Cold Case SOLVED || 30 Year Old Jeff Shepherd Found In Pond 3 1/2 Years Later

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602 ljc we just confirmed the last played it's him teaming up with adventures with purpose depths of history adam brown's adventures and exploring with nugg we began our first attempt to locate jeffrey anthony shepherd near winfield tennessee the 30 year old male was last seen on march 12 2018 leaving missy's bar and was believed to be heading home to whitley city kentucky even with multiple locations searched we were unable to pinpoint his whereabouts during the team's efforts put forth during the fall excursion so what i want you to do is we're going to go far over as we can and then come back around and then search this area go from go straight up there when you get to my boat trailer hang a hard left and go straight that way so you see the big tree on the on the on the bridge there on the left yeah okay head straight for the third tree on the left you see where that that dead looking tree is that one right there head straight forward that one i don't think we're looking at the same tree if he come down here and he went off of this right here straight through he could have hydroplaned quite a bit my guess is probably the left of that yeah that log in front of you yeah say to the left of it you think or should you go oh yeah definitely left of that for sure ow i felt it but then i felt the smack i was saving you i know you was like you did with that mosquito right yeah i did save you that night too yeah you do you're welcome for that so awp is with us they're uh they've came down they've searched their areas obviously they're here so they probably didn't find anything but at least a lot of places have been searched on that particular area from here we're going to decide on where we're going to go this reservoir looked like a good spot very potential spot right jerry yeah there's no reason that toodling around here when we go to the other spot how about that is that good enough okay rocks rocks rocks rocks most of the information surrounding jeff's case was speculation and rumors based on what few facts were known one thing was for certain he would not have left his parents and family whom he lived with and cared for very much awesome so so we'll just get ahead go ahead and get ready thank you sir thank you all right so what we have is the sheriff is going to go ask permission for this area best friend of jeff's we spoke with so he has he the the sheriff has already told us to go ahead and search so we're going to get the boat ready and uh put it in the water and search this pond let's hope we uh bring him home you got maybe about a foot and a half of uh cocktails and he wants right here he ain't already looked at it it's a perfect spot all we'll do is uh we'll just get that boat ready and we'll just carry over here yeah it shouldn't take us but about 15 maybe 20 minutes to get the ready and get the sonar on there and just go at it real quick okay thank you sir guys the uh sheriff of mccreery county they're they're amazing people come over here to help try to try to bring him home so thank you [Music] i said it take 15 minutes to do this i think it's the fastest time i've ever done anything tell me i haven't sweated all day today i'm drenched now oh no he was just backing it up in air conditioning look at that these two boys are trying lindsay's carrying the whole boat all right if you fall in it's ocean's fault jerry's fault it'll be jerry's fault all right sir we'll have uh we'll have answers in about five or ten minutes can you give a give me the paddle and throw it to me i'm not getting this water because i know what's gonna happen i'm gonna go this high in water because you were pulling all them wild thunderbirds let's see how good he is i'm gonna get hit i was expecting to get hit it was a pretty good throw i told you if i'd have got in that water i was going up to my neck that was pretty dag um deep hey remember that time you said hey you want your paddles no no i'll be all right yeah about 10 minutes ago no i'll be all right i'll get it i think that's like all the times that i've been like hey you want that extra fuel can nope white water kayaking chaos i swear hey it moves yay it sure is deep enough it's eight feet deep the area is very logical a very potential spot for jeff to go in it's right off the highway kind of off the beaten path of the highway so nobody would see them but i'm going to tell you what it's eight and a half feet i can see the bottom there is absolutely nothing in here like not even a log so what we have here i'm going around in circles let me get this straight it's the middle of my boat 40 feet out 40 feet out right there was a was a point i just got to this is clean there's no objects in here there's not even a stump not even a log super clean i know exactly you know there's there's a lot of things i know about this sonar and i'm telling you there's nothing in here we're gonna probably in this go to the hotel and and go to our next case which is uh corbin kentucky nikki i'm sorry and the family of jeff i'm sorry but we uh we weren't able to locate them today keep pushing in life guys keep diving it's not worth it to stop that means continue on push harder and don't give up love each and every one of you and thank you from the bottom of my heart on the support you give and to the new folks welcome to the channel absolutely nothing sir eight and a half feet head i did that on purpose now you don't have any sticks in your face you did good i said duck and you ducked and i'm pretty sure i even held the camera straight you did you did good i said you did good that was like a total hold my beer moment hold my ski and watch this not hold my beer hello hey nicky hi jacob here um so randy came so let's go ahead and do it the pond is nine and a half feet which