Solo Overnight Building a Floating Shelter In The Woods and Bacon Grease Seared T-bone Steak

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all right here i go again on my own seven days have passed which gives you know it's sold overnight in the woods so here we are we're deep in the pine trees i want to get out here i promise you guys something different and it'll be a lot of work for this overnighter but we're used to that by now let's get out here get set up and talk about a few concerns and then get her done okay so here we are we're back at the pine trees the three pines i'm interested in form a perfect triangle this one this one and the one right behind me now the ground that i'm actually sitting on here is sloped it slopes pretty bad not a 45 degree angle but close and it heads down towards the camera so sheltering right here laying on the ground probably not a good idea so i want to get off the ground and i'm thinking we build a suspended or floating cabin slash fort in the woods okay so comment slash concern number one corporals corner staged there's no way you can find wood that's straight out in the field he's importing it probably walking four miles to collect that stuff hmm concern number two i see different types of wood he's importing it he's backing his truck in and dropping it off we have that other way let's go ahead and get over here and work on our floating fort slash cabin in the woods [Applause] one two three four five six okay so all we're going to do here is we're going to follow our creases and we have a loop at the end down here as well as the top so place my logs right there and we're going to create our bottom framework so following the creases again there's one in the front there's one right here and one right there so three more logs and we have a basic design for our frame one two three four and we'll go one more [Applause] uh so okay so far so good we're looking outstanding the frame's complete now here's what i'm thinking with the front and the back i want to go ahead and add a sacrificial piece right underneath here as well as here and then take my auger bit that we used in our last video for our do-it-yourself rocket stove i want to find the center and bore a hole right here as well as the back then find a couple of y branches taper them down place them into those holes the two y branches will face each other so i can add a ridge pole for my tarp so so so let's go ahead and pause for a minute all the gear in my videos can be found in two places one my amazon influencer page and two my self-reliance outfitters influencer page and if you're interested in corporals corner merchandise they can be found on teespring all three links are found inside my description box easy enough now i'm looking at getting two more holes at each corner on our sacrificial piece right here and right here now we're calling it our sacrificial piece because i don't want to be drilling holes into my frame it could actually weaken it and the more load that i apply to this my body weight more sticks debris a tarp it could actually twist that frame and compromise it so we'll go ahead and drill into the sacrificial piece that way i'm on easy street [Applause] [Applause] so for our two tie outs on the front we tied a simple bowline and then passed it around our tree and then threw itself it's called a running bullet then lastly for our front and back tie outs on our frame all we did was we went ahead and tied an improvised trucker's hitch or a rope tackle [Applause] uh [Music] [Laughter] it okay so here we go put the tarp on here temporarily so i can take a look at it and here's my dilemma i have an engineering issue i want to build walls up on here and put in two sticks and then kind of sandwich them together like on a windscreen in front of a fire but i'm wondering about this mule tape it's ready for 1800 pounds and we've tied loops in it and not so we're probably reduced it by half on each corner so i'm thinking here with the frame i went with pine and poplar so it's very lightweight but that's got to be three or four hundred pounds and then you throw my 235 40 ish bacon greasy ass inside here we're maxing this bad boy out so to reduce weight i'm thinking about utilizing one of these holes on the outside with y branches about this level right here on both sides with a ridge pole so we're still going to get that shape it will create a wall shape right here and i can just tuck this tarp underneath it and i think we'll be good to go snoopy house in the woods [Music] so [Applause] okay so i'm thinking windscreen fire and chow all right so it's spring time and i'm getting a lot of quests for bow drill now i have several bow drill videos ranging from the west coast all the way back over here to the east coast just google or youtube search corporals corner bow drill i'm sure you're gonna find five or six videos but if you want a quick down and dirty do it yourself i'll go ahead and kick that off today got a piece of dry poplar and fat wood hey so okay so from here all we're going to do is take our indentation our spindle or drill and we're going to seat or burn in that spindle into our fire board so and the last thing you want to do is you want to go ahead and carve off the black off your spindle think of it as becoming fire hardened you want that fresh material so that it eats away from the spindle and not your board the dust is going to collect in that notch drop into an ember catch and you're going to transfer that to your bird's nest let's go ahead and pause one more time if you like what you see here please do me that favor hit that like and subscribe button and then ring that notification bell once you run that bell please select all notifications then take it a step further grab your cell phone and download the free youtube app and sign in this will give you push