HOME ALONE Without Parents for 24 Hours *Security Cameras*

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today my daughter Sailors attempts to survive 24 hours alone for the first time ever again and it drives me crazy no sailor thinks that because she's a teenager she should be allowed to stay overnight all by herself in this house yeah and I don't think you can stay away a full 24 hours so we're going to have a bet the first person to give up loses and the winner gets the matter cup it's cringy but I want to win so that I don't have to clean any part of the house for an entire week mom and Hudson are at town that means when I go out that door you're all alone uhhuh are you good oh super scary just give this to me you're going to be quitting and that's going to be mine soon I'm not going to be quitting are you sure you're going to be okay fine all right what do I do first I have a great plan I'm only going to be a few minutes away I am not coming home because I want to win the man cup Sandy first you have to come out Rowan Sandy everyone out now I'm all alone also it's a really good idea for her to have some independent and she's 14 now she should be able to stay overnight on her own I know she can handle it it's no big deal I just keep telling myself that and I'm going to believe it actually what could possibly go wrong right I am only a couple of blocks away from my house I've got security cameras hidden all over the house to keep an eye on her but she has absolutely no idea my dad is so ridiculous he had cameras like literally everywhere in the house and expected me not to notice them like what this is Evan's the founder of famous birthdays this is place he's letting me stay here for 24 hours to watch Salish my dad k see me on this camera but whenever I'm whispering it's cuz I'm talking to you guys but when I'm talking really loud it's cuz I want him to hear me on the other cameras he has no idea I can see all of his cameras look I mean that's ridiculous that's so easy to find look at that it's literally blinking red how am I not supposed to see that I just found one more camera it's right there behind this red thing it's a really bad place to hide it oh I see the top matter Trophy this is going to be all mine I can't wait I am currently top matter I won the last challenge I like not having to clean and I am not giving it up I'm about to set up something huge for later tonight watch hey I'm all alone all day today can you come over tonight okay per did she just invite somebody over to the house who no you're thinking what I'm thinking no there's no way okay guys so do you see this we in my dad's office right now is his diamond plate button but shouldn't it be mine I mean I'm on his channel more than he is no it's my diamond play button I started the channel say it's my channel comment below is it my Channel or is it a sailor's Channel look at all the smudges on it it's really gross since it's mine I'm going to clean it wow this is so heavy I hope I don't drop it what is she doing why is she carrying my play button to the bathroom okay guys I'm going to switch this with something called breakaway glass I found it in the garage and my dad is going to think I'm dropping the plate button I can't tell is she like cleaning it this is the big glass it's really light and it's made out of sugar does it taste like sugar nope let's go bring my dad this is really really heavy I don't know if I can get her get her oh my oh no she broke my diamond play button oh wow dude oh no my dad is going to be so mad at oh man what I broke his Diamond play button I mean it is technically my diamond play button whoopsies I might just go back actually she can break anything in the house maybe should just go back she's like out of control she cannot be alone if I go home I lose if I call her I lose if I stay here I win but then she's going to wreck the house like what is that like what are my two choices since I did make a mess I'm going to clean it but I don't feel like grabbing the dust pan so I'm just going to put under my dad's desk but first some ASMR she's stopping the glass what is she doing it's really sticky she would feel so bad if she did this I know her her she's a good kid this would make her feel so bad I thought she was going to get scared and call me I didn't think she was going to have the time of her life and wreck the house if you think this is bad wait until you see what she does after dark now she's just disappeared into her room and I don't know what she's doing all right I need to eat something I know my dad has cameras everywhere in the house but not my room obviously so this is where I can talk to you guys since he's watching me I'm going to do a bunch of stuff I would normally do and see if it drives him crazy once he can't take it anymore he'll come home and I will win the matter couch sorry if I sounds weird today but my allergies are really bad right now my dad hates it when I put my feet on the couch is this how she is when we're not home she puts her feet on the couch so what do you guys think I should do today give me ideas comment below I'm starving I'm going 7-Eleven to get my food for the day no no no no no no she's a healthy kid she's not going to 7-Eleven to get food for the is she oh I really want coffee coffee she's getting a coffee at 7-Eleven I don't really like 7-Eleven but I think it'll driveing crazy so I'm going to eat it all day 7-Eleven is around the corner I'm sure she'll be back in 5 minutes OMG I thought for a second that my dad was also here okay I have 5 minutes to get everything I'm going to eat all day in 7-Eleven this is a challenge I've always wanted to try can I eat healthy in 7eleven let's see ring machine maybe looks healthy and obviously my coffee how else can I eat healthy at 7eleven all right she's not back yet gum have good breath they have actually some