SML Movie - Spin The Bottle! - Full Episode

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B get in here they're about to call out the winning lottery ticket numbers what's the point we're not going to win anyway then why do you keep buying the tickets boy I don't know so I can have a little bit of Hope in my life so I can dream for once look boy it's on now for tonight's winning the watery numbers the first number is five bu we got five okay we got one number don't get too excited the second number is nine we got nine we got two numbers we got two numbers calm down we haven't even won anything yet Karen the third number is 17 we got 17 that's three numbers boy Karen calm down matching three numbers only gets us $7 big whoop the fourth number is 31 31 budy 31 we got four numbers we got four numbers okay okay let's just calm down Okay God hates me nothing good is ever going to happen to me so just calm down the fifth number is 43 43 Bo we got five numbers we got five numbers Bo five the final number the number of that will get you to win $150 million is 13 13 we got all the way to another buddy we just want $150 million $150 million well actually it's $945 million after taxes but that's still a lot of money we can retire buddy what are we going to do with all that money we should get them some Charities no screw charity they already got that money we should spend this on us yeah yeah we should buy a yacht with a swimming pool on it and then I could buy a jet ski and ride my jet ski in the pool on my yacht I could buy Two Chains his chains and then he'd have to change his rap name to one chain and then I could be one chain oh my God we could buy an 80 bedroom mansion and then sleep in a different bedroom every night but boy don't you want to just get a nice little house in the mountains and just be together ew no of course I don't want that no I want my 80 bedroom mansion oh my God we have to pay so many maids to clean all those rooms oh but they could all be naked and then I could pay them to all make out with each other but Bo what about just us yeah yeah yeah you're right we should get an island but not like a really really big Big Island cuz we're not billionaires no just like a normal regular sized Island yeah and then I could hang out on my island with all my Maids while they make out with each other naked doesn't that sound fun Karen Karen Karen where'd you go with the lottery ticket Karen no no no no Karen what are you doing my maid no Karen what are you doing I heard how you planning on spending the money and I think this money would have ruined our lives ruined our lives did you not hear the part about the 80 naked Maids that would have been a good thing Bo haven't you heard the horror stories of people winning the lottery and in their lives yeah but those people didn't spend their money on 80 naked maids in an island that that that would have made them happy bnie I think I did the right thing no now I want my Island and my yacht and my jet ski now we can't even get one naked maid B I'll be a naked maid E B all we need is our love I don't want love I want Maids breaking news M K the winning ticket for the $150 Million Lottery was sold in our town and is still unclaimed so make sure you check your tickets oh oh would you look at that the ticket still hasn't been claimed I wonder why somebody wouldn't claim a winning lottery ticket maybe it's because this stupid ugly wife shredded it all we need is our love boy dinner's Freddy this is my dinner Bo you can't have beer for dinner why it'll kill me slower than your cooking will Bo I worked really hard all day on this dinner for you you wouldn't have to at all if we had 80 naked maids to cook for us Bo that's 80 naked Maids not 80 naked Cooks well we could we could buy some that could cook you know and they could make out naked while they cooked it would be dinner in a show Bo wash your hands and get ready for dinner I'm going to kill her um um no yep yep yep I'm going to kill her I'm going to kill how do I kill her though poison yep yeah it'll be poison I'll put it in a food and then nobody will think it's poison they'll just think she died from eating eating her crappy food cuz it's always bad hey there what can I get you poison to kill my wife and I don't want them to be able to trace it back to me oh all right I think I got just the thing there you go it's called drop dead you put some of that in your wife's food and she'll drop dead no Trace perfect burned lasagna bo bo look I put pink lemonade in a wine glass cuz I want to feel fancy you could have had real wine at the top of the Eiffel Tower and eaten lasagna cooked by the rat from Ratatouille Bo his name was Remy I don't care what his name is with all that money we could have bought the rights to Ratatouille and changed his name to lasagna okay now you're just being silly eat your dinner it's burned it's slightly overcooked slightly that's like saying the Titanic is slightly underwater boy need eat your lasagna it's stinky what the lasagna is stinky you CED stinky lasagna B I know you use hurtful words as a weapon but you don't have to be rude well you're using lasagna as a weapon because it's stinky and I think it's trying to kill me well put some ketchup on it or something Bo oh I I have ketchup yeah he he has my ketchup Why why is it orange boing cuz it's the Shrek kids Nickelodeon ketchup yeah that's it oh bu I want to try I want to try use the whole bottle B you don't want any no no and ruin the flavor of this stinky lasagna no of course not it's it it's pretty gooey boy yeah yeah just get it all on there Bo it looks yummy yeah I'm sure it is make sure you eat all of it really quickly Bo that was so delicious was it but my stomach's starting to H Bo yeah well that happens every time we eat your cooking but you don't feel like you're going to die my cooking's not that bad Bo we'll see I feel perfectly fine yes yes yes she's gone she's finally gone I'm free yes and and I'm a doctor too so I can pronounce a dead and I'm a cop so I won't get arrested for this but but but I should probably still call a cop just so it doesn't look suspicious yeah I'll go call my friend I'm going to call my partner Bruce hello hey Bruce what's up oh not much mate just watching the news hey did you see where the $150 million winning lottery ticket was sold in our town no no I didn't see that that's crazy mate who do you think it was not me oh yeah can you