Every Time the Loud House Gets Destroyed! 🔥 | 1 Hour Compilation | The Loud House

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Lisa what did you do hurry Mama water fall ahead system overlo a heck no Lan you hard salami me it wasn't me how could I have done that from in here dang it Len way too old for childish pranks huh Lincoln wait it's not me honest oops watch out [Music] Charles we've [Music] been we I thought we locked that lunatic up we did he's still in the basement I was just down there and how is this [Music] happening do not go in the kitchen bras or anywhere near the [Music] fireplace your father's right quick everyone to Lisa's [Music] longer can someone turn on a light hold your horses I'm looking for the switch we that compromise Retreat For the Love of transister save yourselves to the [Music] garage Lan stop this right now I keep telling you I'm retired there's another prankster a foot your father's right she's clearly lying let's get out of here no that's what the prankster wants you to do I know how they think what if Lan's telling the truth are you kidding me think about it those pranks didn't seem like her style what are you talking about we're all covered in Gross good yeah but Lan hasn't used fresh whipped cream since the Twins were in diapers usually she uses the spoiled stuff to draw on raccoons maybe we should let her help us stop whoever the real prankster is we'll keep your room untouched as a memorial what I needed a little sand to practice my beach volleyball Mr grous what do I do well how the heck do I know figure it out yourself I can't I'm no good at this please come on you remember when I styled you for the veteran Day Parade ascott did out A Touch of Class thanks Mr kuss you're a lifesaver what happened apology sibling I created a new fruit punch that won't leave stains apparently it is also quite combustible but see no stain please don't let the House burn down do you think I could pull off a pinky ring too no no no no Mr grous help sorry it's time for my nap this is an emergency you can't just go home and take a nap who said anything about going [Music] home Lenny Luna turned my comedy club into a rock Club do something Lenny do you know how to get blood I mean ketchup off the ceiling lny turn the movie off what do you mean you're empty wait wait don't go get out fiddle [Music] sticks Miguel Fiona hey Lenny boo we're having a self-care day you want to come with guys I can't I'm in charge at home and everybody needs something and I have no idea how to do anything and I'm totally hopeless hopeless um I'm sorry this does not sound like the Lenny L that we know and love yeah we've seen you kill it at work all the time you're a total boss just tap into that confidence at home all you need to do is think of your family as customers that don't pay oh I'm gosh thanks guys I know what to do now you're both like [Applause] [Music] Geniuses attention shoppers I mean siblings here's the deal we're going to wait in line and everyone's going to get their turn okay so how can I help you today ma'am well my concoction is current ly corroding the living room floor H we have some lovely water that would do a great job of stopping that [Music] burn next our movie was thinking about what he did Scary let's see if we can get you folks into something a little less terrifying and the caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly that hit the spot next five for you and five for you makes 10 thanks for coming in today um we live here sir do not make me call security and we are closed Dad Mom I thought you were coming back tomorrow well no one bothered to tell me that the Renaissance Fair was vegan and I was only packing meat so we saddled up our Steed vanzilla and set out for our Castle the house which looks great Lenny there's only one hole in the floor I knew no job would be too big for my Employee of the Month oh thanks Mom do I get more cake how about a half-eaten mutton leg ooh mutton leg what napping makes me hungry that's a good one let me out of here okay really wow that was easier than I April fools we aren't letting you out until April 2nd guys that was a great plan Lincoln I've been cing for this moment all my life well better crate than never you're in a crate get it maybe we should just go to [Music] bed we're doomed Lan escaped and now she's going to be mad how could this have happened she's a Black Magic Woman dude I got to get my money back for these peace out I'll be in my bunker everyone else to my room we'll be safe there what's all this rockus about blue hand's on the loose take cover but we thought you locked her up plan B Retreat Retreat oh no ronan's on her way could this day get any [Music] worse well that's my answer but on the plus side that's one less prank Ronnie Anne could suffer that's it if I set off all the pranks in the house there won't be any left for her Lincoln it's not safe out there save yourselves I got a job to do don't worry Lincoln I'll plan