SML Movie: Jeffy's Grandparents!

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marvin do you know what day it is uh wednesday no marvin it's a special day it's trash day i have to take the trash out no marvin it's the most important day breakfast no that's the most important meal hey daddy can i wear my bunny suit and listen to hop hop and dance on the couch all day well jeffy shut up a baby i don't know what today is what is it marvin i can't believe you forgot it's our anniversary daddy forgot what today's not our anniversary yes it is uh uh actually i remember today yeah i knew today was our anniversary yeah yes i did i knew today was our anniversary i actually got you a gift it's in the car you did yeah i bought the gift weeks ago i left it in the car and i have to go get it so just wait here let me go get it hey mommy i totally think you should go with daddy to a car to get your presents no jeffy you should stay right here i can go with you marvin no no no no no i don't want you to walk outside like it's just your day it's our special day you should sit on the couch and relax and i'll go get the gift out of the car because it's in pieces i got to put it together i don't want you to see it when it's not complete okay marvin it's a way out here no one follow me i gotta go to the car to get the present oh man i can't believe i forgot me and road's anniversary where am i gonna find a gift at last minute is that a bunny rabbit i can give her a bunny rabbit uh hey little bunny rabbit all right baby here's your gift oh my gosh marvin you did remember hey danny look i got my bunny shoe yard that's great jeffy yeah here's your gift marvin why is it wrapped in christmas wrapping paper because i couldn't find any other wrapping paper downstairs i mean i didn't want to buy new wrapping paper because i wanted to use the old one because i want to recycle pollution oh okay uh but why is it moving yeah dang did you cut your wiener off and put it in the box why would i cut my wheel off jeffy i don't know because like when you cut a snake's head off it still moves what if jeffy shut up oh my i always wanted a gosh rabbit but i never told you that how did you know oh because i just know you because we've been married for so long i know you oh heck no there can only be one bunny rabbit in this house and i'm right here jeffy stop it it's her gift so what are you gonna name it i'm going to name him thumper humper why would you name him humper like jeffy it's not humber it's it's it's a humper with it's no it's thumper with a th oh the humper jeffy stop it no it's not listen uh no just leave okay then i have a question what what did why did you have to say that you had to put it together oh oh oh yeah i had to put your gift together because i had to um i had to put them in the box i didn't want to suffocate so i had to go and put him in the box that's that's what i meant when i had to put your gift together well you also said that you had them in the car for weeks no no no i bought them at the pet store weeks ago and then they just dropped them off to my car right now they put them in the car for me well does your bunny rabbit want jump on my carrot uh i'm sure he would love your carrot let's tear them back they're my current oh okay okay jeffy can you please leave it's our anniversary we want to spend time together yeah i'm gonna go make you guys the anniversary present you don't have to do that well baby do you like your bunny rabbit i do marvin but i still have some questions what like do you have the papers from the pet store i i i left them there i got to go print them out later i mean go back to the store and get all the baby baby just enjoy your gift i mean it's i got a buddy rabbit for you it's not like i went outside and grabbed it just now and just put it in a box to make it look like it's your gift okay marvin you're right and i love him the first the best yep you could just go play with him okay yeah all right i'm gonna make a carrot cake for my mommy and daddy's anniversary first thing i need is some carrots looks like enough carrots the next thing we need is some eggies darling i missed oh missed again oh no one keep missing you know what there we go all right the next thing we need is the carrot cake mix and then last but not least some flower all right thumper do you want to play with your little carrot toy no oh okay okay well how about this thing oh dumper where are you going come back all right put your cake in there let me make sure the oven's at 550 degrees yeah all right yep sure is all right jeffy have you seen thumper anymore jeffy you made a mess marvin's gonna be so mad at you well i was just trying to make you and daddy an anniversary cake oh that's so sweet jeffy you have fun thanks mommy it'll be done any minute marvin have you seen thumper anywhere thumper i hardly knew her nearly what i was just doing i was just doing what jimmy did earlier it's not funny marvin you're looking for a thumper if he ran away we can just go to the pet store and buy you a new one what mommy daddy i made you your anniversary cake oh marvin who would have thought we would raise a little baker well my name's jeffy it's not baker well that's just carrots popping out it looks gross it looks cute marvin look at the carrots and the sprinkles and the icing and wait what's this in the cake but why would you get in there why would you cook somewhere in the cake you act like i did this on perfect because you did do it on purpose jeffy you were jealous of this bunny rabbit because when you saw him you said you want to be the only bunny rabbit in the house but here's the thing daddy i don't give a [ __ ] that's what you don't care you don't care by anyone but yourself you killed this money rabbit on purpose you're a murderer you kill animals no i don't i didn't even do this on purpose i didn't know he was getting in the cave that's it jeffy you are grounded for how long uh a month okay can we lock that in we mean can we lock it in so you can't add any more time to it can we lock it in for a month why would you want to lock it in because i don't want you to add any more time to it when you see the kitchen what's wrong with the kitchen because that's at least a year daddy [Music] why did you make this big mess but you locked in a month danny to deal with it what you got no no i didn't walk in a month you're gonna be grounded longer than a month you know what you're gonna be grounded for life because i'm kicking you out of my house but father how can you do this to your perfect son oh you're the opposite of perfect