imagine how many naked Maids you could buy with $150 million probably bad 80 yeah that's what I was thinking but anyway why'd you call me mate oh uh my wife it's terrible oh no did she Meg Las on you again yeah it's it's really really bad this time I need you to come over right away but I'm not hungry no no no something bad happened to my wife did you finally snap mate no no no just just come over all right mate I'll be right there all right now when he gets here I got to cry and pretend I didn't know she was going to die Bo bu what happened I feel like I hit my head Karen what boy what you're hot but I feel kind of cold actually no no no no no no no you you you are hot a thank you B no no no no you don't you don't understand you you weren't hot and now you are what do you mean just come with me to the mirror look look look at you oh my God boy I'm gorgeous yeah you're hot you're smoking hot B it must have been the lasagna no no I I don't think it was that but I do have a pretty good idea what it was Bo you should have some of that lasagna I am never touching that lasagna wait wait wait are you saying I'm not hot a Bo you're hot to me well look let's just go to the bedroom why Bo come on bedroom now wa Bo more like Bo yep that's me Bo you never loved me that hard before well you were ugly Bo well you hot now so it doesn't matter who's at the door pointy oh I'll get it hello jeez mate why are you naked oh this why don't you come in and see all right that that right there is why I'm naked buy budy what are you doing I'm in bed oh get on you mate you got yourself a 10 is that the same girl from the bar the other night what no no the girl from the bar was ugly this is my wife that is not your wife mate your wife is hideous no no she was hideous but she's hot now oh I get it you divorced the Hideous one and got yourself that one no no it's the same person it's just now she's hot well I know you don't make enough money to pay for plastic surgery mate no no she just poofed like this poofed yeah poofed oh well do you mind if I take her on a date after you're done with her no that's my wife that is not your wife your wife is hideous just get out of here all right mate B you're talking like I'm not here I can hear everyone you're saying I'm sorry baby just just stay right there I I got to go make a phone call I should call that dolphin and see what's going on hey who's this uh I'm the guy you sold that poison to oh hey did it work is your wife dead uh no she's actually just smoking hot now what yeah yeah she ate the poison and now she's just like really really hot oh I messed up what yeah yeah yeah yeah uh see I was supposed to give you the drop dead poison and instead I gave you the drop dead gorgeous potion so whoever drinks that turns into somebody who's dropped dead gorgeous oh oh okay all right that's fine I mean if you want to come back I'll give you the poison instead no no no no no no no this is good I like that she's hot uh well I mean I should probably tell you that no no no no don't don't don't don't worry about it I got it I don't care all right well that's great I got a hot wife that's way better than 80 naked Maids so Bo what do you want to do now whatever my beautiful perfect wife wants to do really whatever I want to do yeah well normally you just want to sit in the living room and drink beer well yeah but you're hot now B I would love to go to the movies with you well okay okay like in public yeah sure and then can we get ice cream afterwards yeah of course whatever you want okay B B I'm so excited to be at the movies you haven't taken me out in years well that's cuz you were ugly and I didn't want to be seen with you in public but now you're hot your eye candy and I got a sweet tooth well my eyes have a sweet tooth my eyes have teeth Bo this is why I love you you have such a way with wies Bo the movie is starting oh hey you know what we should do we should make out but Bo I want to watch the movie oh come on you hot I want to make out Bo the movie's on the movie's stupid let's just make out Bo stop it oh hey there sweet cheeks are you talking to me what other supermodel would I be talking to B they hates that I look like a supermodel of course caring your heart people are going to say that kind of stuff just ignore them hey babe did you know that there's only 20 letters in the alphabet I thought that was 26 oh yeah how could I forget you are a QT you're still missing one oh yeah yeah I'll give you the D later Bo he's so Charming he's only saying that stuff cuz you're hot he wouldn't have said that stuff yesterday so he should just stay out of it back off old man old man this is my wife H yeah in your dreams oh hey you want to go outside bro huh bro with your stupid Tik Tock haircut go make some Tik toks oh yeah no actually I'm good right here next to your wife Bo are you jealous no I'm I'm not jealous of him with his stupid perfect Tick Tock hair and his beautiful blue eyes the point you have blue eyes yeah but I'm like all old and I'm losing my hair and I got cataract let's just go okay Bo com me later sweet stuff she's not going to call you okay we'll just watch a movie at home when nobody else can stare at you but me okay Bo but you don't have to get so jealous I'm not jealous who's at the door I don't know I'll get it oh I want to go with you okay hello hey there it's me famous Hollywood ding agent Steve stalberger really Thief Steve stalberger what are you doing here well I just couldn't help but notice you and your wife leaving the movies and I thought your wife was smoking hot I think she could be the next Marilyn Monroe B he thinks I could be the next marn Monro really yes all she has to do is get on my private jet to Hollywood and I'll make her a professional model Bo if I become rich and famous I can take care of you I can get you your yacht and your private Island but but but you'll be gone all the time and I won't be able to see you yeah but I wouldn't cook you gross meals anymore okay great come with me babe my wife's going to be gone now but no more born of lasagna and she's hot I guess I'll just sit here since my wife is going to be in Hollywood and she's going to be gone for a while but she's still hot though but I'm not going to be able to see her cuz she's in Hollywood with all those other beautiful hot millionaire who could treat her better than I could you know but she's not going to cheat on me even even though I'm bald and and I