SML Parody: The Suspension!

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all right gr today we're learning about ancient Chinese history this sword has been in my family for generations and generations very rare piece uh excuse me Mr Chu that's a Japanese Katana not a Chinese sword shut the up Cody you don't know this is the sword without the scabard in it shiny as it it killed many cats and dogs in lifetime fed family for Generations expensive as I mean I'm talking like uh $2 million for real I need to go to a different School guys he said that that Katana right there that only he holds is $2 million we can sell that for $2 million guys how does that sound we should just steal it and then run away from school that sounds good dude dud no Junior how are we going to get away with it well I mean Cody come on we should I mean he won't notice like we we we'll just run away and he won't know what happened to it well I guess I'm kind of pissed off at him right now yeah so we should just do it I I have a plan everybody huddle up all right wait guys let me get on this too I don't want to be here yeah Jeffy you can come with us just uh just distract Jackie Chu and just leave whenever you want cuz I know you don't care all right crass I'm going to go to the teachers round and cook my runch oh I'm going to take the sword with me so none of you steal it God damn it got to go chase her now R come here all right dude let's grab the sword that our chance let's get let us look at it Cody now's our chance let's get out of here yeah well Junior we got this sword what are we going to do with it now uh we're going to sell it yeah dude we should sell it to the black market this is not a good idea yeah this Cody would make so much money off of that what who's that at the door all right let's go answer the door uh guys who's at the door Junior uh we we we might have a problem what are you guys sitting on uh a black Katana H interesting because my katana went missing today so what's going to happen now that we stole it well since you stole my sword and you skip school you guys are going to get suspended we're getting suspended for skipping school that doesn't make sense yes it does you're going to have in in school suspension okay so basically you're going to be locked in a room doing boring ass away from all your friends and each one of you are going to be in a boring classroom by yourself what Junior how did you get me into this this this is so gay what the hell Jackie chew I'm out of here dude well P oh all right Junior since you ski school and we're in possession of a weapon I'm going to have to supervise you for your suspension time oh how long am I going to be suspended for you have in school suspension for 10 days and each day you're going to get a new book and you're going to have to write a book report every single day oh what that sucks every single day that's going to take forever like this book is huge what the hell yeah you're going to have you're probably going to have to stay during detention hours wow this is actual hell this sucks all right Cody each day for you're in school suspension you're going to have to read a whole book and write a book report and submit it by the end of the day I thought I was going to be punished this sounds fun yeah well you got to do it for 10 days H this is going to be paradise all right Jeffy you have to read a book every day for 10 days and submit a book report by the end of each day what happens if I don't do it then you we're going to have to add another day of suspension each day you don't do it well that sucks because I'm I'm not doing this oh well looks like you're going to be suspended forever well I don't care cuz I'm not doing this I I can't take this anymore this book is so stupid I just hate [Music] reading I need to I got to go on my phone just text my friends this is so boring and done time to write this book report oh looks like Junior's texting me what's going on oh Junior must be texting me he's probably trying to escape all right so Cody and Jeffy are going to meet in this room and Joseph's going to come through the window and once they're all here when Joseph opens the window we're just going to escape and get out of this boring ass place I really hope this works oh cool if I escape with them maybe they'll add another day to my suspension and I'll get to keep doing book reports by myself wow well anything's better than this all right I got them all to meet at the original classroom and now I just need Joseph to come to the window all right guys we're back in the normal classroom obviously all right Jess is going to be at the window in about like 10 seconds hey what you doing at your nor one desk come on dude jump out the [Music] window
Channel: Yurrd
Views: 10,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vAy0R33kxLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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