your funeral I'll start by De pranking the kitchen kitchen this way does she think I'm dumb enough to fall for that well here goes nothing I made that dish from scratch Lisa Marie loud let us in I'll need some assurances in return one I will never again be punished for the explosions in or around the house happy April St are those diapers she wouldn't whatever you want just let us in shine here here and initial here uh-oh yes towel towel towel where's the towel don't give up no one likes a critter I think if we w rash the food we should be okay what does ration mean typical now someone has to go into the kitchen for more supplies let's draw straws I'll just go I know I'm going to lose I'm a terrible artist actually that's not what good luck Lenny kitchen this way oh oh thank you sign thank you sign thank you sign thank you sign okay living room so far so good I think this is how you kiss a girl don't hold back Lincoln girl's like a guy with passion I can't let Ronnie an see this I think this is how you oh looks like spring is in the [Laughter] air just got to finish the bedrooms Lincoln what's happening Lucy just invited me to your funeral ow I've been setting off all the pranks in the house so Ronnie Anne doesn't get hit I've gone through every room except Lenny and lories Clyde hello I volunteer to clear Lor's [Music] room it was worth it Lor's room smells like apple cinnamon that might be this pie well I think that's it the loud housee is prank free Liam welcome to the best sleepover ever come on in sounds pretty loud up there keep it to yourself Liam they can smell fear behold Liam the king of the Rings 5H hour director's cut princess makeover time o a new toad I look like my mimo some people just don't appreciate Beauty I made your eyes p up kid Chad my new sleepover pal get ready for the best 5 hours ever spent watching a dramatic search for a lost piece of jewelry fresh brains see what I doubt there was much brain worth examining in that specimen anyway thanks for coming Arty I want you to know you are my first choice for for a sleepover hey I'm conducting a practice funeral and I need a corpse how do you feel about enclosed [Applause] [Music] spaces okay so maybe not not everyone can handle the loud housee but I think I finally found the perfect candidate he lives in between a freeway and a circus Zach my man ready for a great night oh heck no huh now that surprises me Mom I don't feel so good oh honey are you getting sick nope I just had one two many [Music] earthworms a sweet you found my other skate thanks Mom no problem okay Lisa what did you [Music] do apologies turns out my flea powder is more potent than I realized we have fleas oh great mommy my hose are bunching no I literally need the hairspray look at these CX but my bump is going flat girls if you can't share it I get it whoops I guess that was hair dye not hairspray would you toast pull off I'm not ready yep made the right Choice really I'm doing my family a favor I mean another little break and I'll be able to handle anything they throw my way where is that cop already taking sorry I don't want to do this well I can't wait here all night and there's more than one way to get a [Music] ticket so did do you not see the sign you know the one right above that says no lordering oh I thought it said no littering my [Music] bad stop you have to take my hey everyone I'm back fine who called the popo officer what are you doing here I was filing my paperwork and I realize that you have had 12 violations in a week which according to bylaw 1227 qualifies as a crime spree you're going to have to do some jail time jail well now now hang on a second officer I mean you can't send someone to jail for just a few parking tickets no it's not just parking tickets public loitering failure to pick up K9 feal matter willfully destroying a radio oh I can go on I'll see you bright and early tomorrow at the courthouse don't make me come after you uh honey you want to tell us what's going on yeah why didn't you pick up Charles's poop that's the best part of walking him I'm sorry being at the park was such a nice break I started getting tickets on purpose oh hun if you needed a break you should have just said something yeah my teacher needs a break all the time he just goes in the hallway and screams into an open Locker then comes back it's no big deal you guys are right I should have just been honest with you I'm sorry I'm going to be spending more time away from you but don't worry I'll still find a way to be your mom mom can you help me with my [Music] homework uh missing a comma before two I want to play with the handb I saw them first hey you too knock it off hey Mom why is a prisoner's favorite punctuation mark a period because it marks the end of a sentence get it Mom you got to check out my new batting stance boom guaranteed Homer that looks great Lynn Mom check out my newest flea I call him Brad cuz he lives in my pit imagine this dress but in mob uh quick CU about