healthy snacks over here dring cheese fruit fruit bar definitely pretzels to go with this chain cheese maybe this extra blast whatever I'm just going to get like a million chips cuz guys I need my dad to come home I need to drive him crazy let's get some candy she's going to 7-Eleven she's going to get drunk food she's going to drink coffee already I don't even know who this kid is none of this obviously cuz I'm a vegetarian I'm going to get these for my brother when he comes back home all right it's been 20 minutes she's not back I'm not panicking okay A little the point of the security camera is so I could keep an eye on her the whole time her leaving I can't keep an eye on her okay guys there's so many flavors of ice cream I think I'm going to get this huge tub of it perfect wait till you see what I do with that it's going to be so funny I have a lot of things that are going to draw my D crazy but first i'm going to eat junk food for 24 hours he's going to be so mad at me it's going to be a long day Jordan you you need to take a chill let's go for a quick walk I I can't just 5 minutes 5 minutes going to happen in front me okay that's fine what if we get stuck in the elevator minute break she's going to be okay I just turned my stairs into a slide my dad is not going to be happy about this so when I asked Evan if I could come over he said yeah he's got I've got stuff for lunch that's lunch woohoo all right so what [Music] she is she sledding down the stairs wa wao that's actually kind of dangerous e this is so fun that actually looks like a lot of fun I would love to be there doing that with her but alone without asking do you do this in your house cuz yeah I'm not allowed to do it but today I am in case you're wondering why I care so much and I'm not just going back home it's because the loser has to clean up everything for the next 2 weeks in the house and I hate cleaning security cameras everywhere I mean I am protective I could be there in 2 minutes if I needed to be w that's so fun if you think that was crazy I've got an even better idea now okay let's do this I'm scared woo now we've got a stair tunnel made it into a tunnel now oh Jo oh is she okay again oh she's okay this is wearing me out man I want to hide under the table are you going to put a stop to this well I can't if I go go I got to lose W fun now it's time to try all the 7 11 things she actually just getting junk food all day first it's like pirate booty but with extra cheddar let's try it pretty good I think I'm going eat the entire package of this entire package of what are those things oh I don't have to clean it no there's crumbs everywhere say you got to clean that up is she drinking coffee I love coffee and my dad never lets me have it but today I have it I should get like 10 more of these right how much coffee is she going to drink pretty good lots of sugar and caffeine I'm going to be staying up all night woo she has gymnastics in the morning she's going to be exhausted if she stays up at night let's have smoothie cuz I have to be a little bit healthy okay yum but I'm not going to have too much cuz I don't want to be healthy today let's try caramel M&M's never had the caramel flavor pretty good I'm going to save this and this is all I'm eating today who is this kid she keeps saying all she's going to eat is junk don't tell Hudson that I'm having these cuz I technically got them for him more junk are you kidding e the peanut ones get five caramel ones get eight these get 9.5 cuz they're actually good and this get to 10 this get a 10 fried Sauce stram Cheese to go with it perfect M that's good I'm going to give this an 8.5 I got these oh no I hate peanut butter but I got to get my protein in when you're shoing at 7-Eleven you do not have that many [Music] choices what did she just eat that'll teacher say Don't eat at 7-Eleven I do not recommend this negative 100 it annoys my dad so much when I'm filming with gum in my mouth he actually hates it so she's vlogging this and she's chewing gum while she's doing it I'm going new for later yeah there's my summer 11on haul I have to show you guys something I've got a lot of people coming over let's go did she just say she have a lot of people coming over these pictures are proof the Hudson is the favorite Child she has this thing about Hudson being the favorite Child is not true Hudson and my mom are just like together and there I am it's like hello I'm over here I'm not there look I'm just sitting on by myself here I told her like a thousand times he's not the favorite Child here I'm just hovering over them then here I'm also hovering oops I got to put that together actually I'll leave it wait Did she just break the frame and then she's not cleaning it up no I'm going to turn this entire Place into an ice cream sand I think I heard ice cream or something neighbors ice cream I'm going to be needing these shirts why is she carrying all she just dumped my t-shirts over the balcony why would she do that I'm going to show you guys how I'm going to prank my Dad what's she doing in the closet I have a bunch of his t-shirts like all of his t-shirts cuz all he wears is black t-shirts I taped team Salish on each one of them so people will get ice cream and a free shirt this says team saish perfect and look guys I took my brother's ice cream cone because he was going to use it as a prop for YouTube video and he never used it so it's my now sorry what is she doing we're going to need some cones now some toppings do you guys like camera or chocolate in your ice cream I don't like either next is some peanuts and I've actually never tried peanuts in my ice cream she's sending up an ice cream stand now we have a different kind of cone in case people want to switch it up and I got three types of ice cream chocolate then caramel and simple vanilla then we're going to need some decoration to make it pop and