SML Parody: The Candy Bandit!

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all right you guys are you ready to go trick-or-treating yeah true dish be the best Halloween ever I have the most fire costume Joseph can you even see out of that no dude I'm blind as your bat oh wow Cody what Junior no not this year don't make fun of my costume again please well it's just a bit of a zestfest what Junior okay my mom picked it out for me I'm a pretty princess fairy I kind of like it okay well I have another costume inside why don't you put on Spider-Man he's cool I don't want to be Spider-Man Junior this costume's actually really comfortable with the skirt I get lots of uh air flow okay we don't need a demonstration look Cody I'm just looking out for you cuz if bully Bill sees you in that I mean we're going to get beat who cares about bully Bill Junior we're here for candy and what are you supposed to be anyway oh that's easy everyone's going to know who I am I have literally no idea I'll give you a hint we're going to build a wall you're Donald Trump yeah I'm Donald Trump how did you not get that Junior no one's going to know that everybody's going to know cuz it's the coolest costume ever okay whatever let's just go start getting candy I say we start with the rich houses that's a good idea come on Joseph he can't see I'll help him trick or treat hey happy Halloween kids nice costumes except for that kid right there in the pink I don't really like that yeah what what's wrong with it see Cody I Told You So he supposed to be one of those they SL thems cuz I'm not calling him that there's only two genders no he's just weird no I'm not hey wait a minute you're Donald Trump oh I love that hey say the thing oh yeah sure okay uh we're going to build a wall it's going to be so huge we're going to push sleepy Joe right off yeah that's great you're a true American Patriot you know what you're doing your country of great service Trump 2024 am I right teach him young that's what I always say you know what kid just because you have the best costume and I'm probably not going to see anything better than that you get the Whole Bowl here you go come and take it wait really you've got to be kidding me I told you Cody it's the best trick or treat hey Aloha happy Halloween kids would you look at that we got Trump and we got a princess boy well that's uh that's Progressive Hey listen Trump you get two pieces princess boy you get one no complaining cand is very expensive nowadays yes you have got to be kidding me what about Joseph what does he get Joseph Joseph where did Joseph go dude hey D when you get go trick-or-treating we've been over this Jeffy you're not going trick-or-treating this year I'm not Jeffy I'm Mike wasowski what that's a Michael Myers mask Mike wasowski daddy Jeffy get that off you're not going daddy why you know why Jeffy why what did I do you peed on Mickey Mouse Daddy I would never do that that's gross I did not pee on Mickey Mouse yes you did M daddy why would I do that I don't know you tell me I don't know Daddy I didn't do it well then why you get kicked out of Disney World a pee on Mickey M yeah uhhuh that's why we're not going trick-or-treating Daddy he tapped on my shoulder from behind and he whispered in my ear it was creepy well what did he say I don't know I started peeing and what you saw was Mickey Mouse didn't you think to stop well Daddy I couldn't stop once the floodgates open I cannot close them but you're wearing a diaper it went through the diaper Dy oh my god well you're not going trick-or-treating and that's final well then we're going to have to fight I'm not fighting you there's trick-or trees at the door just go back in your room you're still grounded hey how's it going happy Halloween oh nice costume you're the uh you're the guy from fortnite right yeah my son plays that game no not even close yeah so Candy's down there just go ahead and take one I can't stress it enough just one piece okay all right cool uh hey bro there's no candy in here wait what there's nothing but I just filled it up an hour ago and I put the sign on it do people just not respect rules anymore great what is this world coming to who would just take all the candy I put the sign on wait excuse me for a second great just great you want to explain yourself now Jeffy what now I think you know what you did did I pee on the Tooth Fairy no you stole candy out of the candy pil what are you talking about about daddy I've been sitting here the whole time well you know what I think I think you didn't like the fact that you couldn't go trick-or-treating so you went outside and you took all the candy for yourself I think you're bold and ugly daddy that's not true why would I do that I was sitting here the whole time and just cuz what I peed on Mickey Mouse you got to make a big deal about the candy you need to understand I didn't do anything wrong I've been sitting here that you are fat and ugly big ugly man you're making stuff up Daddy I'm not ugly this is cuz of Mickey Mouse it's Jeffy I'm not doing this okay here's what's going to happen I'm going to go down to the store to buy another $15 bag of candy because I'm not going to be the only house that doesn't have any and you're going to sit right here because if I find out you left while