the Watermill look how wo w kids one at a time oh it's fine honey actually it's great I'm just so happy to see all of you we're glad to see you too Mom even if it is through [Applause] glass can you all just keep it down [Music] please ma'am you can go what really yeah now I understand why you needed a break if you ever need some more time off just meet me in the toe [Music] Zone open up the hanger Lily here comes the airplane okay A little turbulence here let me try looks like she doesn't want to eat she's just the baby Clyde we can make her eat I mean how hard could it be you know I read in this book called a food for Tau that if you show the baby you like the food she'll like it too why were you reading a baby book I was waiting to see my therapist her Lobby has a great reading selection well it's worth a try M Lily chicken and gravy doesn't that sound good M yummy yummy yummy Lincoln why is there a dog on the [Music] label well that was disgusting but at least I'm not scooping poop at Aunt ruths speaking of poop this shouldn't be too bad I've seen Mom do it a million times Lincoln speak to me my my whole life life just flashed before my eyes let me try I read all about this and oopsie my baby made a poopsie that was weird your life just flashed before my eyes it's practically radioactive huh radioactive you say [Music] it pays to have a sister whose hobby is nuclear [Music] [Applause] physics man well that was disgusting true but at least I'm not buffing bunions at ant Ruth let's never speak of this uh-oh I think it's somebody's nap time not now Clyde we're supposed to be babysitting oh you meant Lily and so the beautiful princess Lori and the brave sir Clyde left happily ever after while the dimwitted S Bobby was eaten alive by okay Clyde let's not give her [Music] nightmares yeah yeah what should we do now zombie [Music] marathon it's okay Lily go back to sleep you ever read any books about getting babies to sleep of of course nap Quest The Impossible Journey it says babies like white noise it reminds them of the [Music] wo R it's Mom I can't let her hear all this hey Mom hi sweetie how's everything going great smooth sailing do I hear Lily crying oh oh bad yeah uh we're just having a teeny bit of a problem getting her to nap you know what always works for me taking her to the park that'll wear her [Music] out uh thanks for the tip Mom bye hide what happened sorry Lincoln I couldn't turn up all the faucets in time I'll go get the mobs see who needs the bathroom yeah we have the sink all to ourselves I was in here my princess toothbrush how dare you well on the bright side we don't have to sleep on the floor on second thought I'd rather sleep on the floor at least you're not in a cin good night may you all sleep like the [Music] Dead I want to go back home I think it's kind of fun we can pretend to be the mummies of ancient pharaohs you're not helping stop drooling on me [Music] hey are you kidding me need a snuggle guys it's been a long day let's just try to get some sleep there's something in the coffin with me please we can't stay here it's too many people Miha it might be hard but at least we're not in bad luck City this is worse than bad [Music] luck oh we got to find a way to end this nightmare I miss my chooo she I miss you not being here stop it [Music] I'm okay well that was bad luck good thing your Abella didn't see that logically speaking you'd want her to see that it proves that bad luck can happen anywhere wait a minute Lisa's right if we can show up Wella that bad luck can happen here too maybe she'll let us go home pancakes pancakes making pancakes needs just a pinch of cinnamon phase one code [Music] [Applause] salty M that's delicious I'll have to get your recipe salty pancakes that's different salty salados oh no saltiness is a sign of bad luck ooh more for me then phase two code black phase 2.5 code shrink all the clothes have shrunk and turned black this is a bad sign oh yeah bua really bad e do I feel the breeze phase three code flush there she goes and there she flows Freda this book on the history of water slides is fascinating it feels like I'm really there blood for making it worse H you guys hurry Mama waterf ahead hi Mr Mama's [Music] coming salty food black laundry floating coffins now I understand that bad luck can happen anywhere see anywhere we go because we are the bad luck H wait what we must go go where we can't hurt anyone to the woods what Abella no I hate nature nature hates me can we please talk about this there's no time we must pack up right away wow I've never seen a plan backfire that hard before I'll lend you my compass the only way we're going to the woods is if aella drags us Kicking and Screaming Carlos do something Mama be reasonable oh I hear the woods are lovely this time of year mama's boy what's that nothing Lincoln found another letter okay okay calm down well done you found the next clue but beware if you fight like my family did you'll never get to the bottom