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I'm a retired combat veteran sitting here with tears running down my face ... I lost my 4-year-old Granddaughter in a drowning accident in 2011 and this has brought back so many emotions .. My heart goes out to her family, I am so very sorry for your loss.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 87 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/___SE7EN__ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

You know what killed me? Dad couldn't stay, nor should he have. That would have been unnecessarily traumatic and horrifying. But

Grandpa stayed. Bless you Grandpa for standing in for your son and standing by Kiely.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 132 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jessica_e_sage πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

I skipped to the Jared Interview, because I was busy. He straightens out the Rumors going around d about the 2 different Lori's. The Lori claiming she wasn't called, wasn't called. The Lori that was called has a husband named Drew and in AWP video you hear her yell for Drew, to come to the phone.Kielys parents are divorced, and it's apparent that the relationship between them are very intense.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MizzInacsent πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

When a body decomposes the bacteria eating away at the tissues produce gasses as a byproduct. Those gasses tend to accumulate in a body, causing it to become bloated. At a certain point, that gas will lower the total density enough to make the body float. If she wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, her corpse would have been able to float from the front seat area to the back seat, however, it probably wouldn’t be able to float over the back seat and into the hatch area.

Typically, when someone has been murdered , and their corpse is dumped into a lake, they make sure to use something weighted to prevent the body and/or their clothing from floating to the surface.

I believe in the AWP video, they said , β€œit’s impossible for her to get all the way back there, it looks suspicious.” I took this as meaning, her bloated corpse couldn’t have floated from the back row area to the hatch area, because the space was too narrow?

Also, the medical examiner and coroner’s office will be able to tell if she died before or after her car was in the lake. If Kiely drown in the lake; water, dirt, and vegetation will be found in her respitory tract. Drowning victims have fluid collections in the pleural cavities at autopsy REGARDLESS of the postmortem interval.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 59 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/marie224 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

My thoughts go out to this family. Having been in a head on vehicle accident where we both were 55 mph and having my 2 kids with me (and my 6 yr old dying in my arms) caused by a drunk driver with nothing to loose - it is sad and this family is in shock and dealing with the aftermath of this.

I will say this - if Kiely was so drunk as per "witnesses" at the party I do not think she is going to swim to the very back of the hatchback as the front passenger window was down (you can see in the video no broken glass there). She would have swam to the passenger side and get out vs out the back. IMO

Then there are the airbags were deployed so with her not being seatbelted up she would have neck injuries. The impact from airbags no matter what speed has some impact and no one talks about this - it is not like the movies you get wacked in the face and walk away.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DryAssociate7735 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 03 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Now that everyone can watch the video, what are yalls thoughts? I want to see an interview with Nick's gf corroborating his story.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bntite πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

"10 to Life" has Jared as GUEST on her most recent YouTube video. And "Popcorned Planet" did a interview with Doug today on YouTube.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MizzInacsent πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Did they ever find her cell phone?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Broad-Stage7329 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