I'm going to get started on my signs I'm going to pretend I'm charging people cuz my dad would hate if I charged people okay $10 for an ice cream sunday there is no way she invited our neighbors over and she is making them pay for ice cream right now the neighbors are all obviously going to give his t-shirts back but he doesn't know that I think I have a future in art school look at that we have our all three flavors of ice cream with our little scooper then we have our cones our Bowl cones and then caramel chocolate rainbow sprinkles and cherries team saor shirts I'm team saor so I'm wearing one we have this thing that says tastes as ice cream cream then our menu so perfect hi everybody line up for ice cream okay everything is $10 pick what you want 10 of our neighbors that came over and she's charging them for ice cream can I get vanilla bean please yeah of course you guys also have to get a special shirt okay this is your very own team sailor shirt here you go thank you it might smell really bad because my dad wears some but thanks problem those are my t-shirts does that say team Salish oh why are you giving away my t-shirts thank you no problem no she's not doing that I'm going to look back and she's not doing what I think she's doing yep she's doing it this is yours to keep thank you you have it forever okay what can I get you Vanilla Bean thank you thank you I'm going to give this $10 back to them can I get a caramel brownie in a cup with chocolate yeah of course thank you can I guess one to yeah perfect here you go than wow I'm making so much money on my neighbors this is not okay I'm calling a neighbor hey uh it's Jordan from next door how you doing did you get um ice cream from my daughter like an invite to get ice cream my daughter and I we just headed over there and we got oh cool best ice cream we've ever had she didn't charge you did she yeah she did actually okay um did she give you like a t-shirt yeah we got a couple T-shirts we definitely team Salish I'll get you the 10 bucks back uh I might want to get my t-shirt back though seriously don't worry about it we'll keep the t-shirts I want to give her a lecture about this but how did I know because they're hidden cameras and she doesn't know they're there you know how badly I want to call her right now we made a deal if we call each other we automatically lose so I can't call her we're going to have a talk about people can wait a minute my dad hates when I make people wait so guess I'll make them wait trampoline [Music] break she's just leaving our neighbors waiting where'd she go she is not on a trampoline right now when people are waiting for her what is going on do a backlip three two one so you guys see it now was my back flip of the day what is she up to okay thank you thank you it it's so yumy team oh yeah you can be team Sailors all you want but I'm staying here all night and you're losing the matter [Music] cup she's laying in my bed with her shoes on she's just dumping chips all over my bed she's laying in my okay okay no she's eating stack in my bed with her shoes on I'm not a total neat freak but this is driving me crazy cuz there's going be crumbs in my bed everywhere I hate making messes but I had to because I need to come home watching a movie eating my snacks living my best life let's see what horror movies on Netflix okay the doorbell just R maybe this is the person that she invite hey hi how's it going good NASA what what I thought she lived in Florida I bought 20,000 balls oh perfect are those crates in the yard I'm so confused why is she carrying balls yeah perfect what okay there's just balls all over the ground though this is NAA and NAA do you know why you're in this secret room no because my dad has so many hidden security cameras all around the house and this is the only place there aren't any so this is like our base okay okay what are they doing so you brought 20,000 balls right mhm oh my gosh wait until you see what we transform into a ball pit first let's go watch a movie but wait till you see what we're going to watch it's going to drive in crazy okay let's go okay there are no cameras in here either I hate meses but we're going to have to make one to drive my dad really crazy yeah go get the popcorn okay come on all right okay this is actually sweet I'm nasia is a good kid she has her over I guess they're making something nasia there's a camera right there there do you see yeah I hate doing this I see how this is going to dry my D crazy looks like popcorn maybe no you put it in a pot with a top on it that's a lot don't you think the popcorn needs a top nah it's going to pop everywhere you know that you've made popcorn a thousand times oh we're waiting for the popcorn let's go make our movie theater they're just leaving it they're using a skillet there's no Open Flame so it's not that dangerous is just that it's going to pop everywhere we're hiding in the pantry to make sure the popcorn doesn't like burn down the house yeah but my dad does not know that oh it's going crazy yeah it's going everywhere yeah oh it's making misses so obviously we're going to clean up once he gives up and comes home I'm definitely going to be TP matter tonight yeah it's going to be a long night I don't really get to eat burgers a lot with Salish so the one advantage to not being with her right now is I get to eat [Music] meat yum she's yum we are going to make the most awesome outdoor movie theater let's go let's go let's go we need snacks and we need like pillows and Si to make a fort this is going to be so cool we need this one we have a ton more in the closet too throw these over what are they doing they're wrecking the house they're throwing pillows there's balls everywhere what now we need candy snacks all that stuff do you like these yeah I love these okay what about these H yeah what about chips yeah perfect let's go okay okay