MISSING MOM: 6 Cars Found Underwater :: Mysterious 1997 Disappearance of Bonnie Lee Shultz

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(Intro Music Playing) (Music Continues) - There it is, there it is, there it is. (Somber Music Playing) (Music Continues) - Good morning Jacob! - [Jacob] Morning. - We got Jacob from Chaos Divers, meeting up with us this morning, just finished breakfast as we are getting ready to start another search. Today we're looking for Bonnie Lee Schultz who went missing in 1997, driving a 1990 Mercury Sabel station wagon. Now, whenever we come into these, I come into them. As we're looking at an accident, we're looking at suicide. However, sometimes as we start our investigation, we get a little bit more into it. There may be. And a lot of times the families always believe that there is a foul play side of this as well. - [Jacob] Okay. I'm gonna look at this from a accident or intentional side of it. Doug's done a little bit of different research and he has a different theory on this one today that we're going to introduce right out of the gate. I don't want him believe that one. So we're gonna send you to the foul play side of things. So we appreciate you being here today. - All right. To give you a little bit of background and the story on this one is Bonnie was going through a potential divorce at that time. - Yep. - She had left that evening, her 10 year old and 15 year or 10 year old son, 15 year old daughter home with her husband. She went to a party with coworkers about 4:00 PM or 4:00 AM in the morning. She was done at the party over on the 62nd street, over in Allisonville to go back to her home at the 4,400 block, which is about an 18 mile span. The oldest daughter's and her friend have always wondered about the white river. The white river is in route between where the party was at and the home. In fact, let me bring this up because this is why I, nothing along the route on this one indicates an accident to me. So then that brings a us into the no family wants to believe that mom may be checking out. And I hate talking about it on camera, right outta the gate. But this is what we come into as investigators. So we have the 4,400 Clayburn Drive is where the home is at. We then have the, where the party was at at the 62nd Street market, Allison bill road. We then take what the potential route may be on the way home for the shortest distance. And for me, as you're coming down this road, this us a hundred percent in an 18 mile stretch, the only closest boat ramp is right here. You just make a right half a block. And so I'm gonna just say, mom's been partying all night. She's been drinking. She has all of this weighing on her from her failing marriage at home. And at the end of the night, the river's right there. It's half a block. I'm just done. I'm checking out. This is where I'm going to go first with Doug. - [Jacob] Okay. - Doug, however has a completely different thought and scenario for you that I'm gonna let him jump in here now and talk about. - Okay. So, so when we're, we're hashing these investigations out and we're going over all the facts in order to do it properly, you know, I, I, I tend to always go through all of the, what ifs and the scenarios. And sometimes there's some factors that point to different conclusions in this case, it's a long time stay at home Mom, marital issues. They've discussed divorce. She get it's a job she's spending all of her time. Now around other people, she got involved with another guy. It's, it's, it's out there. It's in writing. She was involved with somebody. - Yeah. We're we're not talking about speculation to another guy. Like her is a hundred percent. - So their marital problems were like next level problems. And this night that she disappeared, she went to a night time party with this friend and her coworkers left her husband at home. The oldest child was 15 years old and spent the night at a friend's house that night, the 10 year old child was at home. So she went out, she got to the party. Everybody at the party said that she was very distraught and disturbed when she got there, like they had been fighting. And you know, after several drinks, they console her, you know, pumped her up and got her all, you know, Hey, you know, you know how it goes at the parties. You know, somebody shows up all negative Nelly and your friends rally around you and tell you, you deserve better and have a good time. That's what happened. She ended up having a good time at, at 4:00 AM. She left, never seen or heard from again. So I'm guessing she, you know, she had a great time. She left, she went home and I'm gonna tell you from my experience, it would never be okay for my wife or I to ever go out at night without each other to a nighttime party. And mind you, she had these problems at home. She got home between four and 5:00 AM. Things blew up. And that's when I think something happened. She hasn't been seen from since. Several miles away from her home is one of the biggest parks in this entire region. So I think there's a reservoir there that she possibly could be in. These are two great spots where we start with the accident, suicide theory, 100% it's right on her route from her home to, from, from the bar to her home. The other theory is what I just sort of explained and mind you, the friends at the party and the boyfriend have all been ruled out. They passed tests. They are not in suspicion. The husband, however, did not. His test was extremely deceptive. So that's another thing that corroborates my theory of something bad happened when she got home that night. - So, you know, with the river, you know, we got the smaller boats. We're gonna jump over there. We really appreciate you, Jacob. If you've not checked Jacob out. His guys own YouTube channel called Chaos Divers. He's been with us on a couple of cold case investigations and we pulled off of one head into another one. And Jacob, you did a great job with Charles Lou Hardy, where a few days later, Jacob went back in and was able to locate him, working with a detective and some new clue. So, - Yeah. - definitely check out Jacob today. We're very hopeful that we're gonna solve this one. We don't know if it's foul play and we don't know if it's, you know, if mom checked out, we don't know. I don't feel like this one is an accident at all, but we're gonna go do what we can today. And we're gonna give everybody the answers. That's one way or another she's here, or she's not. - The children are there. Like they want answers. Like they're over. They've been outspoken that they miss their mom and they, and they want answers. - Yeah. - Right. Let's get on it. (Somber Music Playing) (Music