So very strange

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Severe_Technician_30 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 02 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
(overlapping voices) - She had a guy with her. She was asking me really weird questions, like in the sense of how do you put on your seatbelt? - Now we know we probably have a tie to Boca. This drop is a big drop. - A mother is missing her 16 year old daughter. We need to find her and bring answers to this family. (water lapping) - We need to go get suited up. - [Reporter] Tonight, the weeks long search for missing teenager, Kiely Rodni, ended just yards from where it began. - Call the authorities. (pensive music) - [Nick] Kiely Rodni was last seen August 6th, 2022. She was driving a silver 2013 Honda CR-V, license plate number eight, Yankee, uniform, Romeo, 127. - [Doug] 16-year-old Kiely Rodni was last seen at a 300 person end of summer high school party in the Tahoe National Forest that stretched from Friday night into the early morning hours of Saturday. Authorities have conducted search efforts since then, including dive teams that entered Prosser Creek Reservoir on Wednesday, looking near the shoreline for signs of Rodni or her vehicle, but they found no clues to lead them to Rodni's whereabouts. Police said she last spoke with her friends and family shortly after midnight on August 6th, and her phone was turned off around 12:33 AM. Law enforcement has expressed frustration at the lack of viable tips, in that few of the 200 to 300 people at the party are coming forward with information. So we just got out of Best Buy after picking up some supplies here in Reno, Nevada. We're on our way to work the Kiely Rodni case, just down the street in Truckee, California. And Nick, a long time supporter, fan of ours, appreciate you for coming up to us, possibly has some information in regards to the Kiely Rodni case. So why don't you explain a little bit about what you may have run into? - So my name is Nick. I work at the emergency roadside assistance program. I got a call up in Truckee at Boca for a battery call. So pretty much that means that the vehicle can't start. So I went en route up there, found the vehicle. At the time, I didn't realize that this was a situation until later on, but- - Let me stop you right there. You said you went to Boca? - [Nick] Yes, sir. - [Doug] So over near Boca Lake? - [Nick] Yes, sir. - [Doug] So not Prosser Creek Lake. - It's right by Prosser Creek. - Yeah. So just north. So you went to Boca. - [Nick] At first, when I went there, I realized after my test that everything was working great on the vehicle. At that point in time, I did notice that she was very hesitant and very skeptical on everything that was going on. She was asking me really weird questions, like in the sense of, how do you put on your seatbelt correctly? And then she asked me to show her on how to connect it to her actual belt. After that, she was stating on how she was there all night and she couldn't get her vehicle started due to the fact that, now we both realize, it was in neutral. She was wearing a sweatshirt, so it looked like she has been there for quite a while. - [Doug] What color was the sweatshirt? - [Nick] It was a gray sweatshirt. - [Doug] Was it dark gray or light gray? - [Nick] It was light gray. - [Doug] Okay. - [Nick] Yeah. Also there was a guy there that was with her at time being, he was wearing a black San Francisco flat top ball cap facing forwards, brown hair sticking out just a little bit on the sides. It was kind of like they were both kinda at unease, is what it looked like for me, as if either they had a crazy night or a crazy day or there's something going on I couldn't know, and at the time I didn't realize what was going on. But other than that, he was, I mean, a thinner built guy is the best way I could put it, with a bro tank and... It was white bro tank. He had some freckles on his face, or maybe it was acne or whatnot, but it was on both sides of his face. He was also a little bit shorter than me, so I'm 6'3. - In hindsight, you're realizing all of this. When do you think that this took place? Was it before, during the day, after she disappeared? - [Nick] To be honest with you, it's either right after she disappeared or right before she disappeared, but it was around noonish, like 11 o'clock in the morning when I got out to her. And during that period of time, well, after the period, I told her that I was gonna leave and I hope you have a great day. Vehicle, I told her to keep it running for a couple of hours to obviously make sure everything's working good on the vehicle, charging system-wise. At that point in time, then I left, and then a week later is when I saw at a coffee shop that she was gone. - [Doug] You saw this on a flyer or something? - [Nick] Yeah. But then everything spiraled outta control and I got in contact with the detective and tried to do everything I could, and then I saw you guys. - Now we know we probably have a tie to Boca, which was already on my radar. Do you know who placed the call to your roadside company? - So I can't get details. Calls don't go through