SML Movie: Jeffy The Clown!

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hang on daddy i need your favor what do you need jeffy can i borrow a thousand dollars a thousand dollars we need a thousand dollars for jeffy because i want to go to clown school she cook clown school why do you want to go to clown school because it's always been my passion i love making people laugh and i really like badoon jeffy you don't have to go to clown school you already are one more fan it's true we already act stupid and dumb you have to pay someone a thousand dollars to teach you act like that you never support my dream no son of mine's gonna be a clown i hate you yeah go to your room marvin you should support your son no baby i wanted to be something successful like a doctor or a lawyer you honestly think he's gonna be a doctor or a lawyer uh no see well look baby i don't want him to be a clown he's gonna get made fun of and that's not a career marvin i'm gonna go talk to him well i'm not paying for this i don't support it i hate my daddy jeffy are you okay no jeffy it's gonna be all right no it won't not unless you write me a check for a thousand dollars right now so i can go to clown school jeffy why don't you just save up your money so you can go next year because i won't want you to be a clown next year then why does it matter so much that you go this year because i want to be a clown right now jeffy do you really want to be a clown are camel's nipples purple well jeffy if you promise to be the best clown that you can be i will give you the money to go to clown school heck yeah mommy this is so pee-pee okay jeffy just don't tell your dad oh i won't mommy day daddy mommy's giving me a thousand dollars going to clown school i'm just kidding mommy oh okay here's the plan what was that no nothing jeffy you yelled my name no no i'm not going to clown school or anything no not at all that's right you're not going to clown school ever mm-hmm yeah so just stay in your room jeffy here's the plan yeah yeah jeffy jeffy focus focus okay you're gonna sneak out the window and go to clown school okay all right mommy i'm gonna be the best clown i can be see you later mommy hello and welcome to clown school my name is screwball and if you're wondering yes i hate my life being a clown isn't easy it's long hours of kids pissing on you you pissing on yourself kids trying to punch in the balls fat kids trying to eat your hair because they think it's cotton candy waking up in different motel rooms handcuffed to the headboard i've seen it all like if you think it it probably happened to me but anyway what we're gonna do now is we're gonna go around the room and each one of you gonna tell me why you chose this miserable path of life you first kid um i want to be a clown because i like making people laugh trust me kid you're not going to be making anybody laugh they're going to be laughing at you not with you people only hire clowns nowadays just to beat them up and piss on him at least that's what happens to me but anyway what about you sir why do you want to ruin your life looks like you already got the hair color going oh me oh well my daughter's birthday party's coming up and i figured if i was a clown then maybe her and her friends would think i was cool you know like i'd be the cool dad like oh cool your dad's a clown but after hearing your stories i'm starting to doubt that oh no no no no no no you're not gonna be cool unless getting beat up and pissed on is cool then you'll be the coolest dad in the world but anyway the first lesson of clown school is if you want to be a clown you got to look like a clown so there's clown costumes in each one of your desks so go ahead and put those on what the hell oh god it smells like piss yes they all smell like piss they're all from clowns who died from blunt force trauma to the head from a five-year-old with a boppit wow this clown outfit's so cool oh god why is it so itchy ah yeah because the clown that wore that outfit before you had scabies be honored all right the next step to being a clown is picking your clown name my name's screwball because when i was younger i got in a horrible accident and they had to screw both my balls together so i have one big ball that's why i'm called screw ball and not screw balls all right so just yell out whatever clown name you want and i'll tell you if it's taken uh what about what about butterball the clown take it what about diarrhea pants to clown take it that was my father uh what about noodles the clown taken dingleberry the clown taken uh poof pants the clown taken ball pit the clown believe it or not take it what really okay what about what about fart sucker the clown take it he was a good clown oh okay then what isn't taken uh tongue balls not taken yeah that fits you you're now tug ball the clown i am not going by tug ball the clown oh yes you are once you're assigned a name you can't change it i did not pay a thousand dollars to be called tugball the clown no refunds all right kid what do you want your clown name to be what you about blue balls the clown actually that one's available congratulations get your blue balls the clown yay i got my clown name on blue balls what he got blue balls why am i tug ball all right now that you got your clown names i'm going to teach you how to do the first trick you're going to need to know for a kid's birthday party and that's balloon animals they're gonna want you to make dogs and giraffes and elephants it's too hard what you're gonna do is you're gonna blow up the balloon and then you're done it's a snake balloon see snake and if they say oh i don't want a snake balloon then you hit him with this worm see so the only two animals that you need to know how to make are a snake and a worm any questions okay but like what if they want a dog you say snake or worm i'm paying you a thousand dollars you can teach me how to make something other than a snake or a worm snake or worm okay all right so the next trick you're gonna need to know for a kid's birthday party is how to juggle so you're gonna take three balls like this and start juggling watch me see i can't juggle but that's all right you don't need to know how to juggle you don't get paid enough for that they're just gonna piss on you anyway so you can't juggle are you gonna teach us anything snake or worm what i i gave you a thousand dollars the next thing you're gonna need to know for a birthday party is you gotta get horny you gotta have your little clown horn walk around and do it people's ears and give them tinnitus okay what is this are we seriously not gonna learn anything