SML Movie: Three Little Pigs!

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all right crafts tonight is the school prey of the three little pigs and each one of you is gonna act in the prayer so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna walk around and pass out the costume for the character that you're gonna pray what a school play i love theater i hope i get the lead role of the wolf dude that's a horrible wolf but i should be the wolf he blows houses down and i love to blow things you're gonna be a pig just like your mom cody like mother like son all right penelope you're to be a pig ha ha you're going to be a pig hey teacher do you have a washing machine costume so you can wash dishes like a girl you're such a misogynist junior no oh i don't massage people for a living settle down settle down crass junior you're going to be a pig tube ha ha junior you dork i don't want to be a stupid dumb pig all right joseph you're also going to be a pig oh this sucks oh yeah that means i get to be the wolf i knew it i knew he'd see the greatness in me and cody you're going to be a tree a tree there's not even a tree in the story well that's where they get the sticks from what jeffy you get to be the big bad wolf oh i get to beat the big bad wolf i'm in your huff and i'm a puff and you're gonna blow your house down what do i get to be a teacher you get to be the insurance adjuster to files to claim for the two blown down houses yes what jeffy gets to be the big bad wolf oh come on teacher jeffy couldn't blow his own birthday candles out of his life depending on it i am a professional blower do you want me to come up there and show you how good i am at blowing settle down cody the role that you are assigned is the role that you have to play there will be plenty more school plays in the future so go home study your lines and be here tonight for the prey make sure you invite your parents what lines i'm a tree trees don't talk did you stand there calm down cody at least you didn't get cut from the play junior that's not funny no one asked you cody that wasn't a joke that's just how he says ask wait i said a joke oh all right come to my house and study your lines cody what lies guys this is so cool i know right we're gonna be like real life actors does this costume make me look fat everything you wear makes you look fat guys this is bullcrap what's wrong cody my script just says stand stage right i don't even do anything what do you expect the tree to do cody i didn't want to be the tree i wanted to be the wolf stop being a sap cody yeah learn to branch out and play other characters ah guys leave him alone see why can't i just make tree puns like that then i'd at least be saying something cause trees don't talk cody look the only cool thing about this tree costume is that it has a spot for my junk look cody we have to go over our lines we have to know this bite tonight all right start at the top this sucks our parents kicked us out of the house threw us right in the mud mom doesn't give an oink about us what we want to make sure you're doing your job right no i know how to stand still it's not that hard all right guys i think i know our lines let's go to the play we didn't even go over the whole thing oh my god cody do you not know what you're supposed to do no i i know what i have all you have to do is stand there i wish i had an easy job like you no junior i know what i have to do see you're the root of the problem cody yeah root of the problem like a tree this is so dumb no it's not marvin we need to be here to support jeffy it's just a dumb elementary school play we don't have to be here yes we do marvin it's art hey my son's the tree yeah he gonna be the best down tree out there i guarantee it okay whoa this set looks so cool yeah dude what what the hell is this there's already a tree here what's the point of me see this is how useless i am i can be replaced by a piece of paper calm down cody yeah you're distracting us we're trying to go over our lines all right kids the show starts in one minute so don't rip me down uh where am i supposed to stand you're a tree cody you stand right there you don't move jeez i hope i remember all of my lines oh look my dad's here oh good and my parents are here too i know my dad's looking down on me from heaven or up from hell oh okay the show's starting get your line get your lines oh thank god it's starting let's get this over with ladies and gentlemen welcome to the stage the three little pigs this sucks our parents kicked us out of the house threw us right in the mud mom doesn't give an oink about us so what do we do now well we we are pigs we are pigs don't have a home don't have the home we gotta build our own [Music] but where are you gonna get the supplies to build a house did that tree just talk he wasn't supposed to shut the hell up cody i just wanted to say something but trees don't talk i know well guys we need to build us a house sure do dude but what should we build our house out of i think we should build our house out of straw no dumb ass we should build our house out of sticks sticks someone say sticks i have sticks i'm not going to go cody get back in your spa i think we should build our house out of bricks well we can't decide on a material oh i have an idea we should all build our own house that's a good idea okay we will all build our own house just make sure you don't hog all the materials and done i just finished building my house out of straw home sweet home rawr i'm hungry for some piggy ah it's the big bad wolf he's known for eating biggies i'm gonna hide in my house i bet there's some piggies in this house there's some piggies in this house there's some piggies in this house hey piggy let me in not by the hairs of my chinny chin chin well imma huff and puff and blow your house down no please don't do that please you blew my house away why would you do that it looks like i'm eating bacon tonight well first you gotta catch me that's not even what a wolf sounds like oh man i love my new house made out of sticks ah joseph i mean piggy brother help what's that dude the big bad wolf just blew down my house well i could have told you that would happen you made your house out of straw can i please stay with you sure dude the big bad wolf can't blow down my house it's made out of sticks i said the big bad wolf can't blow down my house it's made out of sticks come on dumb ass speak whose son is this jeffy forgot his lines no he didn't marvin he's just nervous you got this jeffy my son doesn't forget his lines your son doesn't have any lines jeffy say your line jeffy you have a line to say say it i have to pee piss your pants say you're lying i'm hungry for some piggy ah go inside the house there's some piggies in this house there's some piggies in this house hey piggy let me in not by the hairs of us and blow your house down no please don't do that please wait why would you do that looks like i'm eating bacon at night oh man i love my house made of bricks what's wrong the big bad wolf blew our houses down can we stay with you sure the big bad wolf can't blow down my house it's made of bricks she's a brick house anybody know that song the big bad wolf can't blow down my house it's made of bricks well call me wrecking ball cause yap coming down jeffy language daddy you made it to my play daddy i'm your big bad wolf that's real nice jeffy just focus on the play you want to hear what the big bad wolf sounds like that's not what a wolf sounds like jeffy please just say your lines jeffy say your lunch okay i'm hungry for some piggies right outside the house there's some piggies in this house there's some piggies in this house hey piggies let no you can't do that why is he not working i told you he couldn't blow down my house of bricks i guess brick was the best material we're saved the end wait that's how it ends oh no i'm gonna get me to be now that everyone's distracted it's my time to shine i'm i'm an apple tree shut up cody all right everyone that concludes tonight's show everyone give it up for jeffy the big mad wolves and the three little pigs and the tree all right thanks for coming jeffy everyone so good he destroyed the set my son rocked the hell out of that tree yeah you saw how you shake them leaves baby i did guys we totally killed it out there yeah we did we deserve a tony i don't know who that is but yeah we did awesome yeah we did cody shut up you did awful you were supposed to be a tree and all you did was move around and talk well i'm not born to stand still i want to act i want to feel you're supposed to be a tree you're not supposed to act or feel yeah you're a horrible tree dude i can't wait for the next play yeah me either yeah maybe i can be a chair or something so somebody can at least sit on my face cody why you in such a bad mood well i had a whole musical number planned and nobody ever let me get to it you want to sing as the tree yeah do you want to hear it yes i sure yes i am full of apples and there's seeds and i grow my own leaves yes i do cause i'm an apple tree kazoo solo [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 18,839,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, three little pigs, junior, joseph, cody, friends, friend, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, school play, hilarious, jackie chu, entertainment, puppets, puppet, show, pig, penelope, tree, musical, song, apple tree, adventure, logan, lance, big bad wolf
Id: 5_M8eUZoGzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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