SML Movie - Jeffy's Cereal Prize! - Full Episode

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so I'm going to make a shot and then you have to make my exact same shot or you get a letter okay all right I'm going to shoot it behind my back yay I made it easy Junior my turn a you missed it darn it now I'm a no you only get an H oh okay okay dog go in there there you go good girl hey guys sorry I'm late I was walking over here and this dog started following me thepp a dog it's cute right are you going to keep it no Junior it's a stray dog it might have rabies or something do you think the dog's good at basketball what no why would the dog be good at basketball the movie airbud the dog was good at basketball that was just a movie look he looks like he likes it yeah look he's sniffing the basketball he might be good at it all right if you think so all right let me grab my phone we're going to record this dog making a shot all right Cody I'm recording pass the ball to the dog okay Junior oh my God he actually made it he made it oh hold yeah actually no I don't think he made it I think I just bounced the ball off his head no no the dog made it like airbud and I'm going to upload on Tik Tok and get a billion views okay come on ladies run the play come on do what I told you good ball movement uh-huh uhhuh yeah he missed he missed a wide open dunk God I can't stand it big bird so coach what the hell was that I tried to dunk the ball in the hoop and I missed it yeah no look you're six n start playing like it I'm sorry coach can I get some Gatorade no you don't deserve Gatorade now get your ass back out there all right coach Jesus okay let's run another play pass the ball pass the ball dude I was open no you're open everyone's open it's practice look guys the game is in 30 minutes poby come here oh me coach hey you wanted to speak to me coach yeah look I'll be honest with you this team sucks we haven't won a game all year and if we lose another game I'm going to be fired as a coach okay so I need you to go out there and show this team what teamwork is and maybe make a few shots too okay you got it coach uh could you get off my hand so I can play though oh yeah hold on B me oh my God no I'm not okay bro my godamn ankle oh my God ow ow ow no no no no no no no no oh God boy poy are you okay no coach I broke my ankle well that doesn't look too bad no it snapped in half damn it you're our best player I know coach I'm sorry we're going to lose that game tonight and then you're going to lose your coaching job no the hell I'm not okay team everybody huddle up all right team Po's out for the season I know he was our best player and we're 0 and 10 right now that's a bad thing that's not good so we suck at the basketball yes you suck at the basketball but but but coach it could be worse we could be 0 and 11 that's true yeah yeah and we're going to be tonight when we lose and I lose my coaching job but that's not going to happen cuz we're going to win but coach we got four players we need five I okay I I will find us another player but it doesn't even matter we're still going to lose well excuse me coach we're going lose because we are white skinned not uh dark complexion so here we do this that's true coach we need some flavor well you guys got black jerseys though this this fabric not skin no h I guess you're right we do need some brothers on the team okay I will go find us a brother you guys stay here and practice 9 and 11 you guys are my two tallest players you're you're my you're my twin towers okay I need you guys to stay here and practice dunking coach we're tall like Michael Jordan yes you were tall like Michael Jordan just just practice dunking and try not to collapse okay four and seven I need you guys to practice your three-point throws yeah just like that okay where am I going to find a new player by tonight G that's not not going to happen I'm just going to sit here and watch some Tik toks before I get fired oh my God this dog can play basketball like airbud and it's black team I'll be right back all right guys what should we name this dog uh how about Albert no Cody we're not nameing it Albert and the Chipmunks that's elvid and the Chipmunks same name it's still ugly listen you got name it a fun dog name like Barry Barry yeah like Blackberry cuz the dog's black what about Michael Vic no ooh how about how about nighttime nighttime cuz the is dark like the nighttime sky Junior that sucks how about Blackie no well no no I meant like Blackie cuz he's black not in a bad way well now that you said that I can only think of it in a bad way well what about Spanky ooh Spanky munes oh yeah I like that let's name him Spanky munes you like your name Spanky hey kids I saw on Tik Tok that dog that's good at basketball oh that dog's right here I recorded the video okay cool good shot I guess uh have you kid seen the movie airbud where the dog plays basketball yeah well I think we have a similar situation here with this dog I think it's good at basketball oh yeah it's super good at basketball I mean it's the next LeBron James you saw it make that shot well actually I think I bounced the ball off the dog's head no no no could know he's talking about this dog has raw talent I mean you saw it make that shot oh yeah that's great because I have a basketball game coming up in like 10 minutes and we lost our best player so I think I need to borrow this dog oh you can borrow this dog it'll definitely win the game just like an airbud oh that's great come on dog sweet all right team I found our newest player let me introduce you to Spanky munes uh coach that's a cat actually it's a dog and in my country dog can actually be wife where are you from I know I know it might seem a little crazy but in the movie airbud The Dog actually helped them win the basketball game and this dog is black like you jerseys so there should be no confusion about whose team it's on in case the other team has a dog on their team now we don't