have cataracts but but but no no no no she she Lo she loves me who's at the door oh you know what I bet it's my wife yeah she she probably wants to go again one more time before she goes to Hollywood cuz cuz no one there is going to be hot hotter than me hello what Karen hi Bo what the hell happened we were just getting on my private jet and all of a sudden she turned into this thing waiting am I still pretty not as much no the deal's off I'm not going to Hollywood anymore just just come inside we're going to figure this out oh buy I wish I was still hot just just calm down I'm going to figure out what happened hey hey hey hey my wife's not hot anymore what happened oh well what I was going to say before you hung up on me is that the potion only lasts for about an hour what what what do you have any more no that was the last bottle of Drop Dead Gorgeous potion I have but I still have the poison if you want it yeah no K Karen stop crying but Bo I can't get you your yacht or your private island well you know I I don't want a private island that bad what about your 80 naked Maids Bo Karen you're as good as maybe half a naked maid really Bo yeah oh Bo I love you so much I have feelings for you as all right guys are you ready to watch Ice Age the Meltdown what why oh hold on my mom's calling well I didn't know cows could use phones yeah they're getting smarter dude hello C kins your bath is ready uh I I I I'll be home later mom but but your bath is ready now did did did did did you use bubbles well of course Cody yeah what kind of bubbles mom you didn't use that crappy offbrand SpongeBob stuff did you it gave me a rash last time uh um um no no no it's the Mr Bubble kind okay good Mom I just I really want you to come home cuz I already got your cheesing quackers ready cheesing what be specific Mom oh oh I'm sorry your cheesing quackers yes your cheesing quackers and oh oh look who's raising a commotion he really wants to talk to you is is it Gerald mom yes it's your little duck buddy Gerald put Gerald on the phone Mom oh here you go what the hell do you want Gerald you naughty little ducky you yeah you're just asking for it aren't you yeah well you wait till I get home later I'm going to rub a dub dub all in that tub yeah all right now give the phone back to my mom just come home whenever you can okay Cody okay Mom I love you I I I I love you too Mom kisses M M M M okay kisses bye what was that Cody yeah dude what you a little mama boy you got to give your mommy little kisses well you a little bitty baby yeah yeah you love your mommy so much I don't even have a mom yeah my mom's dead dude yeah she was making a bath for me a bath a bubble bath dude yeah what are you 5 years old you still take baths you don't take a shower like an adult I bet you have like little bubbles in your bath and duckies well yeah they go with my cheese and quackers cheese and quackers you call quackers like crackers because like like like ducky quack yeah that's the oh my God you're such a loser Cody we're about to watch Ice Age the Meltdown we're all losers no you're the Biggest Loser Cody like like look at all those pimples on your face you take so many baths but you don't stay clean yet pimples Savage yeah Savage wait and why are you wearing overalls are you a hillbilly or something oh Savage why do you wear glasses are you like Ray Charles like you need his glasses Savage Ray Charles was blind yeah that's why you need glasses cuz you're blind well what about your bib huh why why you wearing a bib all the time what are you like like a Bab or something well when I eat Cody I don't want to make a mess I don't want to get a stain on my shirt so I wear bib so I don't get a stain on it yeah dude that's so un saav yeah so unsaved oh guys guys guys guys guys guys what is it l te I'm doing a huge party tonight you guys got to be there a huge party yeah yeah there's going to be girls there look hi hi hi ladies oh Joseph there's going to be girls here we have to go yeah you know I like girls dude oh there's going to be way more girls there guys oh don't don't worry we're all going to be at that party wait wait wait one thing you can't invite Cody why can't we invite Cody look look that nigga's weird okay just look at him Ken you're so sexy yeah that's true I see what you're talking about so make sure Cody doesn't show it to the party I don't want him to ruin it don't worry we're not going to tell Cody about the party I don't want to lose a chance with those beautiful ladies H yeah they're hot dude okay we'll see you at your party okay dude don't leave me hanging with the beautiful ladies oh we won't don't worry all right Joseph we have to break the news to Cody you have to break the news to Cody I can't do it okay can with your rock hard ABS I'm going to try to be polite good luck dude oh hey guys what's all the hoopla about see that's why he's not invited sh so Cody Lil T just invited us to his big party ooh a party that sounds fun I just hope my social anxiety will allow me to go without wheezing uncontrollably it's already starting well if you're too sick to go Cody you don't have to go no no it's fine I can go I'll just call my mom and tell her to bring my inhaler and some pull-ups in case I pee myself oh no no that won't be necessary Cody see Lil T want me to tell you that he has a strict no bow tie policy so you can't go that's okay I'll just take the bow tie off uh he also said there's a strict no overalls policy so you can't go well I'll just take those off too well he also said there's there's a no glasses policy so you can't go oh that's okay I have some contact lenses uh he said there's a no brown shoes policy so you can't go oh that's fine I have a pair of black shoes I can wear he also said um you can't wear blue shorts that that that blue shorts aren't allowed you can't go oh I I have some green shorts that those will work you just can't go you're not invited not invited why because you're a nerd you're weird you wear glasses you stink you don't have really any friends besides us and you hang out with this stupid doll all the time I'm cool no Joseph was right all those things about you are true you're just uncool and you talk to Ken all the time which is also uncool but but Ken's cool he's a lawyer astronaut doctor scientist for the NBA huh that that is true I mean actually I don't think little said that Ken wasn't invited he just said you're not invited so Ken can actually go what