Overnight Shelter Building Using Clay and Rocks With My Son and Bacon Stuffed Mushrooms

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[Music] so here we are again another beautiful day in the woods got medium-sized dude with me looking at a high of 68 low of 51 cloudy which makes it perfect for filming we're walking up this dry creek bed heading up here towards this pond we're going to break off to the right and head to base camp but while we're down here i want to go ahead and look around scout this area for some materials shelter materials something to start fire with but we're in a creek bed so what i'm thinking is i want to look for some clay i've never used clay before in my videos this would be your first time so you're seeing it first here we'll see what happens what do you think let's do it trying something new let's get to it [Applause] so [Applause] so so looking at this right here there's plenty of mud inside there as well it's not the best clay it's probably crap compared to the clay scale you know but uh i think i can use this for what i want got an idea in my head and this is just one piece that makes up that gigantic picture you know so um yeah digging on this right here i should be able to pull chunks out yeah i mean there's yeah probably about 85 clay that's why i think better than nothing here's what i'm thinking this entire edge right here is nothing but clay and there's plenty of sticks around here i'm gonna get in my pack and see if i got a trash bag and i'm thinking we just get a big ball something like this put it inside there and then all this santa claus is a thing over my shoulder be like ho ho ho and so and all right we just head back up that hill to base camp with that and i think we can just break chunks off and work it you know and then that'd be perfect so let me check real quick trash bag made your score never leave home without it let you work on that we get this out of here we'll get some sticks and then we're going to start digging that's a real life minecraft going on right there minecraft af but there's no diamond pickaxe just in [Applause] [Applause] looking at 25 to 30 pound pack and then we're gonna add probably 50 pounds of clay so and i got to get up that hill and keep going up the hill and up the hill higher higher higher up the hill up the hill up the hill and then we arrive at base camp he's already gone see how that works like later pops [Applause] corporal the mule so in the past i was like leg day what's that it's more free advice don't skip leg day let's go ahead and pause for a minute all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two my self reliance outfitters influencer page both links can be found inside my description box or simply go to corporalaf.com so [Applause] so so so okay let's go ahead and pause for a minute and go and talk about exactly what's going on over here all right this shelter is a modified pup tent if you look at it there's probably enough room for two people in there with all of your gear and you're good to go but what's actually happening here if you notice once again this is probably our fourth video that we've done with no cordage using elements off the landscape all right so what we did here is we actually took a stick sharpened it and pounded it into the ground into the earth and created a pilot hole then stuck our y branches into that pilot hole we locked them in with our ridge pole and then added water now that's the key element water inside that pilot hole then packing it with mud and dirt and leaves creates and more like a concrete or an improvised slurry once that dries and hardens it's like mud and it will lock everything in place and then all we do is we stick our ends down with our improvised tent stakes and we're good to go now the beauty of this shelter system right here is i can convert it into a lean to in a matter of minutes you [Applause] [Applause] all right so option a we have a two-man pup tent which is 100 cordage free with everything off the landscape option b cordage free with the exception of your guidelines right here and to be honest in my opinion that's the best way to do this if you have a small amount of cordage now i could get a piece of bark and try to run that all the way down in gigantic loop and then we're talking something probably about four or five feet in length and that's probably too much to go kill a tree just to get that bark so i'll go ahead and bite the bullet and say i'm going to use my bank line for my guidelines but what could i do i could easily drape this back over make an a-frame and then just like this one we're cordage free so now i want to break out that clay and go to work [Music] [Music] [Music] that rocket stove is cool af now let that bad boy burn down a little bit and then we're talking chow time and what we got going on today i'm thinking bacon and sausage stuffed mushrooms thank stupid dog working let's go ahead and pause one more time if you like what you see here please do me that favor hit that like and subscribe button then ring that notification bell once you ring that bell please select all notifications and then please take it a step further get on your iphones and download the free youtube app and sign in this will give you push notifications as soon as a new video drops oh man stuffed bacon and sausage mushrooms this looks awesome oh man that's outstanding that's so good i had an egg inside of it actually better so that stove actually turned out pretty well pretty decent i've already addressed the cracking issue um ideally you want that thing to set up or cure prior to firing it up but this is overnight in the woods not three weeks in the woods so yeah we ever do it again on a larger scale let it set up first for a good week or so then come back but did it cook the chow yeah did it work yes am i happy hell yes is it good it's awesome good did a great job on that stove by the way thanks appreciate it as always catch you in a minute all right let's go ahead and uh get to this and try not to be too long-winded um so dress the elephant in the room am i leaving youtube there's been a lot of talk around the campfire here's the truth no i'm not leaving youtube i'm currently investigating other platforms to post my videos on and at some point in the future months or years down the road if the other platforms pan out then i'm going to be over there right now youtube has certain individuals that they parade around that are the gods they're the best on youtube and it's really frustrating and disheartening and it sucks especially for somebody who wants to start out right now see my videos and say hey i want to do what you do well then they get 100 views and you come back to the channel six months and they got 110 views that's sad that's horrible and that would discourage anybody um the platform on youtube is not fair it never was and never will be some people get lucky and some people are contracted most have contracts and that's the sucky