Continues) (Truck Door Opens) - Good morning. It's Jared. - [Sarah] Hi Jared. This is Sarah. - Hey Sarah. Thanks for calling me. - [Sarah] Hey. Sorry. - No worries. - [Sarah] Everything has been crazy. - Oh, same thing in our world. So Hey. - [Sarah] Oh, I'm sure you guys are always busy. - Yes. So we are in town and we just pulled up to our first location where we're at right now is we're looking at the first possible boat ramp here at the white river after she would have left the bar heading home. - [Sarah] Okay. - Lemme tell you what the name of a, it is just so you know, you know where we're at, we're at the white river boat ramp off of broad ripple avenue. - [Sarah] Okay. - Have there. - [Sarah] There are probably gonna be a bunch of cars in the White River, just so you know. - Okay. - [Sarah] There are a lot of people that ditch their vehicles in there. - So, so can you, can you, can you back me up and, you know, bring, tell me a little bit more about this case. You know, really all we have to go on is, are the news articles we've never spoken with you or the family yet. And we're just for as much information we can to kind of what the, you know, what the family feels. And are there any additional locations that we should be looking at today as well? Besides. - [Sarah] I, I was 12 when she disappeared. And so like, I used to go over and hang out at their house all the time. Bonnie was the ideal mom, like as a kid, like she would always be baking things when we went over to play. And so we'd have like cookies and snacks and stuff. And they had like a little dog and the kids always had like the best toys, Josh played basketball. And she was always at his games and practice. She was like the best PTA mom, if that gives you a good description of how she was. - Oh, a hundred percent. I, I picked up on that just by l ooking in her at some of her photos. - [Sarah] Like, yeah. And so like never in a million years, like granted I was 12, but did I think that she would leave her kids? Or even if stuff got bad with Richard, like she would take the kids with her. She wouldn't just disappear. - Right. And, and, and which, and tell me, who's older out of the two kids. - [Sarah] Josh is older. - Okay. - [Sarah] Josh is the big brother and Gretchen was a year younger than me. - Okay. - Josh move moved back to Indiana, but he doesn't live in Indianapolis anymore. - Okay. - [Sarah] He's kind of stayed like off the grid. He moved up to Kalamazoo, Michigan with his dad. Not long after Bonnie disappeared. He moved him and the kids up there. Gretchen still lives up there. I don't talk to her as often, but Josh used to always call me crying. Like just for reassurance that his mom was not the type of mom that would leave him. - Right. - [Sarah] But being 12 years old, I mean, I don't know where else she would've gone. - Right. - Like every time she went out with anybody, she always came back. And so that's as a 12 year old, all I knew. - Yeah. - [Sarah] And Josh and Gretchen are the same, the same way. - So we're, we're looking at this a couple of different ways today, just so I can bring you up to speed as to, as we come into this and we're investigating it, you know, as you know, for me, we never wanna take on a foul play that we know it's foul play right outta the gate. I always wanna look at it as you know, is this an accident or did you know, unfortunately, did mom last minute decide to end things? - Yeah. - As we're looking at the bar and we're going home, any potential routes along the way, there are zero accident locations. - [Sarah] Yeah. - This location that we're at at the white river boat ramp is a, you know, four o'clock in the morning last minute, you know, does she just make that split second, second decision of I'm just done with everything, not thinking rationally. And she does check out. - [Sarah] Yeah. - We, you know, I never wanna bring these things to light for the family, but you know, at the end of the day, this is part of the investigation. - [Sarah] I mean, at this point in time. Yeah. Like if she was going to have reached back out, she would've reached back out or someone would have seen something or, - Right. - [Sarah] You know. - But then on the other side of this as well, you know, we have acknowledged, you know, that we may have foul play in this case today, you know, and this it's not from the moment she left the bar, it's foul play after she would have, you know, returned home. - [Sarah] Yes. You know, it's four 30 in the morning, you know, where have you been all night? You know, the divorce and everything that's going on. Out with friends and partying and you know, the, the side boyfriend and everything that's going on in her life, the heat of it, the anger, the things happen at four or five o'clock in the morning when spouses are not getting along. So then that brings us into, well, we have the reservoir to the east that we're taking a look at as well today that that would be a foul play location. So we're currently, we have two teams that are out on the water right now, and we're gonna do everything we can to solve this. And, you know, at least get the family answers, you know, as to where she is or she is not. - [Sarah] Yeah. And like, I know that it's a total long shot because she's been gone for so long, but I'm like, even if you know, you found her car or, you know, you found answers for somebody else, at least it's a shot. - Right. - [Sarah] You know, because it sucks like hearing Josh crying about his mom and you know, not knowing. And then he didn't wanna have his own kids. He just married a lady who has kids, but he's like, I wanna have my own kids because who knows what could happen. And then he doesn't wanna live, leave his kids in a position where his mom kind of left him. - Right now. Now sometimes, you know, children will feel responsibility, you know? And is speaking with Josh, does he feel responsible? Like, Hey, if I, if this is foul playing, you know, the unfortunate, I don't want te acknowledge that my father did this, but if I would've just stayed home that night, I would've been there to protect my mom. And this would've never happened. Is that part of the conversations in Josh's world right now? - [Sarah] I think Josh's thing is yeah. Like I could have protected my mom or he would know if she had come home. If he was there, like maybe he would've heard something or because it was so unlike her to just not come home. - Right. - [Sarah] And then he's had a lot of police officers, like when he was living in Kalamazoo, come to his house, even after he moved out from his dad's and accuse him of doing something wrong, like, well, you weren't at the house. Nobody really truly knows where