SML Movie: Joseph Gets Adopted!

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all right CR today we're going to be reading Huckleberry Finn so I hope you got your permission slip sign because we're going to be saying the inward 219 times so I hope you got a glass of water cuz your mouth's going to be dry so turn in your permission slips so we can start saying it hey Cody did your parents sign your permission slip yeah my stepdad's black so he signed it what about yours Penelope yeah cuz my dad's a cop and he says it all the time oh I had to forge my dad's signature cuz I really wanted to say it what about your parents Joseph they sign it dude you know I don't have parents and I don't need permission just to say it dude I'm black I can say it anytime I want oh well let's turn in our slips guys Once you turn in your permission strip grab a copy of the book I wonder what page they say it on all of them whoa whoa whoa Joseph your permission strip doesn't have a signature on it [ __ ] I don't need a signature we own the word no your parents have to sign a permission trip before you can read a book I don't have parents well then where do you live I live in a dumpster the street light is my mama and the dumpster is my daddy hold on I have to call child protective phips what what for what nobody's shooting in here right I I have to ask cuz this is America it happens like every day hey there somebody call the cops or child protective services oh Huckleberry Finn you guys say it yet yeah I signed my daughter's permission slip so she can say it it's pretty much the only chance she's going to be able to say it without getting in trouble you know unless you're singing along to Little Wayne or Papa John's phone calls no this kid know have no parents I don't know what happened your dad went to get milk and never came back that's what happened to me I think the child support scared him off oh yeah the child support yeah it almost got me too it is a real [ __ ] you know I don't understand why the man should have to pay you know what if I didn't even want the kid but anyway where you living now in a dumpster oh well that's no good well it looks like we're going to have to put you in a foster home of imaginary fridge no no unfortunately they had to close that down because nobody knew what the hell it was now I got to put you in the last foster home left in America way up in Utah no not Utah yeah Utah so just get your stuff wait you probably don't have any stuff I got a dirty to brush okay well bring that and then tell your friends you're never going to see him again I guess I'm going to Utah what's wrong Joseph I have to move to a foster home in Utah not Utah why Utah because I don't have parents you guys I found it oh I want to read it all right come on kid we're going to Utah I don't want to go to Utah sorry you got to now hop on my invisible horse easy girl come on let's go to Utah can I pet your horse oh don't stand too close to the back she might you she's not going to see I warned you I don't want to go to Utah please don't make me go I guess my horse could use a rest okay if you can find a new family to adopt you by the end of the night you don't have to go to Utah okay yes come on girl don't worry Joseph we're going to find you a new family that'll adopt you by tonight come on come on let's do it stop crying Joseph we're going to figure this out now who do we know that would want to adopt Joseph nobody wants to adopt Joseph cuz nobody loves loves me a don't say that Joseph I'm sure somebody loves you you really think so dude maybe how about we ask Chef peee to adopt you cuz Chef Pee loves kids he loves playing with me oh I don't think that's true dude you really think shfp will adopt me I think he will but you stay right here while I go ask him in case he says something mean okay you're right you're right good looking out who ain't the daddy I ain't the daddy who ain't the Daddy what I ain't the daddy you sing with it who ain't the daddy you ain't the daddy who ain't the dadd what's going on look Junior I had a probability of paternity test and look zero [ __ ] per cuz I ain't the daddy never will be the daddy in that [ __ ] dreams wait what happened Chef you got a girl pregnant no no I never got a girl pregnant look I I met this girl she was a Hooter's waitress she gave me wings and I gave her a thing you feel me and then she hit me up n months later talking about she had a kid for me I'm like hell no you ain't got no kid for p PE uhuh p PE pull out game is super strong superb to here you know what I mean so yeah I got the fraternity test and they came out 0% not the dad what I'm not that D so you don't have a kid no negative results read boy negative results it is negative yeah I don't want no kid don't want to see a kid don't want to see a woman with a kid don't want to smell a kid I don't even want a kid if it's not even mine never ever now what you want what you going to ask me H never mind you can ask me anything man I'm just a little excited come on so do what did shf peipi say well he didn't say no what does that mean well he also didn't say yes I I don't think today was a good day to ask him we should ask him later but until then let's figure something else out like oh Cody why doesn't your parents adopt Joseph yeah your dad's black oh well I mean I guess I could call them over and we can ask them yeah because I mean we're already best friends so Joseph living with you wouldn't be weird yeah I could be your straight brother dude huh well I I guess that could be kind of hot okay I'll call him over here hey Cody you called us over yeah you interrupted something very special very special yeah your daddy was making toast to strudel and I was right at the part where you put the icing on top of the strudel and then you call making me all nervous and I shot my icing all over the cover e well your daddy also hit a posum on the way here yeah I swear to hit that [ __ ] okay well I was just going to ask you guys if maybe you wanted to adopt my friend Joseph what the hell you want us to buy this little black boy oh no no no no black people are not property slavery is over with you know that no no no no not buy adopt I don't care how you word it we are not buying people we are not doing that slave thing slavery is over with but no no I just thought that maybe he could be like my brother oh oh you thought he was your brother a brother a slave brother that a cook and clean and do all that picking and coton and all that stuff huh no he's not going to be that cuz we're not buying slaves Cody you're grounded for being racism but Mom I wasn't even being racism M I'm sorry little black boy I didn't know I was raising a