really have any time to practice with this dog but trust me this dog is great I've seen it in action okay let's play this game so what do you guys want to do tonight I don't know hey guys guys what are you doing we have a basketball game tonight we do the game tonight we got to play oh yeah that's right we do have a basketball game I totally forgot we're on a basketball team man we play a lot of sports in between videos but wait where's Joseph what Junior you don't remember he got hit by a bus he broke every bone in his body oh yeah I forgot about that well we have to win tonight's game for him go to the hospital and tell him we're going to win tonight for him hi boys is this your little friend yeah how's Joseph doing well as well as someone can do once they've been hit by a bus he can't talk cuz his Jaws wired shut and he can't move because he's in a coma but he can hear you I think well Joseph we're going to win tonight's basketball game for you yeah buddy getting hit by your bus is quite easy yeah we're going to win for you dog all right guys let's go win this basketball game for Joseph hello and welcome to the NCAA B basketball tournament NCAA stands for no cats allowed at all no I don't have enough players Big Bird Big Bird he's a dog Mo today's matchup is the Pirates versus the pipsqueaks whichever team reaches 10 points first wins dip off we'll start shortly all right you bunch of sissies listen up my coaching job's on the line tonight now you see how many fans we have none zero cuz we suck that's okay Coach they would just be a distraction I hate you okay but if we're going to win we will at least get one fan okay so there's only one rule tonight all of you need to pass the ball to Spanky he is our Kevin Durant okay he's going to win this game for us everybody got that okay cool all right let's play uh Cody we're playing the team that took our dog well we're going to win at least one game this season wait dogs can play on the team yeah it's the airbud rule there's no rule that says he can't play basketball only cats well let's go play guys all right it's tip off time what white is is that a dog time out dogs are not allowed to play basketball nowhere in the rules does it say a dog can't play basketball huh really H I guess that's true it's only cats all right let's play [Music] ball I got the ball I I got the ball I'm wide open I'm wide open but but coach said the pass at the Spanky J you get the ball it's just a dog well I didn't know we could grab it I'm open I'm open I'm open oh oh come on guys you let him score that fast give the ball to Spanky I got you coach here you go Spanky I got the ball God damn it big bird you bounced it over Spanky's head give it to him my bad coach I got you this time I got your ball again oh my God 6 to zero time out time out team get over here okay team we are getting our asses kicked out there we got to come up with another plan we give the ball to dog like you said yeah but Spanky's not the problem he's a professional now I think maybe Spanky is more of a catch and shoot kind of dog so what you guys need to do is drive the ball down the court find Spanky open on the arch and then pass it to Spanky okay you got it coach all right let's go KCK some ass let's go here you go play [Music] on oh you're not going to make a shot you're not going to make a shot Junior go get the ball I saved it ooh our ball again good hustle seven good hustle pass ball Spanky pass ball Spanky no I'm going for it oh let's go oh my got time out time out team get your ass in here coach coach I made it I got two points yeah you made it you're about to make your way to the bench but coach I made two points yeah you get two points but guess who was open for three ooh ooh Spanky yes that's right big bird Spanky but coach Spanky messed up three times in a row already I will not hear you talk bad about Spanky okay Spanky knows what he's doing coach Spanky was laying down yeah well that's just Spanky style okay Spanky lays on the ground until the other team forgets about him and then boom he strikes like a snake okay everybody just give the ball to Spanky it's not that hard you got it okay yes coach okay get your ass out there here you go Cody here you go vanilla B get out of my way dog get out of my house way to go Spanky he distracted us so that big bird could block her shot and people say this dog can't play basketball hey go Penelope pass the ball P pass the ball no Junior I got this wow he stole it cuz you're a girl you don't know how to shoot shut up Junior I'm open I'm open but coach said pass to Spanky I don't care I'm open here you go Spanky I can't do this anymore damn it big bird you know you're supposed to set a screen so Spanky can get open all right secret team meeting secret team meeting right now guys Spanky sucks at basketball I agree dog only good for wife yeah and coaches bunkers for thinking that a dog is going to win us the game but coach says pass the ball to Spanky I know Big Bird so I got an idea what we're going to do is we're going to take the shots and we're going to make it look like Spanky's making them how we do this just follow my lead now great it's 8 to2 what what the hell are they doing over there hey hey hey hey what are you guys doing over here chitchatting well chitchatting is not winning okay the other team is only one shot away from winning and then I lose a job and you guys are all out on your ass okay so get your head the game and pass the ball to Spanky all right coach we'll pass the ball to Spanky let's go guys pass the ball to Spanky pass the ball Spanky right here oh man look at spanky go go Spanky go woo oh you guys just see Spanky hit that layup I told you Spanky could play basketball all right guys just grab Spanky make the shot and Coach will think that Spanky's making it who wants Spanky next oh me me me me me all right here you go let's go hi doggy all right Patrick passing the ball basket ball Junior okay shoot it Spanky Spanky just hit