of the matter you guys maybe we should listen to her and stop fighting yeah Lincoln's right as soon as we're done done cleaning here we should totally work together to find the money hey Lor's going after the money wait guys the letter remember what Sharon Deon said forget Sharon Deon it's every man for [Music] himself smell the money boy now go find more hey better out Charles so help me I will get that dollar back even if I have to wait for it to come out the other end I summon you from the great beyond Mrs Sharon de Monet tell me where your fortune is speak to me oh Spirit come on lady just tell me where the dough is what did Sharon say Sharon say get out of my room hey look I found the bread and the cheddar and the lettuce and the clams ooh no wonder someone threw this out hey what stay out this is our [Music] CH hey get back here that's my dollar have you found it oh no you don't search your own room doll whyn't I think of [Music] that where are you back back you animals I found it you found money no my missing floral pump the money is not up here it's downstairs theing room the living room Lily's room we've literally searched the whole house and nothing hello my floral pump is not nothing maybe we missed something in the letter you're the one dude how are we going to find the money now we're not why what are you talking about cuz all we did was fight over it and this is exactly what Sheron Deon warned us [Music] about how about this from now on anytime we find money whether it's a hidden fortune or even this quarter we all share it equally sounds good you kind of I'll even share the dollar I got back from Charles let's not a we're sorry Lily did your noisy sisters and brother wake you hey what's that stuck to Lily's bottom it's a map if you're reading this it means you came together and got to the bottom of the matter congratulations you're almost there but wait how could you have known the map would be on Lily's bottom who cares let's find the money x marks the spot I love solving for x dig dig dig dig I've got some experience digging holes dig dig dig digging is fun for the whole [Music] family get it dig dig dig okay everyone stand back Luna a little digging music you got it [Music] Sis [Music] it's locked I got this what there's more to my head than just air you [Applause] [Music] know $500 so if we shared equally that means we each get a 45.45 45455 [Applause] each hey Lori are you free I need to ride to the dump on Thursdays the hair salon throws out the extra hair and it makes the perfect stuffing for a bean bag chair if you can tolerate the smell a ride uh well uh technically yes I am free to give you a ride woohoo yeah come on mhm oh it seems as though everything is on track and now as everyone continues to tell the truth it's time for my midday cellular Rejuvenation street name nap I regifted your present to pop pop I laughed but I don't get it your bedtime stories feel phoned in your poems are the worst your breath smells like the undead I can't remember your middle name I wasn't still at work I was hiding in the laundry room eating pudding apologies for my family I was having quite the rim cycle so what's on the menu father cabbage and fish sauce back by popular demand he what's the matter aren't aren't you guys hungry dad I hate to say this but thanks to Lisa we have no choice this dish is gross and not in a good way it's super gnarly it smells like Walt's bird cage but but the other night you all we didn't like it then either after you went to bed we ordered take out well have fun eating cereal for [Music] dinner tell when got any jokes to liven this dinner up a little well since some people find my jokes pretty forced I'd rather not mother any compelling work stories some say my voice makes them zone out so I'll pass oh okay uh Lori how about treating us to some juicy gossip oh I wouldn't want to annoy anyone with my stories that go on and on I'm out of here lost my appetite that is false you still have it fine I'll eaten my room me I can't believe you would say that I probably don't eat cool enough I admit eating alone isn't ideal but I still think this is for the best by no it isn't I'm doing my family a service and I'm certain they'll thank me someday false you no longer believe that okay fine you're right this experiment has been a disaster I thought enforcing honesty would save my family but instead it brought them to ruin talk about irony attention family could you please Gather in the living room what now did you make fart detecting glasses no I wanted to apologize for subjecting you to my experiment while I still think the truth is best I see now that little white lies do help maintain social harmony oh thank goodness that's a relief no baxis so with no further Ado I will now destroy the cameras father AB Boose please only a few hundred of these to remove ah yes I forgot they're protected with military grade self-defense systems oh no are we stuck with them forever H there may be another