Beating Minecraft Completely Underwater

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so I coded the Minecraft world to be completely underwater including the Nether and End well the end islands are islands for a reason now and I invited my friend to play with me who is a squid conveniently to see if we could not only beat the game but get an elytra all starting from nothing drowning in the middle of an ocean okay go go go go go go go go go go Chief follow me follow me we don't have much time I am losing so much air fine it's fine you remember your training you remember training yeah quick okay quickly come in the ship come the ship come in the ship coming yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay get in the car get in the pressure plate get the pressure breathing yeah I'm breathing I'm breathing okay that was intense anyways welcome to my underwater world Chief isn't it cool I'm ready to leave I really didn't have a plan after this we should probably just like get some wood yeah I think we can reach some wood okay I'm gonna take my pressure plate and go up to this log over here oh my God puffer fish dude there's a puffer fish There's an actual puffer fish here oh my God where did he come from that they just spawn in this biome man you're kidding dude there's a trident guy who's a dragon guy follow me follow me follow me follow me that's right this way there's a door right over here we gotta make it to the door I'm squid not a fighter pilot um well it's a good thing this isn't hardcore otherwise that would have been a short Chief adventure oh oh you're taking damage you can make it you can make it okay okay get in the door get in the door get in the door get in the door oh my gosh what's the game plan we got a bear treasure map I don't think that's gonna be very useful wow this is really helpful and we're leaving well hold on the berry treasure map says we should go the other way wait does it have an x on it no I was kidding at this point we really needed food and since Chief is a squid I figured I'd ask him where should we go for shipwrecks oh I see this is why you've asked for my expertise well I'm gonna have to ask you to pull up the F3 screen for a moment okay this is going to be a technical trick yep so if you hit shift F3 yeah that'll bring up the debugging pie chart menu and from there we close it out with F3 we pull the sand out and we just wing it okay we're gonna break over here we're gonna just try to go through this Chasm I have a feeling there's gonna be something else and I'm right oh ruined portal wait an underwater ruined portal what oh wait until you see the nether man oh my god I didn't even think of it I have I am so excited and the end Dimension the end Dimension too and the eighth I'm just kidding and the Aether well I don't see a buried treasure um so I'm just gonna keep on going okay I got emeralds hey I'm going for the berry treasure map oh this one has green spots this time okay that means no buried treasure channel oh my gosh dude I can finally get Brad here take take three of these oh thank God uh oh and a shipwreck on the mountain [Music] I got so distracted I think this is gonna become a reoccurring theme okay I know there's a buried treasure map chest here bro there's your iron Chief let's go thank you should we go find another one wait did we ever check out that room why stop I see gold uh oh there is a chest there is a chest dude I gotta sharpness five sword what yeah I just got a block of obsidian wait how many blocks we can enter the nether if you have four one oh okay [Music] the server was like even saying fishing rod did you seriously wrong yeah can you underwater fish these are the questions I don't know people need to know Rick can you underwater wait I have a texture pack that gets rid of the bottom hold on oh more coal I've been a wonderful boy oh wait the berry treasure map you ready I'm gonna test out underwater fishing we're excited the people are ready wait it actually might work it actually wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait actually actually we've got so much junk at the surface already we're already polluting the ocean and we've been here for five minutes right but do you think I can fish like this it's some underwater air pockets so then we could just fish underwater Oh my gosh [Applause] take the first fish dude I oh I don't want that oh God that thing almost killed me earlier yeah I guess that's true burn it burn it well how water so cursed after our minor food break we were off to find some way to enter the nether oh there's a trident there's a trident Dive Dive Dive Dive Dive Dive go go go go go go go go [Music] oh I found a cave I'm so like baffled but like amazed oh I found the lava I heard it yep do you know how to make a speed portal chief all right so I am going to enter the nether first I'm not I don't think we're gonna enter the nether for the first time baby yo oh my God Rick this looks so cursed dude that's another man it's just another I don't know the thing about this is the normal nether wreck forgot about that um well uh should we try and find a Bastion let's try and find a bastard are we just gonna beat the game [Music] oh wreck I'm gonna do it ready watch me speed Bridge yep here we go nice almost yeah hold on we almost got it we're almost there just just hold on it now I can speed Bridge yeah oh wait he's gonna get in the water that's never been a problem when I've done this oh look at my uh speed perching job that's pretty good yeah that's that looks nice straight efficient you barely used any blocks yeah I think if we just see one we just like run in the water honestly okay so I just I have a question though huh how much is the water gonna impede their movement okay not a lot I guess [Laughter] boom and then we have we have our pickling trading dude I already got pearls let's go yo yo no it's hype we got fire resistance yeah well let's jump in the water let's go to silvery foreign [Music] I found another chest oh I got 16 golden carrots [Music] one bit down here well you'll live if you missed this oh okay let's let's go find another Fortress psych We're not gonna find another Fortress because we only have 10 pearls so we found a second bash there is a uh lava lake right next to it so I don't I don't know how we're gonna be able to do this Chief honestly oh that was whoa dude look at this even with water everywhere though the nether can still be brutal whoa whoa whoa I got poison that was really quick um some of your stuff did Survive by some of your stuff I mean the two netherite scraps you have this whole thing is gonna be you like taking me as like I am the the clown or something don't be so sure about that Chief I'm gonna die well if it's any consolation wreck um uh we're so bad dude honestly I felt terrible after that loss and it was so hard to get back where we were run go go go go go but if there's one thing about me and chief we don't give up let's go all right uh okay [Music] just like that we were back where we left off I didn't fall into lava let's go go go go go let's get the hairy heck out of here okay chief I've made it back do you have a house okay oh my gosh we have a house we uh you know houses are over a bit of a stretch but you know we got it you know what we're missing though Chief every underwater base has to have glass windows I agree and maybe a ceiling yeah I guess it's dripping Hall so we decided to build a second building to get enchantments like depth Strider which would make killing the dragon much easier I love how the equivalent of our scaffolding is just randomly placed doors perks of building underwater finally we have a dome dude get domed boys that sounds inappropriate but yeah step Strider two let's go oh my gosh I need to try this out I need to try this out go for it with our new gear we finally set out into the deep and known in search of a fortress oh I think I spotted it Chief Heavies teddies okay all right we're heading east I hear Blaze oh there's Blaze there's Blaze oh no Chief don't get lit on fire oh yeah where's our Fire Res gosh dang it if only we had like some water everywhere because we don't have Fire Res oh dude the police he's drowning oh my gosh that was so great okay so you're at one blade spawner right yeah and oh sugar plums did you hit them or was that like a skeleton hopefully no no no no no no I hit them oh okay so my stuff should be it's when you add the other place um I'm just gonna break the spawner since we have another one dude a baby's got your shield no give him back I don't know if I wanna I wanna mess with him man babies are babies are tough oh my gosh there's nobody blame it oh my gosh oh my gosh okay I'm gonna leave I'm Gonna Leave [Music] dude I have so many goodies I'm just excited to see them 16 blaze rods 50 obsidian six Diamond 37 ancient debris aprils oh my God 57 blocks of gold dude that's nuts okay I'm gonna measure eyes and hopefully pinpoint the stronghold okay I have pinpointed the location of the stronghold Chief I just needed some food and then I'm ready to rumble oh wait I have a fire aspect sword I'm gonna cook fish underwater dude oh yeah that's the sword okay I'm hoping this is the right chunk all right I'm oh it is it is I guessed it [Music] aha I made it unfortunately we didn't have enough Eyes of Ender so back into the Bastion [Music] uh let's just put them in a hole just in case everybody else is like dead yeah oh I found a brute oh yep run just run just run wait Chief wait I have something I swear to God if it's a fire resistance potion um um I got you cheese I missed wait I missed I got another one yeah I splashed this guy with fires there's a baby got him dude he's still 24 gold I'll be picking up these oh I got another pro trade wreck look out there's shoes on the road thanks for entertaining me that was a really poor joke but I appreciate you yeah I I didn't get it I'm actually very excited to go to the end this will be so nice we're gonna get so much loot what I just see you doing 360 says we're going down because at this point I decided to try and zero cycle the dragon a very cool but risky way of killing it I'm actually like getting nervous dude actually oh God yeah if you're getting nervous and it's getting me nervous okay I just gotta not think about this thank you all right coming in foreign [Music] [Music] I should have bailed oh my God this is weird dude it's flooded wait I just finally had a moment to think about what I'm looking at here yeah you know how it's called The End Island Chief it's now legit an island oh okay I'm back in the end I'm back in the end okay chief you didn't make a staircase out how did you get out of here come let me out come let me out hey all right yeah just start grabbing your stuff I'll start tossing you whatever I have by running into the statue with you either way no you know I'm your cameraman blow it up yeah take that yeah make him hurt he eat beds got it got it all this left were those elytres okay well welcome to the end I hope you brought some wood oh thank God I do have wood okay I was gonna say I had some wood if you lost it we're a bit screwed we need some boats that I can provide would you like some of the highest quality jungle boats a man can provide [Music] oh whoa bro what what's that for oh did I look at him or did you oh yeah we're about to get to the boats dude this is so dope this is so sick dude what the heck you bet you've never done this before I can say that with certainty holy cow wreck oh Lando Lando look at how many out there all right it's left oh and City NCD you know it's kind of funny yeah I chose from the end boats and we're in boats you know well yeah we're finally like we're getting in the boat that isn't in the water careful try not to use the follow your dude they're all just accurate on you I'm just sniping them they don't even care oh wait never mind let's go Diamonds oh chest plate it was a bit of a setback but it wasn't all bad if we were low on food and while I was waiting for cheap to get back I fished for some more food plus we were so close to elytra's ah I'm flying fishing I'm flying fishing I'm fly fishing I'm literally fly fishing cheap I got hit by a shulker and I was levitating I was levitating while fishing oh I think I see you do you way off in the distance row row row me wreck row me out the way do all the effort while I sit in back and don't attract the Enderman you know the end was cool we got the elytres finally but honestly that wasn't what we cared about we went back to the old world and messed around each getting tridents to propel us through the water but I think the coolest thing we did was get some sponges and put them in the nether wait chief sponges dry in the nether but the nether is also full of water do you think a sponge will dry in the nether or wet in the nether this is like the hole is water wet conundrum right I'm gonna go with it is going to be dry okay and I have a theory you won't believe what's happening dude what you just need to come to the Nether and see this oh my gosh okay I'm on my way oh my gosh what the heck this is so cool I made a tent I made a tent I made a tent underwater and that's the end of the video I really need to thank waffles are better for helping me code this whole thing I could not have done it without him and he was so helpful also I'm still working on the armor trim video it's just taking forever to mine all of the diamonds so I figured I'd put this video out beforehand and then thanks to Dr Rat for coding a mod to help me see better underwater for this video but that's pretty much all I got I hope you guys have an epic day and I'll talk to you later peace [Applause] [Music] thank you
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 471,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rekrap, lifesteal, Minecraft
Id: ytduid5s4Nw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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