SML Parody: Morty's Portal Gun!

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oh man I love reading my diary Wimpy Kid book in the pool it's like one of my favorite places to read oh this book is so great too you know it's kind of hot outside maybe I'll take a break from Reading go in the pool hey Jeffy can you pass me my goggles I got you Morty Kid book oh Jeffy you knocked down the pool why would you do that I can't read it now it's all ruined oh oh geez no I don't even want to go in the pool thanks a lot Jeffy oh man I can't believe I dropped my diamond ruby cake book in the pool why would you make me do that oh no what am I gonna do what what the oh someone's at the door uh hello who's out here wait what there's no one here what what the heck is that what is this thing I think it's for me I guess I'll take it inside oh geez what the heck is this thing and why does it look so familiar I've definitely seen it before because it says two Morty on it so it must belong to me maybe what does this say point away from face use only once oh God point away from phase why is it dangerous is it gonna like open a wormhole in my eyes or something it looks like it would or maybe I should just get rid of it right now and not use it or maybe I could use it once I mean if it was dangerous it wouldn't be telling you to use it right okay I'll use it one time and I'm getting rid of it oh geez please don't like destroy my head or anything like that oh okay here I go what the what is that a pickle I was kind of hungry maybe I'll just be right oh Morty Morty it's me no it's me pickle Rick Rick that's you yeah I'm a pickle now a long story it's kind of a dead meme Morty I need your help you come back to me after all this time and you want my help already oh yeah Morty I got into some trouble with some people and there's some people out here it's kind of weird I need to turn me back into human form how do I do that you gotta use this thing right here more you're gonna shoot me with it okay wait but it says not to shoot people no it says not to shoot you with it you're gonna shoot me Morty oh okay I'll try but if this blows you up don't get mad at me go ahead Morty it's gonna work Morty did it work oh oh God you're not pickle Rick anymore Ricky your pizza Rick you're a pizza Rick oh this is a new one yeah I don't know how to help you Rick I mean can I just like shoot you again well no more this only has two shots Hey listen I really gotta get back to my human form we gotta figure out something can you help me figure out something I'm not helping you with this crap I told you my days are doing this garbage are over I'm not helping you but you're Morty we're Rick and Morty yeah well now it's just Rick because I spend my days doing a fun things like reading whippy kids and and cooking stuff and and not getting into weird illegal Adventures Morty this isn't like you he's like me it's the new me Rick so you're on your own sorry but no Morty please no Morty oh okay time to do the only thing that makes me happy in life anymore watch TV oh wait I forgot I can't afford cable anymore so I don't have TV anymore Morty is that you oh great now I'm hallucinating floating talking couch Pizza you're not hallucinating do I know you go away hallucination don't tempt me wait a minute Mario is is that you Mario you look kind of tasty what no is it wrong to eat hallucinations yes very much wrong and I'm not hallucination maybe I should like try it all day I can't even afford food I'm gonna go eat your green beans no don't eat meat no no no Morty Morty I'm not pooping you out anymore well I'm getting eaten Morty Morty was eating me you're a Morty stop struggling hallucination I need to eat you no Marty please just stare there I'm coming to help uh Morty help me Morty help me Morty wait what he's not a hallucination no uh that floating piece of pizza is Rick Wubba lubba dub dub or something oh God I need a shower yo what's his problem Oh God Rick are you okay I'm already did you did you fix you fixing for him what yeah how'd you know what it just takes Double A's double a batteries three of them oh well if you told me it was that easy before I would have helped you come on I have double lace in my room oh great all right Rick welcome to my room Morty this is your room yeah I know it's a little small Mark can't afford to give me an actual room so I just sleep in here this is my bed I sleep in there and over here's my Wimpy Kid books I have all of them well except one I lost one in the pool today it was really sad Morty you're you're a nerd well I'm not a nerd I just like women because yo Rick this is why I don't hang out with you anymore you're mean and you're selfish and you're rude at least on the picture of Greg Heffley in my room he's just cool I want to be like him Morty Morty what is this nothing nothing it's not important yeah okay so where where are the batteries so we can fix the thing and I can go back to myself oh well well you see I uh I lied I don't have any batteries why'd you take me in here Morty I just wanted to show you my collection I thought you think it was cool it's not cool Morty what's cool is me going back to my human form well uh okay why don't we go to the store and buy batteries the storm you want me to go to go out in public looking like this it's embarrassing Morty yeah it's true you might get eaten again um oh oh I met you we'll take batteries from all the TV remotes and put them in there I mean no one's using the TVs anymore so that should give us enough charge for one more use right that's true that could work Marty let's do that okay let's go all right Morty did you get the batteries yep they should be all good to go all right hit me I don't want to be Pizza Rick anymore okay here we go hopefully this works foreign am I Among Us Morty yeah no I don't want to be among us more to change me back hey think about it this way it could be worse at least you're not food anymore maybe being an Among Us isn't so bad no being Among Us is way worse than being Morty shoot me again okay geez jeez just calm down shoot me shoot me okay hang on press the button morning I am pressing the button I think it's out of juice no no more no no no no no not with Among Us please please anything but this well I'm sorry Rick but these are like old batteries from a TV remote you know they probably were only good for like what Jews what are we gonna do you have more batteries right no we don't have more batteries not that I know of I mean I could go to the store you just have to wait here for like five minutes I'll bring some batteries back no more you can't leave me here what if somebody sees me you'll be fine Rick the people in this house have seen a lot weird stuff than a talking crew made crewmate but Morty hurry back please okay oh what doing Among Us who are you what what are you doing on the red couch oh are you trying to watch TV no it's a weird looking TV right here I can help you what are you