Ken you wouldn't go without me would you what oh screw off Ken so me Joseph and K are going to go to the party you're just not invited Cody what oh come on I'm cool well no just learn to be cool Cody what learn to be cool well I'm cool I I'm the coolest kid ever I'll show you how cool I am right after my bubble bath and my cheese and quackers oh man Joseph that was the coolest party ever I know dude I think King got drunk on all the root beer oh yeah he's wasted he's out yeah oh man that was so cool you saw all the girls around me yeah dude did you get their numbers oh I got all the girls numbers oh let me see it let me see them uh my phone died so I can't show you a that sucks yeah if my phone wasn't dead I'd tell you all the numbers but you know it's dead what's that noise yeah what was that yeah what's sucks [ __ ] Cody yeah it's my name don't wear it out waa you're so cool yeah damn right I am well Cody where didd you get that what my schlong yeah God gave it to me it's a little too big but I don't mind no no I'm talking about the motorcycle oh my crotch rocket I built it myself in my dad's garage well you know how to build a motorcycle yeah you want to hear me rev it really loud for no reason what no not really the stop stop what that's loud whatever but you do look really really cool yeah I get that a lot whoa who is she oh this just my girl Stacy she was faced down in a pillow about an hour ago now she's dead to me she's so hot maybe to you she's a solid six but I'm getting tens every night oh Cody you're the coolest you're so cool all right all right all right everybody shut the hell up I got to jam for a second what Jam all right check this out dude he knows how to play the guitar he's so good at it h yeah that was my song Lonely summer it's by my new band lizard guts with a capital Z at the end oh you're so cool Cody can we join your band lizard guts yeah please please please please nah n man you're just not cool enough oh is there any words to that song can you play it again hell yeah there's words check it out lonely summer it's summer and I'm lonely yeah that's pretty much it but it's going to be a hit oh yeah I believe you it's such a catchy song yeah I like it oh Cody you're just so cool you're the coolest kid ever hey you fat face what me yeah you you got any Gogurt uh downstairs in a refrigerator hell yeah oh Joseph he's so cool I know hey Dr P where's the gogs Bro wait what are you talking about do I have to spell it out for you the Gogurt loser where is it it's in the refrigerator like it's always been we H to it bro well you can get it yourself Cody my name's not Cody anymore it's blizzard snake wait blizzard snake well Cody you just said upstairs that your name is Cody and not to wear it out well you wore it out oh Savage look I'll get your stupid go- okay blizard snake yeah you better well blizzard snake you have to teach us to be that cool not a chance does anybody have any grease for my hair that's a pretty good Gog but blizzard snake that was my last gurt yeah well what blizzard snake wants blizzard snake gets speaking of gets where's my root beer brev here it is thanks brev whoa dude even the way he op his root beer is so cool I know you're the coolest kid ever yeah I am wait so you want to watch Ice Age the Meltdown Ice Age the Meltdown that's Child's Play I only watched The Original Ice Age but I don't have the original Ice Age then what am I doing here don't don't leave don't leave I'll go rent The Original Ice AG I'll rent it okay whatever wait uh um blizzard snake are you and Ken still dating uh we don't talk about him anymore okay he was just holding me back all right Joseph let's go in the kitchen and think of a plan to get uh Cody back to normal okay okay dude let's do it I can't I can't handle him act like this anymore all right Joseph Cody is just too cool dude he's so cool he's the coolest kid ever God I want to be him when I grow up I want to be just like him oh okay we have to stop Cody from being so cool how do you stop someone from being that cool dude I have no idea oh dude do you have those girls number from the party still U but yeah of course I do it's on my phone that's dead dude call one of them up and tell them to tell Cody he's not cool anymore it'll ruin his confidence uh uh yeah but my phone's dead I just don't have the numbers you didn't get the number did you no I was too afraid to ask the girls but look I'll run back to the party and I'll grab one of the girls okay I'll get one of the girls to tell Cody he's not cool okay so what are we doing again all right Heidi I'm paying you $5 to tell my friend Cody that he's not cool and that he's ugly okay okay all right come with me hey Cody a I mean blizzard snake that's better meet my friend Heidi what do you think of her yeah I've seen better in family photo albums what Heidi tell them the thing whoa you're cool tell me something I don't know no you're supposed to tell me he's not cool say the thing W you're really cool whatever you want to see something cool that's my crotch rocket over there you have a motorcycle yeah sometimes I like to drive it around on rainy days and just think about life no no no no hold on hold on let me speak to Heidi for a second you're supposed to say he's not cool but he's so cool though I know he is but you're supposed to say he's not cool lonely summer it's summer and I'm lonely here you can have me no no no no no no no all right listen Cody you can have the coolness all right you and I know somewhere in that deep chiseled abs of yours in that amazing haircut that that the real Cody is in there somewhere n man that Cody's dead I'm blizzard snake now Cody's dead I miss Cody where's the real Cody oh man what what happened dude the girl ended up liking Cody So the plan failed a so we have to think of another plan Joseph what are you doing I'm trying to get this Reeses dude I'm hungry that's my Reeses you can have some after you help me think of another plan okay okay um oh I know uh Cody loves Ken right so what if I grab Ken and make it look like Ken likes me then Cody will get jealous and he'll stop being cool whatever lets me get this frees dude yeah I'm going to go try that and then this one time it did a wheelie on my crotch rocket that's so scary yeah but I didn't care and then this other time I fell off some monkey bars and broke my arm I still complain about it every now and then wow yeah but it's no big D with a lowercase D