notifications when my new videos drop [Applause] so [Applause] huh outstanding af so all right so something different normally i go with the old rib eye but i saw this lonely steak last one on the shelf to sit there all by its lonesome and didn't have any friends so i thought you know what it's been eons since i had a t-bone steak so the bacon is just a side dish i need the bacon grease but you know bacon's baking apple wood smoked so here we go the old t-bone oh man that spot right there is heavenly oh my god look at that fat oh yeah like i said it's been eons at a t-bone steak but i'm happy with this catch you well in a few let's go ahead and change this up a little bit normally i say my thank you at the end i'm going to say thank you right now the views on the past four or five videos six or seven videos have been outstanding i mean it's through the roof i've never seen views like this and i've never seen my channel grow this fast and it's because of you all and someone's gonna say well you're making the videos wait i am making the videos but i know several people who make videos and they don't be seen or heard they are not being seen and youtube's not circulating them um i appreciate every single one of you thank you for everything you're doing i can't say it enough i can't stress it enough without you guys i'm nothing i talk a lot of crap out here i joke around and we come out here and do you know builds and bushcraft and survival skills but at the end of the day you guys decide whether or not to watch it and i really really appreciate it um been a long hard 13 years um i really appreciate it thank you for all the views thank you for everything just keep doing what you're doing watch my videos to the end sharing with everybody everywhere and get a hold of youtube's recommended playlist buy my next video and play that bad boy um you guys are doing it you're showing youtube that you want corporals corner and i'm gonna be here for you guys this is just a taste rolling almost four months into the new year and uh i got at least three or four more videos planned and then we'll talk about the rest of them but they're all right here and just waiting to get out so i appreciate it thank you got enough room for two in there and uh should be comfy so we're downhill right now and that fire is doing exactly what's supposed to do the heat is actually coming up here i can feel it right here so i know inside that tent's gonna be toasty warm all night just load this bad boy with wood and then that heat's gonna travel it's also going underneath the shelter i can feel it right here so we'll talk about this shelter tomorrow during coffee time but truth be told it's a joint venture between me and the og of youtube dave canterbury so we kind of brainstormed on this he did something similar on his tv show dirty rotten survival and i kind of elaborated on it but i'm happy this is gonna be nice a floating shelter slash tent in the woods all right here we go solo overnight building a floating shelter in the woods i'm on my side right now and there's plenty of room my feet can move around freely without bumping the sides and you could probably put two people in here smashed up or crunched up but um one's good to go and i'm happy got room for my gear and if you get used to this motion though it's like being on ship but tell you what um i am happy and that fire right there is doing exactly what's supposed to do the heat's transferring up into here and i can feel it on my face so worked out well catch you all in the morning oh man zero early af you know just occurred to me that's a long drop for an overnighter [Music] so viking coffee outstanding thank you let's talk about this shelter what did we do here well we created a simple raft-style platform and then suspended it between our three trees using a clove hitch running bowlins followed by trucker's hitch at all four corners and from there we went ahead and added our y branches and finally our bedding along with our 8x8 oil skin coal cracker bushcraft tarp so the fire was down here this is a shelter that you could do in or on uneven ground the heat wants to rise so the heat came right up inside here and i was warm and toasty it did exactly what was supposed to do and i'm happy with that something new something different goes right along the lines with the badassery for 2021 get ready and there you go solo overnight building a floating shelter in the woods it can't get much better than that yes it can as always all the gear in my videos can be found in three places one my amazon influencer page and two my self-reliance outfitters influencer page and if you're interested in corporal's corner merchandise that can be found on teespring all three links are found inside my description box now please do me a favor hit that like and subscribe button then read that notification bell once you ring that bell please select all notifications then take it a step further grab your cell phone download the free youtube app and sign in this will give you push notifications when my new videos drop as always thank you for your comments please support thanks for watching get out in the field have some fun i'm going to catch you next time wait for it and the bedding is still there [Music] you
Channel: Corporals Corner
Views: 413,665
Rating: 4.9509377 out of 5
Keywords: Solo Overnight Building a Floating Shelter In The Woods, corporals corner, solo, solo overnight, camping in the woods, overnighter, joerobinet fort, overnight in a survival shelter, overnight in the woods, building a shelter in the woods, overnight in an emergency shelter, minimum gear survival, minimum gear camping, building a natural shelter, building a suspended shelter, overnight in a bushcraft shelter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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