a three go Spanky go yeah we can actually win now thanks to Spanky yeah whatever who wants Spanky Spanky Spanky what are you doing Spanky Spanky get back here Spanky no guys what are we going to do Spanky just left listen coach coach we never needed Spanky in the first place I know he just left but it was us making the shots the whole time don't try to make me feel better we can't do it without Spanky and besides we don't even have enough players right if you don't have five players you're going to have to Forfeit coach what are we going to do I guess we're going to have to Forfeit [Music] guys you got me coach pooby but your ankle's broken I can still carry this goddamn team you got this lay on here you go Penelope give anybody else hey I don't know who to pass it to pass it to poy he's open yeah that's I don't need game yeah we did it we won game over the Pirates win wow guys we actually just lost all because of Penelope no way Junior it's not my fault guys we just lost to a dog and somebody with a broken ankle it's all because of Penelope's fall she kept losing the ball no they grownups Junior I knew we should had a girl on our team Bo let's go you boys played one hell of a basketball game out there and I get to keep my job that's right that's right but I'd really just like to thank Spanky we couldn't have done it without him actually we could have Coach it was all us well technically number seven we we were not together as team before dog but dog bring us together and we better as team and we win okay I guess that's right and I'd especially like to thank thank you poy you won this on a broken ankle you're the godamn goat go let's go out and celebrate hey Daddy ask me why I have this Bell no well I'm going to tell you anyway I'm tired of crapping my pants and sitting in it all day so you're going to start using the bathroom well hold on Daddy I got an even better idea so every time I ring this Bell that's going to let you guys know that I took a huge crap in my pants and I need one of you to change me Jeffy you're 18 years old hush I'm talking every time I ring this Bell it's going to signal to you guys that a huge heaping pile of Jeffy dung has exited my tur tunnel into my shorts so let me paint the picture for you Daddy I'm not wearing any underwear I'm only wearing denim shorts and a diaper so when I ring this Bell that means a big pile of Jeffy FAL has pushed through my denim shorts into my diaper and one of you needs to change me you're not going to change you Jeffy you're an adult uhoh you know what that means they change me I will now Pat and smear mommy is this what a pat smear is oh Jeffy cut it up Jeffy no we're not changing you you're an adult you're going to sit in it all day until you learn to change yourself look we're just going to watch TV buzz buzz buz oh hey there do you like honey dut Cheerios well in one lucky box of Honey dut Cheerios you could possibly find a pair of Honey Nut Cheerio shoes so go out there and buy all the Honey Nut Cheerios buzz buzz buz b b b b you see those shoes I need those shoes I need you to take me to the store right now so we can buy all your boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios okay Jeffy listen whenever we go to the store I'll buy you one box of Honey Nut Cheerios and see if you win one box only one box I need all the boxes right now to make sure I get those shoes Jeffy listen we don't have the money to buy all those box of cereal well what about the credit card I'm not going to run up my credit card buying a bunch of box of cereal on the chance you might win some shoes ah you're ruining my life Marvin why don't you take him to the store and get him a box because baby he doesn't want one box he wants all the boxes and also this sounds like a scam just to get you people to buy more cereal I bet you those shoes don't even exist Daddy has left his wallet by the front door father has royally effed [Music] up wow you must really like Honey Nut Cheerios I'm looking for shoes okay this isn't the shoe aisle um I I I hope you're planning on buying all these I am okay all right I spent $22,000 on Cheerios those shoes have to be in [Music] here no no where are they no this is bull crap where are those shoes at no they're not in here Jeffy have you seen my wallet Jeffy where are you at Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy what are you doing they're not here Daddy the shoes are not here what shoes the Honey Nut Cheerio shoes what tell me where did you get all these Cheerios from I took your credit card and I went to the store and I bought all the boxes of Honey Nut Cheerios that they had you are so hey how much was this $2,000 and you're telling me the shoes aren in here no I was I was upset too Daddy you think for that amount of money that the shoes would be in here and they're not I can't believe you did this J I cannot believe you I mean this is the lowest thing you've ever done let's go talk to your mother your mother has to hear this come on yes sir baby what's wrong Marvin oh Jeffy you tell her cuz I can't even think of the words Mommy I am a shitthead Jeffy don't say that Marvin no it's true Jeffy tell her just tell her oh yeah Mommy I'm sure you'll agree what I did was is I took Daddy's credit card and spent $2,000 on Honey Nut Cheerios Jiffy but did you get the shoes no don't beat me to the funny part no I didn't but what I did do was is I dumped all the Honey Nut Cheerios on the table and then I hid in the big pile of them and then when daddy walked by I tried to scare him by going oooga oh you were playing peekaboo yeah except for when I went Boo at Daddy he didn't Pika so good no listen that's not the point of the thing listen baby he spent $2,000 on my credit card on cereal to get shoes that he didn't even get and also not to mention the big pile of Cheerios on the table downst I'll Jack it the biggest mes you'll ever see I'm sure there's not that many Cheerios Marvin oh there's so many just think of