is very likely to have a vehicle uh we got the boat ready put it in we searched around absolutely nothing flat waters or flat laying on the bottom and uh it's cleared okay how are you there yeah well like i said you know it was an honor to work for you um and try to bring home jeff i am you know i apologize that we uh we have to go but we're gonna go to corbin and uh try to you know try to help out another family see what we can do for them so if you find any other spots that you think that are logical that you would like checked the chances of us coming back are very likely since we're not super close but we're close enough that i can come and help okay i said you know i'm super thankful for you guys even though you weren't able to bring that closure i'd say you're going to bring somebody's closures if you guys do great things so i mean i am officially because of you well i i appreciate that and uh like i said if you need us call us and uh we'll try to make it over here i really appreciate that all right all right god bless and uh i'll talk to you later all right all right bye all right on to the next one [Music] not having to work on that fateful day jeff after an alleged fight with his assumed girlfriend made his first stop at the cozy inn bar and grill the bartender said he did not drink and left with the intention of going to his lawyer's office to which he never made it later in the afternoon jeff visited chitwood's bar where his girlfriend and a gentleman came in in a possible second fight ensued after this altercation jeff continued with his day and visited a few other bars although witnesses state that he did not show signs of intoxication jeff's truck had last been seen at a gas station on the county line shortly after 7 pm but jeff was not the person driving the 1984 ford f-150 the gentleman who was driving the primer gray truck with a brown driver's door and red passenger's door purchased ten dollars in gas a case of beer and headed back towards the bars on highway 27. another tip that was offered was that jeff's truck was seen leaving missy's bar around 9 30 p.m a witness stated that the truck stalled a couple of times and then finally tore out of the parking lot spraying gravel jeff never made it home that night he and his truck were not seen again until chaos divers made a return trip to kentucky on december 5th 2021. [Music] [Music] this trip was at the request of his family and friends they had received new information on a rock quarry right off highway 27 in shrunk kentucky it was believed this area was searched and they were unaware that the guard rail had been extended since jeff's disappearance today's episode brings us back to winfield tennessee where we're searching for jeff shepard jeff shepherd went missing almost four years in what two months three months three months so we have josh's brother here we have amelia and then we have uh nikki and this area that we're searching today the likelihood of him being in here is really great because where we have searched is a mile or two miles down the road right next to the highway on 27 where he was last known right so with this spot is there is there a certain reason why we're on this spot here he's coming south he's coming from southbound head northbound all the way there right there that road and you know the guardrail has changed since you know he went missing so it's a good possibility he squished between the guardrail ended up in there okay so we're gonna we're gonna search this area completely and then uh if if he's not in here we're gonna continue the search different areas try to find some different waterways to search and hopefully we can find them so we got the awp boat ready i have graham here graham has helped us out pulling out the silverado i appreciate you coming and helping out with the boat and stuff so he's going to be with me and we're going to get out here and see if we can locate a vehicle you sure you don't need my jacket i'm sure i'm leaving soon thank you okay assisting chaos divers was graham who had assisted on our previous visit with the landowner's permission we got set up and slid the boat into the water all right oh there's a bigger log here in it all right if you want to go ahead and hop in oh i need a large life vest all right just go ahead and get in and then i'll pop your uh [Applause] come on now don't you fall in now all right go ahead yeah all right i'm gonna push you out and hopefully this will work we didn't bring the paddles oh you butthead we didn't push the paddle or bring the paddles with us so i know i hear you hey lindsey why don't you have your paddle just maybe one of those paddles all right let's go find jeff what do you say okay hope he's in here previous episodes we have searched for jeff we were with adventures with purpose exploring snug depths of history adam brought adventures they all have videos of the of the search check them out yep [Applause] [Music] yeah i have the fuel on thanks appreciate it it's pretty pretty daggum deep it goes up shallow real quick too water temperature is 53 degrees if the vehicle was in here it would be right up here right right yeah it'd be about right where it'll be i don't see it so oh look over here this is where i turned see that yeah it's a big truck it is it's a big big truck it's got a big shadow on it too give me a second this is it that's a big vehicle might be two of them there yeah i think there's something behind it that was crazy how did i see it and now i don't oh the truck that's 100 it's right underneath this right there and 15 feet of water i'm going to tell you i'm 90 sure that's that's the truck within 30 minutes of beginning a truck was displayed on the screen and the information was shared with those present yeah yeah let me get let me get parked i'll talk to you about it yeah let me get let me get up front and then or out and then i'll uh