way okay everyone ready commence one + one is six that is a Lie the moon is made of blue cheese falsehood the Earth is literally flat fabrication unicorn Areo fiction table disinformation pration system over and that's how you do it all that fibbing worked up an appetite who's up for Su of Dad's famous Squid Ink surprise um father that sounds delightful coming right up now you're getting the hang of it I'll get the takeout menus and yes to video games super mega Brawlers turbo fiter 24 round one fight okay have fun just don't get too crazy red sounds maybe not so [Music] [Music] loud what was that it's science you wouldn't understand just keep it on a [Music] leash Lily [Music] stop Lana you can't fish in there those are pets ah [Music] L what are you doing can't ride a dirt bike without dirt give me that [Music] [Music] bucket hi exterminator guy spider what about water snakes Lucy what are you doing with all those diapers incoming diaper wall breach those are about to [Music] rock Luna Lincoln in charge ha he couldn't lead Cliff to the litter box litter box litx l oh really Cliff No guitar playing no food fights no dirt bikes and no science experiments who Do You Think You Are [Laughter] Lor no I'm not Lori he no one goes in no one comes out boss's orders those were my orders let me in I'm going to need you to step back sir sorry about this [Music] Lola no no no I'm sorry anyone else I didn't think so I don't know how to get past her she's an [Music] animal glitter nice see what I mean ABS mom and dad are going to be home in 10 minutes brilliant yeah you learn a few tricks as you get older hello uh-huh sure okay bye who was that Mom and Dad they're going to be home in 10 minutes what are we going to do I got this Luna a little cleanup music you got it Sis 1 2 [Music] 3 [Music] this is worse than we thought Audrey Jackson Ellis Flynn Max Tilly cute name Joey Monty suly every kid in that class is a bad influence Lily stop throwing pans let's get out of here we're going to have to start wearing helmets what if she's stuck like this forever please really I'm sick of this helmet I haven't seen my hair in 15 years my hair my hair my hair my hair honey you're spiraling we still have time to save her Lily just needs to spend time with other kids nicer kids you mean like our kids of course not we can hear you mother seriously dude I mean toddlers Linn Royal Woods has plenty of great kids I'm sure it'll be a breeze to find a good friend for Lily per ly no okay guys we got two days to whip Jazzy here into shape let's see what we're working with Stella said he's One Bad Bunny but there are no bad bunnies just misunder Jazzy come [Music] back hey [Music] you going keep that thing away from my prize petuni loud I'm trying sorry about that Mr grous Sorry's not going to bring back my patunas now let's try this again but with a leash now let's walk let's try food motivation Jazzy this is butter lettuce all you have to do is sit still and you can have it we'll pick up the training in the morning good night Jazzy the Little Miss unblemished Pageant is tomorrow and look at me do I look un blemish to you I can't compete looking like a total ien Plick just put some mud on it and AR the flar you don't have to fling it at me hey it's going down thanks Lana you're welcome good [Music] night oh no ah Unice no no no no no no no no no Jazzy what did you do Lola did you have another sleepwalking Rampage last night right idea wrong twin ask Lana Jazzy got out of his crate I don't know how uh I guess I'll never know if David steel sto the time traveling aliens that came to invade Earth years of feal research down the figure toilet never mind feal research look at poor Mr coconuts he's a member of this family too yeah that crazy bunny cost me an arm and a leg he didn't break my stuff guess he knows not to mess with LJ uh dude he ate your Pony what no Lana I'm sorry Jazzy can't stay here anymore but where am I going to train him oh honey maybe Lana and the bunny could just use the basement I was just down there and he peed on our family photo albums Lana you've got to train Jazzy somewhere else watching a as the amazing Lincoln displaces unbelievable yo-yo skills I shall now Rock the dog not you Charles I meant the yo-yo I shall now go around the world sorry still talking about the yo-yo the amazing Lincoln will now take a brief intermission yikes I better go tell Lisa you've completely destroyed my life's work I despise you and you no longer aist to me yeah I'm not telling Lisa oh come on Charles when did you get a conscience I've seen you poop on the couch besides if I just walk away what's the worst thing that could happen I'll just remove the evidence and they'll be none the [Music] wiser I don't understand what went wrong science is a Fickle mistress hi Lori have we always had a window in our closet it's not a window Lisa's experiment blew a hole in the wall what's this to my bodacious babe Lenny why is this picture of Bobby hidden on your side