part because if you don't have a contract you could be in it 10 years 20 years 30 years and you're still going to fight to be seen or heard and it sucks so no i'm not leaving youtube i'm currently investigating other platforms okay moving on hashtag trigger warning my website yes we're self-promoting corporalaf.com once again corporalaf.com on that website you'll see several things first off my youtube videos if you miss a video check it out current video is posted right there along with that there's a button you can click for the gear that i recommend i recommend them through two influencer pages amazon influencer page and self-reliance outfitters influencer page click that link takes you to both those pages check it out the most important feature though is my email list youtube stopped all email notifications while i'm doing it to guarantee you that you can see my video and guarantee that i'm being seen and heard get your name and email on that list and once the video drops i'll personally let you know now if you've been on there for a couple weeks you're not getting notified check your spam box okay so the last thing i want to do real quick is i want to promote channel of the week and i have two channels the first one is a channel like mine skills overnighters gear adventure things like that and he's also going through the instructor program at the pathfinder school and currently finished the advanced class so his name is anthony powers and his channel is pooter stomper yeah i have no idea what the story is behind that but you can hit him up and ask him pooter stomper anyway check him out he's got several videos on there he has a decent following 11 000 plus and my opinion needs to be heard so hit him up tell him i sent you and do him a favor like his videos and most importantly subscribe to his channel pooter stomper okay so i promised you two channels of the week and this next one is not a conventional outdoors channel like mine it's not where you go watch for overnighters um it's more of a video like vlog type thing that he has you know on uh he has twitch videos and things like that he featured me on his channel about three months ago and it was tastefully done he watched some of my videos and gave a review and some things i agree with some things i don't agree with well a lot of things i don't agree with but it was tastefully done and the one thing we have in common is when he sees bs on videos or bs on some of these viral videos he calls it and that's being honest and straight up like how i am my channel is a no bs no fluff channel and that's the one thing we have in common so you know what one good turn deserves another i don't know his name but his channel is called the huntsman i'll pop up an icon or actually a picture and you'll see that um check him out the huntsman he's up there doing videos a couple times a week and has very low views and in my opinion should be seen and heard so check him out the huntsman [Applause] zero early af [Applause] another cloudy day so it actually is darker than what it should be at this time of day but you know is what it is so get my lazy butt up and check on the child and then uh go from there oh coffee time that's what it is coffee time so once again corporal's cup of coffee in the big time cup of coffee in the big time not bad taster is nasty but hazelnut doable i'm going to talk about that shelter real quick so once again on that theme of using your well utilizing resources meaning sticks rocks bark cordage things like that we actually made two shelters one was an a-frame shelter using two y branches and a ridge pole then we converted that one into a lean-to so we have an emergency tarp set up with an arcturus blanket and then we have our a-frame tent smith's eight by eight so we went ahead and pounded a stake in the ground and created a pilot hole inserted our y branch and then from there we went ahead and added some water and some dirt and created a slurry so that it would solidify into like not concrete but more like clay mud type thing and hold that y branch in place and believe it or not it worked so once again materials off the landscape i'm conserving 100 of my resources now the important thing we're down there screwing around in that creek we came across that clay and it was basically minecraft af down there with my pickaxe we're going for it as i was medium dudes down there with a pickaxe so i was the mule i got to carry it probably about a thousand yards up that hill and as you can see that hill just kept on going it's like i'm backing nom snooping and pooping looking for charlie got that mud clay back up here and found those rocks and created an improvised rocket stove which is exactly what that was it's a kind of like an oven but it's a rocket stove air is being sucked into that venturi effect and it's being pushed up that fluid that chimney and believe it or not it worked now that thing will probably destroy itself over time but if i had to make something like that or some type of rock retaining walls or something to act as a windscreen i could do it and that's the important thing getting out here and seeing what's possible where you live more importantly seeing what's possible for you i'm gonna finish my coffee i'm gonna head back get medium-sized dude up and then we'll get out of here welcome back last night's bushcraft shelter build was outstanding and just goes to show that anything is possible using materials about the landscape and most importantly you're conserving your resources and to be honest if you can do that every single time you go out you're ahead of the power curve or you're ahead of the game now as always all the gear in my video can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two my self reliance outfitters influencer page both links can be found inside my description box or simply go to corporalaf.com now please do me a favor hit that like and subscribe button then remember that notification bell once you meet that bell please select all notifications then take it a step further grab your iphone and download the free youtube app and sign in this will give you push notifications when my new videos drop now as always thank you for your comments views and support thanks for watching get out the field have some fun i'm going to catch you next time [Music] you
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 171,133
Rating: 4.9578247 out of 5
Keywords: Overnight Bushcraft Shelter Build With My Son and Bacon Stuffed Mushrooms, corporals corner, solo, solo overnight, overnight in the woods, camping in the woods, building a shelter in the woods, overnighter, overnight survival shelter, minimum gear camping, minimum gear survival, building an emergency shelter, camping in an emergency shelter, how to build a rocket stove, rocket stove, building a natural shelter, joerobinet camping
Id: LomRIz3Nx2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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