SML Parody: Junior's Valentine's Dilemma!

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[Music] all right I got everything for Penelope here thank you so much for helping me Joseph no problem dude you're the best friend ever no problem wait J what are you eating it's some of the babies wait when did you open the trolley oh um when you were gone oh what J spit that out okay oh okay well uh Joseph I have to use the restroom okay oh okay dude all right you stay here and watch my things that make sure nobody touches them okay don't worry do I won't oh okay all right all right Joseph I'm back from the bathroom wait Joseph what happened what Joseph Joseph wake up Joseph whoa what happened here what Joseph what no what happened oh wait I do remember some guy broken hit me with hammer made this huge Miss wait he made oh he made this huge mess yeah dude what what am I going to do P's going to be coming any minute ouch I don't know oh wait wa hold on wait oh oh no penel is at the door penel is here already um J do do whatever you can and cover this whole thing up okay okay do all right all right I'm going to go the trctor hey bobi hey Junior wow you're looking beautiful as ever thank you Junior are you excited for Valentine's Day of course I am Junior I got a special surprise for you up in my room yay Junior all right let's go okay Junior no no wait J I told you to clean all this up oh yeah those out why did you do this junior but P wa I didn't do any of this you can have these if you want no no thank you you got all your mucus and spit on it what peni I I swear I didn't do any of this what just I told you to spit those out um yes you did there's like all this stuff out of there that jph made and there's that car that say I hate you where's my lollipop please listen I can explain fine then maybe that stupid card oh okay fine I'll read you the card maybe it maybe um it says I hit you on on on the card but um maybe maybe it says um uh maybe the rest of the the card says I I like good things right it better okay B let's read it all right let's read it hi right here here's all all right read the card you're my least favorite girlfriend in the world why did you do that to me I didn't do anything Penelope um yeah you did it's right there that says you're my le favorite girlfriend in the world do you have other girlfriends what no I don't I would never cheat on you Penelope but please you got to believe me why should I believe you but because I'm your boyfriend look okay let me explain so Joseph said that some Maniac came in and started and started and attack Joseph and then start and started on everything well I could believe that I I believe that okay uh please um I still got reservations at um Red Lobster you do yeah I do jie you do you still have the reservation of course I do dude yeah he does okay all right um let's go okay all right let's go on our date thank you for calling Red Lobster how can I help you hey there I like to cancel my reservation cancel at Red Lobster yes okay I hope you're Mrs is okay with that cancelled all I thank you welcome have a good day sir bye what a lovely day hey hey the I I got reservations for two oh well let me look that up for you what's your name son my name's junior junior yeah Junior you just called in moments ago and cancelled your reservation well I didn't cancel my reservations somebody sure called up on the phone and cancelled well that wasn't me well maybe it was someone else Nam Junior H there's only one Junior on the list ma'am and he called and cancelled so you got nothing Well Ian I only want to be here come on penel let's go home good be gone with you all right let's go man I can't believe they said that I didn't have a reservation that Red Lobster but really I did yeah I can't believe it I know that's really weird um but um I have sh B could cook or something he can yay yeah he can U what would you like to eat Penelope mac and cheese oh mac and cheese shef shef peipi makes the best mac and cheese in the world he does yeah he does he he does makes the best Mac and Cheese okay then I'll take mac and cheese all right you go to the counter I'm going to go I'll go over and tell shpi but where is the counter oh um um it's over there thank you okay I'm making the chicken net hey sh oh how can I help you today junior um my girlfriend came over and we really really hungry you have a girlfriend yes I do and you want to put something in your belly yes um we would like some mac and cheese mac and cheese oo what a fancy dish would you like some of my McDonald's style chicken nuggets um no thank you are you sure I got frozen chicken breast I can throw them in there and shake it on up uh no um we'll just take some mac and cheese all right I will make you some a chef peip Heavenly Mac and cheese and I'll bring it out as soon as it's ready oh okay Chef B thank [Music] you oh got all my ingredients for Chef PE Super Duper macaroni and cheese scoper all right let's get the cooking first let's put some noodles to hold B everything oh yeah that's going to be good let's get some butter where the butter give me the butter wo one stick should be magnific all right let's get some milk let me get some milk yes my baggie of milk you never seen milk in a bag well I am French canaran that's how we do it in Canada and last but not least we will need some cheese some macaroni and cheese without cheese [Music] now let me give it a couple magic peey shakes and it is [Applause] done ooh that looks really yummy I need to Plate it up for them but first chef peepe kind of has to go pee PE I'll be right back okay a much much relief I wash my hands I sing birthday happy happy Chef PE birthday three times my hands are nice and clean now I need to Plate up their macaroni and cheese and bring it out to them so the little love birds can have a good Valentine's Day dinner and I want for you enjoy Little Valentine love birds thanks sh all right all right let's try and take a bite let me try I what's oh what's going on penel it burns and it's making my stomach feel disgusting what it it burns wait hold on let me try oh my God it burned oh my God what's going on are you sure your s is a chef oh come on let's go let's get what is going on you two you're Mak chees sus what is you mean it sucks what's wrong It Burns Burns I did not use anything spicy all I use with noodles cheese milk and butter there is no way that is spicy somebody must have sabotaged my me all right let's cat let's try to catch the sabotager go get him all right let's go I guess it does make S all right penel you're going to stay here and I'm going to go hide and so we can catch the person who's trying to ruin our Valentine's Day okay all right you're going to stay here okay okay Joseph sucks he's so weird he's even weirder than Cody but Cody's just a nerd I think all of them lost between being with Junior I should be with him he they he they do not to serve him but he's coming get give get him get him get all right let's see who's really messing up our Valentine's Day all right wait Joseph why would you mess up our our Valentine's Day well because I thought if that woman I'm not a woman I'm a kid be quiet and if I thought that girl would take you away you wouldn't have time to hang out with me Cody well well of course we'll hang out with you I don't care like you're still my best friend you're going to be my best friend forever I am yes you will at first I didn't believe that look and and besides pen is never going to break break up with me you won't break up with me right penel no way I'm break it up with you you're too nice yeah and I'm and you're and you'll be my H GF forever yep and you're going to be my PS stop good stop you to all right um P penel you want to go to Red Lobster yeah all right let let's go hey what about [Music] me
Channel: Logan's Puppets
Views: 7,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SML, SML Parodys, SML Valentines
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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