Solo Overnight Using The Trekker Tent 1 by River Country Products and Bacon Grease Seared Ribeye

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welcome to corporals corner today we do a solo overnight using our trucker one tent from River Country products so stick around we were not standing show coming up oh well here we are once again another week goes by which gives you another solo overnighter if you think about it most my videos if not all I'm solo so I'm alone and when it's overnight it's night so yeah anyway a couple weeks ago we filmed a video on the backwoods bungalow 2.0 by one tigress and that actually opened my eyes up and it got me excited again about car camping or tent camping so I want to try and take that same theme but scale it down not necessarily going altra light but close something under three pounds that's packable like me like packable is mostly for my sobota pack something that will fit inside there and take up the same exact amount of room as a hammock and tarp and I think I found it let's go ahead and check it out kind of resembles a football and including the stakes always 2.5 pounds [Applause] once again as usual we're looking outstanding now this type of setup right here can be put up one of three ways a center trekking pole a straight stick or paracord suspended from a tree branch and I like that one and here's why I want to view a backpacking tent the same way view a tarp a tarp from you folded up and stowed away no poles required if I need them I can always improvise them in the field why take up space if you don't need to [Music] [Applause] [Applause] now we're looking outstanding I'd like option two better because that my rapid deployed region along with me at all times just tossed over a tree branch I'm good to go nothing don't have a Ridgeline you don't have a trekking pole if there's default to using a branch select your branch of the proper length and dear self this favor go ahead and cut it and around the end off this will reduce the risk of punching a hole through your tent [Music] I was skeptical about this but after just a few licks on that knife its back in the game so this is definitely gonna be on the Amazon influential page let's go ahead and get inside that tent and check out its features all right this is good to go now it appears to be cramped in here but actually there's quite a bit of room let's talk dimensions we got seven feet in length we got three and a half feet in width look about four foot in height I'm sitting up right here and there's still a good 9 or 10 inches of the peak of that roof that's a good thing now on the front and back we have a mosquito netting or bug netting I'll you I do undo your toggle system roll it down zip it up voila [Music] easy as that now on the inside at the roof peak there's a hook to hang a light and a small mesh bag down here at the bottom and all the seams are taped now laying here on my side there's plenty of room flip over I got at least six to seven inches required touched the outside wall of that tent or that bug screen plenty of room now check this out here's what I like the best think back to the video on the backwoods bungalow by one tigress when that flap would close down there was room left over for your gear and your boots about 18 inches worth this one at the peak looks about three feet [Music] one more love this fan I'm out here on the west coast trigger warning left coast looking at a high today of around 40 lo of low 30s mid 30s this insulated pad swag mountain roll in a poncho be good to go [Applause] I needed some vegetables but all I could grow is bacon [Applause] so the bacons an appetizer that's what we're really after right there so if this wasn't like totally awesome by itself we're gonna add some garlic powder to that and then some chopped onions yeah a little bit more [Applause] [Music] [Music] dude this is outstanding nice so while we're eating here we have a conversation the upcoming weeks here I'm going to be launching some corporals corner merchandise hopefully t-shirts hoodies mugs bottles things like that have to look into it more in-depth look you guys are interested in that it will actually appear at the bottom beach video go across the bottom you click on what you want and then purchase it that way also down the road I'm looking at doing some online classes and the reason why well I've been hesitant to do this and the reason why is because I teach out of school and YouTube is free but what I found is it's long people who want to take actual legit courses but they can't afford it they can't get their travel or driving and it's just too expensive so I thought why not find a way to condense what I do but put it onto a online platform to where you can go to it for a lot less money than taking an actual course and experience the same thing because you're gonna be doing it now I haven't decided how far I'm going to take that like will it be patches or sometimes certificates for graduation I don't know well you have to turn homework into me I don't know these are all things I'm kind of mulling over but look for that and yet how many weeks maybe about a month or so also the teaching the season is gonna start this month so minimum and I say minimum because sometimes it's three times a month but minimum once a month I'll be at the Pathfinder School in Ohio so like usually well put a list of classes or I'll put the website in my description box so you can go there and actually check it out and scroll over to the tab where's the survival training click on that if interested sign up and I'll see you there I'm going to finish my dinner catch you in a few minutes that meal was good to go I'm sorry that was outstanding oh my god alright time for the most dreaded part of the video time it's tax and firewood