the biggest pile of Cheerios you could ever think and double it twice in your head that's how big it is yeah it's pretty big mommy I'm actually pretty proud of it you want to see it yeah let's go see baby look oh my god get to eating mommy my cholesterol is about to be lower than my syndrome Jeff you're not even eating them you just throwing them all over the place well it's not my fault my hand mouth coordination is off listen stop it we are going back upstairs come on no more eating cereal oh man Jeffy I just can't believe you Danny I don't think you understand the real problem here I still don't have to shoes do you want me to go to another store and see if I can get some more Cheerios no Jeffy you're not buying any more Cheerios I can't my credit card so you can't buy anymore okay well how am I supposed to get the shoes Jeffy the shoes do not exist they don't exist well what about the commercial the commercial is lying it's a scam Jeffy it's it's a scam from the cereal company to get people to go out and buy cereal to hopefully get shoes that don't exist so just go to bed and think about all the stupid things you did today my life sucks I guess I'll go to bed without the shoes here I go off to bed not happy CU I don't have the shoes look at me at school sad cuz I hate my life yes that's good seeing other people sad makes me happy oh my God PJ your new shoes are so so cool yeah I know they're so hot where did you get them I was just eating Honey Nut Cheerios and they were just right there in the cereal box you're so lucky PJ yeah not everyone can have Honey Nut Cheerio shoes huh he has the shoes he has the shoes you got the new Cheerio shoes where did you get them from back off give PJ some space yeah now ladies ladies let the man admire the shoes go ahead look where did you get did Cheerios shoes from I found them in a cereal box well no dick I bought so many boxes of Cheerios and it didn't have the shoes in it how many boxes did you open to get the shoes I got these on the first try that's ridiculous I want those shoes what can I do to get the shoes PJ's not going to give you his shoes yeah Okay ladies stop trying to speak for PJ cuz it's starting to piss him off and then the p& PJ is going to stand for pissed off jamm's cring Shaw and you do not want to see pissed off jamm's cring Shaw sorry PJ okay so you want my shoes right yes what can I do to get the shoes well you can't buy shoes like these so you're going to have to trade me for them okay what do you want well you smell like well that's because I crapped my pants the other day and my daddy didn't change me for 18 hours okay well I like your helmet okay don't trade your shoes for his helmet okay you're done yeah get out of here you're done too just can't find good women okay sorry about that so yeah I want your helmet okay you can have it yeah it'll look great with my PJs and it'll protect my head when I'm using my Tech Decks cuz I don't want to hurt myself okay deal deal deal deal deal or no deal deal bam daddy pee These Hoes Jeffy you got the shoes sure did Mommy and I'm feeling like a pimp Jeffy how much of those shoes cost you actually Daddy it didn't cost me anything all I did was trade my helmet peep the no helmet and the wicked do Jeffy you need your helmet helmet schet you know who needs a helmet Mike Snicker pippet who's Mike Snicker pippet I don't know but he might need a helmet did you give your helmet in Mike's Snicker pippet I don't know ask Mike Snicker pippet I don't know Mike Snicker pippet well he might need a helmet but I don't have time for these games Jeffy I'm still $2,000 in credit card debt cuz you bought a bunch of cereal and open it and put it on the table downstairs well Danny you can always return the cereal I cannot return open cereal Jeffy sure you can daddy if you don't like it you can return it Marvin they might give you in store credit okay fine I'll call the store where'd you buy it at Target okay I'll call Target and see if they'll give me store credit or something Jeffy they're so cute look the little Cheerios and it has a little be on hold on mommy back off don't touch them I don't want your germs on them okay I just called Target and they said they're going to send an employee here to see if they can return all those items we bought oh that must be them hello hey it's Brooklyn guy from Target not Alex from Target he was on Ellen I don't know what the that was about it's not really fair to everybody else who works at Target that he gets to be on TV just cuz he's hot I wonder what he's doing these days hopefully not still working at Target although working at Target kind of worked out for him cuz it got to be on TV so who knows anyway you called me cuz you wanted to return something I mean we don't usually show up to your house like this but to be honest I was kind of curious well my son bought a bunch of box of cereal and I wented oh yeah I remember him yeah he just cleaned out all the Honey Nut Cheerios then like a bunch of 80-year-olds came in after they were like where are all the Honey Nut Cheerios and I had to explain that a kid bought them and they were all pretty angry well I would like to return the cereal oh yeah that's no problem as long as it's not open it is it open uh maybe a few boxes well you can return the ones that aren't open okay yeah sure okay okay here they are mhm okay so where are the ones that haven't been opened um I think they've all been opened M mhm yeah no no you can't return these well why not what do you mean why not I can't just put these back in the box and then feed them to people well look the ones on the top haven't touched the table look the these down here are bad but these are all good we can put these back in the Box mm- mm- no no it doesn't work like that well can you atast please give me store credit come on well see the problem with that is that I don't know how I'm going to explain to my boss why I'm giving you $2,000 in store credit just because you