me, they go through- - Dispatch. So when you were digitally dispatched, did you call them to say you were coming or you just showed up? - I did call and nothing went through, it went straight to voicemail. - Do you know if she had a phone on her at the time? - She did state that her phone was dead, and so she used whatever guy, whoever this was, she used his phone. So that's how she did get in contact. - But what was, you mentioned she a was asking funny questions and acting weird. - Granted, at the time, I didn't realize, again, that- - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean, I've been in the towing industry my whole life. So you see a lot of crazy stuff, a lot of weird stuff, and it's actually pretty normal, so I can see why at the time it's just a normal call. - She kept on going over that, like, how do you secure your seatbelt firmly and do it correctly. - When she was asking this, was the guy that she was with right there too? - He was on the opposite side of the car. - So he could hear the conversation as well? - Every single time the guy would come over to us, she would go onto the other side, and it was just a back and forth, like a tag team better to say, like, one person would come over, she wouldn't stay near him, and then it would go vice versa. Or if we were at the front of the car going about the battery and talking about the battery, he was always on one side, she was on the other. They were never close to each other. - She was uncomfortable. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 'Cause, yeah, that screams awkwardness and someone being uncomfortable. When in that scenario, if he was there with her, he should have been right next to her, if not dealing with you the entire time and not her. Did she seem high or intoxicated? - I thought that maybe she was either hungover or just had a really rough day. She looked distressed. - Can you show me on the map where you saw her? - Absolutely. - [Doug] All right. We're here in Reno. Let's go down to Truckee. There's Prosser. There's Boca. Just drop a pin on the road exactly where you saw her. - Hold on, we're at the right place, right? Boca. You come in, you follow this road down. I think that is the turnout right there. Yeah. This is it. And so right there, how she was coming out this way and out of- - Her front end was facing 894? - Yeah. - All right. And did you leave before her or did she leave before you? - I left before her. - Was there anybody else around? - There was people far back here, I guess, but not near her, no. - Did you notice anything in particular in her car at all? - I mean, besides perfume bottles and, like... Yeah, actually there was a perfume bottle that was in the center console, and that was all that I recall, to be honest. - Did she have anything on her keys at all? - I don't remember. - Did you say that you guys have cameras that could possibly get some sort of facial recognition on? - Yeah, so we do indeed. We have cameras facing front and rear of our vehicles, as well as that we do have audio, so we could pick up audio from inside and outside of the truck. So we did have that. And I'm guaranteed, I mean, my vehicle is facing directly towards hers, and that's how I normally do it for my protection. - [Devon] What's the window you're giving us of when this happened? - Either Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, I believe. 'Cause the weekends I usually cover Truckee, and that Friday I also worked in Truckee. - [Devon] If you were to make a bet on what day it was, what would you say? - I mean, when I was looking back under my GPS under my phone on where I'd been, I was there both Saturday and Sunday, farther into Boca. - Everything you just heard unfolded right here where I'm standing. Talking about where Nick described him parking his service van when he pulled up to give the battery service to Kiely, he parked his van right here facing that direction. Her vehicle was parked right over here, facing 894. That way. We're going outside of what we would normally do, 'cause we're normally working cold cases that have hardly had any resources whatsoever applied to them. This case has had over 10,000 man hours over the last two weeks placed in at Prosser. I'm confident in what has been done at Prosser. It doesn't mean I'm not gonna check it, it just means that I'm not gonna start there. We're gonna make the most of our time by starting where we know not that much work was put into. (suspenseful music) - [Doug] I am a firm believer in second chances. However, some things don't deserve forgiveness. Maliciousness does not deserve forgiveness. Cold blooded, coldheartedness, taking the life of a 16-year-old deserves zero forgiveness. I have set a radius of 10 miles around Prosser Creek Reservoir. We're going to work hard. We have Stampede, Independence, Boca and Prosser Creek all within that 10 mile range. - Tomorrow marks two weeks since the Truckee teenager disappeared after attending a party at a campground. We are learning tonight that a new group of volunteers are coming from out of state to help find her. - Everybody just wants the same outcome. It doesn't matter who finds her. - 40 To 50 feet