SOLVED: Missing 10-months Underwater (Margaret "Jan" Shupe Smith)

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- [Man] Yes, sir. - Hey, we have confirmation. This is our vehicle. Do you want to call it in, or do you want us to call 911, or what do you wanna have done? (inspiring music) (gentle piano music) Today, we're starting a new case in Lakeland, Florida, looking for Margaret Shupe Smith. She goes by Jan Shupe. This is one of those cases to where she has a friend that she talks to at least 10 plus times a day. - She was last seen at Publix not far from here on closed circuit television security footage where she'd ended up leaving her wallet with her photo identification and her financial resources inside and never came back for them. - And this was April 2nd, 2021. So we're looking at just nine, 10 months ago, driving a 2012 Kia Soul. - Yep, Kia Soul, 2012, green in color, and license plate, JLQA90. - Now we're all creatures of a habit. And by this, what I mean is when we live in the community, we tend to we go to work, we go home, we go over and we visit our family. And so we have some information and we're continuing to gather more as the day goes along. What we do know is that Jan is 59 years old, divorced, I've been told from our research that we have, a little bit depressed. And so we have a couple of different scenarios. Are we looking at an accident on this one, or potentially losing the wallet that evening, is that something that may have triggered and pushed somebody over the edge to cause them to do something on purpose? - Possibly. - So in starting our search today, I want to bring Jeremy from Exploring with Nug, as well as Britain from Depths of History into this as we discuss this first, most important, location that I really want to jump into. So while we're still waiting on some information as to the residential neighborhood, was this her house, was it her grandchild's house, or was this her best friend, what we do know is that we have license plate readers that took her from that residential development just down the road on Shepherd, straight to Walmart. What we do know is that coming right outta that residential development, there is a pond with no guardrails. It's my first area of interest. Let's all jump over there. If by chance we don't find her there, then we're gonna break back to the North to Southgate Publix. There's a couple of lakes up there with boat ramps. We're gonna do everything we can today to find Jan and bring her home to our family. Hello, this Jared. - [Jim] Hey, Jared, it's Jim Carter. - Hey Jim, how you doing? - [Jim] Apparently not very good detective work, that's for sure. - Oh, no worries. - [Jim] Marlie's number's been disconnected, which Marlie was her daughter. Laura, I think it was, said that they know that she's gone, and she's not coming back and it's no use to doing anything else. - And who's Laura? Is that a daughter as well? - [Jim] Her sister. - Okay, and she doesn't want anybody looking for her. What's the story with that? - [Jim] I don't know, really. It's got me kind of confused anyway. - Okay, by chance, do you know... So we have license plate readers that picked her up quite a bit over off of Shepherd and the Walmart over here off of Carter. Do you know, did she live over here off of Shepherd or whose house is this over here? - [Jim] I think she lived over there. - Okay. All right, well, yeah, this is where we're gonna start. There's a pond right across the street from the housing development that she was picked up quite a bit on over there. So we're gonna start there. - All right. - Bye bye. - [Jim] Bye. - So we have potential parking in here. This is the pond I'm really interested in. And it's not this road. I don't think it's this one. I think it's the next one that she would come out of. - [GPS Voice] Turn left onto Imperial Parkway. - Right coming up here, and you're gonna see there's no guardrails here, but there's also an open spot. So I think coming outta here, open entry into here, and this pond is what I'm interested in. (compelling music) So what we're looking for also is the water level to be about six to seven feet to hide a vehicle. Right now, we're at four and a half, five feet, six feet. So we're deep enough to hide a vehicle. If there's a vehicle here, and it's either foul play or on purpose off of here, if it's off of Shepherd, then we're looking at an accident. And we're at 15 feet here, so we're plenty deep. (compelling music) All right, gonna give a quick sonar overview if you've never seen this before. This is our live scope. You can actually see fish swing by in real time here. Over here on the left is more of a picture in time. We have down imaging and we have side imaging. The bottom one is side imaging. We're casting 75 feet to the left, 75 feet to the right. Anything from the boat icon to black is water column to the bottom of the boat. And anything over here is beyond the shore. You see, we're not quite within the 75 feet from the shore. And so that's where the shoreline is at. The top one here, anything from the top to the bottom is water column. And then from there, you can see that as this moves up and down, it matches the depth here for the grid lines that come across. So that's a quick sonar overview for you. And if a vehicle's in here, it's gonna pop up for us. We're gonna see it no problem in here. So right now just a lot of fish in here is what we have. A lot of fish. And really, I suspect that if we are gonna find her, it's gonna be within the next 100 yards right here if there's a vehicle in here. - [Doug] Oh, what is that? - [Jared] Yeah, I don't know what that is. Circle back. - What is that? (compelling music) - [Jared] 18 Feet to the right? - [Doug] I mean, it appeared like it's been down there for a long time, but... - Yeah, and I think it was more square. - [Doug] Yeah, we are looking for a Kia Soul. - We are dealing with a Kia Soul though, it's square. It's not very big. - It's not tall enough. - Not tall enough. Worth the second look though. - Yep. So this is not the first case that we ran into where you family members like they've just accepted, and they feel as though there's no additional hope there's no reason to keep looking, there's no reason to, I'm gonna say, open the wound or keep the wound open. Like they just want to be able to move forward from it, that they're providing like their own closure that they've accepted it. And it's tough. We want to come in and help these families and provide those answers that they do not yet have. Whereas like I said, a lot of them have already accepted. They've already moved on. And that's why at times we don't have the family members that come out and are with us as we're on these cases. And I get it. - [Doug] 12 Feet. - [Jared] A lot of fish in here. - [Doug] 13 Feet. