SML Parody: Jeffy's MrBeast Challenge!

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hey die how you doing today i'm doing pretty good joking what the heck oh my god mr beast oh my god hi i love your videos so much i love you so much well thank you who's this beast who just broke her window no no no he just no beast he's mr beast dying he's a famous youtuber with 60 million subscribers that gives out money in his videos wait what so why do you just bring it to her house guys i really need people's help what is it well i had four people for my challenge today but then chandler dropped out and chris dropped out and everyone dropped out and now i don't have anyone for my challenge so i need four more people for my challenge would you guys be interested oh my god yes i'd love to be in your challenge oh my god i'd be in your challenge die we need to be in this challenge is it worth it it's very worth a die wait i'll go get the prize what the price why did you say no well i don't know this guy what ten thousand dollars oh my god thousand dollars dollars died we need to do this yeah we do i can repair that window and buy whatever the heck i want so you guys are interested yes okay well that's good now we just need two more people well i'm getting junior and i'll get chef pee pee this will be a very interesting challenge i just went up to a random house and got four people that lived there to enter a challenge whoever stays in this red circle the longest gets a grand total of ten thousand dollars in straight cash now we will introduce you to our contestants let's bring our first one in mario hey guys i'm mario he is a fat ass so we are going to be giving him the largest quadrant wait well why call me a fat ass rude are you sure you don't want the largest quadrant then i want the largest quadrant okay then you're a fat ass let's meet the next contestant next we will introduce you to bowser jr hey my name is junior junior junior gin and i'm gonna win this challenge junior junior junior junior jr i will pay you a hundred dollars to shut the hell up okay you lost next contestant and our next contestant is chef pee pee hey guys i'm pippi see because your name is pp and that's a no-no word we have to give you the smallest quadrant cause you're gonna get us to monetize wait what you guys literally say penis on your videos next contestant oh it's so small and last but also least we have jeffy is that all you have to say i think i'm going to like this kid he's going to be really entertaining [Music] that's a no-no word shut the up oh all right so now we're gonna go into the rules shall we so the first rule is you cannot cross any red lines at all if you put both feet out then you are out of the challenge hey hey hey hey don't do that or else you're gonna get out before the challenge even starts wait what count is out for me because i don't have any legs both hands oh i better watch out then yep oh yeah and one other thing you guys will have five minutes to get four items of your choice to help you in the circle wait so we're already in the circle man just get get out you won't be penalized just go five minutes you have five minutes go okay let's go what will i need a toilet paper yeah cause i'm probably gonna need the poop while i'm out there so getting toilet paper would be ideal okay i'm gonna get one of these because this is the bigger one i don't know what to get this is a really important decision i don't even have any personal belongings oh i know let me get the pot i can do some cooking yeah i can use my skills to my advantage i can make good food while everyone else can starve okay i do have a lot of space in my quadrant but i can't bring the whole couch hot dang it how am i gonna sleep oh i can bring this chair i'm sure it'll fit oh i don't believe i can do this this is gonna be sandra horn's challenge oh my god it's my birdie oh my god i could bring him he could be my moral support he could be my moral support animal oh my god yeah yeah you're gonna get me the win buddy okay let's do it let's go are you ready are you ready i guess that means a yes let's go all right the five minutes is up now everyone has all their items so we're gonna start with you mario what did you get well obviously i got this very nice chair right here i could just sit sleep if i want to it could do anything that's really smart comfort is very important all right and what do you get down here mario you broke the rules what did i do wrong this is 24 water bottles not one but it's a water bottle case like when you buy that from the store you know it's one item hmm i guess i'll have to give you a pass then all right so what are the food choices here for well uh chips you know carbohydrates very sustainable energy and uh pretzels uh more carbs okay so you're fat you already said that once all right junior so what did you get i got some water because you know water is very important mm-hmm it is and then we got some fritos over here because i need some food fat and then i got my nintendo switch listen if there's a nintendo switch in there that would make it five items and you can only have four no no no it's just the case it's just the case why would you do that and over here i got some toilet paper hmm toilet paper well why did you get toilet paper because i don't want to crust all right chef peepee tell us what you got i got my very own chair isn't it awesome well it's worse than mario's wait really yeah look over there he's got a really nice one ah dang it well at least it's a chair a chair is better than the chair that's true but it's really close to the border make sure its legs don't get out or we have to disqualify the chair oh that won't be good no it won't be and what the heck's all this well you know i have to do some baking so i got some baking soda all right because i don't have a stove or anything so this