you were. Even though he was a kid staying at his friend's house, which they did. - Right. - [Sarah] You know, they still accuse him of it. So he is like, if I knew something or if we could prove something, then people would leave me alone. Oh. That's like, it's something that just kind of haunts him. - Right. - [Sarah] No matter what he does. - I mean, you know, and with that and hearing that, that, that just makes us want to solve this one that much more today for, you know, for Josh and Gretchen, you know, their family. - [Sarah] Yeah It it's so sad. - All right. - [Sarah] To hear him like that. - In, in speaking with the family and you know, you've been around this for, you know, since 97, when they went missing, are there any other potential locations where you're like, you know what, this, we absolutely would love if this waterway was searched. Is there anything on the family's radar that we can go to for, for you and for the family? - [Sarah] The only thing that I can think of is the white river. There's like a canal and Broad Ripple, which isn't far from the Timeout Lounge, but it's so shallow. Like that's where my ex-boyfriend was found when he passed away, he floated to the top, which is actually why I started like, really watching your channel, because it just makes a huge difference when people are found, but it's so shallow. There's no way a car could go in there. - Right. Okay. Well, you know, on son, it's gonna show up, you know, you know, as a station wagon. So, I mean, if we located on son, we're gonna know, and if we have any question, of course, we're going to dive on them as well today. So, - [Sarah] Yeah. - We've got only so many hours of daylight, so we're gonna do everything, can, we can for the family today and we're gonna get started on the water right now. - [Sarah] I really, really, really appreciate it. And everything you do. - Absolutely. - [Sarah] Makes such a huge difference. Even if you aren't able to look for a specific person, you still give other people hope. - Yeah. - [Sarah] You know, there's someone out there still trying. - Yeah. - [Sarah] And that's huge. - Well, thank, thank you very much. And yeah. As you know, even if we don't find, you know, Bonnie today, at least we have answers for Josh and Gretchen is to where they no longer have to look. - [Sarah] Yes. - So, - [Sarah] Yes, I really appreciate that. And I know that they do too. - Absolutely. Sarah, thank you for giving me a call. You have my phone number and if we find anything, I will make sure to let you know. - [Sarah] All right. Thank you so much Jared. I appreciate it. - You're welcome. Thanks for the call. - [Sarah] Stay safe today. All right. - All right. Bye bye. - [Sarah] Bye. - That was a very powerful phone call. Hearing what she had to say, her conveying the way Josh has felt. And some of the things that he's experienced since this has happened is very powerful. I mean, when we find her today, like there's, there's a lot, that's gonna come from this more than just a standard case. Like, like he has truly suffered in a lot of ways that most people don't in these cases. - And, and, and I feel his pain from her telling us a story of, you know, one, if I would've just been home that night. - Yeah. - The second thing is the cops coming over consistently multiple occasions of like putting the blame on where were you? Why weren't you there? Had you been, - Yeah. - I mean, that's just. - I can't believe they did that. That's, that's horrible. - But then fast forward also here we are, you know, 97, 2007, over 20 years later. And to this day, he's having a hard time starting his own family with kids because he's afraid of. - Yeah. - We gotta get in the water. I mean, those fingers crossed. We can find her here. - Yeah. Fingers. (Slow Instrumental Music Plays) - So it's so common here that we don't even know which way the river's going. So we could be looking at 150 feet in all directions here. - Look at that. We already have I, Is that our first vehicle? I can't see it. Let me look on my screen here. - Go here. I think that we have a that's our first vehicle. - It's possible. - Yeah. It's only, - Well, here we'll just put a magnet on it. We will tell real quick. Or I can go park over it with a live scope and I can live scope. - Yeah. Do that first. Yeah. Cause. - It's only 4 feet underwater. - It's 3 feet. - Tilt it up. Right, right here. - What is that? - Yeah. See, you got a wheel. Okay. We already have our first car. - Oh, we know right where it's at. We are already gonna be latched right onto it. - You see my magnet? - Yeah. Yeah. You're at the front of the car. Oh yeah. - I feel it. It's a four door. - Oh yeah. - I almost wanna say that this one's an SUV. - Okay. Let me, or, I mean, it could be a Mercury Sable. - Mercury Sables are really small. Back then. It was really comparative to the Camry station wagon. - Right. We'll get up marked and then I'll kind of drive around it here and give some different readings on it. I think we're gonna need some more buoys today. - Yeah. - For this location. All right, here you go. So I'm gonna drive you around it. - Okay. Go ahead and keep that too. So I'm gonna take this. I'm gonna swing that up a little bit. We're gonna go around it and see If you can get a good idea as to what this might be Upside down. That side shot, I think will be the best shot there. - There's no telling. - Yeah. Not with it being upside down. Right, Right. Let's scan for some more. - Wow. I think that the water level has not gotten lower then. - Remember. It's gonna have to drop another six feet in order for it to be exposed in here. - I know. But still like you, you, you would think that water level would have changed over 20, 20 years, you know? - Yeah. Six feet is a lot in a wide river like this though. Yeah. We're still running 10, 11 feet here. And you're not dealing with a river that has a fast current at all. I mean, like we're on a trolling motor today in the river. You know, every time we get into a location, where it's like, this is our number one prime spot that we want to start. And that we find something just right out of the gate. That should not be there. Like, I want to get in the water right now, but we need to just be efficient with like, make sure that we clear this area. That way, once we're in the water, we can then just focus on. - Okay. So I have something else that's here. And I can't tell if it's an older car, that's been underwater for a bit. So put the magnet on it as well. - So I'm gonna back it up right here. That one could potentially be, oops. Another vehicle has been underwater for a lot longer. Oh yeah. That's another car it's off to the left still. - Oh, there it