off shore, you could easily conceal a vehicle right in here. - [Reporter] Doug Bishop and his team is ready to join the search for missing Truckee teenager, Kiely Rodni. - We all have one goal. We all just want to find Kiely. I've just located in the corner of this cove here, a target that I cannot identify. We're also talking about a vehicle that is not gonna come up the way a vehicle would if it had been under here for 10 years. Based on the height, it's not anything, however, I just want to make sure. The reason that this is suspicious is because you could dump a car down that hill back here in this corner in this little cove, and no one will see it. - [Reporter] The team, coming in just days after authorities announcing they are scaling back the search for Kiely. - [Lt. Barnhart] We've had over 9,000 man hours into searching, which is pretty astronomical. Our biggest problem is where do we go, and how do we keep sustaining this? - They just want help. They don't care how it gets done, they just want it done. (cell phone rings) - Hey, Nick. - Hey, can you hear me? - Yeah. - I was just doing a test to see if a vehicle did go down in here, if they had cell service to call somebody 'cause we're not far from where she had to call 'cause she apparently couldn't start the vehicle. - Right, right. - Okay. Just testing. - All right, buddy. - All right, bye. - So we've cleared the area behind the campground that was just behind where Nick serviced her car, allegedly, the day after she went missing. And we're now coming up along 894, as it heads north up towards Stampede Reservoir. There is a guardrail right there, however, if the vehicle went off this, you would have evidence of it. - Unfortunately, we didn't find anything, but at least we can say we cleared it and she's not in this lake, or at least her vehicle isn't. - I hope it's an accident, because accidents happen. As tragic as it would be regardless, if she's no longer with us, an accident is better than somebody maliciously doing something horrible to her. I mean, you could just imagine the way that that would happen in your last moments, knowing that someone is taking your life versus I'm in an accident and it's quick. It's just different. It's a lot different. And I hope that if that's how this is ended, it's an accident versus at the hand of somebody else. - What would you wanna say to Kiely tonight? - I love her so, so much. So many people love you. And we're all looking and we're all trying so, so hard. And I'm so sorry we haven't found you yet, but we're not giving up, and just hang in there. (melancholy music) - [Reporter] Intensifying search for a missing 16-year-old California girl who vanished after a campground party. Police are treating this as a possible abduction. - [Reporter] Investigators believe someone knows something. They're asking anyone with information to come forward. - When you miss a loved one, or a friend or a community member, and you don't know, that's a nightmare. I don't wanna find her. I want to be able to clear all this water and be able to tell the family she's not here. She's not here. (melancholy music) - [Nick] That was, I think, the area of interest, but it looks like there's no way you could get a vehicle in there. - So we're here at one of the ponds behind the shopping center. And as we can tell, there's not hardly any access whatsoever for a vehicle, plus it is extremely shallow. (melancholy music continues) - Here, the ground is a lot harder, so tire tracks are a lot harder to see. However, we can see tire tracks clear as day. You got a tire track right here. Look at this. See that? Those are tire tracks. We also have equipment there, trucks during the day, probably workers. But whether or not we can see tire tracks, it doesn't matter 'cause I can see out at least more than 100 feet. You can clearly see the growth. And the growth, the pattern in the growth, the vegetation, nothing's been changed. If a car would go in, there'd be a path. And a car's not gonna go that far out right here. There's no path. There's nothing cut. You could launch a car off here though. It's just you're not gonna hide it right there. (melancholy music) - Saturday, August 20th. We're at Donner Lake, Truckee, California. We can see a lot of visibility. I can see the bottom. I still can see the bottom. Wow. We can't see it on drone. So right here where it stops, it drops off significantly. So if it were to come in here, it's gonna make it... This drop is a big drop, so it's gonna keep... If it went in here, it's gonna keep going. We're not gonna be able to see it. - Although the team could not say specifically what brought them out here to Donner Lake, they are concentrating on the boat launch and the area surrounding it. (water lapping) (motor chugging) - [Doug] 4 feet, 5 feet, 10 feet, 16, 17, 19, 22 feet. 26, 30, 42 feet, 50 feet. Wow. - [Nick] It gets deep quick. - It does get very deep. 75 feet, 80 feet already. 93 feet, 105 feet. I'm gonna change my scanning to 100 feet either way to compensate for the depth. 