SML Movie - Jeffy's Broken Laptop! 2023 - Full Episode

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[Music] oh yeah I'm so ready for Halloween I can't wait to go trick or-treating I'm going to get all the candy that must be my friends I can't wait for them to see my costume hello hey Junior wow nice Michael Myers costume yeah dude I just got it in the mail isn't it awesome I can do a Mike Myers impression you want to hear it he doesn't talk yeah he does he goes yeah baby no I got I got more I got more donkey you get out of my swamp oh and also also from the cat and the hat you pay this woman to sit on babies I do it for free but no no Junior That's Mike Myers that's who I am the actor no no you're Michael Myers the murderer what the voice of shre killed someone no no no no listen Junior okay so there's an actor named Mike Myers who played Austin Powers and he was in track and a whole bunch of stuff and then there's Michael Myers the murderer from the Halloween movies and I'm the murderer yeah I was wondering why he had a knife yeah dang it I bought the wrong costume I'm going to go take this off wait what are you supposed to be oh I'm in avoc cot you get it avoc cot AA avoc Cody okay oh Joseph what are you supposed to be oh dude I'm LeBron James Oh I thought you were like Bugs Bunny or some [ __ ] but Joseph you can't just take off your hat and put on a toune squad Jersey and say you're LeBron James uh-huh dude I'm black I'm bald and I have a jersey on I'm LeBron James don't be mad because you messed up your costume guys just sit on the couch I'm going to change my costume okay all right guys I changed you're a piece of pizza how lame dude no I'm the CEO of Papa John's what's up n well you can't say that dude the CEO of Papa John said he's not the CEO anymore because of that reason you can't say that dude yeah he said that and he got fired Oh I thought oh so I have to change again yeah right now instantly dude yeah make the next costume more accurate yeah not racist okay I'll change all right guys I'm a panda happy now yes dude it's not controversial all right you is ready to go trick-or-treating Junior what's your excuse for saying it now I thought pandas were allowed to say it when have you ever heard of Panda speed well there that rap song called Panda you know panda panda panda panda I got H in Atlanta I need an orange Fant though it's a song dude it's my designer are those really the lyrics okay so the so pandas do not have the N word pth no never he really is LeBron James let's just go trick-or-treating right now dude all right let's go all right guys this is a really nice house that means I have a lot of candy oh yeah dude go ahead and knock Junior Jonathan answer the damn dog is trick or tra us give him some candy and St okay okay M I'm going you don't to yell so loud Tri treat show me your feet and I'll give you something good to eat you you guys see your face you guys were like we just want some candy oh then show me your feet but no it's supposed to be smell our feet don't mind if like you it smells gross can we get our candy yes you may have one piece each one piece yeah don't be greedy wait a minute we forgot our tricker treat bags oh darn it that means we have to go back to my house all right let's all grab one piece of candy okay I can't believe we forgot our trick or treat bags and we only got one piece of candy dude let's get our bags and go back out there but I'm so tired we walk like a mile we just went next door it's not a mile Junior stop lying well I don't even want my Warhead who wants to trade with me I just got a box of nerds because you are nerd nerd how he's a nerd also Cody since you're a nerd if you eat Nerds that's like cannibalism but for nerds so it's like nerd oh haha yeah that's so funny oh oh yeah and Ken also has Skittles cuz we're fruity yeah they're fruity yeah you're out of the closet at least he knows yeah all right guys if you really want to go trick-or-treating we can go back out there no I'm tired I Ava can't do any more trick-or-treating Ava can't do I hate my life what's wrong Cody well it's just the nerd thing and the skittle thing get such a big laugh but when I make avocado jokes no one likes them well Cody to be honest I don't know what an avocado is what do you mean you don't know what an avoc avocado is it's what guacamole comes from I've never heard of an avocado in my life oh dude I thought you were a green Jelly Bean yeah I thought he was a green Jelly Bean too right so you're not a jelly bean no I'm an avocado so avocado is not Spanish for Jelly Bean no I thought you said since you had that umbrella on your head I thought that was like Spanish for Jelly Bean you mean the sombrero yeah that that that's what that's called yeah I know it's a sombrero because avocados come from