SML Movie: Junior Kidnaps Penelope!

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all right craft happy New Year the year is 2024 and my New Year's resolution is to be a better person I'm going to go on a diet so no more eating cat and dog be free kitty cat I'm only going to eat sushi and rice all right craft so take out a piece of paper and write down your New Year's resolution my New Year's resolution is to start brushing my teeth every day [ __ ] finally your teeth more yellow to SpongeBob I know I just hate doing it you know I wake up every morning and gargle an entire the end of Mountain Dew Cody you got to stop doing that it's bad for your teeth I know dude all it takes is 2 minutes to brush your teeth two whole minutes Joseph what's your New Year's resolution well my New Year's resolution is to stop wearing my hat backwards so white people will be less afraid of me I think you look really spiffy Joseph dude I hate it I just want to be a gangster my New Year's resolution is not to date crappy guys who cheat on me I didn't mean to cheat on you Penelope so you accidentally kissed another girl listen my New Year's resolution is to never cheat on you if you take me back no Junior you cheated on me well what if I kidnap you and make you date me you know my dad's a cop right please take me back please no Junior go away I'm going home Junior we have school you can't just leave hey Junior we left school Jesus Junior okay Junior we left school when you did and the teacher didn't care yeah I didn't feel like doing homework anyway dude but why had a long face Bud guys I want Penelope be back well Junior you're the one who cheated on her I know but I made a mistake and there should be a strike rule I only have one strike yeah I agree dude yeah well unfortunately girls don't just forget Cody can you make a forget Ray and we shoot Penelope with it and she'll forget that I ever cheated on her I mean I could do that but that's not the title of the video is it Junior you're right I mean I do have one idea to get her back I could kidnap her but she doesn't know it's me and then I go save her and she'll be in love with me cuz I saved her oo a dancel in distress I mean that could work but you did just yell what if I kidnap you and make you my girlfriend in front of the entire class even if you yeah you could though but we okay okay Joseph yeah that's fine just talk over me I'm sorry dude my bad I thought you no no that's fine clearly what you had to say was way more important no no no I apologize no no that's fine you already knew what I was going to say so I guess I'll just sit here and go [ __ ] myself no just finish no you tell them what you're going to say it's fine no no I mean like I I'm done talking you you can talk come on Cody say what you're going to say no no Joseph wants to talk I mean I forgot what I was going to say now yeah Cody say it no no I'm fine nobody wants to listen to me anyway Cody yes we want to listen what were you going to say no no it doesn't matter I don't matter Cody come on just say it no come on please difficult yeah just say it real quick okay what I was going to say is that even if you kidnpped who want snacks I want snacks me me me me oh great I guess you guys weren't listening anyway that's fine oh come on Cody finish what you were going to say no no Enjoy your snacks I'll be over here [ __ ] myself I was just trying to bring in some food you can finish what you were saying no no finish [ __ ] myself cuz you guys want to have snacks come on Cody say what you were going to say no Enjoy your snacks I'll be over here it's not that deep I'm just trying to bring in food come on finish your thought no no I don't even want to talk anymore you guys have fun over there come on Cody we're going to listen we'll all be quiet we're going to listen no no I don't even want to talk anymore come on Cody please listen I really want to hear what you got to say we want to hear what you to say right want hear right yeah okay what I was going to say is if you even do kidnap her you're going have anybody seen my remote [ __ ] me never mind I guess I'm just going to go home cuz nobody wants to listen to Cody no Cody please stay we want to hear what you got to say no cuz if you wanted to hear what I had to say you'd stop interrupting me no come on dad you want to hear what Cody's got to say right uh yeah of course honestly I just want my remote well come on everyone's got to listen to Cody right Chef peee oh yeah I took a seat I want to hear it yeah Joseph you want to hear right yeah douche it yeah come on Cody just say what you got to say no no I'm I'm going to stay quiet I'm going to stay right here and I'm not going to say anything for the rest of the video no come on Cody please say it dude come on nope not talking nope come on Cody please look my dad just was looking for his remote yeah I just wanted a remote watch what's we got to say no you don't want to hear anything I have to say all right Dad Chef peipi leave whatever and close the door behind you and lock it so no one else interrupts Cody yeah all