SML Movie - Cody's Gum Problem! - Full Episode

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oh man Jeffy are you ready for game night heck yeah hey guys I brought Penelope along for game night since Joseph couldn't come why couldn't Joseph come Junior you know he's canoeing across the Atlantic Ocean today I totally forgot well you know the rules no girls allowed you never said that well I'm saying it now I don't want Penelope be here tell her to leave well she's already here but Cody we were going to play hungry hungry your mom good one Junior but I guess Penelope can see what she's going to be when she grows up shut up Junior yeah eating balls I'll have you know when I grow up I'm going to be a surgeon you going to be a surgeon you're going to be too busy painting your nails and talking about ponies Junior there's plenty of female surgeons name one uh well you name one male surgeon drct Phil but he's not a surgeon he's not even a medical doctor yes he is he does surgeries on his show all the time but you haven't even seen his show have you no but I know he's a doctor well wor about Dr Octopus yeah he's a doctor he's not a medical doctor either and he's not even real he is a medical doctor he gave himself like spider spider tacles on his back can we just shut up and play Hungry Hungry Hippos no she thinks she can be a surgeon so I challenge her on a one-on-one of operation okay fine let me go grab the game okay Penelope you think you're going to be a surgeon but I'm going to prove to you that I would be a better surgeon yeah right Junior I'd like to see you try well I'm about to get all these pieces without touching the sides because if you touch the sides you lose so you're never going to get a turn cuz I'm going to get all the pieces so I'm going start with this one he died Junior no yes he did you touched the side I didn't touch the Sid the nose lights up when you touch the side no the nose lit up cuz we started the game no it lit up because well I'm one more chance one more chance one more chance okay I'm I'm going do it again very careful you did it again Junior I never said I could be a surgeon she's the one bragging saying she's going to be a surgeon so I'd like to see you get all the pieces without touching the sides I can without touching any of the sides I can get every single one of these pieces oh yeah well then how about we have a little wager if you touch the sides you have to go on a date with me I'm talking dinner movie and it has to end with a kiss ew no Junior why are you scared you think you're going to touch the sides no I'm not scared okay then then take the deal wait wait wait Junior what does she get if she wins he never has to talk to me ever again oh oh yeah and he has to go on a date with me and it has to end on a kiss with tongue for 15 whole seconds I'm talking Mississippi like one Mississippi to Mississippi e no I'm not going to agree to that hi you're chicken well no no I'm not chicken okay fine it's a deal if if you win I have to go on a date with Cody if I win you have to go on a date with me so don't touch the sides I'd like to see you try to get these pieces she's not going to get the pieces nope oh no Junior she only has one piece left I know Puck her up Junior it's going to be the longest 15 seconds of your life I'm going to clean your teeth with my tongue you're never going to be able to talk to me ever again come on Junior you got to do something turn the lights off all I got you what what happened to the light you touch a side you touch the side that doesn't count Junior the lights went out that's not an excuse if you're a doctor one day doing surgery and the power goes out you're just going to kill the guy well hospitals usually have generators what if the generator doesn't work Cody you should be so good at being a surgeon that you can do it with the lights off but that's not fair don't be a sore loser you have to get ready for our dat fine but I'm not going to enjoy it haha hey Junior get it work what you had Jeffy turn off the lights no Junior you're such a cheating well it's better than being an ante eater yeah it's better than being an ante eater who wants to eat ants what a dumb animal why don't they eat cake they can't eat cake yes they can they be cake eaters but no they only eat ants yeah why are they choosing to only eat ants that's dumb they don't choose it that's just what they do what a dumb animal I mean I eat cheeseburgers are you going to call me a cheeseburger eater do you want me to call you that yeah okay I guess I'll call you a cheeseburger eater well guys I have to get ready for my date okay I look really good for my date now all I have to do is brush my teeth oh no Junior I have to pee what are you doing in here I dropped my toothbrush in the toilet ew throw it away well no I got to brush my teeth Junior you Junior I have to brush my teeth Cody you're going to get sick I'm not going to get sick I'm so sick Junior I told you this was going to happen how did I get sick there weren't any germs in the toilet there's always germs in a toilet even after you flush yes then what's the point in Flushing I I don't know well I'm not flushing ever again ew Junior I can't be sick I have a date tonight well maybe you should cancel I'm not canceling it Penelope has to kiss me I'm gonna kiss her well she's not gonna want to kiss you if you're sick you're probably right o maybe I can call her and reschedule the date oh yeah that's a good idea oh let me get my phone okay it's ringing what do you want junior hey are you getting ready for our date tonight yes I'm getting ready well you don't seem too excited about it