Mexico so you're a Jumping Jelly Bean what because you know Mexicans jump you really don't want ads on this video do you look I just don't do Halloween right every one of my costumes is offensive and this is just dumb let's just stay inside and watch a scary movie candy I know we should watch a Michael Myers movie so you can know who that is okay let's watch Shrek or Shrek 2 oh or Austin Powers Gold Member no Junior That's Not Gold Member let's just watch gold okay I'm going to put that on breaking news M K do not eat the Halloween candy there's an emergency press conference explaining why let's go to that don't make me do this I don't want to tell these people they're going to be pissed we're we're live oh we're live hey hey hello happy Halloween boo that's scary yeah hey hey funny story not really I I guess it's kind of serious so you know how there's candy and everybody likes candy well there's this one Factory that makes all the candy in the world and like it has a lot of machines obviously and most of them make candy but there is one of the machines that does make rat poison and so it was like a little little tetiny tiny little bit of a mixup at the factory and now there's rat poison in all the candy all of it all over the world so if you eat the candy you're going to die so just you know I mean don't eat the candy like it's not that hard just don't eat the candy and you'll be okay and if you've already eaten the candy you you you're going to die I'm sorry but like I mean just don't eat it right if so if you go on trick-or-treating just don't don't eat any of the candy right okay good oh man that is the hardest thing I've ever had to do oh no that's a good thing we didn't need any candy dude I just ate my Airhead what an airhead Junior this is serious he's going to die well quit Joseph throw up it's not working dude well maybe your piece wasn't poison you're right maybe my piece wasn't poison Joseph oh no I think Jose is dead I'm going to do the heck who junior what are you doing the heck um I'm choking too no Cody seriously is Joseph really dead yeah it looks like it J what we do uh I avocad don't know what to do huh oh come on that was good it literally has the word avocado in it I avocado don't know oh come on laugh or I'm leaving yeah that was good do we call a doctor well Junior there's no point in calling a doctor millions of people are going to be dying tonight so we should just bury him in the backyard like a dog okay poor Joseph oh come on buddy we just buried Joseph yeah it was too graphic to show a pack of wolves attacked us while we were burying them and stole one of Joseph's legs yeah they got one of his eyes too we we put some Band-Aids on it I mean even though he's dead we just felt bad yeah poor Joseph you didn't have to cut him open and steal one of his kidneys though we can get a lot of money on those on the black market brains what's that sound I don't know brains zie Joseph a zombie hey buddy brains give me your brains he's going to try to eat a brain Cody do something okay I have these scissors stop in the brain zombie is he dead stop him again one more time one more time okay I think he's dead now yeah I think he's definitely dead he's a zombie oh my God how did he turn into a zombie look Junior the news breaking news there is another reason for you not to eat the Halloween C Cy that's even worse than the first reason let's go to the emergency press conference now hey hey hey hey there me again hey so somehow the situation get worse can you believe it yeah so uh remember earlier when I told you about the rat poison in the candy cuz of the mixup at the factory well uh it turns out that there was actually a nuclear power plant in the factory where they make the candy and the rat poison so the candy is also radioactive so if you eat the candy you're going to die and come back as a zombie yeah so again just don't eat the candy but now there are zombies everywhere cuz everybody who's eating the candy is dying they're turning into zombies and so that's that's going to be a problem but you know just just you know be careful and don't eat the candy and watch out for the zombies um I'm going to go hide you've got to be kidding me wait so that means everybody who eats candy is going to die and then turn into a zombie Junior we need weapons to defend ourselves from the zombie apocalypse I said it I said the name of the video oh okay so we have to get weapons and make sure nobody eats candy sh baby where go stop sh baby almost done eating all these Starbursts I was supposed to pass it out to the trick-or-treaters but screw them kids I'm going eat another one oh yellow's my favorite sh did you just eat all this candy mhm I'm eating one right now Junior why did you hit me in my face because these Starburst are poisoned the