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what we got there? - [Doug] That was definitely something really- - It's only two feet tall, but let's go back over it at a different angle. Do more of a side shot over here of it. - That's a tree. - Tree log. - So our interest in our media focused in this area has to do with the license plate being read on ALPR systems in this area very frequently. And as Jared was touching on earlier, we are creatures of habit. So the fact that we can verify that her license plate was captured on these ALPR systems very frequently in this immediate area is what draws us to this body of water and the next few bodies of water we're gonna go to. - [Jared] I swear, that is (indistinct), comes up so much. - Man, that is not a tree. On that scenario again. - Let me back up to it. - Is that a big gator with his tail curled up there in the back? Do you see it? (laughs) - [Jared] I'm not sure. I wanna pick it up on live. - [Doug] Yeah, I see it right there. It is, I see it. - It's a log. - Yeah, it's a log. It's just really weird. Anyway, so 14 feet, a nice, very consistent depth in this body of water, but so far nothing, But we still have so much more water to check, really good areas too. - I mean, this is closer to her house though. - [Doug] Yeah, this is absolutely most logical. I think boat ramp's next, and then just knock out everything in between that is logical. This one and boat ramps are gonna be the most logical. - So, I think now at this point, knowing that we have like a 7:30 p.m. up at the Southgate Publix, I mean, that's our last known CCTV location that we have of her now, and are we now going and to be looking at, did she realize that she lost her wallet? Is she just completely... This set her off and now this becomes a on purpose investigation. So like I said, we'll make our way to the Southgate up there. There's two. There's a body of water, a lake that's closest to it. It has one boat ramp. And then there's probably three or four more to the North of that as well, that have boat ramps. So, we'll make our way up there. So now here's my question to all of this. We had a Publix right there that was next to that across the street from the pond and across the street from her where she lived. We also have the Walmart over here, but the last known location was to the North at the Publix like five or six miles to the North is where we're going. I'm try trying to figure out how the Publix to the North ties into why she would've been up here. - You know, a lot of that is gonna have tie into- - [Jared] Where she worked. - That. - Was she visiting her friend? - Different social activities. - Her daughter. Was her daughter up there, and it was just on the way home she was grabbing a gallon of milk or something as she's heading home at 7:30 p.m.? - Yeah. I mean, there's different... Like I have a Fred Meyer that's right near my house, but I don't always go to that. I go sometimes to the one a few miles to the North, because it's a little bit bigger. but I go to both of them. Depending on the mood I'm in and what I want, I might go to the bigger one. And like you said, if she was visiting with a friend in that area, they wanted to grab something. Or who knows, people meet up at a lot of these parking lots for just a lot of the different social activities. - Now coming down Florida, we want to keep our eyes out, but I didn't see anything else off of Florida from Publix to shepherd to her house. I didn't notice any accident locations for body of water. - Likewise, I didn't either. (gentle music) - So I don't know if this entire lake is gonna be shallow like this all the way around. Like we have the one boat ramp here, but if you look to the North side, we've got the road that's going around. And I was looking at it on Google. So, we can either do two things. We can either have you guys put a boat in here and you guys can go one way, we'll go the other, meet in the middle, and then just jet back across, or we can send you guys to another lake and have you guys go check another boat ramp in another lake location. What do you guys wanna do? - I'm open. I'm open to whatever. We can knock this one out. - Okay. - [Britain] Think all of us can knock it out pretty quick to cover (indistinct). - Okay, yeah, we'll do that. And then we'll just tackle this all the way around. Hopefully it gets deeper and we'll find something. (gentle music) So, now, we're gonna head that direction around the lake. You guys had that direction around the lake. We'll meet up in the middle. (motor rumbles) - I'm reading 3.2 feet. So I can see exactly the same thing Jared sees in front of me. And also, as you guys have seen in a couple of our other videos now that this has come out, we have amazingly enhanced sonar opportunity for you guys to see in full screen. So this records everything that Jared's seeing. And then I also get to keep my eyes on sonar as well, which is great, 'cause a lot of times I'm often wondering over here what he's looking at. - You have just a lot of shallow, a lot of lily pads. Too far away from the road. Hopefully over here, we'll have some better places to scan. You see some of the vehicles coming across over there like where the van and the car is at, closer to the water. - [Doug] It's all real shallow, man. - Yeah, you just never know until you get in the water, put eyes on it. Let's go check that one out. Still shallow with everything else too though. You can see the grass growing up here. - [Doug] What were we depth wise? - Nine feet here. - Nine feet? - So nothing over there. There's a lot of lily pads. It's really shallow around a lot of it. There's only- - Six feet. - Six feet deep over 100 feet off the shore. - Yeah, there's only- - Here's the deepest part I've seen so far. - Yeah, there's only two locations for us to even search over there. And we're gonna stop off here at Christina Lake. And I think we're gonna make that our last location. Nothing else after that is making sense. So we'll go hit that and possibly Six Pound Pond Lake, 'cause her house is right here and Walmart. - And are we going back closer to her house? - Yes, that'll be Christina Pond. After we do this one, I don't feel like going one any further to the North is we can justify. So I think that we need to go back down Florida. All this is shallow here, but maybe the boat ramp. Anyway, heading back down from the Publix towards her house, there's Christina Pond right there on the left before you get to Walmart. That's really the only other body of water between the Publix and her house. As we're coming up this road around the lake on the West side, there's not gonna be any accident locations off of that one. You can tell just by the lily pads. It's only gonna be a foot or two deep over there. Really, as far as I can tell around this entire lake, we only have the boat ramp here to search, and then we'll move down to the Christina Pond. Just push the boat in. (motor rumbles) Five feet, six feet, nine feet. Oh, it drops fast. - We have a car. - Do we? - [Doug] Oh, there's gotta be a car here. - [Jared] Feel like it. - [Doug] I just feel like there's a car here. - And some tires on the left. The other thing to take into account over here is the winds. And with a vehicle, they'll float for two to 10 minutes. How the vehicle can get pushed over and a little bit further depending on what the wind may have been at that moment in time. But with a steel boat ramp like that, it's not gonna be any further than this. - [Doug] How about this little section right here? - [Jared] Yeah. - [Doug] Drove through the back side of the parking. - Nothing, clean. All right, well that one's clear too. So we'll head down to Christina Pond next and keep checking them off. (gentle music) So this next body of water that we're going to, Christina Lake, is pretty much what I would say the second closest, most likely body of water to her house that would potentially kind of sort of make sense. I'm not really sold on it. It is across the street from a Home Depot. It's right there on Florida. It's right there right before you get to Shepherd Road. It's right there on the way to Walmart within her little radius right there. - [Doug] Why