Solo Overnight in a Suspended Shelter and Campfire Bacon Wrapped Onion Rings

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welcome to corporals corner today we're gonna do a bushcraft overnighter in a suspended shelter so stick around have an outstanding show coming up all right another week bites the dust which gives you another solo overnighter in the woods and I'm thinking it's time to bushcraft something it's been a few weeks so so I'm gonna get back out there get on that horse make something and then sit back and enjoy the fruits of our labor now one thing always teaching preach are three to six mill not millimeter mil thickness 55-gallon drum liners they can be used for anything from water collection to browse beds to even shelters or improvised tarps one thing I've done in the past is use them to make improvised raised beds and I got thinking about that it's a lot of work involved and it's a raised bed you're off the ground but one thing we haven't done yet is use them to make an improvised hammock system or swing and a lot of times the grounds muddy sweat storm comes through and you're either sleeping on the ground on a browse bed under a tarp or in a tent most people aren't carrying hammock systems especially during the wintertime so why not use what we have meaning to six mil 55-gallon drum lighters and create improvised hammock or swing in other words a suspended shelter so here's what I'm thinking right here got these two trees run a ridge Pole to support my swing or my suspended shelter secure them off with a square lash or a diagonal lash using number 36 Bank line from there I'll go ahead and utilize the same two trees to run our ridge line for our tarp system either a lean-to or an a-frame one full 40 inch step away a backstop meaning a windscreen for a long fire and using that same mentality we're gonna be off the ground the lean-to tarp with a reflective side on the inside it should be basically a gigantic oven and that heat and that fire will come off and go around my entire body theoretically it sounds good let's give it a shot it's not getting any easier however Cobra Kai never dies metal work [Music] all right so far so good and the best part is I know for a fact that 3 inch diameter log with that branch will hold my fat a SS nice outstanding now before I get the question yes Greenwood for everything I don't want a dead branch up there it snaps on me in the night no I secured those using a square lash you can use the diagonal lash pick your poison but the point is make sure to last properly notice grab something and whip it on like a shoelace and be like all it's a lash it's not a lash you use the correct lashes if you want to get more familiar with these type of lashes click on the icon on top of the screen and I'll take you to one of those videos now let's talk about suspending our bed paracord will stretch around 300 pounds yes - no it's 550 paracord but around 300 350 it tends to want to stretch rope it's probably the best choice however the longer the rope or the bigger the diameter is the more bulky it's gonna be so today I want you something called mule tape now in the past I've shown this mule tape mu L ETA PE has a break strength of over 1800 pounds and if you look at this this is 25 foot right here in my opinion is a nice healthy option to rope less weight less bulk and I can carry more so tying your clove hitch is pretty simple all we're going to do find your halfway point have your mule tape you over top of our branch then when I come back up underneath lift that piece and slide it underneath then dress it up now it works best make sure that this is on the top of your branch so you have two straps that hang off that you can tie your bed off to I'm gonna go ahead and double bag it because I have no idea with this polls have been that's gonna look pretty sweet so now to hang that bad boy all we gotta do is grab our mule tape go around it in a Marlin or marlinespike hitch and secure it off with a clove hitch so we're going to do is go right over left and it creates a loop I'm going to walk that loop upwards reach inside pull it through it forms a pocket that pocket right there we're going to go ahead and take our branches or our cross members and place it through there we can do this we can do anything [Applause] nice so it started to rain all I do is drop that front flap down going to an a-frame as long as my tarp extends past my bed it's gonna shed water so I'm happy you're happy I'm happy but ultimately I built it so my opinion matters [Music] [Music] [Music] doing work always makes me hungry now for you gear junkies check this out I got something new from self-reliance Outfitters it's called a bedroll cook set check that bad boy out basically it comes with an adjustable grill I mean I can raise it up and down depend on the heat that I want it also comes with adjustable swing arm for a bush pot let's check that bad boy out all right check it out so taking your grill all you're gonna do hook it on there like so and flip it over got this little metal retaining clip right here slide it up I'm thinking a middle dowel stab it and ground wherever you wanted that pop that bad boy on there voila swing it away or adjust it up and down now we have a swing arm for the pushpot I can go on top or underneath it also swings away look at that outstanding need to inspect the product outstanding mmm the food of the gods [Music] [Applause] sriracha mayo tell you what no it smells good taste test time baby bacon-wrapped onion rings oh my god this stuff is killer man dude hmm so here we are being cooked alive in this oven that I made but all I'm thinking about is baked wrapped onion rings this is pretty cool shelter but well I'm thinking about right now is Western bacon cheeseburgers corporal style using these bad boys right here and crunchy and chewy that onion palm no there we go Wow do you what today every single time this is the best one yet no this is actually is the best one yet and that bacon rubbed I put on there that was the maple bacon rub dude that with a sriracha that male Houston creamy um God dude this truly is the food of