is. There it is. There it is. There it is. Oh, I'm all over it. - Okay. So is there, Is it metal or is it. - It's definitely metal. Feels like it is. - Let me back you up on it again. I feel like we have two old ones out here. - Which is great. I mean, a a, any car we find underwater is a potential, helping somebody. They're all good. But this scenario, we're not looking for a new car. We are looking for something that's been in here for a while. Halfway buried, sunk in. - Still off your left. Right. I'm gonna flip. - It. No, no, there comes. - Oh, okay. I see that. I see. Take you back that way. Okay. You're right over it. Then. Metal or wood. - Definitely not wood. I'm right beside it. I'm right beside it. And I'm not sticking on it, but I'm just gonna. - Tie it. - Yeah. I'm just gonna tie it up. Right. We'll leave it right here. - Just do we. - Just, when we go down, we can't use it as a, a guide. - At all. Right. - There's no current. So. - I'm not worried about it moving. - I, so in, in dragging that, I feel like I'm on top of it. It's got so much built up on it. If it's a car it's not sticking, but I, I, I have the magnet sitting right beside what I feel is coming up over the lip of an open window. Like, there's a, like, there's a, I can feel it on the side of something and then a open space and then a lip. - Yeah. - What I feel would be the open window and. - And, you know, and we don't know. I mean, that, one's closer to sure. So it's not gonna be as buried. - Right. - But coming out further into the channel here, you know, with whatever rains and floods will have happened over the years. Yeah, I mean, it could absolutely be buried that much if right. You know, and there's been other targets where we have marked just for clarity, that we thought that it was a car and then it turned out to be a tree log. And that could be the case there, but. - State it better, safe than sorry. Yep. - All right. I think there's another one also between here and there. It's also buried. So let's check that one out. Oh, we have another one right here. - Let. - Me verify this same thing as it's buried. Possibly. Maybe not. Well, it's right between those two. So let's run this direction in and out. All right. So we're gonna pick that one up on side scan so that one's on side scan right there. And then I'm looking for one like right here, right now, right here. No, I don't think, yeah. Yeah. Right there. And then that's the other one to the left And maybe. - One and then maybe two more right there. - Yeah. I want to get right over it in order to tell. - There, possibly three more. - Yeah. Extremely buried. Like I wish it would just stick got like this, like this just sticks out plain his day. Like, oh yeah. There's your car. Let's run up river a little bit too. Let's check this out. Yeah. I sure would make it easy. If that one that was closest to shore, just stay outta all and settlement over the years. Yeah. I definitely feel like we're over the river on this one. We're not hitting anything. Everything else was on that side. - So we have five potential cars, Two marked in three potential more. - Yeah. Depending on how buried they are over the years. Or they could just could be because they are so varied. Just could just be some logs. Piled debris. - Yeah. - Until we put eyes on it, we won't know. - Right. - You have another magnet? I think two of 'em are side by side. There's a tree. So that's not why You can see lane this day. See the tree roots and everything. That one, there's the one to the left that we have marked That right here in the middle. Yes. Then we have that one right there that we need to mark. It's definitely old and rusted out. And then we have the one coming up on the left right there that we also have marked. So three is what I'm seeing right now. Then that's a true three that we verified here. Just now. We'd see that one. So we, yeah, so we have Potentially three right now. Let's run another pass. Where out into the river. Well. I feel like I have another frame right here. Okay. I gotta go back over. - No, that was that tree. - Might have a frame in front of that tree though. Check this out. - Right here. - So this is that tree that when we came over, I came over this direction. Now I just came over. But look right in front of that tree. - Yeah. - That's a car, I think. Yeah. We have another frame right there in front of the car, front of the tree. So let me come right down that tree. And that's how trees can hide these cars. And that's why these trees get, you know, stuck in some of these locations because of that. I don't think your magnet's gonna stick on it. I think it's too far gone and deteriorated. - We'll see. - Probably grappling, hopefully better on this one. We'll see. But you can try. - How deep? - Yeah. It's gonna be 10 feet. 8, 9, 10 feet. Okay. Okay. We're coming up to it right now. I, yep. Here's the car. Okay. And 2 feet Should be straight down underneath of us right now. Pull your magnet up, pull your magnet up and drop it right up. - I'm on it. - Yep. - I'm on it. - Solid lock, solid. - Solid. - These things are just buried today. We didn't even mark that other one yet that we have over here. - Huh? - We didn't even mark this other one yet over here. So we still have one right here that we need to mark. And then after we mark that one, then let's run our back and forth pattern and we'll run this year away this way. Okay. Yeah. Here's that other one? We just went over it right here. I don't feel like this one's big enough though. Oh, I'm going over it right now. - Right there by the end of the wall at the end of the rock wall. Straight out. - Okay. And then there's another potential right here too. Oh yeah. There's oh, we're totally right here. Now we have two more in here for you. I say for you because it's so calm and I know you like diving cuz it's new. You wanna go in? - Yeah. Of of course. - Okay. Okay. So we'll mark. Do we have two more by chance Josh? Yeah. Okay. We'll take that one. And then we will actually, let's take 'em both now and we'll mark 'em both while we're out here. - Thanks, sir. - Strip's a little tangled, but I believe in you. - We don't have to go down 10 feet. - Does that mean that you have possibly five? - That is correct. That doesn mean that we possibly have five. Possibly you have. - Five and it looks like a wagon. - Well, so this one right here, that's closest to us is my most hopeful. And the reason why I say my most hopeful is because it's closes to the shore. It's upside down and it's really exposed. Like we can tell without a doubt, the issue with the other ones is, is they're a little further out. They've been in the current 20, 25 years buried. It's