starburst are not poisoned yeah the news said they're all poisoned you're going to die no I'm perfectly fine Chey no oh Chey he's dead Cody turn your back up he's going to turn into a zombie we need weapons okay let's go get weapons oh poor Chef Pee all right Cody I got a hammer and I got a mallet let's go kill Chef peee again oh Cody I don't want to see Chef hiip as a zombie we have to Junior oh you're so ugly Chef peipi why does he look like that yeah even as a zombie he's just so ugly like why is his eyes all like bulging out like that yeah and why did his arms fall off what's up with that yeah you're an ugly zombie chef peipe brains and all I can say is brains that's lame imagine dying and then looking like that how embarrassing yeah how embarrassing look like a doof chat baby bra I had to hit him he's just so ugly yeah I think he's dead all right okay so let's go try to stop everyone from eating candy okay Daddy this Halloween has been the tips yeah you got a lot of candy Jeffy yeah Daddy I'm Dash from The Incredibles watch fast as [ __ ] boy hey Dad look you want to see me run to Japan in back she a Just DE wow Jeffy you're so fast yeah all right you want to see me do it again see just did it again all right little fast man it's time to go to bed but dny I want to eat some of my candy no Jeffy you can't have any candy before bed because you get all hyper oh man can I at least have one piece okay fine one piece of candy before bed only one okay I want this one okay yeah that's your only piece of candy I guess I'll eat a piece of candy too all right Junior who do we warn about about the candy first uh let's go into jeffy's room and tell him not to eat the candy okay Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy do not eat the candy oh no there already zombies they atat the candy we have to kill him Junior okay thought he has my hammer oh no my really bad grip Cody Cody oh he's sucking me pretty hard I'm going save you no Junior go on without me no I have to save you Junior go on without me trust me okay oh yeah everybody's zombie is who's at the door what about the zombie hello are you a zombie no are you a zombie no how do I know he's not a zombie how do I know he's not a zombie uh do you like to eat brains no do you like to eat brains no okay are you sure you're not a zombie no I'm not green hey that's zombie racist zombies can be all kinds of different colors you're right I'm sorry but I mean I still know you're not a zombie because a zombie would never say that a zombie would say something like bra why you're a zombie no I'm just telling you what a zombie would say there's one right behind me isn't there uhoh let's go be alive what am I doing I got a gun I don't have to run away move over kid all right check this out bang done dunzo dunion Rings kid we don't have anything to worry about as long as I got this gun well there's more zombies up there oh I I do not however have any more ammo so I think we should just run away and scream like little girls let's hide in the pantry okay run close the door close the door close damn it okay we should be safe in here yeah and we have enough food to last us for years yeah I just hope we have enough macaroni and cheese oh we do it's right there I know I was being sarcastic why do you have this much because I love macaroni and cheese you want some no how would we cook it we would just go out there and use oh we can't go out there no oh well we we can still eat some cheese balls oh great and some chocolate chip cookies and we we have Little Debbie cakes and ooh chocolate syrup and applesauce oh applesauce the first thing I've heard that's healthy this is the pantry of a 5-year-old oh look look the food's really good here as long as you don't eat the candy it's poison I'm not stupid I'm not going to eat the poison candy ooh is that a blue Warhead give me well you can't eat that it's poisoned I know but like if I eat this it's so sour my face will Puck her up like you wouldn't believe you cannot eat it you would die okay Dad I won't eat it jeez you never let me do anything fun okay there has to be some stuff we can eat in here o we can eat some popcorn oh oh wait that that uses the microwave too um we can eat some o tuna we can eat some tuna did you eat him no you're gonna die I'm not gonna die oh no he died oh I have to protect myself he's going to turn into a zombie um okay I'm going to hit him with the tunic can yeah I'll hit him with the tunic can zombie I don't know where to go protect me Ken let me eat your brain brain ass no it's brain let me give you brains no you're a terrible zombie ow okay what [Music] up help me help me now get in dance and shut up no please help me somebody help help me I said shut up in dance you stupid cow oh man Simmons I love donuts yeah me too hold on dispatch