do you want to reschedule oh no I want to get it over with now but you know if you're not happy we can just do it another night if we don't do our date tonight then I don't have to ever oh okay well you don't understand an emergency just popped up and I kind of need to reschedule why do you want to reschedule Junior because my friend uh Bobby Bobby yeah Bobby he's at the store right now returning something and he needs me to bring him the receipt cuz I have it why do you have Bobby's receipt Junior because um he bought something and I said there's no way you bought that he said oh yeah well here's the receipt and I said whoa you really did buy that so now I have his receipt and now the thing he bought he wants to return and he needs a receipt see the thing he's returning it was impressive to buy but not impressive to have so the receipt is more impressive than the thing we're not rescheduling Junior I'll meet you at the restaurant at 7 but what about Bobby then bring Bobby let me guess she didn't want to reschedule no oh but I got an idea what if you come to the dinner with me as Bobby who is Bobby I don't know but she wants to see him apparently what why do I have to be Bobby I don't know listen listen okay I got to think of something how about I call a doctor to see what's wrong with me and you go find someone named Bobby what why why Bobby I don't go go find someone Nam Bobby okay go okay I got to call a doctor hey there you call a doctor oh you don't look so good I'm really sick doctor I was sick one time you want to hear about it I have a date in a few minutes so when I was little I was in school with this kid that had like a really little arm like one arm was like way smaller than the other one so we all used to make fun of him you know cuz he kind of look like a freak anyway his dad was really protective cuz his whole family died in an accident when the kid was little so one time on a school field trip we all dared the kid to go touch this really sketchy looking van and the kid actually did it but then he got kidnapped by the guy in the van who like turned out to be a dentist so the dad being all protective decided to track the kid down and find him so he teamed up with this girl that had memory problems like she couldn't remember anything all she could remember is the address of the dentist's office so then they met some sharks that didn't eat fish and I don't really remember what they did but then a bomb went off and then they met a sea turtle and he was very nice and he gave them a ride to Australia and this this is the plot of Finding Nemo I didn't live that see sometimes I get my memories confused with movies that I saw huh I did throw up one time I guess that's the story I really have to get better before my date oh right yes well I I I do have this really experimental medicine I can give you but I don't know the side effects will it make me better I don't know I can try it all right I'll give you a shot of this and see what happens it's not going to make me worse is it maybe well wait a minute I'm starting to feel a little bit better there you go now you go on your date go get a tiger is she hot oh she's hot oh yeah I bet she has daddy issues oh she has daddy issues she's a redhe head oh damn f y oh man what's her name Penelope that's a hot name wait a minute that's my daughter's name she my daughter mhm o well have her home by eight okay I can't be late for my date hey Junior I found Bobby who you know Bobby you wanted me to find someone named Bobby I bought it you bought what I had the receipt but I took it back to the store but I still bought it yeah I guess he bought something cool well buying it was cool but he took it back so I don't think it I don't have time for this so no Bobby sorry sorry Bobby sorry I'm late I already ordered for you and I started eating because I don't care of course you already started eating you're so fat you know what Junior I wish I wasn't here with your ugly green fa why is your face green cuz I get sick when I look at you then why did you ask me out I didn't ask you out the only reason we came out is cuz you lost operation this was your idea I only wanted the 15-second kiss oh no that was the deal between you and Cody you and I just have to kiss I'm getting my 15 Mississippi oh no especially if you're green and sick I'm really sick why' you order me garlic bread in case you were a vampire I wanted it to burn you of course you you're one of those weird kids that read weird vampire books they're good okay I think I'm going to throw up a b where where Junior you turned into a B I didn't turn into a I'm a bee I'm allergic to bees I'm out of here we stop the kiss I can't kiss you I'll die oh I have to call that doctor hey you call a doctor oh you are a big old bee that is a bee you turned me into a bee well I didn't mean to uh oh you know what happened okay so I was supposed to give you Ibuprofen but instead I gave you ipren it turns you into a b well turn me back I don't know how but you know what this reminds me of when I was a be I was voiced by Jerry Seinfeld and that that's the be movie no that didn't happen but you know what did happen I had a friend that was really bad at cooking but I was good at cooking so I would get on top of his head and pull his hair to make him cook good and we cooked a played a Ratatouille that was so good it made this really harsh food critic have a flashback to his childhood and think it was okay to have rats in a restaurant wait that's Ratatouille man that didn't happen either don't listen to me well you can't turn me back well I mean I don't know I mean you should be happy to be a bee you