SML Parody: Jeffy's Pool Party!

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oh it's so beautiful out here in my pool with my waterfalls running and my water slide running that i'm never gonna use oh it's so relaxing it would be great for pool parties but no one likes me so no one's ever coming over here ah whatever just to relax wait come on what time is it oh my god my invisible clock says it's three oh my god i gotta get inside and pack all right okay dudes the path looks all clear all right jeffy are you ready to go yup i am so ready all right let's get you started all right oh shoot keep going jeffy oh shoot i better go get him oh shoot he's really going thank you for shaving me cody no problem i guess holy crap guys you okay yeah i'm fine me too but guys you know what we should do but what should we do we should invite a bunch of people down here and have a huge pool party it would be pee-pee oh yeah with a bunch of girls and everything oh yeah we get to see their butt oh yeah all the girls guys it's not going to work why they want to go to a nice pool not stupid dirty creek what who do we know of a pool nobody ah it's getting really boring out here we should go inside all right let's start heading home yeah come on junior let's go come on junior okay joseph do you know where we're going no well you were the one in charge why did you guys put me in charge because you're poor and you live on these woods right you got a point all right don't worry guys i'll figure out a way out of here all right let's go just keep following me okay guys a little bit further and we're lost come on joseph are you serious i'm sorry i don't know we're lost we're stranded out here just keep going hey fine oh jeez how are we ever gonna find a way out we're not um guys what look over here what the heck there's just a giant pool here there's a pool dude we got a pool yeah let's go to the pool party guys go swimming guys it's someone else's pool shut up cody yeah you're a nerd you're lame let's go joseph poor whoa cody that's awesome i know but this isn't our pool jeffy we need to get out of here but but it looks like a lot of fun i don't care i guess shell come on joseph let's go ah all right come on guys the water's great what the heck you're already in here yeah this is awesome i'm going back in come on jimmy oh i want to go in now no you're not getting in yes i am no ah now it's time to shut down the food what the heck are you kids doing get out of there oh shoot guys we're screwing i'm out of here guys hey that's my line anyway i'm out of here wait guys you can't just leave me here oh uh yeah man what's up what the hell are you doing here oh well me and my friends are having a little pool party in this pool that that's yours well this is unacceptable i'm gonna call the cops right now hey come on i got a question what is it can me and my friends have a pool party here i'm about to call the cops and you're asking for a pool party yep what's in it for me oh well i have a dinosaur you have a dinosaur yeah yeah i got a dinosaur i just left it back where we were oh well how about this you give me the dinosaur tonight when i get back and you guys can have a small pool party here small okay that's it oh well okay i'll be back at eight guys we're getting out of a pool party aye guys i'm so scared hope you just call the cops not again hey guys we get to have a pool party wait what that's cap that's definitely cap i don't believe it hey guys no no it's not cap listen i did a trade with him and now we get to have a pool party hey well what'd you give him oh i give him my dinosaur wait really that's it yep well i guess we could have a pool party then oh this could be awesome invite so many people yeah he said just have a small pool party but i don't care i'm not listening to that he's letting us use our pool we gotta listen to him nah nah it's fine right joseph yeah we should invite a lot of people yeah yeah yeah i'm gonna go home and get my parents and you guys just have fun okay okay but i'm a little worried about this joseph do stop being in nerd let's go have fun yeah whatever let's go guys [Music] hey guys i'm having a pool party at mr goodman's house you guys want to go wait you're having a pool party yup i'm having a pool party everyone's invited wait jeffy you know what happens when you swim right what you puff all up you expand i don't care all right i'm gonna make the instagram post about it but jeff you better wear your swimsuit diaper hey everyone it's jeffy everyone's invited to my pool party at mr goodman's house and someone bring cake because i really want cake i don't know how that happened but let's go to the pool party all right guys you ready to jump off this giant pile of rocks oh yeah oh it's gonna be so awesome oh that's a really long drop oh yeah it is i want to go first i'll go next i'll go last what are you chicken no i'm afraid of chickens joseph he's a pretty [ __ ] who would have thought of that not me oh whatever i'm going first see you guys oh that was a huge