SML Movie: The Halloween Purge!

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Marvin are you ready to go trick-or-treating I'm ready I'm ready oh my gosh I love your SpongeBob costume baby who are you supposed to be I'm Sandy you don't look like a squirrel you're an astronaut well she wears an astronaut outfit no one's going to understand who you are unless you're a squirrel Marvin people are going to know who I am especially when I talk like this howdy y'all hey Daddy I'm ready to go get some cookies well Jeffy you can't be Cookie Monster you're supposed to be Patrick I don't want to be Patrick it makes me look like I have a big penish on my head we're all supposed to be SpongeBob characters what who's mommy supposed to be I'm Sandy howdy y'all you look like an astronaut I told you you know what I'm not going trick-or-treating me either well then who's going to take me Marvin take Jeffy trick-or-treating I don't want to go because our costumes don't make sense cookie monzer and SpongeBob never hang out Daddy they hang out all the time Cookie Monster and Spongebob smoked out loud outside the Crusty Crab no they don't yes they do okay let's hurry up and go trick-or-treating and then we'll come back good so guys are you ready to go trick-or-treating yeah me and Ken I oh wow you're Mr Incredible yeah you know what's crazy these muscles aren't even fake I'm just that swole and look at Ken he's Mrs Incredible he's got that gach what's gat you know like Gat damn look how thick that ass is oh wait where's Joseph oh he's the back part of my cam costume dude why do I have to be in the back because you have two costumes you're the back part of the camel and your Rosa Parks God this sucks I don't want to be in the back oh oh no I shouldn't had a toast for breakfast oh dude it smells like a butt go I'm going home but Joseph come back now I have no back part of my camel costume I mean damn Junior I'll get in your costume if it means I get to have my face in your ass all day wait really yeah there's someone at the door wait so I am I in the camel or not hello hey Junior oh hey Penelope hey guys hey Timmy why'd you throw Kim shut up hey Timmy I didn't think you could go trick-or-treating oh well my parents don't believe in Halloween because they think it's like worshiping the devil or something so I totally snuck out and look at my costume it's Pac-Man because I like to eat balls that's not what Pac-Man sounds like oh that's exactly what he sounds like Oh you mean Pac-Man no no not really wait pelia what are you supposed to be I'm Lilo and Stitch you can't be Lilo and Stitch okay well I'm Lilo with Stitch well Lilo has black hair not orange hair it's just a costume Junior and Lilo doesn't have glasses either shut up Junior well neither does Mr Incredible what Mr Incredible doesn't have glasses either yeah he does when he's teaching his kids like homework he puts the glasses on not when he's Mr Incredible look Cody I like your costume oh thank you well in that case yeah Penelope your costume sex well what are you supposed to be junior I'm half a camel because Joseph stopped being the back half e I'll be your back half no Timmy I already called dibs look guys no one's going to be my back half let's just go trick-or-treating okay I'll get the grocery bags help help Mr Spider-Man help what do you need ma'am oh Spider-Man can you please take this bowl out for the trick or tretis for me who W what the hell do you think you're doing these are my cookies and cream Hershey's nobody gives away my cookies and cream Bo it's for the kids well okay that's fair but can we at least take take the cookies and cream out no bo you don't need to eat that candy you're pre-diabetic yeah pre I'm not there yet give me a chance Bo take the bowl of candy out by the front door okay but why do they have to be full-size candy bars how much money do you think I make Bo it's once a year you can share well I don't need to share I already pay my taxes I share enough Bo take the bowl out now fine stupid trick-or treaters stupid Halloween okay you know what I'm taking the cookies and cream these are mine Bo put them back [ __ ] okay fine but I'm putting up a sign that says only take one because these are full size and Spider-Man doesn't get paid for saving the city okay that works okay now I'm going to sit right here and watch to make sure everybody only gets one piece of candy bnie at that point just hand out the candy to the kids hell no I'm not going to personally hand out my cookies and cream to all these kids like congratulations here you go you unemployed child why did kids get the candy they don't have jobs they didn't earn it poy hush I'm just going to sit here and watch okay guys this house says please please take one so make sure to only grab one I can only eat one if I want to keep my hungy figure wait Penelope isn't this your house yeah can I get two since I'm your boyfriend no Junior they're full-size candy bars wait is that your dad watching us in the window yeah okay guys no one take the cookies and cream it's his favorite or the Reeses or the Reese's okay um Cody can you surprise me