now let's get some stuff from the garage to a big rug and pink for it right there you're building something in the backyard popcorn is still popping if her mom sees this she will do totally crazy cuz she's even more of a neat freak than saish is I have no idea who my daughter is anymore right here here perfect it looks so good already we need some lights out here to make it look a little brighter one right here and let's put like perfect now let's grab the last thing wait it looks like they're setting up for a movie but there's no movie screen all right it's just the popcorn's popping everywhere we need candy obviously I love candy we just made the most awesome outdoor movie theater let me show you guys this looks so good okay we've got candy over there we've got these lights and then we've got pillows and extra [Music] blankets that projector was in the secret room that's why they went to the secret room that's actually really cool why have I never done this for her this looks like so much fun NASA do your parents let you watch scary movies yes this is going to drive him crazy I'm pretty sure he's going to quit after this MH this is so awesome we get to watch all these movies and annoy my Dad wait I forgot my door Dash Tada got as much pizza as you can imagine what flavor do you want did they just order like 10 pizzas on door Dash she's eating junk food and five Pizza [Music] pies Cheers Cheers as long as they were not watching like a scary movie we're good I feel like that my God I wasn't prepared for that they're watching scary movies okay you know what I'm I'm out of here nope I'm not I can't I can't lose she loves horror movies but she also doesn't like to be alone after a horror movie so I think she's going to call me once this movie's over oh my gosh this is really scary a this is really scary but do you want to see something even scarier yeah are you watch something scarier than that oh wow oh [Music] Queen that's so funny it's really funny no they're watching me no no no no no say actually turn it off this is embarrassing I did that 5 years ago this is so embarrassing I I had to do it I got a million subscribers I said I would wear a tutu and a Leo if I did but I never ever looked at it again cuz it's so embarrassing I'm really excited to introduce the timers today my proud children Hudson and sa ah no that's scary OMG this is so cringy I can't turn it off say please oh she's driving me crazy no don't watch don't don't watch OMG no I'm leaving I'm done I'm done Evan I'm out of here actually no I can't I can't do it yeah I don't want to do it I canot watch him anymore he's too cringy are you ready to go make a ball pit let's go you know how we had a dogghouse here yeah well Boomer loved it but so did a bunch of skunks so we had to get rid of it this is 20,000 balls and we're going to film my dad's office with it it's going to be crazy he's going to be so mad I think this might get him to quit mhm what are all those bins there's like 50 bins in our house why are they moving my couch okay let's pour our first batch of colors in no way she actually just did that 99 of things more to go they're going to make a ball pit out of my office all my stuff is there say noia where did you get all these balls it's a secret oh okay four this is going to be so awesome yeah yeah they just keep dumping but they got thousands not too bad there's so many balls this is awesome and we still have so many more to dump hey how many were they get thousands and this is just stop pouring balls in my office this is so cool there are so many balls one two don't don't don't don't don't jump wo I don't know how we're going to get all of these balls out of the room okay I think something's lost in here oh my trophy this is going to be mine too oh God they're throwing them everywhere this is 20,000 mes I don't know how we're going to get them out maybe we can just leave them in okay fine I quit I quit I'm going nope I can't do it I can't do it when you're done in here do you want to go make s'mores in the backyard yeah great let's make a fire in the backyard to cook this more wait she just said make a fire in the backyard okay I'm going to go get stuff for fire okay I'll be in in 1 minute I don't know what to do I think she's going to make a an actual fire for real no okay I got to go I have a feeling that this is going to be mine any minute now no no no no no no no Sailors do not burn the house down I'm almost home let's just take it easy let's just breathe let's just chill what did you do what did you do what my whole office wait is there a bonfire what oh wait Dad you fell for it fell for what I knew you would do it now I'm top matter finally wait did you know I was watching you obviously there are like 100 cameras around the house wait you saw those cameras W wo oh you just pranked me this whole time yeah oh no well say goodbye to this and good luck cleaning up I'm what do you mean cleaning up well you know the rules being toall matter you don't have to clean for a week what no seea do not make that fire how did she know I was oh that's so obvious she knew the whole time row I'm not cleaning this I quit hey I heard you lost top matter this is awesome why don't you play here and then help me clean up okay I am a super important business you're not going to help me nope is that supposed to be a hidden camera I know I know it wasn't very well hidden oh oh oh oh oh okay okay I quit I quit
Channel: Jordan Matter
Views: 35,093,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: salish matter, say say matter, hudson matter, royalty family, jordan matter, home alone, ball pit, funny, 7-11 challenge, eating only at 7-11 for 24 hours, 24 hour chaallenge, starbucks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 27sec (1527 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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