know bees are going extinct you're saving the planet I was supposed to kiss Penelope but she's allergic to bees well see now I'm glad you're a bee I don't want you doing that with my daughter no matter what I said earlier come on change me back well is there something there's nothing you can give me to turn me back into a human I mean I guess I could give you Molin but that would just turn you into a mole it's too bad there's no medicines that sound like people oh just change me back H man we are we are right there we just got to just got to wrap this up oh you know what you know what you know what uh it it wears off yeah it does medicines wear off it happens look it up it wears off in a few right now it wore off yeah hey there you go I told you it would and look you're not even sick anymore all the problems are solved I have to go kiss Penelope oh not my daughter Penelope Penelope I can finally give you the kiss Junior I feel so sick what happened to you penel I think it's something I ate well we're supposed to kiss though I don't think we can do that now we'll have to do it another time because I think I'm going to throw it well don't take medicine from your dad he's going to turn you into a bee hey Junior you know I've been hanging out with Bobby and he's actually really cool like he buys a lot of stuff well he usually returns it but you know he has the receipts to prove it yeah I bought it oh well I wasn't able to kiss Penelope that's okay Junior we can always do our 15-second kiss all right CR today today we're going to be rning about black holes black holes can suck up anything nothing can escape a black hole how you think my wife got pregnant hey Cody your mom has three black holes cuz she's a hoe and you have a black dad guys don't bully me today hey dude you want to P the gum yeah sure Joseph teacher Joseph's chewing gum in class Cody you snitch Joseph no chewing gum in class spit it out fine teacher Joseph did you just spit dumb in my hair yeah my bad dude I didn't mean to do that what do you mean you didn't mean mean to you spit it right at me I couldn't find the trash can God you didn't even try teacher can I go to the clinic I have gum in my hair how'd you get that your hair what the hell you've been doing in crass weirdo oh you said gum you can go to the clinic thank you God I hate you guys Joseph I think you really made Cody upset he'll get over here dude hey Joseph have you heard from Cody no dude not since you went to the clinic earlier I hope he's okay yeah hey jerks oh hey Cody what's up buddy oh you still have the gum in your hair oh you still have the gum in your hair yeah I know I do not sound like that Cody why don't you just pull it out dude yeah why don't you just grab it oh GE isz I hadn't thought of grabbing it it doesn't come out well why don't you take a shower and try to wash it out I've tried that too Junior gum is sticky well it says online all you have to do is put toothpaste in your hair and the gum will come out huh I I hadn't thought of that oh Joseph grab some toothpaste okay I'm on it right now dude I got it all right start putting on Cody's head okay well I think we should put a towel down in case it drips off his face I've heard that one before I'll go get the towel yeah okay the towel is down I'm ready Daddy ah why do you have your mouth open oh sorry it's just a it okay I'm ready now all right Joseph put the toothpaste on his head okay dude there we go well how does it look now you have pink and blue on your head it's like a gender reveal what gender are you we can't assume it what guys now I even I have an even bigger mess on my head well at least a pigeon didn't poop on it yeah you'll be in trouble then D what guys what do we do about the gum okay look why don't we go ask Chef peee how to get gum out of your hair cuz look he he works with food all the time so he probably gets food in his hair all the time yeah no he has the opposite problem he gets hair in his food tomato potato let's go ask him okay M this mac and cheese is going to be so good hey Chef peipe what are you doing I'm cooking mac and cheese Junior wait what's on Cody's face I was a Natty little Smurf and he has gum in his hair what yeah he has gum in his hair look oh oh gum yeah so how do we get gum out of his hair it's stuck oh it's an easy fix all you have to do is stick your hair in this boiling water in the gum with this ingrate I can't put my head in boiling water it'll burn my head not your head your hair you idiot just your hair in the water yeah yeah look I I'll hold you so you don't fall in uh okay yeah look look you want that gum out of your hair right look look oh my phone's ringing I am so sorry Cody Junior you dropped me in boiling water my phone was ringing well now I have third degree burns all over my face look at the bright side Cody now you can play as Deadpool you know cuz his face is all ugly yeah I get it or Darth Vader yeah Darth Vader cuz Darth Vader's face is all burned and ugly yeah okay I get it or Darth Maul cuz his face is all red and scary okay great are there any other horribly disfigured people I look like o Freddy Krueger yeah Freddy Krueger cuz his face was all burned and ugly yeah yeah cool couldn't forget about him yeah wait wait there's still gum in your hair Cody you know what just just shave it off I don't even care anymore oh I've been waiting for you to say it dude all shave it shave it and done oh you are one ugly freak if I do say show myself mhm I really love how it's just bully me day hey Cody look down hey Joseph look the top of Cody's head looks like the stains in my underwear he doesn't WIP yeah there it is so look