put one in my bag surprise you with a wing in your butt what nothing here's a Twix all right thank you Penelope B did I just hear you tell those kids not to take Reeses no no I I said uh don't be racist cuz I'm giving them candy and advice a Bonnie you're such a good Spiderman yeah Spider-Man hates racism and people taking his candy all right Jeffy this house says please take one so pick your favorite please take one bowl what no Jeffy don't take the whole Bowl yes Jeffy take the whole bowl no no Jeffy what if they have a camera or something hey [ __ ] didn't you see the sign it says take one wrong that WR hey hey get back here you [ __ ] Karen Karen what Bo that kid was only supposed to take one and he took most of the bll bo you did this last year you got all crazy about your Reese's Pieces but look Karen he only left me one Reese's and one cookies and cream left B that's all you need no it's not I'm going to find him and I'm going to put him in jail Bo you're getting cranky of course I'm cranky somebody stole my candy and you're also dressed like a mermaid like last year be more creative Karen wow are you guys done trick-or-treating already no we saw that Hash Slinging Slasher no we went to one house and the sign said take one piece of candy and Jeffy took the whole Bowl Jeffy you can't do that well I did so sucked my ass Marvin how could you let him do that I told him no and he did it anyway daddy when are you going to learn I'm going to do what I want cuz I don't give a [ __ ] that must be trick-or-treaters morvin take some of jiffy's candy and give it away that's a good idea if you touch my candy I will kill you in your sleep Jeffy we have to give away some of this candy you're not going to eat all of it fine I guess you can give away this one piece a Hershey's kiss that just fell on the floor yep hello sponge boy mebob it's me Mr Krabs and I like money so I sure hope you're handing out house payments for Halloween this year uh no Mr Krabs I thought my pineapple was paid off you're about to be living in a [ __ ] Pineapple if you don't give me your goddamn house payment oh listen I'll work more shifts at the Crusty Crab yeah that or else I'm going to dump an entire chum bucket on your wife without the AEG look I I have a Hershey Kiss for you there you go Mr Krabs kiss the back of my ball sack Marvin and it's dirty it's like a mud flap for my [ __ ] okay all right so you better have your house payment by tomorrow or else I'm going to come back at Squig work okay this is the worst Halloween ever who's that hello give me my Goddamn candy all right listen little boy you can ask for candy nicely give me my [ __ ] candy you goon where is your parents young man I don't have parents you're an angry orphan you stole my candy no my son stole candy from a guy with an orange mustache oh really did he look like me yeah get out of my way I need to see a son my candy no it's my candy you stole it from me but he's the Cookie Monster and this is cookies and cream cookies make me cream yeah me too but you stole mine so now I can't cream look Jeffy just give him his candy back oh no I don't just want the candy back I want revenge so you're under arrest for theft wait can you do that of course I can do that I'm a cop and I'm also Spider-Man I can super do that come on let's go to the courthouse it's just candy uh sir we don't know what you just said and I'm not even sure what your costume is supposed to be what is it like an alien you you didn't read the subtitles I'm from Mars Attacks the the movie from the 9s you know Tim Burton no okay [ __ ] it fine it's hot in there anyway anyway today we'll be hearing the case of Brooklyn tea Guy versus Jeffy Jeffy you are being accused of stealing candy on Halloween Mr guy please explain well your honor I had a big old bowl of candy outside my house and I had this sign that said please take one one and that little [ __ ] took the whole damn Bowl including my cookies and cream Hershey so I want him to go to jail for the rest of his life oh man do I just not [ __ ] care it's Halloween people are supposed to take candy if you wanted them to only take one piece of candy you should have handed them one piece of candy instead of just leaving a bow out like a lazy [ __ ] oh God I'm so pissed how do you not know what movie this is from Jesus I spent $50 on this mask okay you know what I'm pissed so how about this how about for the rest of the night all crime is legal including murder until midnight literally anything goes do whatever you want I don't care you know what I'm actually going to go out and kill people too I'm going to kill anybody who doesn't know what this is from so I'll give you a 5 minute Head Start what all crime is legal including murder oh I'm going to kill him for taking my cookies and cream Hershey's breaking news m a judge has just ordered that there are no laws until midnight all crime including murder is legal Marvin all crimes are legal even murder there are some people I wish I could murder well you better change your costume to protect your anonymity that's where Finding Nemo live what yeah he and his dad lived