SML Parody: Jeffy's Prime Problem!

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oh yeah oh yeah dude oh yeah my favorite flavor you want some baby hmm it's all right I said your Prime is all right there is no way you just said that Jeffy what do you mean just all right your Prime is not just all right it's the maze balls what do you mean I mean it has some flavor by me it's it's it's all right it's not the best he's got to be kidding us yeah he's just joking around dude I mean look at this thing Jeffy as you would say it is it is PP in your words what the heck what do you guys on the prime for oh my God oh my God guys I'm afraid we're gonna run out of Pride pretty soon oh yeah we can run that by like 20 bombs right there yeah but we're out of ice pop and I really want some ice yeah yeah this is gonna run out of like 10 minutes [Applause] I'll be sold out today hold on a second is that Pride by Logan Paul and I not sponsor by the way oh my God I always wanted to try some of this stuff okay I guess a little bit of water I guess yeah we gotta split up right now let's split up all right I'll go to Walmart all right I'm gonna go to Foot Locker wait uh I guess you'll go to Target you know what I'm going to dicks watch out nerd oh my God the other way of course I got Prime can I show me your Prime no oh why not because you think I'm just gonna buy the whole stalker Prime and just give it to a torp like you yeah well I'm just gonna go in and buy my own Prime did you not hear what I just said I just bought every single Prime in the store every single bottle that's right every single last one guess what what I'm gonna take them all and I'm gonna flip them yeah you heard that right I'm gonna sell them for maybe five seven ten dollars a bottle what you're gonna show them forget you're not gonna get a single customer I can swear in my diaper oh yeah well people can't find them in any store they're gonna get them by any means necessary yeah right man you that's not gonna be the case what's going on I see you got the prime one oh you know I got Prime you're trying to buy oh I got that grape grape okay you got ten bucks I got 10 bucks 10 bucks for the purp oh you hand it over hand it over no you drive a hard bargain but all right yeah yeah you see that oh yeah is that 20 bucks yeah yes okay let me get that person yeah here you go sir thanks man any day all right that guy was just an idiot that was anomaly you're not gonna find another customer like that you think so you're just a hater bro I just made it 20 bucks off a single drink no people just aren't gonna pay 10 bucks that really gets it yeah because that guy doesn't know his financials he must be an idiot he must be a Brokey yeah I think you're the broker cause I'm on 20 bucks all right man well I don't see any customers out where are they at where are they at shut up oh yo oh I think I smell some prime hey over here nerd oh sorry I lost both me eyes God damn disabled idiot you went on prime or not I would love some prime how much of me booty uh 20 bucks 20 bucks yeah well actually 10 bucks per bottle 10 bucks okay yeah oh yeah this is a 10 right I hope you live by the sailors code of honor oh yeah this is a 10. oh so I'll give you one I like the tropical mate you want that tropical yes give him the orange that's the worst here's a tropical punch in a punch die it feels like tropical you guys are doing business matey anytime what 40 bucks off a two prime let's go all right for one that guy was also an idiot but for two you scammed him so what it's still money yeah well that's a scam getting that straight paid just man there's not gonna be any other customers all right beginner's luck beginner's luck that's all you got you don't think Logan Paul cases hey shut up and you want prime or not is that a sugar in it oh it's got like 70 grams per bottle oh my God okay 20 bucks per bottle oh yeah 20 bucks to match your shirt yes that Bluegrass boy yeah yeah what the heck I don't even know Japanese prime anyway yeah wait where are you going I thought you wanted Prime [ __ ] boy you little [ __ ] boy you know what everybody over here talking about prime what the heck I just don't get it you know it was way better back in the day Jiffy juice all right so Junior says that he's dehydrating and Joseph says he's tired all right come get your championships at the brand new Java Juice store you know what I should bring it back I should bring Jeffy juice back all right let's make sure Jeffy juice labels our rainbow so it looks like we got Gatorade we got monster in there and then we got Jeffy spit hmm I don't think that went so well last time not so fast I think I got much worse I think I got double cell oh my CEO is a monster and Gatorade yeah they are they are and they're here to show me you I should probably switch this stuff up oh there we go now we got 50 vegetables 50 fruit and 100 secret ingredient so No One Ever Knows one is all right let's get to work print all right class everybody have a fun and safe recess oh no the third time today stinky I gotta go great papers one teacher it smells really bad do you want to play on the Seesaw with me you're throwing down my leg oh this girl just [ __ ] herself oh yeah hey do you guys wanna play with me hi guys oh no hey kids hi hello project yeah yeah let's do it well I'm gonna hire you as child laborer are we getting paid no let's go oh I can't listen no listen up what we're gonna do is first pour in the ingredients okay keep pouring okay keep going in oh you pooped too yeah that's cool oh it's amazing keep it going that's okay okay all right oh what are you doing put your bottle under there okay hurry up you're only talking I'm working on it ah there's a lizard under me ah is it going it's about a fail all right another bottle well you get one over here wow [Music] all right kill listen up what we're gonna do is we're gonna take these Lambs right here I printed down and we're gonna put them on that ball yeah yeah I'm coming right now oh yeah very gently no whoa you're met you're coming in half what are you doing do it better no this is on we'll take that and put on a ball okay okay what's wrong with you I don't care I'm not paying you to do nothing as a matter of fact I'm not paying you at all get back to work all right so now time to add the special ingredient three hours later guys I can't believe we couldn't find a single Prime