Cody look at least the gum's not in your hair anymore so when your hair goes back it'll be beautiful yeah but my face won't your face was never beautiful Cody had those pimples and look those Burns really distract from the pimples on your face yeah that's great I just don't know what my parents are going to say when I go home well you don't have to go home you can stay here as long as you want your parents will never know who's that hello is Cody here his black butt better be here uh yeah he's upstairs oh thank God we were tracking him we put a microchip in him at the vet yeah it only cost $50 I know the veterinarian personally she got asked for days it's true she dies and if I was a dog I would beg for her to put me down every night put me down like a baby goo go g g well Cody's upstairs oh good cuz we need to talk to him I have to spank his little tushy for not coming home and for not eating his brussels sprouts last night yeah that's right it's a waste of Brussels sprout yeah he think we playing about them brussel sprouts no no we ain't playing okay well Cody's upstairs okay all right Cody's right here junior what are my parents doing here Cody what happened to your face and why didn't you eat your brussels sprouts last night boy okay first of all brussels sprouts are gross you better watch your damn mouth before I make your face uglier than it already is but Cody what about your face well my face fell into some boiling water that's not how you Bob for apples boy you don't Bob in boiling water you bobing regular water you crazy I wasn't bobbing for apples then why you sticking your head and boiling water stupid well if you would just let me finish I was going to say I was trying to get gum out of my hair that's not how you get gum out your hair you don't stick your head in boiling water you go to the gas station for gum what no no no I was trying to get the gum out of my hair well jump in the shower if it's in your hair boy Mom are you getting any of this Cody you look hideous we should call a doctor but Mom we can't call a doctor Pablo doesn't have three arms I mean I know he's gorgeous he's immensely talented and he's basically carrying the channel at this point but there's no way he could play all three characters at the same time yeah Cody you're right I'll go home so the doctor can come hey there somebody call a doctor ugly ugly burn face bald is what you are I'm sorry look I got fired from the burn unit at the hospital cuz I just can't handle ugly or gross and you're both well his face got like that cuz he put his face in boiling water oh is that what happened I thought he was trying to Bob her french fries in the grease see that's what I thought see he was bobing for something he was bobing for something how do we fix his face oh well there's three things we can do one we could find a magical genie lamp and wish for his face not to look so ugly or two we could try to get a time machine and then go back in time to before he put his face in the boiling water and then stop him from doing that or three we could uh put some bandages on his face so we just don't have to look at him anymore ooo let's go with that one that one sound cheaper yeah let's do with that okay I'll get the bandages and done oh my go I did it your good as new nobody would ever suspect that you're a horribly disfigured burnac bald freak you look like a mommy Boy Thanks Dad anyway my work here is dunion Rings just don't go putting your face in hot water anymore I'm going to go home and make sure your mama making brussel sprouts and not on that damn computer sorry about all this happening Cody I almost feel like it's our fault it is you guys's fault Joseph put gum in my hair and you dropped me in boiling water see like that's why I kind of feel like it's our fault so look we'll make it up to you we'll do anything you want yeah I'm sorry dude okay I can tell you how you'll make it up to me you guys are going to play Magic the Gathering with me a that sounds like a nerd game yeah for losers and dumb people yeah it is and I want to play it so you're going to take me to the store and you're going to buy me a deck of cards okay I'm going to stay here dude all right Junior this is the one you really going to make us play Magic the Gathering Cody yes now buy it can I help you with something uh yeah we want this oh my God it's a robber I'm not a robber but you're wearing a ski mask it's not a ski mask these are bandages I'm calling the cops all right you're under arrest what what do you mean you just saw me you put the bandages here yeah tell it to the judge criminal I am so sorry for arresting you and did you just take my hat you little rascal no I see it right there in you hand you know I could have you arrested for that but I won't cuz I'm a fun cop today anyway I'm really sorry for what that guy did to you in the holding cell well I'm not really mad about that I'm just mad you arrested me well you do kind of look like a robber with those bandages on your face what don't touch me don't ever touch me I'm in cop mode I'll break your arm well I was wondering but maybe you could just do a face transplant like you give him a new face a face transplant you mean like the Texas Chainsaw Massacre that'd be sick yeah I can do a face transplant that looks like a job for Dr man wait you can really do a face transplant on Cody yeah sure let's do it so guys how do I look oh my God oh my God you guys Jesus what did I do I'm a monster uh where'd you get the face from somebody died in a car accident and they donated it but now I want to give it back so how do I look oh god oh come on guys I don't look that bad do