SML Movie: The Monster Mash!

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oh Hank it's so nice that you're spending some time away from your side hose and spending the night with me your wife they're not hoes they're nice ladies anywh who how about we watch a scary movie and eat some corn that's been popped what movie Hank well I was cleaning out the old shed and I found this VHS tape that says scary Death film do not watch well that sounds like a movie we shouldn't watch Han oh get out of town don't be such a scaredy cat I'm going to go pop this bad boy in oh all right so how does this darn thing work darn thing come on go in there all right honey how about we turn the lights off and make it more spooky whatever you want Hank I'm scared just kidding all right honey let's sit back and watch this motion picture honey it's just a well nothing's happening well give it a chance oh look there's a girl coming out of the way will I wonder if she's going to take her clothes off you would want to know that Hank oh look honey she's walking right towards us what's this movie supposed to be about I don't know but look honey she's coming out of the TV oh it must be one of those third dimensional films I got something third dimensional coming out of my bath turn it off Hank all right I said turn it off I'm trying uh Hank she's getting closer maybe she's attracted to me she started crawling out the TV as soon as she saw me hey get rid of her listen lady you're pissing my wife off I'm all right with it but she's not I like where this is going all right Susan what the hell do we have here we have a male and a female deceased on the sofa and Spilled Popcorn sir H now would I be contaminating the crime scene if I had a piece I won't tell if you don't sir deal e it's stale it tastes like death ew wait hold on I don't see any blood or any wounds or or sign of forced entry so how did they die well sir all we could find was this tape in the VHS player oh damn it not this thing again what is it sir it very clearly says scary Death film do not watch I want to watch no see that's the problem people get curious and then they watch it and then they die but I want to see what happens no you don't okay it's a girl she crawls out of a well and then she comes through your TV and she kills you I'll believe it when I see it you're not going to see it okay we keep destroying these tapes but people keep selling them on the street so I'm going to go destroy this one you clean up these bodies and for God's sake make me some fresh popcorn all right Patrick Mommy's going to take a shower no playing in the oven but Mom I want to pretend I'm a pizza I mean it Patrick oh she never lets me have any fun I'm going to do it [Music] anyway [Music] God damn it Susan another murder what's going on it's spooky season sir well what do we got this time there's a woman that we found murdered in her shower you see the stab wound in her back where's all the blood well sir it's YouTube we don't want to get age restricted oh yeah right oh were there any of the victims her son was found in the oven alive what was he doing in there well he said he wanted to be a pizza yeah yeah we we've all been there okay clean up this dead body man I'm getting tired of seeing dead bodies and I'm getting tired of cleaning up dead bodies oh man I can't wait to watch Charlie and friends Charlie and friends was filmed in front of a live audience oh hi guys I'm Charlie and today my Mommy's coming to visit me I'm so excited I think that's her hey Mommy that's not my mommy that's a mommy oh Charlie if that's your mommy she's a total mil it's time to go to sleep Charlie Charlie Charlie Billy Alish stop hogging all the blankets sorry I was cold let me guess Susan another murder how did you know sir did you do it no I just saw the body we think the victim was murdered and asleep because he was found dead in bed and it's night time that's solid logic Susan he might be another Freddy Krueger victim why do you say that well cuz of the claw marks it's either that or a bear crawled in through the Second Story window and didn't leave any fur behind it could have been a bare naked bear no bare naked bears aren't native to Florida but it's so hot and all that fur yeah I won't roll it out just yet but still three murders all on the same night and they're all spooky H anyway clean it up officer Simmons officer guard get your asses in here sorry sir me and Simmons were just arguing about Uno chief he already made me draw four cards and now he wants me to draw four more cards can he do that I don't care Simmons but then I'd have way too many cards it's like he buys a bunch of packs of Uno and takes the draw four cards out and puts them in his pocket I do that I Che cheated Uno be [ __ ] serious guys are these reports correct have there really been three murders tonight well yes sir and that's not alarming to you well no sir it's October there are a lot of murders in October oh okay sir sir sir five more murders have been reported five more murders you boys got to get out there and fix this [ __ ] but sir it's just the Halloween monsters doing what they normally do if they don't kill people then they don't make more movies well you boys better get out there and stop them where you boys are fired Susan go pull the case files and on the Halloween monsters on it now draw four Simmons sir I've gathered the pictures of The Usual Suspects wait are Freddy and Jason dating yes they are in