SML Movie: Precious's Pillow Fort!

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so gods what do you want to do tonight I don't know jr. whatever you want yeah I'm down for anything where you guys want to see what I build oh yeah do sure all right come on look guys look at the pillow fort I built and we're gonna sleep in it tonight oh dude it looks so amazing yeah it looks a lot better than your last pillow for you yeah I put a lot of effort into this one wait Julia I'm really hungry though don't worry Jessica order pizza dude really yeah pepperoni oh man I love pepperoni what oh well isn't that convenient know what well you said you ordered pizza and then the doorbell rings I'll bet it's the pizza man well most likely it's gonna order pizza yeah isn't that convenient yeah come on go hello hey there you ordered pizza yeah I did a pepperoni pizza yeah give me the roadies let me see them rody yeah all right that'll be four dollars and ninety cents well here's a five keep the change bub that's cool well yeah I guess my kids just won't eat tonight what what I said keep the change no I heard you and that's you give me a tip of ten cents so that's fine like my kids will just stalk that's cool oh you're saying you want more money yeah that's what I'm saying okay um I got another another dollar Wow now that that's more like it yeah a dollar in ten cents okay that's really amazing you take your pizza all right thank you thanks money all right guys we got a pizza for a pillow for oh dude I'm so ready to eat some pizza and a pillow oh do we should invite your peepee yeah we should invite chef peepee oh we can have pillow fight oh yeah pillow fight that might beat up your mom cat in the pillow for Cody what are you talking about yeah but they can't in the pillow for jr. there's not a cat in the pillow fort he's hugging but there's a cat in our pillow fort yeah I know I told you where that cat come from dude I don't know what you've never seen this cat before no I've never seen a cat we don't have a cat what that's why I can't cover our pillow for how to get the house I don't know oh okay well how'd we get it out I don't want ends up my pillow fort did you get I'm allergic to cats what I'm allergic to cats yeah what would we do draw right now Cody you've been hit breathe let's get them out of here come on Cody loser hey there's somebody call a doctor yeah our friends been passed out for like 15 minutes well what happened well we were near a cat and they start breathing weird and they ask for a pen and then he passed out well it sounds like he had an allergic reaction to a cat what's that well it means that if he's around cats for too long he could die wait mrs. cats Wow Cody such a loser dude yeah what a stupid weakness cats well it's not a weakness he's just allergic what if Superman has a weakness was cats he wouldn't be super do know there's a cat I can't fly anymore no no no it's not a weakness it's just an allergy like for me I'm allergic to fresh cut grass your lives a grass well if it's fresh-cut grass so like the first five minutes after somebody cuts grass I can't go outside just my nose knows that it's fresh-cut and so I caused his problems what a stupid weakness right well look I used to be in the military like a couple of years ago and while I was overseas somebody cut the grass and I was done they had to send me home with the purple hi but yeah yeah okay so how do you help him well usually when someone has an allergic reaction we use one of these a glue stick no it's not a glue stick it's an EpiPen it's full of medicine okay well your dog what uh it has a needle like I have to stick him with it okay you probably want it on this side right there okay Oh like kissing guys whoa cool you okay oh yeah I am on fire but I'm not getting near that cat again Junior it almost killed me okay so what do we do well I'm gonna go home and you call me when that cat leaves well what what cat is he talking about the cat that he had the allergic reaction to it sits on my pillow for they won't leave what are you talking about look at me and help me help me come here so you looked at a cat my pillow fort no I did you Oh kitty oh you little kitty look you're getting you are you that's a cute cat Oh could you get the stupid cat my pillow fort is ruining pull up fort wait you're telling me you don't know what cat that is no do you yeah that's precious she's the legendary conqueror of pillow forts whenever she finds a pillow fort she moves in and you can't get her to leave you can't get her to leave no she seeks out the best pillow forts and then moves right into him well I made a pillow fort a few years ago and she didn't show up yeah must not have been good enough for her what so so she's taking over my pod fort yeah good luck getting her out of there she lives there now we'll try to get her out for me I don't want my pillow porn it's my pull-up board okay I mean that's impossible but I can try hey are you Bridget but you get out of here scram scram yeah he kept you dawn yeah get out of here I've done everything I can what you can't get her out no no that's that's the best I could do sorry daddy you