I what no no I look okay right but show me what what the hell is that what oh my God is that me oh my God that's me get it off I don't want it anymore oh my god get it off me Cody Cody may maybe you'll grow into it eventually right really you think I'll grow into it well nobody at school's going to notice right hopefully not you okay oh my bad dude I just had to throw up yeah I think he ate some bad food earlier right not not cuz of my face though right oh no buddy okay I'm just going to go I see you tomorrow dude yeah yeah we'll see you at school tomorrow Cody okay okay yeah yeah nobody's going to notice I feel confident enough to go to school now yep y so you can leave I don't I don't want to look at you anymore okay hey guys dude you scared me oh I'm sorry oh I forgot to bring a pencil hey Penelope can I borrow a pencil sure Cody she must have stabbed her finger with the pencil or something Joseph can I brow a pencil oh man Joseph must have a stomach bug hey Junior can I buy a pencil um yeah sure I don't have one oh okay all right craft today we are doing yearbook pictures so I hope you work your best today yearbook pictures oh no I have a stain on my shirt now my picture's going to be ruined oh that's what's going to ruin it all right crra tonight is the school prey of the three riddle pigs and each one of you is going to act in the prey so what I'm going to do is I'm going to walk around and pass out the costume for the character that you're going to PR what a school play I love theater I hope I get the lead rooll of the wolf oh dude that's a horrible wolf but I should be the wolf he blows houses down and I love to blow things you're going to be a pig just like your mom Cody H like mother like son all right P you're going to be a pig ha you're going to be a pig hey teacher do you have a washing machine costume so she can wash dishes like a girl you're such a massagist junior nuh-uh I don't massage people for a living settle down settle down crass Junior you're going to be a pig too haha Junior you dork I don't want to be a stupid dumb pig all right Joseph you're also going to be a pig a this sucks oh yeah that means I get to be the wolf I knew it I knew he'd see the greatness in me and Cody you're going to be a tree what a tree there's not even a tree in the story well that's where they get the sticks from what what and Jeffy you get to be the big bad wolf I get to be the big bad wolf I'm in a huff and I'm a puff and I'mma blow your house down what do I get to be teacher you get to be the insurance adjuster that files the claim for the two blown down houses yes what Jeffy gets to be the big bad wolf oh come on teacher Jeffy couldn't blow his own birthday candles out of his life dependent on it I am a professional blower do you want me to come up there and show you how good I am at blowing settle down Cody the role that you are assigned is the role that you have to play there'll be plenty more school plays in the future so go home study your lines and be here tonight for the pray make sure you invite your parents what lines I'm a tree trees don't talk they just stand there calm down Cody at least you didn't get cut from the play Junior that's not funny no one asked you Cody that wasn't a joke that's just how he says ask wait I said a joke all right come to my house and study your lines Cody what what lines guys this is so cool I know right we're going to be like real life actors does this costume make me look fat everything you wear makes you look fat guys this is bull crap what's wrong Cody my scripture says stand stage right I don't even do anything what do you expect a tree to do Cody I didn't want to be the tree I wanted to be the wolf stop being a sap Cody yeah learn to Branch out and play other characters aw guys leave him alone see why can't I just make tree puns like that then I'd at least be saying something cuz trees don't talk Cody look the only cool thing about this tree costume is that it has a spot for my junk look Cody we have to go over our lines we have to know this by tonight all right start at the top this sucks our parents kicked us out of the house threw us right in the mud mom doesn't give an oink about us what I want to make sure you're doing your job right no I know how to stand still it's not that hard all right guys I think I know our lines let's go to the play we didn't even go over the whole thing oh my God Cody do you not know what you're supposed to do no I I know what I have all you have to do is stand in there I wish I had an easy job like you no Junior I know what I have to do see you're the root of the problem Cody yeah root of the problem like a tree this is so dumb no it's not Marvin we need to be here to support Jeffy it's just a dumb Elementary School play we don't have to be here yes we do Marvin it's art hey my son's the tree yeah he going to be the best damn tree out there I guarantee it okay wa the set looks so cool yeah dude what what the hell is this there's already a tree here what's the point of me see this is how useless I am I can be replaced by a piece of paper calm down Cody yeah you're distracting us we're trying to go over our lines all right kids the show starts in 1 minute so don't WR me down uh where am I supposed to stand you're Tree Cody you stand right there you don't move jeez I hope I remember all of my lines oh look my Dad's here oh good and my parents are here too I know my dad's looking down on me from heaven or up from hell oh the show's starting get your lines get your lines oh thank God it's starting let's get this over with ladies and gentlemen welcome to the stage The Three Little Pigs this sucks