117 feet deep right here. 142 feet. Do some vertical in and out patterns. - [Nick] Sure. (motor chugging) - [Doug] 117 feet deep right here. 142 feet. Coming down the side here at 40, 41 feet. So if we are considering foul play, would you do this right across the street from the fire department? - [Nick] In a panic scenario, and you only know the areas that you're familiar with? You don't know, people do weird stuff when they're in a panic. - [Doug] Looking for fresh cars. Really hard to see. That's why I'm just being really- - [Nick] Right. I gotcha. (motor chugging) (water lapping) - [Nick] What is that? Rocks? How's it still under there? Must just be rocks. A layer of them or something. - I don't think it will roll that far, man. - [Nick] Especially 'cause there were rocks. I know that there'd be air in it and it would come up. - It just depends on how buoyant it was. - [Nick] There's no way. Once it gets, it's not... 50 yards maximum. Go one more time over by that corner. - [Doug] Yeah, there's a little spot at the end they could have gone off. - [Nick] See, that doesn't have a curb. If you look over here, you can see there's no guard rail or anything on this road, so we're just gonna scan the whole lake right here, make sure it's clear 'cause a vehicle could easily, whether it's accident or on purpose, go off the road into the lake. It drops off pretty steep. We're at 31 feet out here, so that's why we're gonna clear it. (suspenseful music) - [Nick] Lake's clear. It's super shallow around the edges other than right here, but you can see the bottom for almost 100, 150 feet off the shoreline. And there was only a few places where a car could even make it in there. We went even above and beyond that, so I'm 100 percent confident that the vehicle is not in this lake. - We have now cleared five miles of shoreline on all three boat ramps here on Donner Lake. - And we still have questions and not a ton of answers. So maybe one of you, I know somebody out there has answers. If you or somebody you know thinks you might know something that happened that day or that night, you need to come forward. You need to step up. Call the authorities, talk to somebody, and get the information out there. There's a 16-year-old daughter missing. A mother is missing her 16-year-old daughter. We need to find her and bring answers to this family. - [Reporter] The team, specializing in cracking cold cases free of charge, and they came from miles away to help solve her mysterious disappearance now two weeks after she went missing. - Day two in our search for Kiely Rodni. We're beginning right here at ground zero, Prosser Family Recreation Site, where 16-year-old Kiely disappeared from. According to law enforcement, this was her last known location. Yesterday we based our search off of a tip that we deemed credible. We took that, we dissected it, and determined that we should start in a different area. Those areas were within our 10 mile radius. We were able to rule them out, and that's what brings us back to square one here at Prosser Family Campground. - Kiely and her family are from the local area here in Truckee, California. And everywhere we have gone along this search, we have seen these posters absolutely everywhere. It's great to see a community come together in support for this family in need. And it's also because of a community like you that we are able to do what we do. So please, if you haven't done so already, please like, subscribe, share and watch these videos. We really appreciate everything you do for us. (tense music) - [Reporter] Yeah. Thank you so much. Of course, a lot of questions as you did mention there, and a big one is this dive team was able to find her. They went out there this weekend, found her pretty quickly, while investigators searched that area and hadn't found her. Have they responded to say, I guess, why that is? - Push us out. - Good luck, boys. - Time is 10:41. We are now on Prosser Creek Reservoir. This is, according to law enforcement, Kiely's last known location. So we're looking for a silver vehicle. Her Honda CR-V is silver in color. Helicopters have stated that they could see the bottom of this reservoir. We've had multiple different extreme levels of sonar utilized by different sonar teams in this reservoir. I'm confident in what they've done, however, and not to sound cocky, but if we haven't searched it, it hasn't been searched. That's our motto so that we stay efficient and protect the integrity of everything we do as we're working for families and law enforcement. So I'm theorizing that the bottom of this reservoir is a similar color to silver. Could it have not been seen? Absolutely. Could the car be in here? According to law enforcement, like I said, we are at her last known location. They said her cell phone stopped pinging right here at 12:33 AM on August 6th. Today we're gonna be putting myself and Nick, two boats in for one. It's gonna be great training for Nick. As you guys know, we're training Nick to be a team lead for our second team. So not only is two boats better than one, but we're also utilizing my ability to put Nick out in front of me so I can see what he's seeing, see what he misses, see if he catches anything and so forth. Great training opportunity. (motor chugging) In speaking with the Placer County