is saying something a woman has been kidnapped the kidnapper is driving a 2004 white Buick Sedan oh no a girl's been kidnapped that sucks for her she'll probably never enjoy another dut ever again oh my look it's a kidnappers car let's go after him no no no no no no just hold on Simmons let's just finish our donut first but he's right there we can go get him Simmons I have sticky hands I don't want to arrest anybody while I have sticky hands I mean look it's dut time nobody interrupts donut time look we got this whole box of donut to get through by the time we're finished arresting that guy all these Donuts are going to be stale so let's just eat our Donuts but what about the kidnapped girl oh she'll be fine officer Simmons officer guy get in here yes what's your name Chief I think we might be getting a promotion yes you boy sure screwed the pooch on this one what what happened sir you know that girl that got kidnapped last night well they found her head in a ditch Jesus what happened to it Baldi it hasn't been found yet oh that's awful sir well it's you guys's fault how Chief because you two boys were too busy eating donuts and you let the kidnapper get away what no no no no no we weren't eating Donuts what mate put the donut down oh but I'm hungry shut up I pulled the dash cam footage from your car and this is what I saw the kidnapper's car driving right by and you chose to eat donuts instead of going after them that is not us oh come on sir it was dut time you know how important dut time is you know Donuts well guess what it's no nut November that means you boys can't eat donuts for the whole month of November and if I find out you've eaten a donut during donut November you are fired no Donuts but but sir that's impossible we need all Donuts what cost I don't want to hear it get out of my office and remember no Donuts okay sir uh sir can I finish eating the donut I dropped on the ground come on Simmons wow Simmons we can't eat donuts for a whole month and it's all your fault my fault I'm the one that told you to go after the kidnapper look Simmons I don't think I can go a whole month without having a nut so then what do you want me to do with the donuts in the Box just just throw them out the window I don't want to look at them all right hold on Simmons dispatch at6 please great now we have to respond to a noise complaint oh can we turn on the lights and sirens on the way there what in add to the noise complaint let's just go hold on guys I think it's the pizza man hello your music's too loud knock it off what's going on oh don't mind him he's just a little bit angry cuz he hasn't had a nut in a while I'm having a bad day so the music's too loud yeah it's too loud and if you don't turn it down I'm going to arrest you okay I'll turn it off what kind of stupid party you having anyway seems dumb oh we're having a dut party a what a dut party we eat donuts and we party is that really a thing yeah you never had a dut party I I think we should investigate no no M he said Donuts we don't want to lose our jobs don't touch me Simmons I I I think we should investigate cuz cuz what if it's not a dut party what if it's a crack party no it's a dut party yeah maybe that's just code for crack let's go check see look here's the donuts we're just having a dut party oh my God Simmons look at all these Donuts they're beautiful I'm so happy I'm going to have to rip off my mad eyelids oh come on mate it's not worth it you can lose your job oh come on the boss will never know it's not worth it okay okay okay Sim how about this how about I take one of the duts into the bathroom and I just eat it in there there's no cameras in the bathroom so no one will ever know I still wouldn't risk it mate it's not worth losing your job I'm doing it so uh hey I still think these Donuts are secretly crack well they're just donuts yeah well I'll be the judge of that so I'm just going to take one of these into the bathroom and test it I just have to see which one is the most cracky is that chocolate sprinkle yummy I I mean I mean yeah this this is the cracki doughnut I've ever seen yeah so I'm just going to take this uh do you have a glass of milk I I I mean I mean uh don't worry about it just don't don't follow me nobody follow me all right I locked the door now it's just me and my nut wouldn't be the first time I've nutted in a bathroom now come the [Music] papa oh man that doughnut was delicious Jonathan what the hell why are you eating a donut in the bathroom why are you filming me in the bathroom I was trying to record girls using the restroom I could arrest you for being a Peeping Tom my name is Jonathan I would be a peeping Jonathan wait a wait a minute did did you just film me eating that donut yep and it was hilarious no no no no no no no Jonathan delete that video