accidentally finding a kids 900IQ "SECRET" Minecraft Base

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in today's video we almost die i think it's the easiest way to say it but being serious in today's video we find a secret minecraft base where the owner had spent hundreds of dollars on my minecraft server but we did the nice thing and we took it all oh god i'm a scumbag as if you look down and see you unsubscribe to the channel please do consider it i am a very consistent uploader also please like the video and comment something nice it would really help me out it's free you can always just not do it if you want to i really hope you guys enjoy today's video if you do and you think you want to play the ip is somewhere on the screen have a wonderful day and i hope you enjoy all right i'm actually gonna go check something out right now because if i run it back this direction just slightly you know follow follow the leader leader follow the leader that one if i go over here i can't remember where it was here my entity spiked to three the thing is right on the server mobs don't naturally spawn like there is no population everyone here is a vegan i say as i i'm holding a pork chop in my hand there are three entities right here like right here look entities as you can see colon three player activity unlikely i think if i run it out of this chunk i just tested it it goes back down to one which means there are two things in this chunk causing entities which means this could actually be a raid if it's a raid like the video please my family's holding me captive and i just want to survive okay i think we literally just dig down and if okay what i'm gonna do because digging straight down is gonna get me murdered in the comment section is i'm gonna do it side by side so that way if i fall into like a pit of abyss like a dark hole of like blood and gore and i don't know like stuff that isn't pg-13 family friendly then i'm gonna be very very angry i have a full inventory right now i haven't found a video in like five oh my god it's actually a base there are pigs they're actually pigs but what's causing the other entity because it wasn't me i know pig it's very exciting now the question is where's the guy in the base because you can't load spawners from this far up someone else must have loaded them i just did i take this time to bring up my grinding xp not like i'm in a gigantic base or anything okay um horse genetics golden apples i'll take those i'm going to put all of this stuff away i'm keeping my pots on me okay i refuse to take them away a chicken spawner that's pog champ oh my god a load of armor protection for i have that i'll take it anyway protection for i i don't have that you know just swap out the chest plate what do i do what do i do i need kareem but it's not here a harvester hole an axe or an anvil pog champ that's mine there's another chest down here as well all pig head um raw beef and stuff just generally like i'm just gonna keep grinding these pigs actually there has to be someone around here no please don't reboot now please why'd you have to reboot in 60 seconds i haven't even looked at this base yet oh a load of dead horses hold a glowstone and nether quartz a lump of coal admin item that that's pretty pog i'll take it what's in here oh my god enhanced armor got a load of parts fortune three what the heck oh my god ben please like angelic music like i'm very happy i've just hit the jackpot okay i've actually just hit the jackpot and i'm not that oh god i'm really far from spawn oh that is very far oh dear um i guess this is going to reboot now and i'll kind of see you when it's done it's more of a fact if i manage to survive oh my god there's so much stuff in this base i don't know what to do i have no idea oh i guess the server's gonna reboot goodbye pigs i will forever love you okay i'm back on the server i totally didn't make ben do anything stupid so ben leave that out that never happened the issue is i don't have any inventory room and i'm by myself and i don't know where ryan is i don't know if ryan can even get on there's nobody else on in my fashion what is the point of having nine people look nine people if nobody is online what's this melons oh my god it's full of melons who knew who knew the melon chest was full of melons trilly blunt emeralds oh my god oh my god these guys are rich what's this oh my god oh my god oh my double guard diamonds diamond blocks i don't know what to do i can't manage to take all this there's no way obviously hoe on breaking three that doesn't work buddy but nice try backpacking i don't know what to do i don't have enough room for this 320 grand though i'll take this 320 grand okay we've taken the rest of these diamonds in here we're at 47 oh wait blocks inventory now we're at 16 blocks of diamonds and we don't even need this chest plate like we don't need the armor and we don't need to have an item i'm very sorry i have an item i want all of this stuff but i don't have a backpack for any of it i need like a mining backpack i don't know what to do because i need to go because i need to get these spawners as well i want a farm i want the free xp okay i'll tell you what we're gonna go for the farm because i saw a farm just a little bit earlier so that means we could actually just grapple this for free xp and someone left a comment in the last video i'm not sure if we're ever gonna find it that basically said next time you do this do the yeah boy again but we're gonna do it and do my my vocal warm-ups okay i'm good yeah boy okay i'm already bored i tried my best person in the comments i hope i didn't let you down okay we have got a load of farming xp from this like an absolute load like we're already up to eight thousand nearly