i expected that what are you doing okay that is it okay that's it i don't want to be a clown anymore give me my money back don't be a party pooper i can't give you a refund i already spent the money but come up here i'll show you something cool okay are you actually gonna teach me something sure all right so the next thing you're gonna need to know for a kid's birthday party is getting pied in the face what oh god why is the pie taste like piss cause i pissed in it okay that's it i'm out of here i don't want to be a clown anymore i'm reporting you the better business bureau um am i officially a clown yet before you become a certified clown you have to pass the clown test it's only one question and the question is what two animals can you make out of balloons uh snake or worm congratulations blue balls you're now a certified clown go out there and get pissed on as much as you can thanks for the thousand bucks yeah i became a clown this is the greatest day ever my drink finally came true hmm i haven't seen jeffy all day oh um well he's probably just in his room but you don't need to check on him though because he might be in there doing teenage boy things hey daddy guess where i've been oh no you did it oh yes i did where'd you get a thousand dollars go to classical jeffy mommy jeffy you weren't supposed to tell him well i didn't want to get yelled at you gave jeffy a thousand dollars to go to clown school i'm sorry marvin but it's his passion look at him jeffy i'm new balls to clown daddy blue balls the clown jeffy you better show me what you learned at clown school for a thousand dollars oh i learned a bunch of things daddy i learned how to make badoona animals oh you better show me the best balloon animals in the world you better make me a huge elephant like i'm talking a life-size elephant too hard too hard nothing should be too hard for a thousand dollars snicker worm but snake all right it better be the best snake i've ever seen what a switchy snake daddy oh that's cool jeffy it's not cool it's done get out of here it's so dumb it's literally just you just blow up a balloon that took no talent jeffy can i have a worm coming right up mommy you could just ask me for one here's your worm mommy oh it reminds me of my ex-boyfriend what oh that get these balloons out of here jeffy none of that took any towel all you did was blow up the balloon and said it was a snake and a worm well you want to see me juggle i learned how to juggle ooh that's cool marvin i mean i guess juggling is kind of cool show me you juggling jeffy i mean at least juggling's a talent all right daddy watch me juggle yeah oh my too hard with two hearts and why is it too hard pee on me what yeah that's what they taught me in clown school all right jeffy let's say you got ripped off for giving him a thousand dollars to do something with a scam but danny i got one more trick up my sleeve won't see it yeah you better be the coolest trick in the world worth a thousand dollars all right i can't believe this all right daddy see this pie yeah why does it taste like because i peed in all right jeffy that is it you are grounded you can't ground me i got a birthday party to go to see marvin he already has a job what someone hired you for their birthday party they sure did daddy joe i'm gonna go do that i'll see you later go pj go pj go pj go me that's right so how you ladies liking the party this party is so awesome yeah i hope it never ends yeah well you know what they say there ain't no party like a pj party because a pj party don't stop so over here i got some danimals and some gogurt i got some spiderman and spongebob gogurt you know whatever gets the juices flowing and over here i have some powdered doughnuts so you can just get into that whenever you're ready oh pj can i please have your autograph sorry babe you're gonna have to wait till after the party okay okay ladies on the count of three i want you to say what would make this party ten times better and don't say more pj okay one two three more clown that's right a clown i hired a clown i sure did get in here blue balls all right make me laugh funny man okay [Laughter] pj ain't laughing that's not funny humble i can juggle okay all right yeah let's see him juggle that'd be really cool if you could juggle yeah all right it's too hard wanna pee on me what what that's not cool that's not cool at all this is gross this party's lame bro you're ruining my party you better do a cool trick right now oh well i can make a balloon animals okay balloon animals i want a balloon animal i want a pig i want a balloon yeah i want a balloon animal too yeah i i want a bird um snake or worm what snake or worm uh a snake i guess what shitty snakes this party's so not cool bro nobody has ever said a pj party wasn't cool you better do a cool trick right now well i got one more trick up my sleeve okay but it better be the coolest trick you've ever done yeah it better be cool pj i'm leaving it's gonna be cool i'm leaving oh we're leaving too you know ladies come back a bro you ruined my party no lady has ever left a pj party i am calling the party police there i just got done cleaning up the mess i wish we made a mess that i had to clean up ew hey i got you kid oh jeffy you got arrested yeah i had to trespass him for ruining pj crenshaw's party pj crenshaw jimmy james crenshaw here jamie's screenshot that's the one what'd he do well he did a bunch of lame tricks and it made pj's girls leave not his girls leave yeah he's girls oh well so what's gonna happen to jeffy well i gotta revoke his clown card so he can't be a clown anymore wait i can't be a clown anymore no you're permanently banned from being a clown wow all that for nothing wait why is your nose red oh cause i also went to clown school but i dropped out because it was just way too much piss for my liking and i kept the clown nose to remind myself i'm a clown for paying a thousand dollars for that well she's a clown for paying a thousand dollars for jeffy to go to clown school what a waste of money yeah okay i'm gonna go to my other job leading santa's sleigh oh like rudolph [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 9,479,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, jeffy the clown, clown, screwball, the clown, brooklyn guy, hilarious, laugh, show, puppet, puppets, entertainment, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, clown school, marvin, rose, joke, laughing, prank, balloon animals, pj crenshaw, logan, lance
Id: d2un-eC6D8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 09 2022
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