gonna be difficult to tell what they are. So it's gonna be more of a challenge. And it's even a challenge. Just finding them cuz they're so buried. Like we don't have a foot or two be even exposed. - Is there a lot of current out there in the middle or. - Zero current? So that makes it really easy. So be a piece of cake for Doug. It'll just be the little time consuming today. As he's trying to figure out what they are without kicking up much sediment, which then comes to the instruction of make sure you come into it, Doug, from the bottom side of the river of the current. So that way you're not spreading in your own sediment that you can count. Show me this one. Right? There it is. Oh, we're right on it. We're right on it. We're right on it. We're right on it. We're right on it. Let me back it up. Let me back it up. Coming up to it, coming up to it and you should be right about on it right there. You're not on my chance to looser side though. You need to be on my leg scope side. Sorry, Hold on. Okay. We're coming upon it. We're two feet away. Three feet away and drop right there. - Oh, I'm on it. - It's okay. - Is it log pile or is it a car? No, it's a car metal. Don't. - Don't. - Move. Don't move. Don't move. I'm not moving. - Completed. - Yeah. So far since we started the camera, it's been 45 minutes. 45 minutes. We March pull cars so far. - About to mark our fifth. Yep. Just let me get this line Straight and organized. - So now that we have these four in here, yes. I don't even know where to start now. So I'm just gonna have to kind of run like a new pattern right now. - It's so easy. - For me to figure out where it's so easy that you have you're you have a ton of markers. So now, - Right. So now I'll just start. I'm gonna run it. This I'm gonna tell you where your other one was. Do you know where it's at? Yeah. Okay. See if you're right, right there. Think so. Yeah. Okay. Us back up and see if you're right. So we have that one I'm picking up on. We might have one right here, But I can't quite tell. So we'll hold back to that one And then, okay. Yeah. You're right. We did have one right in the middle of those two. Actually it might be the one that we just marked. Okay. So we might have another target on the other side. That one, right there. - Sure. It's not a rock. - I gotta go double check it. And then we might have one right here as well it is 18 feet over. - Right where I said she would be. - Almost straight off the ramp. - Right where I said she would be. - Did you say that one? We got here? - Yeah. - Oh, right off the ramp. Yeah. You did say that. Oh yeah. This is, look, take a look at this one. See that one. Oh right there. - Oh. - Okay. Coming up on it. I think that's, down. Not coming up on it yet. Not yet. Right now. No, that's a tree. No, there's a car there. - See. - Yeah. That's not a tree. - Yeah. I got a car there for you. That that's a tree. We have a tree there, but we have a car next to it. So I gotta get you back on it. Right. I'm turning again. - See the magnet. - Hmm. - You see the magnet, right? - Yeah. Oh yeah. I can see the magnet. It's fine. Okay. We're we're like in the area, but I'm not getting the car. It's still on the left. So it's five feet of over. Okay. All right. Now, now we're coming right up on it right now. Okay. Right there. Right there. I'm all over it for you. So is it a car or is it a tree? It feels like it could be a car, a tree or a car. It feels like it could be a car. - You just gotta get me on it. - No, I it's a car. I see. I think so. I see wheels. Okay. We're coming off of it. So let me take you back forward. Okay. You're seven feet away from it. I'm bringing you back to it right now. Okay. And two feet away. All right. You are all over it right there. So you're at one end of it. - Now off. - Yeah. I mean you're bouncing all over that one. - Yeah. Go back this way. - Hmm. Yeah. I mean you're right on top of it. Can you need to go for it a little bit. - Now I'm caught on something. Yeah. It feels like a tree tree. Then it feels like a tree. - Okay. - That could be wrong. - You just wanna leave it on there just so you can check it? You're like right on top of it. All right there. Okay. - Don't move. - Pull, pull up your magnet again. Yeah, right there. Drop it right there. Like that's dead center, Right? Well, let's go suit you up. You can suit up and you still you're confident. That's all that's in this area. - Yeah. I'm confident. Okay. - And obviously these cars aren't leaving, you know, there's no reason to look way down there. Cause the cars are staying right here. - Let look how yeah. Look how hold look. The area here. This is where they come in. They settle. - So we are in Indiana, Indianapolis searching for Bonnie here at our first location. We've already identified five cars, maybe more and put buoys markers on them. And right now Doug is suiting up and he's gonna be going in the water and, and identifying if they're clear, they're the vehicle we're searching for. And we'll have answers here very quick. (Tense Music Playing) - Said it is a car. Has not said what kind of car yet? It's a newer vehicle. So he is on the other side of it right now, which would be if the car is upside down, we're looking at the passenger side right now is what? So what we're looking at. So he's over on the driver's side right now because we can't see him on this side of the car. He's not in front of the vehicle. Silver vehicle. - Nissan Versa. Hatch open, no plate. Newer model. - Vehicle clear. - Yeah. If you could tell what I suspect divers have already been on it. So not what we're looking for. What onto the next? - All right. - Where do you want me at now? - How about this one? You might have two on this one, but I'm not sure this one right here. We'll just go straight down to the line here. - Right? - Pile of trees Confirmed. I hear you. Pile of trees. Come on up. Let's go check the other one. Hey, I, I have oil coming up on this one or gas. Are you on a car? He says he's on a tree. So the direction that the tree is laying, come to the top of it and then go down from it. Five feet. (Instrumental Music Playing) We have metal there. Huh? I thought you told me it was a tree. It's a. - It's a license plate. - Do you have a car? Is it our car? - It's falling apart in my hand. So I don't wanna lose it. Car is unidentifiable completely buried. The only thing exposing is this tail end of the vehicle. Amazing, fine on sonar. I don't know how it was found. Be very careful. Everything in my hand is crumbled. - I don't know how we're gonna tell what. - It is. - Oh, we got some numbers here. - Yeah. - Okay. Amber waves, gray 9, 9. I didn't see what Yeah. What is it? - It's 99G9645. - We have 