did she leave her wallet? - I mean, people accidentally leave their wallets like the cash register. - [Doug] Yeah, but no ever came back, never come back. - Didn't notice it, which sometimes things like that happen. - That's the biggest red flag in this is she was last seen there on security surveillance system, and she left her wallet, one of the most precious things you have as a personal item and (snaps) never came back. - Okay, okay, okay, okay. So follow me on this one. So now we're heading South on Florida Avenue. We come down here. We notice now, as we get down to Home Depot by Christina Lake, this is where she realizes she forgot her wallet. So let's say that she makes a left in here to make a U turn to head back. And this is where we're going to find her. This brings us to Christina Lake. - I like that. - It's the only other body of water. - That makes absolute sense. And when we're retracing possible footsteps that this... - And there's two little bodies of water. There's the Christina Lake, and then there's a something Pond Pound like Six Pound Pond Lake right next to it as well. And then outside of that, there is no other bodies of water along this route for a potential accident location. Okay, so I have also here, follow me on this one also. We have one other potential body of water just South of Christina Lake. And this is the, hey, I just realized, I forgot my wallet, an additional location to make a left to turn around. So, we have three potential down here with that scenario. - [Doug] And I wonder where her cell phone played into all of this as well. - I don't have any cell phone data or information on this one. - [Doug] I would assume she had her cell phone, and the cell phone just pinged in this area like it always does and just stopped pinging in this area. - I don't even have the information. Did she have her cell phone, or was her cell phone left behind with her purse (indistinct)? - [Doug] I couldn't undercover any information in regards to cell phone. In all of the literature out there, it doesn't mention cellphone one time. I'm thinking maybe because it wasn't suspicious, they never mentioned it. Could be her cellphone's always pinging off of this tower, and then it just stops. It's of no help to them, so they never mention it. - Yeah, I have no idea. - Mission. (gentle music) - All right, there we go, six feet, nine feet. You got big stick over on your side right there too. So right now we're at six feet. Ooh, ooh, we have a vehicle in here. We have a vehicle right here. Okay, one vehicle. Let's scan the rest of it. I can't tell what it is, but we'll come back over it in just a moment. Coming up that corner to that intersection up here. Yeah, I mean, we just barely made one pass over it, so we'll get some different angles of it and see if we can identify if it's square and boxy or what shape it might be. - [Doug] What did it look like to you? - [Jared] Oh, it's a car. It's definitely a car. I mean, the moment it popped up, there's no doubt that it's a vehicle. - Upside down, right side up? - [Jared] Upside down, I believe. - And right here, we're right at the intersection. - [Jared] Yeah, so you have Home Depot's right across the road there. - Yeah, and this side over here is where there's no barriers over here. You can come through right here. - [Jared] And then once you start to get right here, now you've got too much foliage and you have a fence over here. So over here we have nothing but fish, fish, fish, but over there, 100%, we have a vehicle. We're gonna go mark it, dive it, and see if it's what it is we're looking for. Right over the top? - Yep. - All right, so I'm gonna hit it at some different angles right now. Okay, so it's off to the right right there. Off to the right right here. - [Doug] How deep? - It's nine feet, nine and a half feet deep. Okay, there we go. All right, it's a pickup truck. I believe it's a pickup truck on its wheels. So this is not what we're looking for. I'm getting blown off target. So let me bring it back over, Then I'll show you. Gonna come up right there. So right there, pickup truck on its side all day long. Single cab. So if you wanna start getting ready, I'll take Carson out. We'll mark it. All right, there you go. - There's your buoy. - There you go. All right, so while you're suiting up and getting ready, we're gonna mark this and then we're gonna go scan the rest of this over here. - All right. (gentle music) - All right, there we go. We're caught on it. All right, let's go scan the rest of this. Let's tell Jeremy and Brit that we have over here as well if they want to come down. Yeah, that's it. Oh, we might have two vehicles there. - [Carson] Like a sedan. - Yeah, you see that? Thing was huge. In fact, let me show you this right here on the side imaging. So I've got it up there from the down imaging. I've got it there on the side imaging. It's definitely another pickup truck. So these are definitely not the vehicles that we're looking for for Jan, but when we go back over that pickup truck, though, I wanna see if there's another vehicle right up next to it. Yeah, right, nothing else this way. We have a second pickup truck that we just located as well. We should be coming back up to the pickup truck right now. All right, here it is right here. And I can't tell if I actually have two vehicles here or one. Coming straight into the log right there. I think it's just one more. Hey, Doug, we have a second vehicle as well! We'll hit it at some different angles here. Yeah, see, that looks like at the bed of a pickup truck. So it would've been the cab first, and then the bed of the truck second. Now I'm gonna put it on the left side of the screen. So, cab of the truck right there. That's the bed of the truck, and then the cab with the truck. See that? It's still another 18 feet this way. So I'm trying to get us lined up with it, so I can get you a better view on live scope here. All right, I should be bringing you right over it. Right about now we should be coming up on it. There it is. All right, so let's grab another buoy and a magnet. We'll mark this one Yeah, right, there we go. All right, well, we scanned all of this. There's nothing else to scan. (gentle music) Radio check, radio check. Do you have ears on me? All right, do your thing. - [Doug] All right, so I'm on the vehicle. It is a Dodge. - I think you said it's a Dodge. - [Doug] All windows are open. (gentle music) We got an extended cab here. Florida typically I think only has a rear license plate. Making my way to the rear. - [Jared] He's looking for a rear license plate. How about your windows? Windows up or down? - [Doug] All windows are open. No tailgate, no license plate. - No license plate. - [Doug] It's white in color. - Windows are down. - [Doug] No windows at all. It is a Dodge. - So the good news is the vehicle is clear. Windows are down. Nobody's inside. So, either insurance fraud or a stolen pickup truck. - [Doug] 500. 