of the closet oh there it is that was a surprise present from Bobby for your 88 day anniversary he asked me to hide it for him but I forgot where I put it that anniversary was 8 days ago and Bobby gave me socks I can't believe this you're literally seeing Bobby behind my back you are no longer my sister everything okay after that unexpected and totally random explosion that I know nothing about what happened a shell fell on your head of course everyone knows that an object falling at a velocity of 9.8 m/s squared will result in a temporary loss of consciousness I knew that the question is how did you hey I saw this in a movie Once I bet getting hit on the head altered Lenny's brain and made her smart Lincoln you seem unable to distinguish between scientific fact and Preposterous Holly would slock I don't get it see same old Lenny can't even understand simple English no I don't get why you multiplied your Z pooms before solving your non- negative integer exponents now if you'll excuse me I'm off to disprove Newtonian physics bye-bye my world no longer Mak sense don't you have a couch to poop on Charles that was a rhetorical question I'm being told we have breaking news please don't be one of my sisters Tucker I'm here at flips food and fuel where two unknown Bandits have just made off with a carload of beef jerky and a cotton candy machine they're not unknown they're my sisters their betrayal hurts more than this brain freeze I'm getting word that the bandits are currently leading police on a slows speed chase where did it all go wrong one has to wonder where did it all go wrong for these girls and why is a 4-year-old working at a gas station interview over wait don't forget to come down to Flips food and fuel home of the flippy now the interviews over I was watching that Lucy at least you're still normal dad not normal I was bitten by Lana's liberated vampire bat greatest day ever nine sisters lost but there's still one I can save Lily Li oh no le is chemicals what have I [Music] done don't eat me Lily so that's the worst thing that could happen I totally agree I'm going to tell Lisa tell Lisa what I was playing with my yo-yo and it got out of control and Rector experiment and I'm really really sorry go ahead and to me cuz I deserve it I'm confused you're not mad mad I'm ecstatic you proved my hypothesis your recklessness was the one variable my rigidly controlled experiment sorely needed I'm still confused I'm saying thank you for being a clumsy doofus and thanks for admitting what you did eat liquid spray butter [Music] PK oh right on the tailbone oh it is [Music] on ow [Music] gotcha and here's a bathroom stall from a mall in Indianapolis this one had Auto flushing like the ones at a fancy Steakhouse dad so lucky to be home sleeping shh Lynn you're going to miss the massage chairs at the moment wall in Walnut Grove where are you aha enjoy my size 11 you Beast huh huh time for a little rock and roll huh how you like that huh oh tailbone again aha this ends now oh no my hand time out time in I got you okay you quiet ruining varint out you go this seems far enough go ruin someone else's day no one out Maneuvers Lin loud when peace and quiet are on the line no no no no no key key key key key key no dang it bad gloating animals oh maybe I forgot to lock the front door when the fam left curse me in my innate sense of responsibility woohoo those F Darter pole vaulting lessons with LJ [Music] Sher Cliff don't you dare post [Music] that stupid Cricket your sleep right now I'm got to make it I passed [Music] it not the [Music] cactus the cactus would have been much better hey I've done it before I can do it again dang it let put on a few more pounds No More Mr Nice Guy on your mark get set charge at least I'm back in the house I still get a little relaxation time kids remember to be quiet when we get home your dad is sick he's probably asleep did I leave my flat iron on did I leave my plutonium reactor on Mama's coming Mr Sprinkles L honey H where is he where is he ch ch what happened oh honey you must have been so delirious you trashed the house I had no idea you were this sick you need to get to bed immediately but not here I found him in the house and now he's my new pet I named him Paul no no don't name him sounds like someone got trapped in the bathroom again ah somebody let me out bobb's coming over to study and I only have 3 hours to get ready this house is literally falling apart Lor's right with 11 kids four pets and two parents who insist on fixing everything themselves our house is a bit of a how do I put this nicely disaster you've got the faulty water pressure I'll go borrow some water water from Charles's Bowl try to have a little dignity and the creaky [Music] floorboards Lor Lenny Lan don't forget about the rotting wood Luna then there's the clunky furnace well Captain after 13 weeks of car ful construction your ship is finally ready and the crummy TV signal it's fzy again no no oh something's got me wait