right now no no Jonathan get back here Jonathan you give me that camera right now no way what's your big deal it's just a video of you eating a J in the bathroom because it's nut November I already lost that one I was watching this video where this girl she takes a basketball and she puts it in I don't think we're talking about the same thing here basketball hoop because it's is WNBA they really should get paid the same amount okay fine look John and my boss said he's going to fire me if I eat a donut this month but you did is and I got it on video ooh you are in so much trouble no no no no I'm not in trouble because you're going to give me that camera so I can delete the video no I'm not look I'm not afraid to arrest my little brother you wouldn't dare mom would hate you she already hates me look Jonathan I'll do anything anything yes anything I'll buy you like a game for your PSP ooh that would be really nice I I'll get you like a like a World of Warcraft gift car I don't play Wars of Warcraft I play EverQuest okay look I don't care what do you want hm what does Jonathan want why are you talking about yourself in third person I think Jonathan wants a date with a supermodel a date with a supermodel mom says I'm very handsome okay look you might as well get me fired cuz that's not happening okay no no no wait wait wait wait okay I will try to get you a date with a supermodel just just just wait here I'm going to go find one yes score hey there oh hey there big boy looking for a good time no well actually yeah kind of look I got a 100 bucks oh my God you're not a cop are you well yeah I am but it's not like that see I have a brother and he's kind of a dork and he wants to go on a date with a supermodel oh my God you think I'm a supermodel that's so sweet I think he'll think that you're a supermodel so look I'll give you 100 bucks all you have to do is go on a date with him wait I don't have to kiss him do I no I mean not unless you fall in love with something okay sounds good all right let's go so bring guy did you did you find my supermodel I sure did Jonathan I'd like you to meet what the hell's your name sprinkle of course it is sprinkles sprinkles like just sprinkles in the donon you it shut up Jonathan Brooking guy I'm going to be honest with you she looks like she came from the streets I I'm sorry I did the best of Milan she is so hot she is a 10 out of 10 you know how hard those are to find yeah yeah she looks like a 100 bucks anyway so just give me that camera and you can go on your date no no no no no I haven't got my kiss yet what you didn't say anything about a kiss BR guy I've seen enough romcoms to know that a date equals a kiss okay it looks like you're going to have to kiss him well then do you have an extra 100 bucks I I don't but I I I have a five okay I guess I'll just kiss him on the cheek can she just kiss you on the cheek on my face well she's not going to kiss your ass Jonathan okay okay what what if when she goes to kiss me I turn my face really fast that way she kisses me on the lips I I mean I guess you're welcome to try big guy my smooth criminal yeah you sure are Man Okay so let's just get this date going huh come on what right here I want to go to the movies what movie do you want to see I want to go see Spider-Man no way home I think the Green Goblin's in it he is no no no no no no no no spoilers rookie guy okay damn jeez calm down all right let's just go to the movies come on I'm coming too oh man I'm so excited for this movie well you should be more excited about this kiss now get over there you can't rush love ping guy just get your kiss oh hey yeah baby fck her up uh ew I'm only going to kiss you on the cheek so turn your head oh yeah only on the cheek wink wink hey Brin gu what this look what I'm about to do he kissed me on the mouth I got to go to the bathroom wait I got your camera I got your C no no no Jonathan you got your kiss and you're not following her to the bathroom fine I'll settle for second best smells like mon Preparation H ew just give me the camera a deal is a deal good sir here you are take a look here wait wa Jonathan there's no video of me on here oh my God you fell for your own triing a book I wasn't even recording I hate you Jonathan all right hit the piñata it's right in front of you all right here I go all right Simmons let's go oh mate you're back that took you f hav't eat that donut I didn't eat it now come on oh you didn't eat it well good on you mate well let's just go Simmons well at least can't I hit the Piata one time no we're leaving come on ah party pooper mate I don't understand why you wouldn't let me hit the pinata at least once I just wanted to get away from all those donuts I've had a really long day oh M look it's the kidnapper car oh my God it is let's go bust them