and we're we're level 34 so we're doing quite well now we just need this bit to grow do we just stand here and let it grow i should probably uh put my pots actually on my hotbar because otherwise if someone logs on and sees me i am dead all right i've messaged my father uh ryan not brian to see if he can actually help because i'm kind of by myself in this situation and there's so much stuff like we need to take these spawners like and i can't because we don't have a spawner wrench why did i not get a spawner wrench which idiot told me this was a fantastic idea like really like whose idea was it someone tell me harvest the whole there has to be a secret in here somewhere but i think i'm never gonna find it i just start looking for secrets i wanna like be able to take all of this stuff but there's no easy way for me to get back because in the nicest way possible i'm gonna die okay i'm just gonna start looking for secrets because if i can find myself a smaller wrench that's gonna save me having to run all the way back to spawn i hope to god if someone logs online now i'm probably going to cry that's that's not even a joke i will be in tears like literally tears don't have enough room what is going on guys truly blood are you online no you're not then who are you i don't know who you are oh so that's the way in well there's a way in we'll just kill the pigs take the grinding xp before we die well it looks like ryan was no use so i've just got a message back asking i asked if he had a you know a spare like mining backpack or anything i can borrow because you know we're teammates and he said no that's it our friendship's over now the video ends now i like how i'm just nonchalantly just kind of sat here enjoying myself right when someone was in this space before restart happened which basically means i am just waiting now for somebody to come back i mean i go i got grinding level five that's park i need these bonus i might just have to make a run for it swear to god if i make a run for it and i die on the road i'm never gonna speak to anyone ever again i honestly think we just go for it there's no other option i don't have another option that's the issue i probably shouldn't have done this okay i'm just gonna have to make a run for it and hope the best i was so close i i'm gonna play as nice as possible so they don't kill me and i'm gonna try just get straight back into the outpost because if i can get back in there then i'm definitely gonna survive this okay i'll just uh run this way okay they let me in oh my god please just don't kill oh they're hunting these people you two fight and then i'll be on my way it's perfect um i need to think about this illogically because i have no inventory room whatsoever um let's buy ourselves just one item wrench for right now uh we can also oh we can put this bank note in as well if i if i can find the guy who where are you where is he where's the banker guy hello it's almost like i play this server for a living where is he i just want to cash in my check made my money i need to okay i need to i need to not do this because there is i need to get back to this base like as quickly as possible and i need to get out of there without those people noticing me i just like sneak out no way i can just sneak out there's no way they let me do that oh i'm gonna need to play this so smart he said raven go uh i'll message him and say you have saved my video sir thank you for being kind what a nice guy i'm just gonna run for it then and just hope to god that i'm able to get out of this alive okay he's following me i don't like that we need to just get back to this base like now as quickly as possible why is he following me okay okay he's being nice i'm on my way we might actually be able to raid this base oh my god lovely people i swear to god if i was anyone else they would have killed me clout tick survivability tick and it works like a charm ah i'm fine i'm fine nothing to worry about we have our spawner wrench that's all i care about all right then intermission screen again we're finally gonna make a run for it and we're soon gonna be back at the base soon i can feel it in the bones we have finally made it after what seems like okay have we made it i thought the quads were here ah it's down in this little cave i found it don't worry after that very uh not scary experience that's what it was not terrifying whatsoever those nice people actually let me go i'm just raven i'm i'm here to play minecraft and to kill pigs and i'm all out of i'm all out of minecraft okay we have five uses of this warner wrench right here 75 grand of our money down the drain so what we now need to do is just let's just sit here crouched uh for for 50 seconds and mine all of these pigs so i don't know what's gonna happen for 50 seconds anything could happen on this channel okay let's check out a few of these parts i don't think there's anybody here i say that now i'm probably going to die in the nicest way possible i am probably dead like if the video only lasts for another like 10 seconds after you're watching this you you kind of can guess what's happened last pig spawner fantastic pig i'm very sorry to to take up and mine up all your or your brethrens and your sisters but it's for a good cause pig i promise for content and we need to kill these 48 as well just because it's free stuff and we have five lovely pig spawners free of charge all we had to do was spend four days finding a video i'm consistent i swear so what have we missed throughout this oh conversion discs but i can't take them i don't have enough room okay all the pots can go away we don't even need pot pots are useless pots are the worst thing in the world and these can also go away and the redstone will chuck it out on this