i'm calling the cops to put you in foster care hey there somebody call the cops yes officer i want to kick him out of my house didn't you adopt him yes but i want to un-adopt him because i hate him well he turns 18 in august can't you just wait no i can't wait you understand he makes my life a living hell listen listen listen listen are you listening listening okay listen i know his dad's dead and i know his mom's in jail but he has to have some other family members he can go live with because i don't want them to live here well lucky for you i have this new app on my phone called family finder that'll help me find anybody he's related to what does it work well let's see just take a picture of him and huh wow look at that he has two grandparents that live not far from here we have two grandparents really yeah i guess i could send them to live with them you hear that jeffy you're gonna go live with your grandparents please don't do that to me father well i don't care if you talk to me in a british accent it's not gonna work drop him out with his grandparents why do you want to kick him out so bad because i got my wife that perfect anniversary gift i got her a pet rabbit and she keeps looking at it because she's so she's so upset that it's dead because he baked into a cake oh my god why would you do that cause it's wabbit season well it's actually duck season wabbit season duck season rabbit season duck season rabbit season duck season rabbit season duck season rabbit season all right fine i'm gonna take you to live with your grandparents come on just say goodbye to your parents tell daddy timo won't be coming home this christmas jeffrey stop it tell auntie little yell her out jeffy leave tell scarlett i do give a damn get out of here come on i'm so sorry about your pet rabbit baby all right jeffy this is your grandparents house you're gonna have to stay here from now on but it's so dark and scary yeah well this is where you're gonna have to stay since you get kicked out of your other house maybe don't kill bunnies next time come on oh huh every bunny welcome well good that kind of fits with your whole bunny thing uh hello ma'am i'm brooklyn t guy with the police department no ma'am i don't have a warrant that's not why i'm here i'm here with your grandson jeffy jeffy i haven't seen him in 15 years uh-huh yeah well he needs a place to stay so i'm thinking he's going to stay here oh come on in jeffy grandpa will be so happy to see you okay grandma you have fun jeffy poppy puppy [Applause] puppy your grandson's jeffy's here what i said your grandson jeff is here let me see him hey grandpa boy why you dressed like a bunny rabbit you look like a damn fool now hold on papi you know what the sign on the front door says it says everybody is welcome well leave me alone i'm watching the kiki room oh i love watching the kikis see that over there jeffy that's a key key room look at all the key keys good key keys come on paper let's go show jeffy the kinky room make me get up and [ __ ] all right jeffy this is what we call the kiki room this is where all 35 of my babies live 32 confirmed alive jeffrey we don't have tv tv is the devil what we have is the kiki room and we watch the kikis like our own personal little sitcom like you see that orange one over there well that one is married to the one right here with the mustache and then this one over here is his secret lover so jeffy makes you're a good boy or else you'll get fed to the kikis and they hungry for freedom you hear that kikis you stay in that room come on jeffy oh jeffy come sit next to your grandpa and watch the kiki show okay jeffy you want grandma to go get you something nice to drink maybe an ice cold dr pepper okay i think that ain't no damn sodas in this house what the hell is wrong with you so does the devil you drink water okay you don't have water come on jeffy let's watch the kikis wait not somebody to come look at this kinky what you doing in the laundry basket get out of there it's not time to wash the dogs hey take it take it you stop digging your balls i suppose take it stop it can we change the channel but there's only one show and it's the kiki show when you're gonna watch it you know what go check on your grandma she taking too long okay um grandma grandma's about to cut up some spam for the kikis they ain't eating about two weeks and they're starving why don't you go get grandma another can of spam out of the pantry it's down the hallway the long creepy hallway okay [Music] young scary hallway [Applause] oh what is that it's so scary oh an evil kinky well at least i found the spam oh man it's stuck on the wall what are you doing in the hallway you looking for my nudi mags no you get back in there watch the geeky show well grandma told me to come get this spam i'll get the spam you go on okay all right jeffy sit back and watch the geeky show i'm tired of the kinky show that's too damn bad watch it i got the spam oh can i have a piece no it's for the kikis don't you know i'll catch you ah martha i don't think this is enough spam for all the kikis well papi we're out of spam oh no we're not i see a whole bunch of spam right here wait me yeah get over here the kids are hungry get back here god damn it more martha you scared him off well the kikis are hungry i don't want to live in my grandparents house anymore jeffy stop yelling i have a really bad headache i feel so sick hey daddy how'd you get another bunny show quick well i went outside and grabbed another bunny rabbit and i lied and said the one in the cake wasn't really dead oh okay well i'm gonna make you a get well shum cake no jeffy you can't make any more cakes look i'll hold the bunny rabbit back i don't i don't want to cook this one hey guys so i'm sick and i wasn't sick when we were filming the rest of the video and we wanted to get the ending the next day and then my voice sounded like this and we started to upload it so that's why marvin's sick like this yeah so make sure you guys smash the thumbs up button and make sure you're subscribed and yeah hit the subscribe button you already said that [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 11,511,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, grandparents, jeffys grandparents, cat, cats, grandma, grandpa, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, logan, lance, adventure, puppet, puppets, show, hilarious, laugh, bunny, rabbit, cake, marvin, rose, brooklyn guy, scary, horror
Id: euXDU-qEfO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 23 2022
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