SML Parody: Junior The Criminal!

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foreign guys let's go run yeah oh my God guys okay but we gotta wait that was so much fun yeah junior did we really have to steal all this stuff we could have just bought it wait Cody no I can't buy Prime I don't have the money for that and my dad would never give it to me I guess we're gonna get caught one of these days I swear no we're not Cody we already got away with this stuff why would we get caught Pico you check this out yeah you just littered I tried to do a trick shot in the trash can it was supposed to be really cool well well well what do we got here a pink Prime oh my God it's a cops run Cody Jones oh god oh hello officer you guys like littering or what oh officer it wasn't me I swear I literally saw you throw the bottle we are no come on don't try to change the subject I know what you did this guy in the car he's literally rubbing robbing things right now yeah no I'm not falling for that stole the car okay right yeah if you want to be difficult I'll just go over there and write you a ticket come on no what oh hey Dad I uh I have something to show you and before I do uh don't freak out because it's not that big a deal Junior what did you do I I got a ticket for literally oh and you are littering a good deal okay it's only 150 oh my God and you got caught four Junior out of all the crimes you could have committed littering that's the most lame baby crying Dad no it could have been worse I could have gotten caught when I stole you stole something I can get caught when I dig it get it over with what are you doing I'm ready for the belt no I'm not gonna beat you oh you're not you said you didn't get caught right oh yeah they just caught me for littering not stealing oh my God are the cops here no dad no oh thank God hold on Junior I gotta show you something okay all right Junior added to the pile a Rollie of course and you better you bet One is paid for whoa hit and run fat and hijacking and the detail and that says it Dad did you do 911 what no it's 9 11. oh I was hijacking a forklift and it so happened to be on 911. oh I I swear they're not related it's just a coincidence oh well okay I mean Dad if I'm being honest you know littering seemed kind of laying next to you know reckless driving what do you think I was saying Junior I mean littering for your first crime that's so embarrassing what a baby crime well that I mean if I'm being honest I'm pretty surprised right now I didn't think you were this bad really Junior I mean look at the scar on the back of my head whoa we sent it from assault uh no it's actually from animal abuse you never mess with tigers like don't do it don't don't mess with tigers oh well well you don't have to worry about that Dad because I promise I'll never be bad again I'll be a good boy from now on oh man what's wrong Dad it's just I was so proud of you for getting your first ticket you are proud of me for littering listen Junior we're Bowsers we're meant to be bad it's in our blood a bad boy I'm a click boy yo I do good boy things exactly why do you think I've been so disappointed in you you never do anything bad so you like it when I'm bad yes I want you to get some blood on your hands duh metaphorically don't actually get blood on your hands uh okay well I mean if you're proud of me when I'm bad you bad kids have to go to school no bad kids do not go to school well then I think it's time for me to commit some crime oh yeah I am so proud I got the best idea okay let's go uh hey guys how come I'm in a driver's seat because today you're driving wait what brother old enough I don't even know how to drive exactly oh oh I get it it's our first crime we're gonna come in oh here shut up you can't see that in public wait listen when we're doing this stuff outside the house you got to refer to these as life hacks so us stealing Mario's car was a life hack exactly the same way you're running a stop sign over there as a life hack wait uh you want me to run that stop sign yes go right through it don't look left don't look right don't even think about it just go what if we get hit then we get in okay let's go oh Dad that was so much fun how did it feel Junior I feel like I was doing something bad yeah you never will forget your first I wonder if any cup sauce I hope so I want to get a ticket what do you mean well you have so many tickets I want to be like you no Junior you don't want the tickets listen they're a nice trophy for if you get caught but otherwise you don't want to rack up the debt but I want a trophy I want people to know who's being bad the real trophy is getting away with it oh okay I see well let's go commit more crimes a life hack sorry Dad our Junior pulling in that parking spot right there wait Dad that one but that's the handicap spot and well I'm not handicapped why would I park there it doesn't matter you're closer to everything it's easier and it's another life hack oh I see what you're saying okay I'll park in the handicapped spot I do dad you did fine okay good well now what do we do now we wait for what what oh man I was gonna use that yeah right on time oh God I think that old lady was trying to use his parking spot hold on Junior I have another life hack to show you okay there we go sorry we scratched your cart but Dad we didn't scratch your car I know that's the point she's gonna come back wondering who scratched my car but little does she know no one did she'll be paranoid about it for months but Dad that's not really a life hack that's just mean it's just funny I guess it's kind of funny well dude I'm