SML Parody: Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory!

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Jeffy get in here have a surprise for you Daddy you bought Fales yeah they seemed like pretty expensive chocolate and I wanted to spage for the good stuff since I had money wait Dad did you see Mr Beast did he give you $10,000 or were you in Mr Beast video D I have to know who's Mr Beast he makes a chocolate it's in all of his videos yeah I don't know who that is but I did get this though it's kind of cool it's like a little flyer it says Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory expr no way we got invited to go to Willy won's Chocolate Factory gu we have to go right now well hold up Jeffy don't get too excited I mean it kind of seems like a scam I mean they spelled experience wrong and it doesn't even say what we do just activity it's Mr Beast he's going to give us $110,000 each and a bunch of febles that we can't miss this this is how often you get invited to Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory well they were handing them out to everybody at the store so I mean probably everybody gets to go okay then we have to hurry up and get there before them well okay is there even an address on here no no there's just pictures it looks even better Dad we have to go but it's not really a fact fact it's more like a Candy Land it looks fake who cares there's only one way to find out that's true and I'm not really seeing a price on here so I guess it's free it's probably free yeah all you know we'll go there we'll check it out but if it looks sketch then we have to leave all right let's do it all right let's go all right daddy we're here you ready to go inside I'm so excited uh I don't know about this Jeffy it doesn't really seem like the right place it looks nothing like the pictures well this is where they told us to go maybe we have to go inside it's really cool on the inside but it doesn't even look like a factory it looks like somebody's garage well I don't know D we're already here so we might as well see what it's all about what's with the Easter Bunny art it's not even Easter oh I think it's PJ over there hey PJ what doing was it cool or what oh hey dude um yeah it was definitely something really is Mr Beast in there I really want $10,000 or free febles no don't tell me I won't be surprised uh you know it's just kind of one of those things you have to see for yourself you know see leing okay I'm so excited thanks PJ uh yeah wait just don't get your hopes up oh man all right that you're ready go inside I asked PJ and he said it was really cool plus he had a feast table so I bet Mr Beast is in there yeah okay here's the thing Jeffy we're just going to leave okay this looks sketchy as crap and I don't want us to get kidnapped so let's just go home right now why would we go home we're finally here at Wily won's Chocolate Factory that I left at least see if it's cool on the inside it's probably not though it's just a garage why would we go in there I don't know maybe it's underground all right let's go it's Florida there is no underground we finally made it to Wily Walker's Chocolate [Music] Factory [Applause] yeah what do you think Daddy this isn't a factory at all yeah what did I say Jeffy I told you just some random person's garage now let's get out of here before we get in trouble where's Mr Beast where's Willie Wonka hey I'm Willie welcome to my factory Willie Wonka no just Willie oh Dad I want to go home just wait right here Jeffy this this guy might be creepy or something okay listen here Willie my son is very upset he thought he was going to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory not your stupid little garage okay hey hey chill out have a cigarette no no I'm not going to calm down okay this is a scam how much you charge Hey kid don't be upset you want to see the the chocolate River hey I'm talking to you Willie see kid don't be upset we got a chocolate River go ahead give it a taste it's the real deal chocolate [Music] well it tastes like paper I hate it and over here this is where we make the this is where we make the chocolate oh really wiie cuz it looks like a lot like water and food coloring in no no this is the secret formula in the syrups and then we combine this with the chocolate and yeah what about the food coloring right there that's not no I don't know what that is it was just from earlier okay well where do you put the chocolate when you make it then the chocolate we keep it here in this big tank we keep it warm and liquefied in the hot water heater no it's not the hot water heater it's the chocolate heater a daddy look I'm going to drink the candy syrup no no wait kid that's not chocolate syrup that's uh that's what happens when you have a little too much Miller Light for breakfast and the Oompa Loompa is backed up the toilet e ew Jeffy put that down right now I had to go in the beaker hey check this out and uh yeah that that's it that's the tour hope you enjoyed that's it will really that was like three things are TS 2 minutes long Hey listen I it's a hard run in a factory all right I try my best hey but I'm not going to let you leave empty-handed you be a man take a cigarette the kid take a piece of