500 All windows are open. - [Jared] Every window is opened. Confirmed it. - [Doug] The magnet is clipped. It's stuck on the front of the hood, so I'm gonna lave that where it's at. Oh, (indistinct). This is a Dodge Ram 2500 extended cab, white in color. I have what would look like a baby gator down here. I repeat, baby gator. - And he has a baby gator. - He's a little guy. - Wrestle him. Wrestle the baby gator. - [Doug] All right, the driver's side, I cannot confirm if there's anything in there. A lot of silt. I'm not detecting anything unordinary. Seat belt is in it's natural resting spot. I'm gonna begin my ascent topside. - [Jared] The Laramie edition, SLT. - There's an alligator. Alligator, a really small one. The magnet is right on the top of the hood, so I didn't move it. The what? - The magnet is right on the top of the hood, so I didn't move it. - [Jared] Okay, I'll pull it up when you're on the other one. (gentle music) - [Doug] I am on a vehicle. All right, I found it. I'm on it. It's an older blue truck. Left side wheel. Passenger side window is up. This is a single cab pickup truck, blue in color. No passenger handle. We got a passenger window is up. Making my way down the passenger side. I repeat it is blue in color. - Confirmed, small passenger pickup truck, blue in color, passenger window up. - [Doug] Tailgate was down. No license plate. This has a blue stripe down the tailgate in the middle. No license plate. I repeat, no license plate on the rear or the front. - I think he said no license plate on the rear or the front. - [Doug] There's a bed liner on it. The driver side window is up. Both windows are up. Rear cab window is up. Windshield is (indistinct). All windows are intact in an upright position. - [Jared] All windows are in intact. - [Doug] We do have a Chevy. I repeat, we do have a Chevy. I'm gonna make my way topside. - [Jared] Okay, he's coming up. Confirm, you're coming topside. (gentle music) All right, so we need to call this one in and see what they wanna do with it? - Yep, yep. - That one, all windows open. That one, all windows closed. Like, obviously we don't disturb the vehicles in that situation, but I looked for any other emblems. It's definitely two toned blue, white. - Okay, actually doing a search right now for anybody in Lakeland that might be missing with a Chevy pickup truck. - Yeah, '92, '93 box style. It's like a half ton. I mean, three quarter ton truck. I would say it's been under there, Florida water's a little bit different, 15 years. It's still in great condition being under there that long. Just water down here is a little bit different than what we're used to where it just eat a vehicle up. It's not really eating up like that. One of the door handles was ripped off. The other one was still hanging there. I don't know what that means, if somebody has cleared these vehicles or not. - [Jared] I mean, you can't clear them if the windows are still up. - Right, right. My guess is if that has happened, a diver has dove on it, removed the plates, but they never cleared the vehicle. In the instance, you cannot clear a vehicle. It doesn't matter if you pull a plate and it comes back stolen. If you can't confirm the contents of the vehicle, anybody could be dumped in that vehicle, or several people could be dumped in that vehicle. So, when the windows are up, you gotta remove them. I don't care how hard it is to remove them. There could be answers sitting right over there right now. - All right, I don't have anything to pop up immediately as far as missing in Lakeland. Even Jan's not coming up when I just do this generic search. - Their database, NCIC, they can put in different characteristics of a vehicle and obviously do a better search than what we can as civilians. - [Haley] Polk County Sheriff's Office, this is Haley. - Hi, Haley, Jared Leisek, Adventures With Purpose. Hey, we had a interaction with one of your officers this morning. We're in town doing a underwater sonar search and recovery missing person's mission, trying to find Margaret Jan Shupe who went missing last April of 2021. Currently we're over at Christina Lake. We have identified two vehicles, and we have already put a diver in the water. Neither vehicle is the vehicle of Miss Shupe. However, we do have a vehicle that has all of the windows up. The other vehicle, we were able to clear. At this point, because the vehicle, the one with all the windows up, we do treat it as a crime scene, and we do request an officer, so we can identify what you would like to do or what we can do to help you with this vehicle. - [Haley] Okay, so you can't confirm that who you're looking for is in there, or you basically just want a vehicle cleared? - No, what I'm saying is, of the two vehicles that we found, we know that neither one of them is Miss Shupe that we're looking for today. Neither one of them is a Kia Soul. But what we have identified is that we do have a vehicle that the windows are up on it, and we are not able to clear it. So we would like to bring this to your attention and make sure that you identify what you would like done with it at this point. Do you want our help? Do you just want to log it and have an officer come down? What would you like us to do at this point, because the vehicle has not been cleared? - Where is the vehicle parked at? - The vehicle is underwater, 10 feet underwater, about 45 feet offshore. - [Haley] About 45 feet offshore. And you guys are a dive team, correct? - Yes ma'am. - [Haley] Okay. - And so we've actually identified two pickup trucks over here, both underwater, both 45 to 50 feet offshore. One of them, we were able to clear while we were underwater diving on it, because all the windows are down. The second vehicle is a Chevy pickup truck. We are not able to retrieve any tags, nor are we able to clear it, because all the windows are up. We do treat it as a crime scene. So we have not broken any windows. - [Haley] Okay, so pickup truck, unable to retrieve a tag, and all the windows are up, so you're unable to clear the vehicle? - Yes, ma'am. - Just so you know, we're documentary filmmakers as well. So if you see cameras, don't get weirded out with it. There's one there and one there. They're both less than 10 feet deep. This vehicle right here, when I dove on it, it is a Dodge 2500, white. A few of the windows are down. I did my best to try to identify if anyone was in it. I can't 100% do that on that one. One on this vehicle, all of the windows are up and it's sealed. Who knows what's inside of that vehicle or who is inside of it. To give you a general background of who it is... Do you know who we are? So we're with Adventures With Purpose. We travel the country investigating cold cases. So we are in town today investigating the cold case of Margaret Shupe Smith who's been missing since last April with her vehicle. We specialize in sonar. So we're able to detect vehicles underwater. So we specifically investigate cases where people are missing along with their vehicle. So in our search today, we discovered these two vehicles. Without us being able to clear them, it's a pretty big issue. - Okay, and that one's the white Dodge and that one's? - The blue Chevy. I was able to pull the grill off of it. There's no license plates on either one of the vehicle. You guys only have rear plates here, right? - Mhm. - Yeah, so there's no plate on either end of these vehicles. - Okay. - And so now at this point, because the windows are up, we do treat it as a crime scene. So that way, if you have any evidence or anybody inside of it, we don't touch it. So we're here to offer up our services. If you have a tow truck and you want us to help rig it, we can offer that up. If you have your own dive team, great, then we can step back and let you do that, or if it's just simply one of those things where you're like, hey, Jared, you know what, at this point we just simply report it, and then we'll figure out what to do with it from there. We just wanna make sure we do our part properly to make sure that you're aware of it. - That one, do you know