oh now you want to go bust them when you're not shoveling Donuts in your mouth we don't have time for you to bust my ball Simmons come on freeze you're under arrest oh the cus all right all right you got me you got me hey hey hey don't look in the back of the trunk there's not a dead body back there Simmons go check the trunk on it mate all right you're under arrest and you're going to jail for a long time chief chief chief we found the kidnapper H sir you failed no nut November I couldn't help it I couldn't go the whole month without going to have a nice quiet relaxing day hey D what did you say Jeffy bu Jeffy I can't hear you speak up all right daddy hold on one second what can you buy me a laptop so I can play Minecraft Jeffy you don't need the stupid megaphone can you buy me a laptop so I can play Minecraft ask without the megaphone can you buy me a laptop so I can play Minecraft no you know what I said no I'm not buying you a stupid dumb laptop who's that uh hello hey Marvin Goodman what are you doing here you see this laptop yeah well on this laptop is a th000 Bitcoin and right now with current market prices that's over $68 million what that's over $68 million on this laptop yep there sure is and I need you to watch it for me why do you need me to watch it well because tonight at 3:00 a.m. bitcoin's going to be going to $100,000 per coin and that means my portfolio will be worth over $100 million and at 3:00 a.m. I need you to sell all my Bitcoin well why do you need me to sell all your Bitcoin at 3:00 a.m. why don't you do it because I'll be asleep at 3:00 a.m. does it look like I'm awake at 3:00 a.m. of course not but you look like you'll be awake at 3:00 a.m. with those ugly bags under your eyes God you're ugly why don't you just get someone else to do it because I don't feel comfortable with all that money so get someone else to do it well Marvin if you do it I'll pay you a million dollar you'll pay me a million dollar to do it yep I sure will but keep in mind if you screw this up for me I'm going to cut off your ball sack and use it as a hot air balloon it'll be a hot air balloon wa I won't mess this up I will definitely sell them okay it's safe with me okay don't screw this up morvin oh man Daddy's about to get paid all I have to do is Click sell at 3:00 a.m. and I make a million I'm so happy oh sweet you got me a laptop no Jeffy I did not get you a laptop you bought yourself a laptop just to rub it in my face no you're a bad daddy this is not even my laptop oh cuz it's my laptop because you bought it for me no no wait wait a minute yeah Jeffy this is your laptop I bought it for you oh sweet let me play with no no no no je Jeffy uh you can't play with it till 3:01 a.m. why because I'm setting it up for you well I have to check my Piggies and my Piggies need to bang what I need to breed my piggies in Minecraft wait hold on oh I'm downloading Minecraft right now oh man it says it says it's going to take till 30:1 to download Minecraft well then you're doing it wrong cuz it doesn't take that long to download Minecraft Jeffy just wait till 3:01 a.m. no my Piggies need to bang my Piggies need to go and you're blue balling my piggy Jeffy you can play with your Piggies at 301 a.m. my Piggies need to B Pigg go okay please please do not break this laptop look here let Let Your Piggies bang do whatever you got to do all right all right hold don't look at my password I got to log in I'm not going to look stop looking Jeffy what are you watching nothing don't look that didn't sound like Piggies to me no it was you I'm not going to show you what it was show me what it was no no back Jeffy you get back here right now give me that laptop no daddy no give me the laptop Jeffy Jeffy Do not drop that laptop off the balcony you're yelling at me I'm not yelling Jeffy let's talk give me the laptop back please I don't want you to see what I was looking at I don't care what you were looking at just give me the laptop back it was a man and a woman dressed like Piggies that's fine everybody watches that and they were oinking Jeffy that's completely fine just please give me the laptop back I'll do anything all right well then say your abc's back backwards what on the first try no pausing I can't do that 1 2 3 go uh Z YX w u you paused look hey hey hey hey hey no hitting CH you might to broke the laptop God please don't let it be broken CH what are you doing something it toy I didn't want you to see the piggy I don't care about the piggy JY please let it still turn on CH the screen brok it Chevy is completely broken why would you do that mission accomplished you're grounded to die oh my God what am I going to do what am I going to do G's going to cut my ball back off and make it into a hotter balloon okay okay maybe maybe it's not broken you know the