is perfect for that um i don't think that's how that works okay you're not the cook here okay so basically i wanted to get a lot of food you know but i can only have four items so that's why i got this vinegar and i noticed there's all different types of food in there there's tomatoes cucumbers this guy's a little idiot i don't know what that is but it doesn't matter there's a lot of food and then i have my lucky pan your lucky pan you're gonna do your cooking in there yep use all my ingredients in my lucky pan all right well that sounds good now to get to the last contestant all right jeffy so this is a really weird assortment of items so what did you get so that is my moral support animal mr birdie why because i want him to get me through the challenge i guess that makes sense all right let's move on what is this this is minecraft paper crunch it's my food oh well that's a really good choice minecraft rules and then i got some beans you cannot eat those beans and i got a schooner because i want some entertainment where are you gonna ride that i don't even know great i got the worst people for this all right and this challenge is wait a second jeffy that diaper counts as an item you're gonna have to take it off bro this challenge is on remember ten thousand dollars hey donnie you want to get out yet dang it i should have picked earphones instead of these people hey uh jeffy you want to come across the line i'll give you a chocolate cake and no more green beans for the rest of your life no okay i'm gonna stand around here and annoy you oh my god this is gonna be the easiest money i've ever made in my life all my life had to work like a servant but here i could just sit here literally it's like a drink of true almost i just sit here and make money okay in my nice relaxing chair here i go oh my god what the heck there's no back support on this i'm slipping i can't get out the hair i can't lose already oh no uh come on come on come on chef pee pee you could you can change the life of this this is amazing an opportunity to get ten thousand dollars i can literally quit my job okay just pull yourself together what what oh my god why is this not flat i'm just gonna sit on the ground oh bowser jr what are you doing nothing i'm not doing anything there's nothing in that case right no no no no there's nothing in this case not at all because if there is that would make five items but there's nothing in the case mario so why do you just have a nintend a nintendo switch case is there a nintendo switch in there no there's not a nintendo switch guys in here mario just leave me alone then prove it prove what like prove there's nothing in there fine mario i do have a nintendo switch in here so there's another switch in there no mr b no no mario mario don't tell him please why should i not tell him because i i i we know each other we're friends don't do this to me give me your toilet paper what yeah give me your toilet paper if i give you this toilet paper then you won't tell them about my switch yeah sure oh but i need this i poop a lot well i got a lot more food than you and i'm gonna poop even more oh but hey mario you better make sure you're not going across the line oh i'm not going to cross the line no yeah yeah exactly you didn't say anything you're not mr beast well guess what mario how about this i won't tell him that you almost crossed the line if you don't tell him about my switch but he's not gonna believe you you're right i'm just a kid all right mario here's how about this i'll give you some toilet paper no uh give me like 75 percent of it just take all of it i'm too lazy to worry about that i'll give you one piece if i feel like it okay all right let's have a switch time on the cut yes god he's actually playing the switch i have so much entertainment all right guys we are one hour in to this epic challenge for ten thousand dollars i have to say the money a lot or else youtube won't give me the higher ad rates okay let's go hey mario how you doing i'm doing great i have some toilet paper now wait how'd you get the toilet paper well i made a trade with junior well what did you trade well part of the trade was i had to keep it a secret oh well that doesn't matter because the camera's gonna pick it up anyway all right junior how are you doing my nintendo switch i can't believe no one's seen it yet hey junior how are you doing i'm doing just fine mr beast i'm doing great well i heard that you did a trade with mario yeah i did i did do a trade with him well what'd you trade oh i told him one of my secrets oh yeah well what's your secret oh um well i don't really want to tell the whole world about it so well you already did because the cameras caught it when you made the trade oh oh well i mean um you need to tell me um okay i'll tell you i brought a nintendo switch you brought a nintendo switch you're disqualified you brought five items no please mr beast i really need this money please please please give me this money no you are disqualified but i'll give you the opportunity to give these items to people that you think are gonna win in exchange for money when they win okay i think i got an idea hey jeffy i will give you this nintendo switch and if you win you have to give me a thousand dollars oh i got my dangers beans yeah yeah yeah sure junior i'll take your nintendo switch for a thousand sold to jeffy for a thousand dollars nobody gonna do of your other stuff junior hmm how about this i'm just gonna auction it off anyone want both for a thousand dollars i literally could not have more food and water i'm good hell no junior i got all these beans and i got a whole box of minecraft creeper crunch also i just bought your swinch well this vinegar literally tastes like liquid ass so yeah give me that water and i'm already set on food but i'll take it okay chef pee pee i'll give you the water for 500 