so we've got all of this inventory room now to work with it's a lot more than we had previously uh are those renamed tags it is so whoever owns this base has definitely bought some stuff on the store uh obviously and use code raven for five percent off once again doing this uh facing mortal peril as always okay so this guy okay if i slash scene truly blunt he's been off for an hour and a half it's a very long time for those pigs to still be spawning which makes maybe it's a glitch i don't know if it's a glitch i i greatly apologize for raiding you cause what i thought is mobs don't spawn if you're like far up enough you have to be very close to get them to spawn i could have been wrong this entire time we'll never know that's a better horse goodbye poopyhorse okay there seems to be nothing else worth taking in here uh i'll take the axe actually as well why not pog champ oh two secret fragments okay so this guy's definitely bought something on the store i'm not sure what but he's definitely bought something now do we look for secrets that's the only issue because if i spend way too much time doing this someone's gonna log on and kill me has to be something that can give it away like this this here would give away a secret like this yes now we're talking no we've lost it again i'm trying to just follow this for as far as possible and hope to god that we managed to find something no i think i'm going way too far out i don't think there's going to be a base anywhere around here no okay i think we're honestly completely out of luck here i don't really want to go searching all of this anyway because it's going to take way too much time i honestly think what we should do is just leave in the nicest way possible is just get out of here now before everything goes bad now i'm actually going to take a few of those books i think just redstone on like iron ore and stuff but i don't know if it's worth any money how do i know the answer to your questions so that's the same week for okay i think we honestly just leave i don't think we're gonna manage to find any secrets but this video on its own has already gone kind of in the middle good and bad i think like we'll call it bad i think that's a word now and i honestly think we just leave we get out of here we go sell all of our stuff and we hope to god that nobody's anywhere around us because if they are i'm probably going to cry at some point and when we get back to spawn we can actually fill all of this into our uh to our thing that that thing that works that one so what i'm going to do is take a very quick cut and it'll be like blinking and i'll suddenly be it spawned we have finally made it to spawn six and a half hours of running later i'm with my new friend schnitzel from the faction we are best friends now uh it's you do i recognize you are you the dinosaur lady i don't know i don't know the answer to my questions okay we're just gonna run straight to spawn that's all we're gonna do i have spent so long the entirety of my day recording this video and we're finally here for wealth chess so i've seen from the comments okay you don't have to yell at me anymore it scared me the first time is basically blocks of stuff so i'll give you way more value than anything else so what we're going to do is we're going to put it we're going to sell these emeralds i'm going to put in just everything i have just in my venturi 16 blocks of diamonds going fully in 61 blocks of vine 59 or we i've now gained 200 228 000 dollars there is no way we're f top 27 no we're like f top like 15 we should be around here somewhere that was a crazy jump i didn't expect it to be that much and let's sell our uh our three little our three little things that could the three emeralds that one would you mean there are no sellable items you've just taken my emeralds thief thief you've just taken my emeralds the server's broken okay i sold the iron or at least that one that one went better okay so what else do we have to sell i have all of this hey but i'm gonna need to or hey i'm gonna need to organize my uh inventory beforehand you know i could just sell it right that's all that matters that's my noise i make okay that's an easy 35 000 dollars not not bad at all the rest of this we hopefully get another 32 000 and if we sell that's it we don't have anything else to sell uh we've kind of put all of our carrots in there now you can stay there we're now back up to 144k which minus the 75k means we've gained around 300 000 today even though this video was the most careful oh my god look at you you are majestic aren't you you're like a you're like perry the platypus you're so majestic right me me and the purple man oh there are some like terrifying people like look terrifying horse man with no oh there he is harry the platypus a demon and this guy and purple man i'm gonna call him but me and my new friends we're gonna leave you guys to i hope everyone did enjoy uh we've kind of left every video recently at spawn but we've made some friends it's all that matters hello new friends hello perry like the video thank you i'm just gonna roll the outro now goodbye everyone [Music] you
Channel: JamieRaven
Views: 48,688
Rating: 4.9383888 out of 5
Keywords: accidentally finding a kids 900IQ SECRET Minecraft Base, my NEW Minecraft Base isn't secret at all.. (Hide or Hunt), factionsraven, raven, minecraft, mine craft, factions raven, factionsraven hide or hunt, raven hide or hunt, hide or hunt #1, hide or hunt episode 1, funny hide or hunt, minecraft hide and seek, hide or hunt public server, genius minecraft base, redstone minecraft base, 1.16 genius minecraft base, 1.16 nether
Id: N8ithL3MMdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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