hey Cody guess who decided to come over what's he doing here I don't know he called me and said he wanted to hang out that's weird why are you talking to a doll yeah it's weird you're weird wh what's that Ken likes me that's weird yeah Junior you're being super weird right now well you don't care if Ken has a crush on me no I don't care why would I care wh what's that Ken you want me to rub your abs E Yeah Junior take your weird stuff somewhere else oh man his his abs are so rock hard gross well I mean I know they're rock hard but like I don't care anything wa what's that Ken you want me to kiss you go ahead I don't care wa you don't care if I kiss Ken no kiss him I don't care why would I care all right let me give him a kiss yuck yeah yuck yeah that's right you're being weird oh man what's that I'm a better kisser than Cody what he he wouldn't say that wait he is saying that he wants me to kiss him again oh man I'm I'm a better kisser than Cody you've never liked Cody like you like me well even if he did say that I wouldn't care wh what what's that you want me to unbutton your pants all right all right everybody stop babe get out of here he called me babe Junior give me and Ken a minute alone please but but I think get lost okay Ken what the hell are you doing here no Ken this is the new me I'm blizzard snake now you know they didn't like me so when people don't like you sometimes you just have to change to fit in and and now they think I'm cool and that's all that all that matters and I am cool you know I I've got I've got a crotch rocket and and I've got a guitar I'm learning how to play and I mean I don't really play it Logan just kind of plays back music and I just kind of hold it but you know it's I'm learning you know it's still cool you know and people like me oh ken come on don't be like that I mean we can still be friends Ken don't give me that look I it's not like I care about you or anything oh ken you know I can't say no to you come here you I like being uncool I want to be uncool forever with you Ken I like being a dork look Joseph we got Cody back but he's kissing a doll he's such a freak yeah but he's our freak so guys what do you want to do today something fun something cool guys you know we always have these crazy adventures and these wild Shenanigans but we never have a day where we just sit back relax and watch TV like normal people yeah Cody's right every day something crazy happens we should just relax today and watch TV okay are you afraid of Chainsaw are you afraid of Alabama if you weren't as pretty as my sister I'd kill you the Alabama Chainsaw Massacre rid it R in theaters now oh dude we have to see that movie yeah I heard there's this one scene where the guy actually kisses his sister oh I have to see that that's so crazy Alabama is so weird for allowing people to do that let's go to the movie theaters yeah let's go all right guys you ready to see this movie heck yeah dude oh yeah hey there welcome to the movie theater ticket window what movie do you want to watch can I get four tickets to the Alabama Chainsaw Massacre ooh kid that movie's rated off I know isn't it awesome we all want to see it yeah dude well you can't see it it's got Blood and Guts and incest you got to be at least 18 to see that movie uh 18 uh we're 18 right guys yeah I'm 18 yeah my balls dropped yeah his balls dropped we're 18 okay well I'm going to need to see some ID uh we don't have an ID but Jeffy pull your pants down prove it to him no no no no no no that's that's not proof okay look I can't let you kids see that movie but we want to see it everyone's going to see it well everybody 18 and overa is going to see that movie but you can't well we just want to see it can can you please just sell his tickets we won't tell anyone no I'm going to lose my job if I do that just wait till you're older wait till we're older the movie is going to be out of theaters when we're older well then just wait for it to come out on DVD nobody has a DVD player anymore well wait for Netflix or whatever you kids watch come on guys let's go a wait can I get a large popcorn before I go yeah that'll be $300 oh these prizes are insane let me get my wallet I can't believe we didn't get to see the movie yeah stupid dumb have to be 18 rule yeah I really wanted to see him kiss his sister yeah what do we do now oh I know why don't we buy a lottery ticket if we win the lottery then we can buy our own movie theater and see all the rated R movies we want oh yeah that's a good idea dude oh that'd be so cool no no no you have to be 18 to buy a lottery ticket what you have to be 18 well yeah because I guess they don't want kids to like win the lottery and then spend the money on something stupid like buying a movie theater just so they can get in to see a rated our movie you know what I'm a vote for a president so he can lower the age so we can go and see rated our movies yeah well you have to be 18 to vote too what who made that rule up why well I guess they don't want kids doing something stupid like voting for a president just so he'll lower the age of RIT our movies all right well how about we go get tattoos on our faces yeah I want I want to get sit here on my lip well no cuz cuz you have to be 18 to get a tattoo but why come on well I guess they don't want kids to do something stupid like get face tattoos well this is dumb you have to be to do everything right I wish I was older oh you know what I could make a device that could make us older what really yeah this is a YouTube video I can do anything well not anything but I could do that well then do it all right cut to the next scene all right guys I did it you did it yeah I made an old machine how's it work well I just type in the age that we want to be into this little screen here and I already typed in 18 and then everybody touches this green part and then when I push this button we all turn 18 okay Joseph touch it okay dude all right I'm touching it I'll touch it with my nose all right we're all touching it all right let's be [Music] 18 are we 18 I think so Cody Junior pooped oh Cody what happened oh no I accidentally typed the age to 81 instead of 18 81 you messed up you old goop oh Joseph Jesus Christ what happened to Joseph's bottom jaw I think the old machine predicted Joseph was going to start chewing tobacco so it took his bottom jaw heart attack he's having a heart attack pick him up pick him up my my help falling it I can't get