bought a bunch of Cheerios dumped them on a table and then didn't eat them listen my son was just looking for those like Cheerio shoes did he find them no oh that's a shame man those things are going for $10,000 did you say $10,000 for those shoes yeah 10,000 smackaroonies well um who who would pay that for those I mean I would I really want those I mean I know I don't have feet but I still think it'd be pretty cool okay well my son actually did find them okay you literally just told me you didn't have them because I didn't know how you'd react if I told you he had them what it's not a Powerball ticket they're shoes I just happened to want them okay listen listen so my son has them so you'll give me $10,000 if I show you the shoes show me the shoes to prove that you have them cuz this this whole thing is very weird come on come on come on okay here's the Cheerio shoe those are not the Cheerio shoes Jeffy what happened to your Cheerio shoes I traded them back to Mike Snicker pippet for my helmet because I missed it I'm sorry Mike who Snicker pippet Jeffy be serious this nice man right here was going to give us $10,000 for those Cheerio shoes well he can go buy them from Mike Snicker pippits okay I'm sorry who is Mike Snicker pippits he's a guy in my class and he wears pajamas and sunglasses inside okay that sounds like a lie well it's not he's real and he's inside knock knock who's there Mike Snicker pippits Mike Snicker pippits who Mike Snicker pippits let me in it's cold out here jeez okay I'm just going to go no no no what about the cereal you you keep it oh not the $10,000 Jimmy why' you do this to me Jimmy well Daddy let me tell you something what's up Junior what you doing oh hey little te I'm just choking my chicken I just got done choking my chicken in the bathroom that's so cool what color is your chicken black and it's bigger than that chicken that's so cool what are you doing here oh dude I got to show you this music video I just filmed it it's so raw look at it okay I want to watch H yeah you know who it is to D dug make some room for my Thro ho yeah poptarts make me fart yes they do make fart poptarts make me short yes they do make strawberry chocolate cherry and some blueberry take a bite lose a tooth color toothberry drop it on the floor still eat it if it's hairy yeah drink some milk my pants I can't have dairy constipated on the toilet and it's kind of scary and my girl used to be a dude Nam Larry I'm back on the track with a new R where the ho at door let me use the map she got a bulge in her pant man that's a trap but I still got some ones going to make it clap twerking for some money girl twerking for some pop tarts booty hit the ground Grand Slam at the Ballpark I'm a big dog baby all bite no bring it ass here I'mma ride it like a golf cart no more for you oh no I want to keep listening to it dude it was only supposed to be a sneak peek he might leave it I'm not going to leak it you can trust me just let me listen to it I trust you bro but I can't risk it okay bye well no no no come back you forgot your laptop wait a minute I can keep listening to it that must be Lil T realizing he forgot his laptop hello what's up dude hey Joseph what are you doing here dude I just ate a lizard and I kept the tail for my bro you know I love collecting lizard tails of course you know I know my bro you want to come inside yeah let's go so what you been up to bro I just saw the coolest music video ever what seriously where is it I want to see it it's on this laptop oh okay I got to see this it's locked by a password oh whose laptop is this it's little tease he's a rapper and he he made the coolest song ever let's try to log in and see um what do you think his password is ooh how about we try password yeah try that I no it's wrong okay how about we try I love ho oo yeah I like that one it has to be that that was the wrong one God well let me try this no let me try this no no it has to be let me try this the wa oh no Joseph I think we just fried the laptop aw you fried the laptop I didn't do it no you fried it was probably with your spit from your bracelet get all over the keyboard watch your mouth that's a speech impediment you're talking about okay oh my God okay so the computer's destroyed that means that means we accidentally deleted the song everything on the computer's deleted but but but dude he can make a bunch more songs it's not that serious you don't understand he loved this song we have to get it back oh he's going to kill us what do we do we can call a computer repair man yeah the computer repair man could totally fix it let me call him let me call him hey there is somebody call Computer Repair man did you so happens to have an extremely large shirt oh yeah I accidentally fried my laptop oh I see what's happening here your laptop your chicken out classic no I was just trying to watch a video oh kiss me every time what kind of video are you trying to watch oh don't tell me everyone has your favorites for instance I like busty Asians what yeah if you ever seen one piece can you just try to fix my laptop let's open her up oh crusty ke evil huh I suggest using a sock next time well no no look it just fried I was trying to log in ooh if you forget to log in you should probably keep it on your phone in your notes my username is spaniel can you try to fix my laptop please yeah I'll see what I can do hey yeah oh I see what I have to do now but it's not going to be pretty I suggest you turn your head okay hey there baby don't worry I'm going to be gentle oh God yeah you like that you good bro yeah I think I'm done okay let's open her up oh hey it works wait it works how'd you fix it I did a hard factory reset oh that's so cool wait wait wait wait wait hold on wa all the files are deleted well yeah that's a factory reset hey you got any juice what what I need the files back well there's nothing I can do about that buddy call me see you later Joseph we need those files back well at least the