our parents kicked us out of the house do us right in the mud mom doesn't give in on think about us so what do we do now well we we are pigs we are pigs don't have a home don't have a home got to build our own got to build our own we we are pigs we are pigs don't have a home don't have a home got to build our own got to build our own but where are you going to get the supplies to build a house did that tree just talk he wasn't supposed to shut the hell up Cody I just wanted to say something but tree please don't talk I know well guys we need to build us a house sure do dude but what should we build our house out of I think we should build our house out of straw no dumbass we should build our house out of sticks sticks someone say sticks I have sticks I'm no Cody get back in your spot I think we should build our house out of bricks well we can't decide on a material ooh I have an idea we should all build our own house that's a good idea okay we will all build our own house just make sure you don't hog all the materials and done I just finished building my house out of straw home sweet home ra I'm hungry for some Piggies ah it's the big bad wolf he's known for eating Piggies I'm going to hide in my house I bet there's some piggies in this house there's some piggies in this house there's some piggies in this house hey Piggy let me in not by the hairs of my chinny ch Chin Chin well I'm a huff and puff and blow your house down no please don't do that please you blew my house away why would you do that it looks like I'm eating bacon tonight well first you got to catch me that's not even what a wolf sounds like oh man I love my new house made out of sticks ah Joseph I mean piggy brother help what's up dude the big bad wolf just blew down my house well I could have told you that would happen you made your house out of straw can I please stay with you sure dude the big bad wolf can't blow down my house it's made out of sticks I said the big bad wolf can't blow down my house it's made out of sticks come on dumb ass speak who son is this Jeffy forgot his Lines no he didn't Marvin he's just nervous you got this Jeffy my son doesn't forget his lines your son doesn't have any lines Jeffy say your line Jeffy you have a line to say say it I have to pee piss your pants say your line I'm hungry for some piggies go inside the house there's some piggies in this house there's some piggies in this house hey Piggy let me in not by the hairs of a well I'm a huff and puff and build your house down no please don't do do that please wait why would you do that look like I'm eating bacon tonight oh man I love my house made of bricks what's wrong the big bad wolf blew our houses down can we stay with you sure the big bad wolf can't blow down my house it's made of bricks she's a brick house anybody know that song The Big Bad Wolf can't blow down my house it's made a bricks well call me Wrecking Ball cuz y coming down Jeffy language daddy you made it to my play daddy look I'm the big bad wolf that's real nice Jeffy just focus on the play you want to hear what the big bad wolf sounds like that's not what a wolf sounds like uh Jeffy please just say your lines Jeffy say your lines okay I'm hungry for some Piggies what inside the house there's some piggies in this house there's some piggies in this house hey Piggies let me in Knock by the hairs on chinny chin chin well I'm a huff and puff and blow your house down no you can't do [Music] that why is he not working I told you he couldn't blow down my House of Bricks I guess brick was the best material we're saved the end wait that's how it ends oh no I'm going to get me some big a well now that everyone's distracted it's my time to shine I'm I'm an apple tree shut up Cody all right everyone that concludes tonight's show everyone give it up for Jeffy the big bad wolf and the three little pig and the tree all right thanks for coming everyone Bravo Jeffy Jeffy did so good he destroyed the set my son rocked the hell out of that tree yeah you saw how he shake them leaves baby I did guys we totally killed it out there yeah we did we deserve a Tony I don't know who that is but yeah we did awesome yeah we did Cody shut up you did awful you were supposed to be a tree and all you did was move around and talk well I'm not born to stand still I want to act I want to feel you're supposed to be a tree you're not supposed to act or feel yeah you're a horrible tree dude I can't wait for the next play yeah me either yeah maybe I can be a chair or something so somebody can at least sit on my face Cody why you in such a bad mood well I had a whole musical number planned and nobody ever let me get to it you want to sing as the tree yeah do you want to hear hear it sure I'm I'm an apple tree yes I am yes I am full of apples and their seeds and I grow my own leaves yes I do cuz I'm an apple tree Kaz you solo [Music] dude a lightsaber does not sound like that yes it does no it doesn't it sounds like this W no it goes It goes W no my phone's ringing hold on hello hey guys hey Cody me and Joseph have an argument what does the lightsaber sound like I think it sounds like this no it doesn't dude it sounds like this well it's neither of those really it's more like a no it's not it's not even close you're so gay okay so Cody you have to come over I just open up my Darth Maul Lego set oh that does sound pretty sick Junior not as sick as me sorry guys I'm sick I'm not going to be able to go to school tomorrow well you're not going to school tomorrow no I need you guys to come over so I can give you something to take to school listen Cody if you're depressed we're not going to go do that