up help there you go it's macaroni night is it macaroni night I like applesauce oh Cody what do we do call a doctor okay I got call a doctor is that is that my grandson no it's a papy Pap tell grandson that the papy misses him who is it it's my grandson Papa John how's he doing my grandson Papa John he owns a pizza restaurant oh yeah reron you want to take out of delivery Papa I think I think he's is going to come visit me tonight you want to talk yeah papa John who is it it's my grandson Papa oh hi Papa uh hey there did somebody call me on their shoe they can't hear me oh those damn telephones how do they even work I don't even know hey Kobe your grandson well my grandson oh Jimmy I haven't seen you in years oh they grew up so fast don't they I remember when he was just knee high to a grasshopper I'm not your grandson why did you call me oh our friend Joey ain't moving oh let me see here oh yeah he's dead oh poor Joey ain't that just the Dickens there's one appointment you can't miss mhm only three things guaranteed death taxes and me [ __ ] my pants ain't that the truth wait a minute aren't you the kids that tried to get into the all- rated movie earlier that happened oh those kids always trying to break the law I think I read about that on that Facebook oh that Facebook's a good source of information M everything on it true wait a minute yeah you are those kids how did you you get so old oh we used this old calculator what what you saying that machine made you old mhm huh if I were old then I could retire and I wouldn't have to work anymore let me see that thing I'll get it for you what was I doing you you you were giving me that remote there oh yeah my back oh I'll go get a pack of frozen peas oh my back hold on let me see this thing so I'm guessing I just like touched the screen part and push the button okay oh jumping your ofair I didn't know getting old felt like this at least now I can retire and get my Social Security oh hey Ernie hey hey hey hey hey hey hey there oh I think Jeffrey's dead oh no somebody should call a doctor or something you are a doctor you old goo am I I'm back oh good he's not dead oh that's good well what are you going to do now that you're retired I'll probably go home show my wife my wrinkly balls maybe that'll make her leave me for good this time all right all right hey hey hey hey hey hey hey Jeffrey who remember that time we tried to sneak in that movie oh I remember like it was today mhm hey hey hey who you how about me you and Colby try to go see that old movie we wanted to watch o h yeah let's go that M oh my grandson got me this it's my favorite thing hey kobby oh don't hurt me I don't have any money it's me junior junior are you one of Jerry's Kids it's me you old goop oh Junior it's you yeah me and Jeffrey want to go see a motion picture yeah they're calling me about my extended warranty now always give them your information yep yep oh so you want to go with me and Jeffrey to the motion picture okay as long as it's not too loud of vient well come on oh we can finally see this movie you want some popcorn diabetes Jeffy you can't be on your phone during the movie oh well help me turn this thing off how do you work that I don't know my grandson got it for me oh it's starting oh it's oh it's so loud are they really killing those people now hold on who is that is that the Darth Vader I don't know who that is could you guys shut up hey hey hey I didn't fight in the SP American war to have to put up with you whipper snapper hey is that your grandkid I I don't know maybe hey my name's Junior just stay away from me I want some pudding oh yeah yeah some taffa pudding let's go ask Chef peepers for some pudding Hey Hey Jeffrey oh spilled my corn just get out of here I'm back hey we're going to go talk to Chef peepers who peepers him yep m H my pizza is almost done hey beers Junior Cody Jeffy why do you guys look like that you're so old and ugly and wrinkly yeah you're no spring chicken yourself Mister H oh it's some Nigerian prince who told me that if I send him $500 he'll send me $2 million back do it quick okay why do you guys look like that we wanted to get into do a rated our movie and you had to be 18 and Cody's old C he turned us to 81 oh that's what you get for trying to sneak into a rated R movie ha did you want this what is this junior Cody what did you do to me Chef Perkins is old yeah he is aren't we all M if you don't turn me back right now I'm going to I'm going to wait where am I Perkins H hey hey he hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey bingo I want to play bingo I want to play bingo bingo hey hey hey hey Kobe you need to fix this we're all old okay that's righty trying to figure it out Jeffrey I'm back hey h come on who when you going to fix that thing damn it I'm working on it you old geezers want to listen listen to an old vinyl record oh yeah put that baby on okay oh yeah oh yeah they don't make him like this anymore mm this is real music yeah kids these days just want to listen to suck me and lick me and bite me yeah they just want to dance to it on their Tic Tacs yeah this is what real music sounds like mhm oh oh my back hurts I'm getting tired I'm getting real tired fix that thing you old Geer okay oh oh all we have to do is change this number to 12 and then push the button let's do it okay everybody touch the green thingy hey I'm back Jeffrey huh touch the green thing oh oh hold on I I got I got to put Joseph on there there you go Joey all right press the [Applause] button We're Young again oh God that sucks yeah being old was awful destroy that machine I never want to see it again yeah I'll destroy it I'm glad I'm young again my balls don't look like raging anymore I know okay I destroyed the machine into a million pieces so we'll never ever have to use it again all right awesome wait what Chef he be's still old oh no okay well I guess we could call a doctor oh no he's old too oh my God wait is Joseph still dead oh yeah he is I guess we still have a lot of problems but the video is already over 10 minutes o what do we do um you want to go play Bing all right craft today we're going to be answering the question what color is a mirror it's a very simple answer crft it's what is that oh oh it's my phone my phone go ring ring oh and it's my wife ring ring coincidentally my phone go ring ring it's my wife ring ring anyway I'm going to answer this phone and you guys have uh 10 minutes to do