let's go ahead have a quick discussion about sauce got about 25 30 minutes of light left in the past couple of videos I've been working with this spring Creek and I loved it it's lightweight aluminum made in the USA and it's perfect for what I want to do now some people gonna say hell no I got the world 21 I'm good to go right but it's probably almost double the price and a1 chief complaint for me it's not really complaint but it bothers me the front of it tends to taper down and what I found is if I'm trying to cut say a 7 or 8 inch diameter log like this one will do the seven or eight inches in towards that tip where it tapers down I have a hard time that I'm short stroking with the saw on while utilize the full length of that saw this one here there is no taper and you're good to go now this saw is available on my Amazon influence of page as well as my self-reliance outfitters influencer page so if you're interested in this check them out that's what I call campfire all right yeah freakin love the stuff tell you what then I'll stand a weak house standing night actually excited to get inside there and check this bad boy out and oh man I keep saying it but that ribeye was outstanding oh my god here we are could be worried one month down another one begins at the whole year ahead of us we're talking about classes earlier so while I'm thinking about it I'm gonna give a shout out to one of our instructors he's our camp master at the Pathfinder schools name's Kevin Baxter he has a YouTube channel called salty dog outdoors check him out as ear reviews cooking also some news from the self-reliance outfitter store cuz he works there part-time again that's salty dog outdoors check him out he's a pathfinder structure so hey now watch out you'll all good information good guy man fall asleep right here tell you what [Music] setting up Nicole's house good really good it's not bad it's not great but can I drink it yeah I think of all the ones I've sampled so far the tasters choice is probably the best one from my previous video I take that over all three of these still currently looking describe be something out there luck rifle coffee's completely out of all the instant and I'm hell-bent on instant because I want it just out of water I want to sit around and percolate and wait 20 minutes I don't want to deal with it but it's decent got a few packages come in the mail too so once I get those we'll get them out here and test them out it's thinking last night about my health you know and I got thinking 2020 time to turn over a new leaf something new and improved so for breakfast rolling with morning star farms veggie bacon wrong now that's unreal it's like the damn Necronomicon ex mortis roughly translated The Book of the Dead the damn thing won't burn while you're watching that not burn we do our quick after-action report about that tent now just like the coffee it's good not great so while I'm on the search for the perfect coffee I'm also on the search for the perfect tent so do me a favor we're trying it with coffee hooked me up with a nice lightweight no fuss no muss ultralight backpacking tent I'll get that in the field we'll test it out my new mission backpacking tent it's everything that it said it would be and then some I like it but it's just okay I had Mord enough room I could turn around toss and turn all night not a problem I hate those aluminum stakes because on the west coast there's nothing but rocks everywhere and they start to bend and then they break also there's loops on the bottom of that tent and I feel it'd be better suited for a hooked tent stake versus will straight ones just like my tarp videos I had to go ahead and do a fisherman's knot loop and then a larks head through those in order to stake them down so again that's more hassle than I need but something that's under 50 bucks that way is two and a half pounds it's good to go and I do like the three different ways you put this tent up suspended under a tree branch trekking pole or even a stick and once again that sleeping mat that's the second video that sleeping mats been in and I love to death Four Seasons insulated perfect and yes so I'm an Amazon influencer page welcome back anytime you can go out in the field for an overnight is outstanding let's go and talk about that tent like I said it's good but not great it's great for under fifty bucks and under three pounds was it given to take I'm currently searching if you wanna make a suggestion do me a favor hit me up on one of social media websites like Instagram or Facebook and drop those links there otherwise just give me the product name or brand name on my youtube comment section as always all the gear in the video can be found my Amazon influencer page or my self-reliance Outfitters influence a page I'll put both those links in my description box please do me a favor hit that like subscribe button then read that notification bell once you read that Bell please select all notifications and as always think if your comments views and support thanks for watching you on the field have some fun I'm gonna catch you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 228,492
Rating: 4.930943 out of 5
Keywords: corporalscorner, solo overnight, overnight in the woods, camping in the woods, minimal gear survival, river country products tent, overnight, overnight survival shelter, minimum gear camping, ultralight camping in the woods, ultralight tent camping, winter camping, tent camping for beginners, overnighter, joe robinet camping, Solo Overnight Using The Trekker Tent 1 by River Country Products and Bacon Grease Seared Ribeye
Id: 1oFrxzGLzPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 6sec (1986 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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