fact homosexuals huh you know I always thought they might be I bet Freddy's a bottom I wonder if there's a video of them doing it online somewhere I bet there is anyway what do all these killers have in common uh they all wear masks well not really I mean this girl doesn't have a mask that's just her hair and this guy just wears makeup and that's actually Freddy's face he just has Burns so what else do they have in common they all have birthdays you know what Simmons I think it's my turn in Uno draw four Simmons a [ __ ] sir they all attack in October yes that that's right and they're all killers and killing is bad which is not good and we are police officers so we should stop them how do we stop them sir H well if only we could gather them all together in one place like like for some kind of bash or or a mash even a graveyard smash yeah yeah what we need is a Monster Mash the Monster Mash it was a graveyard smash the Monster Mash yeah we just got to do that but sir what song is hippity and Hoppity enough to get these monsters to mash well these two monsters are already mashing but still I think I know a guy who can help oh and uh Simmons draw four again oh [ __ ] thank you for meeting me on such short notice Mr bloodstain yeah you interrupted my murder spree I was catching bodies killed the family of three okay well the less I know know about that the better yeah I even shot an innocent little baby little whiny ass baby just walked up PO shot him right in the head yep no I didn't I didn't hear that either he didn't know no better just innocent as hell okay well I'm going to choose not to acknowledge anything you just said because I need your help why would I help you pig well you see there are these monsters out there that are killing people what's wrong with a little murder oh well not nothing but you see if I stop them then you can catch more bodies ooh I like the way you think please don't do that uh so since your music is so certified funky fresh I I I need you to write a song for me so I can lure all the monsters into one place I guess I could do that you know ain't no problem hey is that firearm registered to you no I scratched the serial number off of it well do you mind if I borrow it I mean I guess so but just wipe the fingerprints off before you bring it back okay thank you I got to get some more murders all right I got the rapper MC bloodstain to write us a new Monster Mash but sir he's a murderer himself yes he is he has done done unspeakable things but sometimes it takes a monster to catch a monster we'll deal with him later first we got to deal with all these other monsters so I'm going to take this boom box and put it in a bait house and play the new Monster Mash so I'm hoping whenever all those monsters hear how funky fresh the new Monster Mash is they'll come over and start mashing and while they're mashing we can go in and arrest all of them absolutely brilliant I just hope it works okay Simmons when I press play you'll be sure to run out the back door and make sure you have your ear plugs in cuz we don't want you to start mashing to believe me this song is a certified Hood CL classic ready 3 2 1 Mash a can I have your attention please calling all monsters all monsters to the Monster Mash it's time to have a blast all killers ghouls monsters and creatures come to the front please Jason killing all these hoes Freddy killing all these hoes Chuck killing all these hoes ghost killing all these hoes damn yeah she nasty she freaky sitting on my couch she came out my TV hold up wi trying to eat me running for my life and I hope they don't see me Michael is cutting up these Le face cutting down my door Frankenstein is in my window jigs out trapping you already know Monster Mash is the Monster Mash Shake Your Ass [ __ ] shake your Monster Mash is the monster M Shake Your Ass [ __ ] shake your ass Monster Mash Just a Monster Mash uh uh shake that ass [ __ ] shake that ass uh uh can I smash [ __ ] can I smash uh uh yeah yeah you moving too fast damn Monster Mash is the Monster Mash monster Mas just the monster man slash slash Monster Mash Just the monster man ah must mask is the monster mask mask is the monster mask mash the monster masst Mas is the monster masst Mas is the monster [Music] Mas everybody free free die all right Simmons let's go check it out well Simmons I think we killed all of them but what I want to know is where the hell they got all this cash from I didn't think killing people paid that much oh mate Mike m is still alive good ey Simmons good eye to you too well no Simmons I think what we should do is scoop up all this cash and hit the club all right sounds good must the match shake that ass pay for your college wait do scary monsters go to college yeah Monsters University oh yeah they made a whole movie yeah shake that ass mon the mash shake that ass [ __ ] shake that ass uh uh can I smash [ __ ] can I smash uh yeah yeah you moving too fast Dam
Channel: SML
Views: 5,607,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: supermariologan, sml, movie, jeffy, jeffry, jeff, funny, jokes, comedy, skit, entertainment, the monster mash, monster mash rap, hilarious, joke, fun, music video, sll, superluigilogan, superbowserlogan, sbl, logan, lance, freddy, jason, the ring, jigsaw, billy, horror, mike myers, halloween, parody, puppet, puppets, show, brooklyn guy, simmons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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