what it is? - It's a 90s model Chevy, three quarter ton pickup truck, maybe a Silverado. It's two tone blue and white. We did our best to like search the internet, but I know you guys have systems. You can put those in there and maybe see if they do (indistinct). - And neither have tags? - Neither have license plates at all. - I'm gonna call my supervisor, see what he wants me to do. - Perfect, sounds good. Let us know if you need anything else. - Okay, thank you. - You're welcome. - So the supervisor has the dive commander here now. - Oh is that (indistinct)? - Yeah. And they're going to determine what they want to do with it. I explained that we have one mark there and one mark there, and they may not deal with it today. They may not, but the dive commander here is at least gonna be able to identify exactly where they're at. So we have tomorrow scheduled here as well. However, I don't know if we're able to identify any other areas of concern. Do you guys have any other areas of concern like boat ramps? - I think think we need to... We're gonna look up the case number. And let's talk to detective that it's assigned to. I think that's smart. - I mean, we're a great resource. Like if you guys want to point us in a direction that we haven't searched, I'm all for it. (gentle music) - We now have new information that Jan was in an accident about 30 minutes later after she was last seen at Publix at Southgate. That wreck, nobody knows where she went after that, but it takes us further to the North, which now that it takes us to, according to the dive commander, we have a couple of other boat ramps up there that we're gonna go search tomorrow, one being at Mud Lake, which is out and about very quiet, very secluded. And so now if we're in the mind of Jan, she's depressed, she's checking out. She's gonna go to a very quiet location. And maybe that's where she was already heading. We don't know, but is this that one thing that put her over the edge? If you have not done so already, please be sure to subscribe. It is free, and turn on that be notification, because it helps spread awareness as to who we are and what we do, helping these families for free. We are gonna be back tomorrow, and hopefully we can bring Jan home. (gentle music) Coming back in the day two of the search for Margaret Jan Shupe Smith, she goes by Jan, we found some new information out late last night as we were wrapping up with the Sheriff's Department. In that we did not know that Jan, after she left a Publix where she left her billfold, her stimulus check, she was in an accident. So it wasn't 30 minutes to the North of Publix. It was just 30 minutes later after she left Publix. And it was at Malcolm and Socrum Loop Road is where it was at. - She's supposed to pick up her daughter Marlie who worked at Crystals in the Northern area of Lakeland. She never made it there. She was in a vehicular accident. I mean, who knows where she went from there or why she was even up there. - And now, so that brings us to this location here at Mud Lake. We're just trying to put ourselves in her mind. Recently divorced, husband of 30 years runs off, get's somebody else pregnant, ends up losing her stimulus check and her wallet, ends up getting in an accident. Is she now just like, this is the final straw that broke the camels back. The officer last night said, "Hey, go check out Mud Lake. "It's still within our county. "It's in Polk County," but the thing about this is 33 takes you to the Northern part of Lakeland. It's more of a quiet, secluded location, even though you can't tell with all the traffic going by, but this is nine o'clock at night, but this is off of the road. This is a quiet, private, secluded boat ramp. We're gonna start our search here. If we don't find Jan here, we're gonna move a little bit further down South of Malcolm where we have five, probably four, five additional boat ramps that we really wanna check out over there. - So with all that being said, we are really optimistic today with the new news we received last night that today's efforts are gonna pan out. - Let's see if we can find Jan bring her home. (gentle music) (motor rumbles) Seven feet, plenty deep. Ooh, do we have a car right here? I don't know. Yeah, there's a six foot hole, then back up to four. Yeah, there's the boat ramp plain as day. Just some weird stick at the very end of the boat ramp, that's it. Not a car. All right, well, let's take a look at the Lakes Gibson and a few others, and let's just kind of separate for the day and go knock out some boat ramps. So we're gonna bring Britain into this, Adam, as well as Nug, and let's kind of look at some of these additional boat ramps. Yesterday, you guys covered Lake Parker boat ramp, as well as Lake Bonny boat ramp. We were over on Lake Hunter. We're gonna be a little bit further to the North now right here on Lake Parker. We have two boat ramps kind of right here. So we have off of Grenada Street and Lake Parker. And it's kind of into like a little canal here is kind of what that one is. So I don't know how likely that one's going to be. This one kind of brings you a little bit closer into the lake. So if you guys want to check out those two, and then we'll head over to this one a little bit further to North here on Lake Gibson, which is just down the road of her accident right here on Marcum and Socrum Loop. So we'll go check out Lake Gibson. And this one, same thing, it's like in a little canal, but you never know if it's gonna be in the canal, or I don't think it made it out to the lake. Does that work for you guys? - Yep. - Sounds good. - [Jared] All right, sounds good. I'll pin drop you this. - Okay. - All right. - [Jared] And you guys can start on these two. Appreciate you guys. - Sounds good. - We're headed now Lake Gibson. We are actually, based on the information that we have acquired, we're heading to the most logical body of water to search. I'm not gonna use the word exciting, but I'm very optimistic with this where we're headed right now. Based on her last known whereabouts being in that accident. Lake Gibson is the closest body of water. We started at Mud Lake this morning, because the Polk County Sheriff's Office, the Lieutenant, had a lot of concern with the location that we just left. So, I'm excited to report back to him when we do get our buoys back from yesterday that, hey, that location's completely clear. They don't have to worry about that location. And it was logical why he was concerned with that, 'cause it was out there, no eyes on it, really creepy desolate area where if you're dumping something or you're going to do something to possibly commit suicide or hurt yourself, or if it's foul play even, that was a logical out of the way area. - Now we also have the niece that stopped by last night and Bobby, and she sent me another text late last night as well, said, "You know, Mud Lake is not really "within where I'm feeling it," for her speaking, but she said Lake Gibson. Lake Gibson is what she had expressed to me was make sure that we do check that one today. - Yeah, it makes sense. And a lot of times, man, families' hunches are correct with their feeling. Like you say, like they've had more time to internalize this stuff and make up their own thoughts and feelings as far as what happened or where they might be. And some families have been correct in the past with exactly where their loved one was you. And into a family's intuitions, that's why when we come into them, the first thing we do is, what are the