get you out with the rope grab that rope behind you you're gonna feel a tug all right go ahead graham can i see your phone i don't know for a fact but the area the route it is a truck it's 15 feet deep i'll dive it today i'll make sure if it is or is it his okay would you like to see [Music] so did i'll wait hood truck bed yeah i'm not gonna say it's his is it backwards in there it's kind of hard to tell because you went by yes pretty sure it's backwards in there and now he probably came from up the the vehicle probably came up from up there went in floated settled down right there in that hole it's uh just right in that little area we're gonna go and mark it so i can get ready and i'll dive it and i'll i'll verify if it is or isn't we'll we'll go from there okay guys is so you see this item right in my sonar and it's take a picture yes ma'am in my sonar experience when it shows white like that it hasn't been in the water for 20 years okay it's been in the water for five three four silt buries it over silt bears it over silt gives me a lot of detail this does not have a lot of detail the only thing that's all we can do guys so appreciate you we we try our best and and we're here for the family and i promised her if she needed me i'd be here and where am i at a day later she needed me i'm here now with that picture if you'll look at it you see how grainy it looks because it's a fresher vehicle it didn't have time to get a lot of silt on it over the years you could see more details now with this one same way it's giving me like a flashy i'm not saying it's hiss but i'm saying it hasn't been in there for it's been in there for at least three maybe four years and it looks like a square body truck and it's a square body truck yeah well let's put some closure i know this will hurt but put some closure all right hopefully well that's what we're here for drop it down all the way down i'm hooked all right good good job he just tied your nut he just tied my knot this guy's wrangled a few uh cattle in this day huh i used to rodeo i could tell knowing the vehicle on sonar matched the physical description of jeff's square body truck it was immediately dove on and plates were located i'm gonna sound like a wuss i'm gonna tell you right now it ain't not cold you got warm clothes uh-huh you got dry clothes yeah i got you [Music] [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] oh so i can't keep so [Music] do so okay [Music] [Music] every indication so while jacob was unable to confirm if anyone or anything was in the truck he rose from the clay bottom with plate in hand with a heavy heart he read the plate aloud 602 ljc all windows are rolled up and i can't see inside i'm sorry you good hey good job 602 ljc this was the confirmation needed and law enforcement was called mccreary county sheriff's department arrived on scene quickly and geno's heavy duty towing and recovery was called out the vehicle was quickly rigged for removal yeah yeah so this is this is an old super old south truck what i'm thinking if do do we have you have those endless yeah so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to cradle around both sides of the uh axles yeah and then i'll come back with it and i'll put hook up yeah so you can't it's fine so you want me to do this rear end just go around it yep or the front just like that cradle it and then hook it up put those two up and hook the hook up and then we'll do those same way yep okay yep that'll work just in case i do lose it yeah you're good if you do don't worry about we'll get no one [Music] um [Music] so [Music] [Music] so just like you told me right side is driver's side left side passenger side but i've got it underneath where the bumper is i got it on that axle that's coming out to where he welded that bumper on he's trapped around there okay that's the only way i can get it just see saw it in start coming up with it should come up but i appreciate that [Music] and as he pulls a little bit i'll grab it from the back around maybe through the tight wheel and just drag it back around okay yeah i think it's very good yeah i mean you can do whatever you need to do we'll load it take it to the proposed or you want me to go ahead and start yeah yeah go ahead the kentucky state police investigators arrived and gave the approval for the truck to be removed the silence was deafening as the truck began to appear and was brought onto the bank while said to announce that jeff's remains were confirmed to be in the truck it comes with a great relief to be able to provide his loved ones with the answers they fought for so intensely without the movement created by awp it would not be possible for so many of us to participate in this type of work this is something chaos divers feels compelled in our hearts to do and we thank you all for your continued support [Music] [Music] [Music] guys it's it's been a long day the family has answers thank you so much graham no problem and uh thank you everyone for your support the family now has answers keep diving it's not worth to the stop which means somebody out there loves you if they don't we love you thank you guys
Channel: Chaos Divers
Views: 3,074,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cold Case SOLVED || 30 Year Old Jeff Shepherd Found In Pond 3 1/2 Years Later, recovered truck, missing persons cases solved 2021, cold case full movie, cold case files full episodes, adventures with purpose missing person, chaos divers youtube channel, chaos divers solved, missing persons cold cases solved, recently solved missing persons cases, truck found underwater, truck found in pond, cold case, chaos divers, Jeff Shepherd, Jeff Shepherd kentucky, sonar finds truck
Id: ypcTp5Hu5gQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 40sec (1840 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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