computer's fixed well no no I don't care about the computer we need the song we need the song how about we make a song and then we play it for l t he'll totally be happy but why would he be happy if we made a song Joseph because he could sell the song dude or hop on the song with us huh I guess he would appreciate us making him a new song If we deleted his oh we can make a music video too it's just like his yeah okay okay let me go grab a microphone let's make a song in a music video okay so I got the mic set up let's start making a hit rap song so what are we going to rap about bro um what do rappers usually rap about um usually ho cars money let's stick with ho yeah yeah stay on topic yeah we don't people get confused all right so let's RP about ho let's get started yeah oh my God Joseph how did we do it this song is so amazing I know dude it's so sick there's no way Lil T could be mad at us yeah he's going to like this song more than his song it's great yeah so now all we got to do is record a music video and we can show them but dude where do we get the girls for the music video oh yeah you're right right we need girls we wrapped about hoes we got to have hoes in the music video at least one do you know any girls o ooh I noticed one girl she lives under the underpass but she's homeless and missing a leg missing a leg she's got to be hot bro under the right lighting she's bad well listen we need girls with two legs um ooh I can call Penelope and get her in the music video she'd love to be in it oh that's a good idea dude do it let me grab my phone all right Joseph it's ringing dude do you really think she'll be in the video of course she'll be in the video she's a girl girls love attention you're right dude what do you want Junior I thought I blocked you you know you can't block Big Daddy ew I'm hanging up now no no no don't hang up I need your help with something help with what uh what do girls like uh makeup uh the Barbie dolls uh the WNBA oh I want to talk about the WNBA ooh who's your favorite team who's my favorite team oh dude she's really quizzing you now name a team Joseph dude I can't name a team they're all trash oh just Google Google Google it I'm waiting uh I really like the team with the girls with the with the boobies what the LA Sparks yeah the LA Sparks oh my God I love love them oh me too every time they make a hoop I go Sparks Sparks Sparks oh you do yep I love it I love that they all have cans every team has them Junior they're girl well look I want you to come over so you can help me pick out my favorite player okay I'll be right there all right I'll see you then oh that was so close yeah dude that was a close one but you didn't even ask her to dance in the video well because I don't want to ask her that over the phone of course she'll say no I have to get her over here and then she'll say yes ooh chess moves I like this uh all right Junior I have a list of my favorite WNBA players let's start with all right screw that how about you drop that ass for a music video ooh nice approach how can she say no excuse me did you just fart no Junior then why did you say excuse me Junior I came over here to talk about the WNBA you know damn well I don't know nothing about no WNBA but the LA Sparks what about yeah no one no one cares listen I just lied to you to get you come over I'm leaving no no no no no no no I actually do need your help with something and I'll pay you a lot of money yeah handsomely okay you're going to pay me to do what okay listen we recorded a rap song and we need a a hoe for the music video a hoe yeah just act like you have no moral yeah you like listen like I know you're not a hoe but I need you to act like one for a music video Junior I'm not a hoe I'm not doing it no listen I know you have some daddy issues deep down inside just let them come out like hate your father for Just 2 minutes no Junior I have a lot of money to pay you how much uh let me grab my piggy bank piggy bank all right here's my piggy bank it has so much money in it and I want you to agree to do the music video no matter how much money is in here before I break it open no Junior I'm not doing that what a fool I've seen him put Millions no billions in this piggy bank yeah I put a $100 bill in this every single day I don't believe you Junior so will you be in the music video for however much money's in here no I want to see the money first she wants to see the money first talk about a gold digger am I right okay I'm about to bust this open that's it ooh big baller junor in the building look look there's a dollar and there's a nickel and two pennies oh there's a quarter over there no I'm not doing it Junior come on Penelope every millionaire started with a dollar I'm out of here oh come on Wow you know what you're never going to be anything in life with that mentality Joseph where are we going to find a girl for the video you know what dude I have an idea okay bro how do I look Joseph no homo you're so hot I already know look but I'm a classy broad you have to take me on two days before you can bang this all right so let's go record the music video and you can dance around in it woo I'm about to twerk my little booty off oh my God Joseph this music video is so sick I know dude I was twerking my little booty off there look at me shake it look at me shake it y all we got to do is show little T now oh man let me get out of this outfit first all right hey juliia oh hey little T I was just about to call you yeah I forgot I left my laptop here bro wait you didn't peek at the song did you uh well you see actually I accidentally deleted your song what but me and my friend Joseph we recorded you a new song and I think you're going to love it look look watch the music video man Joseph what's up bro we're about to kill this beat oh yeah dude wait I feel it I'm charging up dude super cal Li it me all do I don't want your girl cuz she ugly and atrocious throw it in a circle girl hit me with hypnosis I want