areas of your concern? You the family, what areas do you want us to rule out first? And we always do that when we're working with a family. We rule out their areas. And if we're unsuccessful, then we come back to the five mile radius and the clues and a whole nother target area of how it is we break things down. We are working with, I'm not gonna say it's credible, there's someone in the family who's said that they paid to have a cell phone pinged. Jared and I have never heard of that happening. - Cell phone being pinged, yes. - Paid for, paying to have someone's cell phone ping. Is it possible? I don't know. We've never come into that in any of these cases Typically law enforcement only gets access to those types of things. Supposedly the phone was last pinged in Tampa, and this person paid to have it pinged. Why law enforcement didn't do that? I'm sure they did. So, I mean, is it credible information? We're on the fence about it? I mean, we're not saying someone is lying to us, but unless we deem it like super credible and whatnot, we can't just jump from here to Tampa based on that information. - When and where it was pinged as well. It was like, it wasn't actually next to a body of water. It was within a- - A neighborhood. - A neighborhood, yeah. And then we also don't have the vehicle that's been picked up on any license plate readers. - Yes, right. If that vehicle would've left here, it would've went through Plant City. It would've went out to Tampa, which is an hour away. They would've caught it. They would've caught it several times on ALPRs. - And I don't know if we discussed this yesterday or I know we haven't touched on it today, but while this took place on April 2nd for her leaving her billfold at Publix, for her getting in an accident 30 minutes later to the North, what we then have is a report that was taken, and I wanna say it was on April 14th or 15th, almost two weeks later, come to find out it was her sister's car. So her sister reported the car stolen. And I think that maybe that was just so they could officially put the car in the system to get it in the NCIC. - Yep, that was a formality in the scenario. She went missing with somebody else's car. It also helps them target the NCIC federal system, so that if it comes up anywhere, you can't do anything with the car. If the car goes to get worked on and the VIN number's entered at a dealership, it's gonna come up. - Yep, and she did report the car stolen only specifically for that one day. She did not report that her car had ever been stolen any other time or used unlawfully. - Right. And it makes sense. She was using her sister's car. She was in the process of going through like a really horrific divorce. Like she was married to her husband for three decades. - [Jared] I'm gonna just turn around. Hey, what up? - What up? This looks like a heavily regulated park. It says boat ramp, but I'm not even seeing a boat ramp at this place, but it's gated. It's really nice. Not really thinking this is a place where she could have crashed. - All right, well, yeah. I mean, look around, see if you can identify a boat ramp, and then head over to that other one. Same thing with this one. It's like a small canal. I don't think she's in this one either. So we're gonna look at some other water in the area, see if there's any other boat ramps. - See what the magnet does is allows us to be a little bit more efficient with what we're doing if we suspect a body of water is shallow. So we can just come over here, toss the magnet in, give us a really easy idea if it is shallow. If it's deeper, do we need to put a boat in with sonar? At this point, putting a boat in right here isn't gonna do anything. And there's no objects. If a vehicle goes in here, it's not floating downstream. What? Oh way too shallow. It's like three feet at the most. And when you look down the canal, you can see there's a slight uprising, which right in front of the boat ramp is probably just dredged out just enough to get a bigger canoe, smaller boat in there. So, with this one being ruled out, this is the most logical body of water near where she was verified last, her last known whereabouts. Where do we go from here? - The only thing, and I mean, dead last, the only thing I have left is, why was she heading North up here? And with Google, and I don't know how old this is, but we have just North of that intersection, I have a pond on the right. I have a pond on the left. I have another little pond on the left. I don't even think they're deep enough. And it looks like maybe a housing development was going in there, and they're just little retention ponds. That's like my last shot. I don't have anything else to even go to. Do we go up there? So, I mean, we can drive to the North right here. We can put eyes on it, but yeah. - Let's go. I mean, that's the last ditch effort in this. I mean, we have to go put eyes on it at least to rule it out. Is it feasible? I mean, is that definitely suspecting foul play? I mean, at this point, - No, it's on purpose, - Ruling anything out. - But if this subdivision is still empty like this also it's like, hey, on purpose, I'm driving straight into it. - Then you also have to know about that too. - Yeah. And like I said, I mean, it's four blocks from the accident location. Should we go there? - Yeah, yeah. I mean, this is definitely a tough one when you're just completely hitting dead ends, and we're not coming up with anything, but we did find two cars yesterday, I mean, but, they're not the car we're looking for, but I would think as many boat ramps that have been here, we would've run into more cars. I do know a lot of the water, though, is shallow like here, like where we left earlier this morning. It's just too shallow. If a car goes in, the Sheriff's Department is gonna be notified right away, 'cause it's gonna be visible. - [Jared] Yeah. So this next location is 1.9 miles up here. But once we get up here, it's only gonna be four blocks from that accident though, hit location. I'll point that out once we get up here. - [Doug] Okay, yeah, it's right here at the corner. - [Jared] So here's the corner. - [Doug] So the accident happened at this intersection, and then they pulled into this church, and that's where the officer that responded did the report. - [Jared] At the Together Church right here? - Yeah. - All right. So then that keeps her on the North side of this road, which then now we're going just a few blocks straight to the North up here. Are we coming up here, do we know, and we just looking at the bodies of water now that we're just at our whits end? I don't know. (gentle music) I'm stumped. Okay, so you leave the church, drive through here, construction truck entrance. That subdivision has a gate. This one sneaks you up here to a nice, quiet, dead end area. Private property, slow children. - [Doug] Pick up some speed. - Okay, so they're starting to build some homes up here. So you have one body of water back there, a couple more back here. We have another one over here, but now this body of water over here is now surrounded by homes. So look right back in here like three houses down. But those homes have been there more than a year. So we have another one at the very end of the road down here. - [Doug] Yeah, it's not that old. I mean, it's within a year or so. - Private property. Pond use for residents only. I mean, I just don't see her flying passed the house right here. - I don't either. I don't think it's logical. - No, 'cause on the map it shows