to hate me. - What do you have? - I have a headlight. - [Jared] That's not a Chevy Nova. - I have a window. - [Jared] All right. So what kind of car is this one? - I don't know, this one is in worse shape? - Worse shape? What kind of car is it? Can you, can you get a front grill? - Very badly. Wrecked. - [Jared] Windows up, windows down? - That was the only window on it. - Okay. - [Doug] The top is like, ripped off. This is the only thing sticking up. - So there's nobody inside. - No. - Okay. - If there is, they're gone or completely buried. - Right. - Can you get to the front grill? Can we identify what this one is? - [Doug] I'll try. - Okay. (ominous music) - [Doug] I got the center of the steering wheel. - [Jared] Yo. What is it? - The rest of the license plate is crumbled. - Do we know what kind of steering wheel. - Chevette. I do believe this one as well, may be a convertible. - And, and there were some rumors and some information as far as a vehicle that they may have gotten into leaving the bar, that it might have been a green vehicle. What, what is the story on that? That you can help me fill in some pieces, because we found a vehicle in the river and we're just trying to tie all this together to see if we may have located where the, where the boys are at. - A green Nova. - Okay. And, and so what we have is we have a Nova that is also similar to an Impala and, and we're talking about a '62, '63, and '64 years, that the Nova and the Impala are also very identical to a Bel Air and a Oldsmobile Starfire. And we found a Starfire, a '63 Starfire in the river. - In the Poolsbrook River, canal there. So we found two vehicles in the river there. And one of 'em is the '63 Oldsmobile Starfire, which is almost identical to a Chevy Impala and a Nova in the same. - For a '63, '64. - And it appears, and it's really been beaten up over the years, but it appears as though it may be green in color, but because the amount of rust and deterioration work, it's very difficult for us to tell what the color is. - And so what we were looking for was just additional information and confirmation as to what type of vehicle, somebody may have witnessed them getting into. - Okay. And, and, and you said it was green? - And do you know if, you know, if Mark or Douglas were driving or there's also another rumor that we've heard as to, if there was another gentleman, gentleman that may have been driving, what do you know on the case on that? - Okay. And do we know if anybody else was ever reported missing in the area? - Okay. Yeah, we're just trying to decide whether we need to go back and, yeah, if the Nova is close enough to the Impala is what we're trying to figure out. Like I said, the, the Starfire that we found is, is identical to an Impala. And there was a rumor, that it was an Impala and not a Nova that they had gotten into. - You're welcome. Bye-bye. - Mark and Douglas, we still don't know where they're at. They could have been in the 1963 Oldsmobile. They could have been in this Chevette. We were not even able to identify what color it is. That's really the only lead that we kind of sort of have. Is that it maybe might have been, a green vehicle. - Both of the vehicles that we located here in the river, multiple decades underwater, you know, there's zero visibility down there. Everything that I touched crumbles, we got what we could off the vehicles, got a lot of good feedback as to what types of vehicles they were. But it fits what we're looking for, and they're in our target area of where we were supposed to be searching. And that's right here. - The two boys, Mark, 16, and Douglas, 18, they could still be in this river. They could've left State. Nobody knows right now. It's definitely a mystery, if you have not already done so, please be sure to subscribe. And if you have any tips as to any missing loved ones that might be underwater in a vehicle, please be sure to check out AdventuresWithPurpose.com, and email us there. You never know. We might just solve a case that you send our way. That's it for now. We'll see you down the road on the next one. Thank you. Bye-bye. (relaxing music)
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 1,750,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mark seelman, missing teens, douglas goodwin, car in river, car underwater, missing car, cold case, cold case mystery, crime, true crime, missing person, missing persons, missing persons case, adventures with purpose, mrleisek, car crashes in america, mysterious disappearances documentary, documentary, mark seelman missing, douglas goodwin missing, underwater sonar, search and recovery, scuba diving, found car in river, river diving, missing persons cases
Id: 9eSodefPYMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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