racism in my house come on Judy let me go ahead and finish that toasted strudel ooh we could do it in the car yeah to go that could not have gone worse do you think your parents are going to adopt Joseph no Junior didn't you hear what they said there's someone at the door I'll get it hello hey Junior I came to bring Cody back his tape measure I think he's going to be really happy with the results well he's upstairs okay I'll come right in hey Cody I measured like you said and I'm 2 and 1/2 in really that's it what do you mean that's it there's no way you're bigger than 2 and 1/2 I think I might be smaller measure again okay what are you guys measuring well I'm getting Timmy to measure his shoe size cuz he wants to borrow my shoes so he can go running but I don't want him to bust them open wait a minute why doesn't Timmy's parents adopt Joseph what yeah so look Joseph doesn't have parents and he needs parents so what if your parents adopted Joseph I mean I guess I can call and ask what's the worst that they could say yeah call them okay I don't want to live with them they're weird would you rather live with them or go to Utah I guess you're right okay guys it's ringing what do you want Timmy your mother and I are rearranging my best lawn trophies oh sorry for interrupting honey I said biggest up top and smilest on the bottom you better straighten up before I pop you what do you want Timmy well father I was wondering if you could adopt one of my friends if me and your mother wanted another kid I'd just bang the babysitter but father if you don't adopt him he's going to be forced to move to Utah well you should have taught to call someone else a I'm sorry Joseph it looks like they don't want to adopt you no one wants to do the black kid hold on did you say black kid yes sir is he good at sports um well he has a sports ball on his shirt your mother and I are coming over right now yes sir guys I think they're interested all right Demi where's the all Aman he's right there in the green shirt oh my God honey he has a sports ball on his shirt I'm going to be like Sandra Bullock great we'll adopt him really wao I really have a family now yeah but see this is how it's going to work you're going to sign a conservatorship so we can get book deals movie deals shoot deals and we're going to take 97% of your NFL contract we'll put the other 3% in a trust so when you turn 35 or some [ __ ] you'll act like you got blindsided by the whole thing wow this sounds like a dream come true hey Timmy I got to go pee you want to help me in the bathroom yes totally all right so how do I adopt him do I have to send money to a Nigerian prince or something no I'll go get the cops why he didn't steal anything easy girl got I bet your horse okay but she bites never mind so kid you found someone to adopt you yeah these cool white people want to adopt me yeah we're hoping he's going to be a famous football player now Jesus not this again you guys are trying to do a blindsight huh I'm Sandra Bullock all right well here here are the adoption papers just sign right there and you get paid all right there you go well congratulations kid you don't have to go to Utah unless you get drafted by the Utah Jazz no he's going to be a football player come on let's go test your 40 time okay yeah Joseph go hang out with your new family nice throw deak now try throwing it out a player damn it excuse me coach what do you folks want we just adopted this boy we want to make sure we made a good investment can he join the football team well let's test your 40 go line up okay dude oh I'm so ready dude on your mark get set time oh sweet Jesus 640 is that good no it's slow as [ __ ] he's not joining my football team damn it honey why did we adopt him well I'm good at basketball you better be LeBron [ __ ] James let's go yeah that's what the [ __ ] I'm talking about moose we're going to beat the Washington generals cuz of you excuse me coach now what the hell do you want we adopted this kid and we want to see if he's good at basketball huh you're a little short can you shoot a gun or a basketball tell you what if you can beat moose in a one-on-one game you can join the Harlem Globe trots who the hell is Moose hello that's moose so you play five night fdy oh yeah I can beat his ass all right first the six wins okay okay I want to give the B to you you give back to me okay okay here you go where you going boy I'm right here what's up what's up 5 oh man moose already scored two points not looking good Fellas come on LeBron James pick up the Bas but he hit me I know you guys saw that I'm sorry the Moose got too aggressive matter of fact you can have a free shot really here you go okay bet you got this moose out what the hell that's right moose p that [ __ ] what the hell you doing LeBron he's not playing Fair dad ow Jesus Mary and Joseph your boy's getting killed out there you want me to end this no LeBron you better score okay Dad I got it I got to do this for the family check up wait the hell your boy can't even get off a shot well Bron if you don't make a shot you're unadopted oh I can't let my family down I finally got a home 3 Square meals a day people that care about me in a toilet to poop in oh I can't let this go I'm a win a day check [Music] [Music] up good game well your kid sucks I'm sorry Dad I'm not your dad what what does that mean where are you going what's wrong Joseph my parents unadopted me they what they ripped up the adoption papers and said I'm not their kid anymore well that's not legally binding and the cop didn't see them do that so they're still technically your parents and that means you don't have to go to Utah and oh my God that that means we're still brothers and you can come over anytime and we can sleep in the same bed we are not sleeping in the same bed together dude well Joseph you can stay here as long as you want sometimes what really dude man that's the support I need thank you bro yeah Joseph you'll always have the support of your best buds yeah we always got your back Joey yeah appreciate you guys man let's go into one big group hug oh I want to be in the middle me too uh how about no to the hug if uh Timmy and Cody's in it yeah let's just high five yeah let's high five dude best friends forever [Music] yeah
Channel: SML
Views: 4,366,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, joseph gets adopted, joseph, junior, cody, friends, chef pee pee, chef, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, huckerdoos, the blind side, parody, sports, football, basketball, joke, logan, lance, lovell, puppet, puppets, brooklyn guy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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