whatever you want hold on what do you want ring ring oh guys we going do whatever we want I'm going to study I'm going to play on my phone hey Penelope you want to play SP the bottle e why would I want to play that so we can kiss I don't want to kiss you Junior well let's let the bottle decide you guys are playing spin the bottle I want to play I guess I'll play too but I'm the only girl here shut up I want to kiss Junior wait what spin the bottle okay better get them lips ready Junior Cody no we still have to spend one more time to see who you kiss yeah dude I don't want to play this anymore if I have to kiss Cody no it's too late it's already locked in just spin it okay pleas don't let on me please don't land on me please land on Junior please land on Junior what Penelope I get to kiss Cody at least he's hot what I have to kiss a girl gay oh dude you have to do it is it's the rules the rules Cody I have a crush on penel please don't kiss her it is the rules Junior just make it quick oh God I'm going to throw up I got it on video guys oh send it to me you got it on video I'm going to go show Ken no jior do Show Ken Junior please don't show Ken why are you doing this you kissed the girl I like he did he did dude I didn't want to it was spin the bottle you could have said no yeah you could have said no you could have said no but those are the rules I didn't like it oh you didn't like it that kiss lasted for 30 seconds I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up pregnant but you can't get pregnant from kissing dude your tongue was down her throat she's definitely pregnant yeah yeah I saw your tongue in her mouth so you know what it's going to be really shocking to Ken when I show him this video of you being straight but but I'm not straight I'm as straight as a circle that's how not straight I am well Ken's going to be really shocked when he sees this video no Junior don't show him Junior come on please don't show my boyfriend that video It's Too Late Cody I'm going to show Ken that video no Junior come on I'll do anything anything anything yeah just name it okay make a time machine go back in time and stop yourself from kissing Penelope Junior I can't make a time machine today that's not the point of this video and also we can't just make time machines whenever we have problems well I guess that's your problem Cody no come on Junior I'll do anything else okay I know I'll give you $100 not to show Ken the video you'll give me $100 not to show Ken the video yeah okay deal oh thank you so much Junior I'm going to take a screenshot of the video and show Ken a picture of you kissing Penelope no Junior that's not fair it's not fair that you kiss Penelope and I didn't what no no Junior come on please I'm On My Knees For You O I'm on my knees for you but no please Junior don't show can the video wait a minute ow I got an idea what dude I know what he can do oh what stop hitting me with the money all right Cody if you can get Penelope to kiss me I'll delete the video okay okay that's not that hard okay yeah I'll call her but you have her number damn y'all might as well get married now dude well yeah it's just sometimes we study over the phone what oh man dude they're already married I can't believe you Cody do you want me to call her or not yes call her but call her in front of me I want to hear what you say to her okay fine okay it's ringing wait what do you have her name saved as in your phone prince copey prince copey I thought it say wifey hi Cody hey Penelope why are you calling me Cody you want another kiss no no no not for me H could you just come over to Junior's house ew no I don't want to go over there what what what if I'm here yeah I'll come over okay bye Queen yes what bye Queen so you her King huh well no I'm a princess we're both princesses look it's the whole thing whenever she comes over here I'll tell her to kiss you okay wow she came fast wow she comes fast for you doesn't she Cody shut up Junior I'll go answer the door and talk to her uh hello hi Cody hey so what do you want to do uh I need you to do something for me me okay anything um I need you to go upstairs and kiss Junior e no I don't want to do that well come on he's blackmailing me and the only way he'll stop is if you kiss him H how about this if you kiss me one more time then I'll kiss Junior okay fine but let's make it quick oh no I want 10 Mississippi Mississippi I don't even like Mississippi do you want me to help you with Junior or not okay fine let's go go go go go go go is she going to kiss me you her again Cody no no I did this for you it was for you how was that for me cuz now she's going to kiss you you're going to kiss him right oh no that was not 10 Mississippi well come on 10 Mississippi oh dude you're a traitor why' you'all do Mississippi that's like the longest State why didn't you do like Utah or Ohio well I didn't even want Mississippi what's next a Democratic Republic of Congo what no I'm going to go show Ken I'm showing Ken that video Jor come on Junior no please I'm sorry no I'm going to go to your house and show Ken this video no Junior please no I'm showing Ken cuz you're the worst friend ever well I'm not not even going to let you in my house oh we'll see about that don't you close that door Cody hey let me in Cody why you so out of breath yeah somebody chasing you boy no it's just wait wait a minute yeah yeah someone's chasing me kidnappers kidnappers oh no no one's kidnapping my little boy Tyrone get the bed I'm on it wa no no no don't answer the door hello oh I'm going start swinging wait a minute you're not a kidnapper no I'm not Cody that's three spankings later for lying boy what I told you about lying so what do you need well I just wanted to show his doll this picture of Cody kissing a girl oh my God he kissed a girl yeah right here that's so precious oh by the way I got to see this I got to see this oh thank you Jewish Jesus thank you my son's a man my son like women's not here a p i p a pimp oh my God Tyrone a little boy's a pimp just like you yeah you know it baby oh we got to celebrate yeah come on in okay hey Cody Junior what are you doing here your parents let me [Applause] in what the hell is this it's a straight cake son a straight cake yeah for years we've been praying and hoping that you finally realized you were straight and thank you a Jesus that you realized it but I'm not straight Cody you kissed a girl and you likeed it that's some