SML Parody: The Car Wash!

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oh i had another miserable day at target today man i hate working there so many customers coming to me and complaining for everything man i hate it maybe i should just fire myself oh man it doesn't help either that i'm getting paid two dollars an hour thanks to all the tax breaks oh man what wait a minute a car wash huh and you can sign up to be in it oh maybe i should sign up jeffy i mean he's always being lazy at home while i have to go slave at target yeah that's not fair at all i'll go sign him up jeffy i'm home from work jeffy jeffy are you asleep jeffy it's too early for this get up oh daddy what was he at four you're so lazy you're always either sleeping or playing your dumb video games and i've had it well it's summertime what do you expect well i expect you to get out and move a little more like get a job or something yeah you know i can't get a job well you better figure it out soon because you know that one day you're going to wear this miserable target badge just like me because let's be honest you're not getting a job as a brain surgeon or an engineer well that might be true but i don't want to get a job right now well lucky for you i found one for you wait what yep you're gonna be a car washer today a car washer i'm not doing that i'm busy today yo like what playing friday night funkin yeah jeffy look you're being super lazy and i already signed you up for this thing so you have to do it oh man a car wash huh this is just the thing jeffy needs he needs to get out more this summer now why would you do that because jeffy if i have to suffer at my miserable job then so do you well i bet you didn't really contract of course i heard the contract you think i wouldn't sign without reading the contract it uh it says that you'll be paid lots of money and treated fairly you're lucky i can't read okay look jeffy let's just get you over to the site so you can start washing cars fine whatever it's like i have a choice oh that word is a dumb car wash if you don't call this dumb this is going to make you respect what i do it'll teach you a lot of hard work oh yeah whatever day what are you looking at [Music] day what kind of car wash is this i don't know the car wash where they wash corvettes maybe i think this is the wrong place i think you did come in the wrong place i don't know let's ask somebody all right let's go ask what what's that hey buddy come on hurry up oh i'm hurrying up i'm watching your stupid car you better go faster and i don't see no water on it but i can't put water on it because you won't take it out of the dumb garage oh you're making fun of my ferrari or what no i'm not making fun of anything look when i came here i thought i was washing my car not yours what your poor filthy jeep it's a hummer uh you know what you better finish washing this car or you're gonna get beat i don't have to finish crap i'm out of here oh you think so or you signed the contract so you gotta finish i'm not finishing this look at this i can't even use water to clean it oh then you're getting the kennel buddy the white come on buddy let's go ah how does it feel buddy get me out of here this is inhumane well your cleaning skills are inhumane now sit in here and rot you can't keep me in this kennel well if you read the contract actually i can so sit in here cause i got some new newbies over here and i gotta show how to do a better job washing cars or else they're gonna end up in the kennel just like you enjoy yourself please kill me all right who's here to watch my car kermit oh hi fat boy i remember you back to steal another credit card are you no no i'm not here to steal a credit card i uh i signed my son up for your car wash at least i think this is your car wash right this little brain dead right here he's gonna wash my blue baby 20 21 corvette c8 half a million dollars buddy titanium rims jeffy you can't screw this up okay i don't want to be in debt to kermit listen if he screws up this car you both are gonna be working for me for the rest of your pathetic lives oh this was a bad idea all right look jeffy don't screw this up okay i'll be back to pick you up later when you're done yeah you better run all right brain dead time to get started on working all right brat ready to wash my prized possession wow this car is so expensive and if you screw it up it's your butt on my fireplace no scratches all right so when you get your rag do small circular motions to wash it because i don't want any blemishes and make sure you get it wet this time because the old man didn't and we know how he turned out all right brad have fun i'll be back in an hour [Music] oh man this is so much work i don't know if i can do this all by myself hey jeffy what do you do oh jeffy this is a corvette yeah this is blue too you like it oh who's corvette is this oh it's kurt uh junior it's actually mine wait this is your corvette sure is how did you get it oh you know youtube ad revenue junior entire this month oh wow that's great i can't believe you got a corvette you can't even drive well yeah well not really junior won't help me wash it yeah i do if it means i get to ride in it yeah i guess you can ride after don't wash it but we gotta make sure it's extra clean all right let's hurry up then let's go oh wait a minute jeffy jeffy what i think the top of this car comes off we mean the top comes off well look at it i think we can take it off wait like a convertible yeah oh wow that's cool i think we should take it off yeah but junior i don't know maybe maybe we shouldn't why not it's your car yeah oh it's true it is my car okay fine we can take the top off all right wow jeffy we did so good on this car doesn't look great yeah it does oh wow with the top off i gotta sit in that jeffy can i sit in there oh yeah have fun junior all right i'm gonna sit in it all right oh man i hope kermit likes it oh mr kermit i uh finished washing your really expensive car all right then buddy let's see it okay wow buddy not bad even took the top down and watched the interior looking good oh this blue paint looks so gorgeous maybe i have to pay for this next time oh wow oh buddy what's that oh your gorgeous blue paint no i'm talking about what's on my gorgeous blue paint is that dirt buddy wait that wasn't for me well then who was it from uh i don't know you got dirt on my gorgeous car and you didn't even bother telling me or washing it off oh that is it your butt is going on my fireplace but but but but yeah that's right your butt on my wall unless you re-wash the whole thing three times oh forget this yep better start washing and i want you to do in the hot sun no water no food and no breaks [Music] oh is this the place for the free car wash sure is buddy i got a bugatti right down there for you to wash the red one oh well actually i i was thinking i could get my tesla washed still dirty oh you're dirty tesla well i got some rags over there wash it yourself sucker wait wait wait i have to wash both cars oh junior bad news jimmy this is the coolest car ever yeah i know but we have to watch it again wait wait why well i don't know kermit said we had i uh no no not kermit i uh i don't know it's just dirt we have to wash again but i don't want to wash it again you said we could take it for a ride well i don't want to wash it again neither but we have to i wait i know we can wash it again actually junior we can take it for a ride really yup [Music] [Applause] all right junior now a car is extra clean but jeffy we just washed it why'd you take it through the car wash well because i wanted to uh whatever junior it's not my car what yeah it's kermit's car permits car why would you take it well he wanted me to wash it really bad and i didn't want to wash it twice so i decided to put through a car wash oh man well i can't believe you take it but i did think to ride in a corvette so i guess it's okay yeah it was super cool what is that oh is that a scratch it's a big one too what are we gonna do i don't know kirby's gonna be so mad oh he's gonna put my butt on his wall above his fireplace calm down jeffy let's just uh take it back to the house and try and fix it all right let's go all right junior now we're home we can assess the damages oh what jiffy what yeah it's a scratch what about it well see the scratch is over there there's two scratches yeah what are we gonna do i don't know we gotta think of something to fix both of them really quick you got any ideas uh uh blue marker no a blue paint no uh uh a tape no oh we'll buy a new one uh junior we're not logan 30 acre we can't just buy a new car oh yeah what do we do i don't know kermit's gonna be here any second where's my car all right brats time to see what you did to my filthy corvette now you had a long time to work on it so it better look gorgeous or your butts on my wall it does look gorgeous we worked really hard on it get better all right the blue paint looks good the seats look great screen looks nice is that a scratch uh you know is that a scratch no no it's not a scratch oh jeffy wow you brats are lucky i'm taking this to the dump later what yeah i'm taking this car right to the dump new bugatti came out nice and blue just like this one this one's going right to the dump i just wanted to wash it because i'm bored want to see it one last time yep right to the dump
Channel: Kable10
Views: 1,001,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3fv2pi6iDJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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