in the anonyms and it shot them douge what are you doing here well I came to ask for some money but then I heard that all crime is legal so now is I'm just going to steal it weren't you going to steal it anyway yeah go out go just go all right Jeffy get in here sorry Daddy my cookie cutter was clogged I was constipated listen Jeffy all crime is legal until midnight oh in that case I pooped in the sink am I still in trouble yes Jeffy you're grounded but I thought all crime was legal that's not a crime it's just bad so listen we're going to stay inside the house so none of us die can you please go lock all the doors okay all right I hired all of you to break into this house and kill a kid that looks like Cookie Monster cuz he stole my candy okay so you're going to go in there you're going to kill him and you're going to get the candy but you're not going to eat the candy got it all right now we're going to go over code names you your name is Birdman yeah exactly and your name's going to be uh my name is Kyle okay well Kyle's not a scary name Kyle well my my middle name is Brad oh Brad's not scary either no your name's going to be uh gas mask or gassy I like gassy and your name is going to be uh pumpkin head that's [ __ ] gay okay well fine I like the the Great Pumpkin or uh the Jack yeah for Jack a lantern that works okay all right you guys ready to do this come on all right is everybody ready okay on the count of three we bust in and kill him 1 2 3 oh oh [ __ ] the the door is locked the door is locked everybody buddy sorry I I didn't think this through does anybody know how we can get in there Kyle's got a hammer I'm not Kyle I'm gassie take a t no pumpkin head his name is gassy my name is a [ __ ] pumpkin head it's Jack okay okay okay I think I think I think Birdman's right everybody needs to shut the [ __ ] up now how the hell are we going to get into this building I got a hammer that's what I said okay thank you use the hammer on the door can do oh no my Hammer it's broken it's okay gassie it's not okay well do you have any other weapons no okay well then you can go home uh okay it looks like it's just us let's go kill Cookie Monster Marvin it sounds like someone broke in the house no one can break in the house the door's locked unless they used a big Goofy Hammer Marvin it sounds like someone broke in the house okay then let's go hide in the playroom closet no Danny don't be expecting that you two stay here I got a plan okay you two go upstairs check the playroom closet they always run in there when they're scared Birdman you don't have to keep cocking that I mean I agree it does sound cool yeah just go ahead yeah yeah that door right there okay now shoot it open oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] no no no no that's bad that's bad oh my God I'm so sorry I thought he knew what he was doing why would you stand behind him with a machete like that you know that shotgun has crazy recoil oh my God oh my God what do we do okay okay look you can't blame yourself for this okay that was a crazy accident Hey Hey look it's the purge so you won't even get in trouble okay you're right okay uh let's go get him yes sir okay they should be hiding in there now open the door gotcha wa wait there's so much [ __ ] in there they couldn't possibly be hiding in there where are [Music] they get you bastard you killed my last goon Marvin it's sounds like Jeffy killed them a Daddy help me I'm going to get you yeah yeah yeah I'm scary who are you oh you can't tell cuz of the Mask hold up it's me yeah I was yeah I was going to K if you keep screaming I'm going to kill you too okay see I was mad cuz he stole my candy so get out of my way so I could you know kill him wait it's after midnight what's it it's 12:03 oh rats kid you are so lucky if it was before midnight I'd be cutting you into little bits right now all right looks like you win this time oh wow we're safe here Jeffy take that wait a minute it's not July 29th I Googled a picture of midnight on iPhone home screen oh yeah I can tell cuz that screenshots old as hell iPhones don't even have that anymore what time is it really it's 11:59 11:59 I only have 1 minute to kill you I mean I could do it but I'd have to rush it and it wouldn't even be fun and I'd have to fight you for the axe and that would take forever and I'd probably cut my fingers just not even worth it I hope this doesn't make things awkward with us from now on actually you know what uh it's not really me Brooklyn guy it's um G gets mad over stolen candy guy yeah it's I'm a different person so next time you see me it'll be Brooklyn guy not not me yeah I'm different I I haven't used that liw in a while okay yeah [Music] yeah [Music]
Channel: SML
Views: 5,223,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, halloween, halloween special, the halloween purge, parody, joke, superluigilogan, sll, superbowserlogan, sbl, junior, joseph, cody, penelope, brooklyn guy, puppet, puppets, show, scary, horror, luagh, laugh, hilarious
Id: 0WqPVSZ5bCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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