to the school for you no Junior not that it's something else okay so it's like a doctor's note not really look just come over and I'll give it to you all right we'll be right over what it sounds like Hello uh hey we're here to see Cody oh hey Cody's friends Cody's dying he's dying yeah he has the bir bird flow and AIDS uh-huh go say your goodbyes okay hey Cody hey dude hey guys thanks for coming we're going to stay this far back cuz we don't know what you're sick with yeah that makes sense so where's the doctor's note you need us to take to school tomorrow no it's not a doctor's note it's a robot a robot come here bud buddy hello I am bot body that's so cool it's a robot destroy that robot he's going to try to take over the world no no calm down Joseph no no there's no calming down I've seen Terminator before no no he's harmless I promise I programmed him to act just like me what gay well yeah wa wa what's he doing calm down bot buddy look guys I I didn't want to ruin my perfect attendance at school so I built him to go to school for me he'll record all the lessons and do all the school workor that is kind of cool no it's not dude he's going to take over the world I know what I've seen this in movies Joseph go wait outside all right Cody we'll take him to school for you tomorrow thanks Junior all right come on bot buddy let's have fun man Joseph it's really weird that Cody made a robot to take his place dude get that thing away from from me he's going to try to take over the world he's not going to take over the world he's harmless what are you doing dude he's taking over your body you're his first victim I'm out of here Joseph listen bot buddy we have to go to bed cuz we have school tomorrow go to bed my database shows that is something Cody would enjoy yeah so let's go to bed because we have to go to sleep me likey good night bot buddy my database shows that clothes are not needed for sleep well I wear my clothes when I go to sleep Nuts and Bolts nuts and bolts I get screwed no no no no this is my seat this is B Bud's seat no it's my seat bot buddy sits here no you sit back there bot buddy sits wherever bot body likes see he's already trying to take over I told you dude bot body you sit back there what are you going to do about it ow okay okay jeez bot buddy is going cut up brother some slack damn all right class today you have a test today so everyone get out a pencil a test today I didn't know we had a test hey Penelope can I borrow a pencil no Junior get your own you're so loud and for no reason hey Joseph can I borrow a pencil get away for me Terminator what jph you just broke bot buddy the stupid Terminator was going to take over the world dude you just broke Cody's robot bot buddy are you okay rebooting oh thank God he's rebooting all right everyone I'm going to pass out your test here you go Junior here your test and Cody here your test and Joseph there's your test oh man these questions are hard Jive give me your pencil no get your own pencil dude he burnt my test look you can have the scup pistol just don't hurt me thank you for your cooperation what did he really shoot lasers at you yeah you burnt my test dude I'm out of here uh teacher I have diarrhea does anyone else have diarrhea before the test if not get started oh man I don't know the answers to any of these questions done this test was so easy your mom's easy cuz she's a hoe wow sick burn Jr did someone say [Applause] burn why would you just do that teacher that robot thing just shot me with lasers hey P sett them down and Cody I I I I can't see what you're doing cuz my eyes are so shamp but stop doing whatever paner thinks you're doing but teacher that's not Cody that's it is it is Cody look look Cody's sick and he doesn't want to ruin his perfect attendance so he built that robot to take his place but that robot just burned my test look calm down calm down look you can take my test erase my name and fill out this one and turn this one in ah fine bot buddy you have to stop destroying stuff people are going to find out you're not Cody I am done with my test look you have to turn your test into the teacher turn test into teacher yes go Cody you already done with your test this is now the teacher resign what are you talking about Cody go back to your desk I must turn the test into the teacher you are relieved of your duties resign Cody I don't know what you're talking about leave your test here and go back to your desk so I can grade your test if you refuse to resign you must be destroyed I'm tenur they can't fire me so I'm not resigning go back to your desk and leave me a test you leave me no choice old teacher vaporized junior did that robot just vaporized the teacher attention fellow classmates the old teacher has been exterminated this is now the teacher tell us teacher what is our assignment B buddy what are you doing hey Junior have you met the new teacher no you that's not the teacher you said turn the test into the teacher no I I meant let let the teacher grade your test but test is teacher so test must grade itself that's fine we have to get out of here before the cops come come on come on let's go go go all right bot buddy you sit right here while I call Cody bot buddy do bad bot buddy did bad oh come on Cody answer the phone hello Cody what's going on with your stupid robot what are you talking about he's been acting crazy today he vaporized the teacher in class he did what yeah he's been shooting lasers out of his eyes why what' you do to him I didn't do anything to him but Joseph poured water on him why would he do that cuz he thought he was the Terminator he was going to take over the