I was gone you're grounded for 2 more months well Daddy I'm obviously going to sneak out why would you tell me that well Daddy my mind doesn't really work like it's supposed to so a lot of times I just say stuff when I know I'm not supposed to talk you better be on this couch when I get back Daddy's costume is funny looking oh guess I have to go trick-or-treating all by myself I wonder where Junior went is that is that bully Bill Boy Bill over here run who are you supposed to be Mike wasowski finally somebody gets my costume Hey Boy Bill you want go trick- or- treeing what no get out of my way loser how did you get so much candy well because I stole it all oh bully bill can I help you steal candy please you're not going to snitch well no daddy says I can't go trick-or-treating but he never said I can't steal candy all right fine if you help me then we'll do a 50/50 split no way all right boy B let's do it all right I know a few houses we can hit over here all right best Halloween ever se you Junior you you literally got all of the candy well Cody I told you you could have been Spider-Man maybe I didn't want to be Spider-Man Okay Junior well since I'm such a good friend you can have some of mine wait really yeah sure oh no wait can we do half seon you have a lot of really good candy oh wait half season is a bit much I mean is my candy okay forget I even ask then fine we'll do half SE no way Junior I really want to get some of the what what what the why did you turn off the lights I ain't do it I've been right here the whole time Junior what did you do I'm getting freaked out why did you do that okay calm down junior I'm nervous This is Halloween just went off this is weird wa I'll just turn the lights back on do you feel that what is that Junior I'm freaked out seriously turn the lights back on I'm doing it well there you go the lights are back on stop baby my candy it's gone all I took it Junior how would I take your C been staying here the entire time I don't know you were right here so the lights went off you're like there's my opportunity why would I do where would I even put the candy junior I'm sitting I don't know like in your skirt it's not Junior it's not what you're not wearing any pants oh oh I'm sorry Junior I I forgot I I didn't know I oh pretend like you didn't see that all you left me was one Laffy Taffy I didn't steal your candy junior okay fine if you didn't do it and I definitely didn't do it then that must mean Joseph's in the house where are you Joseph I I don't think Joseph would come in here turn the lights off and steal your candy but hey you still have your your banana Laffy Taffy which is that is probably the worst the worst candy exactly Halloween ruined well Junior just relax it's not that big of a deal folks this is a really big deal local candy bandit has been stealing Halloween candy from trick-or-treaters this is truly a nightmare for Halloween excuse me sir what are your thoughts on this issue why yes of course your candy has been stolen and you sir what are your thoughts on this um well I really don't know about any candy Bandit but me personally I would turn off my ring doorbell and try not to look outside just for tonight indeed a truly sad day for America God save us all why can't we just have a normal Halloween oh no Cody I'm not standing for this I'm going back out there I'm getting more candy dude you can't go back out there what if he's dangerous what if he has like a rusty metal pipe or something it's true I don't want to get hit with a rusty metal pipe but but Joseph's still out there what do we do about that oh he is still out there well he's dressed as Batman so nobody should mess with him that's sure Nobody messes with Batman well Junior do you just want to split The Laffy Taffy but it's banana though I don't want either but we have nothing else that's true I'll get the knife okay this was the best Halloween ever look at all the candy I got boybo we did so good we got so much candy yeah I did so where's my half your half yeah you said I'd get half the candy oh you actually believed that no loser I hate you I'm not giving you any of this I was just using you to get more very funny bully B but seriously I have to get home before daddy so I need my half you're not getting your half do you want me to throw hands right now bully bill oh I would not try that this is 50 lb of candy if I hit you with this you'll get knocked out guess I'll have to flip your desk tomorrow at school while everybody watches oh I'd love to see you try great cuz I'm going to oh yeah oh yeah bully Bill Dad wait what loser you said you wouldn't snitch all right I'm finally back from the store again can't believe spend all that money on Candy I'm have to budg it for the next few months Daddy it's bully Bill what you got to listen to me it's bully Bill he's been stealing all the candy what really yes and he's probably out there right now stealing your candy you got to go get him oh no no no not on my watch what do you think you're doing bully Bill oh no no no not on my watch what the Yeah you owe me 15 [Music] bucks
Channel: Kable10
Views: 178,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qGctn7i9tzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2023
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