the gods and being half God myself it's hard to get this here on earth and go for about 20 more of those hey what we kind of cool like at a party - mm-hmm man bacon-wrapped onion rings baby tell you what that dinner was amazing outstanding this table east bacon-wrapped onion rings that sauce was good too let's talk about this shelter Lee quick now we've done this before we've taken our tarp our reflective tarp the long fire and a windscreen and we were basically warm all night now out there we're looking at 30 degrees in here it's approaching 80 very quickly the one thing that sets his shelter apart from the rest of them is the fact that were suspended or floating so that heat has actually come off that long fire going over my body and underneath me as well I'm touching this plastic and it's warm to the touch so being suspended 18 inches off the ground long as that fires going there's no doubt in my mind I'll be warm all night there's no fear of conduction mean my body touching the cold ground or even this cold plastic because it's warm no worry about any type of cold air hitting me because that long fire is just pumping out to heat and again it's going over top of me and underneath me as well this is outstanding every time I built a shelter I'm like well this is the warmest I've been so far well honestly if this is I'm actually starting to get extremely hot right now and another 20 30 minutes of this I'll be laying here frying in my bacon grease bacon-wrapped corporal I want to go ahead and say thanks again for checking out the channels that I mentioned endurance room just Burchill his channels jumped I appreciate that same with blackhat bushcraft coal cracker bushcraft great beauty green beret salty dog outdoors so I appreciate you guys checking those channels out now this week's channel a little bit different this guy's an old-timer been around for a while very experienced very knowledgeable good attitude just a great good old boy has a lot of down and dirty videos and his name is Blackey Thomas now Blackie his channel is called Milwaukee Thomas now he goes out there and gets it done has a great attitude and has one goal to educate people in the woods and I appreciate that he's a supporter of my channel for several years and he does things a little bit differently so it's always good to see a different perspective so if you can check him out again it's Blackie Thomas so last but not least we're always making headway logos and merchandise corporals corner merchandise to people right now are really close I'm liking their ideas I look at some stuff today I said hey you know can you add this take away this and they're doing it right now if it's good I'm gonna bust it out probably in a week or so we're gonna launch so look forward to that along with that once I get the approval for this and it works and I'm happy with it then we're gonna go ahead and announce that or 50k subscribe or give away from winners so I appreciate you guys sticking around now I know it's formats a little bit different again I keep talking about it because I'm excited about it these longer videos I can show everything overnighters gear skills with this video here with skills heavy also he showed some gear also some cooking so I'm enjoying it and like I've mentioned before I'm just gonna keep on keeping off and I appreciate everyone that watches thank you all the new subs appreciate you as well is that bacon and onions hit the spot they're so tired just lay right here in blackout I'm tell you what this was comfortable this is actually sag like this like a hammock this is nice oh man spin the shelter baby it's Coffee time so I think to pick up what today is coffee experiment nice so today's coffee experiment BAM ha ha strength 5 that means this should be cocaina let's give her a whirl he said it is strong we're getting closer and closer to the logos we're getting closer and closer to the ultimate instant coffee still waiting for the instant and black ruffle coffee they're still out last night was a good night let's talk about the shelter we touched on it last night we're suspended is that I can move around we're hovering we're floating or off the ground there's no conduction as far as convection goes I have that heat going around me all night perfect this is great shelter there's enough sag in the drum liners that actually felt like being inside of a hammock I'm impressed the sky thing is cool because you can put all everything together you can put all the convection conduction you know bushcraft knots and skills and actually create something that works so I had a good time it's always fun coming out here and then showing what's possible using a minimum kit really enjoy that oh I'm in my fish my coffee and wrap this up oh man welcome back last night was outstanding and it was fun too it's always cool to get out and practice the knots hitches lashes your knowledge of conduction convection and do all that while using a minimum kit and actually construct something that you can sleep in and enjoy at the same time now as always all the gear in this video can be found my Amazon influencer page or my self-reliance Outfitters influencer page both those links will be inside my description box now please do me a favor hit that like and subscribe button then read that notification bill once you ring that Bell please select all notifications and as always thank you for your comments abusing support thanks for watching get out in the field have some fun I'm gonna catch you next time [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 174,240
Rating: 4.9314313 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Bushcraft Overnight in a Suspended Shelter and Campfire Bacon Wrapped Onion Rings, corporals corner, solo overnight, solo overnighter, camping in the woods, overnight in the woods, minimum gear survival, minimum gear camping, overnight emergency shelter, overnight in an emergency shelter, building a shelter in the woods, overnight, bushcraft survival shelter, bushcraft shelter building
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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