The BEST Solo Super Credits & Medals Farm! (Helldivers 2)

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today we're going to go over an incredibly low effort super credit and metal farm that even solo players can do in Hell divers 2 I'll cover details in a minute but first I'd like to take a quick minute to clarify just a few things is this Farm necessary no not really super credits and medals can be earned Naturally by just playing the game normally and what I do the vast majority of the time when I play that being said there might be a situation where there's a fine AF looking armor set in the store and maybe you're shy by just a couple hundo credits or whatever the case might be and if you're in that situation and you want to use this Farm I ain't going to judge you King so use it and here we go first off you're going to find a planet that has good clean line of sight AKA isn't MK or or foggy half the time I recommend Crim SAA but other planets should work fine too next Crank That difficulty down to level one trivial pick any Mission at all I've chosen a spread democracy Mission doesn't really matter a ton we'll talk about Min maxing this to make it faster in just a minute but when you touch down in the mission your real objetive is to just explore and learn the entire map when we get this Farm up and running at full power you're going to eventually be doing the exact same map on repeat many times so start learning the lay of the land down to the detail because you're on trivial difficulty the entire Mission area should be super tiny as you explore take mental notes of any places of interest that you come across two key things you're looking for in particular little crash ship sites where you salute and the door pops off or bunkers where you blow the door with a nade and get goodies you can also keep your eyes peeled for friendship bunkers if you want to run this farm with a team more on that in a bit try and find all the crash ship sites and garage door stashes that you can and again remember where they're located part of this is going to be RNG based without question if you land into a mission and there's just not a ton of these locations laying around find a new operation and keep scouting New Missions until you find one with a good amount of loot locations the mission I'm running in the filler footage I learned had two crash site locations and three blowable garage door locations that's good enough for me as a solo player so that is the mission I'm running on repeat go around the map collecting all the loot from those locations until you've gotten all of them then open up the menu and hard quit out of the game don't return to your ship straight up quit out of the game then relaunch the game and you'll now be able to load back into that exact same operation on the exact same map the reason this works is that unlike samples which can only be held on to if you extract out of the mission metals and super credits are added to your inventory immediately regardless of whether you extract or not therefore when you quit the game it allows you to come back and finish the operation with everything you've looted refreshed and you can just keep doing that over and over all right let's talk Min maxing to make this entire process go even quicker obviously you're going to want to put on light armor with a highp speed stat so you can run around as quickly as you can I'm also going to recommend the jump pack strategems you can either move around the map faster or potentially jump over fences or buildings to get to the loot locations a little bit easier your other Strat strs literally don't matter doing this on level one you won't really bump into enemies unless you maybe go out of your way to do so I can give you rough numbers on how much you can earn doing this per hour but hard to give an exact number since RNG is involved RNG in how many loot locations there are on the map you've chosen but also RNG involved in every time you perform the act of looting as an example sometimes when you pop open a Loot drop you can get plus 10 super credits then on a different run you can loot that exact same location and if you're lucky you could hit the jackpot and get plus 100 super credits it's rare but it can happen so therefore luck is a factor once I got the hang of my route I timed my runs in between quitting out of and relaunching the game dropping into the mission running my usual route quitting out of the game and repeating including all of that not just in-game Mission time I got to 3 and 1/2 minutes per run on top of that I got to about 30 super credits per run and eight medals per run that means if I did that for an hour give or take and had horrible RNG with no jackpots at all I'd still be looking at a minimum of 510 super credits and 136 medals per hour running completely on my own but again even if you get one jackpot and get that 100 super credit drop that number will be way higher which is pretty damn good for a no effort solo Farm while watching Amazon Prime on my second monitor moving on can you do this Farm in a group yeah you can but there's upsides and there are downsides the biggest upside is that once youall learn the layout of the map you can do the farm way faster when you land because you can split up and hit all the loot locations in half the time you also have the ability to open any friendship bunkers that might be lying around adding to your overall loot hul per run the biggest downside is that after you quit the game and relaunch you now have to sit there and wait for your homies to join back into your lobby and get into the ponds before you can fire up the mission again which is going to add to your overall time per run I'd say solo might actually be the better play because the faster you're burning through each Mission the more opportunities you have to pull the lever of RNG and have Lady Luck bless you with a plus 100 super credit drop that being said doing it with a group will make you less likely to slam your head right through your desk due to how mind-numbingly boring this Farm is overall but at the end of the day up to you do it solo do it with a group or don't do it at all and just spread democracy normally the way God intended whatever makes you happy if you have any other Farm recommendations share them down below thank thank you very much for watching [Music] peace
Channel: Fallout Plays
Views: 74,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers 2 Farm, Helldivers 2 Solo Farm, Helldivers 2 Super Credits Farm, Super Credits Farm Helldivers 2, Solo Super Credits Farm, Helldivers 2 Solo Super Credits Farm, Helldivers 2 Medal Farm, Helldivers 2 Medal Farm Solo, Helldivers 2 Farm Solo, helldivers 2 guide, helldivers 2 tips and tricks, helldivers 2 tips, Helldivers 2 Best Farm, Best Farm Helldivers 2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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