99. We have a 99 plate here. How many 99 plates are we gonna get? I. - I don't know, but. - Say, say that again. We don't have, I cannot read all of it. So read it again. - First two, 9, 9. - Confirm I have a nine, 9. - That's two G as in Gary, then a nine. - I see. I can't tell. I mean, that looks like a 9, 9, and then, but then it's like a weird, funky number that goes up. - Nine, nine. - Right? We may have our car right there. - One second there I'm gonna go back down. That looks. - Like an X to me. Yeah. I mean, yes, that looks like an X, but I don't know how these numbers read. Like how does this go on there? Right there? Because that, that could be used a spacer here, But then that like, what is that? Because that doesn't look, this does not look like another nine here. So I'm, I don't know how the license plate reads across First two, definitely nine, nine. Like what, what do we call this? - Upside down. - Vehicle. - Was upside down. - At first. I was really worried. Cuz you said it's not? - Yeah. I, I, I dropped right on a big pile of trees. - But you know how to get back to it. - Yeah. Okay. And then I, I was feeling around, Went around the pile of trees and I was I'm sticking my hand in the mud. And then I grabbed the frame of the car, followed the frame, dug out. What I believe is the rear. And then stuck my hand down in a silt and for the license plate. And it was right there. Yeah. And it, it just, it fell right into my hand. - Yeah. Cause how, how many other license plates are gonna be nine? Nine? - I. - Don't know. I can't tell. I can't read the rest of it. It doesn't look like the rest of it, but he said 60 we're missing the very last digit on here. We have a six, this is a six here, but this doesn't look like a G. Right. And it has like this weird X spacing, but the X is not the same size as the rest of the letters. I don't think this is the car. When you look at a nine, nine G 6 45, the look at it like that. That is not our plate. Like what are the odds of it? Starting from 99? Like this. (Instrumental Music Playing) - That's the type of really cool sports car. Yeah. Bright red, like only like a fricking Ferrari or something. Really cool. - Really. - Old style T-Top. - Yeah. - Driver side T-Top has been busted open. - Almost like a mag PI for. - Something like that. Yeah. Wow man. It's so buried. Bright fire engine red. No other com cars don't come that color red. Right? Especially back then. I couldn't find any emblems on it. Great. Big old wing on the back Back windows busted out as well. Yeah. I felt around all in the driver's side. Cavity, everything. I touched, it was sticks. I couldn't get the steering wheel off. No emblem. Nothing would come, come off. I is Jacob having any luck? - No, not yet. It is a lake that you can only have 10 horsepower on, but he got permission to use his boat. - Oh, okay. Nice. Nice. Cuz of the circumstances, right? Yep. - So he is only dove on three now. So far, two of them are confirmed. One of 'em was a tree. He appears to be floundering around, down there wondering where his target is. So like I said, this may or may not be a target. Yeah. This, this one was that iffy one. We didn't know if it was or not. There he is. It's a nice little cassette deck air. We'll take it from you. I'll come over there. - There's a tree. There's two trees down there With a carpet over it. That was giving you the false reading. - All right. Yeah. That makes sense for what we saw. I said you can never really tell really clear until you put eyes on it. All right. Yeah. We're clear. All right. We're clear. I'm gonna pull 'em. We're good thing in here is accounted for, we dove on every target. I've verified everything after he's already dove on it, just to make sure that we are not missing. So I have another email from Sarah that was on the phone. She says, "Hey Jared, will, what about where Kesler or Meridian crossed the white river? Do you think that those are possibilities?" I have no idea what those two are. Kesler. - And. - Meridian. Kesler. Meridian. So could just be streets. Lemme bring those up from what I saw though, we were looking at bridges only and not actual roads, but let's bring up 62nd street To 4,400 Clayburn drive are multiple routes that we have. So if we come up to the north And we cross over, So 4 65 is a main route. So that's not to be one of interest where we're crossing over the white river. The other one we're at right now Was on 62nd and broad ripple. So that's the one that we're at, that we just covered and then to come across. Okay. So here's the two other Meridian. Is this Kesler? Yep. Okay. So based on where we're at right now, this is where we're at. But the other two routes home That she's referring to Meridian here. And I don't see any, any way in boat ramp there. I mean, you have quite a distance to. - Yeah. You're. - Not, you're not, you're not coming off radio by. - Accident. - Yeah. Well even like on purpose, like you're not gonna choose that. And then you have no boat ramp on Kessler either. So unless you come over the bridge, which I mean, you can never rule it out, but we have, have to have some way to also put in there as well, but you don't have a boat ramp or anything down there. - And what's the last we've heard from Jacob. - We've got from a call right now. Cause from, from the bar, I have nothing else, you know, after this. - Right. The reservoir was. - The reservoir is the foul placing. - Yeah. - And just to confirm, I don't have any other bodies of water On any of these routes for an accident location. Right? Well, let's call Jake. Good. - Hello? - Hey, Hey, how's your search going today? - How did my search go today? - How, how is it going? - Oh, it, I haven't found a vehicle yet. - Okay. Yeah. We ended up on diving on our five targets of the five. Three of them were vehicles, right? Yeah. Or two of 'em three. We had the red, the, the, I'm sorry we had the red Ferrari. - Red Ferrari. - We had the say. - Ferrari. - Yeah. - The versa. - The versa. What was the other one? Or was it only two? - Only two. - It was only two. See, yeah. So we had five targets and three of 'em turned out to be trees the way they were laying and two of them were target. So we've cleared all of them. Nobody's in them and we don't have any other locations over the white river. That's gonna give us a target or a place to search. So nothing else between the bar and home, do we have an accident or a suicide scene? All right. So what do you have left at the. - I am. I mean, I, this, this reservoir is huge dude. Like I'm searching right now on the main road, kind of like on the lower half of it. - Okay. - The water is really choppy on the other side on the, there'll