Sheriff's Department, they did advise me that it got down to about 55 feet deep. And right now we are at 45 feet reading on live scope. Real consistent 45 feet here. This just got sent to me. I cannot name who did, but it says, "The Truckee Facebook missing persons groups are on fire with speculation about what happened to Kiely. The thing is that some of it may not be speculation. It may be real clues as to what happened. The party, 200 plus, fact is there was a lot of drinking and drugging, reported fights, some disturbing behavior between Kiely and a girl named (censored) minutes before the party suddenly breaking up. And then cars started flying outta the parking lot. Something bad happened, and all the kids' parents told them not to get involved. You may want to keep in mind that there's a possibility of what happened to Kiely could be more sinister and there was a panic." I knew, you know? I feel the same way. A kid goes missing after attending a party of 200 to 300 people, there's always most likely something that happened at that party. Someone knows something. Someone possibly did something. It's an accurate and fair assessment to make. Not only one person knows, but multiple people know. This boat ramp over here is in our target area as well. This entire reservoir. But we have another boat ramp right here. You can see the cars, how they pull down right to the water all the way over here. So if something bad happens, you could put a car in here anywhere. We are on the side where the party was here at the campground. So if we're gonna find the vehicle, I would fully expect to find it right where we are right now. Really shallow, man. It's only two feet. (motor chugging) - Hey, does this lake get pretty dry at the end of the summer? - Really? Okay. There's something weird. Let me see the camera. We'll go by it a couple times. There's something creating a big shadow right there. It's right off this point. If they scanned it, how would they miss that? So I'm assuming it's nothing 'cause they did have dive teams. But I don't want to be the guy that just says, "Oh, it's nothing 'cause it doesn't look like a car." - Where are you at? - So we're gonna head over here to the other side of the reservoir, where there are lots of drive lanes down to the waters edge where people have cookouts, get togethers, parties, family gatherings. This is a prime location where Kiely's vehicle could have made it into the reservoir. (water lapping) (motor chugging) - [Doug] Is that what you just saw? - [Nick] Yeah. So it's just a big shadow there, you see that? - [Doug] Yeah, it doesn't make sense though. It's only 10 feet of water. We definitely have something manmade, big. - It's probably nothing, but it is a big shadow. - It's something. - Isn't that weird? I mean, it's just big. - It's definitely something. Directly under us right now. What is that, Carson? Is that a boat or is that an SUV? Whatever it is, it has build up on it. Could be a car. More in the shape of a boat. And I'm seeing similarities that show build up, which we shouldn't have build up on this car. It's only been two weeks. - It looked like an upside down sunken boat. - Possibly. Could be a boat. It's something though. I believe it's a car. And I have to be quiet because I don't wanna alarm the entire campground right now. This is an ongoing investigation. Man, we're getting some funny imaging on this, which is indicative of a newer vehicle. There it is. See that? What is that? That's a wheel. You see the wheel? Is it a wheel? Is it a boat? Looks like a wheel, man. Look at that. Look at that, that's a wheel. That's a wheel, dude. We have a wheel. It's tall, whatever it is. (suspenseful music) Got it. Got it. - We got a car. We got a car, so... Trying to pull myself directly over it. That is not giving a good reading, but there's a wheel. You see it? We need to go get suited up. We need to figure out how to get our RV over here. You guys put us in this position. Everybody that supports us, y'all put us in this position. We wouldn't be able to afford to do this if it wasn't for you. Let's assess our situation. 18 different agencies, over 19,000 man hours have been put into this, not a zero vehicle was found in this reservoir. That is giving me a really weird reading. It looks just like a car. It looks just like an SUV, and it looks like it's giving me some misreadings the way a newer car would, so amazing scan. Great job, man. Great job scanning that. We need to do this as quietly as possible. - Oh, yeah. And it's slipping. It's slipping on some of the vehicle the way a newer car would. And actually it's not getting a... It's smooth. I can tell that it's smooth. Is it a boat? It absolutely could be a boat, but I doubt it, man. - [Doug] Right. Right. No one at camp can know what we're doing. Everybody's phones need to be turned off. If you have a phone, you need to turn your phone off right now. The last thing that we want to do is cause alarm to the family If this is a car, and it's not the car we're looking for, I wanna be able to do that peacefully. I don't wanna cause turmoil. If anybody knows that we found a car right now, it's just gonna be unnecessary... It's