jump big jump that was a nice one hey jinger are you okay oh he's okay i hope so all right i'll go next all right oh jeez oh that's a huge one hey joseph you okay come on chicken calm down shut up joseph they come on okay here i come oh i can't do it oh guys i can't believe you made me do that was that fun no that was awesome well what should we do now guys i'm gonna invite my long last dragons long lost cousins yeah be right back oh okay well let's go swimming cody okay party starts now yeah oh this is so nice i wish my clothes weren't sewn to my body so i could take off my shirt you don't want that mario no one wants that whatever why are we so far apart okay why you keep moving away i'm sick i don't want to get you sick okay all right guys i'm gonna jump in wait wait do before you jump in why don't we go down the water slide it'll be an awesome way to get in the water only if you come with me or dude i'll call my bed all right let's go all right jojoba i'm ready to go all right jeffy let's go all right here we go no no no no no oh my god oh [ __ ] this feels so good oh i should jump in the water well that seems like a lot of fun okay here we go all right three two one oh oh my god let's go boys oh that was fun ah i love this small pool party it's really nice ah time to just relax ah hey cody you know a place where it could sit what the heck what are you guys doing here i feel so embarrassing in this stupid swim trunks what are you guys doing here there it's a small pool party we saw jeffy's instagram post it said everyone's invited what oh my god what the heck is wrong with that kid nobody oh my god whatever just stay here i guess all right time to jump in okay shaniqua don't embarrass me so uh just don't talk what the heck are you guys doing here we're supplying the cake supplying the cake we didn't ask for cake oh yeah jeffy said in his instagram pros bring the cake so i brought the cake oh stupid jeffy with his instagram posts whatever just put it somewhere i don't know just leave wait lee what the heck goodman said to have a small party oh come on cody you just don't want it because you're gay but i could fix that jeffy where are you come on let's go get this cake hey joseph go under water and see if you can hear what i say okay dude yeah dude he said pippi oh yeah yeah you go next all right listen you can hear what i say okay wow did you say you were poor exactly all right i'm gonna go one more time all right okay come back down what do you think i think you said subscribe to smoo itp thank you guys okay what's up ah this is stupid what the heck oh my god he's just inviting random people ah hey jojo if you wanna have a race absolutely dude all right three two one oh sick party cupcakes hey jeffy yeah watch out did you put on instagram that everyone should come to this party yeah why because i said i don't care about any small party or whatever to hell i want to have a blast isn't that right everybody i'm getting back in the water see you later coney what the heck oh jesus christ yeah let's go hello hey dumb [ __ ] oh hey teacher what's up i haven't seen you in summer school where have you been oh well i haven't been going why because i don't want to why because i don't like school why you sound like jeffy oh well i hope i see you in summer school tomorrow that's not happening [Applause] oh boy i'm really burning up out here good thing i put on some sunscreen this is the cake huh uh this is the cake big boy oh well what flavor is it oh this is vanilla i also got chocolate though wait where's the chocolate oh you'll find out later oh well let's see what we're working with all right what the heck yeah take a good look at that what happened to my cake why is it like this what happened yeah take a bite jesse no i i i i'm leaving it's good though all right time to see how my pools do oh don't worry i'll think of something i hope you're back i warned you dude well uh hey goodman or what doing what the hell is wrong with you i'm sorry coming i did i didn't mean it i told you i have a small party i'm sorry good man a small party is like 50 to 100. where is everyone you got no friends oh ah yeah yeah yeah that's what happened oh okay i always wanted to have a good party here well you could just give me my dinosaur and you guys can leave ow my dinosaur yeah oh well he lives in the woods you're gonna have to come with me okay all right goodman we're here wait why are you naked oh my diaper swimsuit fell off along the way but here he is jeffy i'm gonna need you to come back to the pool with me real quick oh do i get to swim more all right batter up ah skinny dipping hey step parents is it just me or is jeffy looking extra sexy today i don't know must be something in the [Music] water [Music]
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 2,206,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2021, sml parody jeffy's pool party, jeffy's pool party
Id: egg2Dw8VxMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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