screen's broken and the corner is broken but the hard drive that that's where the Bitcoin is in the hard drive so I'm going to call Apple tech support and see if they can help me fix the laptop and get the hard drive out yeah I'm going to call Apple tech support all right it's ringing hello thank you for calling Apple tech support my name is Camille Habib habab Camille is in camel Habib habab as in Bob for apples and what can I do for you on this fine evening well C my laptop what who Camille habab Bob Camille is in cam habab Bob is in Bob for apples and what can I do for you on this fine evening my Apple laptop is broken oh I'm so sorry to hear that do you happen to have the Apple care plan no I do not okay well I suggest that you purchase it for $99.99 okay I'll buy it well unfortunately you can't buy it on your current laptop you should have bought it at the time of purchase why why are you trying to sell it to me then if I can't buy it because I'm just trying to propose it to you for your future Apple product well I don't need it I don't want it I just want you to help me fix my current laptop okay do you mind telling me what is wrong with your current laptop my son threw it off a balcony and hit it with a hammer oh I'm so sorry unfortunately that's not covered by The Accidental damage warranty I don't care about the warrant help me fix it right now okay well first of all we have to go through some quick troubleshooting techniques okay yeah hurry up all right so first on the list I'm going to need you to turn it off and turn it back on I said it was broken he hit it with a hammer okay sir I can't proceed forward until you turn it off and turn it back on okay it's off it's permanently off okay all right now what is the screen showing Hammer Mark Hammer Mark Hammer Mark broken glass okay well you're going to have to exit out of those screens in order to proceed it's it's not a screen the laptop is off okay all right one more thing we're going to I'm going to need you to go into settings I can't do it setting the laptop won't turn on and hit the reset button I can't do that all right sir unfortunately there's nothing else I can do further so what I'm going to have to do is I'm going to have to mail you a shipping label you'll get it in two to three business days and then you pack up your laptop ship it to us we fix it and we send it back to you in 3 to four weeks three to four weeks I didn't it fix tonight like like in the next hour well unfortunately there's no way I can do that sir the troubleshooting is not working oh can you come to my house and fix it like where are you at sir I'm in Egypt Egypt can you get me someone in America oh yeah I can transfer you to my supervisor named Kevin oh okay give me to Kevin is he in America yep hold on one moment please okay good Kevin a nice American name hello thank you for calling Apple teex support my name is Kevin this is not Kevin this is okay no no I don't need their help I'll just call a computer repair man that can come to my house tonight and fix it yes hey there you call big shirts computer repair we wear big shirts and we repair computers I'm the one that came with the big shirs part yeah he did who is this this is my brother Jonathan good day sir you don't have to tip your Fedora to everybody you meet Jonathan if you didn't like the Fedora you could have said something I don't have a problem with the Fedora it's the big shirts I don't like do we really need these yes it's part of the name it's big search computer repair services would it make sense if it were regular search computer repair services no well I don't understand can't we just change the name I don't really understand why no no no no no no no it has to be big sh repair services because if it weren't we would just be the same as everyone else it's what separates us from the competition the boys from J men well I I don't really get it because TI Jean's computer repair services is doing okay you keep the dirty sh your mouth okay what is going on here look my mom came to me and she said your 32-year-old brother still living at home could you please help him start a company so I came to Jonathan and I said hey Jonathan what kind of company do you want to start and he said I want to either sell big shirts or repair computers and I said well which one do you want to do Jonathan and he said how about we wear big shirts while repairing computers and I said no Jonathan you're going to have to pick one or the other so he went to our mom and he complained that I was being mean to him so now we wear big shirts while repairing computers it's a great idea honestly no Jonathan it's not a good idea because we've only been open for a day and a half and he's our only customer well I only called you guys cuz you're the only 24-hour computer repair