be the west On the west side. - All ramp areas. - Clear. But the, the, the boat ramp area though is clear. The one that we gave you that's closest to the house. - Yes. - Okay. - Yes, absolutely. - Okay. Yeah. I wouldn't take it to the other side of reservoir, in my opinion, for what this would've been. - So I. - Just, what, what I was kind of looking at was the, the road, the next road up. - Yep. - I mean, there's little small guardrails and I figured maybe if it went up north or it'll be east. - Okay, well Doug's in to finish getting undressed. I'm gonna sit on the dock here and go over some more mapping and scratch my head and see you. What if we have anything for a potential target. - Okay. Would you like us to load up and come back? - Yeah. Right now we have nothing. So yeah. I mean that, that was the one major boat ramp. So yeah, go ahead and load up and then we'll see if we can come up with another game plan. - Okay. I checked three different boat ramps around here. Just like little type deals. - Okay. - So. - All right. Right. Well, sounds good. We'll we'll see you. All right. Thanks sir. - Bye bye. So, I mean, go back to the bar. What's around the bar. I know it's 18 miles away, but. - We're not from here from here. We're only like a couple miles. - Okay. Well look around the bar. Okay. What could possibly be around the bar that we can get into? Okay. - Sounds good. I'm sit in the shade and do it. - Logical Thing for us to do. - All right. So in breaking this down, I have where we're at here. And Sarah was talking about, like I said, we took a look at Meridian and we took a look at Kessler, which are the bridges out of the question, but I want to come back and just take a look thinking, right? It's for him, I'm intoxicated. I don't wanna take the main droves home. What can I do to take some of the back roads, roses home. So then that brings me over to anything that might be a along the river. That's close enough. This one over here on Westfield is too far, but I'm getting me closer to Meridian is what is what I'm looking for over here. So if we come over again, this is, this is the bar. I'm sorry. The bar was over here. So the bar was down here on 62nd. So take the de second over. We take it up either all the way over to Meridian, or we take the first drive over here, duck over onto river drive. Is there anything close enough to river drive? As now, as we're looking at this, you know, everything looks shallow there and we have quite a bit of a distance and it looks like we have a barrier, but until we put our eyes on it, I don't wanna rule that out. This then brings us down towards Meridian here at that intersection to get on. I don't know if that goes over or under that almost looks like it's a bridge. Huh? That goes under. But then heading down towards Kessler. The other thing I'm looking at is there's another canal that we bump into right here. So Westfield Boulevard and what is this canal here? Now? This one is more likely than river drive in my opinion. - And that's the canal she was referring to. - This is a different, yeah, the canal, but I don't know what this story is with this canal, but then this takes us that this canal on Westfield then takes us down to the other Kesler Ridge over here. Kessler right here. Yeah. That one over shoot. So though, So I wouldn't see a reason why she would actually take The road by this canal here. So then where does that take us? I mean, I guess we're gonna put eyes on the river drive there, But then if you take a look at anything by her house, as you had mentioned earlier, you're dealing with you have homes all the way around every single one of them. - Yeah. - They don't make. - Sense. Let's go put eyes on river drive. Yeah. And then we'll take a look at the canal as well. But I think the canal just digs her too far, south on any route home. - Yeah. And then, and then Sarah is mentioned as well, that it's super shallow and that's where they ended up finding her. Ex-boyfriend. - The canal, which. - Which wasn't in a car. But yeah, we, we can't rule anything out until we lay eyes on it. I agree. - Okay. Well, let's go put eyes on river, down by river drive then. Right? This one, Doug. I'm a hundred percent taking this one off the list. - Yeah. You got a 20 foot rise in terrain plus a wall. Yeah. - You need an entire four by four just to get up there and a wall to jump it. - Yeah. And, and 1990s station wagon is not making it up there definitely writes this section of river off completely. - So what about that canal bridge that we just crossed over in town? - Let's let's go back to the bridge and drop a magnet down. See how deep it is. - Okay. - Which I suspect three feet. - Think so. Yeah. - Head west on Riverview drive toward Broadway street. - And we'll find a bridge that we can stand on. Okay. - There's steps going right down to it. - That side has a guard rail. But look over here. You have the road right next to it with no guardrail. - Okay. All right. - Well, I think you can see the bottom. Like you can see the bottom all the way across. - But these are the things you don't know unless you put the boots on the ground and take the time to come down here and rule each of these places out again. It's a process of eliminate. Does this bring us one step closer to finding Bonnie? I don't know, definitely running outta options at this moment. - We're back together right now with chaos divers, really interested in a couple of things. You know, one is the locations that you ended up what you ended up seeing as well as my understanding, talking to Lindsay is that you had a conversation with team waters as well. Some potential locations that we need to look at or should look at, or they have looked at, or kind of bring up to speed on that. - So they mentioned where you guys found the cars. They had also seen those two. They were able to tell us basically the same cars that you guys had described. Okay. And then they gave us another location. One of 'em I believe would've been not too far from where you guys were at Gary road, 1 0 6. And then there's also three ponds north of the Eagle Creek reservoir where we were at, they have not been searched. They've never been searched. Dennis had been contacted by the Indianapolis city police department. They had purchased sonar. They wanted training. Dennis had given them a price and said, Hey, I'll knock down a price. If you can let me come search while I'm there for her. And they said, Nope, we got it. We'll take care of our own cases. And then they never contacted him back. - Wow. Really? They turned down free help. - Yeah. So when he was here searching for her, it was actually with the Indiana state police. - Okay. But, but