world oh God he probably shorted out and now he's in kill mode how do I get him out of kill mode well you have to push the right combination of buttons on his crotch but if you push the wrong combination of buttons he'll go into Super kill mode and want to kill all humans that he sees well what's the right combination well it's not that hard it's just red blue green green yellow blue green wait no no no that that that's the old one it's actually yellow green red red blue green yellow um can you say that again Cody it's time for your suppository pills up your butt oh okay okay Mom bring it sorry Junior I got to go no no what's the combination one more time no Junior sorry this is my favorite thing I really have to go I'll call you later okay so let me try to remember the combination I think it was red green yellow blue blue green red no no no no it was green green red yellow blue green red I'm just going to press buttons oh yeah push my buttons Daddy okay was that the right combination wrong combination entered super kill mode activated oh my God super kill Mo he's going to kill everybody the news breaking news k a local elementary school teacher was vaporized while teaching today we have an exclusive interview with the police officer now thanks Goodman we're here at the scene of the crime where a robot reportedly vaporized a school teacher until he was nothing but ashes but on the bright side his family saved some money on cremation huh anyway if you have any information about where this robot might be give us a call I have to call the cops and tell them to come stop bot buddy M these are some crispy tenders Destroy All Humans oh I love that game you get to play as an alien and get in a UFO and pick up cows and throw them a so much fun wait wait are you a robot yes I am I am bot buddy and this is going up your butt that is not going up my butt hello hey kid you called about a kill a robot yeah he's in my house all right Simmons get my back all right mate oh yeah that's good that's good right there how's that a little bit lower all right oh yeah that's where the stress is yeah you work too much mate I know all right thanks Simmons that's much better are you going to come inside yes we will Simmons cover me all right mate own it oh oh yeah that's good oh man it is really cold out here it's like 36° where's global warming when you need it right are you going to come inside yes we will Simmons watch my six kids on Saturday I need a babysitter you got a mate come inside okay all right where's this robot I don't know he can be anywhere ow ow ow somebody get this rolling pit out of my butt was that a chef with a rolling pit in his butt to be honest I don't think that had anything to do with the Robot Man people get some weird Kinks there's the robot he's right there freeze robot you're under arrest for vaporizing a school teacher now we're going to read you your Miranda Rights in song Ready Simmons just like we practice all right M let's do it a one a two a one 2 three you have the right to remain silent yes you do yes you do you sure do if you don't have an attorney one will be provided to you it sure will it's sure will it's sure will damn we are good that was great Simmons no that was all you no man that was you no that was you you nailed that note like on that one time that was so good well you did the most of you did most of no no I it was the guys the robots right here oh yeah is he about to shoot a laser as yeah yeah he is he is that thing can shoot Blazers yeah that's how it vaporized the teacher I I I will be honest with you I am terrified well we got to think of a plan mik yeah yeah yeah yeah Simmons you're right we're we're police officers we need to be brave I'm a man I can do this all right let's think we're here I think we need to be out that fing door let's go Simmons well you can't leave is my phone ringing hello hey Junior my mom got done giving me the suppository pills I guess all good things must come to an end how's it going your stupid robots trying to hurt everyone why didn't you put in the combination I gave you well uh I kind of got it wrong how did you get it wrong it was so simple look how do I stop them well now the only way you can stop him is you have to pull out his bot plug what's a bot plug well it's this little thing that plugs into his butt I mean it's basically a battery but I call it a bot plug well how do I get to it well you you got to get in real close behind him and then pull it out of his tight little bot hole I I mean you might take a few tries cuz it's really tight in there but if you're persistent you should be able to get it out okay I'll try to get it out oh and when you're done I give them back to me cuz I need them oh okay okay so here's my plan I have this quarter right here so when bot buddy sees the quarter he's going to bend over to pick it up and that can reach my hand up into his bot hole and grab his bot plug oh here he comes o a quarter I have one chance at this I got it I got his bot plug okay now I can just take him back to Cody all right Cody here's your stupid dumb robot back thanks for bringing him back junior how you feeling I'm feeling a lot better now well I think you should destroy this robot mhm cuz he's been really bad oh has he yeah I think you should teach him a lesson oh I'll do that okay so I'll see you later uhhuh mom where are the suppositories
Channel: SMLs
Views: 126,671
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x1zLVZwQUqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 39sec (2559 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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