shop which was another one of Jonathan's stupid ideas because it's 1:00 in the morning and he had to get me out of bed for this silly goose forgot his shirt I didn't break into his house never since I time to the window you have such an ugly laugh hey you keep talking like that and you're going to be put on Santa NAU list Jonathan you're 32 years old why do you still believe in Santa Claus see this is why I got two Xbox Ones for Christmas last year and you didn't get anything no Jonathan the reason you get two Xbox On's for Christmas is because you still live at Mom's house no no no we both know that's not true listen that's not true mom bought the house and then there was an addition made the basement and that's where I live mom's basement yeah you live in Mom's basement precisely okay I don't care where you live I don't care how you started the company I don't care about anything can you fix my computer or not oh I didn't know there was a lady presence hey there sexy looks like you've been in abusive relationship don't worry Daddy's going to fix you what is he doing he thinks computers are women okay well can he can he fix the what can he fix the computer or not listen man at this point you probably should just buy a new computer well I just need you to take the hard drive out sure I am not at a hard drive maybe like maybe like a half drive just give me a couple moments and I'll be a full on hard drive okay okay listen I'm going be honest with you I'm going be serious with you I I don't have time for this I don't have time for this [ __ ] listen listen so um there is a th000 Bitcoin on this hard drive what 1,000 Bitcoin ,000 Bitcoin $68 million on this hard drive and I just need to get it out cuz I cannot lose that money wait you're serious I'm being completely serious so I don't have time for whatever he's doing can you just get the hard drive out yeah Jonathan could you cut the crap for a second excuse me I'm busy Jonathan I need I need you to knock this [ __ ] off Jonathan this is important okay Brooklyn guy I never interrupt you when you're busy except for when I woke you up your an hour ago but listen I'm about to lose my Fe car so Ru this for me Jonathan listen to me I need you to take this computer and put it in the car why would I push it in the car I S we were fishing it because that's that's where the computer repair station is no it's not it's a hund shata are you going to bring it back if you take it yeah yeah we're going to take it we're going to fix it we're going to bring it right back right Jonathan why would you why would you need to bring it anywhere if we're just going to fix it right here just put it in the car come on just okay fine fine put in your car make sure you bring it back I I told you what was on it Go Jonathan go go go go go go you know if you play your car right you might be able to join us don't join you just go go go go hey wait wait wait I forgot my Fedora Forget You Fedora I'll buy you 68 million fedoras oh man I really hope those guys can fix that computer Goodman's going to kill me wait that guy left this Fedora hold on that might be them oh hello what Goodman what are you doing here Marvin I messed up you know the laptop I gave you uh yeah well that was actually my son's laptop and he has a book report on it that's do at school at 9:00 a.m. in the morning so I'm going to need that back wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what what happened to the Bitcoin laptop oh I accidentally got it confused with my son's laptop and so I decided I'll just sell the Bitcoin so I do need my son's laptop back what so so you need that laptop back yeah so go go get it uh uh go get it well you see the funniest thing I uh I I sold that laptop for um uh this hat why the [ __ ] would you do that I really like this hat well give me the damn hat I'm going to try that hat oh huh you're right it is a nice hat so you know what you're going to do you're going to go upstairs and write my son's book report and have it ready by 9:00 a.m. or it's I'm going to be wearing this hat while riding in a hot air balloon made out of your ball sack so go get writing oh okay what's the what what's it about what's the book report about cream cheese cream cheese yep two pages on cream cheese get it done 9:00 a.m. okay so where we going bring guy Vegas we're rich you got that laptop on yet of course I have it on oh we got 1,000 Bitcoin on there not quite but we do have a th000 withay on cream cheese cream cheese no no no no no there has to be 1,000 Bitcoin on there nope just a very detailed essay on cream cheese M damn you cream cheese
Channel: SMLs
Views: 191,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Rj29X5Aqh8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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