doing she has this thing work no no no don't shake it what are you doing so help you change the channel here you go what the heck uh Among Us why'd you turn into that uh I don't think this is a TV remote um uh I Didn't Do It Good morning my Funko Pop Morty somebody help me oh geez okay Rick I have the battery so we can charge up the device and get you back to normal what happened to you Rick Morty I'm a Funko Pop now um funko pop Rick wait wait you're pop Rick hang on Rick go get you out of the box no no Morty I'll lose all my value I I gotta stay in the Box Morty uh okay well wait where's the device I gotta get you back to normal some kid with the yellow shirt came by and he shot me with that Morty it must have had some charge left you you gotta get the device back I gotta get this device back from a kidney yellow shirt oh Jeffy Jeffy took the device hang on Ricky you know where it is I'll bring it back just wait right here uh Hey Jeffy uh what you got there that's my TV remote Morty what do you want oh well you see the funny thing is is it's not your TV row it's mine and I cutting it back what no Morty I found an extra Funko Pop Rick so it's mine so far brick because I left it there Jiffy I really need it so I could turn it back to normal so can I please have it back get your own Morty Morty come on that's what I'm trying to say what if I trade you for I can give you a Wimpy Kid it's a little soggy but it's just gonna be good I don't want your pool Wimpy Kid what am I gonna give you then because I really need this back well do you know how to recharge it because it stopped working well yeah it ran out of batteries that's why I went to the store to get these oh can I borrow those well yeah what do you need them for oh nothing particular oh oh well at least I feel a little cleaner hey Daddy check this out what is that what the heck what did you do to me Jeffy what did you do what the thought is that oh I literally did it you fixed my mustache ooh I don't like that wait what oh oh no more this dumb thing ran out of batteries got anymore Jimmy don't throw this thing and yes I have more batteries but I'm not giving them to you why because I this thing so I can fix Rick you can't have it you can't have this thing and screaming at me won't help I'm gonna take this and fix Rick well then if you don't give it to me I'm going to hold my breath and die oh okay good luck with that I'll be over here fixing Rick okay Rick I have to cut all charged up so it should work now all right Morty shoot me I don't want to be a Funko Pop anymore Morty okay here we go stand still Morty uh nope this isn't right shoot me again Morty okay okay Morty I I think I'm working and I think you did it Morty you look like Rick and wait what's wrong with your eyes who cares don't worry about it Morty I'm finally back now we can go home it's so great Rick I I just thought I was gonna see you again all right Morty ready to go wait wait go home wait no no my home is right here Rick I mean your home is technically here too because you kind of sort of live here uh no Morty we got we gotta use a portal gun and we have to go we have to go back uh Morty I I I gotta tell you something what uh I'm not the Rick that you know wait what you're not I'm actually a different from a different universe and in my universe my my Morty died what so I'm dead well no you're alive right here Morty but in my universe my Morty he sacrificed himself so now I'm a rick without a Morty but since you're a Morty without a Rick I I told my me seeks to come here and drop off the portal gun uh and so then you would bring me here and now you can come home with me and we'll be Rick and Morty again well no Rick I have a rick he's just like never around he's always doing something weird exactly he's not good like I am so come with me Morty we'll be Rick and Morty together and go on fun adventures no Rick what did I even tell you all day I've been saying that I like it here I like reading my wimpy kids I like being alone and I don't want to go with you 40 that's boring that's lame come on no I don't want to go with you Rick I'm fine right here in my universe well I didn't transport myself through universes just to have you deny me so you're coming with no I'm good wait what are you doing sorry Morty no it's for your own good Morty here I go yeah hey Morty I uh just wanted to apologize because I was being really rude back there and I just wanted to make it up to you so we can play some fortnite I uh don't know where you went uh Morty what the bunch of Morty Pancho yeah I'm already douched his eyes out gouge his eyes out we're gonna be the toy a little too far I have a better idea wait a minute here what no Morty what are you doing we gotta get this guy stay back Rick you're gonna shoot me more to eat no just drop them and I'll shoot him oh true what Morty you turned him into socks yeah how many people have you know that I've been kidnapped by socks at least seven really yeah oh well I thought you'd be harmless but Rick I'm so glad you came to save me yeah of course Maury you know I have to save my Morty whenever I can yeah I really didn't want to go to his Dimension it was really weird there yeah I don't like the fire Dimension yeah it was bad but thank you so much for saving me I mean where have you been all this time it's been like a year oh you know just doing Rick stuff going across dimensions and universes making my cool wacky fun inventions and you know all that yeah are are you sure about that yeah you know I've seen you on fortnite a lot lately like you were on like just two days ago no that's not me Morty I don't play that game games for babies are you sure I thought you might want to play because you know you're in the game no I don't even tell them to do that I don't even get paid they should have done that I don't want to be in 400 Lame Game are you sure you haven't been playing it no I don't my cousin plays yeah wait what your cousin you Rick you don't have a cousin I I don't have a cousin yeah no I more they swear to God if you tell anybody about this oh well do you wanna play is this squad up it's north 40s one shot Naka Morty wow Rick I didn't know you were that crack all right guys I got a really good loot show you don't have to be worried oh guys I got knocked can you please raise God I'm cracked at this game guys I'm cranking 90s wow nice 90s Rick Rick can you reboot oh Rick guys on you guys I gotta get rebooted hey guys when do I get rebooted hey Morty can I get a reboot guys I marked the reboot man hey guys when do I get rebooted Jimmy we're not rebooting you so stop can this kid shut up oh break the guys on you the 40 no oh man we lost Morty you guys up for another that's cool and all but can I get rebooted [Music] thank you
Channel: Kable10
Views: 398,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yQeUZsHBFqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 27 2022
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