to take a bite of that booty I'm ferocious the booty talking to me girl what's the commotion I got a headache man what's the iprof drop to your knees like it's time for devotion she want to ride my boat it's the motion of the ocean again it again it again Twerk it again it again it again twerk it again it again it again again [Music] again oh my God Junior that was amazing wait really you liked it yeah I can't believe it you're really that good wow you can actually be a ghost rider for me dude wait really yeah wait who was that girl in the music video though dang she was shaking it you got to hook me up bro come on give me your number please please well it's actually that that's actually my friend Joseph he's a dude you must not know about Larry then and done all right dude my bowling ball is ready for the Bowling Championship Joseph can you believe we're playing in the Bowling Championship tonight oh dude I'm so ready oh we need to hurry up and go we're running late we have to wait for Cody hey guys Cody where's your bowling shoes in the bowling ball dude oh guys I'm sorry but I'm not going to be able to play in the Bowling Championship tonight what you can't play in the Bowling Championship why because Ken has a waxing appointment tonight Ken has to get waxed he can't even grow hair he's a doll dude oh he can grow here believe me Cody you understand we're playing in the championship game tonight against the Ramirez family oh that damn Eddie Ramirez he needs to lose yeah Cody we're undefeated and so are they this is going to be the best Championship ever I know guys I'm sorry but I can't play but why don't you just reschedule the waxing appointment yeah dude we won like 12 games to get this far well I'm sorry but I can't reschedule yoland doesn't have another appointment available for another 2 months and I'm not going to deal with the hay bum Cody look we need you we're going to get cramed without you yeah I'm sorry guys Ken's just more important so the only reason you're not bowling is cuz of Ken oh yeah that's correct then you're not getting Ken back until you bowl hey give him back Junior give him back no you're going to cost us the Bowling Championship give him back he needs to be whack Joseph catch I got to D Joseph give him back oh go long no yeah Ken oh man I can't wait to eat the strawberry banana milkshake it's going to be so good get in there you stupid banana there we go no no turn in there in there kid's in there no he's not EMP EMP EMP check che check check check I'm telling you guys kid's not in here out pour out oh God no God oh damn I thought he was a banana guys I'm so sorry God no k Why okay look look he's just he's just like he's okay he's dead K's a milkshake he's milkshake he's a milkshake maybe we can wash off the pieces and put it back together get the pieces get the pieces get all the pieces let's put them back together put back together look Cody look we have all the pieces maybe we can put them back together we can't put it back together Junior he's dead he's all cut up into little pieces he was never alive to begin with he's a dog dude now let's go to this Bowling Championship screw the Bowling Championship my boyfriend was killed look look maybe after the Bowling Championship we can put them back together no Junior the only person who could possibly put them back together is a doctor we're not calling a doctor of your broken toy Cody please call a doctor I'll go to the bowling Championship if you call a doctor oh okay let's call a doctor hey there somebody call a doctor yes doctor my boyfriend got blended into a million pieces he was milkshake kid yeah his toy got Blended up well kid you got to take better care of your toys he's not a toy he's my boyfriend well look Joseph accidentally threw Ken in the blender no I was aiming for the blender dude oh god look can you just please put his toy back together no I don't think so wait is that a Kendall huh you know my nerd brother has one of those he does yeah he collects dolls and action figures and nerd stuff like that well can you please call your brother and ask him if we can have that action figure because Cody need to stop crying cuz we have to go in the Bowling Championship wait Bowling Championship you guys are in the Bowling Championship yeah against the Ramirez family oh I hope you beat that bastard Eddie Ramirez I'm so tired of seeing him win well we need Cody to be able to beat him so can you please make Cody happy I'm not going to bowl until you fix my boyfriend okay I guess I could try calling my brother but he really doesn't like messing with his collection all right I'm calling him come on Cody stop being so sad come on Jonathan answer you're always on your phone hello this is Jonathan sorry I couldn't make a see the phone right now I'm currently covered in heart babes o he not a shop I'm sensitive there leave a message after the beep beep I got his voicemail you actually thought that was my voicemail that's the oldest twick in the book yeah you got me you are so dumb yeah yeah I am so what's up look Jonathan I need something what's wrong your wife need a real man pleasa what no Jesus Jonathan do you still have that kandall you mean my 1997 limited edition together forever Kendall only open once Museum quality yeah yeah I guess that one of course I have him he's laying on my bed right now okay can I have him do you know how rare he is can you have him he is only one of 69 made and he's number 69 my favorite number okay so can I have him I mean I guess I'd be willing to make a twed what do you want I want you to send me noodies of your wife do you really think my marriage is that good that I have nudes of my wife you can make it happen look Jonathan that's not happening it's not even for me it's just for some somebody else that wants it well there is something I would trade okay what do you want and they're kids so don't be weird you may have heard of it before the year 2000 performance collection Britney