stupid cat come on leave dumb cat stupid cat meow mix eating stupid cat yeah I'm here now oh I don't think it's gonna work oh come on there's gotta be something you do to get her out please get her out please ah okay I have an idea I have one more idea alright so I went to the pet store and I got this thing what is that it's a cat house it's nice and comfortable looks like a kitty cat and to even get this little ball thing that you can whack around my wife would love that because she likes to bust my balls okay well how are you gonna help with my pillow fort well I'm thinking when precious sees this nice cat house she's gonna want to leave your pillow fort moving here instead okay well that might work but that's a really small hole that's a fat cat house that fat tubby cat gonna fit inside that small hole and I don't know look we're just gonna try it okay all right all right and they try to get her in here precious take a look at this this is a nice cat house huh wouldn't you rather live in here instead of that stupid old pillow fort look look how nice it is it's even got a little dangly ball look I'll get in for you see look how nice this is Wow it's really it's really nice in here wow this is actually really comfortable and I like this I can play with this this is fun you know what yes she can't have this well I want this what this is mine now this is too much fun what all right kid I got a whole new plan what is it I hired my old foster home buddy Stuart Little hello I'm still a little he's a mouse I know he's a mouse and we went to the same foster home and he got adopted before any of the other kids including me that doesn't make any sense he's a mouse he should have been in a pet store oh you thought a little Britt you yeah okay so how is Stuart gonna help us well I'm thinking since precious is a cat and Stuart here is a mouse and cats like to eat mice I'm thinking maybe she wants to eat him and then we can solve two problems yeah okay so let's try this okay precious meets do it little hey precious oh you a cute little cat you are mine is still a little don't you wanna eat me oh yeah don't don't you want to eat them precious no you cute little cat either Mouse you wanna eat them please please eat them welcome yeah I don't think I don't think she likes Stuart Little okay fine next plan okay okay who are we waiting for waiting for the guy what guy the plug just shut up uh yeah your wife skittles yeah yeah I'm white skittles uh you're the plug well it depend on who asking you a cop no well not at the moment okay okay that's good enough for me wait wait who is your friend Oh nobody he's he's cool he's just just my pet turtle he's no narc is he nah not eat not he's cool no no no no okay okay what you need then uh why what I need is some of that nip oh yeah yeah I need some nip oh you know I got that good note but it ain't cheap oh come on homie homie my ninja no good look okay good money good money hold on just a second snip here you go oh no you better not get caught with it come on now if you do though you don't know me I yeah yeah sure yeah just you know peace peace the park okay what is that this is catnip cats go crazy for it and this is some powerful stuff if that doesn't get out of there then there's no getting her out of there okay oh okay let's try this yeah yeah yeah you like that catnip don't you precious it's working oh yeah it's working well it smells good doesn't it oh yeah that smells good all right that smells really really good actually oh yeah that's just I just want to get in there just just really get in it oh oh god oh yeah are you okay yeah I feel more than okay oh that's so good that's some good stuff she's not leaving oh yeah sorry kid I don't know what came over me that nip is some strong stuff just stay away from it well it didn't make preciously deport my water out so get her out well I don't know what to do kid I did everything I can think of go try more stuff try harder look get her out do whatever you have to do to get her out because I wonder out of my pillow for you have all my friends left and my whole night through and so get out the stupid pellet board but really whatever I have to do whatever ever they're just get out okay all right precious I'm gonna try one more thing yeah but you destroyed my pillow fort well you said do whatever I had to do but what does not destroy the fort well look she's out of there so say thank you and I can leave no you just drop my bulb for say thank you thank you you are welcome you destroyed my pillow fort it's been all night refix in it yeah I spent all night building my new pillow fort and now it's done I can't wait to get in what brushes [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 16,182,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: precious, pillow, fort, supermariologan, sml, movie, superbowserlogan, sbl, superluigilogan, sll, bowser junior, bowser jr, friends, cody, joseph, comedy, skit, laugh, cat, animal, super mario, video game, character, hilarious, catnip, logan, kitty, funny
Id: 9n6AyQ0TQeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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