only the one boat ramp that we were at. Yeah. And no other boat. - Ramps and yeah. The ones that you guys were at. And then they said that the reservoir had already been done, but those three ponds directly north and he's Dennis did say that would be in walking distance for, or her husband. He could have gone dumped the vehicles in there and walked home. Mm there's. Two of them that are absolutely like, okay. Yeah. I could totally see it. One of them is a lot more residential than, than the other two. The first one is almost totally industrial. The second one is kind of a mixed, the third one is definitely residential. - Okay. So we easy. - Access. - So, so we have the home here. Okay. And then you guys were over here at the reservoir at Eagle Creek, the. - Eagle Creek reservoir on the west. - Side of it. And real quick, you guys just didn't find anything there. All right. So first of all, just to make sure I understand Eagle Creek is completely clear, clear, you, you guys did three boat ramps over there. Yes. Okay. - Yes. And also the road that goes in between there's a road, right? Or there's a road somewhere that device, the reservoir. We also did the front and the back side of that. - Okay. Now where is, before we jump up to the three ponds, where is that? The one that you mentioned? 1 0 6, sir. What is that one? - That one was east 1 0 6 in Gary road. And you, you guys, I believe the cars were at Dean road and 82nd. So it wouldn't have been too far from your. - Guys from where we were at. Okay. Did, did you look at it on a map? Do you know where that, that. - One I had not looked at, but he did say that he believed that there were some vehicles there as well. - Okay. But he never, but Dennis never made it over there. - Not to my knowledge. - Okay. And then let's jump over to where the again, back to the house and then over to the O the other three ponds. Yes. North of Eagle. Where is that at? - So if it would be these three here, this first one is you look at it. It is definitely more a, of industrial looking there's access from that backside. Then you've got this one here, again, kind of industrial with access to that backside. - I, I. - Think this one is definitely residential. - Okay. So this one here. So yes, the residential one I feel is definitely off limits because you have houses all the way around. - It's all the way around. - Except for like this little corner four in the morning, looks shallow over there. This one here. - That middle one is kind of a split, but you did have a lot of access on that backside of it where there's just that. - Yeah. And that one, it looks like you might have a boat ramp that goes down there. So you might have access into there. And then this one here, you also have yeah. Access right there. - And you can definitely see where it's a little more on this. End of it looked a little more industrial with that big parking lot kind of thing. So I'm assuming if it's more of a business, there's not gonna probably be a lot of people there at four o'clock in the morning. - Right? Well, we're the fire hall now. Let's see if we're waiting for a captain to see if we can grab air. And then if so, I mean, I say that we can't leave town until checking out that boat ramp there that you have access to, you don't have access from the road. There's too much forage to get down. If you look at the size of the car, there just way too much forage, but the boat ramp. Yes. Outta the way that right there. Yes. I could see that as well. - But he said that those had never, those have not been search. Well. - There's like about 50 right there. - Well, you, you actually have like a boat ramp that goes down to this one here. That's out of the way and secluded, and then this one here, like I said, four or five in the morning That you can pop off right into the water. - Sides. Hm. I said on both sides, you had two, two entry with. - You. Didn't see one. Oh, you mean down here? - Yeah. So you have it, this one and that one over. - There. Right. And then that's from the house here. - That is walking distance. - Yeah. I mean, that's a long walk. - There's a way there's like 15 other bodies of water in between there. If you go back to the other map view. - I mean, you've got, these are closer. I don't know. This is a tough one. I think that what we're gonna do need to do is plan this one for another trip. - But look at the other view of the map to get an idea of like really like all the water right. - There. Yeah. I mean, the water is ridiculous around here. So I mean, if you're looking at just these three down here, look at all the water between there and there right now, most of 'em are residential. So I think we're really gonna have to break this down. Talk to more people in the area. Like I said, I've got the captain here that, you know, unfortunately he had to be out of town. See what they've with family. Yeah. Yeah. And you said they, they really haven't searched. Okay. You know, again, you're dealing with red tape. You can only go search if you are instructed, Hey, we need to knock out a search in this. - Area. Yeah. And they're not volunteers. This is. - A, and we're also coming into a case that's, you know, 23, 24 years old. Right. So I think that maybe that's where we're gonna have to end, unfortunately, is we're gonna have reach out to you. What do you think about this case? You know, are we dealing with an accident? Are we dealing with foul play? Are we dealing with a suicide? And where would you send us if this was your investigation? And you take a look at the entire area, Start marking down, give us, give me like your top 10 and send 'em our way on that note. We really appreciate you being here. If you have not already done so please subscribe. So that way you can help us spread awareness as to our capabilities, as we travel the us working cold cases and the mysterious disappearance of others. That's it for now. We'll see you on the next episode. Thanks. Bye. Bye.
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 1,552,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bonnie lee schultz, car in river, car underwater, missing car, cold case, cold case mystery, crime, true crime, missing person, missing persons, missing persons case, adventures with purpose, mrleisek, car crashes in america, mysterious disappearances documentary, documentary, mark seelman missing, underwater sonar, search and recovery, scuba diving, found car in river, river diving, missing persons cases, bonnie schultz missing
Id: NtQmtf0RGpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 27sec (4107 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 19 2022
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