Spears Barbie Doll the show yeah believe it or not I haven't heard of that yeah well either get the doll or the to off okay look he wants some kind of Britney Spears Barbie doll wait wait a minute I think my daughter has one of those well well then go go grab it from your daughter and make the trade so that we can give him the doll back so we can go bowling I I mean I could but look what am I even getting out of all of this you get to see Eddie Ramirez lose in the Bowling Championship yeah you're right I do hate him okay yeah I'll do it just give me a few minutes all right Cody you hear that he's going to try to get the kind doall oops I rode a pony again hey Penelope what do you want Dad oh I see you playing with your Britney Spears Barbie yeah she's my favorite Barbie doll uh-huh so can I have her what why Penelope you don't understand this Barbie could prevent Eddie Ramirez from winning the Bowling Championship tonight what are you talking about look I will do anything for that Barbie anything yeah I want to be Justin Bieber what why that of all things dad Justin Bieber selling meet and greet tickets okay how much are they $10,000 holy no no that's not happening fine then you're not getting my Barbie doll I I actually actually you know what I just remembered I actually know Justin Bieber personally you do I do I I used to I used to brush his teeth you did I did I was his dentist I brushed his teeth all the time I I bet I could get him to come here right to your room oh my God Joseph Bieber's going to be in my room hold on we'll see oh man who am I going to find to pretend to be Justin Bieber at this time of night oo B change hey hey buddy uh look I'll give you 20 bucks if you'll pretend to be Justin Bieber to make my daughter happy you want me to act like a Bieber or Flop like a fish yeah sure all all of that yeah oh my God oh my God oh my God hey Penelope what a Justin Bieber say he's actually right outside your door all right yeah calm down see Justin Bieber gets nervous and he doesn't like it when people look at him so you're going to have to wear this blindfold I can't see him no no he he's afraid of eyes so you're going to have to wear a blindfold but you can still hear his beautiful singing voice oh my God Justin Bieber is going to sing to me yeah maybe I hope so I mean who knows what's going to happen just make sure that you wear that blindfold cuz if he sees you see him he's going to freak out okay okay Dad I'm so excited okay hey honey you got that blindfold on yeah Dad okay no peeking Cuz Mr Bieber will go crazy okay Dad just bring in Justin Bieber okay Mr Bieber you can come in now I'm the beaver man oh my God it's Justin Bieber I like beavers and chewing wood sing the baby song baby Bieber Baby Bieber that's not the baby song Justin you're so funny s sing the real song uh beavers and D beavers and D wait a second that's not just a Bieber oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it is he he just he has to wear a disguise when he goes out in public cuz he's so famous he he doesn't want people bothering him so so he chose to disguise himself as a stinky bum he smells like one too yeah yeah he does but you met Justin Bieber so can I have that Barbie now can Justin stay the night I'll be the coolest girl ever oh honey I I don't think you want that oh nice warm comfort bed ooh and a pony oh my God he can sing to all night long okay you know what sure yeah I'll just take this Barbie and leave beavers and dams beavers and dams beavers and D all right I got the Britney Spears Barbie wait where's your friend he's crying in the bathroom you better get him cuz my brother's almost here with the kend doall oh hey P and guy I have your kend doll right here great here's your Barbie you actually found her and in pristine condition look at those feet yeah okay why did you even want her I have my reasons what happened to this kindall oh he fell in a blender I don't want my K being Blended up he's not going to get Blended up just go be weird with Britney Spears okay we got Ken back Cody can be happy now okay now you boys get to that championship and kick Eddie Ramirez's ass you don't have to ask us twice Cody get in here what do you want guys look Cody Ken's back Ken you're back oh I miss you so much how is this even possible the doctor's brought mother had a k doll so he brought him for you no k I love you so much so Cody I got a question so your old K doll got Blended up so is this a new kin no this is Ken so but it's a different kend doall so it's not the same Ken you made all those memories with uh the memories just transferred to him it's Ken what but no no no that's not the Ken doll that you made the memories with that old Ken doll's right here I don't know what you're talking about this is Ken look guys let's just cut the chitchat we still have time to get to the Bowling Championship what Bowling Championship well you you know the Bowling Championship we have to beat Eddie Ramirez who the hell is Eddie Ramirez well he he's the bowling champ you guys you guys were all talking about the Bowling Championship we're not in a bowling league Cody how can we play in a Bowling Championship we're not in a bowling league well I I don't know I mean I I thought that was weird too but you guys were really confident you guys had bowling shoes there was a bowling ball we don't have bowling shoes or a bowling ball cuz we're not in a bowling league Cody yeah only been bowling one time in my life dude yeah wait no no no no no no no no the doctor knew about it and that's why you took 10 from me in the first place is cuz I didn't want to bowl but why would we want you to Bowl if we're not in a bowling league Cody what what the is going on
Channel: SMLs
Views: 212,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dNidWjTuh2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 25sec (2905 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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