right we're leaving see Cody look my dad and Chef peipi left they locked the door so no one can interrupt you so please finish what you were going to say okay what I was going to say junior is you just yelled out I'm going to kidnap you and make you be my girlfriend so if you actually do kidnap her Joseph I swear to [ __ ] God my bad dude I just had a sweet tooth please finish what you going to say please Cody we don't have time for this please Junior I want to go home no no please the snacks the snacks are gone right right Jose yeah yeah it's gone yeah put throw them on the floor really yes okay okay Junior you just said I'm going to kidnap you and make you my girlfriend so if you actually do kidnap Penelope you're going to be the prime suspect see I thought about that I thought about that yeah that that's a good a good idea Cody yeah good thinking a good idea Cody way to use your noodle yeah you're a thaner yeah yeah thanks so listen I've thought of that and here's my alibi so you and Joseph will kidnap Penelope for me and then I'll be sitting here live streaming fortnite so if the cops think it's me I can say know look at my live stream I was playing fortnite but what about our Alibi we weren't streaming fortnite yeah I'm not going to jail for Penelope listen guys no they'll never think it was you I'm not helping you kidnap I know okay how about this how about this how about I have a pre-recorded video of all three of us playing fortnite and I'll put on live stream so it looks like we were streaming and then all three of us can go kidnap Penelope no I'm still not helping you do this it's not good enough dude oh you know what well you better help me Cody or else I'm going to leak this really bad video of you that I have on my phone what video let me go show you all right Cody Press Play okay hello my name is Cody nutkiss and my mom is a huge fat whale a colossal fat [ __ ] a huge hippo built [ __ ] and also I like women women please love me Ken is a doll I love junior junior is the coolest junior is the most awesome junior is great well I didn't say any of that yeah I used AI to duplicate your voice but Junior if you upload that my mom's going to hear it I'm going to be grounded cuz she doesn't understand technology I understand so you better help me kidnap Penelope or I'm uploading that video okay dang he got your ass Cody and Joseph if you don't help me I'm going to use AI to make you say that you like Trump all right all right you got me me how help all right guys let's put on ski mask and go kidnap Penelope and then we'll Tire to a tree and then I'll go save her later bully you're so good at riding that yeah I know can I get a turn no this is my two can but you can ride that ducky though bully you're so funny guys look there's Penelope Dam she loving the Ops how she fall in love with the Enemy wow Junior she already moved on to bully no guys stick to the plan she's going to love me but what are we going to do about bully okay here's the plan Joseph you're going to choke bully with your rope oh okay and me and Cody we're going to grab Penelope but don't use your real voice we don't want her to know it's us all right Governor he's a cheeky blo then come on guys hi bully can we go to the movies now you're paying Cy mate oh come over here what come up don't do Elmo's voice wake God me what are you doing stay right there and don't move how would she move if she's tired to the tree well don't try to move or we'll kill you help me someone help help all right Cody Penelope's tied to the tree in a few hours I'll go save her and she'll be all mine great plan Junior help help Joseph you brought bully back to my house yeah dude I thought we was going to torture his ass no we never discussed that but I was going to staple ay his sh so he can never see your girlfriend again Jesus Joseph nobody was supposed to get hurt this plan was foolproof but you're taking all the fun out dude wait Junior Joseph Cody damn don't say damn that that makes them think that that's really us uh no we're not Junior Joseph and Cody junior he knows it's us yeah now we got to kill his ass yeah now we got to murder you since you know who we are please don't kill me no too late we got to kill you wait I got an idea guys why don't we frame the whole kidnapping on him oh man I didn't think you were going that way with that yeah think about this see he was the last person that was around Penelope so we can say that we saw him with Penelope last and then when the cops go looking we frame him like we put something that like shows that was him and then he goes to jail cuz they're going to believe the three of us over him three against one right yeah yeah good plan all right so go throw him in the closet while we call the cops and frame him all right Governor yeah go go hey there somebody called the cops yes officer my girlfriend's missing wait a minute aren't you dating my daughter yeah but we broke up and now she's missing well that's kind of a red flag I'm starting to think you had something to do with it oh no no no there's no way I kidnapped your