gonna be unnecessary trauma for the family. We need to go back to the ramp and cause as little... We found nothing. We're just moving locations. That's all. All right? If this is her, this means all hope is lost as far as her still being out there and her showing up, her being found safe. This is devastating. This is as devastating as it gets. It's different when we're finding somebody who's been missing for 20 and 30 years. This child, 16 year old, same age as my daughter. She's only been missing for two weeks. Literally the campground is right up over the hill. Right over the hill. This car is 3/10 of a mile from the campground she was at. (water lapping) (suspenseful music) (suspenseful music continues) - [Doug] This is absolutely a crime scene. It's an active investigation. Our job is to be here to find the where, which we have done. Now we need to assess it appropriately. Full assessment. Condition of the vehicle, windows up or down. Do not remove license plate like we normally do. (suspenseful music continues) - 10-4. Do a full assessment methodically, slowly. Make sure you focus on footage of the vehicle so that we can accurately relay that to the authorities. - 10-4. I read you loud and clear. - 10-4. Take your time and be safe. - 10-4. I read you loud and clear. - 10-4. - Copy that. Rear driver's side window is down. - [Carson] Yep. It's what we do it for, brother. Good job. Good job. It's positive, you know? All right. - She's in the back of the vehicle. - [Carson] Okay. - She's not in the driver's seat. It looks suspicious to me. - [Carson] Yeah. - Vehicle's upside down. One window is halfway down, one window is all the way down. Call the authorities. - We help families all across the nation. And when we find out, they are notified first. So we're gonna notify them first. My very next call will be to local authorities. (melancholy music) - [Doug] Yes, sir. - And in our investigation coming into this... This is just what we do. We find vehicles underwater. We specialize in it. - I don't know what you guys know. And we don't always know the why, we just try to find the where. And that's why I can't relate with whatever you're speaking on right now. - The car is upside down. But that's common when a car goes in the water because the wheels make it buoyant. - All of the windows except for one, yes. - So Nick is my diver. - Driver rear? - She's in the back. - [Doug] I would recommend... - [Doug] It's your daughter. This is your daughter, dude. Do what you want to do. I would recommend this is not a part of this. - [Doug] I'm Doug. Who are you with? - [Doug] Yeah. Where you see the buoy behind me, 14 feet under the buoy is her vehicle. My diver was able to identify there are remains in the back. (indistinct police radio traffic) (melancholy music) - [Reporter] The specialty search and rescue team Adventures With Purpose say that they have located the body and vehicle of the missing teen. They say they found Rodni inside her car, which is in just 14 feet of water. The team says they've notified family and law enforcement. Placer County Sheriff's Office will now be taking over the investigation. (melancholy music) - [Reporter] She was last seen around midnight at a high school graduation party with more than a hundred people. Kiely had texted her mother that night, telling her she would be leaving the party in about 45 minutes. And her mom texted her to be safe and told her she loved her. She said her daughter texted, "Okay, mom, I love you too." Kiely's silver Honda SUV had never been found until, reportedly, today. (melancholy piano music) (melancholy piano music continues) - [Reporter] We believe out of the 200 to 300 juveniles and young adults who were at that party, somebody must know something. (melancholy piano music continues) - [Reporter] This just into our newsroom, the Nevada County Sheriff Coroner has confirmed the body found in the car that was pulled from Prosser Lake over the weekend is that of missing Truckee teen, Kiely Rodni. - She just graduated high school at 16 with high honors. She's so intelligent and beautiful, and just such a kind and wonderful person. (melancholy music) - [Lindsey Rodni-Nieman] We just want her home. We're so scared and we miss her so much, and we love her so much. And, Kiely, we love you. And if you see this, please just come home. I want nothing more than to hug you. (melancholy music continues)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 4,139,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kiely rodni, kiely rodni missing, missing persons, missing persons cases, missing persons cases solved, dangerous scuba diving, found car, recovered car, found car underwater, adventures with purpose, documentary, true crime, family friendly, Recovery, Adventure, For you, diving, murder, mystery, tow truck, wrecker, adventure, missing, search and rescue, car crash, car wreck, cold case, cold case detective, crime stories, search and recovery, prosser creek, news, Kiely rodni found
Id: bPwnDyW26gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 9sec (2829 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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