and i'll just throw the fritos in on the house because i love you chef pee pee all right chef pee pee how are you doing over here i'm doing great i got this water for 500 and then food for free well that's good to hear what are you gonna do now well i'm gonna cook up some real food not this bull crap i'm gonna show you how it's done i'm leaving wait what oh whatever i can make this meal myself okay all i need is this baking soda and pour it in oh yeah get that baking soda all up in there oh yes okay now just for the secret ingredients my vinegar here we go what is going on wait what why is it fizzing no what the heck no it's not escaping oh my delicious meal oh why the vinegar escapes the vinegar is out of the challenge what the disqualifier yep the vinegar is out of the challenge you gotta pour it out now chef peepee oh no but it's in my meal too bad pour it out oh why why why all right time to do all they trying to light on neat anyway time to eat some beans all right ew these aren't beans i can eat oh they taste so weird oh that sucks all right well at least i have my creeper crunch okay wait what the box is empty i don't have any food oh no what do i do yes look at these bees i can eat them over my line nope these are disqualified beans are disqualified wait what all the beans are disqualified yep you cannot eat these don't touch them oh come on well boy you guys are suffering i'm having a feast over here oh i'm feeling so cramped in here i bought this crap around me and all these beans take up my area and i can't touch them are you feeling cramped chef peepee well yes i am mr bean i mean mr beast well maybe i can give you a little bit of an option wait what do you mean option junior get over here yeah what's up mr beast would you like to sell your previous land to chat peepee over here hmm sell my land with all that blend yep you could have half of this whole circle whoa if he agrees hmm yeah i'll do it all right thank you thank you so much joining the best two thousand dollars two thousand dollars yep it's a lot of land so that means i'll give you literally a quarter of my winnings hmm well give me an offer uh a thousand dollars max okay well looks like you just bought his land for a thousand dollars you can now cross this red line oh good this is so awesome all right keep going chef pee pee great looks like i peed here wait what's that noise chef pee pee you crossed the line you're out mr bees chef peepee's out but no no mario i own this land now what the heck how do you own this lane you're cheating you're in the wrong quadrant no mr beast said i could buy this land from junior and that's exactly what i did but you've got so much space now that's unfair yep it's fair you made a trade with junior and i made a trade of junior get over it huh i want to buy land but there's no land to buy now a little twist is going to come in i'm going to get the next person to leave a thousand dollars okay wait that was fast yeah just send it to my paypal jeffy jeffy 69. okay i'll you could want a thousand dollars congratulations jeffy thanks do you want to sell your stuff no it's all worthless okay well do you want to sell your land yeah a thousand dollars who wants i'll take you i'll take it okay you can have it die all right mario just bought jeffy's land for a thousand dollars all right see you guys it's now just mario versus chef pee pee oh so big guy got some land now yes i got some land and more than you what are you talking about stupid face we have an equal amount of land you cut the circle in half that's half and half well no it's not i always had the big quadrant well junior had a big quadrant too not as big as mine shut up i bet you don't have lots of food i have a bag of chips and a bag of pretzels i got fritos well you have 22 and open bottles of water i got one and i drank half of it huh or you're going to starve to death before i even feel like quitting uh i think i need a pep talk with myself huh pipi you gotta pull yourself together you've made it this far come on you have twice as much land now you can't just give up now and i may not have as much food as him but i'm not out yet what's he have that i don't right i have a chair it's really uncomfortable oh maybe i'll just make it more comfortable like straighten it out and i can actually use it okay i'm gonna do that i'm lasting through the night i got a pillow i got a blanket it's not the best but what's chef pee pee got nothing nothing chef pee pee you heard that hear that yeah okay just try to get some rest maybe he'll be out by the time i wake up can't think this is flattering let me oh okay i'm okay i'm okay you're okay hey chef pee pee what is a beast your chair is disqualified oh oh not my chair oh i get that sucks okay back to the game that means you too what i'm disqualified take a look over here there's the line oh city line there's no line here there's no line what are you talking about i'm sorry chef pee pee but you've lost the game [Music] congratulations mario you won 10 000 what are you gonna do with it no where's lena i don't want milk oh my gosh i swear to god this is the worst challenge ever oh my god god you know why i gave these guys a chance at ten thousand dollars and they just sit here and do nothing they all got out within four hours my challenges last like two days there's no content in this you know what he's gonna sleep here he's gonna wake up and he's not getting any money i'm just freaking leaving me [Music] yeah you know his name he changed it once or twice but i think it's here to stay his
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 1,923,327
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, 2020, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, mrbeast, mr beast
Id: 95_7vmN5MxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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