that none of these houses were here. All these houses have been here more than a year. Hey, when were these houses completed here? - [Resident] Our house was completed August. - August. - They probably started getting completed in like - Probably May. - May. - And I think they built this when they built the houses. - Okay. - So I don't- - Yeah, 'cause it's on the map. So it's been on the map for a while. So we're looking for a missing persons that went missing in April of 2021. And so all these were completed like at the same time? - Yeah. - Okay. - This road just got finished turn of the year. The construction manager had to get them all done by January 1st. So these ones were, I guess, the newer ones. - [Jared] Okay. (gentle music) (motor rumbles) - [Doug] You never know unless you put a boat in, right? - Yep. Six and a half feet. Seven feet. Plenty deep out here. Come straight off the next 20, 30 feet here. Plenty deep six feet, six and a half. - [Doug] We're also talking about a green car too, so it's gonna blend in with the... - [Jared] Right there. Are you kidding me? We have a car right there. - [Doug] Wow. - Yo, we have a car. Right there at the (indistinct). Into the road right here. It's gonna be right here. (compelling music) Right there. - [Doug] It's look like tracks right there. What is that? - It's a car. That is in the shape. Dude, I think we just found Jan. (compelling music) - [Doug] He's standing on it. And the color of the vehicle being green would explain why it hasn't been noticed here. The water itself is green. - It's like a hatchback back. There's no trunk. - Yep. - Yep. We're looking for a Soul, which is a hatchback. - Very small car. Very small. - Yep. - It's super hard to see. - [Doug] The Kia emblem should be right on the back of the hatch. - Okay, I'm currently on the hood, roof. Super tiny car. - [Doug] License plate's gonna be on the back. Florida only has a rear plate. We're looking for a license plate is gonna be JLQA90. - Can't see, but I have a license plate. Can you guys give me a tool to rip it off? - Yep. - Can you get a visual on it? - It's just so, so green. - Yeah. - The water, I mean, not the color yet. (Doug exhales) I do believe it's a Kia. I do believe it's a Kia. I'll grab the license plate. It is so new, the plate won't come off easily. - [Doug] Right. That's expected. Can you see the first digits of the plate? - I'm gonna look. (compelling music) - JLQ. - We just found Jan. Her license plate is JLQA90. - Jared. - JLQ. - Confirmation. - We have confirmation, this is our vehicle. Okay. - [Man] Yes, sir. - Hey, we have confirmation, this is our vehicle. Do you want to call it in, or do you want us to call 911, or what do you want to have done? - [Man] Naw, naw, I'll handle it. It's the Kia Soul? - Yes, sir, we have a license plate confirmation. - [Man] Let me pull it up real quick. Give me just a second. Did y'all check the interior? - No, all the windows are up, right, Josh? - Yeah, it's untouched. It's in really good condition. - Yeah, it is on its wheels. All the windows are up. - [Man] Okay, what's the tag. - Tag number? - JLQ. - JLQ. - That's all I got. - JLQ. - That's it. - Yeah, JLQ is- - No, that's it. Okay, and you're at that pin you sent me. - Yes, sir. - [Man] All right, I'll call you right back, but no, you don't need to call. I'll call it in. - All right, cool, thanks. (man murmurs) Bye bye. - All right, see ya. - This is all due to not just our effort, but a community effort. The Polk County Sheriff's Department came out yesterday, and they were an open book with us. They supported us. They used us as a resource. They shared the information that they had. We then digested that. And it that's what brought us here today. We've been here for two days, but without the local law enforcement's help, and them using us as a resource and embracing us, that's the community effect that's gonna lead this family to having answers. This was desolate. This really doesn't even make any sense that she even knew this existed. This is all off the beaten path. Who knows. The Sheriff Department is gonna have to determine the circumstances surrounding it from here, but this just makes no sense. - No, it makes perfect sense. It's a straight road from our last known location. How many times do we come into something like this where it's been a straight road, last known location. This is not the first time- - But this is something that is possibly only weeks old. Like how did she know about this? - I don't know. - [Josh] Yeah, 'cause this was dug out, this water wasn't always here. - Well, and you saw the road that we came down. I mean it was a side dirt road, sandy road, to get down into here. The subdivision just to the East over here is a gated subdivision. I mean, this is brand new on the map. This is one of those ones where the the PD's gonna have to do with their investigation, and we may never have those answers. (gentle music) So these houses were completed in August. - Yep. - And she went missing in April. Straight off the end right where the buoy's at. Yeah, we did Mud Lake based on recommendations last night from your crew. We also did Gadsden. - Gibson. - Gibson. But I mean, that's just a shallow canal there. They went down by the dog park as well. Everything was shallow. And then just came back to the clues of the intersection where she had the accident, being hey pulled off into the church parking lot. And again, coming back to the 59 years old, mental state, husband just had a kid with somebody else after 30 years. Why is she this far North on this side of town? And this was our last ditch effort. Like on Google Maps, none of the houses were here. The ponds were fresh. - Yeah, makes sense. - Yep. - Because we didn't stop is why we solved this, because there was a sense of community here. Had the Sheriff's Department not been cooperative with us, we would not have solved this. 100% credit to the Sheriff's Department, everybody that helped us. It's a community effort. This is what when you're out trying to accomplish the impossible and you're relentless, this is what happens. You're able to uncover everything that nobody else has been able to uncover. - So, we have identified that we have the vehicle in question. We have the partial plate that we did to read. We did not pull the plate off, 'cause we were just doing a free dive on it. The windows are currently up, and we put the phone call in immediately, 'cause I had already had you earlier. - Did you see inside? - No. - (indistinct) So it's all sealed up, you can't- - Yep. - It's on its wheels, easy pull. The buoy itself is here maybe 18 inches under the surface to the top of the vehicle. - Okay, so it's not too deep. - Yep. Sir, how you doing? - How you doing? - Jared. - Jason, nice to meet you, buddy. - It's pleasure to meet you. - So is that the buoy I'm assuming is marking it? - Yep, and it's 18 inches below the surface there to the top of the car. - Okay. All right, the rest of the team should be showing up here shortly. So we'll get started. - Excellent, sounds good. (gentle music) - [Reporter] They found two cars unrelated to her case, but either way, they called Polk County deputies who actually alerted them to a better location for Smith, (gentle music) bringing them to this pond inside a newly renovated community, Hunter's Crossing. (gentle music) - Her daughter, Marlie Shupe, says her mom was supposed to pick her up from work last April, but she never showed up. She says she doesn't know what her mom