kind of hungry can we get some food all right we'll go get something to eat okay all right Junior what are you hungry for well since you're asking me dad uh can we get Mr Beast burger please I've always wanted to try it is that ubereats well yeah but it's the only way you can get Beast Burger ah fine why not we can get it wait really has a really expensive delivery fee yeah just make sure you order it to the neighbor's house why send their life hack kind of basically whenever we get it delivered we have to cancel the order and say it never got delivered so that way we get a full refund whoa that's like getting free food right uh yeah basically well isn't that illegal though that's the point oh right right right well then why don't we just do it every single day if it gets us free food well that's what I did for about two months and then they blacklisted the address so now I have to order it to the neighbor's house oh I was wondering why Mario never gets his food and then if we continue to do it with the neighbor's house they're gonna Blacklist their address so whenever they order ubereats it's not going to get delivered right well okay then we won't do it every day but we will do it tonight right yeah sure okay what do you want whatever is most expensive okay I got you oh man dad that burger was the best burger I've ever had and it was so much better because it was free what Burger Junior oh right they didn't give us our burgers nope they just gave us empty cardboard boxes in a bag for some reason wow dad I love being bad thanks so much for teaching me how to commit crimes uh yeah they're life hacks Junior in case somebody's listening oh right thanks for teaching me how to commit life hacks all right Junior we better get some shutout we have a big day tomorrow want to go to bed I have school tomorrow do you have school tomorrow Junior wait no I don't because bad boys don't go to school now you're talking oh wow okay okay I'll see you tomorrow I can't wait to commit more life hacks yeah that's right son [Music] oh they actually have them Junior we hit the jackpot oh my God thank you so much for spending time with me today it was so much fun doing more in life hacks please please please please please uh not right now Junior I'm actually getting kind of tired but what that is so it's fun we still have so many more life hacks we can do I know just I'm not as young as you I'm old so I get tired really easily and you know that was a lot for me oh come on dad but I want to do more life hacks I want to I want to well why don't you go ahead and do some I'll stay here and I'll take a nap just don't get into too much trouble wait you really think I'm ready to do them by myself probably not but I don't have a better idea so you can go ahead and do that and I'm gonna I'm gonna go watch Charlie wow my dad actually trusts me I'm gonna make him so proud I have the best life hack ever one hour later dad I did guess what I need Dad what did you do junior what did I did the best life hack yet you want to see what's in this bag what's in the bag I went down in the bank and I said give me everything you got is it what they gave me no you didn't Junior no no no no no don't tell me you you robbed a bang dude look at all this money now you can pay off your tickets I don't want to pay off my tickets you know that's a felony that you told me to be bad I mean that bad you knew that that's evil evil but no dad you could pay off your tickets it's a good life I swear to God you're gonna go to prison it's over what why would I go to prison oh my God that was probably the police you're done no dad that's just Cody I told him I robbed the bank he wanted to see how much I got what you told Cody yeah well wait a minute you're not Cody hey man can you just cuff yourself and get in the car I don't want to miss the game tonight wait I could have sworn weren't you just littering yesterday oh yeah that's my life hacks and I don't have to actually get up and throw away trash okay well I just got word that somebody who looks exactly like you just committed a life hack over at the bank can you just make this easier wait don't go Junior shut up and stay inside oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God what do we do what do we do [Applause] take it off right now but I like my bid give me your bib or you're grounded for infinite amount of time before he wakes up okay fine just take it off hey good morning sleepy head oh my God okay okay my my head hurts uh what what it's me Junior the kid who robbed the bank and knocked you out and took you hostage and did all those other crimes oh and I litter I love the litter yeah I litter all day every day I have like 100 tickets too can I go to jail now anything else I also don't pay taxes uh you're under arrest I guess yay prison okay I've heard enough you're under arrest okay you got the right to remain silent you either blah blah blah the Miranda Rights you've heard this before get in the car oh you are you dummy yo shut up uh Hey Dad we need to get out of prison honestly Junior probably never I'm definitely getting life wait so I'll never see you again no unless you pay for my bail or I break out oh well okay Dad I mean if it's okay with you I don't really want to do crimes anymore it's not worth it don't do it junior or else you'll end up in prison like me and remember whatever they say in court it was just a forklift [Music] thank you
Channel: Kable10
Views: 579,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bpK5plgF4DU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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