Katy pair of [ __ ] I didn't like it it was gross that's not the lyrics to the song son I'm going to go show K the picture but guys I got to go what you don't want to more straight take son more straight cake for us oh I love me some straight cake hey Ken I got a picture to show you look w no too late Cody he already saw it Ken Ken I can explain okay we were at school today and Junior wanteded to play spin the bottle and I said yes cuz I wanted to kiss him cuz you know how that is but the bottle landed on Penelope so I had to kiss her so I did it but I didn't like it and then junior took a video of it and then he said that he'd show you so I paid him $100 not to show you and then he said he'd show you a screenshot of the video and so so that's what you saw there but but I promise I I didn't even want to do it I would never cheat on you unless it's with Junior cuz that's what we agreed on it's too late Cody he already saw the photo so look so Cody cheated on you with a girl yeah again you're not mad are you oh thank God what'd he say Ken said it's okay as long as it was just a kiss well it wasn't just a kiss look they're using tongue and everything like they totally like made out right there no no no I didn't use any tongue well well Ask Ken what would happen if Penelope got pregnant from that kiss well she's not pregnant would ask Ken what would happen if Penelope got pregnant from that kiss okay Ken what would happen if Penelope got pregnant okay well he said he would never talk to me again what Junior what are you doing well I need my phone what Junior so what are you paying me $1 for again you're going to knock on Cody's door and when he answers you're going to tell him you're pregnant and you're going to repeat everything I say in your airpod but why because I just do it you want $100 right yeah duh then just do it Ken you're not mad are you I'll give you back massages every night I'd never leave you or hurt you wait a minute who's that hello Penelope what are you doing here say you got me pregnant you got me pregnant no I didn't yes you did you kissed me so hard you got me pregnant yes you did you kissed me so hard you got me pregnant but that's impossible well no it's not the scientist announced on the news today that kissing can get you pregnant no scientists on the news today announced that kissing can give you pregnant what okay look I'm going to have to see a pregnancy test before I even believe this well I I threw it away cuz I was so mad I threw it away cuz I was so mad okay just do another one Chef peee I'm not hungry right now Chef peee I'm not hungry right now wait a minute is Junior telling you what to say no your mom was telling me what to say last night no your mom was telling me what to say last night what Cody who's at the door oh my God it's the girl you kissed Tyrone get in here Cody's girlfriend's here what what no way I got to see C's girlfriend oh it's a white girl CH Ching CH Ching my son hit the jackpot come on in we're celebrating let's have some cake come in come in so what's your name sweetheart uh Penelope oh that was my grandmother's name that was my ex-wife's name Penelope man she had the biggest cans she did he cheated on me with a twice uh uh uh actually three times baby but who's counting I didn't know about the third time uh what kind of cake is this oh it's straight cake you never had no straight cake before yeah straight cake straight cake what's straight cake it's some [ __ ] that they made up no no no you like boys don't you yeah so take a bite Penelope go in the room and tell Ken you're pregnant um I have to go to the bathroom H wait a minute the straight can't getting cold no okay so what am I supposed to do tell Ken that you're pregnant he should be laying on the bed the doll yes the doll tell the doll you're pregnant I'm pregnant no don't listen to her she's lying what the [ __ ] is going on here Penelope why would you say that that's not true Junior paid me $100 to say I'm pregnant well don't tell him that but did you hear that baby she said she was paid she's lying see this is why girls are icky they lie I'm so confused I don't see what's confusing about this codyy what do we say about closing your door oh my God Tyrone get in here Cody's in bed with his girlfriend hold on hold on I got to see this oh my God my boy is a pimp you see that baby he skipped all the bases go straight for the Home Run okay we'll leave you two little horn dogs alone so you can boink yeah get your boink on boy just let us know if you need anything like some Teddy grams or Capri Suns or whatever it is you crazy kids are into yeah um what was that about my parents are kind of stupid okay so I'm going to go home now and spend my $100 you're not going to spend $100 you owe it to me back cuz you didn't do what I said and I'm going to take this earpiece out now you can't do that I own you uh uh before you go could you help me explain to my parents that I'm not straight yeah sure M this can't tast straight mhm Mom Dad oh Cody you done already he did not learn that from his father I'll give him a break Tyrone it's his first time with a girl yeah yeah no guys me and Penelope have something to tell you oh my God wait they get married I knew it I knew it I guess it wasn't so bad since you want to marry him after the first try he did learn that from his daddy ain't that right huh ain't it right baby yeah I blew your back out didn't it yeah you did oh I can't wait to have little Cody's running around I'mma Be a granddaddy y'all no guys I'm not straight but what about the girl Cody yeah you had a girl in your bed son and she want to marry you after the first time look you're doing something with your pipe Penelope could you just please tell them in great Det please your son blew your back out likes boys throw the straight cake away but Dad I throw the straight cake away it's a waste of straight cake Cody there are starving straight kids in Africa who'd love to have that cake look I am disappointed in you Cody now I got to go and get the fruit cake out you don't have to get the fruit cake again look Cody we love you no matter what but this straight cake was $25 at Walmart so what kind of pick
Channel: SMLs
Views: 253,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HPPRuJ23Bho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 51sec (3111 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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