was doing in the area, but says she had pre-dementia and would sometimes get lost. (gentle music) After months of searching for her without answers, a family friend reached out to the YouTube group, Adventures With Purpose. They managed find the car in just two days. (gentle music) The family believes Margaret Jan Smith was inside this Kia found at the bottom of a pond in Lakeland. The Sheriff's office needs more information before identifying the body, but they say that car belonged to Smith. (gentle music) - [Reporter] Police had been searching for this woman for 10 months. They came up with nothing. And then this group, Adventures With Purpose shows up, they searched for two days in Lakeland, Florida, went to several different bodies of water looking for the woman. Her name is 59 year old Jan Smith. They were about to be done, and they decided let's search one final body of water, and that is when they discovered the woman's Kia SUV. It was just 18 inches below the surface of the water. Sadly, that woman was inside the SUV, but still her family says, at least, this brings them some closure. (gentle music) - Well, as far as the outcome of the day, I just wanna say that our thoughts and prayers and condolences are with you and your family. It's something that's very heavy, and it's very bittersweet. - [Relative] Thank you, Doug. - At this point, we just wanna let you know that. As far as her last mind state, like was there any lead on to any type of possible dementia or? - [Relative] Yeah, she did have pre... She was pre-dementia. - She was pre-dementia. - [Relative] And she couldn't see good at night when she drove, 'cause she was supposed to have glasses, but her friend's son's dog got a hold of her glasses and broke and she never went and got a new pair. So she couldn't see at night when she drove, and she didn't have glasses. And she was supposed to wear glasses. - And the location where we're at, this community, they were just laying the foundation for these homes. These homes where we're standing were finished in August. So in July, these homes weren't here, the pond was here. This was just a really, really tragic dead end dirt road that ended directly into a pond. - [Relative] I think maybe she took a turn, and I think that she got lost and took a turn and maybe didn't notice the road ended. And then maybe she drove into the pond and panicked or didn't know how to get out. - Right, right, and then that's very unfortunate, and it's somewhat common for dementia patients to end up somewhere where they're not familiar with and end up making a wrong turn, being confused. - [Relative] Well, the deputy said when she got into the accident on Marcum Road, he had no clue that she was in the right state of mind. She was fine. - Yeah, I saw that. I saw that in their case notes, but they're just being very vague just as far as their good health, cognizant. To them, it's very a vague statement that they leave in those case files. They're only concerned with, is this person a public threat? Do they have the ability to take care of themselves? They don't really know the particulars that you knew. The 100% identification cannot be made until a medical examiner goes through this process. But at this point, we do know it's confirmed to be her vehicle, and there unfortunately is remains inside of the vehicle. The homicide and special investigations unit will be in touch once that exact identification is made. They're probably gonna reach out to you here very shortly to try to identify her dentist and/or other personal characteristics, so they can make a better identification. So, somebody will be in touch with you pretty quickly. - [Relative] You guys have a heart of gold, and I appreciate you. - Thank you. - [Relative] I just wanted say thank you so much. - Yeah, thank you guys for watching and supporting. It's what makes this possible, 100%. I can't thank you guys enough for supporting us and you reaching out to us. And I'm just glad that in a bittersweet way that this was successful for you and your family, 'cause now you know. - I know. I wish I was there. I would just give a big ole hug for you. - I'd give you a hug. I'm hugging you right now. - [Relative] Thank you. - Yeah. This is bittersweet, but this is our purpose. Thank you for your service to our country. Like I told her, it's answers. To be able to move forward and be successful at doing that, you gotta have the answers. Without the answers, it's a lost journey. And with the answers, it's a completely different story. - See, Jan's sister wasn't getting any answers from anybody she was talking to. - Yeah. It's tragic to lose somebody. And you struggle with not knowing and you build a wall. You build a wall and you decide to live and cope with that wall of an not knowing, and anything threatening that wall, you just don't want any part of, like I don't need to go back to that. I don't need to relive that. I'm trying to move forward. And to a lot of people, this is very farfetched. The outcome of this is very farfetched, but, luckily and thankfully, now we can help her tear down that wall, and she could move on in a healthy way. We continue to run into dementia patients or people that have the onset of dementia that end up in water. The statistics say that 4% of people end up in water when they go missing from dementia. And why, it's just really baffling, because time after time again, we are solving cases due to accidental locations from dementia patients. It's something I can't describe it. I'm not a doctor, and I'm not sure anybody can, but hopefully the more that we do of these dementia cases, we can understand more. - I don't know where the car was and how it was located, but there was no houses out here. Just a road. - No, this was a bare foundation. - She just drove straight off into it. - This is a bare foundation. Makes no sense for anybody to even know that this existed. And based on the fact of onset of dementia, being confused, being on a road you think may lead somewhere and you can't see, you can't see at night, I can see coming down here, it's dark, and you don't know it drops off. You don't know it drops off, and she dropped off right into there. And I can firmly believe that this is nothing short of an accident. - It's an accident. - Just an accident. - That's what it sounds like to me. - Well, we're gonna get over here. We're gonna pack up the rest of our stuff. We have another case to work here in a couple days. We got a case in Naples, and we have stuff to take care of in Tampa, so that's where we're headed now. If you guys need anything, just let us know. - Thank you. - Yeah. - You're very welcome. - You guys too. - Thank you, sir. - Appreciate you. (gentle music)
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 4,763,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: margaret shupe smith, margaret shupe smith missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, solved missing persons cases 2022, solved missing persons cases documentary, missing persons cases solved, scuba diving, dangerous diving, dangerous scuba, dangerous scuba diving, found car, found car in river, recovered car, recovered car in river, recovered missing person in river, found car underwater, adventures with purpose, documentary, jan shupe smith, jan shupe smith found
Id: 3a3w-A0NUIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 13sec (5113 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 05 2022
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