daughter because we were too busy live streaming fortnite Junior we never played fortnite oh my God I forgot that part of the plan wait so you just lied to me no no no we were going to live stream fortnite but someone didn't remind me okay so what were you doing instead of playing fortnite uh we all went to the park and that's where we saw Penelope with this guy named Bully and I think he may have kidnapped her why do you think he kidnapped her I don't know it just seems like something he do dude I threw Billy in the closet excuse me uh he threw the umbrella in the closet yeah yeah the umbrella cuz you know it's not raining today no it's not raining yeah that's why we put the umbrella in the closet okay so you're telling me this bully kid kidnapped my daughter yeah I I saw him dragging her into the forest with rope and you didn't think to call me then well I thought they were playing jump rope well typically when you play jump rope you jump over the Rope you don't drag people with it that's why it's called jump rope listen I was just in shock I think bully may have kidnapped her but I'm going to go for a jog by bye well you can't just leave I I think you should let him jog he might find her help help oh I'm going to die out here going on my daily jog through the woods like I do every day what Junior what Penelope are you tied to a tree yes Junior please untie me quick before they come back I don't know I don't know if I want to untie you since you were hanging out with bully earlier wait how do you know I was hanging out with bully I don't know just someone told me I guess Junior please untie me quick will you love me forever if I save you yes Junior I will please untie me please okay I don't know who would do this to you I found her in the woods it's a miracle Dad Dad Dad three minute masks kidnapped me and tied me to a tree three so it wasn't that bully kid huh no bully was with me and he was kidnapped too I see so three people kidnapped you and Bully yes and are you and Junior still together well we weren't we were broken up but now we're back together because he saved me uhuh so are you sure he didn't kidnap you himself and then save you to try to win you back no he's not that smart yeah I'm not not that smart I wouldn't think of that okay well if they didn't kidnap you we got to find the real kidnappers can you describe them Penelope well one had a really deep voice one was British and one sounded like Elmo yeah I do a pretty mean Elmo impression Cody don't brag that you can sound like Elmo all I'm saying is if the voice actor for Elmo ever dies they could hire me well he doesn't know the producers of Sesame Street he can't get you hired you don't know you don't know his connections you do a pretty good Elmo huh oh yeah check this out ELO want let you know that he did not kidnap your daughter wow that just sounded like him yeah it's like he almost right there in the room with you this [ __ ] well listen we did not kidnap penel because we don't even own robber outfits okay well then do you mind if I go check your laundry room okay I'm going to go check your laundry room Junior that's where we put the outfits I'm going to think of a lie what well well well look what I found three robber outfits in your laundry room oh come on these aren't mine yeah well guess what else I found this kid in your closet beating on the door and screaming for help Junior Joseph and Cody kidnapped me oh come on officer don't you think it's a little strange that you found three robber outfits in my laundry room and you also found him tied up in a closet yeah it is strange it's almost like you guys did it no there's no way we did it don't you think that maybe he hired three people to kidnap him and Penelope to make it look like he wouldn't have done it and also he put the three robber outfits in my laundry room before he tied himself up and put himself in my closet to make it look like I did it h that seems like a lot of work it sounds like the perfect crime doesn't it I mean kind of yeah Cody doesn't seem like that could happen yeah yeah totally Joseph does that seem like it happened yeah yeah and I think it happened so that's 3v one three votes against one he's the guilty one he goes to jail H it is three against one that is how voting works okay kid you're going to jail what yeah come on I can't believe bully would do that I know he's such an [ __ ] but we're back together right yes junior thank you for saving me bye I'll talk to you later guys Bully's still in jail I don't care He's a Bully he deserves it he's literally a bully that's his name Joseph can you please put your hat back on backwards thank you God yeah you look like Tiger Woods or [Music] something
Channel: SML
Views: 3,551,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, junior kidnaps penelope, penelope, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, puppet, puppets, show, joke, laugh, fun, brooklyn guy, junior, joseph, cody
Id: XJdp5YiZop8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 03 2024
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