I know we checked everywhere yeah God it should be in every store I know but it just sells out all the time well it's fine we got the prime that we have here guys we're missing our Prime uh dude okay guys how about we just be calm about this and figure it out oh my God I cannot believe I have actually drank all these Primes but it was so good though oh I got a place for the 30th time gosh check it out oh my God you guys Prime guys oh my God no it's not prime wait this isn't Prime no it's my world famous Jiffy juice [Music] I remember this yeah kill that stuff in the world it was good except that you spit in it Jeffy made everyone's stupid yeah leash ten times if not 100 times better than Prime oh no I added a new brand new all-new secret ingredient a new secret ingredient yeah brand new so it's not spit yeah it's not spit wow you never know it's a secret okay wait what if you got your Prime ingredients in there oh my God yeah right okay hold on one second is this gonna make us Dumber again no promises but no no no it's not uh okay I guess if he says it's a hundred times better than Prime I guess we should at least give it a try I mean yeah Junior's right you guys gotta try it out so you guys can check out and tell me how delicious it really is okay I guess so here goes nothing guys oh my God oh my God I I think it was really freaking good I know it was like oh my gosh better than Prime I mean you know what I would agree with that yeah I can't believe I'm saying it either but it's so good yeah yeah this is amazing well all you guys got to do now is drink it up ship it on in Lydia don't worry I've been doing a lot of licking Jeffy oh I want to know that card yeah let's go yeah and I don't feel dumb wait I do but that's because you're always dumb Joseph oh yeah I forgot I just gave away this brand new Tesla now you know what's better than a brand new Tesla this brand new drink called Jeffy juice now this is even better than Prime sorry Logan Paul so for my brand new challenge whoever can shove the most of these up their ass gets to keep it up their ass ah oh my God this is the first drink in a while this made me not think that I'm poor oh my God this has to go in the news I have to invest all my money into this oh my God I gotta put this on the Moose breaking news everyone I just have what I think is the best drink of all time it is called Jeffy juice here's a picture of it right now guys this is the best drink ever I'm telling you it is so good that I shoved it up my ass to see if I can get it that way and when I tried to take it out the cap went missing truly life-changing drink I should probably go to a doctor but while I do that I'm gonna take it to Steven stillberger who's gonna talk to the top competitor of Jeffy juice still Burger thank you very much good man now I'm here with Jeffy Juice's top competitor Logan Paul owner of prime hey there Logan Paul you mind if I ask you a few questions all right folks he said one quick second wowza do you see that folks oh he's doing them push-ups oh whoa all right oh he said one more time oh he's sipping that Prime folks wow what you need bro well are you aware that there's a new drink around town a new drink what can be better than Prime man Prime's the best in the world well all of a sudden this new drink called Jeffy twos is taking the World by storm Kathy juice yes what the heck is even that well with this new drink and everyone says it's better than Prime no way who well matter of fact the owner Jeffy said your drink actually sucks dick Jeffy said that himself he said it himself listen here Jeffy I'm challenging you to a good old-fashioned one-on-one Prime Time boxing match let's get it oh my god did you hear that fox you want to hear first what I want front time well the big stuff oh wait Tower down oh my God Jeffy he called you out yeah he did yeah dude he wants to fight what are you gonna do Jeffy oh I gotta do it to make sure Jeffy juice is number one oh yeah dude he's like a real fighter fighter he's ready to take him on yeah you could do it go no training dude just take him on just take him on just ride out of it Jeffy yeah raw dogging that's what I like to do all right whatever thanks for making it weird I'm sorry but you could do it Jeffy I'm gonna have some more of this yeah to cheer you on Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy juice all right dig it everyone let's go two hours later ladies and gentlemen boys and girls welcome to the Logan versus Jeffy [ __ ] are you guys ready yeah I'm sure that yeah I'm ready to fight yeah I'm ready to fight you Logan verbally all right [Music] can you believe that folks Jeffy had just converted this fight into a verbal foot away aren't you all right first question folks what kind of ingredients are in your drinks and what makes them better than the others yeah so we actually got some really healthy coconut water we got some BCAAs in here for some muscle recovery and we got them electrolytes to keep you a little extra fine oh I have only the best ingredients I got fruits I got vegetables I got energy and I got that 69 daily value of your vitamin D ude yeah all righty question number two then whose drink is the tastiest obviously mine tastes way better because uh maybe I put a little secret ingredient in it I don't know there is no debate because we got the best flavors ice Paul wowza this is surely one close debate well is there anything perhaps That Could set your drink apart from the others I don't know like perhaps a secret ingredient or something nah not really man we list everything we're FDA compliant I guess I did something extra get back to work all right so now time to add the special ingredient but that's all I'm not surprised I'm gonna still drink it anyway what at least he didn't at this time [Music]
Channel: SMLYTP
Views: 848,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sml, supermariologan, jeffy, funny, kable10, tom bomb, glider, sbl, sll, sml movie, parody, sml parody, movie, humor, jokes, bowser junior, mario, 2021, sml jeffy, jeffy sml, sbl jeffy, sml movie jeffy, sml parody jeffy, 2023, SML Parody: Jeffy's Prime Problem, jeffy's prime problem, prime drink, logan paul, ksi, jeffy's prime addiction, jeffy's prime
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 32sec (1052 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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