wait that's perfect and the doorknob situation dang it dang it dang it dang it dang it dang it dang it it and I feel like there's something I'm leaving out right the mailbox ridiculous there wasn't even a breeze actually according to my meteorological instruments a big Storm's a breu perhaps a tornado what no way paty drizzle here with an urgent weather bulletin a tornado watch has just been issued for the Royal Woods area try and keep up py all right kids every went down to the basement your father and I have to secure the TV antenna I call trampoline scared fear not a tornado watch doesn't mean a Twister's coming but rather that conditions are right for one besides most residential structures can withstand wind speeds of up to 80 mph or in the case of our house 2 mil per hour maybe this old Heap will blow away and then we can get get a new house I'll finally get my castle I can't believe I have to postpone my study date with Bobby after I did all this dudes remember the first time Bobby came over to ca loud Mr and Mrs loud it's an honor to finally meet you boo boo bear you're literally bleeding oh no worries babe it's it's just marinara sauce could I please use your restroom so you're Lor's new love interest dang it fortunately our love was strong enough to overcome any obstacle my point was that our walls are ridiculously thin yeah not to mention leaky uh-oh [Music] got it dang it and it wasn't even raining someone just flushed the upstairs toilet you're in trouble then get it oh come on it was funny good news wind speeds have decreased significantly you should be out of this asbest ritten dungeon soon at least it's not flooding like it did in the last big storm I'll get the bucket last [Music] one wait but don't you guys remember what happened next hey guys check it [Applause] out cannon ball ew I'm not swimming in groy basement water hey Lori I found your missing heing the one from Bobby [Applause] [Music] canonball ah noise be gone 2,000 take my [Music] money noise be gone goodbye pesky noisy sisters hello me time whatever you say sis cool jams you know it girl noise be gone you are awesome so why stop at Comics let the quiet times roll funny funny stuff you bet you Lino uhhuh I hear that [Applause] absolutely ah thanks for a silent day guys you're my new best buds Ln don't forget you promised to do that thing for me by 3:00 today huh you didn't forget did you of course I didn't forget Lola good because you wouldn't want to make me dad Lana what am I going to do it's almost three you got to help me okay okay take it easy I know why don't you just think of everything she might want you to do and then do it everything remember [Music] [Music] Seymour why does Lola care whether the gutters are clean I know it's crazy right Lola does love a smooth [Music] driveway pH I did it 1 minute to three good luck Lincoln wait where are you going somewhere safe you you know just in case Lincoln it's 3:00 you failed me you know what happens when you make Lola mad I'm sorry I would have done what you asked me but I didn't hear you I was wearing these all I heard was the sound of waves who was a cricket doesn't matter the thing is I know you didn't hear me you're not as clever as you think Lincoln loud Lincoln is this too much mascara be honest it's super super super super important I couldn't agree more agree with what right back at you okay you're weird so linol are you the biggest dork in the world you can say that again and do you love the taste of dog poop you know it so he's been tuning us out all day no wonder wonder he didn't help me restring my guitar or come to my Seance and that's why he didn't laugh at my jokes yeah that's why I'm going to go rip out those earbuds and oh no no I've got a better plan so all that stuff you guys made me do today that was all made up yep I can't believe you guys pranked me like that you had it comeing little bro you can't just ignore us we're your family and remember you're not the only one who has to live in a noisy house we all do true Lincoln Lincoln you were supposed to help me with my lab experiment okay Lisa you can give it a rest I know all about your little joke what joke I'm going to need those now I can't hear anything
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 313,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lincoln loud, Ronnie Anne, the loud house, the casagrandes, casagrandes vlog, loud house vlog, Lincoln loud vlog, ronnie Anne vlog, nickelodeon show, casagrandes full episode, familia sound podcast, music video, full episode, funny scenes, cartoons for kids, movie, song clip, netflix futures, cartoon love, loud house in real life, lincoln loud, the loud house full episodes, loud house full episodes, casagrandes full epiosdes, 1 hour, compilation, 60 min, ytao_lh, kid show
Id: 1ou65r6p88k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 45sec (3825 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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