chocolate Hey kid only one piece I got 20 more clients today and I don't want to run out of chocolate before the day is over oh my God this whole thing was a waste of time come on JY take your chocolate and let's go no wait you forgot your cigarette no I don't want that okay we're leaving hold on I forgot I got one more thing come on chiy let's go I hate you Willie your chocolate factory is really bad now hang on y all don't want to miss the grand finale no no no Willie no no don't worry it'll be quick oh my God Willie please let us out oh my God you don't have to do this okay I'll call the police yay I'll call the police right now I I don't have my phone oh my God I don't have my phone D why Willie shut the door I want to go home I'm getting freaked out uh oh uh you guys hear that oh no I I think it's I think oh oh no it's it's the unknown oh God he's here got him I don't like I don't like it I go home Jeffy it's okay we it's a show I think we're okay I I honestly thought this was going to be a lot worse CRA go home really bad oh he's so scary he's our villain and he lives lives in the walls of the factory and he keeps trying to steal my chocolate we got to stop him a bad unknown go back and oh no where's he going unknown knock it off you're stealing all my chocolate unknown unknown come on knock it off yeah take that all right show's over hope you guys enjoyed all right I hope you all enjoyed that'll be 7 for you and 40 for the kid what the heck was that you expect us to pay you after that I thought this whole thing was free you thought this was free I never said that listen me and the unknown do not work for free we're on payroll what 110 plus tip I thought we were going to die I I thought we were I thought we were in danger then that's good you enjoyed it 110 plus tip no no you know what come on pay up you get 100 you get 100 that day that's 0 no no you get 100 cuz I thought we were going to die that's all you get but you forgot the tip God what a wasted time and money yeah Dad that really freaked me out I never want to go back there yeah I thought we were going to get shot when he closed the garage door yeah I thought the unknown was going to get us for sure the unknown yeah that was so scary you mean the guy in the costume well we don't know if he was a guy in the costume dadd he was unknown that's the point Jeffy he was an actor okay he was really bad at that he's not going to get you well he freaked me out okay I didn't know willly Wonka was a horror movie it's not a horror movie he made all that crap up okay well it still scared me dad whatever oh yeah what about Dad stop not funny put that away it's kind of funny je no it's not oh my God you know I'm going to bed cuz I just want to forget about this day so you go to bed too wait day can I sleep in the same bed as you no why you're 19 years old I just for tonight um on this particular night after this particular traumatizing event I decided that we should have a sleepover I don't want to have a sleepover and I have school in the morning so then you can wake me up that's true you've been sleeping through all your alarms all right fine just for tonight thanks Daddy the next day oh should have never even went to Wily's dumb Chocolate Factory in the first place it was a waste of time and the chocolate wasn't even good it was expired plus Mr Beast wasn't even there what a oh no get out of my house oh no what is that oh unknown did you just want a tip for your show H daddy didn't give you any tip huh yeah he's really cheap and poor like that which is weird cuz d D actually has money now you see unknown Daddy became the new CEO of Target after I ruined the company and we were actually living in a mansion the other week but yeah we got kicked out for some reason daddy didn't really tell us why it was kind of weird but before that he was just a regular Target employee and then a long time ago he worked for Nintendo with his brother Luigi which that was also weird cuz apparently they made games but he never told you about yeah he turned evil he was really bad for about a month he had an eye patch and he did some really bad things and then he sacrificed himself and died so we had to go back in time to save him he was a whole thing unknown can I get you some more te by the way oh shoot I almost forgot your tip here you go unknown here's a crisp 20 right from Daddy's wallet sure you won't notice there you go Unknown by yourself something nice we got to catch up sometime wait unknown that's Daddy's te- mug that was his oh there you are unknown it's about time I was waiting out here all night The Neighbors were starting to give me dirty looks anyway did you get the stuff come on let's see it unknown ah that a boy how much you got in here anyway you got a five you got oh you got a 20 unknown that's what I like to hear Hey listen you were a good boy so why don't we go out and get something to eat for lunch you want uh some McDonald's some Wendy's Chick-fil-A oh you want Chick-fil-A well unknown I kind of wanted to get a frosty from Wendy's come on let's go get a frosty unknown you were good good boy [Music]
Channel: Kable10
Views: 123,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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